Why stoves smoke: eight common reasons. Why does the stove smoke: possible causes and their elimination Why does a new brick stove smoke?

The reasons for poor traction can be very different. What is draft in a furnace? Draft is an aerodynamic phenomenon that is determined by the direction of air movement caused by the pressure difference in the guide exhaust structures inside and outside. That is, in our case, the difference in pressure inside the oven and outside.


Causes in the stove

The draft of the furnace depends on many factors, ranging from constructive solutions, the quality of masonry, meteorological factors and the need for periodic maintenance of the entire stove system. Let's take a closer look at why there is poor draft in the furnace and what the possible reasons may be due to the design features:

  • chimney design,
  • pipe size,
  • brick falling into the chimney,
  • the chimney is clogged with soot.

Chimney design

The most simple design chimney - straight. Exit outside the premises occurs directly through the pipe. This can be observed in the example of simple “stove stoves” in temporary premises, tourist stoves and in the case of fireplaces.

The straight design provides the best draft, which is what is used for open fireplace fireplaces and temporary stoves. The draft in such a pipe near the stove is almost ideal and is less dependent on external factors.

But in systems stove heating The chimney of the home is arranged through a heater. The purpose of such a stove is to heat the room and retain heat for as long as possible.

Pipe size

How to increase draft in a stove if the chimney design is with a heater? All things being equal, the higher the pipe, the better the traction. But it's not that simple. A pipe that is too high will be affected more by the wind, and if the pipe is too high, the draft may be unnecessary. Excessive draft leads to faster combustion of fuel and an increase in the combustion temperature in the furnace, which is unfavorable for masonry.

At the same time, rapid combustion does not have time to heat the entire heater array.

The optimal height of the chimney is about 5 meters or slightly above the ridge of the roof, in order to avoid exposure to air turbulence from it.

By the way, according to fire regulations, the length of the chimney above the ridge of the roof allows you to place the exit at any distance from it. Whereas, the lower pipe should be located from the edge of the roof and the ridge at a certain distance. These reasons must be provided for when laying the furnace; they cannot be corrected during operation.

Brick collapse

The causes of poor draft, which depend on the care of the stove and which can be eliminated as they occur, are temporary. The draft of the correct chimney for your stove may also depend on temporary factors. One of these is the collapse of a brick inside a chimney. This happens most often due to poor quality material, but it may also be due to the reason mentioned above.

Burnout of bricks at high temperatures of fuel combustion is one of the main causes of premature breakdowns. Pieces from cracked bricks clog the chimney where it turns and interfere with the free passage of gases. Clogging with foreign objects and soot is the main temporary problem when operating any furnace.

In this situation, you will have to redo the chimney.

The chimney is clogged with soot

There are several reasons for this problem. First of all, the possibility of clogging is affected by the design of the chimney. The more turns, the more opportunities for soot from combustion products to settle.

The more “wells” there are in a heater’s design, the more often it is necessary to clean the chimney and pipe due to a decrease in the speed of smoke passage and a decrease in draft. In this case, a vicious circle results - soot reduces thrust, and as thrust decreases, soot is deposited even more intensely.

Lots of soot

How to improve draft with such a problem in the oven without cleaning it in the standard way?

There are several methods - heat the stove for 24 hours with dry wood with a low resin content, briefly create a high combustion rate when burning flammable materials. Often, soot deposition also contributes to the formation of frost on the inner surface of the pipe.

To prevent this, if you leave your home for long time, it is necessary to close the pipe damper in time, which will prevent contact of hot air with environmental humidity. If the chimney is neglected and clogged with foreign objects, cleaning is essential.

Elimination of these causes is carried out:

External factors

Why is there poor draft in the stove if it is built correctly and the chimneys have recently been cleaned? In addition to the above reasons, stove draft depends on external environmental factors and weather.

The most common of them:

  • improper ventilation in the house,
  • fluctuations in temperature and humidity outside,
  • wind and other climatic factors.

Let us consider in more detail what we have to do in these cases.

Ventilation failure

The influx of fresh air helps to establish the required pressure difference in the stove and chimney. If the house is cold and the stove has not been fired for a long time, this difference is minimal. And the lack of air in the combustion room can create a temporary vacuum in the room and provoke reverse draft. On the other hand, excessive drafts are also unfavorable, since vortex air flows can disrupt the air flow into the firebox and disrupt proper draft.

This is often observed in the summer, and also if the windows are located above the firebox level, in this case it will be easier for the hot air to change direction towards the exhaust through the window. You need to be especially careful with gas ovens, there is a danger of not only changing the direction of draft, but also extinguishing the burner and filling the room with gas.

Before the first attempts to light the stove, it is necessary to check not only the draft in the firebox, but also the air movement in the room, and when using the stove, constantly monitor the ventilation. This is also necessary to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Strong wind

Strong wind gusts may temporarily prevent smoke from escaping from chimney. With such a disruption of the flow of hot gas, the thrust may work in the opposite direction. This happens more often with chimneys connected directly to the firebox without passing through heating wells.

The situation in the wind is also worsened by the horizontal location of the pipe outlet, which is often used in utility rooms lower floors of the house (exit through the wall).

Protection from the prevailing winds in a given area is provided with the help of pipe caps, “smoke chambers” or “wind vanes”. They also prevent getting wet during rain and snow. The humidity of the outside air is another obstacle to good traction.

Installing a chimney will solve the problem

High humidity

This factor is indirect, but no less unpleasant. High humidity in the outside air can occur due to low atmospheric pressure, which already reduces cravings. The increased density of the humid surrounding atmosphere reduces the rarefaction and worsens the movement of smoke.

It is easy to notice that during rain and snow, smoke reluctantly comes out of the chimney, spreads along the roof, and with every gust of wind escapes through the stove door into the room. And vice versa, in clear dry weather the draft is excellent and the smoke rises to the sky. Finally, when high humidity In winter, a dense coating of frost forms in the pipe, which sharply reduces the cross-section and prevents the normal release of gases.

In this situation, you will have to clean the chimney frequently.

Other reasons

Many particular reasons can affect the intensity of stove draft, in addition to those discussed above. Such random reasons may even include heating of the roof plane in the sun and low temperature in the house or random wind turbulence that prevents the stove from lighting up. There are several proven ways to remove obstacles to the combustion of a home stove. If backdraft occurs in the furnace for unknown reasons, what should you do?

  • Ventilate the room, which will allow you to equalize the temperature and pressure inside and outside.
  • Check if the damper is open, if there is a snow cap on the pipe and if the firebox is clean.
  • One of simple ways is to create a vacuum in the pipe by simply burning a small amount of paper in the chimney at the outlet.
  • Use fast-burning materials in the firebox to quickly increase the temperature difference (the use of highly flammable liquids is not recommended).

In such cases, you will have to wait a little until the draft is established, and then ventilate the room.


The main thing in the design of a stove is the correct calculation of the parameters of the firebox and chimney. Seek help from specialists. Laying stoves is a very difficult task; it is no coincidence that the skill of a stove maker has been highly valued at all times. The second aspect of this problem, use only quality materials, which withstand high temperatures and are not destroyed.

Periodic maintenance of the chimney and firebox will not only eliminate draft problems, but also ensure fire safety. Monitor weather changes, use all stove settings correctly, and use high-quality fuel. When doing these uncomplicated conditions your home will always be warm and cozy.

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Owners of country houses often face the problem of smoke when burning. If the stove smokes, this is dangerous for people’s health and the safety of the heated building, and also indicates excessive fuel consumption. If the stove initially worked well, then you can fix the problem yourself. To do this, it is important to conduct an inspection, analyze the method of operation and identify the source of the problems.

Smoke in a room always means deterioration or lack of draft. Incorrect movement of flue gases is caused by several reasons.

Note: draft is the main force that causes flue gases to rise up chimney e. The physical process is based on the pressure difference in the lower and upper parts of the chimney.

With good draft, the fuel burns completely, releasing maximum heat. If it’s bad, the stove smokes. There is not enough oxygen for combustion, volatile combustion products (smoke) are formed, which rush into areas of low pressure and high vacuum - into the room.

Reason No. 1 Incorrect chimney height

One of the main reasons for new stoves to smoke is a malfunction of the smoke exhaust system. Pipes are installed in accordance with the following parameters:
  • The height of the chimney is 500 mm above the highest point of the roof with a ridge distance of up to 150 cm.
  • The height of the chimney = the height of the ridge, if the distance between them is 150-300 cm.
  • Not lower than 10º relative to the horizon of the ridge, when removed from it further than 300 cm.
  • The minimum length of the smoke exhaust channel is 5 meters, if you count from the stove.
  • If the chimney is more than 120 cm above the ridge level, then it is reinforced with guy wires.

Note: if the ventilation and chimney pipes are close together, their height is made the same (SNiPs), or the chimney is made higher (European experience). Otherwise, combustion products will penetrate back into the house.

Reason No. 2. Poor ventilation

If the oven is installed in a room with sealed plastic windows and b

The reason why the stove smokes is always the same - a violation of draft. The phenomenon of smoke is caused by several factors and is most often observed during kindling. To check heating device It is worth inspecting the channels for the movement of gases for the formation of smoke. If a new stove smokes, then the problem lies in a violation of the masonry technology or cracking of the old product.

Factors causing smoke

Why might the stove smoke?

Possible causes of smoke include banal blockages in the chimney.

If the draft in the chimney stops or decreases sharply, look inside - large debris appears there. This occurs if a protective cap is not installed over the pipe. A missing element results in a supply carbon monoxide into the room. In windy weather, air flows create turbulence in the pipe, and in quiet weather there are no smoke puffs in the house.

How to determine reverse draft in a chimney?

Backdraft in the chimney is formed in the stove during kindling, if it has not been heated for several days.

An “air plug” forms in the pipe, which prevents smoke from escaping. A violation occurs in a system with any structure, regardless of the air temperature outside the home.
What to do in this case? Backdraft is eliminated by heating the air in the chimney. You can do this in several ways:

  • open the highest valve on the pipe;
  • uncover the hog that is in the attic;
  • If the first two methods do not produce the desired effect, you need to throw a couple of lit pieces of paper through the chimney from above.

With regular use of the system, backdraft of smoke exhaust channels does not occur.

Incorrect stove design - consequences

Insufficient qualification of the stove maker leads to errors in the design of the stove. Smoke in the living room is observed after the first ignition of the firebox. The reduced cross-section of the chimney of a new stove is too low and leads to an insufficient rate of removal of combustion products.
An independent solution to the problem is to completely re-arrange the structure.

Heating system wear and tear

Heating lines can gradually release smoke into the home. The reason depends on the wear and tear of the bricks from which the fireplace was laid. During operation most often:

  • the internal masonry of the chimney is destroyed - cracks form, which depressurize the pipe and block the chimney;
  • soot and ash accumulated over years of using a wood or coal stove narrow the cross-section of the element and prevent smoke from escaping during combustion.

Trying to repair a furnace yourself is worth it if you are a qualified furnace technician. Chimney cracks are covered with a special stove mortar, and the brickwork is restored using bricks.

Incorrect well laying

When the door is closed, smoke does not come into the room or is present in small quantities. But as soon as you open the door, clouds of smoke rush into the house.
Why might the stove smoke when the door is open? The reason is that the master made serious mistakes when building the system. An improperly formed well with the upper edge of the door that is higher than the entrance level leads to smoke leakage.
Errors can be eliminated by raising the entrance higher than the door opening. If repositioning is not possible, the damper is secured so that its edge is above the combustion door. The latter design will serve as a chimney draft amplifier and normalize the waste of combustion products.

Combustion does not occur in the oven

Puffs of smoke and sparks flying out in portions mean that combustion occurs not in the firebox itself, but in the smoke exhaust channels. A universal solution for similar situations no, but experts advise not to put a lot of wood or coal in the firebox. Approach the lighting of your stove thoughtfully, try to control fuel consumption per serving.

No distribution box

The stove smokes if there are two systems in the house with a common smoke exhaust channel without a distribution box. Smoke can be eliminated by creating a distribution box between two channels. It is easy to construct, has the appearance of a brick partition, but requires temporary effort and appropriate skills.

Presence of cracks in the masonry

Poor draft in the furnace, and as a result - smoke, occurs if there are gaps at the joints, between the masonry and other elements.

To increase traction, you can try to repair the gaps on the outside yourself. To do this:

  • prepare a special solution of sand and clay, to which a little water is added. The mass is kneaded by hand until it becomes a thick dough;
  • places with cracks are moistened with water for better adhesion to the solution;
  • cracks are coated with a thick layer.

The composition is applied twice, but only after the first layer has completely dried - this is how the effect of strength is achieved.

Smoke due to incorrect chimney height

Why a stove may smoke also depends on the height of the chimney, which ensures normal operation of the stove.

There is a rule that determines the acceptable elevation of the system:

  • the chimney is extended by 0.5 m when its distance from the ridge is no more than 1.5 m.
  • on the same level with the ridge, or increase the distance when placing the element at a height of 1.5 - 3 m;
  • no lower than an angle of 10% from the level of the ridge, if the distance from it is more than 3 m.

If you find that the height of the pipe is insufficient, then increasing it yourself will be an effective solution to the problem. Try to do all the chimney cleaning work yourself and the process of smoke generation will be reduced.

How to check the quality of smoke exhaust?

Checking the draft in the chimney is necessary to prepare for activities before cleaning. Testing is carried out in several ways:

  • using an anemometer. Professional specialists work with high-precision devices. To know how to check the draft in a chimney, it is recommended to study the instructions for the anemometer;
  • by setting the paper on fire. The sheet is brought to the chimney grate - high-quality arrangement The hood helps to attract flames upward. If there is no draft, the flame will remain in place;
  • visual method. A dark red light indicates insufficient hood power. The quality of the pipeline’s functionality is determined by an almost white flame.

Another option for identifying breakdowns is by smelling smoke.

A strong aroma from the stove is a sign of clogged flue ducts.

How to increase draft in a chimney?

There are several simple ways to increase chimney draft. The simplest of them is cleaning smoke exhaust ducts. It is carried out in the summer season, since in dry, warm weather, soot and carbon deposits are easier to clean off from the walls of the pipe. Preventive manipulations are performed with a special device - a steel rope with a metal brush and a sinker at the bottom. Through the inlet hole, reciprocating movements are made with a brush, while the soot, being cleared from the walls, goes inside the furnace.
In summer, it is recommended to carry out other work:

  • sealing smoke exhaust channels - eliminating cracks and cracks by covering them with a solution;
  • installing a draft regulator on the outlet pipe. The device will regulate the quality of combustion products removal regardless of weather conditions;
  • installation of the deflector on top of the pipe. The procedure provides a drop in pressure and improved traction;
  • chimney weather vane fastening. The event protects the system from precipitation getting inside, and has a characteristic structure, from which it removes gases along the wind.
  • fixing the fan to improve the draft of the home chimney. The device operates on the principle of creating air flow inside. The device is connected to the electrical network following safety precautions.

If the work technology and the sequence of firebox construction are followed, no smoke will be generated. Found a problem? Try to identify it yourself, following the algorithm presented above.

  1. What circumstances accompany smoke?
  2. When did the smoking start: immediately or after some time?
  3. How long has it been since the smoke started?

So, other observations will help determine the causes.

Reason 1 - backdraft

Smoking in the stove can be caused by the so-called tilting the thrust. It usually occurs after the stove has not been lit for several days. At the same time, previously the traction was excellent. Such idleness leads to the fact that the air flow changes direction to the opposite and does not go out into the street, but into the home. This phenomenon is absolutely independent of the air temperature outside and can occur in both hot and cold weather. We have found out the reasons for the reverse thrust, let’s move on to eliminating them.

To eliminate backdraft in the chimney you need to quickly increase the air temperature in the chimney pipe. This can be done in several ways:

  • through the highest chimney cleaning door;
  • opening the hog in the attic;
  • throwing lit paper into the outlet of the pipe. This method is used if the first two did not bring results. It should lead to restoration of traction.

When normal draft can be restored, it is maintained in the future with regular heating of the furnace. Tipping the rod should no longer be a concern. You can find another popular name for this phenomenon - “air lock”. It is completely unfair to blame the stove maker for its occurrence. This does not depend at all on its operation, and a draft overturn can occur in any stove.

Reason 2 - wind

Owners of houses with stoves are sometimes faced with the fact that when there is a gust of wind on the street, throwing smoke into the room.

Eliminate the cause It is possible if you increase the height of the chimney head. Changing the configuration of the visor on the head also helps.

Reason 3 - improper laying of the stove

If the stove smokes from the very beginning of its use, it means the problem lies in its design. Mistakes by the stove master led to the fact that the draft was not strong enough, and smoke entered the room. Most likely The chimney cross-section is too low.

Eliminate this cause It is impossible without the help of an experienced master. Only a good specialist can correct the defect. It would be better if this could be done without repositioning, but it may still be needed.

Reason 4 - furnace wear

It happens that the stove served faithfully for many years, but over time it gradually began to smoke. And the further, the more. In this case, the reason is aging of the structure. Soot and ash gradually accumulate in the chimney and narrow the cross-section. The internal masonry of the chimney may have collapsed. Depressurization of the masonry also occurs, that is, cracks appear in the walls, chimney or chimney.

To eliminate this reason You can clean the oven yourself. It is necessary to remove soot in all accessible places, free the chimney from collapsed masonry elements, and seal all the cracks with stove mortar that led to the depressurization of the stove. If all the measures taken do not restore traction, then you cannot do without the help of a qualified technician. He will professionally inspect the stove and chimney and find a way to eliminate the defect.

Reason 5 - improper laying of the well

It happens that when the oven door is closed, it does not smoke at all, or very little smoke is observed. But if you open the door, the oven immediately begins to smoke heavily. And this happens all the time. Now we need to understand why Does the oven smoke when the door is open? In this case, the cause is poor-quality masonry of the stove.

Scheme of a furnace where incorrect draft is caused by a low entrance to the first well

Since in the design shown in the figure, the top edge door opening is located noticeably above the upper edge of the entrance to the well, then it is easier for the smoke flow to exit through the door. And if the problem does not appear when the combustion hole is closed, then when it is open the smoke is very strong.

The specified cause is eliminated re-lining the entrance to the well. It must be positioned so that the top edge is a couple of centimeters higher than the top edge of the door opening.

Relocating the entrance to the well is not always possible. Therefore, you can use another method. Inside the stove you need to build a wall, the top edge of which will be higher than the top of the fire door by the same couple of centimeters. This will cause good draft, and a stream of smoke will rush into the well.

Placing an additional wall inside the furnace to enhance draft and eliminate smoke

Reason 6 - combustion does not occur in the oven

Sometimes you can observe such a phenomenon when portions of smoke and sparks fly out of the furnace in bursts. This is due to the fact that combustion in the furnace does not occur in the firebox itself, but in the smoke channels, and is of a pulsed nature.

Eliminating this cause depends on the specific oven. There is no universal solution. In some cases, simple traction control will help. However, many stoves will “shoot” intensely at any draft. To cope with the problem, you can try simply laying less firewood. This is better than waiting until the stove “fires” and the room is filled with smoke.

Reason 7 - no junction box

If there are two stoves that use one common chimney, then the smoking in this situation is probably due to the fact that there is no distribution box in the chimney.

Eliminate this cause can be done in two ways: by constructing a distribution box or by using only one oven at a time. How the distribution box should be installed is shown in the figure:

Installation of a distribution box in a chimney common to two stoves

Reason 8 - presence of cracks

Smoke in stoves can be observed through small cracks that have formed at the junction of the masonry with different elements stove designs. However, the stove does not smoke because of the presence of cracks. Smoke in this case is explained by the reason discussed under number 4. Nevertheless, cracks must be dealt with. To seal them, a stove solution is used.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The solution is prepared from sand and clay, which are mixed in equal parts. Add a small amount of water to the mixture so that the consistency is thick enough. The solution must be kneaded well with your hands.
  2. You need to open the door and remove the mugs. Each crack should be moistened with water immediately before sealing.
  3. You need to put your left hand inside the firebox. You will need to close the cracks from the inside with your palm. You can also use a piece of metal for this. The slots are closed to prevent the solution from falling out into the oven.
  4. When the gap (or part of it) is sealed, you can move on to the next one. Again it starts with wetting, etc.
  5. If cracks appear in dried fresh mortar, do not worry: this is a natural phenomenon. They need to be sealed with oven mortar. The procedure may need to be repeated a couple of times.
  6. If there is lime whitewash in places where cracks have formed, it must first be removed. Furnace solution It will not last long on such a coating. It only applies to a clean, pre-moistened surface.
  7. It is strictly not recommended to try to strengthen seams using strips of metal. It quickly heats up and expands, therefore, being inside the dried solution, it will simply lead to the entire seam falling out of the crack.


We looked at the 8 most common problems with stove smoking. To summarize, we hope that the question “why is the stove smoking and what should I do?” this article fully answered.

Why the stove smokes: common reasons and their solutions

What to do if the stove smokes. 8 common causes of stove smoke and how to eliminate them. Schemes, photos, videos.


The stove always served faithfully, but suddenly it started smoking. This is especially often observed when opening the ash pit or when the owner adds a new batch of firewood.

What is the reason why the stove smokes when the door is opened and how to heat it correctly so that the smoke does not enter the living room. The most common reasons and advice from experienced stove makers.

Backdraft - Temperature and Humidity

Why does the stove smoke into the house?

The natural extraction of flue gases through the chimney is based on the laws of physics. Of primary importance here are the temperatures indoors and outdoors, as well as the difference between them.

Poor traction is the scourge of warm weather in the off-season. For example, after a summer of inactivity, it takes special skill to light the stove in the fall so that smoke does not enter the house.

Also, the air can “stand still” even in cold weather if the owners left the house and it froze. If the temperature inside and outside are equal, there will be no draft.

Humidity can also play a role. For example, when slanting downpours occur and water enters the pipe, this upsets the temperature balance and the draft worsens.

In warm weather, or in a frozen house, paper is burned for kindling. It needs to be placed as far into the oven as possible; if this does not help, then into the far well through the cleaning door. Closer to the pipe, make a small fire made of paper or small wood chips. This is necessary in order to warm up the brick. Warm air will rise and draft will be established.

A temporary cause of backdraft can be the wind, the direction and strength of which “drives” the smoke back into the chimney. Tall trees or buildings located near the house can contribute to this.

Install an umbrella or deflector on the top edge of the pipe. These devices significantly improve draft, protect from rain and prevent the wind from blowing smoke back into the chimney.

To date, many deflector designs have been developed. There are rotating models that are themselves installed by the force of the wind so that there is no interference with the smoke.

Incorrect laying of a stove or well

An important condition for good smoke removal is sufficient chimney clearance. The pipe must be at least 15 cm in diameter (for sauna stove– 10 cm).

During laying, the stove maker rubs the inner surface of all wells and pipes with a damp rag. If possible, everything is sharp internal corners turns are cramped, turns are smoothed out. This creates a smooth inner surface along which smoke can easily move upward. This is done as the furnace is being laid. But you cannot plaster the inside of chimneys.

Any turn or additional well is another obstacle in the path of smoke. Therefore, the length of the pipe and its location on the roof must be adequately designed for the design of a particular stove.

It is also important that the entrance to the first well (inside the firebox) is not lower than the top edge of the door. Otherwise, there is a possibility that every time the fuel chamber is opened, smoke will flow into the room.

The stove maker's mistakes come at a cost. Something in the design can be corrected only by moving part of the stove, or maybe by completely rebuilding it.

A tall, straight pipe with a smooth inner surface can be a salvation if minor miscalculations are made and the draft is weak:

  • If located close to the ridge, the pipe should be at least 50 cm higher than it.
  • When located 1.5 - 3 m from the ridge, the height of the pipe is allowed to be level with the ridge or higher.
  • The pipe can only be slightly lower than the ridge if it is located more than 3 m from it.
  • A chimney height of 5 m or more is capable of providing full draft.
  • Under no circumstances should the chimney be assembled from elements of different sections!

It is advisable to make a pipe with round. In the corners of rectangular smoke extractors, unnecessary turbulence is created, and soot formation occurs more readily.

Soot and furnace wear

Why does the stove smoke in a private house? Other reasons

Even if the stove was perfect at the construction stage, over time the chimney clearance may narrow due to the build-up of soot. This is an inevitable process, so the oven is cleaned regularly. However, without wanting it, owners can significantly speed up the soot formation process.

What mistakes should you avoid:

  1. Do not use wet firewood, especially resinous wood.
  2. Do not over-burn large amounts of synthetic waste in the oven (cellophane, plastic, rags, rubber...).
  3. During the construction stage, do everything possible to ensure that the inner surface of the stove does not have protrusions, is smooth and uniform.
  4. Do not try to convert a regular oven into a pyrolysis oven.

Thrifty owners often strive to do the latter in order to save money. They limit the air supply, without opening the vent, but leaving only a small gap. The result is not combustion, but smoldering and decay. But a Dutch oven or a Swedish oven will never become pyrolyzed; by their nature, they should “hum” during combustion, and the vent can only be closed when there are coals left.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning the stove for those stoves that are regularly fired with coal. This fuel quickly leads to the pipe becoming overgrown with soot (coal, like firewood, needs to be given a sufficient amount of oxygen to allow it to flare up properly).

By the way, the fact that it’s time to clean the stove can be indicated not only by the smoke in the house, but also by the sparks flying out of the chimney into the street. This happens when combustion does not occur in a furnace, but the soot itself burns in wells.

If after cleaning, the problem with traction remains or worsens, it is possible that soot fell on some area during cleaning, and the area remained uncleaned. With an aged stove, such a nuisance may occur as part of the brick falling off, which is not noticeable from the outside.

No distribution box

It is a rare factor when two stoves are connected by one chimney.

And if the smoke from them to the chimney goes towards each other, one of the stoves will smoke.

To prevent warm flows from colliding and forming turbulence, a partition - a distribution box - is placed between them, under the pipe.

Presence of cracks

It's no secret that over the years the stove becomes covered with a network of cracks and cracks. Especially at the junction of clay and metal elements, for example, around the stove. Wells can also crack at the seams.

The cracks could remain in the place where a knockout brick is inserted for cleaning, or the vent and firebox doors have become loose over time.

Also, atmospheric phenomena sometimes destroy the outer part of the pipe on the roof.

It is possible and necessary to fight against cracks, because air is sucked in, its natural flow is disrupted, and at the slightest disturbance in draft for other reasons, smoke finds a way out, even with the door closed!


The chimney itself is a natural exhaust hood. To create movement warm air upwards, a full influx from outside must be ensured.

However, often, by arranging forced ventilation system, the owners only do forced exhaust (in the kitchen and bathroom, for example). If some factors have influenced the reduction in draft in the chimney, powerful forced exhaust through a separate channel will become an additional obstacle to the normal movement of smoke from the stove.

The second floor may compete with the chimney. If there is a staircase nearby and an opening to the top, air sometimes rushes there more readily, especially if at those moments when a window on the second floor opens.

Other reasons

What to do here is decided according to the circumstances.

If the firewood is just starting to burn, you can carefully pull out several large logs (if they give off smoke, take them outside).

When the fuel is filled, a poker is used, with which they try to stir up the pile and lay it down more compactly.


So, full list The reasons why the stove smokes are quite impressive. In each specific case, you need to consider: is this a rule or an exceptional case; what on at the moment weather and temperature in the house; how old is the stove and other factors.

Why does the stove smoke when the door is opened?

How to properly heat a stove so that it does not smoke, what to do if when you open the door, smoke comes into the house, what mistakes should be avoided so that the chimney does not become overgrown with soot. Why can a good, clean stove sometimes smoke and what stove maker mistakes lead to reverse draft

Why does the stove smoke when the door is opened?

9 reasons why the stove may smoke!

Furnaces smoke most often for one reason - the draft is broken. There are nine causes of craving problems. The stove usually smokes when lighting or constantly; in any case, this problem should be eliminated immediately.

1. There is a strong wind, and your pipe does not have a cap to protect it from the wind. You should wait until the wind stops or install a cap on the pipe.

2. The end of the chimney pipe is below the roof ridge. The pipe needs to be extended.

3. Holes and cracks in the chimney where the wind blows, forming air jams, worsening cravings. The faster the repair is made, the better for the entire chimney system.

4. The soot cleaning door does not close the hole tightly. In this situation, it is better to block the window and cover it with mortar or clay.

5. Smoke comes out of the firebox in small bunches through a well-closed valve. You need to find out whether there is a foreign object in the chimney system and whether the chimneys are clogged with soot.

6. Damp chimney, dampness. If the stove has not been heated for a long time, you need to heat the stove, expelling moisture and condensation from the system. And leave the blower door open so that there is natural ventilation ovens.

7. Blower chamber clogged with ash and soot, incorrect choice of chimney diameter.

8. The system has many elbows and partitions; the chimney must be straight if we are talking about a metal stove.

9. Resinous firewood clogs the chimney with soot, folk way get rid of soot, heat the stove with aspen wood.

Why does the stove smoke when the door is opened, Do it yourself

9 reasons why the stove may smoke! Furnaces smoke most often for one reason - the draft is broken. There are nine causes of craving problems. The stove usually smokes when lighting | Do it yourself

Why does a potbelly stove smoke when the door is opened?

For heating your home or other various buildings A traditional wood-burning stove, a potbelly stove, is very often used. It is characterized by low cost, compact size, high efficiency, low cost of use and other positive parameters. Often people create and install it themselves. since there are no special and specific problems with this.

However, during the operation of the oven quite often one has to face the fact that when opening the door, which opens the firebox. An unpleasant and rather strong smoke appears. It can also come from others structural elements stoves. What are the reasons for this situation, what needs to be done to get rid of smoke. and also what preventive work is recommended to be carried out, so that such problems do not arise in the future ?

What should you do if you detect smoke?

If a potbelly stove smokes, then we can definitely say that the draft is broken in the structure. which is important stove performance parameter. However, precisely the reasons that could contribute to cravings. May be huge amount. Smoke may appear while lighting the stove or may be present all the time. however, in any case, it is initially important determine the reason malfunction of the potbelly stove, and after that start repair work .

It is important to know that if smoke comes from the stove, then this is not just some kind of unpleasant event, but also a dangerous action that will have a negative impact. affect people's health. living in the house or constantly present in the garage, where is the potbelly stove installed? .

The first step when detecting smoke is to check all the channels through which smoke moves, and you should also carefully examine the entire stove body, since it may holes or cracks form. and also during masonry significant and difficult-to-fix errors .

How is a potbelly stove chimney checked?

Despite the fact that when opening the firebox smoke appears. it is necessary to start the inspection from the chimney.

After this, you can move on to other structural elements. The entire check can be divided for the following types of work :

  • The chimney is inspected for fact the presence of foreign objects in it. which could negatively affect draft, and since smoke cannot normally and easily exit into the street through chimney pipe. then naturally it will come into the house. It is often necessary pull out various elements. clogging this part of the stove, and this is especially common in chimneys that do not have a protective cap on top.
  • Next, it is important to determine whether soot has adhered to the walls of the chimney. because she can do the same bad effect on cravings. This is due to the fact that when the firebox is ignited, smoke appears and cannot escape effectively. through a very narrow hole. As a result, gases escape through various small holes that are present in the stove, and they especially begin to be very noticeable when the door to the stove is opened. Soot build-up can occur from long-term use of the structure. without periodic cleansing. as well as from using inappropriate or cheap and low-quality fuel. Wrong location the chimney can also contribute to its rapid clogging with soot.

What to do if the entire smoke problem is related to the chimney? The only one The solution is to clean the chimney. but this must be done correctly and efficiently.

How to clean a chimney?

This work can be done in the garage or in the house, depending on where exactly the stove with the clogged chimney is located. In this case it is possible do this work yourself. however, it is important to protect all elements located next to the stove, from soot .

Cleaning may be done using different methods :

  • mechanical, involving the use of various tools;
  • chemical for which it is necessary to use various chemical compositions ;
  • pressure, which consists in using special equipment, creating a hard and strong pressure of water, which knocks down all the growths or throws out foreign elements in the pipe.

When constantly implementing this task, it is usually used mechanical method, which usually involves using a brush, a cable and a special weight. Initially, a weight should be lowered into the chimney on a cable, which will immediately determine exactly where in there is an obstacle in the chimney. It needs to be reset because it can be used to dislodge a foreign object. Next, the pipe begins to be cleaned using a brush, which can be round or square, but the diameter of the brush should be a little bigger. how chimney pipe diameter .

The appearance of smoke due to incorrectly selected chimney dimensions

Another quite popular one cause of smoke due to stove. is the incorrectly selected chimney pipe height. and this error usually occurs during the installation of all equipment. When installing a chimney in a garage or other building, it is important that its outer part, which is located on the street, had the necessary and sufficient height .

If the proportions are chosen incorrectly, then there is often smoke coming from the stove. which comes out when the door is opened, and the reason lies precisely in the chimney. If this error is detected, it is necessary to urgently correct it, for which purpose the structure is built up through the use of additional sections of pipe.

What needs to be done if smoke appears when lighting a potbelly stove?

Also, very often, owners of garages or other small buildings who heat their buildings with wood-burning stoves are faced with the fact that during the cold season during kindling there is heavy smoke in the premises .

The fact is that in a garage or other similar structures, stoves are not used constantly, but with a certain frequency. In winter, a plug of cold air appears in the chimney, which disrupts normal and optimal traction .

To resolve this issue, you can use the following methods :

  • a burning candle or torch is brought to the smoke collector, which allows you to eliminate the column of cold air;
  • enough is burned near the smoke box large amount of paper .

Thanks to the methods described above, the chimney warms up well, and cold air comes out, so if you do all the work correctly, you can get rid of smoke from the stove.

What other causes of smoke can be identified?

The reasons described above are the most popular and frequently encountered, however, other situations can be identified in which a large amount of smoke can flow from the firebox into the premises. These reasons include:

  • poor quality solution. used in the process of fastening various elements of the stove or used for interior decoration main structural parts of equipment ;
  • in brick potbelly stoves, a fairly common problem is considered to be excessive large seams in masonry. through which smoke enters the rooms or garage;
  • do not use lining in the firebox. and it can also become deformed during the operation of the stove, as a result of which it will no longer cope with its main tasks, and can also cause the appearance of a crack in the furnace body .

All of the above factors are the basis for the formation of smoke while using the oven. It is strictly prohibited to use the equipment in this condition. What to do in such a situation? It is urgently necessary to carry out high-quality and correct repair work, and for this the cracks are completely closed with adhesive solutions. and the lining is also replaced or it straightens up suitable tools .

What preventive measures can be taken?

There are certain recommendations that can reduce the likelihood of smoke in buildings from a potbelly stove. These include:

  • it is necessary to periodically clean the walls of the chimney from plaque and soot;
  • It is regularly necessary to clean the space under the oven from the resulting layer of ash and soot, as well as the ash drawer, since neglect of this issue can lead to to the appearance of significant growths ;
  • smoke ducts must be regularly checked for contamination, and they must be quickly removed, and this is often quite difficult to do due to the specific arrangement of the elements, but here it will do mechanical cleaning method using a flexible cord;
  • if smoke comes from the stove only during windy weather on the street, then we can safely say that there is no special device on the chimney outside wind cap. and its purchase and installation can solve the problem;
  • wind can also cause smoke if the stove was created by non-professionals, resulting in there are errors and flaws. cracks and other problems that cause traction during strong winds can't handle the pressure. therefore, the smoke does not go outside, but enters the room itself where the stove is located;
  • The furnace vent must be constantly cleared of waste and ash, since otherwise it may cause smoke ;
  • the oven door should fits very tightly to the stove itself. and this will avoid the appearance of smog, and often it is impossible to achieve a tight connection, but in this case you need to either replace the door, or make the surface of the potbelly stove smooth ;
  • You should not use low-quality fuel or replace it altogether. firewood with straw or sawdust .

Thus, the answer to the question of why a large amount of smoke comes into the room from the firebox of a potbelly stove has many options. For a problem like this there are a huge number of reasons. therefore it is important to initially produce comprehensive equipment check. clean certain elements, as well as repair broken parts. As a rule, all these actions lead to positive result .

Why does the sauna stove smoke and how to fix it

The stove is the main attribute of the bathhouse. The heat and steam in the steam room depends on its operation. Therefore, it needs to be given special attention. Sometimes problems with the stove may arise, and the main one is the appearance of smoke in the room. To eliminate it, you need to know possible reasons Why does the stove in the bathhouse smoke?

Types of furnaces

It is necessary to choose what type of stove will be installed at the stage of construction of the bathhouse.

Today there are various types stoves, but most often the traditional ones that run on wood are chosen. Such stoves create incomparable comfort. And of course over time they were modernized.

Today, modern sauna stoves made from the following materials are quite common in baths:

Many bathhouse owners prefer stoves made of brick. It is quite difficult to do it yourself, since this matter requires experience and knowledge of the nuances. As a rule, from the very beginning of using a stone stove, heating problems arise. Most often, there is no draft and as a result, smoke goes into the bathhouse.

Quite often you can find homemade iron stoves in bathhouses. They are often made using a handicraft method, using welding. If it was done by a professional, then there will be no problems during operation, and you can safely enjoy bath procedures. There is no point in saving on the stove, otherwise you may end up with a design that is completely unusable.

Rules for installing the stove

Even at the design stage of the steam room, it is necessary to purchase a stove. Depending on the features of its design, the bathhouse itself is built. In addition, the stove influences what kind of thermal insulation of the room to organize, what design to make the roof of the building, where to vent the chimney.

The stove must be installed on a reliable and fire-resistant base. It is best to install the oven on concrete. IN mandatory Thermal insulation must be laid in front of the stove door and covered with a metal sheet. It is strictly prohibited to place a stove near wooden walls. Usually a separate room is allocated for it.

After the stove takes its place, begin installing the chimney pipe. The best option is a straight pipe, since it provides reliable draft and there is no reason why the stove in the bathhouse smokes. The best option would be if the installation of the chimney is carried out by a specialist, since this is a rather difficult task.

The problem is in the pipe

If during the first use the stove in the bathhouse smokes, then the cause of the problem lies in improper installation or design errors. Here you should seek advice from a specialist.

The reason why the stove in the bathhouse smokes when the door is open may lie in the pipe. By all rules, the chimney must end above the ridge of the roof. If this rule is violated, the operation of the sauna stove will be ineffective. To solve this problem it is necessary to increase the height of the pipe. The pipe can be made of brick or made of stainless steel.

It happens that the stove smokes when strong wind. In this case, the reason may be the absence of a protective cap on the pipe. To check whether this is really the problem, you should put two stones on the pipe, and slate or a sheet of iron on top of them. If the stove has stopped smoking and the flame in it is bright and uniform, then the problem is the lack of protection on the pipe.

Also, when finding out the reason why an iron stove smokes in a bathhouse, it is necessary to inspect the roof. The holes in it can negatively affect traction. The same applies to cracks in the chimney. Due to the fact that air penetrates inside the chimney through the cracks, the blower ceases to fulfill its task and, as a result, the draft decreases.

Another reason for weak traction is the small diameter of the pipe. It must be at least 120 mm. if this value is less, then the chimney must be replaced.

The chimney is clogged

It also happens that for some time everything works flawlessly and suddenly one day the stove in the bathhouse starts smoking. What should you do in this case? The reason for this may be a chimney clogged with soot. The problem is solved by simple cleaning. If the pipe has no bends, then this will be quite easy to do. Take a rope, attach a brush with a weight to it, and use this device to clean the chimney.

An overcooled chimney pipe can also cause poor draft. This happens in cases where the stove has not been used for a long time. To solve this problem, the chimney should be heated. This is done using a lit rag, which should be soaked in kerosene. The pipe will heat up and there will be no more problems with the operation of the furnace.

Due to the use of low-quality firewood, soot may settle on the inner walls of the chimney. To avoid this, you should first light the stove and then add firewood.

There are stoves in which the size of the blower is equal to the width of the stove. The air entering the furnace from the blower is pushed away from the back wall and goes out. To solve this problem, it is necessary to close part of the blower.

Owners who do not take good care of the stove may have their vents clogged with soot. If for this reason the stove in the bathhouse smokes, what should you do? The only solution is to clean the vent.

Oven care

Before igniting the stove for the first time, you must perform preparatory work. First, the entire outside structure should be wiped with a damp cloth. As a rule, heater stoves are installed in bathhouses, so the area where the stones are placed should be washed especially well. The stones should be washed thoroughly. Then they are placed in the space allocated for them. The stones should lie close to each other, but in such a way that air circulates between them.

During the first fire, the stove does not warm up much, only the stones need to warm up. After the stones become cold, you can fire a second fire, which should be stronger. When the oven is well heated, sounds of cracking stones may be heard. Then you need to turn off the device and remove the cracked stones.

The stove should be periodically inspected by a specialist. If it is used quite often, then the technician must be called just as often. Wood burning stoves must be cleaned after each firing.

Why does the stove smoke when the door is opened?

Why does the stove smoke when the door is opened? 9 reasons why the stove may smoke! Furnaces smoke most often for one reason - the draft is broken. There are nine causes of craving problems. Smoke the stove usually

Why does the stove smoke? Possible causes are sought by everyone who has a heat source with rich history. Most modern citizens consider the stove a relic of the past, an absolutely simple object. In fact, this is a rather complex engineering structure. It happens that during operation the room suddenly becomes filled with volatile combustion products, and areas of the stove become black with soot.

If there is smoke

Practice shows that the “old lady” is still popular today. So the question is relevant. “Stove stoves” and other “heating units” made of metal are in demand. They consist of a firebox and a chimney. It would seem as simple as shelling pears. But why does the iron stove smoke? Possible reasons: narrowing of the chimney due to soot deposits, loose door. have internal smoke channels that help retain heat longer.

Some of the precedents that disrupt the course of the ancient process are a matter of concern for professional stove makers and chimney sweeps. However, there are problems that the owner himself can determine.

So, everything was fine, and suddenly (and perhaps in another place) it began to smoke. This should alert every sensible owner: perhaps depressurization has occurred, which is fraught not only with increased waste of firewood or coal, but also with a fire.

Prevention is important

Let us repeat: to identify and eliminate the causes of smoke caused by a house, country or sauna stove, you can use the services of professionals, but why not delve into the topic yourself if experienced craftsmen not nearby? Be that as it may, the stove owner must remember: a problem is easier to prevent than to fix.

In order not to wonder too often why the stove is smoking, possible causes need to be nipped in the bud. At least once a year, carefully inspect brickwork, clean the chimney. It is believed that the best time for this is early autumn: It’s still warm, there’s no need to rush; if preventive actions have not been carried out thoroughly enough, you can repeat the process and correct the shortcomings.

It happens that the owners are distracted by other tasks and postpone inspection and cleaning until later. Or they bought a house with a fireplace in poor condition. What to do in such cases? Increase attention to an important object! If you feel that at a stable temperature “overboard” you do not have enough of the usual daily amount of firewood (peat briquettes, coal), this is a signal for decisive repair actions.

Soot removal accessories

People often wonder: why does it smoke? Are the possible causes removable? When smoke appears from this massive object (as well as from any other “queen of fire”), first check the draft. It is unacceptable for it to be bad or absent. The ventilation effect formed due to the temperature difference between the outside and inside the pipe is something without which there is and cannot be a single “white” stove. “Black” - pipeless, the oldest, they say it’s more hygienic, fungi die in it, but it’s unlikely modern man ready to wash or live in a “grimy” smoky room.

Over time, the smoke exhaust tunnel walls become covered with a layer of soot. It is believed that even a build-up of just three millimeters significantly reduces the heat transfer of the furnace. There are devices for removing soot. You can borrow it from your neighbors or make it yourself. Option 1: take a nylon washcloth made of thick thread, place it with a weight-stone in an old string bag (strong mesh), pass a rope through the handles. And for cleaning!

Sequence of manipulations

Option 2: cut the steel wire into pieces commensurate with the size of the chimney. Take a duralumin tube, drill holes in it, and insert blanks into them. Make a loop through which the brush can be attached to the rope. To make the tube heavier, fill it with sand (some people fill it with lead).

First, clean the central outer chimney. Then proceed to cleaning the ash and soot deposits that have accumulated in the overhead space. The cast iron stove is very heavy and not everyone can lift it. If so, then use the option through the burner. The most difficult stage is “flushing” the smoke channels.

Some passages have so-called cleaning doors. Then things move faster. There are also inset bricks. If necessary, the bars that are not reinforced in the main masonry are removed and reinserted after cleaning. (It is important to label them).

Restoring air exchange

In your case, the chimney is clean, the doors are fitted, but doesn’t that make it any easier? Then why does the stove smoke? Possible reasons can be found below:

  • The pipe does not have a protective cap. In windy weather, blowing occurs. Wait until the disaster ends and take measures to install a life-saving “cap”.
  • The cause of smoke from the stove door or ash pan may be a branchy tree hanging over the chimney. The obstacle prevents the outflow of air, gusts of wind are reflected into the pipe. A reverse draft appears, the smoke does not go up, but into the room. Exit: remove branches in the near-pipe space. By the way, try the method if you are puzzled by finding an answer to the question of why a new stove smokes. Possible reasons are on the surface, you just need to analyze the situation and inspect the area: is there a high wall nearby? This is also a risk factor in terms of air backflow. It is not necessary to destroy the barrier or cut down all the surrounding trees - protect the pipe with a cap.
  • The roof ridge is located above the chimney. This interferes with normal air exchange. Extend the pipe and everything will go as usual.
  • The masonry was destroyed by bad weather (it’s not in vain that evil winds, heavy rains, and severe frosts try their best). The wind blows through the crack. Air pockets form. The craving is broken. In this state of affairs, urgent repairs are needed.

Defects in the door and combustion chamber

Many people are interested in why the stove in the bathhouse smokes? Possible reasons:

  • The cleanout door does not completely cover the hole. A temporary measure is to fill the gap with a suitable chip of brick, covering the liner with clay, the main thing is to select and install an appropriate barrier.
  • If you use firewood, dried tomato and potato bushes, other plant residues from your favorite garden, as well as straw and hay as fuel, you need to make the vent longer.
  • The combustion chamber is defective. In this case, smoke appears when the door is opened. It is necessary to take measures to increase traction. If there is a nearby welded oven a row of bricks edged at the same level with the fan of the door frame will help. When the gas exhaust channel is located below the firebox door (or at the level), a jumper made of bricks at the level of the top of the door, installed near the rear wall of the firebox, will help out.

Having studied the above cases, you will find the answer to the question, why does the new Russian stove smoke? Possible reasons (in addition to design flaws) are usually associated with the firebox, pipe, dampers, and doors.

The chimney is clogged and there is moisture in it

If whitish smoke passes through a loosely closed summer valve, check the pipe for branches or pieces of brick (it could be clogged). Also make sure it doesn't need any soot cleaning.

If the chimneys are filled with moisture, drying is carried out as follows: the lowest hole is opened for cleaning, a mini-fire made of wood chips is laid out in it (fuel in tablets - “dry alcohol” is suitable). The entire oven is heated at the same time. As soon as traction is restored, the opening is filled.

Why does the stove smoke? Possible reasons:

  • the walls of the oven are leaky;
  • The gas collector is not large enough;
  • The chimney cross-section is calculated incorrectly.

Maybe your fireplace is part of a stove, and the gases exit into a single chimney. To avoid "smoke", start heating with the symbol of the hearth (fireplace).

Are two stoves and their chimneys connected to the same pipe at the same level? Make a cut. Another option: connect one stove to a riser above or below (through an inclined chimney). Resinous soot is burned out directly in the chimney (with dry wood chips, long stove matches).

Specialized stores have products that help keep the chimney in perfect condition. Follow the instructions and you can remove soot and fumes quite easily.



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