Is it easy to learn Armenian? How to quickly learn Armenian: tips for self-study


How quickly you learn Armenian, depends on several factors. The first one is your motivation. You need to answer the question why you want to learn a foreign language. All answers can be divided into two groups. You can study for the sake of good knowledge of the language. Then the Armenian language will be a desirable goal. Or you can teach to achieve other goals. In this case, Armenian will only be an auxiliary tool. For example, a long trip around Armenia or studying in educational institutions of this country. The second approach, psychologists believe, is much more effective and less energy-consuming for the body.

The next factor is the possibility of your immersion in the language environment. Learning the Armenian language on the territory of Armenia is much easier. But also being at a different point globe you can do it. Try to communicate with native speakers, listen to Armenian music and watch movies in Armenian with subtitles in . Do this not from time to time, but daily.

It is important to choose a method of learning the Armenian language that suits your goals. Based on what form of language you plan to use more often. If written, pay great attention to studying grammar. Learn the rules by heart, do verification tests and exercises. Browse books, newspapers and websites in Armenian.

If necessary, master spoken language spend more time practicing communication and watching television programs in Armenian. Once you understand the logic behind constructing phrases, it will be much easier for you to formulate them yourself.

Remember that the speed of learning a language depends on the frequency of study and repetition of what has been learned. At first, you will have to refer to the same material many times. But as you learn the language, the need for this will decrease.

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Useful advice

Get yourself a notebook in which you will write down words that interest you in Armenian and their translation. Flip through it in transport, during breaks between work or study, while in traffic jams or queues.


  • Armenian

Do you want to learn language gestures just out of curiosity? Or is this vital for you to communicate with a loved one? In any case, you can always find like-minded people both on the Internet and in real life.


If you know English well language(and in this case a repeater will not be enough), go to one of the English-language sites (for example,, dedicated not only language at gestures, but also to all the difficulties that deaf and mute people face every day. It is possible that after reading the materials on these sites, you will understand that language gestures– this is not child’s play and we must treat people who cannot communicate with this world in any other way with the utmost care.

Unfortunately, there are practically no such Russian-language sites. However, in lately enthusiasts maintain several blogs dedicated to and language at gestures, and problems of adaptation of the deaf and mute. One of them is On this site you can find practical guide on mastering this language ah, news and leave your comments about what you read.

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Studying foreign languages It is not always easy, since you need to spend a lot of time and intellectual effort. The same applies to the Armenian language. However, if you turn the process into pleasure, you will be able to master it in short terms.


Start learning the Armenian language on your own. Go to the “Learn” website: and download it to your computer. Master the alphabet and reading rules. Be sure to say all the words out loud. Read as many simple texts as possible every day. Dedicate at least 1 hour to this type of work every day. Thus, you will begin to gain the necessary minimum vocabulary for understanding and subsequent communication.

Armenian flatbread

Armenian flatbread (lavash), unlike the Uzbek one, does not contain fat tail fat (it is replaced with butter), and is also baked in a dry, heated frying pan. In addition, it has a more modest size and thickness. To prepare lavash you will need 500 grams of wheat flour, 1 cup warm water, 8 grams of dry or 20 grams of fresh yeast, 50 grams of butter and a pinch of salt. Before preparing lavash, wheat flour must be thoroughly sifted several times.

First of all, you need to mix ¼ cup of water with the yeast and wait until it starts to sparkle. Then the rest of the water, softened butter, salt and sifted flour are added to them, after which they knead the dough and wait for it to rise. After this, the dough should be divided into five to six pieces, from which balls with a diameter of five to six centimeters are rolled.

Each ball is rolled out into the thinnest flat cake possible, placed in a hot, dry frying pan and baked for ten to fifteen seconds on each side over medium heat. After the pita bread turns white and bubbles, you need to turn it over immediately so that it does not dry out. The finished flatbreads are placed between wet napkins and after some time served to the table.

Ma Yuxi, or in the past simply Alexander Maltsev, is an emigrant to China from Russia. He willingly shares his method, which allows you to learn even this as quickly and efficiently as possible. complex language like Chinese.

In fact, this approach is applicable to absolutely any language, regardless of its complexity. The only condition is the presence of a “base”, that is, knowledge of the basics of the language on which everything is built.

This method allows you to train all aspects of the language: listening, speaking, writing and reading. To successfully implement the approach, it is recommended to stock up on just an mp3 player or have a browser.

The approach itself is based on listening to podcasts. The most best couple to work with this type of file - an iPod with iTunes, since here an audio script is also attached to the podcast. Thus, at any moment you can look into the text and isolate an incomprehensible word from there.

However, with a browser at hand, you can listen to podcasts and read in the same way.

Now directly about the 10 points of the method:

  1. Listening. Turn on the recording and concentrate only on it, without being distracted by your surroundings.

  2. Writing out. If you choose an educational podcast, write down the words that the hosts explain, or simply write down words whose meaning you don’t understand and which turn out to be new to you.

  3. Dictation of the text. Try to record the text you hear by ear, pausing the recording from time to time. The purpose of the dictation is to identify those places that you did not understand (with further comparison with the audio script, you will see where you made a mistake).

  4. Error analysis. By comparing the audio script and your recorded dictation, find and analyze your mistakes.

  5. Analysis of new words. Memorizing words by ear is often a difficult task. Dwell on the new words in more detail: write them several times, say them out loud, try to imagine the object or concept that they mean.

  6. Writing. Take a closer look at the spelling of words. Try to write each one 10 times in a row and after 20 minutes repeat this procedure again, without peeking, relying only on your own memory.

  7. Shadow. The so-called “shadow” training involves listening to the podcast again and repeating individual phrases after the speaker with the same intonation and pronunciation as close as possible. Just pause the recording from time to time. For better results, you can record your workout on a voice recorder, and later listen to it and identify your mistakes.

  8. Repetition of words. Repeat new words: how they are written, pronounced, what they mean.

  9. Checking new words. It is better to check the next day after memorizing words, this will help you find out what you have not learned well enough.

  10. Rest. Every 25 minutes, give yourself a 5-minute break: you can sit with your eyes closed or do a couple of physical exercises.


  • 15 useful tips that will help you learn a foreign language

The Armenian language has its own history for 16 centuries; it originates from the invention of the Armenian alphabet, which made it written and literary. Currently, there are about 6.4 million native speakers of this language. Many people who want to get closer to Armenian traditions and culture are interested in how to learn the Armenian language quickly.

Is it difficult to learn Armenian?

Mastering the Armenian language is a rather difficult process, because there are not many Armenian tutors. Plus, this language is very specific, completely different from others.

Just “I want” to learn the Armenian language is not enough, for more quick development It is recommended to go to the homeland of the language you are learning, Armenia, where you can quickly master colloquial speech, communicating with native speakers.

Another way is to study textbooks and dictionaries. It is necessary to purchase a self-instruction manual in which all the material is presented in the required portions. Also, when purchasing it, you should pay attention to its focus on grammar, audio books that train pronunciation. To learn Armenian quickly, you should make friends who are native speakers; they can be easily found on the Internet. Conducting dialogues with them will help you better understand the subtleties of the language. Self-paced learning It should also be carried out in doses three times a week for beginners and twice for those who already have certain knowledge and skills. The main thing is to expand vocabulary and communicate in Armenian as much as possible. You need to buy dictionaries educational materials, books, as well as video and audio media in Armenian.


When learning a language, it is very important to have strong motivation, otherwise interest in learning will disappear at the first difficulties that arise. You need to clearly know its further practical application for work, for travel, for further education, for self-development.

Being in the territory of its origin and daily use has a very beneficial effect on language acquisition. It is much easier and faster to learn the Armenian language in Armenia itself, where you can directly communicate with native speakers, immerse yourself in their culture and traditions, listening to Armenian music every day, watching Armenian films and TV series, even with subtitles at first.

When learning Armenian, it is very important to decide on the necessary teaching methodology: focus only on writing skills in Armenian or study the grammar very carefully. It is important to understand all the rules, which should be memorized, solve tests daily, testing yourself, and also view websites, forums and printed publications in the Armenian language.

Having decided to learn spoken Armenian, you need to practice more dialogues and watch television programs in Armenian. Having understood the meaning of the formation of phrases, students themselves can easily begin to formulate them.
The speed of learning a language is directly dependent on the regularity of classes and repetition of acquired knowledge and skills. At first, beginners need to repeat the material they have covered more often.

Cost of individual and group lessons

Classes are held 2 times a week. The table shows the cost of monthly training.

Cost of corporate training in Armenian

This book is intended for self-study Armenian
language. It is designed for a wide range of people who speak Russian, not
presupposes special linguistic training, but takes into account knowledge
Russian grammar in the scope of the secondary school curriculum.
The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce Armenian alphabet, sound
composition and basics of grammar of the Armenian language, introduce lexical
at a minimum, teach how to read and translate simple texts without a dictionary, and with
vocabulary - and more complex ones, develop basic skills in constructing
correct oral speech, i.e. learn to speak Armenian.
The self-instruction manual consists of an introduction, introductory phonetic and basic courses,
including 15 lessons.
The introduction gives general information about the Armenian language and writing.
The introductory phonetic course contains the alphabet, general information about sound
composition of the Armenian language and five lessons, which are mainly devoted to phonetics.
They will introduce you to the peculiarities of pronunciation of Armenian sounds and words, their
spelling and with regular alternations of sounds. Special attention
is devoted to teaching sounds characteristic of the Armenian language and
missing in Russian. To facilitate the assimilation of material when
comparison of Armenian sounds with Russian ones are not taken into account
slight differences in their pronunciation. Description of the sounds of Armenian
languages ​​other than Russian are given in comparison with their similar
sounding Russian sounds. The authors consider this method more fruitful,
how detailed description exact pronunciation of these sounds, which for persons is not
familiar with phonetics, would be incomprehensible and would deprive them of the opportunity even
Pronounce Armenian words approximately correctly. Here you are
You will also get acquainted with the peculiarities of Armenian syllable formation and stress,
knowledge of which is necessary for assimilation correct pronunciation words, and with
features of Armenian punctuation.
Phonetics lessons also contain lexical material, which
transcription and translation are given, and grammar is introduced
material. This phonetic course structure gives you the opportunity to
After completing the phonetics course, master a minimum vocabulary, understand and
compose elementary sentences, read and translate simple
The main course (lessons 6-15) contains grammar material, texts
to develop oral speech skills, to get acquainted with Armenia and its
culture, literary texts, comments, information on
word formation and exercises to reinforce lesson material.
Lessons are built on the principle of gradual complication of lexical and
grammatical material. To make learning easier, here is
comparison with the Russian language, while addressing special attention on
correspondences and differences between the phonetic and grammatical structure of the two
The self-instruction manual comes with texts for reading with vocabulary
grammatical comments to them, examples of declension, conjugation and
participial forms, table of letter symbols for numerals, key to
lesson exercises, Armenian-Russian and Russian-Armenian dictionaries.
The Armenian-Russian dictionary contains all the words of the lessons, their transcription and
grammatical characteristics. Russian-Armenian dictionary contains
only those words that are necessary to complete the exercises.
The lesson material offered to you is designed for a year of study, but this period
can be shortened or increased. With systematic training you
You will be able to fully understand this material.

The Armenian language is one of the oldest in the world. It is distinguished by its beauty and originality of sound. More than 6 million people speak Armenian. Language lives and develops under the influence modern culture. If you decide to learn the Armenian language from scratch, you need to follow the advice given in the presented article.

Why learn Armenian

First of all, before starting training, you need to answer the question - why do you want to learn to speak and write in Armenian. Having motivation is the key to success. Some people dream of a long trip around Armenia, for others, knowledge of the language is necessary to get the desired job. In any case, the goal must be clearly formulated. Once you have realized that you really need knowledge of the language, you should find the answer to the question of how to learn the Armenian language on your own.

Where to start

First of all, you need to choose the time you will devote to studying. How to learn Armenian at home? Systematicity is necessary. It is better to spend 40 minutes every day on a lesson than to sit over books for 4 hours one day, which will not bring any benefit, but on the contrary, will discourage the desire to learn.

What you will need for training

In order to learn the Armenian language from scratch on your own, you need to have a tutorial, dictionaries, fiction books, as well as audio and video material recorded by native speakers. Textbooks must contain large number exercises aimed at developing basic skills: reading, writing and speaking.

Start learning a language

How to learn the Armenian language and where to start learning? First of all, you should learn the language has its own unique writing system, which arose around 400 BC. After mastering the alphabet, you need to master general principles pronunciation of letter combinations. After which you should move on to constructing phrases and sentences, as well as studying auxiliary verbs.

Next, as you accumulate knowledge, you should begin to study the past and future tenses, understand the construction various types sentences, devote time to cases and declensions of words, degrees of comparison of adjectives.

From lightweight material it is necessary to smoothly move on to more complex ones. Assimilation of information is more high level Language proficiency is impossible without a strong foundation.

The answer to the question of how to learn the Armenian language is that it is necessary to develop all aspects of language proficiency at the same time. You can't completely immerse yourself in one thing. Every day you need to pay attention to writing, reading and speaking.

In order to learn to write correctly, you need to study grammar, memorize various language structures, practice constructing sentences, as well as translating texts from Russian into Armenian.

It is very important to speak phrases out loud. If you do exercises and read books silently, the results from learning a language will appear much later than for those who pronounce everything. This method is very effective and quickly bears fruit.

Watching movies with subtitles helps you learn a language. It's best to start by choosing a movie you already know well. Thanks to this pastime, you will be able to learn to perceive Armenian speech well by ear.

The best way to learn the Armenian language is to immerse yourself in the language environment as much as possible. Ideal option is to live for some time in the country of the language, to fully experience the culture and lifestyle local residents. If there is no opportunity to live in beautiful Armenia, good advice is to search for a pen pal.

The best motivation is the result that you can see, so after several months of studying, when you have a good vocabulary and basic grammar in your arsenal of knowledge, you can move on to reading books in the language you are learning. It is recommended to use the dictionary as little as possible. You should learn to understand the general meaning of a sentence, even if some word in it is unknown.

How to find time to study Armenian

The problem of the majority is acute shortage time for additional activities and learning something new. In order to turn the process of learning the Armenian language into an exciting activity that does not take up time that can be spent relaxing with family or friends, you should use the following tips:

  • Spend time on your way to work listening to audio material. You can listen to dialogues from different areas life, Armenian music, audiobooks. This will allow you to very quickly begin to perceive Armenian speech by ear and will give good results in teaching.
  • To memorize new words you can use special programs to learn a language on your smartphone. Instead of spending time in social networks while looking at photos, you can do useful thing and by the end of the day, expand your vocabulary by 10-15 new words.
  • In order to quickly learn the names of objects in your home, you can stick stickers with their names in Armenian on various things. Without noticing it, you will soon know the words for pieces of furniture, clothing, and food.

Now you know how to learn Armenian. You must follow the advice presented in this article. With their help, you can very quickly achieve your desired goal and gain the required level of language proficiency.

] At first glance, it seems that Armenian letters are unlike any other existing popular alphabets. I often heard that it was generally impossible to find anything familiar in Armenian. But this is not so, in Georgian, yes, there is no escape (well, how can we throw a stone into the neighbors’ garden without a stone?). In Arabic, too, there are almost no correspondences, except perhaps د(д) and that is conditional. But not in Armenian. So let's go.

The letter Ա (а) is a lowercase version of ա. Well, there are no words about capitalization, it is adapted for handwriting. But if you reduce the first stick to a capital one, and make the tail an intersecting line - as they write by hand, you get something very similar to the Greek alpha. Generally speaking, it's just an upside-down A with the tail slid to the side. A very old symbol is the same aleph, the origin of which they say comes from the horns of a bull.

The letter Բ (b) - lowercase version բ - unambiguous similarity to the Greek betta in both variants (β).

Letter Գ (g) capital version գ - has anyone seen how the capital Greek scale is written? Now turn it over and bevel it a little.

The letter Դ (д) lowercase version դ - similarly, continue the tail further - you get something reminiscent of the Russian D.

The letter Ե (е) is a lowercase version of ե - well, you don’t have to go far here, E - they just saved on the top stick.

The letter Է -(е) is the same garbage as ե, it’s just that the bottom line goes down and not up. Capital է. Like they say, the sound is similar, but slightly different.

The letter Ը - (English a - like an article before the nouns "a table") - capital ը - that is, like an analogue of e, only instead of a dash there is just a rounding at the top, hinting that the sound is generally almost the same, only you need a mouth like this round when you say it.

Letter Յ. Guess what letter? Looks like it's Russian. But looking at its capital version - յ - and places of use - in short, this is the English “j” to make diphthongs by mixing with different sounds like y, o, a - turning them into yu, yo and i. Let's say the classic family ending -yan is written using this letter -յան.

The letter Լ (л) - lowercase լ - there’s nothing to say here. The Latins stole our letter. No? Don't believe me? Okay, to hell with you, I was joking.

Letters Ր,Ռ (рь, hard (Russian) р) - lowercase ր,ռ. The first soft “r” is a simple simplified Greek ρ(ro) or, as our envious people will say, unfinished. Well, to hell with them. It's easier to write anyway. The second capital is less obvious. But its capital version is written simply as p without a stem and with a purely Latin tail below, and if we take the capital letter and continue the tail, we get the same Latin R.

The letter Ո (o) - lowercase ո - again an unfinished o. By the way, there is also a separate letter Օ for borrowed words. Well, just for fun, in general, he was a joker, this Mashtots, that one. They say in the original his name was Majdots.

Letter Ս (с) - lowercase ս - turned С.

The letter F (aspirated p or English p) is an analogue of the letter F in Russian, judging by words borrowed from Greek, I will not go into details, but in general, where in modern Russian F is used in words borrowed from Greek, for example the same philosophy, in Armenian the same letter is used, only it is pronounced like this very aspirated փ. Linguists, of course, know in more detail, but for general memorization this is enough.

Letter Ֆ(ф). Just an extra letter, added so that foreign words it was possible to write with the sound “f” (there are no relatives), as if they were concerned about our convenience. In general, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Convenient and okay. Moreover, it was very useful in the 20-21st centuries.

The letter Հ (h) does not seem to be too similar. But the capitalization is one to one (հ).

Letter Ձ (dz). Lowercase ձ. In short, zetta is one to one in its capital variants.

Letters Մ,Ն (m, n). Lowercase մ,ն. Comrade here. Majdots had a blast. It’s not so visible on capital letters, but on lowercase letters the symmetry is very visible. Well, like, similar sounds have similar letters. Why waste time on trifles, and it’s easier for schoolchildren.

Letter S (t). Well, there doesn’t seem to be any correspondence, but what’s interesting is that the alternation of “t” - “s” was noticed in Latin- well, like the god of war Mars (Mars), but the month is already called March - from the word Martius, in Armenian “March” simply means “war” and all words with this root are related to military affairs, well, one way or another, You can still find a few words where this substitution was observed. ՄԱՐՏ - well, taking into account everything that was written above - you can immediately calmly read it as “March”.

The letter Ք - (aspirated g), is very similar to ِԳ, and that’s how it was intended. Well, if it’s similar, let it be.

The letter Ղ (gh or Ukrainian or Voronezh g) is generally an interesting letter; if you remove the upper roundness, you get Լ(l). It would seem, where is the similarity? But it turns out that this is what it is. There are a lot of words that are written with the letter L in most Indo-European languages; in Armenian this mysterious letter is used in this place. That is, Elena is written as ՀԵՂԻՆԵ (Heghine), Paul as ՊՈՂՈՍ (Poghos), Lazarus as ՂԱԶԱՐՈՍ (Ghazaros), etc. Apparently, at one time this letter differed slightly in pronunciation from the letter Լ(l), therefore it was indicated by a similar sign, and then its sound changed. In general, it’s not difficult to remember.

The letter Կ(к) is simply the letter K without the bottom squiggle and turned backwards. I don’t know why it’s like that.

Letters Ջ, Չ (j, h) - lowercase ջ, չ. According to the same scheme, similar sounds (difference in voicing) with similar symbols. For which a special bow to the creator.

The letters Ց,Ծ (ts, t in the word at least). The same trick - the first letter is like a circle, starting with a round curl at the top, the second is like the same circle, but in one movement, without a twist, just two tails. Tricky.

Letters Վ,Ւ (в, English w), lowercase վ,ւ. The same scheme as in the case of ն and մ. The second letter, however, is now pronounced either as “v” or not pronounced at all, sometimes it is turned into a ligature և from եւ, or is used to get the sound “u” from a combination of the letters ո(o) and ւ (English w) - “ու”.

Letters Շ,Չ (ш,ч) - lowercase շ,չ. The letter Չ(h) has already been mentioned above in combination with Ջ(j). ّAnd then it turned out that two similar sibilants are made from each other by a simple 180-degree turn.



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