Ginkgo biloba or temple tree Ginkgo Biloba. Ginkgo (tree): description, photo, use in folk medicine

Despite the rapid development of traditional medicine, medicines made from natural ingredients are still very popular. Their list is huge, but today I want to talk about ginkgo biloba.
This amazing plant from time immemorial known for its healing properties. From the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree, properly collected and dried, all kinds of tinctures and other medicines are made that are effective for asthma, arrhythmia, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

When do you need to collect ginkgo biloba leaves and how to do it correctly in order to preserve the beneficial elements they contain to the maximum?
To begin with, I propose to get acquainted with the features of this plant.
Let's look at it in order:

  1. Growing and caring for trees.
  2. Collection of ginkgo biloba leaves.
  3. Medicinal properties of the plant.

Growing ginkgo biloba at home is not difficult. In addition, its value lies not only in its medicinal components, but also in its amazing decorative qualities.

Growing and caring for a tree

About a year ago, our company began to cooperate with the All-Ukrainian charitable foundation Help Group. Representatives of this organization conducted research useful properties ginkgo biloba, and also monitored the growth and development of the tree in various conditions. They planted on different soils and terrain (in the shade, in the sun), fertilized the soil, etc.
As a result of this observation, it was found that:

the tree is frost-resistant and quickly recovers from frost;
the plant is suitable for planting in large cities with a polluted atmosphere;
Ginkgo biloba does not require special care, just watering and periodic fertilizing of the soil;
It is worth considering that when planting several seedlings at once, the distance between them should be at least 5 m.

The ginkgo biloba tree grows for many years. This beautiful and original specimen will cover more than one generation under its shadow. By purchasing a small seedling with a few leaves, you can observe how quickly the plant takes in juices and rises upward. Children and great-grandchildren will be grateful for such a gift, enjoying its healing properties.
Ginkgo biloba will become part of your history, helping your loved ones every day to get rid of illnesses and illnesses.

Collection of ginkgo biloba leaves

The leaves of the tree can be collected 2 times a year: in the summer, when they are still green and full of vitamins, and in the fall, when they begin to turn yellow and fall off on their own. In order not to injure the plant, you can tear off no more than 30% of the leaves.
This is discussed in more detail in our video:

Having collected a sufficient number of leaves, they need to be dried. First, it is better to wash each leaf, and only then spread them loosely along the bottom of the dryer. The drying process itself occurs at a temperature of 30-40°C. It takes 3-5 hours for the leaves to be ready for use, depending on the degree of humidity and the volume of collection.

Medicinal properties of the plant

The leaves of the tree contain more than 100 useful components. Among them are the triterpene lactones gingcolide and bilobalide (they reduce fear, anxiety, and are actively used in the treatment of neurological diseases), which are not found in any other plant. In addition, in the leaves large number amino acids, gingoleic acid, magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. Thanks to this, the benefits of ginkgo biloba are beyond doubt. Medicines based on them:

relieve depression, stress, constant mood swings;
help cure eye diseases, cataracts, glaucoma;
act as a pain reliever, relieve inflammation;
improve blood supply to the extremities and brain, increase the patency of blood vessels;
protect the body from cancer (components fight free radicals) and chronic diseases.

In addition, the list of beneficial properties of ginkgo biloba leaves includes a powerful stimulation of attention, memory, mental abilities. The first results will be noticeable within a week of regular use.
Detailed instructions for using the leaves can be obtained from a professional therapist on the Bjoliniy Paradise website. We offer a recipe for a simple tincture as one of the options medicinal product. It is very easy to prepare it at home. Just take vodka and pour the leaves in a ratio of 10:1. Infuse for two weeks in a dark place, then carefully strain. You can use the tincture 10-15 drops diluted in 100 grams of water.
This miraculous drink will help normalize blood pressure, cure migraines, bronchial asthma, strengthen the body with diabetes mellitus, prevent the development of heart attack and stroke.

Medicines made from ginkgo biloba leaves have no contraindications and are well tolerated by the body. The only point is that when treating children under 16 years of age, it is better to consult a doctor. Knowing how to properly use ginkgo biloba leaves, you can quickly improve your health, without the use of chemical medications.
If you want to purchase Ginkgo biloba seedlings, the IdeaSad online store is at your service. There is an assortment of 2, 3 and 4 year old seedlings at reasonable prices. Still have questions? Call.

A beautiful deciduous tree - ginkgo - can decorate any park. But it is valued mainly for its medicinal properties.

Ginkgo biloba: where it grows

Ginkgo biloba belongs to the Ginkgo family. This is one of the oldest plants on the planet; it appeared on Earth back in the Jurassic period.

It grows naturally in China, in the Tian Mu Shan Nature Reserve. Ginko needs a high mountain climate and high humidity, so most often it can be found near natural sources of water - rivers, streams, waterfalls. Prefers acidic soils. Otherwise, it is a fairly undemanding plant, and will feel great even on rocky mountain slopes.

High decorative value and numerous beneficial properties led to the fact that ginkgo began to be bred in parks and gardens. And creating certain conditions for cultivation, it can be used to create bonsai.

Description of species and varieties

Until now, scientists have not agreed on the question of which family the Ginkgo biloba tree belongs to. Until recently, it was confidently classified as a gymnosperm plant, but today they are inclined to believe that ginkgo is a descendant of ancient ferns - one of the first plants on the planet.

However, in former times, ginkgoes grew north of China - in the territory of modern Siberia.

Ginkgo biloba is a tree, 30 to 50 m high, with dark green leaves, up to 12 cm long and up to 8 cm wide, shaped like fans. During the cold season, the leaves fall off.

Around the 25th year, it is possible to distinguish what type of tree it is: male or female. On men's you can see “earrings”. Pollen ripens in them. After pollination (in nature, with the help of wind), an ovary forms on the female trees.

Ginkgo can also be propagated using adventitious buds that appear at the very bottom of the trunk.

Naturally, many myths and legends are associated with the glorious tree.

Ginkgo biloba tincture is unique and valuable for its mild and at the same time significant medicinal effect. The herbal medicine has been used for centuries to treat vascular diseases, improves memory and attention. Recent research has presented a very promising possibility of using the extract in geriatrics for various forms CNS disorders. Today, tinctures based on ginkgo biloba are taken by up to 80% of the population of Russia and Europe.

Ginkgo biloba tincture is gentle and at the same time effective

A little history

In the countries of the East, known for their ancient and rich knowledge of medicine, potions based on the leaves of Ginkgo biloba have long been used to heal all kinds of ailments of the body and spirit. Thus, the Japanese believed that the tree personifies the energy of the earth and is a symbol of life and health.

Followers of Tao planted ginkgo trees around monasteries and holy places, attributing to the leaves of the tree the essence of their philosophy - balance and longevity. By taking the tincture, the monks gained wisdom and concentration, became strong and resilient.

This is interesting. Ginkgo biloba is the only one modern look relict plants that have existed on the planet for over 320 million years.

Research of unique healing properties Scientists began studying wood only in the middle of the last century. Experiments have proven that ginkgo biloba actually contains huge amount biological substances, the main part of which is concentrated in the leaves. The first experiments confirmed high efficiency tinctures based on them for vascular pathologies and cerebrovascular accidents.

Today, ginkgo biloba extract is widely used in traditional medicine different countries and is one of the five most popular drugs.

Unique properties of the tincture

All biologically active substances contained in the tincture can be divided into 3 main groups:

  • flavone glycosides - isorhamnetin, quercetin, kaempferol;
  • flavonoids - ginkgetin, amentoflavin;
  • terpenoids - bilobalides, ginkgolides.

It is the combination of these substances, completely different in their effects on the body, but surprisingly synergistic (mutually enhancing the effect), that determines the uniqueness of the tincture.

This is interesting. The antioxidant properties of ginkgo biloba have also found application in cosmetology. Creams and oils based on it are recommended for use by women after 30 years of age to preserve youth and beauty.

The medicinal properties of ginkgo-based extract are very diverse. The most wide application found vasoactive (blood flow stimulating) effects. Biological components change the composition of the blood and have a pronounced vasodilator and antithrombosis effect, increase the elasticity and strength of the arteries.

In addition, ginkgo biloba tincture has the following beneficial properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • anti-ischemic;
  • neuroprotective;
  • antidepressant;
  • nootropic;
  • nephroprotective;
  • diuretic.

The healing extract is used to eliminate the consequences of a stroke of the brain and spinal cord: paresis of the limbs, numbness of the fingers, deterioration of hearing and speech.

Indications for use

There are many completely opposite opinions about the effectiveness of tinctures based on ginkgo leaves. In response to enthusiastic articles, criticism immediately appears about the low effectiveness of these drugs in relation to memory and attention. However, the long-term popularity of extracts among patients and the studies conducted confirm all the properties attributed to them.

Indications for the use of ginkgo biloba tincture are as follows:

  • heart and vascular diseases, arrhythmia;
  • anemia;
  • bronchial asthma, bronchitis;
  • disturbance of mental activity;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • decreased performance;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease;
  • depression, loss of strength;
  • neuroses:
  • impotence;
  • atherosclerosis.
Indications for the use of ginkgo preparations can be significantly expanded through use in geriatrics. The tincture is prescribed for senile disorders in the brain, degenerative changes in the macula and cerebrovascular insufficiency.

Preparation and instructions for use of the tincture

It is easy to prepare a tincture of ginkgo leaves yourself at home. The extract can be in the form of an alcohol or aqueous extract. First dosage form more effective and better preserves biological components.

The water tincture also has its advantages - the drug is quickly and easily prepared, does not require long exposure and is used to prevent pathological conditions and maintain mental clarity. Dry ginkgo leaves can be added to black or green tea. This drink, taken at breakfast, perfectly tones and improves mental activity.

Alcohol tincture

There are several recipes for preparing ginkgo biloba tincture. IN classic version dry leaves are poured with alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10. The composition is kept in a dark place for at least 2 weeks, shaking occasionally, and filtered.

Take this tincture twice a day, diluting 12–15 drops of the drug in ½ glass of water. The therapeutic course is 28–30 ducks. After a month's break, treatment is resumed if necessary.

Other tincture recipes:

  • 50 grams of dry raw materials are poured with half a liter of vodka and left for 2 weeks in a cool place. Strain and take 15 drops 3 times a day;
  • quick tincture - a tablespoon of crushed leaves is poured with 100 ml of vodka or alcohol and put in a dark and warm place. Shake daily. After 5–7 days, the solution is filtered and taken 2–3 times a day before meals.

Store the finished tincture in the refrigerator for no more than 4 years. The first results of treatment appear after 5–7 days - memory and attention improve, performance increases, and fatigue decreases.

Regular use of the alcohol preparation restores blood circulation in all vessels and arteries, improves blood flow to the brain and limbs, and protects cells from free radicals. The extract slows down the aging of the body, prevents the development of stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis.

Water tincture

To prepare aqueous tincture, both dry and fresh raw materials are used. The leaf is brewed as tea, simmered in a steam bath or kept in a thermos - there are many options. The main thing is that the result is a healthy and tasty medicine.

Ginkgo water tincture recipes:

  • 1 tbsp. l. (5 g) of dry leaf is poured into a glass of liquid and placed in a steam bath. After 15 minutes, the composition is removed from the heat and cooled. The finished product is taken 25 ml before meals. The duration of the course should not exceed a month. After 14 days, treatment is repeated;
  • Place a teaspoon of dry or a tablespoon of fresh ginkgo leaves in a thermos and add 300 ml of water. Insist for 3 hours. Take 50 ml before meals;
  • 5 grams of dry leaves are brewed with ½ liter of boiling water, kept covered for 60 minutes, and filtered. Take 100 ml four times a day, last time- before bedtime. This recipe is especially good for eliminating stroke symptoms. The course of treatment is 21 days; after a two-week break, therapy is continued. This scheme is followed until you feel better;
  • 15 grams of dry raw materials are brewed with a glass of boiling water, kept in a steam bath for 10 minutes and poured into a thermos. After 5 hours, the tincture is filtered and taken a tablespoon 4 times a day before meals. The product improves memory and increases performance, relieves stress during neuroses, and eliminates depression. The treatment course is 3 weeks. After 7 days, therapy is resumed. To obtain a lasting effect, it is recommended to take 4 courses.

Advice. From the leaves of Ginkgo biloba you can prepare not only healthy, but also delicious tea with honey - doctors recommend drinking it in the morning instead of coffee.

Course use of the extract several times a year will achieve a lasting and long-lasting effect. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will identify contraindications and advise the correct dosage and duration of use. During the rehabilitation period after a stroke, ginkgo biloba tincture is taken only as an addition to the main one. drug treatment. In the future, it can be used to prevent relapses.


Ginkgo extract is a very active drug, so it has many contraindications. The absolute ones include:

  • peptic ulcer and gastritis in the acute stage;
  • stroke in the active phase;
  • low blood pressure;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • individual intolerance to a medicinal plant;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 15 years.

The drug is used with caution for epilepsy, increased risk intracranial bleeding and in the postoperative period.

During treatment with the tincture, you should not take medications containing acetylsalicylic acid. If necessary, they are replaced with paracetamol-containing medications. Side effects are observed extremely rarely and manifest themselves in the form of headaches, tinnitus, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Ginkgo biloba tincture has a beneficial effect on the entire body - improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system and slows down aging. Therefore, ginkgo preparations remain the mainstay of treatment various diseases brain. But even such a valuable medicine cannot be taken without consulting a doctor.

Nittany Pharmaceuticals inc. AVEN LLC Vertex (JSC) Vertex Joint Stock Company VIS, LLC INAT-PHARMA, LLC Concern Stirol, LLC Naturopharm LLC SVOBODNY 20, CJSC Pharmprodukt, LLC Fitofarm Klenka JSC Evalar CJSC

Country of origin


Product group

Other dietary supplements for internal use

a drug that improves cerebral and peripheral blood circulation

Release forms

  • 30 capsules in a pack 30 capsules of 370 mg each 40 tablets of 0.2 in a blister 60 tablets in a pack jar 40 caps caps. 80 mg 30 pcs. Tablets 460 mg - 30 pcs per pack Tablets 460 mg - 60 pcs per pack tablets weighing 0.2 g - 40 pcs per pack. tablets weighing 0.45 g - 40 pcs per pack. pack 40 tablets

Description of the dosage form

  • capsules tablets tablets weighing 0.5 g Tablets, yellow-green, grassy color Hard gelatin capsules No. 3 (d yellow. The contents of the capsules are powder or compacted mass of yellowish- brown with particles of brown and white, disintegrating when pressed.

Pharmacological action

The dietary supplement has antioxidant properties, normalizes cerebral and coronary circulation, eliminates circulatory failure, and restores vascular elasticity. Ginkgo Biloba helps improve brain activity, strengthen memory and, as a result, prolong active life. Carefully selected components have a mild sedative effect, weaken spasm of the coronary arteries during prolonged negative emotions, mental and physical stress, smoothly reduce blood pressure, regulate the frequency and strength of heart contractions, and have an anti-sclerotic effect. Description of the components of the Gingko Biloba dietary supplement: Glycine – reduces psycho-emotional stress, increases mental performance, normalizes and activates protective inhibition processes in the central nervous system. Glycine is an essential amino acid that a person must obtain in sufficient quantities from food. * Ginkgo Biloba - normalizes cerebral and coronary circulation, restores memory, hearing, vision, speech and motor functions, eliminates circulatory insufficiency (including atherosclerotic and age-related origin), restores elasticity and strength of blood vessels, prevents thrombosis of cerebral and coronary vessels, improves nutrition of the heart muscle, and has antioxidant properties. Ginkgo biloba has a beneficial effect on brain functions: it activates mental activity, improves memory and sleep, relieves dizziness and tinnitus. * Baikal skullcap - dilates blood vessels, slows down the heart rate, eliminates headaches and insomnia, reduces blood pressure, combined with atherosclerosis; prevents the occurrence of seizures, inhibits functional activity nervous system.


Following oral administration of ginkgo extract, the terpene lactones (ginkgolide A, ginkgolide B and bilobalide) have high bioavailability, which is 100% (98%) for ginkgolide A, 93% (79%) for ginkgolide B and 72% for bilobalide. After administration of 80 mg of extract, maximum plasma concentrations are: 15 ng/ml for ginkgolide A, 4 ng/ml for ginkgolide B and approximately 12 ng/ml for bilobalide. The half-life is 3.9 hours (ginkgolide A), 7 hours (ginkgolide B) and 3.2 hours (bilobalide). Plasma protein binding is: 43% for ginkgolide A, 47% for ginkgolide B and 67% for bilobalide.

Special conditions

Improvement in the condition appears 1 month after the start of treatment. If you experience frequent feelings of dizziness and tinnitus, you should consult your doctor. If there is a sudden deterioration or loss of hearing, consult a doctor immediately. Impact on management vehicles and mechanisms Considering the possibility of development side effects from the central nervous system, caution should be exercised when driving vehicles and other technical devices, requiring increased concentration attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


  • ginkgo biloba extract 13 mg, glycine 147 mg, Baikal skullcap extract 5 mg; Auxiliary ingredients: MCC, calcium stearate Ginkgo biloba dry extract 120 mg (including flavonol glycosides) 26.4 mg Glycine 40 mg dry extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves 40 mg dry extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves 80 mg Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, hawthorn fruit extract MCC (anti-caking agent) calcium stearate (anti-caking agent)

Ginkgo Biloba indications for use

  • The complex effect of the components on the body contributes to: improvement of blood supply to the brain, retina, myocardium (at the microcirculatory level), anti-atherosclerotic effect, reduction of platelet aggregation and prevention of thrombus formation, normal regeneration of vascular cells, improvement of mental and physical performance, reduced meteosensitivity and improved condition during periods magnetic storms, improvement of hematopoiesis and immunomodulation processes.

Ginkgo Biloba contraindications

  • Reduced blood clotting, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase, acute cerebrovascular accidents, acute myocardial infarction, arterial hypotension, pregnancy, lactation, childhood and adolescence under 18 years of age, hypersensitivity to ginkgo biloba preparations.

Ginkgo Biloba dosage

  • 0.2 g 0.45 g 0.5 g 370 mg 40 mg 80 mg

Ginkgo Biloba side effects

  • Ginkgo Biloba C is well tolerated and side effects are rare. From the digestive system: dyspeptic disorders, nausea, heartburn (usually mild, temporary). From the central nervous system: headache, dizziness. Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching. Other: decreased blood clotting (after long-term use).

Drug interactions

The use of the drug is not recommended for patients constantly taking acetylsalicylic acid, anticoagulants (direct and indirect action), as well as drugs that reduce blood clotting. Isolated cases of bleeding are possible in patients simultaneously taking anticoagulants; The causal relationship of these bleedings with the use of Ginkgo biloba preparations has not been confirmed. When used with antihypertensive drugs, the antihypertensive effect may be potentiated.


Cases of drug overdose have not been reported to date. Ginkgo Biloba is well tolerated.

Storage conditions

  • store in a dry place
  • store at room temperature 15-25 degrees
  • keep away from children
  • store in a place protected from light
Information provided

Ginkgo Biloba is a herbal remedy that contains extract of the leaves of the Ginkgo Folium tree. It has a number of beneficial properties, such as antioxidant and immunostimulating. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find drugs made in Russia and Germany. Read their instructions for use, indications, side effects.

Composition and release form

There are several formats of preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba: tablets, tincture, capsules. Their composition differs depending on the manufacturer:

Name Ginkgo Biloba, manufacturer

Active substance – extract of dry biloba Ginkgo

Auxiliary components

Release form, packaging

Capsules or tablets, 40 pcs. in a bottle


30 mg per tablet

B vitamins


Green tea, polyvinylpyrrolidone, pollen, calcium stearate, dried onion, stearic acid, lactose monohydrate

Capsules in blisters of 10 pcs., a pack with instructions contains 4 contour plates

0.04 g per capsule

Calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose

Brown hard capsules, yellow powder inside, in a package of 2 blisters of 15 pcs.

Properties of Ginkgo Biloba

The Ginkgo tree is a gymnosperm relic plants, whose leaves and seeds contain many biologically active substances: bioflavonoids, terpene trilactones, organic acids, alkaloids, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, macroelements, vitamins. The components included in the plant inhibit the activity of the phosphodiesterase enzyme, which leads to the accumulation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate in smooth muscle cells and a decrease in the concentration of calcium ions in the cytoplasm.

This leads to relaxation of the muscular vascular walls, a decrease in their tone, increased production of endothelial relaxing factor and improved blood flow, including renal and cerebral. The components contained in the plant affect circulatory system, change the rheological properties of blood, prevent thrombosis from developing, and reduce the adhesiveness of red blood cells and platelets. The drugs reduce the release of mediators that tone the arterial vessels.

The plant has a strong antioxidant effect due to the content of flavonoid glycosides. They have P-vitamin activity, bind to metal ions (iron, copper, manganese), form complexes and reduce the level of free radicals. Glycosides also prevent destruction ascorbic acid and adrenaline. Terpenoids, selenium, phosphorus, copper and potassium enhance the antioxidant properties of medications.

The active substance of the leaves is bilobalide, which has anti-ischemic properties.. This allows the drug to be used in cardiology for the treatment of heart failure. The substance shows its excellent effect under hypoxic conditions, increases the expression of mitochondria and nerves, the level of mRNA and supports the activity of cytochrome C oxidase.

The plant is used in neurology because its components have neuroprotective properties, reduce the risk of oxidative or spontaneous apoptosis, deactivate nmda receptors and their effect on calcium-dependent programmed cell death mechanisms. Medicines normalize carbohydrate metabolism, affect the metabolism of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and exhibit nootropic and antidepressant effects.

Another area of ​​application of leaf extract is nephrology, because constituent components protect kidney tissue. Nephroprotective activity is manifested in reducing lipid peroxidation and protecting cells from destruction. The use of the drugs reduces proteinuria and the severity of tubular disorders. The plant has a diuretic effect, improves renal blood flow and increases the glomerular filtration rate.

Indications for use

Based on the properties of the plant, preparations based on leaves have wide range applications. The instructions highlight the indications:

  • deficiency of polyphenols and flavonoids;
  • unjustified feeling of fear;
  • cerebrovascular disorders;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • dementia, Alzheimer's disease;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, myocardium;
  • arteriopathy of the lower extremities;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • disturbance of the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • decreased memory and learning;
  • hypochromic anemia;
  • age-related macular degeneration;
  • tinnitus, hypoacusia;
  • in geriatrics: neurosensory, homeostatic disorders, nephrology lesions;
  • disturbances in mental activity.

Directions for use and dosage

Instructions for use of Ginkgo Biloba differ depending on the form of the drug and the manufacturer. More often, medications based on plant extracts are taken orally. Before taking, you should consult your doctor to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients or cross-sensitivity to other similar substances.

Ginkgo Biloba Forte

Capsules or tablets of Ginkgo Biloba Forte produced by Evalar are taken by patients over the age of 14 years, 1 piece twice a day with meals. Take the dose with a glass of water, do not chew or crush it. The duration of use of the medicine, according to the instructions, is one month. If necessary, the course can be repeated 2-3 times a year.

Ginkgo Biloba Evalar

Regular ginkgo biloba tablets are taken orally, swallowed whole, and washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. It is advisable to take the drug with food to improve the absorption of the active ingredients and their effectiveness. The standard dosage, according to the instructions, is 1-2 pcs. 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course is three months; after 2-3 months it can be repeated.

Tablets from Doppelhertz

According to the instructions, Ginkgo Biloba tablets produced by Doppelherz are taken by adult patients once a day, one piece with meals. The course of treatment with a dietary supplement lasts two months. If necessary, you can repeat the dose after a month's break. The tablets contain 0.14 kcal or 0.6 kJ; the content of bread units is not stated in the composition.

Ginkgo Biloba Tincture

Ginkgo Biloba tincture is sold in pharmacies and on the Internet, but you can prepare it yourself. The leaves of the plant are poured with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 and infused in a dark place for two weeks. The tincture is shaken periodically. The liquid is filtered before use. The standard dosage is 10-15 drops per 100 ml of water twice a day before meals. The course lasts for a month and can be repeated three times a year.

In addition to the alcohol tincture, there is also a water one. A tablespoon of crushed plant material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, the mixture is left to cool and infuse for half an hour. You need to take the resulting solution one third of a glass three times a day before meals. The course lasts a month, after two weeks the treatment can be repeated.


According to the instructions, Ginkoum capsules are intended for oral administration. They are taken regardless of food, are not crushed, swallowed, washed down clean water. For the treatment of cerebrovascular accidents, taking 1-2 capsules three times a day for a course of at least eight weeks is recommended. To correct peripheral blood circulation, take 1 capsule three times a day or 2 tablets twice a day for a course of at least 6 weeks.

Special instructions

In Russia you can grow a tree yourself. Such a plant will be unique - it has a special leaf pattern, similar to ancient ferns. The tree is unpretentious, according to the instructions, it overwinters at a temperature of 0-6 degrees; you can place it in the refrigerator for the winter and limit the water regime. Like any plant, Ginkgo biloba has its pros and cons (adverse reactions such as indigestion, allergies, headaches). The advantages include:

  • improvement of systemic blood flow at the main and microcirculatory levels;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • change in the rheological qualities of blood towards antiplatelet properties;
  • anti-ischemic effect;
  • neuro-, nephroprotective effects.

During pregnancy

According to the instructions, the use of drugs during pregnancy is not prohibited, but treatment is carried out when the benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the child. It is unknown whether the active substance crosses the placenta and breast milk, That's why therapy is carried out with caution both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding .

Ginkgo Biloba for children

Capsules and tablets based on Ginkgo Biloba are prescribed to patients over 12-14 years of age, depending on the type. This is due to the fact that for children younger age The safety and effectiveness of the drugs have not been fully studied. Alcohol tincture is contraindicated for use under 18 years of age, water tincture can be used from 12 years of age, but strictly under the supervision of doctors.

Drug interactions

According to the instructions included in each package of Ginkgo Biloba preparations, it is not recommended to combine therapy with these medications with medications that exhibit anticoagulant or antiplatelet activity. Similarly, it is undesirable to combine drugs with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, because the risk of bleeding increases.

Side effects

According to reviews from patients and doctors, the drugs are well tolerated because their herbal base does not exhibit side effects. In case hypersensitivity If the body reacts to the components of the product, digestive disorders, nausea, allergic reactions, headaches, vomiting, stomach pain, rash, itching on the skin, urticaria, and dyspepsia may develop.


To date, not a single case of overdose of any of the forms on the market has been recorded. medicine. If, when taking an increased amount of drugs, negative reactions develop, according to the instructions, you should consult a doctor for help. Theoretically, artificial gastric lavage should be performed and sorbents should be prescribed.


Ginkgo Biloba preparations have relative and absolute contraindications for use. The latter include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • age under 12 years;
  • exacerbation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • arterial hypotension.

Relative contraindications are conditions that require the use of medications with caution. The instructions highlight the following.



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