Signs of fate and how to understand them. How to recognize signs of fate? Secret signs of fate: meaning

Signs of fate appear to everyone, but not everyone takes them seriously. Subsequently we can notice how the world around us warned us about the quality of the upcoming experience: a red wave of traffic lights, a quarrel between passers-by, obstacles on the way, the alarmed cry of a flying bird... Or, on the contrary, inspiring music, smiling oncoming people giving way.

Jung called this phenomenon synchronicity - the connection between object and subject - the world and the observer. The world and consciousness reflect each other like a mirror. And therefore we see repetition of meanings in logically unrelated places.

How to recognize the signs of fate

Messages of fortune are often accompanied by strange sensations, feelings and emotions. What suddenly and inexplicably attracts attention is coded information emanating from the Universe itself and directed exclusively at the observer.

A symbol, word or situation can be a sign of fate if:

  1. This is not an isolated case; you have seen something similar recently;
  2. This made an amazing impression on you;
  3. The event takes place in a dream.

In the life of ancient civilizations, signs were assigned great value. The voice of intuition was taken as seriously as the surrounding reality, and the messages that fate sent to a person were heard brightly and clearly. People saw clues in shadows and silhouettes, sensed what was coming in the singing of birds, and predicted imminent events based on the weather.

We read the signs of fate based on natural phenomena:

  1. Eye in the Sky: associated with divine providence, with cosmic protection, with the law of karma, and internal ethics.
  2. Rainbow: triumph of existence, happiness, emotional fulfillment and self-affirmation.
  3. Gusty wind: news of destruction, ending, tragic news, sudden rash actions.
  4. Thunder: threat of destruction, warning, call to abandon evil deeds, changes, thoughts and desires can come true, unexpected loud news.
  5. Lightning: truth, insight, creative spark, intelligence, power, divine wrath. For those who are pure in soul, this is a call to action, change. For those whose motives are impure, it is a sign of divine wrath, destruction, and a reminder of the law of justice.
  6. Snowfall: completion of the old cycle, cleansing, calming.
  7. Shower: resolution of a long-standing tense conflict or task, culmination, outcome.
    Undoubtedly, technocratic evolution led to the predominance of the logical part of consciousness over the figurative one, and people stopped paying attention to the voice of higher powers, which manifests itself in the images of nature. But renewed observation of external phenomena easily reveals how your environment echoes your inner thoughts and states. The surrounding space is a whole world that answers questions.

The rule for reading the signs of fate

Various signs of fate can be seen in the sky, or understood by the cry of a wild animal, or heard in the rustle of falling leaves. But in order to learn to see them, you don’t need to purposefully look for them and dramatize the meeting with each in a not very pleasant way. Excessive fixation gives rise to only superstitions: the external form becomes more important than the internal feeling. But for correct reading signs of fate, it is important to remain detached. Otherwise, the world around you will simply begin to mirror your fears and expectations. In other words, you will only see what you want or are afraid to see, but not what really is.

The main organ of perception is the internal observer, the silent “I” - inner essence a person who is always aware of dangers and opportunities, threats and possible solutions. That is, information about future events first of all makes itself felt from the inside, and the sign of fate is an external and secondary effect. Therefore, if you are not completely sure how correct your judgment is about the missing sign, ask yourself whether your conclusion is confirmed by feeling. And if not, forget it, you have become a victim of superstition.

Although it happens differently: sometimes we just don’t want to believe in something. For example, decision made suddenly accompanied by a bad omen: a tragedy or quarrel unfolding nearby, a tree falling in the middle of the street blocking the path, or a bird crashing against your window. But even in such cases, there is no need to panic, and if the plan cannot be canceled or postponed, maximum caution and vigilance should be exercised. Often this is already enough to prevent unpleasant events.

6 good signs of fate:

  1. Bird feather. A feather found in the forest or even on a city street serves as a symbol of protection and patronage of higher powers. Such a find confirms the correctness of your path and the harmony of your actions in relation to the laws of the universe.
  2. Sweet music. Hearing a bright bell ringing, mantras or inspiring music is a sign of healing and enlightenment. Pleasant melodies on the streets of the city speak of emotional harmony and tranquility.
  3. Broken dishes. Glasses and plates, accidentally breaking, break old ties to the past, thereby making room for new creative events. Broken dishes - good sign, during the holidays is especially favorable. On this basis, a whole tradition of breaking glasses at weddings and birthdays was formed.
  4. Inspirational dreams. A sign that everything in your life is going as it should - dreams with stories of achievement: conquering a peak, finding a thing, solving a problem. If in your night dreams you win something, it means real life you will succeed in achieving your goals.
  5. Feeling of happiness. A state of quiet joy and love fills a person when he is happy. And this is the best indicator, the most obvious sign of fate.
  6. Joyful events around. If the people you meet are mostly cheerful and smiling, if you meet a campaigner laughing loudly or fervently discussing something, if there is positive news in your environment (weddings, achievements, celebrations, promotions, acquisitions) - then you are on the right track life and speedy joy awaits you too.

Signs of fate: learning to hear

Random sounds on the street, in a cafe or on the way to work sometimes penetrate to the depths. The song played in the morning resonates with the mood and events of the day, confirming that “everything will work out, just take a step.” It happens that some word becomes the key and the answer. And even the singing of birds can tell about what is happening.

  1. Bird cry. The voices of birds symbolize news, gossip, and conversations. A single piercing cry is sad news. Cheerful chirping - carefree chores, meetings, communication.
  2. Random phrase. Words from a song or movie, a random conversation between passers-by, inscriptions on the walls sometimes seem to provide an answer to a question that has been tormenting for a long time.
  3. Child's cry. A child's cry reminds us of our inner child, unloved, misunderstood, and offended. If your heart is agitated by a crying child, this sign advises you to take care of yourself. Perhaps you are overloaded with work, feel unfair or misunderstood. Indulge your inner child with some joy: give him some pleasant entertainment or buy him something tasty.
  4. Environment. If in the places where you find yourself there are often conflicts: the next table refuses to pay for something, a couple of friends are resolving old grievances, street beggars are clinging to people, security guards in supermarkets are rude to visitors - this is a sign of fate - a warning about possible quarrels. If you receive good news from your friends and acquaintances, if you see changes for the better around you (a friend’s business has gone up, an employee is very happy, a good friend has climbed Everest), then you too can expect good news.

Signs of fate on the way

What to expect from your decision or what the path to achieving your goal will be can be understood by the signs of fate during the most ordinary walk around the city or even on the way from work. Ask a question before you start your journey and go on your way. Everything that attracts your attention along this path is a symbolic reflection of future events.

If the road was easy and without delays, if the transport arrived on time, if those you met were friendly, calm and smiling, if street musicians performed beautiful music, if flowers suddenly bloomed in the park, then what you planned will happen just as easily and without delay.

If something constantly blocks your path(drivers did not give way), if you encountered irritants along the way (foul language, quarrel, sobs), if someone’s dog barked menacingly at you, you should rethink your goal. Perhaps it contradicts your true desires.

Important in reading signs

The reason why some people today do not see the signs is because they are focused on thoughts, on the rational. Continuous internal dialogue prevents you from perceiving sensations - recording your internal state. From here, in order to begin to see the signs of fate, it is enough to learn to enter a state of inner silence, to shift the focus of your attention from thinking to feeling. After all, a feeling is a pure sign of fate, which reflects the charge of the situation (plus or minus). Plus is akin to the archetype of the sun and the god Apollo. Minus – the principle of destruction and transformation. Signs can be assigned to one or the other pole. And in each individual case, everything is determined by the context - the individual attitude to this or that phenomenon.

Almost every one of us at least once in our lives has encountered the phenomenon of premonition - a strange but trivial incident that suddenly led to a series of events that changed our fate. How to decipher the signs of fortune?...

Laplace's Shoes

The famous French mathematician and astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace, an attentive and systematic man, once noticed: if his night shoes were out of place, then street thieves always tried to get into his pockets that day. Such a coincidence could not be considered accidental.

He told a fellow academician about this, and they decided to conduct a series of control walks. What happened? If the shoes were in place, nothing happened. When the premonition happened, the scientists had to fight off a pack of pickpockets who acted quite brazenly. The truth of the sign was obvious.

Or other examples from history. Famous pirate Flint never went to sea unless his pipe was lit twice.

And the naval commander, the Duke of Cumberland, ordered the carriage to be turned home if, on the way to the port, he saw more than two chimney sweeps on the street. This heralded a fierce storm.

Another famous British sailor, Admiral Benbow, while still a simple ship captain, noticed that a red or spotted cat crossing his path promised a naval disaster.

In critical situations, people are helped by the ability to foresee events in the near future. In appearance, omens seem to resemble signs, but they are not,” explains psychologist and Gestalt therapist Oleg Nikitin. - After all, they are individual for each person. For example, you walk and stumble: once, twice, three times.

Thus, something - call it fate, a guardian angel, a higher power or the tricks of the subconscious - warns us to be careful, otherwise we will break a leg or get hit by a car.

Minor signs differ from signs or ordinary accidents in that they are often characterized by repetition of the same situations, as if a person is tactfully reminded:

“You shouldn’t do that, otherwise it will be bad.” If he does not listen, the situation is repeated so that he understands that all this is not accidental. If he again does not listen to the advice of fate, then the irreparable happens. And we sigh sadly: “Eh, why didn’t I notice before?”

Materialists believe that small signs are simply a consequence of life experience. Other scientists, however, are not so categorical in their conclusions - they believe that in critical situations people are helped by intuition or the ability to foresee events in the near future.

But nevertheless, many researchers agree: in order to live successfully and happily, we must learn to perceive these good signs, distinguishing them from the mass of events everyday life.

These forces cannot always speak directly and convey clear information,” explains Nikitin. - They need intermediaries - events, objects.

Sometimes the omens are specific. For example, some necessary thing, small item. Then the loss is found, and we calm down. And this can be a harbinger of some other, more important, irreparable loss.

For many centuries, specialists have been confronted with the phenomenon of signs. Numerous attempts have been made to somehow classify them. For example, the French researcher Robert D'Aubuisson even wrote scientific work"Theories of small signs".

But it turned out that this is a thankless task, since no one has yet been able to “drive” the signs from above into some kind of framework. Therefore, it is best to try to understand them specific examples, and then draw possible conclusions.


Annoying obstacles

According to the head of the International Institute positive psychology Denise Lynn, who is trying to understand this phenomenon, any familiar object that suddenly turns up in the wrong place can be interpreted as a sign:

One businessman from the city of Adelaide (Australia) was planning to sail on a packet boat to Bombay - and was late three times. For the first time, the alarm didn't ring. The second time, my beloved dog got sick and had to wait for the veterinarian. The third time, my passport suddenly disappeared.

And it soon became clear that the first packet boat was captured by Malay pirates, the second disappeared without a trace, and on the third a fire broke out, killing half of the passengers.

Advice: It is necessary to draw conclusions from this kind of stubborn and annoying obstacles: to identify in time the repetition of omens. Then it is much easier to protect yourself.

Conversations of strangers

All the people who cross your path - sometimes in the most mysterious ways - carry messages for you. Oddly enough, they have the answer to your nagging question. Even a casual conversation with a stranger at a bus stop can provide you with incredible information.

For example, one day Nikolai P. went from Moscow to Pskov to sell the house of his late parents. A very noisy man sat down in the compartment. He kept trying to engage Nikolai in a conversation about politics, but he stubbornly pretended to be asleep. And suddenly the young man heard from the stranger a phrase that his father often repeated:

“If you help the earth, the earth will help you.” The neighbor was already telling another fellow traveler how he worked on the collective farm. Warm childhood memories of the village washed over Nikolai so much that he immediately decided not to sell the house, but to move from the capital to the province. That's what he did, and he doesn't regret it.

Advice: Pay attention to the stranger's random words and try to decipher the meaning of the message sent to you.

Feeling of joy

An important signal is a feeling of joy, pleasure from what is happening to you. If you do something with delight, then this is a sign from fate that you are doing the right thing and going in the right direction. If there is a feeling of discomfort, then your solution to the problem is incorrect.

For example, Anna D. was preparing to go on a sea cruise. She had been collecting money for the trip for more than two years, but when it came time to buy a tour package, she felt a persistent reluctance to do it.

She couldn’t explain why. But I postponed the date of the trip, after which I breathed a sigh of relief. Imagine her surprise when, finally, having gone on a cruise, on the very first day she met a young man on the ship with whom she fell in love and whom she happily married.

Advice: Listen to your emotions before you decide to do anything. If your desire causes inconvenience and fear and there is an opportunity to refuse it, it is better to refuse it.

The printed word

Some people find clues to fate in numbers. Watch the printed words, look for signs in them. Special attention focus on those words that catch your eye again and again.

Printed words that carry a personal message for you can appear in newspapers, magazines, they can be written on posters and float across the TV screen. Those words that are your personal sign should either be constantly repeated in your life, or unexpectedly etched into your memory.

For example,

Katerina R. wanted her salary to be increased at work. But she was afraid to even mention it, since she had not worked at the company long enough. But one day, on her way to the office, she passed along a row of shops. They were always closed in the morning, but on this day for some reason everyone behind closed doors There were signs saying “Open”.

This word prompted her to think that the road was open to her. On the same day she went to the boss, and her request for a salary increase was granted. She was told that if she had asked for a raise even a day earlier, she would certainly have been refused.


*If you are dating a person who unusually reminds you of someone you know with whom you had problems in the past, then it’s time to talk things out with him. And, as a rule, this means that the wounds you inflicted on each other have begun to heal.

*When you think about someone, it means it's time to get in touch with him. Typically, this person expects you to call or lead. Even if you don't know why you need to contact a certain person, do so without hesitation.

*Any illness is an important sign of the work of your subconscious. Illness can be your body's way of letting you know that there is an imbalance in your life, with a simple message such as: “Take your time, don't overexert yourself.

Stop and look around."

* Lost glasses, keys or documents are not always signs of sclerosis or carelessness, but important omens. If you see that some household item is not where it usually is, then it’s worth thinking about why this happened and what it could mean. Most often, it is possible to calculate a possible problem.

Almost everyone, at least once, has encountered some kind of omen of important events in their lives.
What is this: a coincidence or a sign from above?
And if these are clues from fate, then how to decipher them in order to protect yourself from misfortunes or make the right decision?
Let's try to figure it all out.
IN Ancient Greece, in the town of Fara, there was a busy market.
In its very center, in the middle of the market square, stood a statue of Hermes. Everyone knows that he is the god of trade, but few know that Hermes, among other things, is also the god responsible for happy meetings and random coincidences. It is not surprising that it was his sculptural image that the Greeks decided to use as an oracle.

A person who wanted to get an answer to an important question came to the market square at dusk, and, leaving Hermes a small offering - oil for lamps or a little incense - quietly, so that no one would hear, asked the god of coincidences about the problem. And then, covering his ears with his palms, he ran away.
Once outside the market gates, the ears had to be “opened” and properly perked up. Because the first random words that the questioner heard contained the answer to his question.
It could be “yes”, “no”, a fragment of some phrase.
Even if what I heard at first glance seemed like complete gobbledygook, time has shown: Hermes is rarely wrong...

Our life consists of a series of events, there are both white and black stripes, in the form of “carrot and stick”, what do the Higher Powers want to tell us with this?
All a person needs is to understand these signs in time, pay attention to what they say, and follow the instructions received: then he can take the path of good luck and happiness. The world is huge and in order to regulate and create “miraculous coincidences” and “unusual accidents”, enormous forces of the universe are involved in nature.

Let's talk about the Signs of Fate and whether we can distinguish them.

THE LANGUAGE OF SUBTLE FEELINGS- this is our energetic, emotional and intuitive state. That's why it's so important to listen to yourself, your soul and what your heart tells you. Unfortunately, to modern man It's hard to hear your heart. If your soul sings, you are on the right path; if you feel discomfort, heaviness, vague anxiety, you have chosen the wrong path!

LANGUAGE OF CUTS- if we do not listen to the heart - Higher powers use the language of signs and signals. This is an unlikely random event. They choked, their leg cramped, something fell, someone interfered or said something. We are warned about both good and bad events. Take a closer look at the world around you, people and yourself! Such signs can only be interpreted after the fact. In the case when you do not understand these signals, the signs are repeated up to three times and then the Higher Powers move on to the next, rougher way of communicating with you.

LANGUAGE OF THE SITUATION– if a person has turned away from his path, they begin to speak to you in the language of situations - the deal did not take place, an important meeting was disrupted, your wife is cheating on you, etc. All situations life lessons. Maybe the Higher powers do not interfere with you, but protect you from a worse problem? If a person gets irritated after these signals and does not understand them, then the methods of education become tougher. They want to show you that you are wrong. But if the lesson is understood, the situation levels out and failures are quickly replaced by successes.

THE LANGUAGE OF FAILURE- This is God's punishment or punishment. What is most valuable to a person is why they beat him; if it is money, then they destroy him according to his financial situation. love relationship, illness is often used as an educational process. They hit in such a way that it is impossible not to notice or miss it. And you always need to figure out why you were punished? And if you understand why, then the punishment is lifted and the problems go away. With the help of such failures, Higher powers guide a person on his path so that he fulfills his destiny.

DIRECT CONTACT- the punishment for the slow-witted is repeated three times; if you do not react, then the language of direct contact is used. You end up with a bioenergeticist, a clairvoyant, a healer, a priest, you end up at a lecture (they take you), where the reason for your failures is suddenly explained to you!

LANGUAGE OF AGGRESSION- a more rude way of addressing, for example, when leaving the house, you see a large inscription on the wall “You are a fool!”, Until you understand that this phrase applies to you, it will remain in place! Or you sit and think: “it’s time to get a divorce”... and at this time a completely strong chair under you falls apart and you get a bump. This means that they let you know what will come of your idea.

LANGUAGE OF Suggestion- direct text for memorization. It is based on using memory directly, without the participation of thinking. A person becomes addicted to alcohol, drugs, casinos, sects, fishing, etc. Everyone has what they deserve. And it’s not too late to come to your senses - there is a chance.

LANGUAGE—TO BE OR NOT TO BE?- the educational process becomes rougher and harsher, punishments intensify, as if incurable diseases suddenly appear, accidents occur. And if after this a person does not understand anything, he is simply removed from earthly life.

“Signs of peace” are contained in everything - you just need to be able to read them, adhering to your line, your own signs and not replacing them with others. No one is given signs that he cannot understand. And you are not given a burden beyond your strength.

Therefore, the first rule is: “Develop your intuition!”

We often do urgent things instead of doing important ones.
One of the advantages of studying Eastern techniques is that they teach just this: first listen to the voice inner world and then listen to the outside world and understand the signs it sends. At the same time, one should not give up common sense and not look for deep meaning in the croaking of every crow.
Therefore, the second rule says: “Be concerned not with the world, but with yourself!”

And the third: “Listen to the first impulse and do not try to analyze it!”
The first thought from God - says popular wisdom.

But if you are already lost, and you realize this, when it is not too late to correct everything: what should you do, where should you start?
The fourth rule says: “There is at least one exit - it is in the same place as the entrance!”
Try to understand where you are having bad luck. Go back to that place (at least mentally) and analyze: why did I start having bad luck?

Signals from space
Have you ever puzzled over the signals from the cosmos that it carefully sends to us to make our lives easier and happier? What are the signals? What do they want to teach us?

SIGNAL FIRST the right choice is a feeling of joy, elation, pleasure from what is happening to you. If you do something with delight and inspiration, then this is a sign of fate, indicating that you are going in the right direction.

SIGNAL TWO. You are probably very familiar with the expression “the soul does not lie.” Violence against yourself does not lead to anything good. If our whole life consists of all “shoulds” and never “wants,” it becomes unbearable and useless for us. Because we live not our own, but someone else’s life, we live up to other people’s expectations, we fulfill other people’s promises and pay off other people’s debts.

SIGNAL THREE. If you are accompanied by victories and good luck in your chosen business, everything works out for you - great! Higher powers approve of your choice and send confirmation of this. But if nothing goes well from the very beginning, as if you are hitting an impenetrable wall, this may be a signal that you have taken on the wrong thing. Or you're not quite ready for it yet.

SIGNAL FOUR. Dreams - universal method communication with cosmic forces. Only in order to unravel what exactly the heavenly forces want to tell us in their vague and confusing messages, we must first learn the basics - memorize these messages, and then analyze them.

SIGNAL FIFTH. Coincidences are patterns well thought out by heaven. Deciphering these signs is as difficult as dreams.
But their correct interpretation gives unmistakable results in behavior correction.
For example, you tripped. "ABOUT! - you think - This is a bad sign.
I probably shouldn’t go on a visit, because a higher mind is warning me of some troubles.”
In fact, you just tripped. The road is rough. You have to watch your step. That's all!
Now, if you stumble two or three times in a row, rushing to some meeting that is very significant for you, then this is a clear signal.
About what?
Well, here you yourself need to strain yourself and figure it out. Maybe you don’t need this meeting, or you attach too much importance to it, or maybe, on the contrary, you haven’t prepared very well for it.

All random encounters, coincidences, lucky finds and losses, dreams, victories and defeats must be analyzed from the point of view of their significance for you. And then even the most unpleasant surprises will be perceived by you calmly and with gratitude.

If on the way to your goal you encounter strong resistance, it is better to retreat. And don’t despair if something doesn’t work out. After all, it happens that you strive for a goal, sweeping away everything in your path, overcoming frantic resistance, achieving what you want, and then it turns out that this is not at all what you need. And everything is very simple: those very obstacles, obstacles and failures were a sign that you had to pay attention to!

12 Enlightening Truths
When we are ready to learn, a Teacher certainly appears in our life. When we are ready to hear, what we need to know will certainly be heard. When we are ready to listen to the Truth, the Voice of Silence will certainly be heard within.

1. We came into this world to learn.
2. Life teaches us a new lesson every day.
3. The Universe has no favorites.
4. Our life is a reflection of our beliefs.
5. When we become too attached to things, people, money, they elude us.
6. What we focus our attention on has the ability to increase in size.
7. Listen to your heart and go where it calls you.
8. The Lord will never come down from heaven and say: “From this moment I allow you to be happy!”
9. When entering a fight with life, remember that it will always win.
10. What does it mean to love people? Yes, just accept them as they are.
11. Our purpose is not to change the world, but to change ourselves.
12. When we change, the world around us begins to reflect a completely different reality.

Seven circles of happiness
Have you ever noticed that approximately the same events happen to us at the same time every year? If not, then it’s worth watching, since every year a person goes through seven life cycles. And by following them, you can make your life much easier.

Personal cycles are easy to calculate. The beginning of the first period is the birthday. The duration of each is 52 days. For example, you were born on July 6th. Adding 52 days, we get the end of the first cycle - August 27. The second will begin on August 28 and end on October 17, etc. The year of birth does not matter. The last period will end before your next birthday. Of course, in leap year one of the cycles will be a day longer. And let yourself!

It is interesting for any person to remember the events that took place in his life during the same period. If you haven't kept annual records, it's not that easy to do. But everyone has significant days that are always remembered, so you can try to navigate them.

First cycle - period of opportunity
This best time to implement your plans with the help influential people. You will be able to find patrons, a long-desired job, get cash loans and create your own business. A good period for searching for reliable partners, as well as for investing capital in a profitable business.

It is in this cycle that you need to prove yourself and gain a good reputation.

The second cycle is a time of small and big changes
During this period, go on short or long trips: they will certainly be successful - both business trips and leisure.
The cycle is favorable for everything that is somehow related to movement: buying and selling cars, organizing transportation, etc. In addition, this is a good time for public speaking.

There will be promising opportunities for those who produce or sell any liquid, be it water, beer, milk or gasoline.

However, remember: in the second cycle you should not start new business, change jobs, sign long-term contracts, borrow or give
borrow, purchase securities and gamble.

The third cycle is energy
Means that you will be in good shape. An unprecedented influx of energy will allow you to take important steps. Your health will improve significantly. The best time to take on your competitors.

If you want to sell something: an apartment, a car, or just a boring thing, then do it immediately - success and profit are guaranteed.

However, not everything is so rosy. Men should not start new relationships. Women, on the contrary, need to turn their attention to influential patrons who can help in business or provide support in life. Avoid conflicts if you don't want to make enemies.

The fourth cycle is spiritual
Especially successful for creative people.
Engage in education, write a long-planned article, book, play or painting. You will be overwhelmed
ideas that will be implemented during this period. Feel free to carry out your plans - Fortune is on your side!

You will be optimistic, although somewhat excited. As, indeed, is everyone who experiences creative insight.

However, remember that when dealing with publishers, producers, and project directors, you need to be on your guard. Study all the legal and other subtleties so as not to be deceived. Please note that this period is not the best time for marriage and major acquisitions.

Fifth cycle - personal success
A period of expanding the range of interests and the emergence of real prospects for further prosperity. Your opinion will be listened to, and you will receive a great deal of trust from friends and partners. Sociability and favor will return a hundredfold. Drop your timidity!
Feel free to communicate with high officials. If there is a need to resolve cases in court, then this should be done in the fifth cycle.

Great moment for the implementation of long-term projects that require negotiations and business trips. You can make big purchases and invest money in new businesses. Just make sure to comply with the law: this may cause problems.

Do not get involved in the meat and seafood trade, or even better, become a vegetarian for a while.

Sixth cycle - relaxation
Now it’s time to relax, have fun, and play your favorite sport. Don't be alarmed, your career won't fail if you devote some time to yourself. An excellent moment for pleasant trips, communication with friends, and finding new heartfelt affections.
Communication with art will also be beneficial:
visit theaters, museums, concert halls - this will serve as the key to success in the future. Friendships and intimate acquaintances made during this period will be long-term and lasting. Attention gentlemen: do not spare money on perfume, flowers, jewelry. This is your chance to win the heart of an unapproachable lady. And the women will finally charm their prince.

You can work a little: become a shareholder in a company or invest money in a promising project.

The seventh cycle is critical
These days it is worth seriously analyzing the accumulated experience. Perhaps right now you realize that you “bet on the wrong horse.” This means we need to reorient ourselves. Often radical changes bring pain and a feeling of loss, which can provoke rash actions and actions. Don't get too hot! Remember that an apparent loss is the beginning of the next period of development, promising tempting prospects and opportunities. Take advantage of this to get rid of the burden of old problems and start making plans. Just try not to break old connections: they will still come in handy.

Sometimes you will fall into pessimism, but don't give in to it.
Ultimately, there comes a time in every person's life to stop, look back and reflect. And it is never in vain.

Even a person who does not have psychic abilities, can find out what will happen to him in the future. Sometimes fate itself gives us signs, and we must learn to recognize them and correctly use the information received.

Probably every person has witnessed unusual things. Sometimes they happen to us, and sometimes to other people. It is important to understand whether this is an accident or a message from higher powers. Fate constantly sends us signs, but most people cannot recognize them or simply do not notice them. Often, even a chance meeting can indicate that something important will happen to you soon. Of course, understanding the signals of fate is not so easy, but learning how to do it is quite possible. Be more careful, and then you will notice that sometimes life itself tells us about future events.

Where do the signs of fate come from?

Many people not only cannot unravel the signs of fate, but also do not know where they come from. Our lives are too complex, and it is difficult to understand when something important will happen to us and at what moment we will have to make an important decision.

First of all, deceased relatives are able to send us signs. As a rule, their souls appear to us in dreams and tell us about what will happen to us in the future or warn us about upcoming problems and dangers. Not every person attaches significance to such dreams. However, we must not forget that our loved ones, even after death, are closely connected with our lives. Therefore, they are the ones who have the opportunity to learn about our life and future and thereby protect us from troubles.

Even atheists who do not believe in the existence of Higher powers pay attention to the clues of fate. Based on the atheistic theory, there is a higher self, which takes the role of our Guardian Angel, mentor and assistant. It is able to foresee the future and can tell us about it by any means. In this case, it is best to pay attention to accidents and changes in your life; most of them can be signals of fate.

Fate can send us signs even through the people around us. If a representative of the opposite sex pays attention to you, perhaps this indicates upcoming changes in personal life. If on the street you encounter a person who is unpleasant to you, it means that an unfavorable event may soon occur in your life. A warm conversation with a stranger may be a sign that you will make a new friend.

How to recognize lucky signs of fate

In fact, fate gives us signs almost every day. However, few attach importance to them. The site's experts will help you understand why it is so important to recognize the signs of fate.

First of all, you will need to be attentive. Usually, due to its absence, people do not see obvious things and cannot recognize the message of the Higher Powers. Sometimes we are immersed in our thoughts, thinking about the answer to a question that worries us, and suddenly at that moment a song begins to play, the words of which help us find a way out of a difficult situation. Sometimes even a change in the arrangement of objects can warn us about important event. If you notice that a certain item in your home or work is in a new place, think about why this happened. Even such a minor change will help you become aware of possible trouble or good fortune.

Illness or illness is most often a signal of fate. They hint to you that you are leading an unhealthy lifestyle, neglecting your health, or abusing bad habits. If lately You've worked too hard, take some time to relax. Sometimes fate is capable of taking care of us, and all we need is an understanding of this.

Probably, you have repeatedly had thoughts that you need to contact a certain person. Sometimes we don't know if it's necessary, but inner voice suggests that this is necessary. In this case, call or write to the person. Such an accident most often indicates that someone wants to communicate with you.

Our body is also capable of giving us signs. This happens thanks to our sensations, emotions, thoughts. In such cases, we ourselves are the navigator and we ourselves direct ourselves to a certain decision and right choice. If we experience pain or discomfort, it means that something unpleasant may soon happen to us. Causeless joy indicates that a joyful, pleasant event will soon happen in your life. In certain situations when you need to make an important decision, also rely on your body's cues. A feeling of anxiety immediately lets us know that we are at risk of making a mistake. A good decision is characterized by a feeling of calm and energy. At such a moment, you are confident in advance that your choice is correct.

If trouble happens to you, it does not mean that it warns of something bad. The press has repeatedly informed us about cases where passengers were late for a plane that was about to crash. Can this be called an accident or is it still a sign of fate? Indeed, sometimes even minor troubles can save us from a serious disaster. If you didn't pass the interview, then this wasn't the place for you. You broke up with your loved one, which means that true love still awaits you in the future. Fate does not always give us positive signs, but if you can find the right explanation for them, you will understand that your life will soon change for the better.

If troubles can be both a positive and a dangerous signal, then luck always warns us of something good. If on the way green traffic lights always light up in front of you and you happen to communicate with a pleasant fellow traveler, then the day will be successful for you. If Fortune turns to face you, you don’t need to turn away, you should continue your path and strive for new victories. The Universe will not forgive you if you ignore its signs, which means that your inattention may also become the cause of failure.

Sometimes signs of fate appear on the human body. There are many signs associated with moles, pimples, and warts. For example, if a pimple appears on your nose, it means that someone will soon fall in love with you. If you have a spot on one of your fingers that wasn’t there before, it means that you will soon discover a new talent in yourself. Try to pay attention to changes on the body, and then you will not miss important points in your life.

Numbers surround us everywhere, which means that with their help, fate can give us signs. Surely many of you have heard about the dangerous combination 666. For many, six is ​​the number of the devil, and for this reason, the combination of three sixes at once promises us danger and even disaster. Lucky numbers are seven and two. If you see them on license plates or banknotes, then get ready for success.

Folk wisdom repeatedly protected us and helped us in difficult situations. Signs and warnings have repeatedly helped our ancestors; because of their importance and truthfulness, they remain relevant even in modern times. modern world. We wish you happiness and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Let's talk about the signs of Fate and whether we can distinguish them. Each of us would like to determine for ourselves the correctness of his actions. You may well learn to read the Signs of Fate.

Here's an example. In the morning you decided to go to the store, because you definitely need to buy clothes or groceries. But on the street it's raining, and the umbrella disappeared somewhere. After all, yesterday he was here, and now he is not. Moreover, a button on the coat came off, and the lace on the shoe broke. So is it worth going to the store today? Probably not! The point is that you want to do something, but small obstacles persistently stand in front of you. Don't you think this is a warning? Probably yes.

Signals from space

Have you ever puzzled over the signals from the cosmos that it carefully sends to us to make our lives easier and happier? What are the signals? What do they want to teach us?

Signs of Fate: the first signal

The first signal of the correct choice is a feeling of joy, elation, pleasure from what is happening to you. If you do something with delight and inspiration, then it is sign of fate, indicating that you are going in the right direction.

At the beginning of my astrological practice, I had a strong desire to accelerate my education in High school classical astrology, I wanted to pass term papers in just two years. This was allowed to successful students. No sooner said than done. Having completed the work and called the curator, I began to prepare for leaving for Moscow.

The mood was high, everything worked out, the ticket was purchased immediately. In Moscow, everything worked out for the best, I found a teacher who took my exam and coursework, and I “flew” straight from the first to the third year. The conclusion suggests itself: I made the right choice.

Here's an example wrong choice. The story of Oleg V.

Since childhood, Oleg dreamed of becoming a policeman and fighting criminals. According to the sign of the Sun in the horoscope, he is Aries. Aries' mission is to fight for justice and protect the weak. Oleg grew up in a family that was always warm and cozy, in a family that loved going to the theater and traveling. Oleg joined the army after the 3rd year of the mining and construction technical school.

I asked for it myself: I’ll finish my studies later. In addition, he thought that after the army he would be able not only to graduate from technical school, but also to enter a police school. But after the army he got a job at a mine, transferred to a technical school correspondence department, got married, had a daughter. For some time now he noticed that work in the mine did not bring him satisfaction, it was exhausting.

The last straw was a hand injury, and Oleg decided to leave the mine. But where? He called me and we met. Impetuous, athletic, with a light gait, very sociable, Oleg gave the impression of a confident person.

At this time, Oleg was in his first period of Saturn (28-29 years old), when fate tests our viability. A drop in energy, fatigue, apathy, and injury were the first sign of the wrong choice of the path destined by fate. My childhood dream did not come true. I gave him advice to go work in the police. Recently I met Oleg on the street. He was in a hurry and only managed to say a few words to me: “I’m satisfied!” Oleg was dressed in a police uniform...

Signs of Fate: the second signal

You are probably very familiar with the expression “the soul does not lie.” Violence against yourself does not lead to anything good. If our whole life consists of all “shoulds” and never “wants,” it becomes unbearable and useless for us. Because we live not our own, but someone else’s life, we live up to other people’s expectations, we fulfill other people’s promises and pay off other people’s debts.

Signs of Fate: the third signal

If you are accompanied by victories and good luck in your chosen business, everything works out for you - great! Higher powers approve of your choice and send confirmation of this. But if nothing goes well from the very beginning, as if you are hitting an impenetrable wall, this may be a signal that you have taken on the wrong thing. Or you're not quite ready for it yet.

The story of Alexey K.

The son of my old acquaintances decided to buy a car. He asked me whether the purchase would be successful. Astrologically, the situation did not work out, as they say, it was not ripe. I told Alexey about this. But he was not satisfied with this answer, and he began to buy a car. Meanwhile, fate also told the guy - not the time!

Something wasn’t going well for Alyosha: either the contract with the seller was broken, or there were minor faults in the car that had already been chosen... The parents also advised their son not to rush. But Alexey stood his ground. As a result, the young man, who stubbornly and for a long time moved towards his goal, ignoring cosmic signs and the persuasion of his loved ones, very soon got into a car accident and crashed his brand new car. It's good that he didn't get hurt.

Signs of Fate: signal four

Dreams are a universal way of communicating with cosmic forces. Only in order to unravel what exactly the heavenly forces want to tell us in their vague and confusing messages, we must first learn the basics - memorize these messages, and then analyze them.

Let's take Mikhail Lermontov's dream as an example. The poet loved to do mathematics in his spare time. One day, having failed to cope with a difficult task, he went to bed and in a dream saw stranger, who suggested to Mikhail Yuryevich the right decision. Lermontov woke up, wrote it down, and at the same time drew a portrait of the stranger.

Many years later, the portrait fell into the hands of specialists, and they recognized the man Lermontov had dreamed of as John Napier, the creator of logarithms. Although Napier lived in the 17th century, and Lermontov in the 19th century, nevertheless, the poet’s contemporaries argued that Mikhail Yuryevich knew nothing about Napier or his works. By the way, interesting fact: John Napier was a Scot, and, as you know, one of the branches of the Lermontov family tree originates from George Learmont, a native of Scotland.

Signs of Fate: signal five

Coincidences are patterns well thought out by heaven. Deciphering these signs is as difficult as dreams. But their correct interpretation gives unmistakable results in behavior correction. For example, you tripped. “Oh!” you think. “This is a bad sign. I probably shouldn’t go to visit, because the higher mind is warning me of some troubles.” In fact, you just tripped. The road is rough. You have to watch your step. That's all!

Now, if you stumble two or three times in a row, rushing to some meeting that is very significant for you, then this is a clear signal. About what? Well, here you yourself need to strain yourself and figure it out. Maybe you don’t need this meeting, or you attach too much importance to it, or maybe, on the contrary, you haven’t prepared very well for it.

I advise you to analyze all chance encounters, coincidences, lucky finds and losses, dreams, victories and defeats from the point of view of their significance for you. And then even the most unpleasant surprises will be perceived by you calmly and with gratitude.

Having lived in the world for several decades and gained some experience, I came to the conclusion: if you encounter strong resistance on the way to your goal, it is better to retreat. And don’t despair if something doesn’t work out. After all, it happens that you strive for a goal, sweeping away everything in your path, overcoming frantic resistance, achieving what you want, and then it turns out that this is not at all what you need. And everything is very simple: those very obstacles, obstacles and failures were a sign that you had to pay attention to!

How to read Signs of Fate

There is a Force, the logic of which can only be guessed at. You can call it the Universe or Infinity, or Intention. This Power controls our destiny. But we can also control our destiny and influence this Power. We can conduct a dialogue with her, cooperate or not cooperate. To be her guide or not.

Signs are the Force’s way of dialogue with us. The answer comes by itself, from within, through sensations. You just understand, that's all. But we must strive to SEE these signs and wait for the inner answer.

You can experiment if you have a pressing question. Take a book that you like. Open it to any page and point your finger at random. Read the text printed in this place and try to perceive it as sign of fate, i.e. Analyze and interpret the text, relating it to your question. You will definitely find the answer you need.

Signs of Fate: background hum of events

Background hum of events is a fairly common term among people studying anomalous phenomena and events. This term means “signs of fate”, “hints” guardian angel", "hints of personal genius (spirit)", etc. Most people are not able to correctly evaluate these signs; accidents, failures, and illnesses are especially difficult to decipher.

According to esotericists (and scientists who believe in the possibility of foreseeing the future), all serious troubles are a preliminary, warning wave of future events. Animals are much better than man feel this very background hum of events that will soon occur. This “sixth sense”, apparently, was also inherent in man, but over time it atrophied.

People rarely notice, much less believe, in the “clues” of fate that come in the form of warning signs and events from the information field through a guardian angel or in another way, but this is a real-life, practice-tested phenomenon. The only thing that suits everyone is observation and analysis.

Everyone has the power to draw conclusions and act according to them. The main criterion for the correctness of actions can only be the feeling of the harmony of what is happening. Harmony is a kind of universal state when you feel simultaneously in complete peace and absolute movement. Man is the Universe, which contains the meaning of existence, just as every grain of sand on the seashore contains the universal laws of the universe.

When you understand this, when you feel your unity with everything and everyone, then the secrets of heavenly signals become available to you. Then you begin to understand what it is signs of fate and how to live with them. They should be received with joy and gratitude. And follow them to come to a bright and happy state of mind.



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