Topics of educational hours for schoolchildren. How to choose the right classroom theme for schoolchildren

High school is a time of growing up and defining yourself as an individual. At this age, children strive to leave the care of not only their parents, but also their teachers. However, the ways of their self-expression and ostentatious growing up do not always lead to positive results. are designed to direct the energy of schoolchildren in the right direction, to help determine their desires and capabilities.

Classroom topics for high school students

Often, senior students claim that they no longer need the classroom as a form of extracurricular educational work. In most cases, this happens because the event is poorly prepared or is conducted in the form of a lecture, which does not add to the fun of it.

To prepare class hour you should be creative and use extraordinary solutions... First of all, you need to decide on a topic. What would be interesting for older children to talk about and think about?

The first thing that comes to mind is . In order not to miss the mark, you can conduct a simple survey and find out what profession students are thinking about. This is where the themes come from:

  • Dentist (lawyer, military man, designer, accountant) is mine future profession!
  • Journey to the land of professions.
  • The road to tomorrow.

In order not to be unfounded, you can go on an excursion to any enterprise or arrange it right in the school office. Use appropriate costumes and surroundings so that schoolchildren are completely immersed in the working atmosphere.

Class hours timed to coincide with some event or holiday will help develop your horizons and diversify your interests. There, schoolchildren will be able to show themselves and their talents in various fields. The main thing is to be smart and involve as many students as possible in the preparation.

  • World of Museums (timed to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the opening of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg).
  • (2015 has been declared the year of literature in Russia).
  • International Day of Peace (Celebrated on September 21, since 2002. Can be dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II).

Don't forget about the interests of high school students. In order for the class hour to pass harmoniously and be to the liking of the children, a lot of preparation is needed. The choice of topics can be huge; it is necessary to proceed from the interests and hobbies of the students.

At such thematic class hours, students themselves can become guides and talk about what their hobbies are, and conduct master classes.

Social aspects are the most important link in the development of personality. Therefore, emphasis on this side of life is also necessary in extracurricular activities.

  • October 1 is International Day of Older Persons.

May come into effect here project activities schoolchildren. They can present their research papers or presentations.

The main thing in a person’s life remains love. Singers have sung it since ancient times. So it’s not possible to avoid this topic. Cool watch for high school students about love can take any form.

  • First love.
  • To everyone who is in love - Valentine's Day.
  • Love at first sight.
  • Day of love, family and fidelity.

At such extracurricular events, the topics of the value of this eternal feeling, the importance and preciousness of family should be raised. Class hour about love can take place in the form of a humorous game, known in the 90s, when a pair of “lovers” was chosen based on their interests. Or it can become a real poetic evening, where poems and songs about love will be heard. In addition, students will be able to act as creators and write a letter to their first or unfulfilled love themselves.

Developing a classroom lesson is a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of knowledge and time. To make the task easier, look at the cool clock designs on our website.

Class hour "My qualities"

for students in grades 7-8

Target: teach children to pass own feelings, develop interaction skills, achieve a positive sense of self, the ability to express positive emotions, develop the ability to understand the feelings of other people; expand participants' knowledge about feelings and emotions; create conditions for developing the ability to non-judgmentally accept another person.

Equipment: computer, projector, signs with rules of general conversation, phrases, tips, signs for the presenter, photographs with different faces of people.

Class teacher: Hello, guys! Today I want to invite you to think about a person and his qualities. “Every person has three characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, finally, the one that really exists” V. Hugo

(Slide No. 1) Many philosophers and psychologists believe that it is the qualities of a person that make him unique and unlike other people. (Slide No. 2) It is thanks to human feelings, emotions, qualities different people act differently under the same conditions. Some of them laugh where others are sad, others are angry where others smile. Today we will try to understand what human feelings and qualities are, what they depend on in each person, how and when they manifest themselves in people. It will be more convenient for us to work if in each of the groups (5-6 people) you and I choose one student who will voice everything that the group will talk about. In addition, each group needs to elect a person who will lead the discussion. And to make communication more convenient, I invite each group to come up with its own name.

Children come up with a name for their group, a creative motto, and choose a speaker and chairman.

Class teacher: Today we will discuss many issues. I want to remind you of some rules of general conversation: (Slide No. 3)

Listen carefully, don't interrupt!

We don’t force you to speak, but we don’t forbid you either!

Don't repeat yourself in your speeches!

When criticizing, do not offend!

Speak precisely and only to the point!

If you criticize, suggest!

Talk about good things first, and then criticize!

(These rules are designed in the form of signs and posted in a visible place. The children are also offered hint phrases that will help them formulate thoughts: “I propose...”, “It seems to me that it’s better...”, “It would be interesting, because ...”, “What if...” For the class teacher, there will be “help” with peculiar signs (possibly in the form of road signs) that allow or prohibit him from doing something: “We are discussing”, “We are talking”, “We are listening”. you will have to call for silence all the time or repeat the task - just show it on the signs.)

Class teacher: We have agreed on the rules of discussion. So let's start with the game "Hello friend."(Slide No. 4)(The children all clap their knees together, then their hands, the leader puts forward thumb right hand and says his name, then the thumb of his left hand and the name of the one to whom he sends greetings. He, in turn, raises the finger of his right hand, says the name, then the finger of his left and the name of the one to whom he sends greetings. And so on until all hands are raised.)

Class teacher: And now I will ask those guys who have certain characteristics to stand up (first - in appearance, and then in personal qualities). At the same time, try to remember the qualities of the participants in this game “Stand up those who” in order to name them later.

Stand up those who:

Today I wore black shoes;

Put on jewelry;

Who has blue eyes;

Who has brothers and sisters;

Who is never late;

Who considers himself kind person;

Who considers himself a brave person;

Who considers himself a hardworking person;

Who loves sweets;

Who loves animals;

Who likes to draw, etc.

Class teacher: Now we have learned a little more about each other, learned about our qualities. Since we are talking about human qualities today, I propose to write down everything that we learn about them on these trees of knowledge. Why are there 5 of them? Scientists believe that all human qualities can be divided into 5 groups-categories: attitudes towards people, towards work, towards things, characteristics of honesty and volitional qualities. (Slide No. 5) On each tree we will look for leaves with certain qualities.

Guys, now look at the emoticons that represent different facial expressions. (Slide No. 6) They all express different feelings and qualities. One laughs, the other is sad... Name the feelings that are depicted using these emoticons.

(Students name feelings of pain, joy, surprise, pleasure, etc.)

Even about stranger we can tell a lot if we look at it closely. What do your faces express? Your eyes?

I suggest you try to express different feelings and emotions of a person with facial expressions and gaze. To do this, divide into pairs. One of you will make a feeling, write it down on a piece of paper and try to express it in some way in front of your partner. And the partner will try to guess what feeling his friend is showing. Then you will switch places.

Homeroom teacher: Now let's play one well-known children's game. I will throw the ball to you, and you will catch it only when I call what you think is good quality. Having caught the ball, you have to explain why this quality is good for the person and others. (The named qualities are written down on pieces of paper and attached to trees.)

Class teacher: And now I want you to remember your childhood. You know a lot of fairy tales. Here is one of them (reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Cinderella”). (Slide No. 7) Let's remember what qualities the heroes of this and other fairy tales exhibit.

Each group receives pictures with drawings of fairy tale heroes (Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Winnie the Pooh, Kolobok, Pinocchio, etc.) and a set of cards with human qualities. They must select those qualities that are inherent in their heroes and justify the choice of these qualities, proving them with examples from fairy tales. (Slides No. 8-9)(Leaves with these qualities are attached to trees.)

Class teacher: Now let's try to play another game. Each of you will get a small role. You have to select the qualities characteristic of this role (the presenter hands out cards on which various opposites are written social roles: good son - bad son, good teacher - bad teacher, good passenger - bad passenger, good friend- bad friend, good citizen - bad citizen). (Slide No. 10)

Class teacher: The next task is even more difficult. Before this we talked about others. Now let's try to talk about each other. Look. I have a magic chair. Each of you will take turns sitting on it, and everyone else will name its qualities. Let's start with the good ones - because our chair is magical. (Slide No. 11)

(The game “Magic Chair” is played. In this case, the guys use the qualities that are presented on the trees.)

Class teacher: What does "confident" mean? (Those who wish speak up.) In psychology, “self-confident” means: “I believe in my strengths and capabilities.” Think about the new opportunities that will be available to you if you are more confident. For example: If I were more confident, I would be able to answer better on the board.” (Slides No. 12-13)

Write down sentences that are relevant to you.

I want my friends to cheer me up.

I'm worried about my future.

Many people hate me.

I'm afraid to look stupid.

Appearance others are much better than mine.

I'm afraid to give a speech in front of strangers.

My life is useless.

Many have the wrong opinion about me.

People are not particularly interested in my achievements.

I'm embarrassed.

I don't feel safe.

I feel constrained.

I often worry unnecessarily.

I worry about how people treat me.

Most people seem to be more confident than I am.

I avoid asking questions for fear of appearing stupid.

Choose one of the sentences written down, write it down on a small piece of paper, fold it and put it in the general “indecision basket”. Now I will take all the notes out of the basket one by one and read them out loud one by one: “Some people ...” (Groups express their ideas that could help cope with this situation.)

Class teacher: A person should strive to change himself in better side, live in peace with yourself. The only real mistake is not correcting your mistakes. (Staging a fairy tale by high school students) (Slide No. 14)

A Tale of Happiness

There lived one king in the world,

Rich and powerful.

He was always sad. And sometimes

It was darker than a cloud.

He walked, slept, had dinner,

But he didn’t know happiness!

But always whine and grieve

The poor guy has had enough.

The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!”

And he jumped off the throne boldly.

Yes, instantly destroy your lot

Not in royal power?

And so the king got into the carriage -

And he went for happiness.

The king looks out the window,

The carriage rolls briskly.

Wait a minute, who's on the way?

A girl in a tattered dress.

Oh my almighty king,

Please give me at least a penny.

Hey beggar, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.

Get off the path immediately

After all, I’m going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off.

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

The carriage rushes at random

God knows in which direction.

Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,

Wounded, ragged.

Oh my king, cried the soldier,

I'm very glad to see you!

I humbly ask: arrange

You are at my service,

I stood up for you,

I really fought like a hero,

I won the battle.

Come on, servant, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.

Get off the path immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off,

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

The carriage rushes at full speed,

The horse gallops as fast as he can.

Suddenly she came out onto the road from the mountains

Stooped old woman.

Forgive me, my dear king,

Lonely old woman.

My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,

I've gone far this morning.

I carry firewood from the forest -

Hard work.

I look around, barely alive:

What if someone helps...

Come on, old woman, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.

Get off the path immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off,

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

Summer is over. Heat

Gives way to bad weather.

The king hurries:

It's time to hit the road

A little more - and hurray!

I will find my happiness!

And it would all end in disaster -

There is no doubt about it.

Yes, an old man with a white beard

He stopped the carriage.

Having crossed himself, slowly,

Solemnly and strictly

Said: "Lost soul,

King, fear God!

Are you looking for happiness for yourself?

You are traveling around the world.

But, only loving your neighbor,

You will find this happiness.

Quickly listen to me:

Turn your horse back around

Warm and feed the child,

Hire a soldier as a watchman,

Do it all, but first

You can help the old lady:

You will bring firewood home.

You’ll cut it and lay it down...” -

Came out here full moon.

And she illuminated the way.

It's not an easy journey, the way back.

The path to happiness is not just anywhere.

The king is still in the palace

Helps all people.

And happiness on his face

It shines like a clear day!

Class teacher: And now we have to fill out three cards each: 3 blue and 3 white. On the white ones, please write yours good qualities, and the blue ones are negative ones that you would like to get rid of.

Now let’s think about whether it’s possible to somehow get rid of bad qualities. (The guys make suggestions). And while you're thinking, I want to tell you one more story.

Once upon a time, magical birds flew to earth (points to the board, transforms trees and leaves into birds). They brought human desires and thoughts like magical seeds that were sown throughout the world. And flowers grew from them - human souls. Some of them were beautiful - after all, from good desires beautiful qualities grow, but from some only weeds and nettles grew. After all, only evil thoughts give birth to evil thoughts. (The class teacher distributes seeds to the children.) What flowers will grow from your seeds?

(The class teacher suggests that everyone together make a large applique of flowers, where each participant in the game in the form of a flower must display their dreams, ideals and desires, their qualities and main characteristics.) (Slides No. 15-19)

Positive qualities

Negative qualities

Attitude to work

Conscientious, diligent, hardworking, hardworking

Sloth, slacker, lazy

Attitude towards people

Selfless, cordial, sincere, attentive, kind-hearted, kind, sensitive, devoted, benevolent, generous, delicate, sympathetic, merciful, tactful, supportive

Cold, unkind, cruel, spiteful, fierce, merciless, selfish, callous, inhuman, heartless

Attitude to things

Thrifty, thrifty, careful

Stingy, insatiable, stingy, greedy, greedy

Strong-willed qualities

Brave, undaunted, courageous, fearless, courageous, truthful, self-possessed, steadfast, reliable

Fierce, fearful, merciless, timid, cowardly

Characteristics of Honesty

Loyal, sincere, unfeigned, noble, just, honest, truthful

Mean, two-faced, insincere, deceitful

Class teacher: So, guys, our class hour is coming to an end. I hope that each of you understood that it is the qualities of a person that make him unique and different from other people. It is thanks to human feelings, emotions, qualities that different people act differently in the same conditions. (Slide No. 20)

Class hour “Indifference is a disease of our century”

Equipment and materials: sheets of A4 paper – 10 pcs., felt-tip pens – 12 pcs. , candle, piece of black bread, audio recording of the song “We live in a world of indifference.”

Are you friendly? (Yes)

Give me the answer then:
Refuse to help me? (No)
I'll ask you one last thing:
Will we all be active? (Yes)

"Me and the computer"

"How to become successful"

interesting and relevant

Class progress

An excerpt from a song is playedM. Nozhkina “Indifference” (beginning)

Slide 1. “Indifference is the disease of our age”

Slide 2. Epigraph: “Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death”

Guys, pay attention to our epigraph, how do you understand this expression?

Listen to Andrei Medvedev's poem:

Don't touch it, baby, in case it's contagious!

Don't iron! You'll get your palms dirty.

For what? Take a different path.

And the child grows up knowing:

It’s easier to live this way without noticing.

Why carry someone else's burden?

Share the trouble. I came up with that too.

Figure it out yourself! It's not me who's hurting.

I've had enough of my own problems.

- What human vice is revealed in this poem?

The growth of indifference among people is a sign of our times. Every day we hear about military actions, for example, in the Middle East or Ukraine. There are wars in which, due to someone’s excessive desire for money and power, people die in poverty, children starve, and old people make ends meet.Finding the roots of indifference, helping to get rid of indifference - this is what our meeting is dedicated to.

I brought a piece of stale bread. How do you think it is similar?such bread with an indifferent person?

Answer: An indifferent person is dry on emotions, callous to the world around him.

What else can you call indifference? List synonyms for this word.

Answers: callousness, selfishness, ruthlessness, indifference, callousness, apathy, insensitivity, heartlessness, indifference, passivity.

And here’s what the small explanatory dictionary tells us:

indifference – this is indifference to issues of knowledge, morality, and social life.

Slide 4.

Now listen to the parable of the old man and the young man.

One day at dawn, a young man was walking along the seashore and saw an old man who was picking up starfish on the sand and throwing them into the water.

“Why are you doing this?” asked the young man.

“The stars can wither and die under the rays of the hot sun,” answered the old man.

“But the coastline stretches for many miles, and there are millions of starfish. What's the use of your efforts? - asked the young man.

The old man looked at the starfish he was holding in his hands, threw it into the sea and said quietly.

- This starfish has a point. A good deed begins with a small thing: helping in word, in deed. A person and his actions are visible in small things. Remained not indifferent, which means you -a real person.

  1. Why do you think the old man started throwing starfish into the water?(mercy, kindness, attention, compassion)
  2. Can you give examples of mercy from your personal experience?
  3. What do you think are the reasons for indifference? How to deal with it?

(pride, selfishness, careerism, selfishness).

What can we conclude from our meeting today? Can you somehow influence the current situation in the world?

This concludes our class hour. To say goodbye, let's light a candle, pass it from hand to hand, and say something kind to each other..(music)

I speak: “Don’t forget to give kindness to each other.It will come back to you in a circle.”

The students' words are heard.

I speak : “As long as we feel someone else’s pain,

As long as compassion lives in us,

While we dream and rage,

There is justification in our lives.”

Goodbye! Thanks for your cooperation!

(Part 2 of the song about indifference sounds)


Class topic:“What does success mean?”

Equipment: blue and red blanks, 2 Whatman paper, felt-tip pens (2 packs), 2 cards with the image of a ladder, 12 rays

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to today's class.

My name is Natal.Vasil. Before we start our conversation, I want to ask you

Shout loudly and in unison, friends,
Are you friendly? (Yes)
We came home from school and had no strength at all,
Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)
I understand you... What should I do, kids?
Do we need to solve problems? (Yes)
Give me the answer then:
Refuse to help me? (No)
I'll ask you one last thing:
Will we all be active? (Yes)

I offer you a choice of 3 class topics:"Me and the computer"

"What does success mean"“Indifference is the disease of our age" What topic interested you?

In my opinion, you chose veryinteresting and relevantThe topic for today's conversation and how active you will be will determine the success of our meeting.

Class progress

blue and red.

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the word Success?

Here's what the dictionary tells us:

“Success is public recognition,

– achievement of set goals;

good results at work, study".(Slide)

Let's draw a portrait of a successful person. Reds draws a “successful girl”, and Blue – « young man».


Tell us what you depicted.

Then the children analyze their drawings, what is depicted in them (house, family, car, money, university, etc.)

Tell me, does success come to a person suddenly?

(children’s answers: no, you need to strive for it, work, etc.)

What paths do you think lead a person to success?

Select from the suggested words only 4, the most important in your opinion, and arrange them on the ladder in ascending order.

Ladder card - each team

Family, friends, school, yard company, education, abilities, envy, self-interest, laziness, hard work. (handout.)

Explain your choice.

Yes, guys, everyone has their own preferences, but every person should strive for success from childhood, set goals and achieve them, constantly working on themselves. I want to talk about people with an unusual destiny:

After a serious illness, a 5-year-old girl, Olga Skorokhodova, first became blind, then lost her hearing and stopped talking. A deaf-blind girl, thanks to perseverance, hard work, and willpower, graduated from a special school, received a higher education and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences, the author of the book “How I Perceive” the world around us", which has been translated into all languages ​​of the world.


And the fate of Masha Iovleva is even more tragic: when the girl was born, her mother immediately rushed to abandon her. The doctors didn’t even think that Maria would be able to survive. However, Masha survived! And at the age of 20, she won two gold and one silver medal at the Paralympic Games in Vancouver and Sochi. The path to these awards was incredibly long for Maria. From birth Iovleva could not speak and could not hear. She had developmental delays. But at the age of seven she was transferred to a boarding school, where she was lucky to meet a teacher who replaced her mother. Soon, ski coach Alexander Porshnev drew attention to Masha, who began to introduce Iovleva to the sport. Sport changed Masha's life.


2 destinies, 2 human lives. What do they have in common?

(student answers:built their life the way they wanted, struggled with difficulties, walked towards the goal)

What qualities do you think a successful person should have?

Write down these qualities on the sun's rays and glue them onto whatman paper in a circle so that it looks like a sun and comment on your choice.

- (dedication, hard work, communication skills, kindness...)

Guys, let's hold hands so that the sun will shine, just like at the stand, let it always illuminate your life, give warmth and joy. Be happy and successful!


Class topic:"Me and the computer"

Equipment sheets of A4 paper – 10 pcs., felt-tip pens – 12 pcs. stickers 2 colors, cloud, sun.

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to today's class.

My name is Natal.Vasil. Before we start our conversation, I want to ask you

Shout loudly and in unison, friends,
Are you friendly? (Yes)
We came home from school and had no strength at all,
Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)
I understand you... What should I do, kids?
Do we need to solve problems? (Yes)
Give me the answer then:
Refuse to help me? (No)
I'll ask you one last thing:
Will we all be active? (Yes)

I offer you a choice of 3 class topics:"Me and the computer"

"What does success mean?"“Indifference is the disease of our age" What topic interested you?

In my opinion, you chose veryinteresting and relevantThe topic for today's conversation and how active you will be will determine the success of our meeting.

Class progress

We will work in groups, come to me and take some pieces of paper, we have 2 teams: blue and red.

Hold hands, look into each other's eyes, smile. Feel like you are a team. You can take your seats.

Computers have long and firmly penetrated all spheres of human activity. They are used at work, at home, at school, and even in kindergarten. On the one hand, they make our life much easier, but on the other, we are forced to pay with our health for sitting at the computer for a long time. So what do computers bring us today: harm or benefit? Let's try to figure this out.

On the board we have a picture of a harmful cloud and a kind sun. Using stickers show me What do you think the computer brings more harm or benefit?

Judging by your decision, you are inclined to believe that a computer is useful for modern society, and many people think so. Now we will try to figure out whether this is so.

Carousel game

1 task

On the tables of each group there are sheets of paper and pens, Blue will try to prove that the computer is beneficial, and Reds – harm caused by a computer. Come up with a slogan for your evidence.


Many of you do not see anything wrong with the fact that you spend a lot of time at the computer, consider this type of leisure to be intellectual and useful, but excessive hobby, for example, computer games affects not only your physical health, but also your mental health.

2 task

Guys, try to formulate rules safe work with a computer, write them down and comment on them.


I distribute booklets.

What can we conclude from our meeting today?

Well done! I think each of you has realized that you can’t sit in front of the monitor for too long.

Now I suggest you do an exercise that you can use while working with the computer.

Thanks for your cooperation, goodbye.

1. “Faithful sons of the Fatherland...” Class hour dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. The holiday is important in terms of developing patriotism and a sense of pride for the country in students, and promoting military service. The history of the holiday, the exploits of Russian soldiers in the Great Patriotic War, during the fighting in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and local conflicts.

2. Let's say "No" to smoking! The event introduces students to the harmful effects of smoking on the body of a young man (girl), forms a negative attitude towards this habit, and motivates students to lead a healthy lifestyle. One of the goals of the classroom is to teach students to maintain their individuality and say “no” even when the student is under pressure from others.

3. What motivates us when choosing a profession? Career guidance class aimed at developing students' ideas about how to choose a profession. The relationship between the level of professional competence and knowledge about oneself and one’s abilities is revealed. Children learn to correlate test results with the requirements put forward by a particular profession. The ability to correctly assess oneself and one’s capabilities, as well as the level of communication skills, is formed. .

4. “So you may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen...” The class hour is aimed at developing knowledge of legal culture among students and correcting moral behavior. Not only the rights, but also the duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation according to the Constitution are covered.

5. Symbols of the Russian state. Students become familiar with the main state symbols Russian Federation, the history of their creation and significance. The scope of their application and prohibitions on use are analyzed. The event promotes the formation of a civic position, a sense of patriotism, and a careful attitude towards the historical heritage of the country, no matter how controversial it may be. .

6. The truth about drugs. The purpose of the class is to identify the level of awareness of students about the consequences caused by drug use, to increase this level by introducing risk factors for the health of each individual and humanity as a whole, to show the benefits healthy image life. .

7. Forgiveness or revenge? Class hour devoted to moral problems of human choice. High school students learn to understand the content of the concepts of “forgiveness”, “kindness”, “virtue”, “humanism”, “non-resistance to evil by violence”, “generosity”, “nobility” and conclude that they are eternal universal values. The class script is available on our website. .

8. Depression and ways to deal with it. Youth years Not for everyone are fun and carefree. This is a time of change, when you need to decide what you want to get from life and what you need to do for it. Not everyone has an answer right away. Without making a choice, students lose the joy of life and become depressed. The class hour is designed to teach ways to get out of similar situations. .

9. “Let the Russian city of Saratov stand for centuries, for centuries, for centuries...” The class hour is dedicated to the 420th anniversary of Saratov. Students’ knowledge about the history of their hometown and the main milestones of its formation are systematized. Examples of famous fellow countrymen who glorified the city are given. It can be held in the form of a holiday using poems and songs by local authors. (Instead of Saratov, you can choose any other city, town, village, village, etc.)

10. Drunkenness and alcoholism. Extracurricular activity shows risk factors for the health of the student and future generations when drinking alcohol. Aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, creating a culture of behavior in accordance with moral standards. Previously received information about the dangers of alcohol is consolidated and specified by invited drug addiction specialists. The class script is available on our website. .

11. Let's save our common home! Class hour contributes to the formation of students' environmental culture. Man and nature are presented as a single whole, a system, if the development of one link of which is disrupted, its complete destruction can occur. Modern environmental problems and possible ways to solve them. Everyone's contribution to environmental protection is assessed.

12. "Thank you to our mothers..." Class hour dedicated to Mother's Day. The goal is to cultivate a sensitive, caring attitude towards the mother who gave life, the main person in life. It is better to hold it in the form of a holiday with poetic and musical accompaniment, competitions. Mothers who may be involved in the event are invited.

13. How to resist aggression and resolve conflict? The causes of aggression and its consequences in the form of conflicts are covered. Students gain skills in “extinguishing” aggression and preventing conflict, and learn to control mental balance. The goal of the class teacher, with the assistance of a school psychologist, is to develop the skill of empathy - empathy and assessment of an event from the position of the opposite side.

14. “We know, we remember, we believe...” Festive class hour dedicated to Victory Day. Class teacher the tasks of educating a patriot of their homeland, forming in students a reverent attitude towards the country’s past and the people who won its freedom are being solved. It is held in the form of a holiday using poems and songs of the war years and inviting veterans.

15. “We magnify this bright holiday...” Class hour introducing students to the tradition of celebrating Easter in Rus'. It is better to hold it in the form of a holiday using poems, sayings, songs, which will leave a bright emotional mark in the souls of students, instill respect, love, reverent attitude towards folk traditions. The class script is available on our website. .

16. "Sin Virus". The class hour in the form of a discussion has an Orthodox orientation and solves the problems of moral choice, healthy lifestyle, prevention of accidents sexual relations, construction harmonious relations between the sexes. The class script is available on our website. .

17. “My years are my wealth...” Festive class hour dedicated to the Day of the Elderly. The main attention is paid to respect for elders, older people, their experience, and merits. Poems and songs are used, grandparents, members of public organizations, and eminent fellow countrymen are invited.

18. "Fathers and Sons". The class hour is conducted in the form of a conversation. The causes of conflicts between generations are identified and ways to overcome them are proposed. The event is designed to develop in students the ability to understand the adult generation, treat them warmer, more sympathetically, and show care. The class script is available on our website.

19. New Year. It is better to hold such events in game form, which will contribute to good emotional perception and team unity among students. Our website presents Scenarios for various New Year's Eve parties and the New Year's KVN script.

20. Dangers facing today's youth. The class hour is conducted in the form of a thematic conversation. Dangers are identified in the behavior and lifestyle of students that can negatively affect the development of a young person, his formation as an individual, harming his successful “integration” into society.



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