High-tech style in the interior is the perfect combination of modern comfort with the future. Projects of houses in high-tech style (hitech)

The use of modern materials and technologies allows us to create comfortable, functional and, at the same time, beautiful and elegant housing for modern man. And, importantly, at a very reasonable price. High-tech house projects are the best option, taking into account modern achievements in construction and design and the needs of the developer.

Attractiveness of a modern house project

High-tech houses are distinguished by their somewhat unusual, unique architecture and unusual technical specifications. These can range from small houses to impressively sized luxury mansions.

Unique style modern houses created through the use of modern materials: plastic, glass, profiles for facades, etc. Even at the design stage, architects pay great attention to working with space and maximizing the use of natural light. As a rule, in such houses the heating system is supplemented with " warm floors"In addition, experts note that clients are increasingly interested in the smart home system.

In houses built in high-tech style, it is appropriate to install autonomous power supply systems. Such systems include wind generators and solar panels. Systems are installed on the roofs to collect, purify and heat rain and melt water. The use of energy-saving technologies is not just a tribute to environmental fashion, it is an opportunity to fully implement the main idea embedded in the project modern house, - the idea of ​​complete autonomy, independence from the environment.

But the use of the latest technologies and materials is still based on the traditional principles of the approach to the construction of a private house.

When choosing high-tech house projects, you need to consider:

  • Zoning for day, night and business parts will ensure in the future comfortable accommodation in an already built house.
  • The master plan of the site will allow us to determine best location and the orientation of the premises in the house, harmoniously arrange the buildings on the site.
  • A carefully worked out estimate will help the customer control the quality and timing of construction work.
  • Use of materials that take into account features weather conditions, will save you money during construction and reduce the cost of maintaining the finished building.

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The name "Hi-Tech" translated from English into Russian is " high technology" This immediately explains the whole concept of this architectural movement. The first projects of houses in the high-tech style appeared in the 70-80s. last century in Great Britain. Bright, unusual - they differed sharply from the traditional idea of ​​​​a living space. However, their functionality, precise proportions, as well as high-tech filling were appreciated.

Today, Hi-tech objects are increasingly appearing not only in the homeland of the style, but also in many countries around the world, including Russia. Such a building will fit equally well into both the urban landscape and the suburban landscape.

Projects of houses with a flat roof

Residential buildings of Hi-Tech design, as already mentioned, for the most part have a flat roof. This feature has a number of advantages. House projects with flat roof immediately purchase additional usable area, which the home owners can use at their discretion - a place to relax, a mini-front garden, a children's playground or a barbecue hall. There are also buildings with swimming pools on flat roof, but such a solution is only appropriate for countries with year-round hot weather.

Projects of houses with a flat roof will become ideal option for those who care about the environment and want to save on heating costs. Installing solar panels on the roof of such buildings has long been practiced abroad. However, before you start using additional meters at your own discretion, even at the planning stage, designers and developers should pay attention to such points as reinforced fasteners, waterproofing, and insulation.

Interior decoration of the house Hi-Tech

The interior content of the rooms must be in perfect harmony with the appearance of the Hi-Tech building. Projects of high-tech houses with a flat roof are distinguished by an abundance of metal or silver metallic color. In such a room there is no place for traditional decor; it is replaced here by functional elements of the building - stairs, ventilation pipes, etc. The room seems to be turned inside out - everything that architects usually hide is on display here, skillfully played out design techniques- colors, black and white patterns or mirror surfaces. Such details are thought out in advance so that external communications not only visually harmonize with the overall architectural concept, but also do not interfere with future residents.

is the personification not only of modernity and construction, but also a symbol advanced technologies. This is a choice for those who are not afraid to challenge the classics and generally accepted rules. The editors of the online magazine site looked into this issue in detail, presenting houses in the high-tech style - photos of projects, interiors and interesting engineering solutions.

Country house in high-tech style

Initially, a term such as “high tech” began to be used to characterize houses built in the mid-sixties of the last century. And only a small group of architects who already at that time had authority in the construction world.

Projects of those years personified the romance of dynamically developing technologies. In the second half of the twentieth century, there was a sharp leap in the development of technology not only in the construction sector. New solutions were required that would combine ergonomics, manufacturability, and efficiency. In fact, it was this style direction that became a platform for experiments not only in architecture, but also in construction itself, where they were willingly allowed.

In fact, the era of the birth of this style began with the appearance of such grandiose projects of that day as the Eiffel Tower and Paxton's Crystal Palace. The projects of Ehan Wilhelm Schweder and Charles Rowe de Flera did not go unnoticed.

To Russia like this architectural style came almost a hundred years after its origin in Europe. Leaders in this field Loleit A.F., Shukhov V.G., S. Kerbedzi, Kuznetsov D. and others are the first who were not afraid to use new materials, architectural forms and engineering solutions when implementing their projects. Although, it is worth recognizing that in Russia at that time it was not easy with the development of innovations in construction.

Later, the “high-tech relay” was supported information Technology, led by Bill Gates. His views on modernity became the impetus for the creation of the Pompidou Center in Paris.

Probably, it was since the 70s of the last century that we can consider that high tech has firmly “settled” in society. Moreover, the masses began to become interested in its extraordinary characteristics, trying to implement them in their everyday lives.

Stylistic diversity of high-tech houses

Modern high-tech, as we know it, is strikingly different from its form of origin. Today there are several, different, but at the same time, existing according to the same “laws” of innovative construction. Let's consider the most popular style trends in the field of high-tech.

Industrial hi-tech

The architectural embodiment of industrialization is true industrial romance. After all, it is precisely this direction that makes it possible to liken the project, both in architectural and interior terms, to any industrial building, taking from it the most characteristic features, for example, large windows, pipes, like in a thermal power plant, metallized elements. And you never know what else will come to the minds of architects. A striking example is the already mentioned Pompidou Center.

Projects of one-story houses in high-tech style

High-tech found in private construction is distinguished by its simplicity and at the same time unusualness. The main elements are geometric, delimiting rooms. Vivid examples of such projects are presented below.

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One of the features of such buildings is that there should be as many of them as possible along the entire perimeter of the building. All rooms should simply be immersed in daylight. Therefore, the areas of such houses are quite large. If we consider small houses in the high-tech style, then, as a rule, they have one wall made of continuous glazing, which is not suitable for many Russian regions.

House facades and roof design in high-tech style

The shapes of the facades of houses in this architectural design are distinguished by clarity, geometry, and laconic lines. But at the same time, you can find completely asymmetrical structures, where one block of the building is several times larger than the other.

Large open under – characteristic feature all houses built in high-tech style. At the same time, it is not necessary to arrange a recreation area on it. It could be an island with a pool or just a paved space.

What is easiest in the construction of such houses is the construction of the roof. It should be straight, absolutely level without any slopes. But how beneficial are such realities for the Russian climate where high level loss? How to cope with such volumes of precipitation? This is already a question for engineers and architects. However, home owners should also be concerned about this, as they may face difficulties in maintaining their home in the future.

The interior of high-tech houses

What do we see when we enter a house that is built and decorated according to all the canons of high-tech style? First of all, it is space. One large space free of demarcation barriers. – a lot daylight. Also, special attention is paid, which at night should be no worse than natural during the day.

The first floor is usually made with. All this smoothly flows into the same spacious room, and then onto the second floor. Here, privacy is preserved if not one, but several are provided. Full walls enclosing recreation areas. But there must be a large hall or common room, uniting all rooms.

In front of you best option, taking into account all the needs of the developer. IN modern world Innovative materials and technologies have long been mastered to create comfortable, practical and beautiful houses. And mind you, at a reasonable price. Projects of modern houses precisely meet these requirements.

Attractiveness of a modern house project

Buildings in the high-tech style are distinguished by their unusual architecture and technical characteristics, characteristic only of houses of this style. It could be small houses, and luxury options. Interior designers will help transform the interior space of your home and bring to life your most daring creative ideas. And the specialists landscape design will create an exclusive style for the adjacent area.

High-tech house designs are distinguished by original architectural solutions, which create a unique modern style. In houses built in this style, plastic, glass, facade profiles and others are widely used modern materials. Ultra-modern polystyrene is used for thermal insulation of such buildings. Serious attention is paid to working with space, given great value use of natural light. The heating system is often supplemented with “warm floors”. And in lately Customers are increasingly willing to install a “smart home” system in their homes.

But the main thing in modern projects small houses- this is the absence of stereotypes in the design and construction process, the desire to apply new achievements of our time.

Their customers, as a rule, are quite young and active people. They are aware of the latest trends, including in architecture. Therefore, in such houses, autonomous power supply systems are often installed - wind generators and solar panels, which are not yet very common in our country. On the roofs of high-tech houses, an autonomous system for collecting and heating rain and melt water can also be installed. And this is not only a tribute to environmental fashion recent years. Yes, exotic ecological “toys” are still quite expensive, but the ability to use free energy greatly simplifies everyday life.

But no matter how ultra-modern country house, the requirements and recommendations for its construction remain the same.

Recommendations for choosing projects for modern high-tech houses

  • Proper zoning of the house into day, night and utility zones will ensure the most comfortable living in the finished house in the future.
  • The master plan of the site will make it possible to determine the best location and orientation of the premises of the house, and will help to correctly position outbuildings on the site.
  • A detailed estimate will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses and control the work of the builders.
  • Accounting climate zone will allow you to use necessary materials for construction and finishing, and will save you from unnecessary expenses not only during the construction period, but also during the operation of a finished house.

All these nuances can only be taken into account by a professional architectural project, so you can trust the Dom4m specialists.

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High-tech houses: features of the latest technologies

For Russia, the hi-tech style is a newfangled trend that requires compliance with certain rules. Its peculiarity is minimalism, but with maximum fullness and practicality. Let's take a closer look at what kind of modern and high technologies are included in the high-tech style.

Distinctive features of high-tech style

If you look at various high-tech house designs, you get the idea that they are from another planet. They are so elegant, unusual and beautiful.

Key Features:

  • Straight lines.
  • Panoramic windows.
  • Light and space.
  • Most often one level (floor).
  • Naturalness.
  • Advanced technologies, in other words, a “smart” home.
  • Flat roof.

Projects of such houses include the use of plastic, metal, glass. But natural wood need to be implemented in minimal quantities.

It is noteworthy that this style does not imply the use of little things that are common in other areas. All accessories are kept to a minimum. The main decorations can only be stairs and an elevator, if there is one.

Another striking feature of this style is the absence of unnecessary furniture. Only the most necessary pieces of furniture are used in the interior.

External elements of the house

Minimalism is the basis of high-tech. It manifests itself in everything that is necessary for arranging and building a house:

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Wall materials

Construction of a house involves the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete walls. As a rule, its basis is panels.

Modern possibilities also offer the construction of walls from sip panels.

Exterior finishing

The facades of high-tech houses are often finished with:

  • brick,
  • panels,
  • timber,
  • plaster.


Roof appearance – flat geometric figure, usually a rectangle.

Flat roof cottages are quite interesting. For example, you can make a roof out of glass, an unforgettable view of the sky is guaranteed.

Number of storeys

Hi-tech cottage is simplicity. Most often this is a one-story or multi-level house.

There is no visible division into number of storeys in such buildings. The floors seem to overlap each other.


Almost always a minimum number of walls is used, since the sun's rays must freely penetrate between rooms.

This layout is distinguished by airiness and illumination.


A modern house design involves the use of new communication technologies.

Solar panels and wind generators are actively used here. Their price is high, but in subsequent years they allow you to save money and fully pay for themselves.


Beautiful high-tech houses can only be completed after the interior has been created. The interior foundation is laid taking into account the requirements of minimalism.

High-tech houses are different minimum quantity pieces of furniture, almost complete absence of decorative accessories. Also quite rarely (if possible) local area) curtains are hung on the windows.

The following are actively involved in the interior:

  • Calm and gentle shades: pastel, metallic, white, gray, silver.
  • Lack of patterns on textiles. It is better to choose sofas in a monochromatic color scheme. This rule applies flooring, and carpets.
  • Minimum number of house plants. If they exist, they should be planted in large pots of a single color.

If you do not want to use curtains and curtains, but there is a need to hide your personal life from others, tint the windows. In addition, you can use blinds.

Types of houses

High-tech style houses involve the use of simple but high-quality materials:

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Projects of such houses are characterized by speed of assembly. They are assembled according to factory patterns.

The peculiarity of modular construction is that all rooms of the house are built one by one.

For example, first a corridor is built, then a kitchen, a bathroom, etc. The modules are connected to each other and create the effect of completeness.

Modular houses are equipped with all the necessary systems and allow you to use the house all year round.


This is the simplest and most cost-effective option for building houses in modern style. An excellent option for low-rise construction.

The houses are durable and quick to construct. As a finishing and facing material You can use any modern materials.

From timber

Projects of cottages made of timber in the high-tech style are quite rare. Nevertheless, it is there.

A wooden house is always natural and unity with nature. Supplementing it with glass and metal components, you will get a wonderful appearance.

High-tech houses are divided into three main stylistic trends. All technologies remain the same, but the appearance of the cottages is different.

  • Individual. Has common features with a loft style direction. There are metal and glass elements, steel lintels, some of the communications are even exposed to public view. The color palette is strictly limited to steel and cold shades. The use of artificial materials in large quantities is used.

  • Geometric. This is the most popular modern trend. The houses are characterized by unusual geometric shapes and proportions. Buildings can be shaped like a cube, a parallelepiped, or even a trapezoid. The basis of the direction is different levels. External walls are always smooth, plain and matte. All communications inside the home space.

  • Bionic. This is a borderline style, it includes the use of natural and artificial materials. Natural lines are used here. The house is characterized by environmental safety. Most often, renewable energy sources are installed. It is necessary to use light shades.


Modern houses can be built in accordance with various styles. Latest technologies, construction possibilities and a laconic interior are clearly welcomed in the high-tech style.

This universal houses, executed in all the beauty of minimalism - the video in this article demonstrates this clearly! Share your impressions in the comments!

February 9, 2018

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