What kind of milk is kumis made from? Dairy experiments: Kazakhstan scientists compared cow, camel and mare milk - Agricultural technology and technology. Shubat - kumis made from camel milk

Kumis from mare, cow and camel milk has been prepared since time immemorial.

Back in the 5th century. BC e. The Greek historian Herodotus, describing the life of the Scythians, reported that they knew how to make a delicious drink from the milk of mares. Kumis is also mentioned in a number of Russian, German, French and other historical documents.

The Kyrgyz, Bashkirs, Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars, Mongols, etc. called kumiss a drink of vivacity, fun and longevity. It has long been believed that kumiss improves health and is especially useful for weakened, exhausted people.

Popular rumors about kumis attracted the attention of doctors, and from the early 40s of the last century they began to write about it on the pages of medical journals. Many prominent Russian, Soviet, German and French doctors promoted kumis as one of the most effective remedies for treating tuberculosis at that time.

The experience of doctors has confirmed the high medicinal benefits of this drink for a number of diseases, and especially for tuberculosis. When doctors first began to use kumiss treatment, its therapeutic effect was explained mainly by its “nourishing” properties, that is, by the fact that when treated with kumiss, the body receives a large amount of nutrients.

Currently, most doctors who use kumis treatment believe that it is valuable and how food product, and as a remedy with medicinal properties.

Kumis contains valuable and easily digestible proteins. From 1 liter of mare's kumys, the body receives about 20 g of protein, that is, approximately the same amount as is contained in 100 g of beef of average fatness without bones. Even more protein - about 27 g - is contained in 1 liter of cow's kumiss. Such an addition to regular food is certainly significant.

The production of kumis is based on the use of two types of fermentation - lactic acid and alcoholic, caused in milk by lactic acid bacteria and yeast. During alcoholic fermentation, yeast cells accumulate in kumiss in significant quantities, which gives the drink a special value.

Yeast has long been used in medicine for certain diseases, for example, furunculosis (a tendency to form pustules on the skin), exhaustion, purulent and non-healing wounds, as well as metabolic disorders caused by food containing insufficient amounts of proteins and vitamins B. Experiments have shown that yeast, especially fresh semi-liquid yeast, increases the production of digestive juice by the gastric glands.

When treating with liquid nutritional yeast, the patient is usually given 50-100 g of yeast daily, consisting of a huge number of yeast cells. Approximately the same number of yeast cells are contained in 1 - 2 liters of kumiss. This gives us the right to say that treatment with kumis is at the same time treatment with yeast; therefore, everything that is known about the beneficial effects of yeast can also be applied to kumiss.

Kumis contains the most important vitamins groups B-B| (thiamine), Br (riboflavin), PP (nicotinic acid), biotin, para-aminobenzoic acid, etc. All these vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. For example, a lack of vitamin Bj leads to various dysfunctions of the nervous system, muscle weakness, insomnia, increased irritability. Vitamin B2 together with vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of the visual organs. Vitamin PP protects against gout, which affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and central nervous system. Vitamin B6 plays big role in metabolism, especially protein metabolism, and is necessary for the normal function of the central nervous system. It enhances the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the gastric glands, which promotes better digestion and absorption of protein foods.

And therefore, koumiss prepared from it is also rich in vitamin C, which promotes health, protects against scurvy and increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. Kumis made from cow's milk contains less of this vitamin.

During alcoholic fermentation, as a result of the decomposition of milk sugar, a small amount of alcohol and carbon dioxide is formed, which is responsible for some of the features of kumys as a refreshing and medicinal drink.

Carbon dioxide causes slight irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, dilation of blood vessels in the mucous membrane. Therefore, drinks containing carbon dioxide, including kumiss, are absorbed more quickly by the intestines. In addition, carbon dioxide improves digestion and enhances the secretion of digestive juices.

Kumis contains from 0.5 to 2.5% alcohol, which is also important for digestion. Studies have shown that alcohol in such a low concentration increases the production of juice by the gastric glands, while alcohol solutions with a strength of over 20% inhibit the secretion of gastric juice.

As a result of fermentation caused by lactic acid bacteria, 0.5 to 1% of lactic acid accumulates in koumiss, and acids in general and especially lactic acid play an important role in digestion.

It is known that to stimulate appetite, many try to eat or drink something sour. The famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov wrote about this instinctive desire for sourness. He pointed out the great importance of drinks with a sour taste, since “the acid reaction in the digestive canal excites the pancreas.” Kumis has a sour taste mainly due to the presence of lactic acid. Doctors' observations showed that kumiss gives good results not only with decreased, but also with increased secretion of gastric juice. This happens in cases where normal secretion is disrupted due to a disorder of the “vegetative” part of the nervous system that regulates the activity of the stomach.

Animal experiments have shown that normal condition and the normal activity of the nervous system, and therefore the organs whose work it regulates, largely depend on how well the body is provided with vitamins, and in particular vitamin B. With a lack of this vitamin, a number of disorders appear, in particular, the normal activity of the salivary and gastric iron Treatment with vitamin Bi leads to the restoration of normal functioning of the digestive glands. Similar processes occur in humans with a lack of B vitamins in the body. But if, to enhance the secretion of gastric juice and to increase its acidity, it is recommended to drink koumiss immediately before meals or half an hour before meals, then to reduce secretion you need to drink koumiss 1.5- 2 hours before meals.

Those who drink kumiss increase their appetite. Moving quickly from the stomach to the intestines, kumiss causes increased peristalsis, that is, contraction of the intestinal muscles, which promote the movement of food mass and undigested food debris. Kumiss is absorbed and absorbed in the body very quickly. As a result, body weight increases significantly and metabolism improves. In hot weather, drinking kumys causes profuse sweating, and in cold weather it increases the secretion of urine, which helps remove harmful “toxins” from the body that impede metabolism.

In koumiss, as in other products, lactic acid bacteria multiply, which enrich it with the products of their vital activity.

Experiments have proven that kumiss has antibiotic properties against putrefactive microbes, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, which cause suppuration and food poisoning. This means that kumiss has, although to a much lesser extent, the same properties as antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin, ampicillin, etc.).

IN recent years It was found that various types of lactic acid bacteria secrete substances that inhibit reproduction or kill not only microbes that cause suppuration, but also many pathogenic microbes that are responsible for diseases: anthrax, tetanus, dysentery, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, as well as microbes that cause food poisoning. Unfortunately, not all fermented milk products are equally potent in this regard. This is explained by the fact that various lactic acid bacteria, developing together, sometimes mutually paralyze their antibiotic action, as a result of which the finished acid dairy product may not have antibiotic properties. Therefore, to prepare fermented milk products, it is necessary to select types of lactic acid bacteria that would give the product high nutritional and medicinal value as a result of increasing the content of vitamins and antibiotic substances. When making kumiss from cow's milk, starters are used, prepared with pure cultures of lactic acid fermentation bacteria, which have high antibiotic activity.

Experts have proven that milk contains various proteins - casein, albumin and globulin, which differ from each other in amino acid composition and physicochemical properties. In the milk of different animals, the ratio between the amount of these proteins is not the same. From this point of view, cow's and mare's milk differ significantly.

Albumin predominates in mare's milk, which dissolves in water; it does not change when exposed to rennet and weak acids. Therefore, when fermenting mare's milk, loose, loose clots with small flakes of casein are formed, which easily disintegrate under mechanical stress. This is why fermented mare's milk remains liquid.

Casein predominates in cow's milk, which does not dissolve in water, and when exposed to rennet and weak acids, it coagulates, forming dense clots. The production of cheese, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products is based on this property of casein. But in order to prepare liquid kumiss from cow's milk, you need to change this property.

In both kumis, casein is found in the form of tiny particles, which has great value for its dissolution by digestive juices and, consequently, for digestion. Kumis made from cow's milk is much easier to digest than fresh milk.

By chemical composition both types of kumiss are quite close. The calorie content of both types of koumiss is the same (on average, 100 g of koumiss - 30 large calories), because the smaller amount of fat in cow koumiss is compensated to some extent a large number carbohydrates.

Koumiss made from mare's milk contains significantly more vitamins C, but less vitamins B. Both types of koumiss have antibiotic properties.

Kumis from mare's milk remedy has proven itself perfectly. Its value is dietary product and as a medicine has been proven by numerous observations of doctors on its effect on patients, as well as in experiments on animals. But there is no reason to disdain kumis made from cow's milk - this is also a useful therapeutic and dietary product that deserves the widest distribution.

In some sanatoriums, vitamin C is added to koumiss at the rate of 200 mg of vitamin per daily dose of koumiss.

In case of exhaustion caused by overwork, poor nutrition (lack of proteins or vitamins in food), debilitating diseases, injury with large blood loss, etc., it is recommended to drink 1-2 liters of kumis per day in small doses during meals and in the intervals between meals. You need to know that for a number of diseases - inflammation of the kidneys, liver, obesity, gout and diabetes - you should consult a doctor about treatment with kumis.

Kumis is one of the most popular drinks in Central Asia. For several millennia, it has been a mandatory drink in many Central Asian cultures. By fermentation, mare's milk is transformed into a miraculous drink - kumiss; what it is and why it is so popular among many peoples can be found out by studying its properties in detail. Sometimes goat's milk is used to prepare it. But at the same time, the taste of the dairy product is completely different. After all, the original recipe for its preparation was to use only mare’s milk.

The horse is a clean animal that always carefully separates the grass from the weeds in the feeder, and also never drinks water with a bad smell. That's why mare's milk is recognized as the purest And healthy drink. A special recipe for its preparation is known in the North Caucasus, where the drink, due to its beneficial properties, is considered one of the main things in the daily menu of every man.

Useful properties and contraindications

It is believed that kumiss is similar in its specific properties to antibiotics. That's what they call him - « natural antibiotic» . It is a source of low molecular weight fatty acids. The drink served as a disinfectant for wounded soldiers during the war. With its help, they fought against harmful microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and tuberculosis bacilli, as well as the causative agents of typhoid fever. Kumis is effective in treating:

  • anemia;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • dysentery;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

With regular use of kumiss, you can quickly restore the violation of the secretory activity of the digestive organs. The drink has a beneficial effect on blood composition, promotes redox processes in the body, improves metabolism, and stimulates activity. cardiovascular system and respiratory center, reduces fermentation processes in the intestines.

It's good to drink it for depression and other nervous disorders, is considered an excellent remedy for hangover syndrome. By consuming kumis you can quickly restore strength in the postoperative period. No wonder this dairy product with for a long time It is considered the most powerful natural immunostimulant.

Interesting to know: Another traditional Asian fermented milk drink is. Helps strengthen the immune system.

What is kumys made from?

Cooking kumys is a whole science. The technology of its preparation came from antiquity and has remained unchanged to this day. Since the one-time milk yield of mare's milk is small, the mare is milked several times a day. By the way, the quality of the milk directly depends on the quality of the grass, which the horse feeds on, why special attention is given to animal feed. The finished drink has a sweet and sour taste and is white in color.

Composition of the drink

The technology for preparing kumis involves fermenting mare's milk, during which the milk sugar turns into lactic acids and ethyl alcohol. During fermentation and creation certain conditions miraculous transformations occur in the physical and chemical composition and microbiological structure of the drink. Its main property (immunomodulation) is due to the high content of vitamin C; antiseptic properties are ensured due to the content of vitamins, enzymes, and minerals in the drink. The finished product contains a number of vital vitamins:

  • vitamin C;
  • folic acid;
  • biotin (B7);
  • riboflavin (B12);
  • pantothenic acid (B5);
  • thiamine (aneurin).

Kumis is consumed only when it has fermented, which is why it is called a “living drink.” Indeed, during the fermentation process, lactic acid bacteria, which make the drink healing. It is from this drink greatest benefit for the human body.

Koumiss treatment

Before starting treatment with kumis, you must undergo a doctor's examination. The results are important for: indicators of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, existing exacerbations of chronic diseases. Therapy consists of daily consumption of kumiss, the doses of which are strictly calculated by the doctor on an individual basis. The therapeutic and dietary properties of the dairy product make it possible to get rid of many serious diseases without resorting to medications.

But there are also contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended to consume kumiss for people during exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as hepatitis and cholecystitis. The product may be harmful to health if a person suffers from stomach ulcers. In addition, you need to take into account that it contains a small percentage of ethyl alcohol, and therefore it is not recommended to give it to small children.

Making kumis at home

Despite the fact that the production of fermented milk products is a very labor-intensive task, it is possible to prepare kumiss at home. Mare's milk is placed in a wooden container. It is advisable that the dishes be made of natural wood . For example, linden trees. This is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of foreign tastes and odors in the drink. Then the starter is added to the milk and thoroughly kneaded at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. To add flavor accents, cream is added to the product.

The entire process of making kumys takes no more than an hour and a half, and then the finished product is poured into glass containers and left to ripen. If you need to get a weak drink, then after 4-5 hours it can be consumed. When you need to get strong kumys, you have to wait about 3 days for it to ripen. But most often, preference is given to a drink whose ripening process lasted no more than 2 days. The result is a healthy and tasty drink. Its regular use improves appetite, which is especially useful for people suffering from anemia.

The benefits of kumiss

Kumis is a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk, which is obtained through alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation thanks to Bulgarian and acidophilic lactic acid rods and yeast. This foamy drink, which has a whitish color and a sour-sweet taste, is very popular among residents of many countries and republics.

Koumiss at home is traditionally prepared from mare’s milk, but nowadays in the conditions of a modern metropolis you can use goat’s or cow’s milk, since mare’s milk is very difficult to find. This article with photos will tell you how to make kumis step by step and also about what benefits and harms this product can have.

A set of useful properties of kumys

In this drink beneficial properties prevail in huge numbers.

  • Our body absorbs it well, almost 100%.
  • The product contains iodine, iron, vitamins C, A, B, E, fats, copper, live lactic acid bacteria and antibiotic substances, which are excellent in the fight against dysentery, tubercle bacilli and typhoid fever.
  • Live koumiss bacteria have a positive effect on gallbladder, stomach, lead to an improvement in intestinal microflora. The product also has a wonderful effect on the heart and blood, calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep, reduces irritability and fatigue, and is used to treat stomach ulcers.
  • Kumis also has a very valuable property - it is great for people on a diet. If you drink a glass of this drink before meals, you will want to eat less. The product has a mild laxative effect, which has a good effect on bowel movements, and in this case you are not in danger of dehydration.

  • Kumis perfectly quenches thirst and hunger, helps our body absorb proteins and fats from different products, protects against vitamin deficiency, invaluable for chronic bronchitis, anemia, furunculosis.
  • In case of serious illness, kumiss will restore health and strength, protect against toxicosis and help keep the breasts beautiful and firm in expectant and nursing mothers.

From all of the above, it is clear why kumys is useful. But in large quantities it can bring harm to our body. If you abuse it, you can get flatulence, diarrhea, and increased gas formation. Infants kumis is contraindicated, and expectant mothers can only drink it in moderation. If you suffer from allergy attacks, it is best to avoid taking it.

Treatment with this drink should be carried out for three weeks, no less. As a result, you will become positive, cheerful, recharged with strength and energy.

Recipe with cow's milk

This therapeutic and dietary drink is an excellent hangover cure. It is easily digestible, has great nutritional value, and is rich in organic acids.

Required ingredients:

  • A glass of water;
  • 5 g yeast;
  • A liter of low-fat milk;
  • 3 large spoons of kefir;
  • 3 small spoons of sugar.

Cooking plan:

  1. Boil milk in a container, add sugar and water, cool to room temperature;
  2. Add kefir and leave for 10 hours (watch - if it turns sour earlier, you can leave for less time) at room temperature. If the room is warm, it will turn sour faster;
  3. Stir and strain the mixture (but you don’t have to strain if you don’t care about clots);
  4. We dilute the yeast in warm water with 0.5 small spoons of sugar, wait 5 minutes until it bubbles, and mix it into the mixture;
  5. Immediately pour into clean bottles (do not fill to the top, because the liquid “plays”) and cap tightly. Let the drink sit for a while, about 1.5-2 hours, and put it in the refrigerator. You can drink it when the homemade kumiss “calms down”;
  6. The more time passes, the higher the strength will be. In three days there will be 4 degrees of strength;
  7. Bottles must be opened very carefully, otherwise they may explode. When you put them in the refrigerator, carefully release the gas from the bottles.

Shubat - kumis made from camel milk

This is a traditional Kazakh drink made from camel milk, which has a high fat content (8%). It quickly deteriorates and after five days is unfit for food, so it is almost never exported. Shubat contains three times more vitamins D and C than cow's milk.

You will need the following products:

  • Skim milk powder – 8 g;
  • Raw camel milk – 0.5 l;
  • Leaven.

Everything must be fresh with a normal shelf life.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix 125 g of camel milk with dry milk and mix thoroughly. Make sure there are no lumps in the mixture;
  2. Next, add the starter and the remaining milk. Cover the container with a cloth and put it in a warm place for a day;
  3. Gently stir the mixture every 3.5 hours.

The product does not thicken too much, unlike cow's milk. To determine its readiness, take a close look at its structure. If a thin layer of clear liquid has formed at the bottom of the pan, you can begin to strain the drink using a sieve. Then close the shubat tightly, shake and cool. Consume only chilled, as a warm drink has a laxative effect on humans.

Camel kumiss is stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. After this, you should not drink it because it may cause stomach upset.

Goat milk option

Goat kumis is a great thirst quencher and refresher in hot weather.

List of components:

  • Honey and granulated sugar - 50 g each;
  • Goat milk - liter;
  • Kefir – 50 ml;
  • Cold water – 200 ml;
  • Pressed yeast – 5 g.

Kumis recipe:

  1. Boil the milk in a saucepan over low heat and mix it with water, add honey, remove from the stove until completely cooled;
  2. Add kefir to this mass, close the lid and wrap it in a large warm cloth. Let's put it in a warm place for 5-6 hours;
  3. After the formation of sour milk from the liquid, beat it with a mixer or whisk, and strain the flakes formed in the process through gauze, previously folded in 4 layers;
  4. Pour the yeast with warm water and whisk until it becomes like thick sour cream. Add granulated sugar, then combine the whole mass with milk. This creates carbon dioxide and alcohol;
  5. We take clean bottles and pour the product, cap it tightly and let it sit for half an hour or 50 minutes. At this time, carbon dioxide appears in the dishes, the liquid “plays”, so do not fill the bottles completely;
  6. When fermentation begins in the dish, you need to place it in the refrigerator downwards or in a bowl of cold water. The drink is served chilled and opened carefully.

Recipe with mare's milk

To prepare this tasty drink, milk is taken from a middle-aged mare that does not work hard.

Manufacturing instructions:

First you need to make your own starter:

  • Wheat flour – 2 tea cups;
  • Honey - a large spoon;
  • Millet – 2 tablespoons;
  • Brewer's yeast - a small spoon.

How to make kumiss from mare's milk:

  1. The starter mixture is poured with mare's milk and the result should be a thin mixture;
  2. Transfer it to a container and keep it warm until it sours;
  3. Take mare's milk (5 l) and pour it into a wide-necked container. Place the starter, previously tied in cheesecloth, on the bottom;
  4. We keep it warm, where the milk will begin to ferment and get a pleasant, sour taste, reminiscent of alcohol. This will take no more than a day;

We clean the finished mare's kumiss from fatty particles floating on its surface and pour it into bottles. We store it in the cold, because the drink spoils quickly and needs to be monitored.

Video: Homemade kumys recipe

Milk is a complex biological secretion containing up to 250 different substances in the form of a solution, suspension or aqueous emulsion. All these substances are necessary for human growth, development and health, so milk and dairy products are an important part of a complete and balanced diet. Milk consists of water and dry matter, the main part of which is milk fat, milk proteins, milk sugar (lactose) and salts.

In 1910, Russian biologist and Nobel Prize laureate Ilya Mechnikov found that 95% of chronic diseases, premature aging human body and human death are associated with microbes that are found in abundance in the small and large intestines. It is possible to destroy putrefactive bacteria or stop their rapid development if you consume fermented milk products, since it is fermented milk bacteria and fungi that are able to displace toxic bacteria from the human body and destroy them.

In the world community, cow's milk is used to produce fermented milk products. However, it contains casein, which clogs blood vessels. With the daily consumption of cow's milk in some people, due to intolerance to this product, pancreatic cells are destroyed and carbohydrate metabolism worsens, and this leads to diabetes.

According to WHO, one person in the world dies every 10 seconds from this serious disease. According to forecasts, by 2050 every second person will suffer from it, and therefore, the number of deaths from heart attack and stroke will increase, because in patients with diabetes, the likelihood of death from cardiovascular diseases increases 5 times. So, is it better to give up milk?

Camel benefits

Camel milk and fermented milk products made from it are easily digestible and therefore natural for the human body. Immunoglobulin predominates in camel milk protein - the record holder for the amount of lactoferrin, which has therapeutic antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and immunostimulating properties that protect the human body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

The results of research by Musatilla Tokhanov, director of the Research Institute for Problems of the Agro-Industrial Complex and water resources under South Kazakhstan state university named after Mukhtar Auezov (Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan), showed that compared to cow's milk, camel milk contains more vitamins and microelements: C - 5 times; RR - 3 times; E - 2 times; iron - 10 times; calcium - 1.5 times; lactoferrin - 30 times.

In 1992, the UN decided to provide the population of Europe, America, Africa and Asia with fermented milk products made from camel milk due to its healing properties.

Difficulties of normalization

Traditional technology for the production of milk from cattle, camels and mares provides for the acceptance of milk after milking, purification from mechanical impurities, and evaluation of raw materials based on the content of the mass fraction of fat and protein in the milk.

Subsequently, milk is normalized for fat content in accordance with the requirements of the dairy industry, heat treatment milk, cooling and bottling (packaging) by bottling.

When producing natural cow's milk, producers often encounter excessive amounts of milk fat in raw materials. In this case, the raw material is diluted with skim milk (skim milk), thus achieving a reduction in fat content. This process is called milk normalization. In this case, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate the composition of the product: whole milk, skim milk, reconstituted milk, etc.

The opposite situation also happens, when milk received for processing has a low milk fat content. In this case, the raw materials are saturated with cream. However, there are manufacturers who enrich milk with vegetable fats.

Therefore, a group of experts from the Research Institute for Problems of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Water Resources of SKSU named after. M. Auezova (Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan) decided to evaluate cow's milk, shubat (fermented milk product from camel milk) and kumys (fermented milk product from mare's milk), available on the market of the South Kazakhstan region and the city of Almaty.

Shubat assessment results

Shubat is a fermented milk product made from the milk of camels of the Kazakh Bactrian breed, with a mass fraction of fat in the milk of at least 4.8%.

We analyzed 10 samples of shubat produced by Kazakh producers (three from the Almaty region, one from the East Kazakhstan region, two from the city of Almaty, three from the South Kazakhstan region, one from the city of Shymkent). The analysis allowed us to state that out of ten samples, only one sample can be called shubat (manufacturer: IP Tokhanov B., Shymkent). Five samples (from the Almaty region and the city of Almaty) had a fat content in milk of less than 4% (2.8-3.7%), which means that the product was not produced from Kazakh Bactrian camels and cannot in any way be called Shubat. In other words, the “shubat” from these manufacturers was simply kymyran.

In addition, in seven samples, shubat did not acquire a homogeneous structure when shaken. Only two samples acquired a homogeneous consistency when shaken (IP Tokhanov B. and two manufacturers from the South Kazakhstan region). And the organoleptic assessment revealed a lack of velvety taste perception in nine samples, with the exception of one sample (IP Tokhanov B.).

Based on the above, we believe that 90% of shubat does not live up to its name.

Kumis analysis results

Kumis is a fermented milk product of lactic acid and alcohol fermentation, produced from unpasteurized mare's milk, with a fat mass fraction of 0.5-1%.

Mare's milk for kumys must be obtained from healthy animals under strict veterinary control and meet the requirements of the ST RK 1005-98 standard. Milk with a titratable acidity of 7-10 °T and a fat content of at least 1% is filtered through a cotton filter or 2-3 layers of gauze, mixed with koumiss starter at a temperature of 26-28 °C. Ready koumiss has a titratable acidity of 65-70 °T, the product is characterized by a pleasant aroma and specific taste and smell.

We analyzed 10 samples of kumiss (three from the South Kazakhstan region, one from the city of Shymkent, three from the Kyrgyz Republic, two from the city of Almaty, one from the East Kazakhstan region). However, out of ten samples, five had a mass fraction of fat in milk less than 0.5%. Six samples had high acidity, and seven samples did not acquire a uniform consistency when shaken. Out of ten samples, four samples were rated 5 points for taste, three samples were rated 4 points, and two samples were rated unsatisfactory.

Based on the above, we believe that 60% of kumiss does not comply with technical regulations.

Only koumiss under trademarks“Kazugyrt kumus” and “Ak zhaiyk”.

Cow's milk test results

In recent years, large milk processing companies have appeared on the dairy market of Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan: PepsiCo(USA), Ehrmann (Germany), Campina (Netherlands), Parmalat (Italy), Danone(France), Lactalis (France), Hoсhland (Germany). A significant place in this market is occupied by such brands as “Prostokvashino”, “Vesely Molochnik”, “Petmol” and others.

On the dairy market of Kazakhstan there are purely national companies producing milk under the trademarks “Adal”, “Moe”, “Ainalayyn”, Laktel, “Food Master”, “Petropavlovskoe”, “Odari”. Competition in the dairy market is determined by high demands to the quality of purchased milk, as required by milk processing enterprises.

We analyzed the milk of the following companies: Wimm-Bill-Dann (part of PepsiCo) with the trademarks “Vesely Milkman” (Russian and Kyrgyz production) and “House in the Village” (Kyrgyz production); Danone with the brand name "Prostokvashino" ( Russian production); “Agroproduct” with the trademark “Odari”, “APK “Adal” with the trademark Adal; Raimbek Agro with the trademark “Ainalayyn”; RG Brands with the “Moe” trademark; FoodMaster with the Laktel and Food Master trademarks; “Bishkul milk” with the trademark “Petropavlovskoe” (made in Kazakhstan); Kosmis with the brand Mis and Nestle.

The results of the analysis showed that in nine samples, milk produced in Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan contains both whole milk and whole milk powder (for milk with a fat mass fraction of more than 2.5%) or skimmed milk powder (for milk with a fat mass fraction of less than 2.5%). The presence of non-dairy components was not detected in any sample.

However, it turned out that the mass fraction of fat in milk produced in the Kyrgyz Republic does not correspond to the data indicated on the tetra sachet. In particular, the milk fat content in “Vesely Milkman” milk turned out to be too high. And in the Domik v Derevne milk, the mass fraction of protein, on the contrary, was less than the data indicated on the packaging.

The milk of the French-Kazakh producer Lactalis and FoodMaster (partners since 2004), which produces dairy products under the Laktel and Food Master brands, was enriched with vitamins and some mineral components. Therefore, this dairy product cannot in any way be called whole product milk. Experts unanimously recognized the samples as fortified milk drinks. But at the same time, these samples did not reveal non-dairy components (non-dairy protein, milk fat substitutes) that were found in milk imported from the EU by Kosmis under the Mis brand and Nestle. Of the Kazakh manufacturers, experts rated high level milk under the trademarks “Adal”, “Moe” and “Ainalayyn”. Petropavlovskoe milk, despite the naturalness of the product, was inferior in organoleptic indicators to Adal, Moe and Ainalayyn milk. And Odari milk caused a debate among experts about its naturalness and the presence of non-dairy components.

Scientists' conclusions

Aleidar Alentaev, leading researcher at the Department of Livestock Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine at the Scientific Innovation Center for Livestock Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine (Astana, Kazakhstan), and Musatilla Tokhanov, Director of the Research Institute for Problems of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Water Resources of SKSU named after. M. Auezova (Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan), they believe that the fat content in milk is primarily influenced by the breed of cattle, camel or horse. For example, targeted selection to increase fat in milk made it possible to develop the factory type of domestic black-and-white and brown cattle “Adal” - a fat-milk factory type of camels of the Kazakh dromedary breed.

Scientists have noted that in winter, early spring and in late autumn, milk from animals can be milked with more fat than in other seasons of the year. At the same time, in early spring, a decrease in the mass fraction of protein in cows’ milk is observed.

The mass fraction of fat in milk also decreases significantly when switching from pasture to stall housing and vice versa. The cow reacts positively to abundant and nutritious feeding, zoohygienic microclimate parameters, and active exercise (2-3 km).

It should be noted that with an increase in air humidity and a decrease in temperature, the fat content in cows' milk increases.

The following factors influence the increase in milk acidity: insufficient or prolonged cooling of milk; colostrum milk, K=40 oT; violation of diet; lack of salts and calcium in feed; increased contamination of milk (milking hygiene, lack or low quality of filtration); increased bacterial content of milk.

The decrease in milk acidity is affected by the incidence of mastitis.

Based on the above, it follows that the harvested milk must be obtained from healthy farm animals in safe conditions. infectious diseases farms. It must be remembered that milk obtained from dairy animals in the first seven days after calving (foaling of camels and mares) and in the last five days before launch cannot be accepted for food purposes. After milking, the milk must be filtered (cleaned from mechanical impurities) and cooled no later than two hours to a temperature of 4±2 °C.

It is also important to know that it is not allowed to consume raw milk obtained within seven days after the day of calving of animals and within five days before the day of their launch (before their calving), as well as from sick and quarantined animals. The manufacturer must ensure the safety of raw milk: it should not contain residual amounts of inhibitory, detergent, disinfectant and neutralizing substances, animal growth stimulants (including hormonal drugs), medicines(including antibiotics) used in livestock farming for the purpose of fattening, treating livestock and preventing its diseases.

The mass fraction of dry fat-free substances in raw cow's milk must be at least 8.2%. The density of cow's milk with a fat mass fraction of 3.5% must be no less than 1027 kilograms per cubic meter at a temperature of 20 °C or no less than an equivalent value for milk, the mass fraction of fat in which is different. Indicators of microbiological safety and the content of somatic cells of cow's raw milk and raw cream should not exceed the level established by the document “Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Milk and Dairy Products” uniform for all EAEU countries (TR CU 033/2013).

Thus, milk from farm animals must comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the countries of the Customs Union “On the safety of milk and dairy products” (TR CU 033/2013), adopted by the Decision Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated October 9, 2013 (No. 6767).

Camel milk products

  • Kymyran- a fermented milk product from the milk of camels of the Kazakh Dromedar breed and hybrid breeds with a fat mass fraction of at least 4%.
  • Shubat drink— a fermented milk product made from camel milk of dromedary camels of the Arvana breed with a mass fraction of fat of at least 3.5%.
  • Chal— a fermented milk product made from camel milk of dromedary camels of the Arvana breed with a mass fraction of fat in the milk of at least 1.5%.

Subtleties of preparing kumis

Today in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Mongolia and Yakutia, kumiss is prepared at home in an original way. Since the quality of koumiss largely depends on the leaven (in Kazakh - khor), in the manufacture of the product they use good two-day koumiss, which has a titratable acidity of 120-140 °T with a pleasant koumiss aroma and without foreign flavors. The amount of starter should be 25-30% of the daily milk yield from all mares. The koumiss starter should be in the tub (chelyak) where the koumiss will be prepared.

After each milking, fresh mare's milk is filtered through two layers of gauze and kept in a cool place (26-28 ° C) until the next milking (about two hours). Then it is poured into a vessel with kumys starter intended for fermenting milk.

Each time, after adding fresh and slightly cooled milk, the fermented mixture is intensively stirred with a whorl for 8-12 minutes, after which it is left to ferment. The fermentation temperature must be maintained at 26-28 °C for 8-10 hours. After this, the mixture is mixed well, cooled to 12-16 ° C and left to mature. Kumis is ready to eat.

In conditions industrial production process preparing kumys includes the following operations: receiving milk and measuring it; filtration; making sourdough (very important stage); fermentation of milk; maturation; kneading (stirring); bottling and capping; storage and sale of the product.

The production of kumys is a very labor-intensive and costly matter if you prepare it according to the rules. Of course, kumiss is made from both cow's and goat's milk, but the most delicious and healthy one is still originally prepared from mare's milk.

The technology for preparing this drink is simple. Koumiss is obtained by fermenting mare's milk with koumiss starter. It is a mixture of Bulgarian and acidophilus lactic acid bacteria and yeast. The very first task in making kumis is to collect mare's milk. Mares are milked often - 4-6 times a day, milk is produced intensively, but mares give it little by little, and unlike cows, their milking period is very limited: the milkmaid only has about twenty seconds to collect the mare's milk and needs to be milked very -very quickly.

Then the milk is poured into a clean wooden block, made, for example, from linden. This is necessary so that the koumiss does not have any foreign odors or tastes. A starter based on strong mature kumys is added to the milk. And at a temperature of 18-20 degrees, this mixture is kneaded for an hour or more.

Kumis, unlike other fermented milk products, is formed by mixed fermentation - alcoholic and lactic acid. During kumys fermentation, the protein breaks down into easily digestible substances: peptones, albumins, polypeptides. And milk sugar is converted into lactic acid, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and a number of aromatic substances. This explains it all high nutritional properties of koumiss, its easy digestibility, pleasant taste and aroma.

After kneading, this mixture is poured and sealed into half-liter containers. glass bottles and left in a warm room - here the process of ripening and aeration, self-carbonation begins. Depending on the time of ripening, koumiss is divided into 3 categories: weak(5-6 hours have passed since the fermentation); average(the one that matured for 1-2 days); strong(wandered for about 3 days). Kumiss contains less fat and protein than cow's milk, but it contains 1.5 times more sugar. Weak koumiss contains up to 1 percent alcohol, medium - up to 1.75, three-day koumiss made from natural mare's milk can contain up to 4.5-5% alcohol.

It is not for nothing that kumiss is called a living drink: from the moment the mare’s milk sours until the preparation of kumiss, its miraculous metamorphoses occur physical and chemical properties, biochemical composition and microbiological structure. Kumis has long been known as the most powerful natural immunostimulant. The antibiotic substances that yeast forms in it during fermentation are active against the tuberculosis bacillus. Therefore, two centuries ago it was a very popular remedy.

Koumiss is a source of unsaturated low molecular weight fatty acids, including linoleic and linolenic acids, which are considered essential. In addition, it contains calcium salts, phosphorus, trace elements of rare metals and vitamins. Moreover, the peculiarity of mares’ milk is more high content vitamins(10 times(!) more than in cow's milk): one liter of kumiss is a storehouse of more than 200 mcg of vitamin B1, 375 mcg - B2, 256 mcg folic acid and 2010 mcg pantothenic acid, etc. Koumiss is rich in vitamins A, E, nicotinic acid, biotin and especially vitamin C (70...120 mg per 1 l).

The nutrients of koumiss are absorbed almost completely (up to 95%). In addition, its consumption sharply increases the digestibility of proteins and fats contained in other foods.



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