Moisture protection: garage roof waterproofing. Garage waterproofing - modern methods of protection

Waterproofing a garage roof is a mandatory process. If this work is not done efficiently, then moisture will penetrate into the room and it will become damp.
Garage roof waterproofing done various materials and their choice depends on the foundation itself. Today we will examine this issue in detail.
You can view photos and videos and choose required material. This will provide instructions for performing this work.

Do-it-yourself garage roof waterproofing

A true car enthusiast is ready to deny himself many things in order to provide his beloved car with proper conditions for parking, maintenance and operation. This statement also applies to the structure of the garage, which must be spacious, roomy and not allow any precipitation to pass through.
This article will discuss how to perform high-quality and reliable waterproofing roofs with your own hands.
Nowadays, single- and double-slope roof shapes have become most popular:

  • Shed roofs are more often used in garages standard design(for example, in garage cooperatives);
  • Double sloping is more typical for garages in private households.

This is primarily due to the fact that when the garage is part of a single architectural design with the house, this imposes certain stylistic boundaries and restrictions on its design.

Attention: The main criteria that a garage must meet are the reliability of the structure and the relatively low cost of the materials used. It is for this reason that a garage roof often has a fairly simple configuration.

Types of roofing for a garage

Waterproofing for a garage roof depends on the materials used to make it. Let's look at this issue. As already written above, the roof for a garage can be single- or gable.
In this case, a pitched roof structure can be made in two main ways:

Attention: In areas with high level snow loads, as a rule, roofs with rafters are used. This is done in order to ensure the greatest possible angle of inclination of the roof slope.

  • A slope made at a large angle prevents accumulation large quantity snow on the roof, thereby protecting the structure from possible collapse under its weight.
  • As roofing slate, metal tiles, ondulin and other coatings characteristic of gable design roofs.

The types of waterproofing used can vary greatly and directly depend on the chosen roof structure.

Waterproofing concrete roof base

Waterproofing concrete roof It is better to combine the garage with the process of its insulation. In this case, you can achieve good quality insulation without significant material costs for roof repairs.


  • To do this, it is worth using extruded foam plastic (see), which has excellent mechanical strength and resistance to compression.
  • For pre-prepared and cleaned concrete base Apply a layer of special primer deep penetration with good resistance to low temperatures.
  • The foam is laid using special types of glue.
  • In addition, each sheet is additionally secured using umbrella-type devices. This operation helps to securely fix the foam layer

A warm, spacious garage is the dream of every responsible motorist who cares about the condition of his faithful “iron horse”. However, work on the construction and equipment of a machine storage area is most often done with one’s own hands in order to save money or materials. The most difficult thing for craftsmen is when constructing a roof, because leaks can cause significant damage to the property contained in the garage. To prevent atmospheric moisture from penetrating inside the room, high-quality and thorough waterproofing of the garage roof is necessary.

A garage is usually a single structure or attached to the main house, used for the maintenance of vehicles and seasonal storage of things. Most often, its roof is a simple pitched, flat or gable structure. Affordable materials are most often used as a finishing waterproofing coating. rolled materials, corrugated sheets, roofing membranes. The garage roof design has the following features:

  • Minimum slope. As a rule, a garage roof has a slight slope. Most often used flat designs, for the creation of which bitumen mastic or roll materials are used. This parameter significantly limits the choice of roofing coverings.
  • Small area. The garage roof is usually small size, therefore, for coating it is more rational to use rolled and liquid waterproofing materials laid overlapping each other.
  • High snow load and susceptibility to leaks. Due to the slight slope garage roof susceptible increased risk leaks occur, so it requires additional waterproofing.

Pay attention! In order for the garage roof to last longer, it must be multi-layered. So popular roofing materials both roofing felt and roofing felt are laid in 4-5 layers with overlap between them to achieve an airtight coating. To treat the seams, bitumen-based mastic is used, which is used to coat the joints between the layers and prime the base of the roof.

Types of garage waterproofing

Many car enthusiasts are wondering how to waterproof a garage roof with their own hands, and what materials are best to use for this. Construction market has a wide range of options for waterproofing coatings, which differ in service life, reliability and installation method. The most commonly used types are:

Important! Roof waterproofing can be lining and finishing, depending on the strength and water resistance of the material. Some coatings (roofing membranes, rolled bitumen materials) can be used as an independent coating, while others, for example, film or mastic, are used only as auxiliary ones.

Waterproofing technologies

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a garage roof is a routine operation familiar to every craftsman; it is carried out regularly in order to protect the building from leaks. It is first performed during the construction of the roof, and then periodically repeated as minor defects and wear appear. The installation technology of waterproofing material consists of the following stages:

  • First, the rafter frame of the garage roof is constructed, the rafter legs are installed so that their ribs are in the same plane.
  • The waterproofing material is cut into strips corresponding to the length of the slope.
  • The cut strips are laid on the surface of the roof slope so that they overlap each other by 15-20 cm.
  • Waterproofing is fixed to rafters so that it sags a little so that the pressure arising under the influence of water does not lead to rupture of the material.
  • On top waterproofing film counter battens are fixed along the rafters, forming a ventilation gap.

Please note that there are different ways fixing waterproofing material. The mechanical method involves attaching the strips using a construction stapler or nails. Adhesive involves gluing waterproofing to the rafters, for which bitumen mastic is used.

Video instructions

The worst thing for a car is rust, which occurs from exposure to an aggressive environment. Moreover more harm It is not precipitation that brings, but dampness in the enclosed space of the room.

Negligent attitude to the arrangement of a waterproofing barrier leads not only to damage to the stored property, but also to the gradual deterioration and destruction of the structure as a whole. Modular garages made of rolled metal are not without this problem.

Garage waterproofing is used to prevent the ingress of moisture, the formation of harmful microflora and the general protection of the structure during operation. The focus is on protecting the foundation and, if present, the garage basement.

Methods of protection against moisture

There are two options for making a waterproofing barrier:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.


Horizontal insulation is performed to protect the foundation and flat roof. If the building is not equipped with a basement, then such a barrier will be sufficient. It is performed along the entire perimeter of the base with the expectation that the upper cut protrudes to a height of about 20 cm above the zero mark.

Most often these are two layers of roofing felt glued with heated bitumen.

The layer is needed to ensure that the lower edge of the wall does not become saturated with moisture from the soil.


Garages equipped with a cellar or inspection hole, require more serious protection. Along with horizontal waterproofing, vertical waterproofing is also carried out.

It involves processing the outer part of the foundation along the entire height and the lower part of the wall.

Material base for waterproofing

On the market building materials There is a wide range of materials suitable for protection against moisture. They are divided into three groups:

  • roll (hydrobarriers, vapor barriers, roofing felt, tape seals);
  • gel-like (mastic, sealant);
  • hydrophobic mixtures;
  • paint and varnish composites based on polymer compounds.

Most often they are used for treating external surfaces, but they can also be used from the inside.

In practice, combinations of materials with different groups to achieve the best effect and compensate for the disadvantages of using it in its pure form.

Thus, during installation, roll insulation forms joints that require sealing. Gel-like composites are difficult to apply over large surfaces and it is difficult to achieve uniform distribution throughout the layer. Mixtures are more suitable for additional protection of the garage from the inside.

Bitumen and resin have a melting point of about 150–170 °C, which necessitates the use of a metal tank or other suitable container for heating. When working with composites, you need to be extremely careful when using products. personal protection and workwear.

Process technology

The choice of material and installation method should take into account the presence of a cellar, the type and condition of the soil, the appearance and level groundwater, climate of the area.

It is important to follow the installation stages and adhere to the rules of working with materials to obtain a sustainable waterproofing effect.

Moisture protection of the garage base

The foundation must be treated waterproofing materials before the construction of the walls begins.

It is necessary to clearly understand the condition of the soil and the depth of groundwater. They are located closest in areas of natural reservoirs. This should be taken into account when choosing a construction site.

When there is no basement

Moisture protection of a building without a basement and the presence of groundwater comes down to gluing roofing material to the upper cut of the base protruding above the ground. And the walls, both from the outside and from the inside, are covered with mastic or plastered with a moisture-resistant mixture.

When there is a basement

If the constructed garage has a basement, and underground waters lie deep or are absent in this area, then the horizontal insulation must be treated with a hydroresistant solution. The screed is mounted on well-compacted soil, covered with an overlap of coated roofing felt.

Under the foundation blocks, it is worth making a base of crushed stone up to 10 cm high and strengthening it by filling it with heated bitumen or resin. Two layers of bitumen mastic or resin are applied to the surface of the blocks at intervals of 3 to 4 hours for better adhesion.

The presence of a cellar and the proximity of groundwater obliges the owner to organize waterproofing of the garage base in the form of an integral shell. The process of installing waterproofing begins with preparing the base (bottom of the pit). Next they arrange concrete blind area and bring out the plane with a cement screed.


After completely dry cement floor is covered with rolled isomaterial in at least two layers. Special attention you need to pay attention to gluing the places where the strips overlap. The overlap must be at least 10 cm and properly treated with bitumen or resin. The strips of roofing felt are glued from the inside to the previously laid roofing felt under the lower blocks of the garage base. The result is a continuous surface protruding up to 30 cm beyond the walls.

The next step is to glue strips of insulating material to the outside of the blocks before connecting to the waterproofing laid horizontally. The resulting surface is fused with the edges of the roofing material protruding from under the base. The result is a continuous two-layer water barrier in the shape of a bowl.

To avoid mechanical damage to the moisture-proof coating, a screed is made.

From the inside bitumen mastic Interblock joints are processed, and the surface is plastered to cover with hot bitumen or resin. When using biostable bitumen-based composites for treating internal surfaces, a decrease in the formation of rot in stored vegetables is observed.

All work on gluing and applying gel-like insulating materials must be performed on prepared surfaces (cleaned of dirt, leveled, primed). Arrangement technology inspection hole in the absence of a basement, it is carried out in a similar way.

Protection of the floor from moisture is carried out by laying strips of roofing material, glued together in places of overlap, on a compacted base of crushed stone or mining before pouring concrete.

If there is an inspection hole, it is worth connecting the edges of the insulating substrate with its moisture-proof coating. Waterproofing a garage floor with close access groundwater it is enhanced by impregnation of the compacted base with bitumen or resin until a monolithic layer is formed.

Protection of load-bearing structures

Garage walls are protected using penetrating waterproofing. It is characterized by the preparation of a consistent solution based on a dry hydrophobic mixture and water. The resulting suspension is mixed well and applied to the surface of the wall and ceiling.

To increase the adhesion of the solution to the surface being treated, it is wetted. Under such conditions, the coating penetrates well into the porous structure of the plastered surface, forming a reliable water barrier. From the inside, the walls are leveled with conventional building mixtures.

Garage roof installation

Based on the roof structure, the insulation material is selected. Most garages have a flat floor that is covered with strips of roofing felt fixed with hot tar or with a special adhesive on one side. During installation, carefully glue the overlaps, and after finishing, fill the roof with a layer of resin.

In garage cooperatives, you may encounter the problem of water leakage at the junction of adjacent roofs. The best option will be jointly held roofing works with the creation of a continuous hydrobarrier.

For sloping roofs, the insulating material is fixed to the rafters, and logs and roofing sheets are attached on top. To prevent dripping from the ceiling, carefully install the hydro- and vapor barrier substrate. It should be located upward on the side that does not allow moisture to pass through, but is permeable to air.

An insulated and dry iron garage is best conditions for a car. Moisture that gets into a metal garage can contribute to the formation of fungus, mold and contribute to corrosion, so you need effective protection. Flooding of a room due to rising groundwater is a common occurrence that harms not only the building, but also the vehicle. Considering this, the correct waterproofing of a metal garage is important stage construction, and this needs to be thought about in advance.

Why is waterproofing needed?

Due to humidity metal surface the garage may become rusty, the car engine may suffer from frost, so the climate in the garage should be favorable. Waterproofing a metal garage is an important measure to prevent destruction metal structure. Waterproofing is a reliable protection that allows you to get rid of dampness and mold.

Waterproofing an iron garage - important point devices. Special protective materials are used for waterproofing. Waterproofing metal roof- These are comprehensive protection measures that are designed to protect internal and external surfaces from corrosion, mildew and mold.

Waterproofing an iron garage will prevent:

  • Rotting from within
  • Premature garage destruction
  • Reproduction of harmful microorganisms

Some materials for waterproofing a metal garage simultaneously act as thermal insulation, which will make the garage even more comfortable, protecting it from the influence of precipitation and condensation.

In order to reduce the amount of moisture that enters a metal garage from below, from under the floor, you need to concrete it and waterproof it. To do this, lay a layer of roofing felt and put bitumen, and then concrete the floor again. When the concrete has dried, the floor can be covered with linoleum.

Who can waterproof a garage?

YouDo service specialists practice waterproofing works“turnkey” and know all the features of materials for protecting structures. The key to the reliability of the services provided by the contractors is professionalism and many years of experience, which makes it possible to carry out waterproofing of any complexity, both during new construction and on ready-made objects. The turnkey work performed by specialists is distinguished by the quality of workmanship, durability and has a warranty period.

YouDo service builders can inexpensively perform the following work:

  • They will dismantle the old metal covering and install a new one
  • Clean surfaces from dirt and dust
  • Eliminate all uneven surfaces of an iron garage
  • Prepare surfaces for applying a layer of insulation
  • Installation of thermal insulation
  • Will install vapor barrier
  • Will install the equipment
  • Calculate material consumption and installation costs

Specialists use professional tool for insulating an iron garage. The work can be done quickly and efficiently. The price for the services of YouDo service specialists depends on the amount of work. You can order assembly and installation services inexpensively from the contractor by leaving a request on the page. Prices are indicated in the order, but are negotiated in each individual case. You can also order services by phone.

Initially, a garage is a room designed to store a car, ensuring its protection from adverse weather influences and attacks by intruders. However, the garage must not only be strong and reliable, but also properly equipped.

First of all, you need to perform proper thermal insulation, because... sudden changes in temperature, together with other factors, can cause harm not only to the building, but also to the car and other objects located in it. You can insulate a metal garage with your own hands without any problems. You just need to understand the procedure for performing such work and follow the instructions received in everything.

Thermal insulation of a garage is a complex undertaking, which includes finishing not only all surfaces, but even the gates. However, before starting any work, prepare the necessary tools.

Tools and materials for insulating a metal garage

Additionally, you will need finishing material and fasteners suitable specifically for this material. Lining is usually used as cladding. Fibreboard, siding, moisture resistant drywall etc.

Gather the tools listed and purchase the required materials. Measure your garage in advance to calculate the required amount of materials and not waste time in the future on purchasing what is missing. Take all the equipment to an insulated garage.

As already noted, thermal insulation of a metal garage begins with finishing the floor. Remove existing plank and cover the exposed surface plastic film. It will act as a waterproofing material. If a single piece of film is not enough to cover the entire area, lay the required number of pieces with an overlap of about 15 cm and obligatory gluing of the joints with metallized tape.

Lay the selected insulation over the waterproofing and secure new boards on top of it. Use self-tapping screws for fixation. Commonly used as floor insulation mineral wool or polystyrene foam. You can backfill, for example, with sawdust or expanded clay. Here, focus on your own preferences and budget.

Instructions for insulating a garage roof

In the vast majority of cases, the garage roof is a lean-to structure. This is the simplest and budget option, which is perfect for a regular garage. The basis of this design is the rafters. Traditionally, they rely on the Mauerlat. The Mauerlat bars are laid on top of the garage walls and connected to them using anchor bolts. It is better if the thermal insulation of the roof of a metal garage is carried out simultaneously with its construction. Then the work will take much less time.

The rafter system is assembled from wooden beam with a cross section of 15x15 cm. The rafters are installed with the same spacing, usually it is 60 cm. Here the main guideline is the width of the insulation boards, which, in accordance with the standard, is 61 cm. The remaining margin will allow the thermal insulation elements to be laid between the rafters as tightly as possible.

At the next stage, you need to arrange a vapor barrier layer. Special membranes are available for sale that are excellent for vapor barriers. This material is attached to the rafters using buttons or staples. The vapor barrier layer should be as tight as possible. All joints must be taped with tape.

From the inside of the building, the vapor barrier is sheathed with the preferred material. Usually lining or fiberboard is used, but the owner can choose another finish if desired. In this matter, everything is purely individual. The sheathing must be attached as carefully as possible, ensuring that the vapor barrier remains airtight. Any defects or damage must be repaired immediately using tape or sealant.

Place insulation between the rafters. Mineral wool is perfect. In most cases, a layer about 15 cm thick is sufficient. For the rest, rely on climatic conditions your region. If your area is very cold, add more insulation.

Further work is carried out using standard technology for roof installation. First you need to make a sheathing, the order of which depends on the chosen roofing covering, then lay waterproofing on the sheathing and complete the “pie” with the finishing material.

If work on thermal insulation of the roof of a metal garage will be carried out after the construction of the structure, be guided by the same scheme with some changes. Thus, thermal insulation will be laid between the rafters, a vapor barrier film will cover it on top, and the structure will be completed with a cladding of your choice.

When fixing thermal insulation boards, certain inconveniences may arise. To eliminate them, it is enough to simply secure the insulation so that it does not fall until the finishing sheathing is installed. To do this, attach strips of hydro- and vapor barrier material to the rafters in such a way that they prevent the insulation from falling.

The procedure for thermal insulation of metal garage walls

Prepare material for insulating the walls of a metal garage. The most popular and very effective option is mineral wool. The material is characterized by high fire resistance and excellent thermal conductivity. The only drawback is poor tolerance to contact with moisture. Therefore, special attention will also have to be paid to the waterproofing device. The insulation is laid in the sheathing. For external thermal insulation, a 10 cm thick layer of thermal insulation is usually sufficient.

To attach sheathing elements to the garage, use metal corners. To make the work easier and faster, it is recommended to pre-mark the places for installing the sheathing bars. Place them in increments of 60 cm. Place a layer of vapor barrier material on the sheathing. Then cut the insulation boards to a suitable length, lay them in the space between the sheathing beams and cover them with waterproofing. To protect against moisture, in most cases, polyethylene film is used.

Finally, the garage walls need to be covered with siding, finished facing bricks or arrange in another preferred way.

If it is impossible to carry out external insulation of a garage, for example, if the walls of neighboring garages are adjacent to its walls, the insulation must be performed in the same sequence, but from the inside. Fibreboard, lining and other similar materials are suitable for interior cladding. They must be specially treated before use. For example, drying oil is used to treat fiberboard, and the lining is necessarily coated with an antiseptic and fire-retardant compound.

In most cases, it is recommended to avoid using polystyrene foam for wall insulation. The problem is that this material is not resistant to fire and, in addition, during the combustion process it releases substances that are extremely dangerous to humans. Therefore, mineral wool insulation is the best option.

For thermal insulation garage doors mineral wool is usually used. Extruded polystyrene foam is also well suited for this. The latter is characterized good performance moisture resistance and thermal conductivity, it is extremely easy to use, sold at an affordable price, but has a serious drawback - complete instability to fire.

Mineral wool is a fire-resistant material, but it also has its drawbacks. When wet, such insulation sharply loses its performance characteristics in general and durability in particular. Therefore, before you start decorating your garage door, carefully consider the choice of thermal insulation.

Clean the insulated surface from any contamination. Paintwork if present, it must also be deleted. A sheathing is installed along the contour of the products. Suitable for its assembly wooden blocks cross section 30-50 mm. Select the specific value in accordance with the thermal insulation layer. Cut the crossbar to the smallest possible width and then connect internal corners frames with external ones.

Glue the insulation to the gate. For this purpose, an ordinary assembly adhesive. Joints between individual thermal insulation elements should be filled polyurethane foam. This will allow you to achieve the highest quality and effective insulation.

If polystyrene foam is used as insulation, it will be necessary to additionally lay penofol on top of it. Thanks to this material, a comfortable microclimate will be maintained in the garage at any time of the year. Place penofol with the foil part facing inward. For installation, use the same glue. Finally, attach the topcoat. Usually its functions are performed by plastic lining.

Mineral wool is attached in a slightly different order. First, the sheathing is also installed. Select the pitch between the beams so that it is 2-3 cm smaller than the width of the insulation. Lay the insulating boards between the sheathing bars and secure them. Mounting adhesive and dowels are suitable for fastening. It is best to use them together.

Thermal insulation must be covered with a vapor-permeable membrane or ordinary plastic film. Finally, as in the case of expanded polystyrene, lining or other finishing facing material is installed.

Thus, insulating a metal garage is an extremely simple undertaking that almost anyone can do. You just need to carry out all stages of work in accordance with the instructions and remember that high-quality insulation can be ensured only with integrated approach with knowledge of the matter.

Good luck!

Video - How to insulate a metal garage



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