Taurus is a talisman (amulet) stone. Stone of Taurus woman. Gems and talisman stones for Taurus

Most well-known semi-precious stones have the exceptional property of protecting their wearer from magic and witchcraft, as well as from black negativity of a non-magical nature. Even if you don’t believe in damage and the destructive effects of otherworldly forces, having a stone with you as a talisman against envy and the evil eye will not hurt.

Protective stones according to zodiac signs - how can Taurus find their amulet?

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a stone - a talisman suitable for Taurus, – its compatibility with the character and temperament of the person who will become the bearer of the talisman. How do you know if a natural mineral is right for you? If this is your stone, you will be drawn to it, you will want to buy it, to possess it. An elusive connection will arise between the natural mineral and you. Communication can happen instantly. It is in self-feelings that the answer to the question lies, what stone can become an amulet for Taurus.

Many natural stones protect and shelter their wearer from the evil eye, as well as from different types negativity of a witchcraft nature. There is plenty of information about protective stones against the evil eye for everyone on the Internet; at any time you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics, features and magical properties of the stones. Moreover, each gem has additional unique properties, which should be taken into account when choosing.

Therefore, when you are deciding which stone amulet to give to a Taurus man, check out natural properties stone Thus, stones with strong energy usually find themselves in harmony with people:

  • strong,
  • strong-willed,
  • decisive,
  • having an active life position.

For a person with a melancholic temperament, such a stone will only bother him in vain, causing internal anxiety and discomfort.

However, it can also happen differently. Correctly selected amulets stones according to zodiac signs will balance the weak and strong character traits of their carrier, so that weak and negative traits are not detected so acutely, or are transformed into new qualities that contribute to the improvement of the individual.

Representatives of all astrological signs have character weaknesses.

Accordingly, Taurus also has them. People of this horoscope sign can be:

  • mercantile,
  • vindictive
  • suspicious
  • are not always able to control their anger.

The protective talisman of Taurus, correctly and carefully selected according to the horoscope, in accordance with the problems that require solutions, will help its owner get out of difficult situations and influence his own natural characteristics.

Suitable talismans according to the horoscope - the magical power of protective stones

In addition to the properties that nature has endowed with a particular stone, astrology should also be taken into account. The most correct approach is to choose talisman stones according to your zodiac signs. First of all, pay attention to those stones that are recommended for you personal horoscope. And only then study the effects of minerals that suit your zodiac sign, so that you don’t accidentally get something you don’t need, which could interfere with your well-being.

Beware of attracting new love when you already have a person to whom you have given your heart. This promises great suffering, disaster and destruction. In your life, of course. Or, for example, in order not to become overly aggressive, or, on the contrary, melancholy and lethargic, think many times about what buy a stone according to the zodiac sign Taurus.

But with thoughtless and constant contact With a stone, anything can happen, because the influence of minerals is very strong and should not be underestimated. The practice of choosing talisman stones by date of birth and zodiac sign is based on this assumption.

Strong stones amulets against the evil eye for Taurus

What stones protect Taurus from the evil eye and other negativity, which talisman stone should you buy? There are several such stones, and here are the most common of them:

  • sapphire
  • malachite
  • turquoise
  • emerald
  • ruby

Next, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in more detail about each of the named gems. And also about how set up a stone that protects against damage of magical origin, as well as from. And I remind you that any correctly selected stone helps its wearer cope with problems and ordinary everyday difficulties, and also protects against harmful witchcraft.

Malachite stone - a children's amulet that protects against the evil eye

Malachite - this stone is suitable for children against the evil eye, and also as an amulet that attracts good luck and happy circumstances. In addition to protecting against the evil eye, malachite will protect children's health. This stone small child Taurus can carry it with him all the time. However, it is not necessary for a child to wear jewelry with malachite; it is enough to place a product made of this stone in the room - a figurine, a vase, etc. Of course, an adult Taurus can also wear a stone as an amulet against the evil eye. It is especially recommended that people pay attention to this lovely gem creative professions, philosophers, scientists and travel enthusiasts.

Malachite has long been considered a stone capable of opening the Ajna chakra or the Third Eye and granting it to its owner magical abilities. The wearer of jewelry with malachite becomes invisible to spell-casting enemies and energy vampires. Thus, the green stone protects a person from dangerous communication and unwanted surroundings. In other words, malachite is a wonderful anti-damage stone for Taurus.

The beneficial manifestations of malachite do not end there. It's not only stone amulet against the evil eye of Taurus, it brings its owner stable, cozy family happiness, mutual understanding and harmony in love, and with its power it will improve well-being and health in general.

Stones of amulets for the zodiac sign Taurus - the magical power of sapphire

Sapphire has unique magical properties and supports a person in his desire to know the world around us, and not only in the physical plane of existence, but to penetrate into it. This is a stone suitable for women Taurus, because one of his useful properties is the ability to protect its owner from violence. In addition, with such an amulet there is no fear of deception, the machinations of the unclean in thoughts and the hands of citizens.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Among the stones protecting Taurus from the evil eye and envy, sapphire takes pride of place. It brings its owner harmony with the world and with himself. And a talisman with a sapphire will become an ally to someone who is looking for love and is ready to create a strong marriage. And for those who are already married, sapphire will become the mystical guardian of the hearth. In searching for an answer to the question of what stones Taurus should wear against damage, pay attention to the fact that this mineral not only protects from negative witchcraft influences, sapphire has the property of clearing the mind of other people’s suggestions and restraining a person’s emotions.
Owners of amulets with sapphires are prone to positive thinking, peace and calm learning of simple worldly wisdom. This amazing talisman stone based on your date of birth helps to uplift your spirit, grants you power over others, gives you strength and helps you overcome fatigue.

What amulet stone will save you from the evil eye - magical turquoise

The magical properties of turquoise, of course, are not limitless, but very significant. First of all this protective amulet, strong stone talisman according to the Taurus horoscope. This is one of the protective stones known since ancient times. In the manufacture of amulet protection for children - born and not yet born, turquoise was and is used, believing in their energy and in the fight against evil forces.

Turquoise is a talisman stone for women by date of birth, which is perfect for women astrological sign Taurus. This is a strong energy stone that can communicate with the owner at the subconscious level. Helps a person develop the gift of foresight. Taurus needs turquoise:
  • for self-realization,
  • adds strength
  • increases creativity.

Turquoise has long symbolized sincere friendship and romantic love. This is wonderful stone amulet for women, and especially for the representative zodiac sign Taurus. It is also a symbol of leadership. At work, this gem helps to become the first among colleagues, climb the career ladder, warn against risks, and keep you from making mistakes and wrong decisions.

Stone - a talisman protecting against damage and the evil eye - precious emerald

If an emerald is worn on the left hand, it protects against witchcraft spells aimed at evil. This amulet stone gives Taurus protection from the evil eye, no matter how powerful the energy strike. It also gives its wearer self-confidence and helps them see the future. Along with diamond, ruby ​​and sapphire, emerald is one of the most expensive, regal gems.
This crystal has been given a special place among precious stones by its marvelous beauty, richness of color and transparency. This determines the high cost of the mineral. Emeralds are also admired. This stone is strong talisman from the evil eye and damage, which is in perfect harmony with the energy of Taurus. Activating a stone for personal protection against the evil eye is simple. They do it themselves. Activation involves the process of purifying a mineral from extraneous energies and tuning into the host. It is recommended to charge your talisman immediately after purchase.

What stone can become a true amulet for Taurus - the magic of ruby

This gem has long been called the patron of earthly love and a symbol of passion. It's not only strong stone talisman against the evil eye and other magical negativity, this is a talisman against unhappy or unrequited love. This natural stone loves strong people, accustomed to making their way in life, people without fear or reproach. Ruby gives such a wearer additional strength, helps to make useful contacts, and avoid acute conflict situations.
Ruby is an undoubtedly magical gem. Perhaps the strongest a stone that protects Taurus from the evil eye and envy. But, in addition to this, it protects a person with the Taurus horoscope sign from failures, everyday disasters, and effectively relieves fatigue, tension and irritation. The ruby ​​has a feature that is worth knowing about for those zodiac signs for which the ruby ​​is suitable (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aries), and for those people who intend to wear this protective stone against the evil eye: this gem is unusually jealous, and the owner’s inattention can offend him .
In order to charge this royal stone, make it a magical barrier and protection against the evil eye, as well as from other people’s psychic and witchcraft influences, cleansing and activation rituals are performed with it. You can cleanse the stone with water, fire, and activate it with your breath. With constant contact, the stone assimilates with the energy of its wearer, and then the magic of the protective amulet is fully revealed.

To customize a protective stone from damage and other things and strengthen it magical properties, perform such a ritual. Place the ruby ​​jewelry on the table, light a candle, place it behind the stone and concentrate. When you get the feeling that depth has arisen in the mineral, dive mentally into this depth, discarding everything negative, and then slowly return back.

Women born under the sign of Taurus are considered true keepers of the home, creating comfort and peace, and in their careers they achieve high positions. This is facilitated by scrupulousness in all matters that are carried out calmly and without haste. This strong personality, self-confident. The Taurus woman has a large supply of love for life, kindness and patience.

Few people know that Taurus stones can have a huge impact on his life and destiny. Taurus finds common language with strong, but at the same time calm minerals, and if the need arises, they can fuel their body with their energy. So which stones are suitable for a Taurus woman?

Which gemstones are suitable for a Taurus woman?

The perfect amulet for this zodiac sign considered sapphire. This gemstone helps you find a purpose in life and helps you overcome fears and insecurities. Sapphire gives a person wisdom, calmness and makes him more meek. It is great for everyone born under this zodiac sign, regardless of their date of birth.

Other gemstones that are suitable for this sign are:

Characteristics of Taurus gemstones

Aventurine is considered an extremely positive stone, thanks to which all endeavors have incredible success. If a person is a leader by nature, then such a mineral helps strengthen these qualities and makes him more persistent. This is the perfect talisman for risky people. Aventurine protects well from damage. A wonderful stone for women of all ages.

Blood jasper is perhaps the only mineral eliminating negative energy , which accumulates in human body. Blood Jasper is great for Taurus born from April 21 to May 1. This mineral relieves feelings of fatigue, increases vitality and gives self-confidence.

Tiger's eye is ideal for older women. This is a very beautiful and quite rare stone that gives a person courage, self-confidence and the ability to think sensibly.

Carnelian helps in love affairs. It protects family happiness, has a calming effect and prevents quarrels. Carnelian provides excellent protection against various dangers.

Agate is ideal for women and girls who were born from April 21 to May 1. The person wearing it becomes a pleasant conversationalist who receives right decisions, and besides this, he becomes smart and insightful. This is a stone of fidelity. Agate improves health by protecting the body from various infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Coral relieves fatigue well and increases the vitality of the body. It relieves tension, fear and prevents depression. Neutralizes all negative emotions. Ideal for people born from May 2 to May 11.

Chalcedony has a special effect on Taurus, removing angry outbursts and attacks of melancholy. It promotes peace and harmony in the family, which is why Taurus women need it so much.

Onyx makes the mind clear and promotes insight. He strengthens memory and fortitude. This mineral expresses the essence of the Taurus woman. Onyx is very useful for any person because it concentrates bioenergy.

Opal strengthens self-confidence, drives away dark thoughts and promotes the discovery of talents. Great for Taurus children. Opal ensures success in all matters. Many believe that it puts all body functions in order.

Turquoise is valued because it can reconcile enemies, ward off angry feelings and bad thoughts. This stone attracts money, making a person brave and ambitious.

Chrysoprase brings good luck. It promotes success in money matters, which is extremely important for all Taurus. Chrysoprase helps to reveal a person's ability to inventiveness. This is a wonderful stone for business women.

Diamond is a talisman for Taurus, whose birth falls on the date from May 12 to May 20. It makes a person more contactable, helps reduce the manifestation of negative feelings and strengthens all energy centers. This stone develops all the best qualities in a person.

Pomegranate gives to Taurus good mood and strengthens friendship. This stone awakens feelings of love and increases human endurance. Pomegranate helps cleanse the body, helping to recover faster from illness.

Emerald is a talisman for all women. He helps attract wealth, gives peace and tranquility. A wonderful stone for people born under the sign of Taurus who love stability in everything.

Semi-precious stones for the Taurus woman

Perfect for representatives of this zodiac sign following semi-precious stones:

Rose quartz activates mental activity and promotes success in love affairs. Great for developing imagination.

There is an opinion that amethyst is completely unsuitable for Taurus. But for people born from April 21 to May 1, it helps relieve stress and eliminate depression. In addition, it makes a person insightful and reduces anxiety.

Aquamarine promotes feelings of love and friendship. This stone has positive energy. It lifts your mood and eliminates laziness.

Thanks to topaz, Taurus develops mental abilities. A person has a quick reaction to various events, and he is able to make the right decisions.

Tourmaline has a beneficial effect on women, improving health. It makes a person calm and helps develop creativity.

What stones are undesirable for a Taurus woman to wear?

Women born under the sign of Taurus should not wear stones that have high energy activity. Only amulets that direct energy in the right direction are suitable for them.

Undesirable stones for Taurus include:

  • amber;
  • amethyst;
  • obsidian;
  • pyrite.

You should not accept opal as a gift, as this may incur envy. In addition, this zodiac sign should be wary of heliotrope.

When choosing jewelry, you should carefully listen to your inner voice. If from touching a certain stone inside there was a feeling of warmth, that means it’s the right stone.

Talismans and amulets, depending on the sign of the Zodiac, are considered effective and efficient magical assistants. They will help attract good luck and luck into a person’s life. You need to choose talismans for Taurus according to the characteristics of this zodiac sign.

How to choose the right amulet or talisman and make sure that it protects and protects its owner, while accumulating only positive energy? To do this, you need to choose the right amulet.

Using talismans that suit a person’s zodiac sign, you can attract good luck and strengthen your character strengths. In addition, such an amulet will be effective only for one person; this magical item will not bring any benefit to strangers.

In this article we will look at amulets and talismans that are suitable for those born under the sign of Taurus.

Characteristics of Taurus

Taurus – bright representative elements of the Earth. This sign is a symbol of prudence, wisdom and wealth. Main characteristics of people born under this sign:

independent character
Taurus are characterized by a noble disposition and an independent character. They are in no hurry to use their full potential, most often waiting for a favorable moment. However, such a moment may not come, or Taurus may miss it. But this does not overshadow the life of Taurus: hard work and consistency are the main keys to success for people of this sign.

slowness and stubbornness
Both in decisions and in actions, Taurus are unhurried and prefer to think before making a decision, while they do not succumb to the direct influence of outsiders. As a rule, Taurus is distinguished by kindness and perseverance. But sometimes representatives of this zodiac sign too openly impose their opinion, which they consider the only correct one.

Those born under the sign of Taurus are constant in their goals and can go towards their intended goal for years. They do not accept lies, but sometimes they themselves use them to better convince others. Vengefulness and cruelty are not their pronounced traits, although resentment or deception can leave a deep wound in the heart of Taurus.

Taurus man

Taurus men combine prudence and calmness with some sentimentality.
The family is usually dominated. As for women, they are strong in spirit, although they behave relatively softly. They usually do not prove their superiority, but patiently wait for the moment when this becomes clear by itself.

Having considered all the main characteristics of the personality of a Taurus, you can safely begin choosing a magical assistant. It is very important that a person visually likes his amulet, so his choice should be taken responsibly.

Talismans for Taurus in the form of animals

Preference should be given to items made of wood or bronze. It is not recommended to use talismans for Taurus from ivory and in red colors.

Elephant or Bull

Talismans and amulets in the form of an elephant and a bull are considered the best and most effective for Taurus. A small figurine, pendant or image of an animal will help strengthen a person’s position in society and will help increase well-being.


For Taurus, this animal will be a symbol of endurance and good luck in business. A small figurine installed in the workplace will help you make the right decision and will have a positive impact on the career of its owner.

If you plan to use the amulet as a pendant, then give preference to gold. A small gold pendant with the image of a horse should always accompany its owner, bringing him good luck in all endeavors and protecting him from overwork and evil envious people.

Animals and plants

Long-haired dogs and cats are considered the most suitable pets. As for flowers, as a rule, Taurus are indifferent to them. For financial well-being and prosperity, you can use plants with fleshy stems and leaves and an unobtrusive aroma.

cactus or money tree will come in handy as never before. Such flowers guarantee stability in work and relationships, comfort and peace.

Color for Taurus

The most the best flowers for Taurus the following are considered: yellow, lemon, orange, bright blue, green and pink.

These colors and shades will help make your character more malleable and conflict-free.

Turquoise for Taurus

Turquoise, which has a greenish tint, which is popularly called old, will be an excellent talisman for Taurus. This stone is considered a very strong amulet and a stone of winners.

Sometimes talismans and amulets with turquoise give their owner recklessness and risk-taking, helping to make the right decisions and win even in the most risky undertakings. This stone also guarantees harmonious family relationships and attracts financial well-being.

Malachite for Taurus

Malachite is considered the most useful mineral from the point of view of mystical and healing properties. Light green stone helps with lung and heart diseases.

It is believed that even the usual application of a stone to problem areas will promote recovery. For Taurus, malachite is a powerful amulet that takes on all the negativity.

Amazonite for Taurus

Amazonite or feldspar is considered a symbol of courage and devotion and can improve a person's overall well-being and lift their spirits.

This stone will also help strengthen family ties and bring prosperity and prosperity into the home.

Agate for Taurus

In development oratory skills Agate will help, which has been used by public people before performances for centuries. For Taurus, Agate symbolizes success in any endeavor and tranquility. Depending on the color of the mineral, the sphere of influence may vary. A black stone helps solve problems in the financial sphere, while a blue stone increases vitality and makes a person active.

A correctly chosen talisman implies development and strengthening strengths character. Therefore, when choosing an amulet, give preference to an item that is suitable for you and that you will like.

People born under the sign of Taurus are down-to-earth and reliable. They are very reluctant to accept any changes, especially drastic ones.

Calm Taurus cannot tolerate attempts at coercion; they activate their inherent stubbornness and stand their ground until the bitter end.

From negative qualities Representatives of this sign are worth noting selfishness and stinginess, but even here Taurus can hardly be called greedy - he can easily borrow money, but will never part with something dear to his heart. It is impossible to gain trust and take possession of their wealth; they are always vigilant and capable of thinking soberly.

The best talisman stones for Taurus

According to the horoscope, this zodiac sign is considered financially successful; the ability to earn money and receive maximum benefit is in the blood of Taurus. To feel happy, people born under this sign must satisfy their desires as much as possible.

There are certain Taurus stones that help reduce the manifestation of negative traits and also bring out the best in the wearer. The effectiveness of the stone is also influenced by the decade of birth of Taurus, for example:

But there are also stones that are suitable for Taurus, regardless of which planet influenced him at the time of birth:

Stones suitable for Taurus women and Taurus men

Taurus women's stones are most often light in color.

Charming turquoise has long been considered a real feminine stone. For women who are looking for love, blue crystal will help attract a worthy man. A piece securely hidden from prying eyes will not allow the girl to commit frivolous acts and will protect her from intrigues and lies.

For married women Green turquoise should be suitable, it helps to maintain the hearth and prosperity in the house. An amulet the color of fresh grass symbolizes fertility and health, so it is necessary for those women who are thinking about a baby. Also promotes conception and good pregnancy pearl agate, he protects women in labor and babies.

Gloomy black agate reveals the hidden potential in a man. A talisman with it brings happiness businesslike Taurus, as it helps to concentrate and aim for success in business.

Amazonite is well suited for Taurus, fights the indecision and doubts of the owner, and also brings wealth to the home.

Orange sardonyx improves relationships with the female sex and gives the gift of persuasion. The Taurus stone will not allow a lonely owner to remain without a partner for a long time and will in every possible way contribute to the establishment personal life. Which stone is suitable for men, but is very loved by women? This is zircon - a real masculine mineral, it brings out clean water liars, destroys intrigues, helps to get to the truth. The person wearing it is well protected from slander and conflicts.

What minerals are not suitable for Taurus?

There is only one stone that is categorically not suitable for the zodiac sign Taurus - this is amber in all its manifestations. Negative influence A purchased, or even more so given, yellow amulet is noticed almost instantly. Taurus cannot simply throw away an unfriendly talisman stone; there are two options for getting rid of amber: perform a simple ritual or give the stone to someone who likes it.

Amethyst is not suitable for all representatives of this zodiac sign; children for whom the amulet helps to achieve success in their studies can wear it without fear. Purple stone has been proven to have an amazing effect on eliminating bad habits, but after achieving a positive result you need to get rid of it.

Jewelry and amulets made of topaz, ruby ​​and pyrite are also not desirable for Taurus. They will only benefit people born in a suitable decade. Some stones suitable for a Taurus woman will be useless in the hands of men, for example, pearl agate.

If a person is thinking about which stones to choose according to his zodiac sign, then first of all he needs to listen to his feelings.

A true helper and protector is easy to feel on an intuitive level.

People who were born under the zodiac sign Taurus are real hard workers. Any business they undertake, Taurus brings to the end. At the same time, their work cannot be called boring and ordinary. Taurus always show ingenuity in their work. In addition, they are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence and endurance.

Taurus are quite mercantile. They benefit from everything. In addition, they are sometimes stingy. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign are accurate in calculations, punctual and love to have order everywhere and in everything. Taurus are non-conflict people; scandals, quarrels and even skirmishes can “knock them out of balance”, which is why they can quickly become angry and even enraged. They will never back down from their point of view and will defend their point of view.

It has become popular to choose stones according to your zodiac sign. If you purchase the right mineral, it will provide powerful protection and also bring happiness. In this article we will talk about which amulet stone is suitable for Taurus.

Stones can be selected not only by horoscope, but also by date of birth:

  • Taurus born April 21 to May 1 are ruled by Mercury. They are very hardworking and creative. It is best for them to choose amethyst and amazonite.
  • Taurus born from May 2 to May 11 are ruled by the Moon. They love order and a measured lifestyle. They are recommended to choose the following stones: , and turquoise.
  • For Taurus born from May 12 to May 20, Saturn bestows its favor and protection. They love to find original solutions in their work and will never miss their benefits. These Taurus are recommended to wear minerals such as and emerald. These gems for Taurus, as well as semi-precious stones, give a good mood and help get rid of unnecessary worries.

When choosing stones according to your zodiac sign, you should also pay attention to the frame. Taurus should choose gold, silver and copper. You can wear stones in a ring, pendant or pendant.

Common talisman stones for Taurus

If we talk about individual amulets for Taurus, then . He will give protection from evil forces. In addition, it can provide good sleep and drive away nightmares. To do this, you should put it under your pillow and leave it until the morning. Emerald should be worn by Taurus who are married. It will help preserve the feelings of the spouses for many years, will protect marital fidelity, and will also contribute to the conception and birth of healthy children.

Besides this, good talisman Taurus is a sapphire, it gives self-confidence and will help you make the right decisions even in the most difficult situations. difficult situations. In addition, sapphire will provide protection from the evil eye, damage, bad rumors and slander. It can only be worn by people with a clear conscience and good intentions. Evil people the amulet will not bring happiness. It will be a simple decoration for them.

Taurus can wear it as a talisman. It will protect against evil forces and evil witchcraft (damage, evil eye or love spell). In addition, jasper provides protection from energy vampires. Jasper will preserve the owner’s health and provide protection from premature death. Jasper is recommended to be worn by those Taurus who take everything that happens too close to their hearts.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are suitable for mascot stones such as agates. They help develop the gift of clairvoyance and intuition. Thanks to this, a person will be able to anticipate dangerous situations and avoid them. In addition, agate gives the owner the opportunity to master the art of eloquence. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it for politicians and people whose activities are related to public speaking. Agate, enclosed in a copper frame, gives peace of mind and the opportunity to find harmony with oneself.

It will be a good amulet for Taurus. It helps you achieve your goals and overcome all the difficulties that stand in your way. Astrologers recommend wearing this stone to people who own their own business.

Stones for Taurus women

The talisman stone for representatives of a given zodiac can be chosen depending on gender. Turquoise suits women best. At the same time unmarried girls It is best to opt for blue turquoise. He will help you meet your soulmate. In addition, blue turquoise protects girls from rash actions.

Suitable for Taurus – married women. But the stone must have green tint. Such turquoise will be a good amulet that will help maintain peace and tranquility in the family, giving spouses love and mutual understanding. Turquoise promotes conception and the birth of healthy children.

Stones suitable for Taurus - a woman carrying a baby - are pearl agate (or semi-agate). It helps to carry and give birth healthy child. In addition, this stone attracts money, which should be enough for a normal life for a child.

Stones for Taurus men


If we talk about which gemstones are suitable for representatives of the stronger sex of a given zodiac sign, then men should pay attention to. This stone helps to reveal hidden talents. In addition, it helps develop attention and perseverance, so it is recommended for students to wear it.

For a Taurus man it will be a good amulet. It gives you self-confidence and helps you make the right decisions even in the most difficult situations. The stone attracts money and helps build a career.

In addition, an excellent stone is a talisman for Taurus. It is recommended to be worn by single members of the stronger sex. He will help you find your soulmate. In addition, sardonyx helps to awaken hidden talents in a person.

Representatives of the stronger sex can wear items with zircon as an amulet. It helps to expose the intrigues of colleagues and acquaintances. In addition, it protects against bad rumors, slander and gossip. Zircon helps distinguish lies from truth.

Not all stones are suitable for a given zodiac sign. Taurus people are not recommended to wear. This is especially true for representatives of the fair sex.

The fact is that amber attracts troubles for Taurus. Moreover, they will begin as soon as Taurus puts on this stone.

Over time, his negativity towards the owner does not weaken. On the contrary, amber will attract more and more troubles. Therefore, Taurus cannot wear it. However, if it is already in the jewelry collection of representatives of a given zodiac sign, it is not recommended to throw it away. It is better to give amber as a gift to the person who is energetically compatible with this stone.

In addition, Taurus is not recommended to wear yellow and yellow stones. orange flowers. These include, and. Taurus is not recommended to choose and as a talisman. The point is that they will not “work”, however, they do not attract trouble. They can only be worn as simple jewelry.



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