House cleaning schedule. Step-by-step plan for ideal cleaning of an apartment, house, room

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Carrying out homework, a woman has to reckon with her interests, hobbies and desires - washing, cooking and cleaning cannot be put off, these matters require a lot of time and effort to solve them every day. It is even more difficult for those women who work or who have small child requiring constant attention. Like a routine home cleaning make it an easy, step-by-step task?

Is it possible to do without general cleaning of the apartment?

It’s common practice that cleaning the apartment is often left behind at the end of the week. Since most women work on weekdays, cleaning most often takes place on free days, which would be good to use for rest - Saturday and Sunday. How can you clean your home? distribute evenly over all days weeks without spending much time on it?

There have always been attempts to create cleaning schedules and a certain order for household chores. For some housewives this acquired a certain algorithm and became part of daily life, and other housewives, having not achieved success, abandoned this idea and returned to their old familiar schedule. IN 1999 in the West even such a concept as “” (“finally loving yourself” – or “finally love yourself!”) , which marked a whole movement of housewives who were not resigned to the routine of household chores and were trying to give them some kind of ordered system , uniform throughout the week and easy to do. This progressive management model household began to immediately conquer the world, and today many housewives gladly use it to organize such uninteresting, but always necessary work.

To make your home clean and tidy, it is necessary a lot of work one day per week, or a bit of housework every day . With a reasonable and thoughtful apartment cleaning schedule, weekends - Saturday and Sunday - can be completely excluded from them, leaving them only for relaxation and favorite things. Below we present to your attention approximate apartment cleaning schedule , which will help you unload free time at the end of the week, devoting it to more enjoyable activities.

Basic principles of a weekly cleaning schedule - what to consider

The most important thing in planning your apartment cleaning for the week is to achieve uniform distribution of work by day of the week, otherwise the entire organized order will sooner or later “break” and cease to exist.

An ideal apartment cleaning schedule for a week that takes little time

On Monday we have - kitchen cleaning. If the kitchen has a balcony or pantry, these areas also need to be done
clean. Let's start cleaning the kitchen from the furthest cabinets, the cabinet under the sink, behind . First, you need to scatter the detergent powder over the surface of the stove, over the sink - this will help the old fat “come off” more easily. Having rearranged the jars and dishes in the cabinets, you need to wipe the shelves underneath them and the cabinet doors. Once a week is necessary wash the hood , and once every two weeks - clean filters on her. You need to start cleaning the kitchen by cleaning the cabinets, then you need to wash the oven, stove and sink, and finish cleaning by washing the floor.

Advice: To ensure that cleaning the cabinets takes as little time as possible, and that all products and things are organized and in plain sight, it is recommended to purchase jars for storing bulk products, and not to store cereals and pasta in bags from which they can easily spill.

On this day we clean hallway, toilet and bathroom. First you need to apply the cleaning agent to enamel of the bathtub, on the sink, toilet so that it begins to act. Then you need spray tile cleaner along the walls of the bathtub and toilet, wiping them with a dry cloth, rubbing until shiny. After washing the plumbing, do not forget to wipe the nickel-plated surfaces with a dry cloth - shelves, taps, cabinet handles, shower stand. If there is a lot of plaque left on them, it is recommended to use a remover. limescale in spray or gel. Having finished working with plumbing, you need wipe the bathroom mirror, washing machine, shelves , wash the floors. In the hallway, you must first put things in order in the closet in front of the door, on the hanger - remove those clothes that no one wears anymore, put winter hats in bags and put them away for storage, sort out those things that need to be washed before storing them in the closet. Shoes should be wiped down, only those pairs that you and your family wear should be left at the door, the remaining pairs of shoes should be put in the closet. In the hallway you need to wipe down the furniture, and don’t forget about front door– it must be wiped and with inside, and from the outside. At the end of cleaning, you need to wash the floor, shake it outside and lay rugs by the door.

Advice: So that cleaning in the hallway, as well as in the bathroom, does not take much time, teach your household to wipe the tiles in the bathroom after a shower, clean the sink of toothpaste and rinse the soap dish, wipe shoes daily and put them away for storage in a timely manner, without piling up at the doorstep .

On this day you clean bedroom and dining room. In the bedroom it is necessary, first of all, put things back in place , change bed linen, make the bed. Since there are always a lot of things in this room, the dust must be wiped very carefully and the carpet must be vacuumed. On varnished surfaces, dust must first be removed with a dry cloth without any means. Then treat the same places with a napkin with a special agent applied. varnished surfaces, polishing furniture to a shine , achieving it completely dry to avoid divorces. In the dining room, it is necessary to wipe down the furniture containing dishes, the backs and crossbars of chairs, picture frames, and vacuum the carpets. Finally, the floors need to be washed.

Advice: To prevent dust from accumulating throughout the week, bedroom furniture must be wiped down daily. A furniture cleaner with an antistatic effect will work well - there will be less dust. Things should not be dumped in a chair, but hung in closets or sent to a laundry basket.

On Thursday it is necessary to clean in children's room, and at the same time you can study washing clothes in washing machine , ironing dried laundry. On this day you can make it a rule water indoor plants , wipe furniture and floors on balconies, clean shoes, repair clothes.

Advice: So that after washing the laundry does not have to be steamed for a long time when ironing, you need to remove it from the lines slightly damp, put it in piles, and iron it the next day. To ensure that cleaning the children's room does not take much time, you need to teach your child to put all his toys and things in their place within a week. At first, this process will not be very fast, but then the child will perfect it to the point of automaticity.


On the last day working week need to put things in order living room, for this you need to wipe down all the furniture, appliances, vacuum the carpets, wipe the windows, wash the floors. All extra things need to get out of this room within a week , and then there will always be order in the living room. If cleaning the living room is not enough, then on Friday you can wash the floors, stove, sink in the kitchen, wipe the plumbing, mirror and floors in the hallway, toilet and bathroom.

Advice: So that on Friday you don’t have to literally shovel things thrown by household members and toys out of the living room, set a rule that during the week all these things should be taken to their places.

So, the work week is over, the house is properly maintained. You can devote two days of the coming weekend relaxation, hobbies, cooking delicious lunches and dinners, walks with the child . Products can also be buy during the work week, one evening so that you don’t spend time standing in queues on the weekend. Here . The smallest cleaning tasks can also be done on weekends - for example, remove to dressing table, in the toy closet, iron washed clothes, repair those clothes that require repair. IN Saturday you need to wash your shoes thoroughly , dry it well and clean it with a cream suitable for this type of material. Napkins for wiping dust need to be rinsed well in water and dried - for cleaning next week.

Any activities require accounting and control. Cleaning is provided by cleaning and cleaning services in most large and medium-sized cities. To facilitate mutual understanding, cleaning schedules are required. Such documents are created in accordance with specific requirements specified in the contract, drawn up taking into account the regulations and standards for cleaning certain types of premises. For example, the conditions for cleaning apartments and cleaning offices will be different.

A classic version of a cleaning schedule with a manager-controller.

Table for calculating the total working hours of a specialist.

(click on image to enlarge) DOWNLOAD toilet cleaning schedule

Photo. Toilet cleaning schedule

We invite you to download the cleaning schedule, a sample is presented in Microsoft Word. Also a list of tasks for a specific employee (a cleaning schedule in the form of a task list is suitable for monitoring specific or private events, for example, in one cottage it is necessary to wash the windows, stove, refrigerator, balcony and computer desk, and in the other there is a microwave, toilet and windows and do carpet dry cleaning and furniture dry cleaning). To control the monthly plan or payroll calculations, use the schedule (schedule) of total working hours.

Cleaning standards - standards and technology

Professional cleaning technology is prescribed in state standard. You can find out standard standards cleaning production premises. Naturally, the requirements for different rooms different ones are presented. It is imperative to follow state cleaning standards for a specific type of premises.

Documents are available for download in Microsoft Word format.

State standard compiled to verify the provision of household cleaning.

The document proposes cleaning standards and formulas for calculations.

Quality indicators of professional cleaning GOST R51870-2014

Call and order cleaning from the Dokman cleaning company (St. Petersburg).

All people are divided into two categories: some are ready to clean the apartment every day in every corner, wiping all surfaces with an antimicrobial agent, while others clean it on the weekends, and then only from time to time. How to make cleaning easier and not put off an event so dubious for personal pleasure from day to day? Today we will talk about a plan for cleaning your apartment for every day, with which you will make your life easier and your home will be sparkling clean.

Daily cleaning

Regardless of the frequency of this procedure, in every home there are certain parts and corners where it is necessary to carry out a daily inspection. This is what will give you a guarantee that germs will not spread throughout your home.

Where do you need to clean daily?

  1. In first place is cutting board. It is on it that various microbes can multiply. In order to protect your family from exposure to harmful microorganisms, you need to wash this kitchen utensil daily with detergent and pour boiling water over it. Great solution Will be dishwasher safe.

Important! To make things easier, use several cutting boards in your kitchen and opt for glass or plastic models.

  1. Wash your pets' dishes daily. Even if, at first glance, it is clean, it may contain E. coli or staphylococcus microorganisms.
  2. In third place among the mandatory places in an apartment cleaning plan is the kitchen sink. Do not leave leftover food in it, keep it clean, and after washing the dishes, wipe it dry.

Important! Pour boiling water over your sink once a day to protect it from harmful germs.

  1. You should always have a few tea towels in your kitchen. Some should be intended for hands and face, others - for wiping furniture dry, and others - for dishes. Change your textiles every day to protect you from germs.

We clean on the weekend

If you put off all home maintenance work until the weekend, then you definitely need an apartment cleaning plan. When organizing cleaning during these two days free from work, a lot of problems arise - the woman does not know where to start and how to clean the entire house without missing anything. An apartment cleaning plan will help you not to miss a single detail and bring perfect order to every corner

Weekend cleaning - what places not to miss?

  1. Handles on all doors of the house. Every day, every person touches door handles several times a day. Thus, if we take this with a dirty hand furniture fittings, then microbes can multiply and spread throughout the room.

Important! If someone in the house is sick, then you should wipe the door handles daily or several times a day. To do this, you should use soap and a rag.

Important! If you are sick, then it is worth increasing the amount of cleaning in this part of the house.

  1. Toilet. Largest quantity germs collect under the toilet lid. Don't forget to disinfect these plumbing fixtures.

Important! As you can see, the apartment cleaning plan for the weekend does not contain many mandatory nuances. It will take you no more than 20 minutes to clean all of the above items.

Cleaning plan once a month

There are things in every home that require monthly cleaning, and we often ignore this fact. Now we will highlight some nuances that should be paid attention to at least once a month.

Items that need monthly cleaning:

  1. The first place is the desktop. This item should be thoroughly washed once a month, even if you do not constantly spend your time at the computer. If you spend most of your time at office equipment, including having lunch, then you should pay attention to your desktop more often. The keyboard must be completely cleaned of small debris.
  2. Place where cutlery is kept. This could be a box or a special stand. Due to the fact that you place devices with a small amount of moisture in the designated area, over time microbes, fungus and mold can multiply in it. We advise once a month to thoroughly wash all forks, spoons, etc., and disinfect the box itself and wipe it dry.
  3. When drawing up a plan for cleaning your apartment once a month, you should pay attention to the refrigerator. Despite the fact that the manufacturers of this unit claim that it should be washed once a year, we recommend wiping all trays, ice and water molds, and vegetable storage containers once a month. In this case, you will rid yourself of harmful microbes that can harm your body.

Above, we talked about a house cleaning plan for every day, on weekends and once a month. However, let's take a closer look at cleaning each part of the house and what nuances you should pay attention to. From now on, the entire procedure for achieving perfect cleanliness will not cause you so much trouble!

Cleaning the hallway

The hallway is business card your home. It is from this part of the apartment that the first impression of the owner is formed. If it is dirty, it will be very difficult to explain to the person that you are a good housewife, and a little mess is a coincidence. Therefore, start drawing up a cleaning plan for your apartment in the hallway.

Stages of cleaning in the hallway:

  1. Start with the front door. Wipe it with soapy water. If you live in a private house, use disinfectants.
  2. Pay attention to the condition of the doormat. Vacuum or knock all the dust out of it.
  3. Remove from this part of the room all objects that should not be there: packages, bags, toys, sleds, rollers, and so on.
  4. Throw your shoes in one drawer.
  5. Depending on the wall covering, apply wet cleaning. If possible, wipe down washable wallpaper, cabinets and other furniture.
  6. The last step is washing the floors and baseboards.

Cleaning the living room

Cleaning the living room is one of the most important things when creating a daily home cleaning plan. However, where to start if you are putting things in general order? How to get rid of all the dust?

Step by step instructions:

  1. The first stage spring cleaning This part of the house is where windows are washed. By using special means this procedure will not take much time and effort. Before washing the “eyes” of the apartment, remove the tulle curtains and curtains and wash them.
  2. After the windows, proceed to the walls. Wipe them down (if possible). Use a broom and rag to remove all cobwebs and dust.
  3. Clean up your textiles. Replace bedding. Vacuum upholstered furniture.
  4. Clean up all cabinet furniture drawers. Throw away all unnecessary junk.
  5. Organize your wardrobe.
  6. Use special wipes for office equipment to clean all household appliances.
  7. Wash artificial flowers and rinse porcelain or clay figurines in soapy water.
  8. Water fresh flowers and remove dried leaves.
  9. Pay attention door handles, mirrors, switches and cables.
  10. Vacuum and wipe down floors, including baseboards.
  11. Enjoy perfect order in your living room.

Cleaning the bedroom

The bedroom is a part of the home that does not require a house cleaning plan for every day. Here you can clean once a week or as needed.

How to proceed:

  1. The first step may be, as in the living room, washing the windows and washing the curtains.
  2. Next, you should start organizing your dressing table and all your closets.

Important! Don't forget to vacuum every corner of cabinet furniture, including beds.

  1. Then start cleaning out your closet. In this case there is very good rule four containers. Its essence lies in the fact that you divide all things into four “piles” - store, throw away, give away, use. When cleaning the master bedroom, you should only put in the closet those things that fall into the “store” category. You should definitely get rid of all the rest.

Important! We strongly recommend that you do not keep items from previous seasons that you have not worn and hope to wear in the future. As practice shows, you will no longer wear these clothes, and they only take up space that can serve you well.

  1. The next step in your apartment cleaning plan is to tidy up the bed, if there are closets, and under the bed. Not only dust is stored there, but also old books, magazines, and textiles. Most of these things can simply be thrown away. During general cleaning in the master bedroom, you always end up with a lot of garbage, clothes and various items that need to be thrown away, but on a simple day you could not decide to do this.
  2. Now you should start cleaning your pillows, blankets and mattress. You can wash them yourself or take them to the dry cleaner. Bed sheets It should be washed at maximum temperature.
  3. At this stage, you need to start cleaning cabinet furniture. Wipe down all mirrors and polish all surfaces. Clear household appliances remove dust and wash the floor.

Important! Don’t forget to pay attention to the chandelier and lamps during spring cleaning.

Cleaning the bedroom is finished!

Bathroom and cleaning

The next stage in the apartment cleaning plan is the bathroom. Here you have to clean from top to bottom:

  1. If you have a first aid kit in your closet, then you should start there. Throw out expired medications, get rid of drugs without instructions and with unclear purpose.
  2. Next, audit all towels and body care products.
  3. Wipe down switches and light fixtures.
  4. Clean the faucet with disinfectant.
  5. Pay attention to the bathtub or shower stall. All surfaces must be perfectly clean and free of soap deposits.
  6. If you have a combined bathroom, pay attention to the toilet. Wash it inside and out. Disinfect all surfaces.
  7. The sink should also be washed using special anti-rust, lime and disinfectants. A melamine sponge helps a lot in this regard.
  8. When following your apartment cleaning plan, clean out the soap dish. Of course, it is better to give your preference liquid soap, since it does not leave soapy water behind, which promotes the proliferation of microbes.
  9. Clean under the sink, bathtub, and behind the toilet.
  10. Clean floors and baseboards.
  11. Lay the cleaned floor coverings, if any.

Important! If you correctly draw up a house cleaning plan for every day, you will not need more than 15-20 minutes to restore general cleanliness in the bathroom.

For the average person who has a job and a busy schedule, it is better to do one-time cleaning of the house in a timely manner without allowing the garbage to accumulate. Stay honest with yourself about the range of comprehensive cleaning services you can afford.

Make a cleaning plan

Don't try to clean the whole house at once. Divide your home into zones or separate rooms so that you can see the progress made in one room, which will motivate you to clean further.

Cleaning the kitchen

A clean kitchen makes cooking easier and more enjoyable, and cleaning your home daily also promotes basic sanitation. To dispose of dirty dishes, use the dishwasher if available. If you have children, make washing dishes one of their daily chores. If you don't have dishwasher, make sure dirty dishes don't accumulate, try to wash the dishes when you're done using them. Enlist your children to help you with chores around the house.

Wipe down countertops before leaving the kitchen. Cleaning briefly will help you keep bacteria at bay. Do the same with kitchen sink, having washed the dishes first, of course. Don't forget about microwave oven and the oven, if you used them. Wipe when no longer needed. You'll find that promptly cleaning up any spilled drinks when they happen will save you a ton of time and effort that would otherwise result in difficult and time-consuming cleanup of dry spots.

Cleaning the bath

To make your life easier when it comes to the bathroom, regularly rinse your shower and tub after use, and get into the habit of doing so as a family. Remove hair from drain grates and wipe walls; to do this, you can store a scraper right in the bathroom. You can also keep baby wipes in your bathroom to wipe down the toilet seat and sink daily. This solution takes little time and gives excellent results.

Little things like this help a lot when it’s time for spring cleaning. When talking about regular cleaning, spray in the bathroom, shower and toilet universal remedy To clean, leave it on for 15 minutes. While the product is working, slowly wash the sink, countertop and mirror. Now let's return to the previously processed areas. Then mop or vacuum the floors.

Remember to use gloves when cleaning the toilet and a toilet brush to clean under the toilet rim. You can also use a toilet cleaner that attaches under the rim to keep your toilet clean between regular cleanings at home.

Cleaning the bedroom

The simplest way to keep your bedroom clean requires only fifteen minutes a day to tidy up. Your bedroom, especially if you have children, is one of the few places where you can lie down and relax after a long and hard day. A dirty bedroom will not provide a relaxing environment.

Get started daily cleaning bedroom with a made bed. The bed dictates the appearance of the entire room and makes it neater. Align the sheet, blanket and bedspread, carefully fold the pillows. Don't leave dirty clothes in the bedroom; take them to the wash in the morning. When you take off your clothes, put them in the laundry basket. Clothes that are considered clean should be folded and put away in drawers or hung in the closet.

When you take off your shoes, put them in the closet. Create a special place for those scraps of paper that come home with you from work or school. Trash cans are great for this task and will help you quickly get rid of trash in your room, which will help you clean your house faster. Make sure you remember to clean all flat surfaces at least twice a week and don't forget the headboard by vacuuming it at least once a week.

Other rooms

For the living room, dining room and patio, make sure you vacuum, mop floors at least once a week, and dust flat surfaces on the same schedule. However, the most important thing you can do to keep your home clean and your life less stressful is to clean up after yourself throughout the day. This solution will cut your house cleaning time by more than half when it comes time to deep clean your home.

Once you have completely decluttered an area (and this may take several months, we are in no hurry), you can use the FlyLady cleaning plan. You'll be surprised how easy cleaning becomes when there's no clutter! And you'll be even more surprised at how easy it is to keep things clean once routines become a habit. FlyLady says: “It’s like the house is cleaning itself!”

Detailed plan cleaning for Zone 5: living room, common room
"This is my living room cleaning plan. Adapt it to your home! Start at the top and work your way down - from the cobwebs on the ceiling to the dust bunnies on the floor.

Remember, don't commit to this plan unless you're done with decluttering. Only then can you begin a thorough cleaning plan that you may not have done for months, or even years. Don't get carried away! You don't have to complete everything this week. Place the printed list in a transparent file and use a marker to cross off what has already been done.

Living/family room cleaning plan.
1. Sweep away cobwebs.
2. Wash the windows.
3. Arrange books neatly in cabinets.
4. Wash jewelry and trinkets.
5. Wash the table.
6. Clean up your drawers and cabinets.
7. Wash stains off walls.
8. Polish your furniture.
9. Throw away old magazines.
10. Clean your phone.
11. Clean under the couch cushions.
12. Clean the fireplace.
13. Move furniture and vacuum underneath it.
14. Wash the carpet with detergent.

If you have any other premises. which is also used as a common room, clean one room every month. Don't push yourself. All this was overgrown with rubbish in more than one month, and it will not be cleared in a week. Remember: babysteps! If you cannot complete an item, just cross it out, do not accumulate tasks. We will repeat the same thing week after week, month after month. And I will simply remind you of this. - FlyLady



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