Orlitsa variety of common cherry. Winter-hardy student cherry and other frost-resistant varieties. Characteristics of the Livenskaya variety


The variety was obtained from seedlings of the Zhukovskaya variety.
Tree medium strength growth, up to 3 m high, spreading crown, raised, medium density, dense foliage. Fruits on bouquet branches and annual growths of the previous year.
Fruits weighing 3.5-4.0 g, heart-shaped, dark red. The pulp is dark red, medium density, the juice is dark red. The bone separates from the pulp well.
The fruits have an attractive appearance (4.2 points), the pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, and has a satisfactory taste (3.8 points). The fruits are resistant to cracking. Technical grade.
Flowering in the middle period (May 15-20). Fruit ripening is average (July 20-25), simultaneous. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. Partially self-fertile. Productivity is very high - up to 284.4 c/ha. The longevity of trees is high. The winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds is good. Moderately resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis.
The variety has a high production value and is zoned in the Central Black Earth region, can be used for industrial, amateur culture, farms, as well as for selection purposes. The variety is suitable for intensive cultivation.
Advantages: winter hardiness, high yield.

Grown on Russian soil. All seedlings from our nursery are rooted, free from diseases and pests, obtained from the meristem of plants with a proven variety and propagated using in vitro technology. Seedlings are grown in a nursery under open air in pots (ZKS). Each seedling grows in its own pot and is replanted annually. How older plant, the larger the pot: 0.5L, 3L, 5L, etc. Seedlings varieties for middle zone RF, overwinter without shelter and are ready for planting at any time of the year, even in winter. Delivery by mail within the Russian Federation, by courier within Moscow or by self-pickup.

Cherry Eagle.

The variety was obtained by selecting seedlings from free pollination of the Zhukovskaya variety. Originator All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding fruit crops. Authors: A.F. Kolesnikova, E.N. Dzhigadlo, G.B. Zhdanova, A.V. Zavyalova, T.A. Trofimova. Introduced into the State Register in 2001 for the Central Black Earth region.

Tree medium vigor, up to 3 m in height, spreading, raised crown, medium density, densely leafy. The shoots are medium-sized, straight, brown. The bark on the trunk and main branches is smooth and brown. The bud is 4 mm, cone-shaped, strongly deviated from the shoot.

Sheet obovate, dark green. The apex is strongly pointed, the base is broadly wedge-shaped, the serration of the edge is doubly blunt-serrated. The surface of the leaf blade is shiny and flat. Glands 2-4, located at the base of the leaf and on the petiole. The petiole is 31.0 mm long, 2.8 mm thick, with anthocyanin coloring.

The number of flowers in the inflorescence is 3. The corolla is 23.8 mm in diameter, open. The petals are white and freely arranged. The stigma of the pistil is located higher relative to the anthers. The length of the pistil is 11.7 mm, the length of the stamens is 10.2 mm. The shape of the calyx is narrowly goblet, the sepals are not serrated. Fruits on bouquet branches and annual growths of the previous year.

Fruit weighing 3.5-4.0 g, heart-shaped, height 18.0 mm, width 16.0 mm, thickness 15.0 mm. The funnel of the fruit is shallow, the apex of the fruit is slightly elongated. The fruits are dark red. The pulp is dark red, medium density, the juice is dark red. The length of the stalk is 31.0 mm, the thickness is average. The stone is ovoid, weight 0.28 g, which is 8.0% of the weight of the fruit, yellow. The apex is pointed, the base is rounded. The bone separates from the pulp well.

Fruit attractive appearance (4.2 points), juicy, sweet and sour pulp, satisfactory taste (3.8 points). The fruits contain dry matter - 15.9%, sugars - 10.6%, acids - 1.88%. The separation of the fruit from the stalk is average. The fruits are resistant to cracking. Technical grade. Flowering in the middle period (May 15-20).

Fruit ripening average (July 20-25), simultaneous. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. Partially self-fertile. The average yield is 109.9 c/ha, the maximum is 284.4 c/ha. The durability of trees is high in compliance with agrotechnical standards. The winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds is good. Moderately resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis.

Variety has a high production rating and is zoned in the Central Black Earth region, can be used for industrial, amateur culture, farms, and also for breeding purposes. The variety is suitable for intensive cultivation.

Advantages of the variety: winter hardiness, high yield.

To date it has been released large number cherries Many novice gardeners get lost in such a variety of cherry trees and do not know which variety they need. When choosing a seedling, you need to be guided by the following factors: self-fertility, need for sunlight, amount of harvest, resistance to drought, speed of berry ripening, whether the tree bears fruit regularly, immunity to fungal diseases and pests, flowering period of the crop, frost resistance.

The last factor (winter hardiness) will be discussed further. You will learn which varieties of cherries can withstand the harsh winters here and, at the same time, produce large harvests in the summer. We will talk about the pros and cons of these varieties and much more.

Winter-hardy cherry varieties

It's no secret that our climate zone is not ideal for growing cherry trees. Fortunately, breeders have developed special varieties of cherries that can withstand low temperatures. Most of them are self-fertile. This is convenient because the yield does not depend on weather conditions, nor from bees. A pleasant bonus is immunity to many diseases.

So, the most popular winter-hardy varieties of cherries are: Student, Orlitsa, Annushka, Kirina, Livenskaya, Mtsenskaya, Nezyabka, Prima, Balaton, Winter Pomegranate, Konkurentka, Lyutovka, Memorable. They will be discussed further.

Features of Student cherry

The tree has a reverse pyramidal shape. A clear advantage of the variety is its high yield. Also, cherries are valued due to their winter hardiness, early fruiting and good taste of the berries. The culture is partially susceptible to coccomycosis. The berries grow quite large. The weight of one fruit is 4 grams. Student cherries can be easily recognized by the burgundy color of the berries.

The fruits tolerate transportation well and do not lose their presentation. The plant itself bears fruit for the first time after three years of growing in open ground. Harvesting is allowed in the second half of July. Perhaps the only disadvantage of the Student Cherry is its self-sterility. Varieties such as Vladimirskaya, Zhukovskaya, Turgenevskaya and others can act as pollinating crops.

Characteristics of the Eaglet

The height of the crop is approximately three meters. The cherry crown is medium dense. The mass of the berry is four grams. The fruit color is dark red. The harvest is characterized by excellent presentation. The taste of the berry is both sour and sweet. It should be noted that the fruits do not crack after ripening.

The Orlitsa variety begins to bloom on May 15th. It is recommended to harvest from July 20th. Berries begin to appear on cherries after four years from the moment the seedling is planted in open ground. The Orlitsa culture is partially self-fertile. Flower buds have a high degree of winter hardiness. The big disadvantage of Orlitsa is its susceptibility to coccomycosis.

Description of the variety Annushka

Cherry is winter-hardy, medium-sized. The berries are large - up to 5 grams. They are round in shape. The fruits are dark red. The berries are tasty, have a sweet and sour taste. The crop tolerates transportation remarkably well. Berries can be picked already at the end of June - beginning of July. The advantage of the Annushka variety is its self-fertility. However, gardeners advise planting cherries next to Annushka.

The cherry tree begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year after it is planted in open ground. The description will be incomplete without mentioning that the crop yield is high. At the same time, cherries produce fruits every year. The high winter hardiness of the cherry itself, as well as the flowering buds, ensured the popularity of the variety. It is also important that the Annushka cherry is immune to coccomycosis.

Kirina Cherry: Brief Description

The plant is medium-sized, has a rounded crown. The berries grow quite large - up to five grams. The fruits are delightfully red. The taste of cherries is sweet and sour. Kirina bears fruit for the first time in the fourth year from the moment it was planted in the garden. High degree of productivity. The variety is resistant to moniliosis and partially to coccomycosis. The tree is characterized by a high degree of frost resistance.

Characteristics of the Livenskaya variety

Livenskaya grows no more than three meters. The crown of the cherry is spherical. The berries are large in size. The weight of one fruit is often 4.5 grams. Cherries are characterized burgundy color. Appearance Livenskaya berries received highly appreciated specialists. The fruit combines sourness and sweetness at the same time. Let us also note the fact that after ripening they do not crack.

The Livenskaya cherry variety is perfect for making compotes, jam, freezing, etc. The tree prefers to bloom from May 10th to 18th. Livenskaya belongs to the partially self-pollinating species. The berries of the Livensky variety ripen by the 20th of July. The tree begins to produce fruits in the fourth year from the moment the seedling is planted in the ground. Cherry productivity is low. It is impossible not to mention high degree winter hardiness of the crop. Livenskaya cherry is immune to coccomycosis and partially moniliosis.

Features of the Mtsensk cherry tree

The plant is quite low. Its height is no more than two meters. The crown is oval-round. The fruits are slightly smaller than those of the Livensky variety - up to four grams. The berries are painted burgundy. Mtsenskaya cherries are both sour and sweet in taste. The berries do not crack after ripening. The Mtsensk variety begins to bloom on May 15th. The harvest should begin on July 20th.

Attempts to bear fruit on a tree can be noticed after four years of growth. The harvest quantity is average. One of the advantages of the Mtsensky variety is self-fertility. Also at cherry high level winter hardiness. The culture tolerates sultry heat well. However, the tree has disadvantages - lack of immunity to moniliosis and coccomycosis.

Description of Nezyabki

The name of the culture speaks for itself. Cherries do not freeze even in the most severe frosts. The Nezyabka variety belongs to shrubs that ripen quite early. Plant up to two and a half meters high. The tree prefers to form fruits in the 4th year after planting the seedling in open ground. Despite the size of the Nezyabka cherry, the berries are large - up to five grams. Their shade is dark red.

The taste of the fruit combines sourness and sweetness. The advantage of Nezyabka cherries is their high yield. One tree can produce twenty kilograms of berries. An obvious disadvantage is the self-sterility of the plant. Suitable pollinators for Nezyabka are: Mayak, Krasa, Rannyaya sweet.

Variety Prima: advantages and disadvantages

This crop is considered the most productive. One Prima tree can bear up to 25 kilograms of berries. And the marketability of the fruit is quite high. Prima cherries are large, rich and extremely tasty. Prima begins to bloom late. Due to the high degree of winter hardiness, cherries can be grown in all regions of Russia. The plant is medium in size. It has a ball-shaped crown. The leaves are glossy. Painted dark red.

Brief characteristics of the Balaton variety

The variety is mid-late. The berries ripen in the first half of July. The Balaton plant is of medium height and has a round-oval crown. The tree is self-fertile. It is impossible not to note the high level of winter hardiness of the crop. The fruits do not crack after ripening. Balaton berries are dark red.

The harvest has excellent taste. Just imagine the combination of sweet and sour fruits with a chocolate flavor. By five-point system The berries were rated 4.9 points by experts. This variety is very popular in European countries. And thanks to the high degree of winter hardiness, the tree can be grown in Russia. Balaton has immunity to coccomycosis, but resistance to klyasterosporiosis is average.

Features of the Winter Pomegranate variety

Refers to dwarf plants. The cherry is self-fertile. Ideal for regions with dry summers and frosty winters.

Interesting fact: Winter Garnet can withstand temperatures down to -45 degrees without special shelter. Due to its high degree of winter hardiness, the variety has gained popularity in the cold regions of Russia.

The culture is also immune to many diseases and harmful insects. The tree is one and a half meters high. Therefore, harvesting the plant will not be difficult. The fruits ripen only in August. The berries are predominantly sweet, with a slight sour taste.

Why gardeners choose the Konkurentka variety

Cherry Competitor - medium-growing. It reaches a height of three meters. The crown of the crop is round. The leaves are characterized by a dark green tint. The berries are small. The weight of one Competitor fruit is approximately three grams. After ripening, the berries acquire a dark red hue. The competitor is valued for the high commercial qualities of the crop product. The taste of the berries is sweet and sour at the same time. It is also worth mentioning that the fruits do not crack.

The tree prefers to bloom from May 15th. But it is recommended to harvest the crop only at the end of July. The tree enters the fruiting phase in the fourth year of growth. Cherry is partially self-pollinating. Has average immunity to coccomycosis. The variety is completely unstable to moniliosis. The harvest volume is average.

Characteristic features of the Lyutovka variety

The berries grow juicy and are dark burgundy in color, like cherries. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste characteristic of cherries. The Lyutovka variety is characterized by large berries. The average weight of one fruit is five grams. Not many varieties of cherry trees can boast such large berries.

The culture is medium-sized. Mature tree does not exceed four meters in height. The crown shape is broadly pyramidal. As the years pass, the branches begin to bend downwards, like weeping willow. Despite the fact that the tree is quite tall, harvesting is not difficult.

The variety is completely self-pollinating. The harvest quantity is high. One tree can produce up to 60 kilograms. The fruiting period begins in the fourth year after planting. And, of course, the culture has good winter hardiness.

Cherry Memorable: description of culture

The crown has a drooping shape and is medium dense. The leaves are long, medium in size, have a darkened green tint. The berries grow large - up to five point five grams. The berries are round in shape. A ripe harvest can be identified by its dark red hue. The berries taste sweet and sour.

The tree begins to bear fruit in the fourth year after the seedling is planted in open ground. Among the advantages of the Pamyatnaya culture, one can note a high level of winter hardiness, a large amount of harvest, and a pleasant taste of the fruits. But no obvious deficiencies were found in the variety.



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