What is drainage work and how is it done? What are drainages? Prices for drainage work

Speaking in simple words, drainage is the removal of excessively accumulated fluid from any area. As already noted, this concept is widely used in construction. When planning the construction of any building special attention should be given to drainage systems, because our friend contained in the earth - water, can very quickly turn into an enemy, destroying the basis of the building - the foundation. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to think about how the drainage will be arranged even before the construction of the building.

In addition to construction, the term “drainage” is actively used in medicine. Its most important task is to ensure constant evacuation of fluid from a wound or hollow organ, the natural outflow of contents from which is difficult as a result of injury or illness.
But besides such emergency situations drainage is also used for the correction of skin areas, in particular for the treatment of cellulite. This procedure is called lymphatic drainage.

Lovers indoor plants know firsthand useful function drainage. It helps to quickly get rid of excess water in the plant pot that remains after watering.

In agriculture, drainage is absolutely necessary so that the farm owner does not lose his crop. Particularly in need of drainage are plots of land located in lowlands, since the water accumulating in them does not allow the plant to develop properly and will ultimately lead to its death.

How is drainage done?

When working with soil, whether in the field of construction or agriculture To create drainage, so-called drains are used - pipes or other cavities with special holes throughout the surface through which water penetrates and is discharged to the intended place.

In indoors, it is important to remember that the drainage material should not rot, damage the roots or mold, or produce any chemical processes. For drainage, you can use, for example, crushed stone, gravel, expanded clay or broken brick.

If in the two above areas drainage can be done independently, without resorting to the help of specialists, then in the medical field, drainage is installed by a doctor. Tubes or catheters, as well as rubber or gauze strips, are used to perform drainage. As the wise King Solomon once said: “There is nothing new under the sun.” Drainage was used in medicine by her father, Hippocrates.

Very often, before building a new house or purchasing a new plot, it is necessary to check whether the premises located on this land will not be too damp. This is especially true for basements and first floors. The fact is that on wet lands with shallow groundwater depths, one cannot do without a special drainage system - drainage. Otherwise, the house will have dampness, mold, and other problems associated with nearby waters. We will talk about what drainage is, its types and design below.

What is drainage? The definition of drainage is special system pipes, wells or channels, allowing for the removal groundwater away from the site, house or any building structure. For most of Russia - especially for middle zone– good drainage is simply vital. And this applies not only to obviously swampy areas. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine at what level the groundwater lies, whether drainage is needed and what type, as well as how best to install it. However, you can do the simplest drainage work yourself - we will tell you how to do this at the end of the article.

Of course, a lot depends on the type of area where your house or cottage - or other structure - is located. Possible different options:

  • - the house is on clay soil (that is, the waterproof layer is close);
  • - house in the lowland;
  • — a house on sandy soil (far from groundwater);
  • - house on a hillside;
  • - a house in a swampy area or near a river/reservoir.

Each case has its own approach and its own drainage system. In lowlands, for example, groundwater is always closer, and on slopes too. But on hills, drainage may also be needed - in particular, to drain rainwater, the excess of which is completely useless on your site.

Before designing a drainage system, a site survey is carried out. First of all, the purposes for which the soil needs to be drained are determined, for which drainage is installed. Thus, drainage may be necessary for agricultural purposes - excess moisture harms individual plants, leads to root rot and death of seedlings. Most often, however, adjacent and accessory areas are drained in order to protect the foundation and prevent water from creating unpleasant dampness inside the room.

Types of drainage systems

Drainage systems come in several types. First of all, the classification of drainage is based on the installation depth of pipes or other parts of the drainage structure. Thus, systems are superficial and deep. Surface drainage most often consists of channels for removing rain and flood water outside the site. This type of system is also needed to maintain paths, roofs and open terraces. Deep drainage is required to combat excess groundwater, which is discharged through special pipes into a well or outside the drained area.

In what cases should surface drainage be used? Almost in any way - and preferably in conjunction with the deep one. There are several types of surface drainage:

  • - point drainage,
  • - linear drainage,
  • - combined drainage.

Drain lines are usually gutters with small containers to catch excess debris and sand. With the help of such channels, you can remove excess water from a fairly large area - but you need to make sure that the sand traps (garbage containers) do not overfill and the lines do not become clogged. Point drainage elements are usually made where excess water needs to be drained locally - for example, such drainage systems are provided near gutters, at doors, and near terraces. True, most often they are supplemented with linear elements - this makes it easier, faster and more efficient to drain water. Combination various parts, in addition, allows you to optimize the dehumidification system and storm sewer, make it cheaper and better.

Main subtypes of deep drainage

In addition, the following main types of drainage are distinguished:

  • - plastic,
  • - wall-mounted,
  • - ring.

Reservoir drainage helps remove not only groundwater from the structure, but also small droplets of any other moisture. The fact is that parts of such a system lie directly on aquiferous soil - such soil within which underground water flows - forming complex design, which also includes pipes for removing moisture from the foundations. The base of the protected structure - that is, the foundation and basement - is reliably isolated from unnecessary dampness. Reservoir drainage is in great demand in the construction of heating networks and chimneys. True, this drainage option must be planned even before the construction of the house - since the pipes must be laid simultaneously with the foundation.

In the design of wall-type drains, the main part is a pipe system with a special filter coating, which is laid on water-resistant soil (ground that almost does not allow moisture to pass even lower). Of course, the structure to be protected must stand on this type of ground - if the waterproof soil is deep, then wall drainage is not done.

Whether ring-type drainage is needed can also be decided in the case when the house or cottage is already completely ready and the owners suddenly realized that the room is too damp. The advantages of such a system are that it is placed at a relative distance from the walls. Ring drainage lowers the groundwater level within its perimeter - in this its action is similar to the reservoir type. The drains (elements of the system) are at a slope.

In some cases, deep drainage can be abandoned - but this requires an assessment by a specialist. However, if the soil is sandy, the house is on a hill, then groundwater is unlikely to be located close to the surface. Basic recommendations for refusing deep system drainage - the water should be one and a half meters below ground level. In this case, the costs turn out to be incomparable with the benefits - the depth of drainage in the area must be very large, and the effect from it is practically unnoticeable.

The types of drainage systems also differ in their main design features. Everything is simple here - drainage happens:

  • - horizontal,
  • - vertical,
  • - combined.

The first one is the most popular and simplest - for example, surface drainage is precisely what horizontal systems. Vertical structures most often include several wells, water from which is pumped out by pumps. You cannot create such a system yourself; it requires special knowledge, so vertical drainage is a rare phenomenon that requires the intervention of a specialist and large financial investments. The combined system includes elements of horizontal and vertical drainage - both wells and pipes. It is mainly used in difficult conditions, where it is impossible to get by with simpler drainage. Installing combined drainage is also not a cheap pleasure.

Operating principles and design of drainage pipes

The principle of drainage is such that it cannot do without a slight slope - and in Russia, for example, the areas on which houses are built are too flat for the natural outflow of water. In this case, when laying pipes, you need to organize a slight artificial drainage slope - but do not overdo it, so as not to accidentally increase your volume earthworks. For every soil type minimum slope your drainage:

With a lower value, water, of course, will also flow, but at the same time the likelihood of pipes clogging and silting with soil particles will increase - and a clogged system will not be of any use to you.

The optimal depth for laying drainage pipes also depends on the type of soil - and, naturally, on the level of groundwater: the lower you want to lower their level, the deeper you need to place the elements of the drainage system.

What are drainage pipes? Typically these are corrugated pipes made of polyvinyl chloride. Inside they are smooth, with holes from one and a half to five millimeters, thanks to which water gets inside. Most often, pipes with an internal diameter of 100 mm are used for engineering structures and drainage of areas. Their features allow you to safely lay drainage at a depth of five meters, without fear of malfunctions and destruction. In addition, they are quite lightweight, they are easy to transport to the installation site and quite easy to handle them yourself. However, it is better to calculate the diameter of the pipes taking into account the characteristics of a particular area, namely:

  • quantity (volume) of groundwater flowing through its territory;
  • area of ​​the site;
  • soil type;
  • location of the site (lowland, hill, etc.).

Do-it-yourself site drainage

However, knowing the simplest rules and how drainage works, you can make a simple drainage system own plot with your own hands. First of all, for this you will need a plan according to which drainage channels will be laid. You need to sketch how the water flows through the area, and lay a grid along its path. It is advisable to leave the trenches open until the next rain, so that you can see whether the slope is sufficient - if puddles appear, the ditches do not go correctly. Then a special material, geotextile, is placed in the dug gutters, and drainage pipes are placed on top of it. They all need to be brought into one drainage well. The laid pipes must be covered with geotextile (otherwise soil will fill inside) and then covered with crushed stone - but not to the very top of the trench. The top of the remaining holes - about thirty centimeters - must be covered with ordinary soil.

That is, saying in simple language, you need:

Regardless of whether you need professional drainage or a homemade one, it is important that the system fulfills the main purpose of the drainage well: there should be no excess dampness after installation. If the area still remains damp, if mold stubbornly does not disappear in the house, and moisture is felt in the basement and on the first floor, it means that mistakes have been made somewhere, and the drainage is not fulfilling its functions. Perhaps a different type of system is needed, or the slope is insufficient, or the pipes are simply clogged - in any case, it is worth checking all the elements.

Incorrectly installed or non-functional drainage will not help in the fight against excess moisture. And it threatens with problems such as death or poor growth of plants (including trees and lawns), deep freezing of the soil (which negatively affects both plants and houses and structures) and subsidence of the foundation.

Excessive moisture on the site harms not only plantings, but also buildings. Plant roots in water rot under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. Only a few crops can survive in overly wet soil. Groundwater poses a great threat to the foundations and basements of houses.

Fungus forms here, as a result of which the building can gradually collapse. To reduce soil moisture, special drainage systems are created.

The main function of the drainage system is to collect excess moisture from the site. Water enters the site in two ways: from above in the form of precipitation, and from below in the form of groundwater. If the soil moisture is normal, precipitation is quickly absorbed into the ground, and groundwater does not cause problems for plants and buildings. In this case, there is no need for a drainage system.

It is necessary to drain the area where the soil remains constantly moist. There are a number of signs that allow you to determine that a site needs a drainage system. Drainage should be installed:

  • If, after precipitation, puddles remain on the surface of the earth, which long time do not dry out.
  • When cultivated plants quickly die for no apparent reason.
  • If the basement of the house is always damp, fungal growths quickly form on the walls.
  • The soil is always moist, even in the warm season in the absence of precipitation.
  • Of the weeds on the site, those that love moisture (nettle, cattail) predominate.
  • There are rivers, ponds, lakes or swamps in the immediate vicinity of the site.

All these signs indicate that groundwater is no deeper than 1.5 m from the surface of the earth. This means that it is necessary to create a system for adequate drainage of the site.

This is important! When landscaping a new site, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the houses and soil of the neighbors. If the signs listed above are found in their areas, then the groundwater in this place lies high and drainage system It's better to install it right away.

What is a drainage system?

The drainage system consists of drainage pipes and drainage wells. The pipes are perforated: along their entire length they have through holes located at a distance from each other. The pipes are installed at an angle so that water can flow through them to the wells.

There are several types of wells:

  1. Rotary or inspection wells. They are installed in places where pipes are turned. They are necessary to audit the system and clean it as necessary.
  2. Filter wells. In them, water is filtered through layers of sand, gravel and crushed stone and goes into the deep layers of the soil.
  3. Water intake wells. They must be installed where water cannot penetrate the soil on its own at a certain depth. For example, if there is too much groundwater. Water intake wells are connected to drainage pumps, which pump water into natural reservoirs or sewers.

Name installation work

Price, rub.

Device surface drainage area, up to 1 m deep.

Installation of deep drainage up to 2 m deep.

Installation of an inspection drainage well, up to 1 m deep.

Installation of an inspection drainage well, up to 2 m deep.

Installation of an inspection drainage well, up to 3 m deep.

Cost of foundation ring drainage

Ring foundation drainage, up to 1 m deep.

Ring foundation drainage, up to 2 m deep.

Ring foundation drainage, up to 3 m deep.

Construction of a collector well

Cost of wall foundation drainage

Installation of wall foundation drainage up to 1 m deep.

Installation of wall foundation drainage up to 2 m deep.

Installation of wall foundation drainage up to 3 m deep.

Construction of a collector well

* The indicated cost of drainage installation work is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer (Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)
Pricing for drainage works also depends on the volume, distance of the object and other factors.

Foundation drainage system

The drainage of the foundation of the house allows you to reliably and efficiently strengthen the structure. The safety and service life of a building depends on many factors.

Low ability for soil to absorb water. The structure of a house built on wet soil is constantly tested high blood pressure water. The accumulation of excess moisture leads to flooding of the basement of the house and the gradual destruction of the structure as a whole.

Level groundwater . During certain seasons of the year, this indicator increases. As a result of flooding of the basement of a building, the structural elements of the house are destroyed. High humidity also leads to rotting of grass and flowers on lawns, the root system of ornamental and fruit trees and bushes. The foundation of the house requires reliable drainage protection. Site drainage is used to protect the land. Carrying out drainage work along the perimeter of the foundation and the ground around it is aimed at significantly reducing the likelihood of many problems that contribute to lowering the water level through its artificial reduction and effective drainage. At the same time, the moisture level is constantly under strict control.

Wall drainage

  • depth of groundwater;
  • type of drainage system;
  • geology.

Wall drainage and foundation drainage are necessary to reliably protect your home. Modern system different high efficiency, it helps to remove nearby groundwater and excess moisture from the basement, foundation and basement. Ideal option protecting the structure from destruction is the installation of a wall drainage system and foundation drainage.

The company's professional experts will help you decide:

  • with a choice of drainage type;
  • slope for displaying its marks;
  • a place for receiving rain, melt, and groundwater;
  • view of the foundation in a vertical section.

Best prices on drainage work this month!

Service name

Unit change

Cost, rub


(depth – from 70 cm)


(depth of “non-freezing” of soil – from 1.5 meters)

Providing a site drainage plan

free of charge (if a contract is concluded)

Site drainage device

from 1 300

from 3 000

Construction of a collector well with pumping station(depth 3 m,
diameter 1 m)

from 35 000

Tired of changing galoshes and washing off dirt? Every spring “welcomes” with water in the basement, and the harvest gets wet right in the garden? Or are the construction deadlines for a large facility being missed? Then you urgently need to order drainage of the site and drainage work! Water is life and blessing, but its excess has destructive consequences for the home and yard structures. The installation of a drainage system will fix everything, the price of the work will return to you with peace of mind and comfort for your loved ones!

What drainage work should I order to forget about flooding forever?

Our company performs high-quality drainage work, the cost of which will pleasantly surprise you. Moreover, we offer comprehensive solution for complete drainage and installation of foundation drainage, as well as partial drainage work on summer cottage. Prices for all types of services are transparent, and the volume is discussed and can be divided into several stages.

  • Study and analysis of the site. Drainage work, the price of which is the most favorable for our clients, does not begin without serious research and obtaining initial data for design. For this purpose, wells are drilled, which helps determine the water level in the ground. Only after this will drainage methods be selected, design documentation will be drawn up, and on its basis the engineer will be able to calculate an estimate for drainage work.

The cost of drainage work on the site is the last thing you should pay attention to, otherwise the savings will go sideways with the first melting of the snow. Only experienced specialists will be able to competently design a drainage system depending on the topography, depth of water, type of surface and install it with strict adherence to technology.

5 benefits of carrying out drainage work by our specialists

1. 10 years experience.
All this time, the company’s specialists have been implementing projects on site drainage and have thoroughly studied the structure and operating principle of drainage protection installations, for which they regularly attend partner training programs and courses from manufacturers of materials and equipment.

2. Low cost of drainage system work. A detailed estimate and price list for drainage work 2016 is the basis for transparent pricing; they will easily answer the question: how much does drainage work cost?

3. Contract for drainage works. We value every client, so drainage work is carried out on plot of land, the volume, timing and cost of drainage work around the house will be written down on paper and observed.

4. 5 year warranty for drainage work. The Moscow region and its residents can count on high quality workmanship - drainage work on the site will be carried out to the highest standard!

5. We comply with all stages of drainage work, We monitor compliance with SNIP; drainage technology is also important for our specialists. Only complete control is the key to a strong and effective system.

Our specialists will save your home from excess water and carry out drainage work in the basement; they are also capable of industrial drainage work of any scale. Ask the managers for a price list for drainage work to find out the current prices! For this there is a necessary technical base, the supply of materials from leading manufacturing plants at dealer prices has been established. Order turnkey drainage work in Moscow, the cost of which will pleasantly surprise you, and the quality will save your home and property!



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