How to calculate tile adhesive consumption. Specific gravity of tile adhesive Size of trowel teeth

Count your expenses. All rates and costs are below:

1. How many cubes are in a bag of dry cement or building mixture:

50kg - 0.038 m3

40kg - 0.03 m3

in 25kg - 0.019 m3

2. Cement-sand mortar for masonry:

For 1 m2 of brickwork with a masonry thickness of 1, the amount of mortar approaches 75 liters of consumption per 1 m2. If the wall is made of brick with a thickness of 1.5 bricks, then the amount of mortar will correspond to the figure of 115 liters.

3. Proportions of cement mortar:

In order to prepare the construction material, you need: 1 part binder(cement) and 4 parts of aggregate.

4. Proportions of plaster mixture:

You will need 1 part binder (cement) and 3 parts aggregate.

5. Cement mortar for brick:

According to consumption standards, 400 pcs. bricks (more precisely 404) - 1 m3 of masonry. The solution consumption rate per 1 m3 is 0.23 m3 (in practice, 0.25 is accepted).

26. How many bricks are needed for 1 m2 of masonry:

a) If the wall thickness is half a brick - 120 mm

  1. single brick - 61 pcs. excluding seam, 51 pcs. with seam
  2. one-and-a-half brick - 46 pcs. excluding seam, 39 pcs. with seam
  3. double brick - 30 pcs. excluding seam, 26 pcs. with seam

b) If the wall thickness is one brick - 250 mm

  1. single brick - 128 pcs. excluding seam, 102 pcs. with seam
  2. one-and-a-half brick - 95 pcs. excluding seam, 78 pcs. with seam
  3. double brick - 60 pcs. excluding seam, 52 pcs. with seam

c) If the wall thickness is one and a half bricks - 380 mm

  1. single brick - 189 pcs. excluding seam, 153 pcs. with seam
  2. one-and-a-half brick—140 pcs. excluding seam, 117 pcs. with seam
  3. double brick - 90 pcs. excluding seam, 78 pcs. with seam

d) If the wall thickness is two bricks - 510 mm

  1. single brick - 256 pcs. excluding seam, 204 pcs. with seam
  2. one-and-a-half brick - 190 pcs. excluding seam, 156 pcs. with seam
  3. double brick - 120 pcs without seam, 104 pcs with seam

e) If the wall thickness is two and a half bricks - 640 mm

In order for the tile adhesive to reliably fix the cladding, it is necessary to maintain technical specifications mixtures according to GOST. This task lies largely on the shoulders of the manufacturer, but consumer awareness, proper use of the mixture and acceptable storage conditions are no less important.

The main criterion is the place of operation

Main types

The properties of tile adhesive vary depending on its composition. The components and their ratio directly determine the compressive strength and density of the mixture. For each type of material, GOST prescribes its own requirements.

The following adhesive compositions are most often used for laying tiles:

  • Cement– this includes Portland cement, sand and various types of modifying additives. It is easy to handle, but hardens quite quickly, so it is not recommended to prepare a large volume of the mixture.
  • Dispersive– consists of epoxy resin and a special hardener. To work with it, a catalyst is introduced. This adhesive has properties such as strength and water resistance, making it well suited for the bathroom.
  • Polyurethane– stable polyurethane particles and hardeners are added to the composition of such a mixture. It is used even in unfavorable environments.

Cement mortar- a common and simple option

Storage and shelf life

Depending on what the tile adhesive is made of, not only its characteristics vary, but also its shelf life. Taking into account these features, two types are distinguished:

  • dry powder;
  • ready-made mastic.

For the first group of mixtures, it is important to observe the storage period and conditions. The cement mortar must be in a dry place and not in contact with direct sun rays. The average warranty is 6-9 months.

Here's the expiration date liquid glue depends on the moment the package is opened. To ensure that its properties remain at the proper level and comply with GOST, it is not advisable to store excess mixture. A couple of months are allowed, but there is no guarantee of quality.

Record the opening date, for example, with a marker on the can

Glue weight

The indicator you are interested in is not the gross volume of the pack itself, but the average consumption of the mixture per square meter of surface to be coated.

Approximate consumption is also controlled by GOST standards. The calculations are based on the specific gravity of the tile adhesive used with a layer thickness of only one millimeter. This value is indicated on the packaging.

To calculate the volumetric weight of the required tile adhesive, determine the thickness of the layer of the composition. It depends on the size of the tile and the quality of the surface. The total weight per square meter is determined simple multiplication specific gravity per layer thickness in millimeters. Then multiply by the surface area. This way you can determine the gross value of the mixture you need.


Tile adhesive has a different composition, but according to the standards, it must meet the established GOST requirements:

  • Strength is defined as the maximum permissible load on the surface and compressive forces.
  • Density - measured in grams per square meter, it additionally characterizes the weight of the mixture.
  • Shrinkage is surface deformation.
  • Viscosity is the concentration of adhesive particles and the ability to fix the cladding without displacing the base.
  • Drying speed affects the shelf life, since hardened glue cannot be used. Consumption directly depends on density. Defined as the weight of the mixture per square area.
  • Elasticity - the composition should be applied well and not crumble.
  • Water resistance – does not allow moisture to pass through.
  • Adhesion is the quality of adhesion to various types of surfaces.

These are the main technical characteristics according to GOST, which you need to focus on when purchasing a mixture.

Viscosity and drying speed - main characteristics


One of the most important indicators to determine the advisability of using a particular composition is the degree of shrinkage of the tile adhesive. Pay special attention to this property when finishing the surfaces of newly constructed buildings and repaired coatings.

GOST sets the maximum acceptable standards For of this property. Before purchasing glue, pay attention to this indicator. To prevent the use of an unsuitable composition from resulting in you having to carry out repeated repairs within a year, in most cases it is recommended to use a mixture with zero shrinkage.

If we are talking about wood, buy elastic tile composition, which is able to compensate for the movement of the base.

Density and compressive strength

The thickness of the glue layer determines its wet height. In this case, the weight of the composition is taken into account. This indicator indirectly demonstrates the presence of certain impurities in the solution.

Another parameter characterizes the tile adhesive in an already hardened state. Compressive strength is, in essence, the maximum permissible pressure on a surface during operation. The class of concrete is determined in the same way. The higher this indicator, the better the strength of the coating, and therefore, it will last much longer even under conditions of significant load placed on it.

Terms of use

So as not to make things worse quality characteristics tile adhesive, you need to handle it correctly.

Appearance and strength of masonry

An important point is determining the volume required mixture. Here they calculate the weight of the glue per area to be treated and mix only as much as you have time to use before the components harden. Epoxy glue is more difficult to work with. It is diluted using a catalyst. Due to its high viscosity, application may be difficult.

The installation process involves using a spatula to spread a layer of tile adhesive over the surface. The size of the teeth is selected according to the thickness of the solution. In case of serious unevenness, it is additionally applied to the tile itself. A layer that is too thin or thick will impair the quality of the installation. It is important to remove voids and air accumulation under the tiles. Excess at the joints is removed immediately after compaction, before hardening.

Choosing a suitable adhesive for tiles is possible only on the basis of a thorough analysis of all its characteristics and comparing them with your requirements. Take into account the reputation of the manufacturer and the storage conditions of the product in the store or warehouse. Proper Use guarantees the quality of the cladding.

Working with tiles as facing material requires certain skills and knowledge. Depending on where the tiles will be glued - outdoors or indoors, in the kitchen or in the bathroom - both the tile itself and the tile adhesive are selected.

We talk about what types of tile adhesive there are and how to correctly calculate its consumption in our article.

Types of glue

There are two main classifications of tile adhesive - according to properties and composition. Let's briefly go over both.

Types of tile adhesive by properties

Fast-curing glue. Hardens within three hours after preparing the mixture. The premises where the tiles were laid with quick-hardening adhesive can be used immediately after completion of the work.

Where is best suited - laying an apron from ceramic tiles in the kitchen.

Leveling glue. Designed for tiling uneven surfaces with a height difference of up to 5 mm.

Where is best suited — cladding of balconies and terraces with porcelain stoneware.

Elastic glue. Compensates for base deformation and protects tiles from cracking. For example, during cyclic heating/cooling (underfloor heating), or from accumulating load (swimming pool bowl).

Where is best suited — mosaic lining of the internal surfaces of the pool.

Heat resistant glue. Withstands heat up to 600°C and is used where there is an open fire.

Where is best suited - facing the fireplace or stove with clinker tiles.

Frost-resistant glue. It is resistant to moisture and low temperatures.

Where is best suited - gluing facade tiles on the basement of the house.

Thick layer adhesive. Used for cladding interior spaces large format tiles or artificial stone, which require an adhesive layer of 10-12 mm.

Where is best suited - decoration of the hall in country house marble slabs.

Universal glue. Due to its average characteristics, it is suitable for a wide range of works, including interior and exterior.

Where is best suited — laying floor tiles in the hallway of the apartment.

Types of tile adhesive by composition

One-component tile adhesive. The basis of the glue is cement, which is sometimes supplemented with a plasticizer to increase the life time of the finished mixture.

Delivery format - dry mixture.

Two-component tile adhesive. There are polyurethane and epoxy. The first consists of a polyurethane base and hardener. The second one is from epoxy resins and a catalyst.

Delivery format — paste base and liquid hardener/catalyst.

Acrylic tile adhesive. Ready composition on acrylic base, which does not need to be kneaded additionally.

Delivery format - mixture in the form of a paste.

How the size and type of tile affects the choice of adhesive and its consumption

Tiles are defined by two key characteristics: size and type.

The size of the tile determines what tool you will use when laying it. It is recommended to apply tile adhesive with a notched trowel. It is the height of the teeth in the spatula that directly affects the glue consumption and is used in calculations. The logic is simple - the higher the height of the teeth, the greater the consumption.

If you do not yet know which notched trowel will be used to lay the tiles, but have already decided on the size of the tiles, you can use this correspondence table:

Tile size

Spatula teeth size

up to 10x10 cm

up to 15x15 cm

up to 25x25 cm

up to 30x30 cm

from 30x30 cm

The type of tile, material and purpose, in turn, influence the choice of the type of tile adhesive.

The following table will help you choose the right adhesive depending on the type of tile:









Reinforced fixation

Ceramic tiles

Clinker tiles

Facade tiles


Porcelain tiles



Natural stone

Artificial stone

Calculation of tile adhesive consumption

The basic consumption of tile adhesive is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. As a rule, this is a standardized consumption in kilograms per square meter with an adhesive layer thickness of one millimeter.

    S- area of ​​the room/surface where the tiles will be glued;

    r— basic consumption per 1 m2 with a layer of 1 mm,

    h-height of spatula teeth.

Formula for calculating consumption in kilograms

Consumption = S x r x h/2

To convert the resulting value into bags of dry mixture, you will need to further divide by the mass of one bag.

Example 1 . In the bathroom, 16 m2 of ceramic tiles will be glued to the floor and walls. To prepare tile adhesive, Bergauf Keramik mixture is used with a base consumption of 2.5 kg/m2. The mixture is packaged in 25 kg bags. The height of the spatula teeth is 8 mm.

Consumption = 16 x 2.5 x 8 / 2 = 160 kg or 7 bags

Example 2 . In a corridor with an area of ​​10 m2, porcelain stoneware slabs measuring 45x45 cm are laid. The adhesive chosen is Litokol Litofloor K66 thick-layer adhesive in 25 kg bags, with a base consumption of 7 kg/m2.

Using the correspondence table, we determine that you will need a spatula with a tooth height of 12 mm.

Consumption = 10 x 7 x 12 / 2 = 420 kg or 17 bags

Consumption rates for popular brands

Basic consumption (per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm)

Consumption for tiling 20 sq.m. surfaces with a layer thickness of 10 mm

Tile adhesive Ceresit CM 11 Plus 25 kg

Glue consumption greatly depends on the size of the tile and the manufacturer of the glue itself. Also, depending on where exactly you will apply the glue (on the floor or walls), its amount will vary from 2.5 to 4 kg. per 1 square meter of surface. In addition, it is important to consider that if you are going to apply glue yourself and have never done this before, then the final consumption figure will be even higher. Next, we will talk in detail about the average consumption rate and how exactly it will change depending on various factors.

Methods for calculating glue volume

Methods for calculating glue volume:

Fast and easy method

If you can’t access the Internet, there is a simple and quick way do the calculations:

  1. Measure the area of ​​the facing surface and the size of the tile.
  2. Apply the formula: S surface/S square, that is, divide the surface area by the area of ​​one tile.
  3. If the tile has dimensions of 10x10cm, then 1000cm2 / 100cm2 = 10 pcs. This amount of tiles will be needed for 1 sq.m.
  4. We calculate how many layers of glue are needed per square meter. The standard glue weight is 1.3 kg. For tiles with parameters 10x10cm, the thickness of the adhesive layer should be on average 2mm, which means: 1.3x2=2.6 (kg/sq.m.).
  • 20x30 cm = 2-3 mm.
  • 30x30-50*50 = 3.5-4 mm.

Also, as an option, refer to the material consumption data provided by the manufacturer. This method is optimal for those who are in the process of repair work with his own hands, already has practice in handling adhesive composition. It is enough to select the manufacturer’s brand and go to the website of the official company or representative. Many of these sites provide calculators for glue consumption rates. Knowing the area of ​​the room and the size of the tiles, you can get the answer to the necessary calculations.

Video review: Tile adhesive consumption per 1m2

Tile adhesive consumption per 1m2

Approximate calculation

Accurate calculations will not be possible here; it is used only in extreme cases:

  • The total area of ​​the tile is multiplied by square meters for average glue consumption.

Consumption of tile floor adhesive

Such indicators will be extremely accurate only if the floor surface is not uneven. The more pronounced the defects, the more glue will be spent.

For plasterboard walls

If you plan to use facing material on drywall, compared to the floor, much less glue will be used for the same tile sizes.

On average, consumption will be up to 1.8 kg/sq.m. by 1mm. layer or up to 4.8 kg. per 1 sq.m. surfaces.

Average glue consumption rate for famous brands

Average glue consumption rate for well-known brands:

Glue Eunice Plus

Yunis Plus tile adhesive refers to universal means, since it can be used to glue a wide range of facing materials:

  • Tile.
  • Mosaic.
  • Natural stone.
  • Porcelain tiles.

Consumption: 2.32 kg/sq.m. with a layer thickness of 2mm.

Clay Prospectors

Prospectors use glue for internal and exterior finishing walls and floors, regardless of humidity.

Consumption from 3 to 4 kg/sq.m.

Glue EK-3000

EK-3000 glue is applied only in a thin layer, but is applicable for many building and facing materials and types of work. It is used for ceramic tiles, wall and floor tiles, has good adhesion to any surface, is resistant to temperature changes, has long-term operation in dry rooms and with increased concentration humidity.

Consumption: 2.8 kg/sq.m.

Factors affecting tile adhesive consumption

Often, manufacturers on the product packaging or in the instructions recommend the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2, based on generally standard conditions, without taking into account several important points:

Alternative option

Now there is no need to agonize over the question of which adhesive is best to choose for tiles. Almost all of them are universal, since the latest developments and technologies are applied to them during the manufacturing process. As you have already seen, the quality of work and the service life of the facing material depend on many factors, but in the first place is the correct calculation of glue in 1/sq.m. Therefore, if you doubt your calculations or want extreme accuracy in your calculations, it is better to turn to professional builders for help.

Recalculate, find out volumetric weight: physical properties. Quantities. Amount of kg in 1 liter, kg/liter. For calculations, reference data was used from: Now you can find out how much it weighs using a tool such as: Measurement error. -
How many kg are in 1 liter of glue - a liter jar. We use reference data on density and specific gravity, calculating using the formula to obtain the volumetric weight.1.3 Directory physical properties, GOST, TU.Liter jar.up to 5% -
Comments, interesting explanations on the question “how much does a liter volume weigh” and some additional information on reference data on physical properties.

In fact, we have 1 liter of glue, a liter jar or a certain amount known in liters, we want to find out the mass: how much does it weigh in kg or grams. That is, our task is to determine how much it weighs: recalculate liters of glue - units of volume into kilograms - units of weight of glue. Having determined the volumetric mass of 1 liter of glue, how much in kilograms, without weighing on a scale. Find out how much it weighs (for example: a liter jar), based on calculated, theoretical, reference data from the table of physical properties: specific gravity and density of the glue. It is better, of course, not to use the true density, but the bulk density, if you can find the bulk density in the reference book. Which is actually not so easy to do in practice. It is extremely inconvenient to independently recalculate based on physical properties, also because most tables, GOSTs, TUs give values ​​of specific gravity and density “tied” not to a liter jar, but in other units: tons/m3, kg/m3, kg/cube, g/cm3. If you wish, you can spend a lot of time, find data, perform the recalculation yourself and find out how many kg there will be in a liter volume. However, this option to find out how much a liter volume weighs is not simple for everyone and in a convenient way, especially since it requires searching for additional information on the bulk density of the glue and its specific gravity, plus knowledge of the conversion formula. Therefore, we made this recalculation ourselves based on the physical properties given in GOST and TU, indicated the mass of 1 liter of glue in kg, a liter jar, giving it in a separate table of weights and volumes. Extract from general table is given above. Question: how many kg are in one liter of glue, liter volume. Answer: see bulk density in Table 1. How to find out how much it weighs - measure the mass of glue with a liter jar, independently, without weighing it on a scale. On our website you can find other interesting practical information on density and specific gravity not listed in conventional reference books, tables, GOSTs and specifications, which is not so easy to find on the Internet. For example, for the more familiar units of volume measurement: cm3, m3, cube, cubic meter, cubic meter. Household and cutlery measuring products: teaspoon, tablespoon, glass. More construction, gardening, manufacturing and industrial: shovels (bayonet and scoop), packs, buckets, bags, pallets, barrels, construction or garden wheelbarrows. Transport: tank car, railway tank, railway wagon, on-board vehicle, truck, dump truck. These are so-called non-standard containers, often used in practice. Despite all the variety of containers, each of them has its own displacement. This means that it is possible to recalculate the mass of the load in kg using the values ​​indicated in Table 1. Naturally, this technique has its own errors. In this case, the error in calculating the mass of a large displacement will be higher than the error in determining the mass of a liter volume indicated in Table 1.



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