Choosing a manual tile cutter for home repairs - types and characteristics. How to choose a tile cutter - advice from professionals on how to choose the right tool How to choose the right manual tile cutter

There are no clear instructions on how to choose a manual tile cutter. How many masters - so many opinions. But there are a lot of recommendations for choosing hand tools for working at home. When laying tiles, the plastered wall gradually acquires a completely new look. The master can feel like an artist creating a masterpiece. The drive from the work lasts as long as the tiles lie on the wall in their entirety. Once it comes to cutting, the difficulties begin. This may be due to a poor-quality tile cutting tool. Today the choice of tile cutters is huge. But you need to know a few rules for choosing a tool so that your work brings joy. Experienced craftsmen can recommend ways to select devices, but each of them judges subjectively. So it's best to find out general recommendations and choose a tool based on them.

A manual tile cutter must have a high strength bearing part, and the guides and lever must be made of durable steel.

First of all, pay attention to the bed. The supporting part of the entire structure must be highly durable. Judge for yourself: you put effort into cutting and breaking the tiles. The base of the tile cutter serves as a shock absorber, so it is constantly exposed to loads. A weak structure can very quickly become deformed or begin to rattle (the result of vibration). It is impossible to work with such a tool, since the main part of the tile will go to waste, and the work will not bring joy.

Your choice should be made in favor of a tile cutter with guides and a lever made of high-quality steel. These elements must also be durable. It is important to pay attention to the method of fastening the cutting element (usually a roller made of carbide steel). The simpler the mounting design, the easier it will be to replace the roller. There is no point in sharpening it, so you should think about the upcoming replacement in advance.

What should be the stroke of the cutting element?

Next important point– length of the maximum possible stroke of the cutting element. You should not try to save money and purchase a tile cutter with a short base. Typically, such tools have a number of significant disadvantages:

  • the edges of the tiles do not cut through 3-7 mm;
  • work with non-standard sizes tiles are impossible, especially if they significantly exceed the size of the tile cutter blade;
  • all the additional “bonuses” of a short-length tile cutter are nothing more than a cheap fake.

They will try to convince you that the shortcomings can be easily eliminated. For example, uncut edges can be processed with a grinder. At the same time, it is hushed up that the amount of dust released during such cutting is very large. For new buildings this is not a problem, but when renovating a residential apartment, you should not use an angle grinder for cutting. Otherwise, it’s better to think about how to choose an electric tile cutter: when using it, there will be less dust.

High-quality work on cutting tiles can only be done with a long tile cutter. Is it worth saving, think for yourself.

The tile cutter model must be checked for cutting quality before purchasing. It is at this point that you can see some of the shortcomings of the tool, if any, and notice positive aspects operation of the purchased item.

Additional Features

The design features of the tool are also of great importance. A high-quality tile cutter is provided with bearings. If for a cutting roller we take the presence of bearings for granted, then their presence to facilitate movement along the guides should be taken as a concern for you personally. The manufacturer made sure that all work was carried out without much effort. Distinctive feature high-quality tile cutter - the ability to adjust the tool for cutting tiles of different thicknesses.

Not only the clamp is adjustable, but also the immersion depth of the roller. This “bonus” is simply irreplaceable in some cases: tiles burned during firing crumble easily, so it will require minimal immersion of the roller. It is better to cut such tiles in several passes, each time increasing the recess of the roller for a high-quality cut.

Tile cutters with a rotating bridge should also be considered the most popular and used. Such models allow you to easily cut tiles in any direction, which is very convenient when laying mosaics or original laying of regular tiles. For the home, such a tile cutter should be considered optimal.

When choosing a tile cutter, you should not purchase a tool with maximum number"bells and whistles". When choosing a quality tool, you should not follow advertising, which sometimes imposes unnecessary devices that significantly increase the cost of the purchase, but in fact are completely unnecessary.

Buy any tool from a trusted manufacturer that has proven itself with the best side and has been working in this field for many years. Large construction companies never skimp on this. A quality tool for long service will give you many positive moments and help you get the job done efficiently and beautifully.

A tile cutter is a tool for cutting various types of ceramic tiles followed by its breaking. There are several classifications of this type of instrument; we will consider one of them.

Manual tile cutters

The principle of operation is similar to that of glass cutters. They look like a clamp that holds the tile. A cutter is built into it. With its help, a cut is made in the glaze, and then, in accordance with the cut, the tile is broken.

Tabletop tile cutters

This type has guides for straight cutting. In addition, it is sometimes equipped with a special device for drilling round holes.

Stationary tile cutters

These tile cutters are somewhat reminiscent of circular saw with cutting diamond blade and water supply.

But, the most commonly used are manual tile cutters.

However, purchasing this popular tool is not an easy task. It should be taken very seriously. First of all, you need to know the structure and main components.

Design of a manual tile cutter

The tool has three main parts:

  • the base (otherwise, platform) on which the place for placing the tiles is located. Sometimes special rulers and protractors are available;
  • a carriage with a handle, a cutting roller and a foot designed for breaking tiles. The carriage moves using a rail mechanism.
  • guides that promote smooth movement in a given direction. The shape of the guides is cylindrical. The lifespan of the tool depends on their strength.

So, let's buy the necessary tool. The question arises: “Which tile cutter should I choose?” Therefore, on the eve of making a purchase, you should carefully think through everything, weigh and objectively evaluate all options. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with photos of tile cutters in specialized magazines or on websites on the Internet.

What to look for when purchasing

Determine the amount of work ahead. If there is little work and it will be sporadic, then you can purchase an inexpensive tool.

If the work is voluminous and permanent, then you should pay attention to tools from well-known companies (Germans Boada, Matrix, Sigma, etc.). These campaigns are constantly improving production, improving the quality of tile cutters and increasing the range of operations performed.

Pay attention to the quality of the selected tiles. Its size and thickness are the criterion for choosing a tile cutter.

An important factor is cutting accuracy. It depends on the design of the cutter holder and its movement along the guides. Give preference to a tool that uses bearings.

The platform must be strong and rigid, made of thick steel. This affects the depreciation process when the tile breaks.

The length of the tool may vary. If you plan to cut both wall and floor tiles, then it makes sense to choose longer length tile cutter

If necessary, you can purchase a tool with a compass, a jaw travel limiter, a measuring ruler, etc.

If the amount of work expected is very large, then it is advisable to make your choice from a series of professional manual tile cutters.

So, we purchased a tile cutter, prepared the tiles, and let’s begin work. But how to cut with a tile cutter?

We bring to your attention the basic operating rules and recommendations for using the tool.

  • clean the surface of the platform from any contamination;
  • lubricate the guides with machine oil;
  • Use a colored marker to draw marking lines on the tiles;
  • Carefully secure ceramic tiles to the tile cutter platform to avoid vibration;
  • make an incision.

How to make an incision?

  • You should first soak the tiles in cold water;
  • Machine oil can be applied along the line marked with a marker to facilitate the movement of the cutter;
  • You must act clearly and quickly;
  • To be sure, hold the cutter with both hands at first;
  • Run the knife along the entire length of the tile, increasing pressure on the tile in its middle part;
  • Roll the roller over the tile once. Repeated cuts along the same mark contribute to the appearance of unevenness in the cut;
  • By using sandpaper or a grinding stone to smooth out the cut edges.

Thus, having bought a high-quality instrument, learned to use it perfectly, made repairs yourself, thereby surprising others, you will receive great pleasure and a sense of inner self-satisfaction.

Photos of tile cutters

To work with tiles, a special professional tile cutter is required. In each specific case, the requirements for the product will be different, but still, everyone who has already laid tiles has wondered how to choose the right tile cutter?

Anyone who faces extensive work on tiling surfaces should know which tile cutter to choose. The tile cutting machine will become an indispensable assistant, with its help any work with tiles will turn into a quick process.

It often becomes necessary to trim products where entire tiles do not fit. You can simplify the process if you purchase a tile cutter. The machine is in great demand among craftsmen who cover walls and floors. Tile cutting machines are used in enterprises when renovating premises. Workshops that process stones also use the device in their work. True, they use professional tile cutters.

Today the market offers a huge selection of tools for cutting tiles. Therefore, it is so important to choose a good tile cutter that will serve for a long time and with high quality.
First you need to find out what this tool is and why it is needed.

A tile cutter is a replacement for a glass cutter or grinder. It helps to easily divide the tiles into the necessary fragments.

What types of tile cutters are there?

There are two types of tile cutters: manual and electric. Which tile cutter is better?

In a manual analogue, the element that cuts the material moves along guides. The electric one has a diamond-coated disk and operates thanks to an electric motor.

Ceramic tiles can be cut with a grinder, a mechanical tile cutter, or even a glass cutter. However, the result of such work will be far from ideal. Not every tile can be cut well by the roller of a mechanical cutting tool (glass cutter, hand cutter). And durable floor tiles and porcelain tiles are an unattainable task. The problem, of course, can be solved if you use a grinder to which a diamond blade is attached. But in this case there will be a lot of harmful dust. Construction waste It will take a long time to clean up. To protect tile workers from such problems and troubles, electric tile cutters were invented.

An electric machine must have some kind of material cooling system. For some models this is provided by a water system, while other electric tile cutting machines have air system. Without a system, the tiles will become very hot. At one point it might just burst.

It is preferable to buy water-cooled tile cutters. This option ensures that the surface will heat up less. The presence of a water cooling system also improves the quality of work performed. The design is equipped with a special tank where the liquid is located. From here, water flows to the cutting site at the request of the master.

Electric tile cutters can be stationary or mobile. Mobile electric tile cutting machines are easier to carry. However, stationary cutting machines have more capabilities. Due to their long length, they are able to cut longer pieces of tile.

The quality of work directly depends on the tool that was used in the process. Pro tip: It’s better to pay a little more, but buy a quality item. Super cheap devices can be useless in many situations. An electric tile cutting machine will be optimal choice in terms of price and quality. He produces a wide range of tile work.

Before buying a tool for working with tiles, everyone should answer the question: how to choose the right electric tile cutter? So that the choice does not become a big problem, it is worth knowing the parameters by which it is made:

  1. Assembly. When purchasing a machine, it is important to general examination tool. It may have various defects. It is recommended to run the tile cutter on site to evaluate how the engine and work site perform. All other things being equal, a unit that vibrates less will cut tiles more accurately.
  2. When choosing an electric tile cutter, consider the motor power. Like any tool that works thanks to a mechanical drive, engine power is related to the volume of work of the tool and the period of its use. The best devices for cutting tiles they have a motor with a power of 800 W or more. Such units produce 11,000 revolutions per minute.
  3. Engine location. Tile cutters, whose motor is located at the bottom, occupy less space. However, analogues with an engine at the top cut more accurately.
  4. Availability of the “angle cutting” option. Professional flat cutters make it easier to adjust the angle.
  5. Spare parts. Not all instruments are easy to repair. Parts for some models are difficult to find. The situation is constantly changing, so it is better to check with a good specialist for details.
  6. Depth and length of cut. Electric tile cutters compare favorably with other models in this parameter. The cutting depth of some tile cutters reaches 4 cm. A good machine can cut 50 cm of material.
  7. Diameter cutting disc. Typically, a disk with a diameter of 18 cm is used.

The advantages of electric tile cutting machines are unique. No manual tile cutter can compare functionality with an electrical analogue. When laying tiles in corners, it is very important that the cutting angle of the material is 45°, then the edges will be smooth and precise. Most craftsmen value electric tile cutting tools for their speed. Each product takes less than a minute to cut.

Type 2 - manual tile cutters and selection rules

Tilers consider manual tile cutters primarily as an option for home renovations. The design of the manually operated tool includes a cutting element, a protractor, and a floating base. The main part of a manual tile cutter is the cutter.

The master runs along the front side of the material and gently taps it. As a result, the tile breaks along the intended line. Some models also have a circle-shaped cutter. With its help, the master will be able to make a circular cut.

A manual machine allows you to easily and quickly cut material that does not exceed 150 mm in thickness. These tiles are used for steps.

The main part of a manual tile cutter is the cutting roller. It contains a hard steel alloy. When the roller becomes dull, the cutting quality decreases. The roller cannot be sharpened, as can be done with a regular knife. The only option is to replace it.

Some models have a rotating ruler. It allows you to make a cut at a small angle. Good tile cutters from popular companies are equipped with various options: ultra-precise regulation of the thickness of the material, limitation of the movement of the legs, and a system for protecting the edges from crumbling.

There are 3 types of manual units for cutting tiles. The division is based on their design features:

  1. Roller. They deserve the greatest popularity. The cutting process is carried out using a roller, which is made using a special alloy.
  2. Mechanical. They have a rigid carriage. With a mechanical analogue, the tiles are cut very carefully; even hard and thick materials can be cut.
  3. Bearing. Indispensable when you need to cut particularly durable tiles up to 1.6 cm thick. Bearings, which are constituent element designs, give the machine a smooth ride.

When choosing a manual machine for cutting tiles, experts recommend choosing universal models. You can use them to work on floors and wall coverings.

When choosing a manual tile cutter, it is important to determine the volume of its use. If it is required for home use, then you can buy a simpler model. Professional tool will be required if they plan to work frequently. Various models have different cutting depths. This parameter is selected depending on the thickness of the products.

When choosing a tool, you should not prioritize its cost. It would be more correct to inquire about their characteristics and choose a product based on them.

How to choose a manual tile cutter? The following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. Frame strength. Only a tool with a thick frame will serve for a long time and faithfully. The handle and lever must be strong. When cutting porcelain tiles, a strong frame is of utmost importance. If it becomes loose and does not hold well, the car will quickly become unusable.
  2. Machine length. The length of the tile cutter is selected depending on the length of the cut required. The length varies from 10 to 75 cm. An excessively short tile cutting machine may be useless in operation. Expert advice: pay a little more, but buy universal tool. Such a manual machine allows you to cut tiles that are up to 3 cm deep. Yes, you can break tiles using a grinder. But this process is dusty and noisy.
  3. Smooth movement. Each professional grade tool is equipped with bearings. They allow the cutter to glide smoothly across the surface of the tile. Before purchasing a tile cutting tool, it is advisable to test it in action. By cutting 1-2 tiles, you can be sure that the unit is working properly. The result should be a tile cut along the line with smooth edges.

If the choice of a manual tile cutter is made according to the above parameters, then there should be no problems with the machine.


Remember that the selected tile cutting machine must have a warranty. Post-warranty service is desirable.

When covering walls with tiles, when laying them on the floor or sidewalk in hard-to-reach places, and when creating a beautiful decor, you cannot do without a good tile cutter. It will help you cut floor, wall or paving tiles accurately, clearly and quickly. So that you do not get confused in the huge variety of such tools, we have prepared a rating that includes the best electrical machines and their mechanical models. You just need to familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages to make the right decision.

There are many worthy candidates on the market for inclusion in this rating, but in terms of all parameters (quality, pricing, reliability), tools from the following companies were included in the TOP:

  • Practice is a supplier of domestic tile cutting tools, offering both console and tabletop tile cutters. All of them have a non-slip coating and sharp cutting elements designed for sawing both tiles and porcelain stoneware.
  • Helmut– a well-known European supplier of quality construction tools. It specializes in the production of electric professional tile cutters with a saw length of about 30 cm. It also has universal stone-cutting machines in its assortment.
  • Matrix– this brand produces hand-held power tools for construction. The company's assortment of machines for cutting tiles is small, but what is available is distinguished by high build quality, cutting accuracy and safety of use. He has both rail models and products with bearings.
  • Caliber– the company creates tools to achieve high quality and aesthetics in tiled flooring. It guarantees accuracy, accuracy, and excellent geometry. You cannot do without its equipment when facing hard-to-reach areas.
  • DeWalt– manufacturer of electric tools for cutting tiles at home or on construction sites. Its products belong to the category of professional and household, have good characteristics– high power, large number revolutions, decent saw depth (from 3 cm).
  • Bison is a leader in this market, whose product line includes more than five types of electrical and hand-held devices for cutting tiles. Among the first two, there are both stationary models with legs and tabletop ones that require installation on a hard surface.
  • Anchor is a company that offers a huge selection of types of devices for cutting tiles. These include roller, reinforced, manual, glass cutters. It sets some of the lowest prices on the market for its products.
  • Brevetti Montolit Spa is one of the leading manufacturers of electric and manual machines for processing stone and other building materials. He has and mechanical models, and electrical; the latter, of course, are more expensive.
  • Leopard– instruments under this brand are manufactured in Germany and adapted for use in Russian conditions. They are made from quality materials and belong to a high class. They are distinguished by safety of use and precision in cutting tiles.
  • Rubi– this brand sells products for laying tiles on the floor and covering walls with them. They are suitable for both professional use and personal use at home.
  • Elitechtrademark represents a wide range of electrical equipment manufactured taking into account all requirements regarding its reliability, safety and operating efficiency. It is offered at a competitive price.
  • MTX– sold under this brand hand tool for repair and construction and consumables at the best prices. Basically, we are talking about rail tile cutting machines that are easy to use.

Rating of the best tile cutters

When selecting suitable candidates, we focused on the following nuances:

  • Tool type – electric or manual;
  • Ease of use;
  • Cutting quality;
  • Safety of use;
  • Weight and dimensions;
  • Which tile “takes”;
  • Availability of water cooling;
  • Strength of the bed;
  • Saw depth and length;
  • Blade sharpness;
  • Materials of housing and components;
  • Easy to control.

A separate criterion for selecting good tile cutters was their price, versatility, and the ability to be used by both professionals and novice operators.

The best electric tile cutters

Such models are the most convenient to use, since they almost completely eliminate human participation in cutting. The operator can only monitor its progress and intervene in time if necessary. You have to overpay for such autonomy, while manual products are cheaper.

This is a full-fledged machine for cutting tiles, which has earned a place in our TOP due to its precise stroke, good power of 600 W and high speed of revolutions (2580 per minute), providing a cutting depth of up to 1.6 cm. The building material does not crumble or break. It has a longer cutting length, 36 cm, which makes it possible to work faster. Its service life is increased due to the reinforced housing design.

The tool is easy to operate due to the small number of buttons - “Start” and “Stop”, so even a non-professional can work with it comfortably. It has a locking scale that allows you to secure the fence with high precision. To speed up sawing of identical workpieces, there is a parallel stop. It is stable on the surface and is equipped with a large, chrome-plated, durable table on which the tiles are placed freely.


  • Cuts tiles of different thicknesses well;
  • Works with porcelain stoneware using a special disc;
  • Easy to use;
  • No backlash;
  • You can easily find spare disks on the market;
  • Not very noisy.


  • Lack of suitcase included;
  • No cable compartment;
  • There is no tool for cutting at an angle;
  • The housing must be mounted on a non-slip surface.

In reviews of the Praktika Profi 1860 tile cutting machine they write that the tiles slide a little on the surface of the table and can scratch its surface.

Average price: 4300 rub.

The Helmut FS200 electric machine is the best professional tile cutter. It is universal, as it cuts both facing and paving slabs equally well. Large size its work table allows you to cut tiles up to 72 cm long. The maximum depth is 3 cm, which is much greater than the thickness of the standard material. This can be achieved using the top guide. The set includes a sharp disc with a diameter of 20 cm.

Being a good tile cutter, the Helmut FS200 outperforms the Praktika Profi 1860 model in terms of engine speed of 2950 rpm and power of 800 W. During operation, the device is cooled with water automatically supplied to the cutting zone, this prevents overheating and failure, increasing its service life. Users note the convenience of having an additional shelf to expand the work surface.


  • 12 month warranty;
  • Economical energy consumption;
  • Takes up little space;
  • Almost silent operation;
  • Can cut stone.


  • Weight 32 kg;
  • The price is not low.

The Helmut FS200 table has a medium height, so it is comfortable for both short and tall people.

Average price: 14,500 rub.

This is the best tile cutting machine according to professionals, and the accuracy and speed of cutting tiles allowed it to gain this title. It does its job accurately and efficiently, as it is equipped with a one-piece toothed saw. The device copes with both wall and floor facing tiles. The equipment weighs a lot, almost 50 kg, but due to the existing wheels on the table legs, there are no problems with its movement around the room.

The Matrix TS250D model minimizes the likelihood of injury to the operator, since it has protective cover on the saw. Protection against overheating is also carefully thought out here, for which the water cooling system is responsible. This increases its service life. The machine is expensive, but if necessary, it is possible to rent it for the required period.


  • High power of 1500 W;
  • High-quality work result;
  • Cuts smoothly;
  • Works almost silently;
  • Durability.


  • Considerable water consumption – 10-12 l/min;
  • High price.

Tile cutter "Matrix TS250D, 1500 W 87188" works well with tiles of different thicknesses and lengths.

Average price: 40,000 rub.

Caliber PLE-180/600A

This is a good tile cutter, both for domestic models, and it successfully competes with foreign tools due to its reliable asynchronous motor, operating at a power of 600 W. This allows the device to cut tiles on the first try without damaging them. It is equipped with a high-quality circle, which is responsible for this. To prevent product failure, there is water cooling.


  • Not a lot of weight at 14 kg;
  • Cutting height up to 3.5 cm;
  • Rotation speed 2850 rpm;
  • Sawing at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Large work surface;
  • Durable materials;
  • Low price;
  • Magnetic starter that prevents spontaneous activation.


  • The diameter of the disc is not the largest - 18 cm.

Average price: 4000 rub.

What makes this electric tile cutter the best is its “omnivorous” nature; it perfectly cuts not only any tile – facing, paving, flooring, but also works great with stone. It is convenient for them to cut material of any size; this task is facilitated by the ability to work at an angle. No other model in our rating can provide a cutting depth at a 90° angle of more than 9 cm and at such a high speed - the spindle speed is 4200 rpm and the power is 1600 W.


  • High-quality protective cover for the operator;
  • Quick supply of coolant;
  • Sharp cutting disc;
  • High cutting accuracy due to the guide system built into the frame;
  • No splashing when supplying water thanks to two reservoirs;
  • Availability of a stop for oblique cuts;
  • Two positions for working at an angle - 45 and 90 degrees.


  • Expensive;
  • Not sold everywhere;
  • There may be problems finding a service center.

The DeWalt D24000 tile cutting machine has a comfortable handle, so when cutting the material your hand does not get tired and there is no discomfort.

Average price: 65,000 rub.

The best manual tile cutters

This ideal option for those who want to save on the purchase of such a tool and do not intend to use it often and for commercial purposes. These products are available, and a wide selection is offered at fairly low prices. Here you can take a closer look at the 5 models.

Buyers are showing great interest in this model of tile cutter because of its ease of use and low cost. The tool has best ratio price and quality, does not require much effort when sawing. Its parameters indicate that it is intended for infrequent and short-term use by non-professionals. He does not have a table, which can cause some inconvenience, but there is a rather large step of 8 cm, which speeds up the process.

The tile cutting machine is designed for cutting porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles, both square and rectangular. It can handle material thicknesses from 0.5 to 1.6 cm at any angle. Since this is a portable model, it is not for nothing that the kit includes a high-quality transport case. The weight of the device is 10.4 kg, which is not much for men.


  • Monorail reinforcement;
  • Durable metal body that does not rust when exposed to water;
  • Providing a 3-year warranty;
  • Cuts accurately and without chipping;
  • After using it there is no “ringing” in the ears;
  • Small dimensions;
  • Adequate cost;
  • High build quality.


  • Doesn’t “take” the stone;
  • Additional work surface required.

Average price: 5600 rub.

This is the best tile cutting machine for those who need a lightweight, fast and precise tool for minor repairs. It is the undisputed leader in this rating due to its low price and attracts attention with its weight of 2 kg, small dimensions and high-quality roller. It is equipped with a durable handle, reliable supports and a flat, stable surface. Since there is no electric drive, there is simply nothing to break, which increases the service life. Users indicate the safety of its use due to the rubber-coated handle.


  • Does not require power from the mains;
  • Does not require maintenance;
  • Plastic handle for more convenient cutting of tiles;
  • Straightness of movement due to two cylindrical guides;
  • Cuts without chipping;
  • Cutting length up to 40 cm.


  • Requires some effort;
  • Suitable for cutting ceramic tiles only;
  • Cutting depth – up to 6 mm.

The Anchor 3660 tile cutting machine kit does not include a cover or a case for storing and transporting the tool; if necessary, you will have to purchase it separately.

Average price: 660 rub.

This model is evidence that inexpensive can be high quality; it was created for both professionals and amateurs. It is an indispensable assistant when cutting porcelain stoneware, ceramic wall and floor tiles. The tool is considered a worthy option due to its convenient floating handle, which makes the cut easy, precise, and splinter-free at any depth.

With a manual tile cutter from MONTOLIT, the cut is neat, which guarantees the aesthetics of the renovation. It has a lot of “tricks” - a ruler, a rotary protractor, a device for lubricating the roller, which prevents it from creaking and losing its cutting properties ahead of time.


  • There is a support for the handle;
  • Lightweight body;
  • Non-slip handle;
  • There is support for large format tiles;
  • The kit includes a container for additional rollers;
  • Cuts also diagonally;
  • Cutting length – up to 63 cm;
  • Weighs just over 7 kg.


  • It is not always possible to accurately adjust the cutting according to the thickness of the material;
  • Not a low price.

Using the Montolit Masterpiuma 63P3 tile cutting machine, it is possible to cut tiles for walls and floors in several approaches thanks to the narrow roller pitch.

Average price: 22,000 rub.

Rubi Star-61

It is simply impossible not to include this model, which is distinguished by its special functionality, in the rating of tile cutters. The tool does an excellent job with any ceramic tiles, including gres and mosaic. It has a reinforced base, which increases stability on the surface and the quality of the cut, the height of which is 12 mm and the length is 63 mm. Its peculiarity is that there is an additional bed for correct location material.

The tool has a powerful, movable and closed separator that is resistant to bending. Buyers speak well about the quality of the cut also because there are excellent steel guides with anti-corrosion treatment. His very important advantage– possibility of replacing roller cutters with different diameters– from 6 to 10 mm, which allows you to maneuver when cutting tiles, taking into account its size.


  • Shock-absorbing base;
  • Cuts smoothly;
  • Does not leave chips;
  • Has a comfortable handle;
  • Stability of the structure;
  • Weight 6.5 kg.


  • Not found.

Rubi Star-61 is so convenient that you can even cut with it large number tiles

Average price: 6600 rub.

A good manual monorail tile cutter “Bars 87590” is designed for cutting ceramic tiles with high quality. This is possible thanks to a carriage on two bearings and a ruler for precise dimensions and angled cuts. The product is made of durable aluminum, which guarantees long service life. It cuts material to a depth of 1.4 cm, which is greater than its average thickness. At one time the tool covers 60 cm in length, and this speeds up the work.

The peculiarity of this tile cutter is the ability to switch from cutting mode to tile breaking mode, which can be very important during repairs. It has a reinforced handle, which minimizes the likelihood of chipping. Its weight is 10.5 kg, which is not much for a mechanical model. The lightweight bed makes sawing more comfortable.


  • Low price;
  • Availability in stores;
  • Ease of use;
  • Smooth sliding of the cutting module;
  • Suitable for cutting both ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware;
  • Small dimensions.


  • Not the greatest cutting depth.

Average price: 4400 rub.

The best inexpensive tile cutters

Among budget tile cutters, there are mainly manual, mechanical models; electric ones are very rare. We have selected both types of products and included them in this ranking of the best because good quality cutting tiles.

Elitech PE 600

Elitech PE 600 tile cutter has best price of the electric models in our rating. It can be used by both professional builders and amateurs. The device is mobile due to its compactness and low weight of 11 kg. Water cooling improves performance and product life. Function protective shutdown and a special casing on top of the cutting disc make cutting safe for the operator. Reliable clamping of the frame improves its quality.

This tile cutter has a well thought out control system, all the keys are in one place. The capabilities of the device are expanded by tilting the table up to 45°. The machine's power of 600 W, a sharp diamond disc and its rotation speed of 2950 rpm speed up the work.


  • Porcelain stoneware also works in small quantities;
  • Cutting depth up to 3.4 cm;
  • Cutting length – 45 cm;
  • One year warranty;
  • No dust during cutting;
  • Automatic shutdown at low voltage.


  • No top guide;
  • Not the deepest water pan;
  • Not very convenient marking ruler on the bed.

This tile cutter model has large table, which is convenient for cutting even large-sized tiles.

Average price: 4700 rub.

The tool is designed for cutting tiles up to 1.4 cm thick and 30 to 60 cm long. The cutting element is represented by a hard alloy roller, which cuts accurately and clearly, without chipping. This is facilitated by the possibility of additional fixation of the material and size adjustment due to the presence of a metal square with an anti-corrosion coating in the kit. This is a manual model that requires the operator to directly participate in the process, but does not require special effort.


  • Weight 3.75 kg;
  • Small sizes;
  • Surface stability;
  • Smooth cutting;
  • No dust or chips;
  • High quality construction;
  • Made in Germany.


  • It does not take all types of ceramic tiles.

Average price: 1200 rub.

This is the cheapest model in our rating of tile cutters, as it is an ordinary cutter. Despite its external simplicity and small size, the tool can cut both tiles and glass. Naturally, this will take a little longer than in the case of electrical device. The length of the grip here is 20 cm, which corresponds to the standard length of a rectangular tile. The product has a comfortable handle that does not provoke the formation of calluses, and “bites off” the material without much effort, thereby eliminating kinks.


  • Small dimensions;
  • Ease;
  • Easy to use;
  • Does not require maintenance;
  • Suitable even for beginners;
  • Cheapness.


  • Not suitable for cutting large quantities of tiles, which may leave your fingers sore.

Average price: 250 rub.

Which tile cutter is better to buy?

For tiling large areas It is best to choose an electric tile cutting machine, which may be needed many times in the future. When repairing in small spaces A mechanical, manual model will be quite sufficient. To prevent stone dust from rising into the air, it is important to equip the tool with a water wetting function. For high precision cutting, there must be a clear ruler. If you need to do it in tiles round hole, then you need a model with a cutter.

Depending on the situation, perfect choice there will be the following models:

  • It is best for professional builders to choose powerful electrical products - Praktika Profi 1860, Helmut FS200, Matrix TS250D, 1500 W 87188 or Caliber PLE-180/600A.
  • To work with paving slabs DeWalt D24000 works great.
  • For cutting floor and wall tiles large sizes you can choose Zubr 33193-80 or Enkor 3660.
  • Bars 87590, Elitech PE 600 and Rubi Star-61 can handle porcelain stoneware.
  • If you need to cut tiles beautifully, diagonally, then we can recommend Montolit Masterpiuma 63P
  • To work with thin tiles, MTX 87622 and Matrix 87830 are sufficient.

Only a good tile cutter can ensure smooth and high-quality cutting of tiles, and the options proposed in the rating should not let you down.

Today there are many tile cutters from different manufacturers. To select suitable model, let's look at the differences between them.

Purpose of the tool

First, let's figure out what a tile cutter is and what its purpose is. As is already clear from the name of the tool, it is designed for cutting tiles. With its help, you can easily reduce the tile to the required fragment. Replaces a glass cutter or grinder.

There are two types:

  • manual – cutting element, goes along guides;
  • electric - a diamond disc powered by a motor.

In the question - which tile cutter is better, it is difficult to find a definite answer, since each model has its own area of ​​​​application. If no specific work is expected, you can get by with a simple manual model, but when you have to cut durable ceramic floor tiles in large volumes, it is still better to give preference to electrical equipment.

A simple option suitable for home work

You can do without a tile cutter, replacing it with improvised tools. But the following facts speak in favor of his choice:

  • processes large quantities of tiles in a short time;
  • the cut is obtained without chipping;
  • copes with durable materials such as porcelain tiles, stone and floor tiles more than a centimeter thick;
  • makes cuts at an angle.

Thus, you increase productivity while spending less effort and energy. In addition, the percentage of defects is reduced, which leads to savings in facing material.

Manual tile cutter

Choosing this tile cutter is advisable if large-scale repairs are not expected in the near future. Using such a device, you can process both simple tiles and those with increased strength.

The following types are distinguished:

  • mechanical;
  • roller;
  • bearing

The models differ in their operating principles. Basically, these devices have a platform with a groove in the middle and a cutting unit, which is represented by guide rails, a presser foot, a carriage with a handle and a cutter. This part of the design is where the differences lie.

Mechanical is a standard model with a push handle, which allows you to securely fix the tiles and obtain an accurate cut. In other models, such a device may also be present. In a roller tool, the cutting element is a carbide roller. And the third type tops the rating of manual models - the bearing type, its movement is smooth and accurate due to the use of two bearings with bushings that fix the cutting element in the guides.

Roller tool is easy to use

How to choose the right manual tile cutter? Pay attention to its type and structure. The smoothness of the ride must be checked. Do not forget that metal parts are also prone to wear, and therefore the quality of the materials used matters.

It differs significantly from manual models. First of all, evaluate the structure and principle of operation. In this case, the tile cutter is based on the use of a motor. The dimensions of such a device are superior to hand-held miniature models. The choice of electric tile cutters is influenced by the motor power. Note that manufacturers place it both above and below relative to the working platform. In the first case, precise cuts are obtained, in the second, the tool becomes compact.

Which of these two is better is determined by characteristics such as the quality of parts and additional options. A good-quality tool is equipped with a diamond disc for wet cutting, since electric models are equipped with a water supply, which cools the cutting element and reduces the amount of dust. Look for a tile cutter with a splash and splinter protection cap.

Model with motor designed for working with durable materials

Before you finally choose electric model, check its ability to do work at an angle of 45 degrees. Such tools must provide sufficient depth and length of the cut. The first indicator is at least 3-4 cm, the second – within 50 cm. The thicker and stronger tiles, with which you intend to work, the more powerful the motor of the tile cutter should be.

Purchase personal protective equipment to protect your respiratory system and eyes from tile particles when working with it.

What to pay attention to

List of criteria that you should focus on when purchasing a tile cutter:

  • Brand – trust trusted companies with a developed service network.
  • Materials used – it must be either strong metal, or a diamond element, this is especially important for bushings on manual models, since if they wear out, the tile cutter becomes unusable.
  • Quality of fastenings - a flimsy design will lead to rapid failure and threaten your safety.
  • Low defect rate - ideally there should be no defects or their percentage tends to zero.
  • Engine power – when working with porcelain stoneware, weak models are not applicable.
  • Permissible load - determines the thickness of the tile. You should not overload the tool, as you will simply speed up its breakdown.
  • Spare parts – the presence of replaceable parts allows you to avoid premature service calls. service center and additional expenses for the purchase of worn parts.
  • Cutting at an angle is a necessary option, as it makes it possible to accurately fit the tiles.

Depending on the choice of a particular model, pay attention to specific quality indicators. The tool comes with a warranty.



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