7ft pool table for small room. Size of billiard table and room for playing billiards

The length and width of the tables is determined by the distance between the opposite elastic sides.

Tables for Russian billiards 4.5 x 9 and 6 x 12 ft (1382 x 2764 and 1870 x 3650 mm)
Pool tables 4 x 8 and 4.5 x 9 feet (1229 x 2458 and 1382 x 2764 mm)
Snooker tables 6 x 12 ft (1870 x 3650 mm)
Pocketless tables (carom, chips) 4.5 x 9 and 5 x 10 feet (1382 x 2764 and 1536 x 3072 mm)

Billiard table height:

The playing surface of a table for Russian billiards should be at a height of 820 mm from the floor. The height of the snooker table is 850 mm, and the height of the pool and pocketless tables is 750 mm.

Pocket solutions:

For Russian billiard tables: Corner pocket 74 - 76 mm. Average pocket 80 - 82 mm
For pool tables: Corner pocket 134.8 - 150.4 mm. Average pocket 137.6 - 144 mm
For snooker tables: Corner pocket 88.4 - 92.8 mm. Average pocket 104 - 106 mm

Requirements for the playing surface of the table:

The playing surface of tables must be horizontal. The slope at the edges of the table should be within 0.5 mm in the longitudinal direction and 0.25 mm in the transverse direction. If several plates are used in the design of the table, then they must be joined together with an accuracy of 0.125 mm. When a concentrated load of 90 kg is applied at the center of the table, the deflection should not exceed 0.75 mm. The playing surface must be able to withstand a ball weighing 170 g falling from a height of 180 cm, and no dents or cracks should appear on the plate. The plates must be securely fastened to the table frame with screws or bolts. The slab(s) are covered with a special billiard cloth, which must be well stretched.

Billiard balls:

Balls for Russian billiards: Weight: 280 - 290 g. Diameter: 68 mm
Pool balls: Weight: 156 - 170 g. Diameter: 57.6 mm
Snooker balls: Weight: 142 - 156 mm. Diameter: 54.4 mm, 52.8 mm.
Carom balls: Weight: 198 - 213 g. Diameter: 62.0 mm, 60.8 mm, 62.4 mm

Billiard cues:

The cue should be straight and balanced.

Cue for Russian billiards: Length: 1500 - 1600 mm. Weight: 650 - 700 g
Pool cues: Length: 1500 - 1520 mm. Weight: 500 - 560 g
Snooker cue: Length: 1400 - 1450 mm. Weight: 450 - 480 g
Carom cue: Length: 1350 - 1500 mm. Weight: 480 - 520 g

How to choose pool table depending on the game, size and other parameters

Billiards is a game where, in addition to a clear eye, strategic thinking is required. The ability to drive an opponent into a trap and not fall into such a trap yourself gives a great advantage.

A number of traps await those who just want to buy. How to choose the right billiards to subsequently get maximum pleasure and minimum problems? Let's play this one no less exciting game entitled “Buying a Pool Table.”

Game of self-determination

First of all, you've probably already decided what you want to play: Russian billiards (=pyramid), American pool, or maybe English snooker. The size of the billiard room and the requirements for billiard equipment will depend on the game you choose.

Beginners often fall into the stereotypical opinion that Russian billiards is very difficult game, because there are narrow pockets and you need to hit very accurately, but in the pool the pockets are wide and it’s easy to score there. In fact, Russian balls fall into pockets quite simply, and there is no need to be afraid of Russian billiards. Master the stance, learn how to hold the cue correctly - and you will score balls and have fun.

On the other hand, do not underestimate American pool, in which the rules require playing with only one white ball. And you will also have to take the ball to the right place on the table, because you need to pocket either a certain group of balls or in the order of their numbers. But the hardest thing to play is snooker. Although the pockets here are also quite wide, the balls are very small, and therefore more difficult to hit.

OUR ADVICE: If you have never played billiards before buying a table for your home, go to a billiards club and play all three games for a while. You will quickly feel what is closer to you in spirit and make the right choice.

Game of space

Very often, future owners of billiard tables encounter difficulties with the premises for a billiard room. The pool table loves a lot of space. This is not kitchen table, and not a sofa that can be placed against the wall. With invisible hands, billiards pushes away from itself not only the walls, but also the entire environment around it.

The billiard cues with which you will play act as such hands. When the balls are pressed against the board and are at the edge of the playing field, they can only be hit by moving the cue completely off the table. Hence the elementary calculations for the size of the billiard room: playing field plus the length of the cue on each side.

For different games cues of various lengths are used. For Russian billiards 160-165 cm, for pool and snooker 140-145 cm. It is only worth noting that in Russian billiards on tables 8 feet or less, small balls are used, and, therefore, shorter cues, as for pool.

Playing field Minimum room size
in feet in meters pyramid pool snooker
5 feet 1.65 x 0.85 m 4.5 x 3.7 m 4.5 x 3.7 m
6 feet 1.80 x 0.90 m 4.7 x 3.8 m 4.7 x 3.8 m
7 feet 1.99 x 0.99 m 4.9 x 3.9 m 4.9 x 3.9 m
8 feet 2.24 x 1.12 m 5.1 x 4.0 m 5.1 x 4.0 m
9 feet 2.54 x 1.27 m 5.8 x 4.5 m 5.4 x 4.1 m
10 foot 2.95 x 1.47 m 6.2 x 4.7 m 5.8 x 4.3 m
12 feet 3.50 x 1.75 m 6.8 x 5.0 m 6.4 x 4.6 m

Please note: table sizes are different manufacturers may vary slightly

But this space will actually not be enough. To avoid hitting the cue against the walls, add another good 20 cm on each side of the billiards. Now it will be more or less comfortable to play. The walls and everything that hangs on them (paintings or photographs) will remain safe and sound.

However, the most the right decision There will also be additional space for furniture in your billiard room. Believe me, after passing the first kilometer mark around the table, you will definitely want to sit down. And if you play with your family or a circle of friends, spectator seats will not hurt. And it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have a table where you can drink tea or coffee and have something to eat. We have specially designed for absolute comfort. In addition to billiard equipment, they also include comfortable furniture with optimal dimensions.

OUR ADVICE: Design your billiard room in advance and take into account everything necessary for a comfortable game. And if the room is already ready, then don’t try to squeeze the biggest billiards into it. As they say, less is more.

Game of weight

In addition to size, pool tables can vary significantly in weight. The easiest is billiards with a playing field on laminated chipboard. Such tables gain significantly in price, but lose just as much in the quality of the game itself: the balls roll slowly and loudly. In addition, it is practically impossible to provide a strictly horizontal surface here. Get ready for the balls to roll down every now and then and change their trajectory somewhat.

Tables on stone are much heavier. And along with a perfectly flat surface, you also get structural stability. This table will not budge no matter how hard you push it. But here too there are two different weight categories. In simpler billiards, thinner stone slabs are used, from 19 millimeters thick.

You understand that the thicker the stone, the more stable and reliable the billiards. That is why, starting from 9 feet, most RuptuR tables are equipped with heavy-duty slabs. Their thickness is 38 mm. In such billiards, the balls are unlikely to move arbitrarily. Of course, the difference in weight of tables with thick and thin stone is from 200 to 300 kg.

OUR ADVICE: Pay attention to the thickness of the stone base for your pool table. The thicker the stone, the more stable the billiards. Therefore, a massive plate is the key to a high-quality game without flaws.

Game of material

What, what, what are these billiards made of? Modern technologies allow you to produce billiard tables from anything. Often, for the sake of cutting costs, companies do not leave anything natural and natural for billiards. And only very few manufacturers remain faithful to the traditional materials that nature itself supplies us with: natural wood and natural stone.

Yes, being made of MDF, the billiard will also serve and stand reliably (if it is not disassembled and reassembled several times). However, remember one thing: when playing at a pool table, unlike furniture, you will be in constant and close contact with it. What do you choose: touch natural wood or stroke with your hand the glued sawdust, skillfully hidden in a beautiful veneer wrapper.

Recent research has also affected natural stone under green cloth. Instead of natural slate they now offer artificial stone. There seems to be nothing wrong and there are not even any visible differences in the game. However, in order for the artificial playing field to remain reliable and durable, it is necessary to mix modern chemicals. What is added there is not known for certain. But we know, for example, that high temperatures trigger the process of oxidation and decomposition of various types of polymers, and just in billiards, at the points of rotation and impact of billiard balls, the temperature often reaches 250 degrees Celsius. This, by the way, is what causes white spots to appear on billiard cloth, which are essentially burn spots.

OUR ADVICE: Billiard tables made from artificial, surrogate materials cannot be compared in durability with tables made from natural wood. The so-called artificial stone is new in billiard production and has been little studied. All its characteristics will appear fully only years later.

Price game

All of the above factors are reflected in the price of a billiard table. By skillfully using certain cunning tricks, manufacturers are trying to make billiards cheaper, supposedly showing concern for the buyer. Here we will replace the tree with something simpler, there we will take a thinner stone, or even not a stone at all. Anything will do for an uninformed buyer. In fact, these “good” intentions turn into complete disappointment.

Let's not forget about the components. Cloth, side rubber, pockets - all this additional features to play on price. They especially like to save money on cloth by passing off a Chinese manufacture as a new brand. However, China has not yet been able to create a worthy analogue of either the Belgian aramite balls or the Belgian billiard cloth. As a result, some billiard table manufacturers have IwanSimonis cloth included by default, while for others it is available only as an additional expensive option.

The same applies to the palette of colors in which you can order a billiard table. Often the offer is limited to only one or two options. If you want your billiards to be light rather than dark, please pay extra. Painting all the tables the same color is, of course, cheaper. I immediately remember the story of Henry Ford, who at the dawn of his automobile business decreed: “The color of the car can be any, provided that it is black.” Fortunately, there is another one on the market, modern point vision, when the buyer can choose the color for his billiards without incurring additional costs.

Another opportunity to cut production costs is to vertically mount the sides on Russian billiard tables. The bottom line is that with vertical fastening there is no need to install fasteners into the stone, and there is also no need to adjust the side to the stone slabs, which greatly simplifies life. To justify the use of vertical mounting, manufacturers have gone so far as to draw ingenious diagrams of the force applied at the moment the ball hits the side and provide vague evidence of the “reliability” of their design.

But the history of the issue is actually simple. Vertical fastening in billiard production began to be used when the Americans invented their own game of pool, which requires tables small size and on a thin stone. It is impossible to attach a side horizontally to a slab with a thickness of 25 mm or less. With light pool balls this is not a problem, but balls for Russian billiards already weigh 280 g or more. The vertical fastening of the sides was not originally designed for such a load. And what can I say, vertical fastening has not been achieved even in the production of snooker tables with the smallest billiard balls, the weight of which does not exceed 140 g.

Everyone knows the difference between inexpensive small cars and full-fledged cars. It is enough to get behind the wheel, and everything immediately becomes clear. It's the same with billiard tables. You will feel the difference on every hit.

OUR ADVICE: Pay attention to what exactly you are buying. A billiard table has much fewer parameters than modern smartphones. To the type of game and size, only the material of manufacture, the thickness of the stone, the fastening of the side and components (cloth, pockets, etc.) are added. Feel free to compare characteristics and choose good, right things.

Drawing conclusions

So we got five simple rules to purchase a billiard table:

1. All billiard games are good in their own way - choose according to your taste.

2. Billiards loves free space. Don't crowd him.

3. The weight of the pool table is of decisive importance.

4. Billiards made from natural materials are more reliable in every sense.

5. The price of a pool table depends not only on its size. Take a closer look.

Have fun playing! Good luck!

No matter where you decide to set up a game room, in a commercial space or at home, you should always start by choosing the right size of pool tables. A correctly calculated ratio between the table and the room will ensure comfort when playing. There are special tables where all the standard dimensions are presented, and using them it is much easier to make a choice. But, first things first.

Premises are selected with a certain calculation. Let's imagine the size of an American billiards table, put a cue on each side of it and get the minimum size of a room convenient for playing. When making a billiard table with your own hands, you should take into account that this room will still have seating areas, perhaps even a bar. If you can’t fit it all into one room, then you can use folding billiard tables.

The club billiard table has larger dimensions. There, in addition to the standard table plus cue ratio, there is also a distance for a person’s swing, which is about 40 centimeters. In addition, the design provides for a distance between tables of at least 120 centimeters. It is worth noting different lengths cue, for example:

  • American pool - 145 centimeters;
  • Russian pyramid - 155 centimeters.

Billiard table scales

It is worth remembering that pool tables will be the size of the game you prefer to play. The main types are now considered:

  • pool - from six to nine feet;
  • snooker - from ten to twelve feet;
  • Russian pyramid - from six to twelve feet.

You can make a billiard table with your own hands and give it arbitrary dimensions. In this case, you will need to take care of the cues, because they will also be needed in smaller sizes. There are standard sizes tables, in accordance with the rooms, which will be more clearly seen in the table.

Playing field Minimum room size
in feet in meters pyramid pool snooker
5 feet 1.65 x 0.85 m 4.5 x 3.7 m 4.5 x 3.7 m
6 feet 1.80 x 0.90 m 4.7 x 3.8 m 4.7 x 3.8 m
7 feet 1.99 x 0.99 m 4.9 x 3.9 m 4.9 x 3.9 m
8 feet 2.24 x 1.12 m 5.1 x 4.0 m 5.1 x 4.0 m
9 feet 2.54 x 1.27 m 5.8 x 4.5 m 5.4 x 4.1 m
10 foot 2.95 x 1.47 m 6.2 x 4.7 m 5.8 x 4.3 m
12 feet 3.50 x 1.75 m 6.8 x 5.0 m 6.4 x 4.6 m

Do not forget that manufacturers of billiard tables may deviate slightly from standard sizes, so you should take your own measurements of both the room and the table before purchasing or making it yourself.

Making your own gaming table

Do not forget that you can make all billiard tables yourself. The main thing is to draw up the drawings correctly and select quality material for carrying out work. First, measure the room and decide which type of game suits you best. The size of the billiard table will not matter if you make it prefabricated, then it can be installed even under open air, but in harmless weather.

Pool table base drawing Pool table base drawing 2

Photo 1 Photo 2
Photo 3 Photo 4
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Photo 7 Photo 8
Photo 9 Photo 10
Photo 11 Photo 12
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Photo 17 Photo 18

Create a pleasant room interior. The harmony of the table and the room sets the mood for the game, and in general cozy atmosphere lifts your spirits. Practice and develop a room for billiards, dimensions play an important role there. Don’t forget that at some point a person will get tired of walking around the table and will need to sit down, so set up rest areas in advance.

If you decide to treat yourself to a games room, it doesn’t matter what kind of table you buy, be it an American table or a pool table. Calculate correct size premises so that you can enjoy the game in the future, and not get annoyed by little things.

Take into account all the centimeters, make drawings and drawings, calculate every detail of the planned image.

Billiard table sizes

On the Internet you can look at photos and video materials about what kind of billiard rooms there are and build on this interior, adding your own twists.

It is important for beginners to know that when playing Russian Pyramid, a professional or “full” table size is considered to be 12 feet diagonally or 3.55 m (length) by 1.77 m (width). If you are planning to buy a Russian billiards table not only for spending time with friends and family, but also for training sports competition, then try to make it exactly like that.

Of course, not everyone has such a large room in their apartment, but in a dacha it’s quite possible to place a table like this. Some fans of Russian billiards even build a special room for the game. And they can be understood, Russian billiards is a very exciting game.

In addition to such a large table, in stores you will see fields that have standard smaller sizes: 8 and 9 or 10 and 11 feet. Of course, it is best to train right away on a classic large field, but even on such fields you will practice your shots perfectly and master special techniques. It is best if an experienced player shows and tells everything to a beginner.

Determining the dimensions

When you purchase a billiard table to suit the size of your room, do not forget that the size should be such that the approach from all sides is no less than 1.64 m. After all, for a high-quality shot you need to swing the cue normally. Otherwise, you won't be able to play normally.

If the size of the table is such that it fits into the room, this does not mean that it will be convenient for you to hit the balls with a cue from all sides. Requires a room 6 to 15 times larger than the playing field. Approach the purchase issue responsibly, because billiard tables are expensive.

How to calculate which table will optimally fit into your room? It's simple. A lot of space is required when the player makes shots directly from the side at a right angle. If there is space from the side of the table plus the size of the cue, then you will be able to make such shots normally. You can purchase a table for Russian billiards with just such a field. Don’t forget that you need another 10 cm to swing, and so on around the table.

When calculating the minimum size of a room, furniture is not taken into account. And if there is one, you also need to retreat from it by the length of the cue. Don't forget.

There are interesting rooms with columns, railings, protruding bas-reliefs, etc. Such a room layout can create inconvenience. For example, from one or more places you will not be able to make a normal shot with a large cue. For such cases, shortened ones are provided. They are used in such “dead” zones.

What are the standard gaming tables?

Let's look at the standard sizes of billiard tables:
  1. If the table parameters for Russian billiards are 12 feet, its length will be 3.55 m and width 1.77 m. The space for playing will remain 6.83 m (length) and 5.05 m (width).
  2. The diagonal of the Russian billiards table is 11 feet. The length is 3.2 m and the width is 1.6 m. 6.48 m (length) and 4.88 m (width) remain for games.
  3. A table for playing Russian billiards of 10 feet assumes a length of the playing floor of 2.94 m and a width of 1.47 m. The free space is 6.22 m (length), 4.75 m (width).
  4. For Russian billiards you purchased a 9 ft. table. It turns out that the playing field is 2.54 m long and 1.27 m wide. The playing space is 5.82 m (length), 4.55 m (width). The smallest 8 ft billiard table has a length of 2.24 m and a width of 1.12 m. The playing space is 5.52 m (length) and 4.55 m (width).

When choosing the best billiard table for your premises, remember that the larger it is, the more interesting and intense the game. Experts recommend purchasing the most large table, which will fit into your room. The main thing is that every player from any position feels comfortable playing behind him.

If, in addition to the table, you want to place other furniture in the room, then calculate everything in advance so that it fits perfectly.

fit in. Furniture that is lower than the gaming table can be placed closer. If it is taller, let it stand against the walls. The main thing is to coffee table or comfortable chairs with the sofa there was at least 1.2 m left. Then it will be convenient to play billiards.

If the furniture is placed closer, it will get in the way; choose the most comfortable position to make a blow from the side. And furniture that is higher, for example, a wardrobe, chest of drawers, sideboard, etc. should be located even further behind the space for playing billiards (see recommendations above).

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Pool table size depends on the game for which it is intended. Sports billiards is divided into two main varieties - Russian and American, each of which requires special billiard tables. But Russian and American billiards are distinguished not so much by billiard tables as by the philosophy of the game itself. If we use card games as a comparison, then Russian billiards is more like preference, and American billiards is more like poker.

For Russian billiards, tables with a playing field size from 8 to 12 feet are designed; billiard tables with a playing field of 7-9 feet are required. Having chosen a quality billiard table, it is also important to correctly calculate its size so that it fits into the room for which it is intended.

Before purchasing a billiard table, you need to determine which table is right for you. First of all, you need to determine the room where the table will be installed and select the optimal size table from the table:

Billiard room size

The size of the billiard room can be comfortable or minimal.

Comfortable size billiard room is calculated as follows: the size of the billiard table + the length of the cue (for a pyramid - 160 cm, for an American pool - 150 cm) + the distance you need to swing. Usually this distance is 25-40 cm. With this arrangement of the billiards, nothing should interfere with your play.

The situation with the minimum size of a billiard room is somewhat more complicated. Usually the minimum size is calculated using the formula: “size of the playing field + length of the cue.” Here the size of the playing field is taken into account, and not the size of the billiards. In this case, it will be inconvenient to hit from the board along a perpendicular trajectory, but you can afford to buy a larger table.

Minimum size The premises of the billiard room are given without taking into account the furniture. Sometimes some elements included in the design of a house or billiard room (columns, corners, railings, etc.) create inconvenience when playing. In this case, you can resort to shortened cues, which are used in the “dead” zones where you cannot play with a regular size cue.

Formula for calculating the size of Russian billiards:

cue length + pool table length + cue length.

Cue lengths for calculation:

  • Russian billiards - 160 cm,
  • American pool - 150 cm,
  • Snooker - 147 cm.



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