>>Technology: Stages of creating wood products

In order to manufacture any product, it is necessary to perform a number of actions, that is, go through a number of stages.
First of all, you need to think in advance about what materials the product will consist of, what tools and devices are needed for this, on what equipment and workplace it is possible to manufacture the product.
There is no need to rush to start making the product right away. Otherwise, you can turn it into waste - unnecessary products. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “Measure twice and cut once.”
First, the product is depicted in the form of a technical drawing, sketch or drawing. Select a high-quality piece of wood of the required species. A blank is a material of a certain size from which a part is made. Mark the workpiece, checking the dimensions several times. Then they plan, saw, clean and finish it, turning it into finished product.
Products may consist of one or more parts. Each part is made from one piece of material.
The connected parts in a product are called an assembly unit. A product may consist of one or more assembly units.
If the product consists of several parts, then after manufacturing they must be adjusted to each other and connected to each other. The connection of parts into a product is called assembly.
The manufactured product must be checked for strength and tested. If any shortcomings are discovered, the reasons for their occurrence must be found and eliminated.
The sequence of actions for processing workpieces and assembling them into a product is described in special routing instructions and technological maps.
Parts are processed using working tools manually or on machines. Each part is manufactured according to its own technological process, which is part of the entire production process of transforming a workpiece into a part or product.
The technological process of manufacturing parts consists of a number of technological operations.

Operation refers to a completed part of a technological process performed at one workplace or on one machine. For example, the operations will be: cutting the workpiece into carpentry workbench, drilling holes in it drilling machine, painting the workpiece in a special room.
Operations consist of transitions and installing parts. The transition is performed at one workplace or machine with one tool. The technological map indicates the sequence of operations, installations and transitions, a graphical representation of the changing workpiece and the tools and devices used.
Table 2 shows a technological map for the production of a kitchen cutting board.

Drawing up a technological map for the manufacture of a simple part

1. Carefully study the drawing of the part you want to make.
2. Using Table 2, develop a technological map for the manufacture of your part.
3. Compare the completed technological map with technological map, developed for the same part by your classmates.

  • Stages of product creation, defects, assembly, procurement, part, assembly unit, transition, operation, installation, technological process, instructional and technological maps.

1. List the stages of creating a wood product.

2. What is marriage?

3. What are the purposes of technological maps?

4. What is called a part, an assembly unit?

5. What is called a technological operation?

A.T. Tishchenko, P.S. Samorodsky, V.D. Simonenko, N.P. Shchipitsyn, Technology 5th grade
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Target. To familiarize students with the basic physical and mechanical properties of wood and methods and their determination.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards trees and wood products, and to instill an interest in the profession of carpenter.

Be able to determine the properties of wood from samples.

Equipment. Wood samples, posters, technical drawings.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

II. Introductory conversation.

1. Report the topic of the lesson.

Safety rules in a carpentry workshop.

3. Test survey on safety regulations.

III. The main part of the lesson.

1. Wood has various properties. Among them are:



Let's thinkwhat properties can be attributedto physical.

Density, humidity, color, smell.

2. Now let's move on to the mechanical properties. Whatwhat kind of properties are these?

Tverdosyeah,nurgency, ystiffness.

3. Physical education minute.

4. Students determine the density of wood by determining the volume of a sample and weighing it.

IV. Summing up.

Assessing student performance in the classroom.

V. Homework.

Basic properties of wood.

Subject. Defects and vices of wood.

Target. To familiarize students with the defects of wood.

Cultivate attentiveness when identifying defects and defects in wood.

Formation of skills in identifying types of defects.

Equipment. Samples of wood with defects.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

1. Greeting students and checking attendance.

2. Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Introductory conversation.

1. Report the topic of the lesson.

2. Repetition of the material covered.

Properties of wood.

3. Crossword “Tree species”.

III. The main part of the lesson.

1. A wood defect is its damage or deviation from its normal structure.
Wood defects are characteristics and shortcomings of individual sections of wood that worsen its properties.

2. Occur in growing trees (knots, curvature...), timber (blueness, browning...), in growing and felled trees (cracks, rot...).

Knots are the bases of branches growing from the trunk (they are darker, stronger, with crooked fibers);
- oblique layer – helical arrangement of fibers (warps when dried);
curliness - a wavy arrangement of fibers (gives beauty to the wood, but makes processing difficult);
- cracks – formed along the fibers from frost and heat;
-rot – formed under the influence of wood-destroying fungi (over time, plants exposed to this disease turn into dust, as a rule, these are dead twigs);
- wormhole - damage to wood in the form of holes gnawed by larvae, bugs, insects.

3. Physical education minute.

4. Select samples of timber with various defects and characterize them.

IV. Summing up.

1. Answers to questions:
- What defects are observed and what causes them in growing trees?
- What measures are taken to preserve timber from defects?

2. Assessing the results of students’ work in the lesson.

V. Homework. Study the main defects of wood.

Crossword "Wood species"

(fill only empty cells)











1. A tree that has soft wood and is used for making art products? (Linden)

2. Durable, rot-resistant rock, used for making furniture and parquet. (Oak)

3. Yellow-white resinous wood is used for making musical instruments(Spruce)

4. Wood coniferous, hard, does not rot for a long time. (Larch)

5. Softwood, used for making matches (Aspen)


6. Highly resinous wood, with a clearly defined texture. Used in construction and carpentry and furniture production. (Pine)

7. Hard, deciduous wood, rots quickly. Used to make plywood (birch)

8. Soft, light wood is used to make shovels (poplar)

9. Light wood, odorless. Its bark has a strong and pleasant smell (fir)

Humanity has been using wood for many millennia, constantly complicating the tools and technology for processing it. One of the main areas of woodworking is the production of joinery products. Windows, doors, furniture from natural wood in an apartment or mansion, made according to individual project, show the status, taste and sense of style of the owner.

The production of joinery products currently represents a whole cycle technological processes. To carry them out, design departments, carpentry shops and paint shops are needed. The design department creates a product design and recommends materials for its manufacture, and then the work of the carpentry workshop begins.

Stages of carpentry production

First, the wood is dried to the required level of humidity, otherwise after some time the parts from it may warp and change their size. For this purpose special drying chambers. They can be aerodynamic, convective, condensation, and even based on the microwave principle.

The next stage in the production of joinery is sawing the wood to give it the required dimensions and contours. It is produced using hand or mechanical saws of various sizes, designs, and shapes. Next, jointing (planing) prepares the structural elements for gluing. It is produced on a special machine. For gluing, a very precise fit of the surfaces is required, which is achieved through jointing.

Gluing must be done immediately after jointing, otherwise after some time the pores of the wood will become clogged with dust, which prevents good adhesion. The glue is selected for each case individually. After joining the parts with glue in joiner's board, the product is placed in a press. Then thicknessing is carried out, i.e. adjustment on the machine to the required dimensions. It is worth saying that there are combined machines that can be used for sawing, planing, thicknessing, and drilling, but, of course, their capabilities are more limited compared to specialized machines.

Next, the carpentry is given complex shape on a milling machine. It is also possible to apply complex three-dimensional patterns. After this, grinding and assembly of the product. There are special grinding machines, but if the contour is complex, you usually have to sand it by hand, using scrapers and sandpapers of different grain sizes.

The assembled product goes to the paint shop, where it is tinted or painted. Toning is more popular because it emphasizes the texture and natural grain of the wood. Painting, on the contrary, hides all this. A layer of varnish is applied over the tinting or painting. Thanks to it, the surface not only improves its appearance, but also acquires protection from temperature and mechanical damage.

Of course, the technology of carpentry production different types different. For example, in the production of wooden furniture, edge banding and drilling machines are used, and in the production of doors, trimming and calibration machines. But the sequence of wood processing remains unchanged.

If you decide to order any joinery product in St. Petersburg based on an individual project, call our workshop, specialists will give you professional advice and tell you how to place an order.

Carpentry: features of the choice of material, tools and production technology. Making wooden products and structures Lesson type: Learning new material

Necessary equipment.

Rough plan income of mini carpentry business

Organization of a manufacturing business wooden products medium scale.

Additional tools.

Wood decoration is one of the most ancient crafts known to the world. We, in Russia, attach particular importance to this craft. Many wood products are decorated and designed using this particular craft.

The development of the art of artistic woodworking in Russia was influenced by the development of the state itself, and cultural development people. Therefore, the history of the promotion of wood crafts is divided into several main periods.

Very few original monuments of ancient Russian art from the 9th-16th centuries have reached us. But based on ancient manuscripts, paintings, and information from guests who visited ancient Kyiv and Veliky Novgorod, they indicate that even then the artistic processing of wood occupied a definitely high position in the life of the state and the people.

Wood was used to build housing, make furniture, dishes, city fortifications, workshops, outbuildings, ships, sleighs, pavements, water pipes, machines and machines, tools and tools, children's toys and the like. All this was decorated with geometric patterns carved on them. Particularly in demand was the manufacture of spoons made of ash, maple, and birch, on the tips of which various ornaments were carved; one of the most popular was wicker.

The 15th century brought liberation from oppression to the inhabitants of Rus' Tatar-Mongol yoke and the foundation of a centralized state, the center of which was Moscow. Subsequently, folk arts, including artistic woodworking, gained freedom. Creative people were given free rein in their craft. It was at this time that the greatest wood craft artists lived. Ancient Rus': Theophanes the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Dionysius, who stood out for the integrity and harmony of their works.

Masterpieces of decorative and applied art of the 15th century became objects of imitation for a generation of many masters. An example is the iconostasis; if you pay attention, they have wicker patterns and gilding, which was inherent in the iconostasis of artists of the 15th century.
A special place worth noting is wooden interiors and wood products. While in a room from wooden interior it feels like you are one step closer to harmony with nature. Your soul becomes calm and you feel more energetic. Wood not only brings you closer to nature, but also adds sophistication and sophistication to your home, especially the various hewn geometric patterns, in the details of which craftsmen leave a piece of their soul.

Implementation of a mini carpentry business.

First, you need to study the markets, visit exhibitions, wood industry fairs, in order to know what type of products are in demand by buyers. After collecting information, create a business plan for your carpentry workshop that can lead you to success.

To create a workshop you need: a dry, bright room measuring 50 square meters with ceilings up to 4 meters high. Electricity is also required. Then start collecting documents necessary for tax and fire safety services.

Necessary equipment.

The next step is to collect necessary materials and purchasing machines for production. According to your wishes, you can either buy all the necessary equipment in full, or 50/50. Make half yourself using online drawings, and buy the other half. There is no point in saving on materials and equipment, because half the quality of your products depends on this. In short, you will need tools such as a circular or miter saw, a jointer, a planer, power tools: a drill, a router, as well as kits hand tools: chisels, mallets, hacksaws.

Before purchasing equipment, you should consider everything carefully. What exactly will you produce, what tools and machines are needed for this in order to avoid extra expenses for unnecessary equipment. It is also important not to forget about the people who will work with you, or for you. It is best to look not only for masters of their craft, but also for creative people who will put their soul into your products. If your product is original, the demand for it will never fall and it will bring a stable income.

What kind of wood products should be made?

Wood products have their own character, which gives not only the apartment, but also the same office coziness and harmony. Therefore, the choice of products is very large, from door handles to furniture of different categories. An entrepreneur in a carpentry business has a wide range of choices, the main thing is not to make a mistake.

There is a sea of ​​wooden products, including souvenirs, talismans, toys, amulets - these are some of those that are popular among buyers. Especially the “Knock on Wood” charm. Its design is quite simple. Take a birch log with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 10 cm, cut into two lengthwise, and stripped of the bark. A wooden figurine of the spirit is placed at the bottom of the log, or the image of the spirit itself is carved. People say that by knocking on such a talisman you can contact the spirits of the tree, who will give you protection from evil forces and wickedness.

Do not apply varnish to such a talisman; they decorate it with pieces of birch bark. The specialty of the manufacturer of such amulets is the so-called knocking on wood instruction. People believe in all sorts of superstitions, so by printing instructions for communicating with spirits on your amulet, you will attract the attention of buyers. This product costs about 300 rubles.

By using the cheapest slab material, you can make benches, tables, stools for cottages, and decorate them with various geometric patterns. On at the moment such things are in demand and are quite well valued in Moscow.

The most ordinary bench made of slab costs about 2,500 rubles, and adding some kind of ornament to it can be customized for 3,500 rubles. During the summer, you will be able to produce and sell 25 pieces per month. Coasters for hot food cost 25-40 rubles, and those made from polished sections cost up to 100 rubles, napkin holders from 150 rubles, but good original bread bins can cost up to 1000 rubles.

Expenses and income for a mini business.

Business plan expenses will include the following items:
. -rent the premises up to $200 if you don’t have your own;
. -room lighting up to $10-20;
. -materials up to 300 dollars. USA.
. -tools – $2500

To open a small mini carpentry workshop you will need about $3170. With a business efficiency of 23%, the net profit will be from $1000 per month, and the payback period will be up to 4 months. You should have your carpentry business up and running by the beginning of the construction season.

Approximate income plan for a mini carpentry business.

Subject to your premises:
Let's say your mini workshop produces the simplest carpentry- doors. A master with no experience will be able to make 10-12 doors per month. To do this you need to purchase 1.5-2 cubic meters tree. The cost will be $270-360.
Price per door $120-130. $120*10 doors = $1200 income. Net income: $1200 - $270 = $930. Here the capabilities of a craftsman without experience are highlighted, since usually in a month a carpentry workshop with one employee manages to make large volumes.

Organization of a medium-scale wooden products manufacturing business.

The production system of window and door blocks can be divided into the following stages:
1. cutting lumber, checking its quality;
2. creation and processing of blanks;
3. assembly of the structure;
4. sanding the product and applying coatings.

For each above-mentioned stage, you can buy a separate machine or choose a woodworking center that can perform all the above-mentioned points. You can also kill two birds with one stone, that is, purchase a multifunctional unit that can combine several functions and work for 2-3 workshops at the same time.

When purchasing such installations, you also save space in your premises, because one installation takes up less space than two or three, but includes the same functions. An example of such an installation is the D 300 machine, which can perform the functions of several types, such as: thicknesser, milling, grinding, planing shops.

Additional tools.

For high-quality and consistent work of your carpentry shop, you need to buy the following tools:

Minimum plumbing tool kit;
. drill;
. screwdriver;
. jigsaw;
. grinder;
. moisture meter;
. roulette;
. calipers;
. electric plane;
. circular saws mains powered;
. tool for applying coloring and antiseptic substances;
. fan with bags for organizing sawdust removal.

A small carpentry workshop can be set up on an area of ​​60 m2. Space savings can be achieved by combining all equipment in a woodworking center. To achieve success in business, it is necessary to hire at least two professional carpenters, and also in the first stages of publishing, the director must be personally present at the manufacturing processes of the products.

Feasibility study.

Capital investments (in rubles):
. purchase necessary equipment- 184,000 rub.
. expenses for tools - 85,000 rubles.
. transportation costs - 50,000 rubles.
. purchase of raw materials - 400,000 rubles.
. registration of a business in the form of an individual entrepreneur - 21,000 rubles;
. other expenses (labor costs) - 15,000 rubles.
Total investment in business: RUB 755,000.
A sketch is created separately for each future product. First, this is done by hand, not on the scale of the future product. This is a sketch by eye, in which the author develops the idea for the product itself. After which he coordinates this with the director of the enterprise, if this development is liked, then another drawing is created, already to scale, directly according to which future products will be made.

The designed product is depicted in three views from above, front and side. If necessary, make a section of the part. If the part model is very complex, then it is divided into parts and each part is depicted separately. Each part receives its own number, under which it is included in its specification. All drawings are made on paper, in pencil, so that if necessary, it is easy to correct a mistake, or introduce some kind of amendment or modification.

Most use special paper- graph paper. This is paper that is divided into cells to make it easier to calculate the scale and draw to scale.

Together with the sketch, they think through the manufacturing system for this product. Exactly what materials will be needed, what machines will be needed for this development, what tools will be used in the process of creating this product, the costs are calculated. They calculate everything down to the last nail in order to avoid shortages of some materials in the future, and naturally so that production is organized.

Also during this period, the craftsmen are preparing the place of work. Choose a workshop that is more convenient in size and will correspond to the size of the product. They choose a convenient location for the drawings and placement of materials in the workshop from which future products will be made. Provide the master with free access to the machine, as well as tools. Provide him with comfortable working conditions. Then the manufacturing system and design of the future product are checked again in order to avoid damage to quality and various failures during the manufacturing process.



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