At what height to hang a TV on the wall: expert advice. Safety and comfort - at what height to hang a TV on the wall: useful recommendations and optimal calculations Comfortable height of a TV on the wall

IN general outline There are a few tips to note regarding the placement of LCD TVs in any living space. Everything primarily depends on how big the room is, as well as on the parameters of the TV itself.

  1. The height of the TV should be comfortable - it is best to install it at visual level in a sitting position.
  2. Try not to exceed two TV diagonals from the viewing position to the device placement point.
  3. There is no need to place the TV directly on the table. This place may be unstable, which is unsafe for both equipment and family members (especially children).
  4. Arrange a place for the TV in advance, for example, attach a shelf with the appropriate dimensions, make sure that the device fits securely into it.
  5. Speaking of the kitchen space, you can use special niches or brackets. This placement principle is especially relevant for small rooms.
  6. Do not install the TV receiver directly above hob or near heaters. They significantly reduce the life of the TV.
  7. For the best viewing angle, choose a place so that the screen is not exposed to the sun's rays - ideally, use a hanging swivel bracket, through which you can adjust the direction of the TV.

New models of plasma TVs do not distort the image at any angle of rotation of the panel. However, looking at the screen from the side is unacceptable, so immediately install the device so that it can be comfortably viewed from any place provided in the room for this purpose.

At what height should I hang the TV on the wall in different rooms?

It is necessary to calculate the installation location of the TV only after preliminary calculation of the viewing area. It is also worth paying attention to how much time you plan to spend using the device.

Optimal height for a TV in the living room

The living room is always a place where guests are entertained, and most family members or friends will be watching TV from different angles at the same time. This is where the problem with choice arises optimal height. First of all, it’s worth calculating the average height of all the people who often stay in your house; we will also need the dimensions of the room and the plasma panel itself.

Our experts have determined the following standards using the example of a 100 cm diagonal TV:

  • comfortable viewing from the sofa, due to desk or armchairs. You should sit comfortably in each of these zones in turn and find a point on the wall where it is convenient to look. In this case, turning or tilting the head is not allowed. Any discomfort felt indicates that the LCD TV is not hung correctly;
  • the optimal distance for such a TV diagonal should be 2-3 m. Moreover, this indicator should not have even a slight error;
  • Place the TV receiver in the niche of the living room bedside table only after making sure that it meets all relevant standards. Most stands are not suitable for correctly positioning the device for harmless viewing;
  • if you throw your head back or, conversely, look down from your viewing position, the position of the device needs to be changed, otherwise it will create unnecessary stress on cervical region spine.


It is allowed to place the TV on the floor if the living room has low furniture- sofas, inflatable chairs or beanbags. But even in this case, you often have to use stand stands.

Please note that the distance between the middle point of the TV screen and the floor in rooms with average dimensions should be no less than 70 and no more than 175 cm, usually about 1.4 m.

At what height should you hang a TV in the bedroom?

To be completely honest, a TV in the bedroom is not always appropriate, or rather, it is not needed at all, because this room is intended for relaxation and healthy sleep. Especially for those who cannot get used to these rules and still place a TV receiver in the bedroom, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some tips.

  1. As a rule, in the bedroom TV is most often watched while lying down or half-sitting, and in order to comfortably set up the TV for regular viewing and forget about poor eyesight, you need to install the device perpendicular to the bed. However, it is always better to be able to adjust the tilt and swivel angle. This is where special brackets come to the rescue.
  2. The angle of inclination of the TV relative to the wall, if the user is lying on a pillow, should be 30°.
  3. If you have a TFT TV, it will distort the picture if it is positioned strictly vertically or, conversely, has an inappropriate angle. Therefore, always adjust the device to your personal comfort. A clear image is the key to healthy vision.

How to hang a TV on the wall in a children's room at the correct height

The first thing you need to know when placing a TV in a child's room is the child's height. Babies are always very active, and programs will often be viewed from different angles.

At the same time, ensure maximum safety. It is important that children do not touch or knock over the device under any circumstances. Accordingly, it needs to be mounted either higher or more securely. It is important to remember the main rule: you need to designate a special area for watching TV, and do it in such a way that it does not put strain on your eyes and spine.

At what height should you hang a TV in the kitchen?

If the kitchen is spacious, then it provides for a dining area with a sofa. We choose a larger TV model for such rooms. For a kitchen with small dimensions, the receiver serves as a background and an additional accessory, and is turned on for a short time.

However, in all cases, the TV should be installed at almost the same height for kitchens and dining rooms. Typically in such rooms the TV is placed in three zones: above the refrigerator, on the wall, and on the bedside table. Installation of such a plan is allowed if the height from the floor to the middle of the screen is within 1.2-1.5 m.

What is the best distance to be from the screen when watching TV?

The diagonals of all TVs are different, and the viewing area will also be different. The main rule applies here - viewing should be carried out at a distance of two or three diagonals. But this is not the only rule: the distance from the TV location area to the viewing area also changes depending on the type of screen resolution.

Watching Full HD TV: useful nuances

When arranging a room, it is better to start with the furniture, and then mark the place where the TV is supposed to be placed. Based on this data, you can purchase a TV of the required diagonal. If we talk about plasma with images in Full HD format, it is worth noting optimal angle review equal to 30°.

4K or Ultra HD TV viewing distance

TVs with the updated 4K format are distinguished by high image quality and good matrix response. However, it also has its own standards for watching TV channels. For example, for consoles with a minimum diagonal (from 32 inches), you need to maintain a distance of up to two meters, and if you take a model with a diagonal of 95 inches, then you need to sit at a distance of 4 meters or further.

How to hang a TV on the wall yourself, taking into account all standards

Now you no longer need to try to hang a bulky box on the wall, because TVs have quickly evolved, and today they can be mounted quite successfully even without special skills. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main steps.

  1. Prepare your chosen location. Make markings for attaching the bracket, use a drill to drill holes and anchor the bracket into them.
  2. Then attach the TV receiver to it. It usually has special connectors for such fixation. Secure the TV well, set the optimal tilt angle and.
  3. It is better to perform this manipulation with an assistant: one determines the distance, the other corrects it and changes the position of the screen.

More detailed instructions By reliable installation watch in the video below.

At what height should I install a TV socket?

In our case, the TV is mounted in a hinged way - using a bracket. Accordingly, the power socket should be located directly behind the LCD panel. The approximate distance from the bottom frame of the plasma TV for the socket should be at least 10-15 cm. However, it is better to place it so that the receiver does not come into contact with it, because this is fraught with fire.

It is better for such purposes to equip a special niche in the wall and equip it with a special filter and s. Remember that no wires should stick out from behind the screen.

We've covered everything important points regarding the placement of TV in rooms for different purposes. Dear readers, if you still have questions, ask them in the comments. We wish you successful installation.

Few people know about this, but very often the cause of our unexplained headaches, pain and fatigue of the eyes, neck and even back is trivial incorrect location TV. If you had initially read this article about at what height to hang a TV, you would have much fewer problems with all kinds of pain and inconvenience. But it's never too late to correct your mistake!

Common truths

In order not to cause discomfort or cause various kinds harmful side effects health-related problems, the TV should be located at eye level, that is, at such a distance from the floor that while watching TV, our neck, eye and other muscles are as relaxed as possible.

Only the TV itself is not equipped with a motor and a propeller, and cannot constantly fly right in front of our faces at the distance we need. Therefore, we will have to make some efforts to calculate the average position of our body relative to the walls, floor and ceiling of a particular room. Based on this, you need to calculate at what height to hang the TV on the wall in a particular room.

What are the calculations based on?

What does it mean to “calculate the average location relative to the room” and what factors should be considered for these “calculations”? Of course, they are not “calculations” in the full sense of the word. Most likely, this is a comparison of the temporal duration of the body position in the room. What specifically should be taken into account? First of all, it is necessary to focus on the following criteria:

  1. How much time do we spend standing, sitting, lying indoors (in percentage). If longer time in this room we spend standing (for example, cooking in the kitchen), then at what height from the floor to hang the TV is calculated based on the height of the person standing at full height, in this case - a housewife, who is most often in this room and more spends most of his time watching programs in the kitchen.
  2. Which family member is most often in the room? If these are children (children's room), then the TV is placed lower, if adults - higher.
  3. At what angle is the head relative to the horizon line? For example, lying on a pillow, our head can be located 45° from the plane of the bed. When calculating at what height to hang a TV, this criterion must be taken into account, otherwise a person will have to either constantly squint his eyes or adjust his posture, adjusting them to the TV, although everything should be exactly the opposite.
  4. Features of the furniture, that is, its height, the features of the backs (folding or straight), in which a person will sit and watch TV programs.

All data here and below is based on the lower third of the TV screen. So, if an imaginary horizontal line drawn from eye level is located at a distance of 125 cm from the floor, then the center of the screen should be at this height, and not its lower or upper edge.


Since you rarely see a TV in the hallway, let’s leave this room and move to the hall where official receptions of guests, open meetings, social parties and other events most often take place. So, at what height should you hang a TV in the living room? Right Thoughts about this they sound like this:

  1. People in the reception hall spend most of their time standing at dinner parties and social gatherings. They talk, gather in groups, approach the buffet table, sometimes at parties they dance, etc. But this does not mean that during such events people watch TV at the same time. Quite the contrary. In such cases, music often just plays, and if the TV shows some kind of video clip, then, as a rule, rarely anyone pays attention to it, so the height of its location is not so critical.
  2. Children in the hall are not such frequent guests, so calculations should be carried out in relation to adults.
  3. Watching TV requires a sitting position, so in the hall the TV should be placed on the wall at a height no lower than the eyes of a person sitting on an ordinary chair. For a person with a height of 165-175 cm (generalized average for women and men), this figure is 115-125 cm with an average chair height of 45 cm.

Living room

Nowadays, the concepts of “hall” and “living room” have become interchangeable and often for many they mean the same thing. But still, the hall is precisely the place where events are held, so most often there are only chairs there. Calculations regarding the height at which to hang a TV in the living room should be based on the location of not chairs in it, but rather armchairs and a sofa. This is a more comfortable room where you can receive close friends and sit with them at home. Home theater systems are often installed in living rooms. What to consider when calculating:

  1. The seats of chairs and sofas, as a rule, always have a lower height above the floor than the seats of chairs.
  2. In the living room, not only adults, but also children receive guests and watch movies. If you can get by with generalized figures for the living room, then the living room, which involves spending more time watching TV programs or series on the Internet, requires more correct calculations.

Place the tallest member of your family on the sofa, measure the height from the floor to his eye level with a regular tape measure. Then carry out the same manipulations with the youngest member of your family, who also often likes to watch movies or cartoons on TV. For example, for the tallest member of the family this distance turned out to be 110 cm, for the child - 90. Adding both numbers and dividing this amount by 2, we get the arithmetic mean of these two numbers, that is:

(110 + 90) : 2 = 100 (cm) - height from floor to eye level.

It is worth considering that the TV, in accordance with the inclination of the backrests upholstered furniture, can be located at a higher altitude. But no less than the specified amount, otherwise watching programs for people leaning back on chairs or sofas will not bring pleasure, but discomfort.


The height at which to hang the TV in the kitchen depends on who spends the most time in this room. If this is a housewife who spends most of her time cooking, then the TV should be designed only for her. We measure the distance from the floor to the housewife's eye level and position the TV so that the center of the screen is directly at her eye level.

Someone may exclaim: “What about children and other family members who will watch TV at the table while eating?” We will answer: “After eating, these family members will disperse to their own affairs and rooms. But the housewife still has to cook dinner and clear the table.”

But for “kitchen” cases, it is best to install a TV with an adjustable display angle, that is, the panel itself can be slightly raised or lowered.


At what height should you hang a TV in the bedroom? Calculations are based on what kind of pillows you like. If they are high, then the TV will have to be positioned slightly lower, if they are low, the TV will have to be raised almost to the ceiling. It's all up to you. Many people prefer not to bother with calculating angles, but simply trust the “direct look” method. How does this work:

  1. Lie down on the bed on your back and position your head on the pillow in a way that is most comfortable for you.
  2. Then close your eyes and lie with your eyelids closed for half a minute.
  3. Then sharply open your eyes and remember the point on the wall where your direct gaze initially rested. If you are not sure, repeat this action several times. That point will be the answer to the question of at what height to hang the TV in front of the bed. This is where the center of your TV screen should be located.


The placement of the TV in the nursery should be based on the factors listed above, but with one caveat. If you have two children and they sleep on a bunk bed, and you allow them to watch series or TV programs before bed, then in this case the calculation (at what height to hang the TV) should be based on the location of the upper tier of the bed. In this case, of course, it will be more convenient for the person sleeping below to watch TV, but there is no choice here.

Often parents hang the TV at a height between the tiers of the bed. Then the child who sleeps on top has to constantly twist and hang out of the bed, which leads to the development of scoliosis or even falls from the upper tier. In case bunk beds The TV should be located in mandatory above the top tier.

The best solution in the case of bunk beds is to equip each tier with its own monitor.


Many people prefer to resort to various kinds of formulas that are replete with all sorts of “abstruse” sites. There they operate with such concepts as height to eye level, total height, distance to the wall, head tilt angle, etc., then substitute the values ​​into the formulas and get the “real” height, which is often just “unreal”.

So as not to be disappointed in the chosen height, so that after watching the programs the cervical vertebrae do not crunch, taking their normal position, so that your eyes do not hurt because they are constantly forced to squint too much down or too much up, in a word, so as not to redo the brackets, fastenings or niches under TV again, when calculating at what height to hang the TV, you need to trust less in “abstruse formulas”, and rely more on your own comfort.


It is worth paying attention to the fact that the “direct gaze” method has never failed anyone. In the living room - sit down, in the kitchen - stand up, in the bedroom - lie down and close your eyes. When you open them, the first point that your gaze rests on with a relaxed and comfortably settled body will be the place best location TV.

At what height is it correct to hang a TV on the wall? What should you consider?

How far away from the screen should the viewer be?

How to ensure comfortable viewing and protect your eyesight? Is this possible?

You will learn the answers to these and other questions by reading this article.

What are the requirements for the position of the TV?

In modern life, television has long become almost a member of the family. It is he who manages to gather all the household members around him in the evenings. Of course, there are people who don’t watch television at all, but for now this is rather the exception to the rule.

After the renovation is completed, many families have a dispute about what wall and height the TV will hang on.

However, in this matter it is not enough to take into account the wishes of all family members; you also need to know generally accepted recommendations.

In addition, things such as:

  • screen diagonal;
  • size and purpose of the room;
  • the distance from which TV will be watched.

The center of the screen should be at eye level of the viewer comfortably seated in front of it. However, there are certain height criteria. The lowest level is 70 cm from the floor, the highest is 1 m 75 cm from the floor. This results in a height variation of more than a meter. How to decide?

Calculating the position of the screen in each individual room must be approached individually.

Modern LCD screens have flicker, which is not perceived by the human brain, but is harmful to the eyes.

In addition, the TV screen, computer monitor, and displays of various gadgets are a deception to the human eye.

IN real life The human eye focuses at different distances. When reading and writing, the eye muscles focus the gaze in one way, and when looking into the distance, in another way.

A person with good vision sees equally well at any distance, and this is the merit of developed eye muscles.

How is watching TV different from real life? When watching a film on the screen, a person also sees the foreground and background.

The human brain recognizes that, for example, the hero’s face is in the foreground and the trees are in the background. But in reality, all this is on one plane of the television screen, and the eyes do not have to focus.

When watching TV or working at a computer for a long time, the eye muscles weaken, it becomes difficult for a person to focus his eyes at a long distance, and vision decreases.

This disorder is called accommodation disorder. This disease is especially dangerous for children's eyes, since their muscles have not yet fully developed. Normal vision development occurs only by age 12.

Avoid harmful influence TV on the human eye will not succeed, but reduce negative influence Blue screen is possible.

How to calculate screen position?

At what height should I hang the TV? Depending on the purpose of the room, recommendations may vary. IN modern houses, as a rule, more than one TV.

Most often they are placed:

  • in the living room;
  • in the bedroom;
  • in the nursery;
  • in the kitchen.

Taking into account the size of the room and the position of the audience when watching programs, you can calculate how to properly hang the TV on the wall in each individual room.

Traditionally, the whole family gathers, so the TV should be located in the center of the wall - in this case there will be better review from anywhere in the room.

You need to consider where family members like to sit in the living room. Who is sitting in armchairs, who is on the sofa? Who likes to watch programs while lying down?

Perhaps children are looking at the screen while playing on the floor? It is also necessary to take into account the difference in height of family members.

The TV should be positioned so that everyone is comfortable.

Requirements for placing a TV in the living room:

  • the distance from the center of the screen to the viewer’s eyes should be at least two meters, preferably more;
  • the middle of the screen should be at the viewing level of most viewers;
  • The viewer should not throw his head back when watching programs.

The larger the diagonal of the TV screen, the farther people should be from it.

If the room is small, then it is advisable to hang the TV receiver a little higher, thereby slightly increasing the distance from the screen to the eyes of family members. This is more relevant when placing the monitor in the kitchen or in a small bedroom.

Based on the data obtained, a convenient distance from the screen to the floor is calculated, after which the TV can be hung on the wall.

By using a modern bracket, you can increase your viewing comfort by rotating and tilting the screen.

Experts do not recommend placing the monitor in a furniture niche, as this significantly narrows the viewing angle.

As a rule, due to many features, the TV in the living room is placed at a shorter distance from the floor than in the bedroom or kitchen. This is due to the viewing position of TV viewers.

The location of the television receiver in other rooms may have significant differences, but the calculation is made according to the same principle, taking into account the location of the audience and their height.

Calculation of screen position in other rooms

At what height should I hang the TV in other rooms? Watching programs most often occurs while lying down, so the height of the screen depends on the height of the bed.

When viewing for a long time, the head should not be thrown back or leaned too far forward.

If you lie on the bed in a comfortable position and look at the wall, you can determine the comfortable position of the screen.

After hanging the screen on the wall, it is better to tilt the TV in the bedroom forward on the bracket. The height of the location from the floor will be greater, the smaller the size of the room.

The best option for installing a monitor is the wall at the foot of the bed. If the layout of the room does not allow this, and the program will have to be watched lying on its side, then it is necessary to take into account that the viewer’s eyes are at a distance of at least two meters from the screen.

When installing a TV screen in the kitchen, the needs of family members are also taken into account. Do kids watch cartoons while eating?

Does the housewife sometimes glance at the screen while cooking? Since kitchens do not have a large area. Besides, kitchen premises are potentially dangerous.

After all, this is where it is located:

  • a large accumulation of electric heating devices;
  • water supply;
  • gas stove;
  • stored on shelves and in cabinets large number breaking dishes.

When installing a monitor in the kitchen, it should not interfere with anything. It is recommended to install it in a place where there is no possibility of anything catching the screen.

The distance from the work and dining tables to the monitor is also taken into account. For a small kitchen, it is better to choose a TV with a small diagonal.

Since the time people spend in the kitchen is usually less than in the bedroom or living room, the time spent watching TV there is also short.

Therefore, the height of the screen from the floor can be maximum. However, this indicator should not exceed the level of gaze of the hostess standing at full height.

In addition, it is worth taking care of the ability to rotate and tilt the screen so that the whole family can comfortably watch their favorite show at dinner.

If there are several children in the family, then first of all you need to take care of their comfort, since their health may suffer - both the child’s eyes and spine are not yet strong enough. Therefore, it is they who receive the first blow from prolonged viewing in an uncomfortable position.

Almost every home has a TV, and sometimes even several. Most often, we associate it with a pleasant time with family or friends. Our eyes are directed towards this electronic device quite often and it doesn’t matter whether it broadcasts television channels or is simply a monitor for watching movies or videos on the Internet.

Let's see how to properly place a TV monitor in a room so that it is as comfortable, safe and convenient for all household members as possible. Read all clauses carefully, constantly looking back at your terms and conditions. All the tips here are closely interrelated, and technical inconsistencies of one of them in the selected room can affect the features of the layout, which would seem to have already been precisely defined.


1. In which part of the room should the TV be placed?

The placement of the TV is dictated by the arrangement of furniture in the room. First of all, decide from which point in the room (or several) you will watch it. It could be a sofa dining table, work area kitchens - but other options are possible.

A way out of this situation can be window roller blinds or tightly closing curtains with a “blackout” effect.

Consider how willing you are to close them tightly every time you turn on the TV. For those who have this arrangement, we advise you to take a closer look at curtains on an electric curtain rod, which can be controlled from a remote control or tablet. It’s not that expensive, and this option will add comfort and keep your appearance tidy. appearance and the curtains themselves, which from too frequent mechanical impact can get dirty faster and lose their original appearance.


2. At what height should you hang the TV?

If you are going to watch TV in the kitchen, say, standing at the stove, stand next to an imaginary one (if you are currently renovating) or an existing one work surface, and then quickly move your gaze to the section of the wall where you plan to mount the TV. The place where you looked (this will most likely be at the level of your eyes or slightly below/above) needs to be remembered and immediately carefully recorded, say, with chalk on the wall. This is supposed to be the center of the monitor.

Using exactly the same principle, you can determine a comfortable height for yourself to place the TV on the wall in any room where it is supposed to be located.


3. How to properly mount the TV on the wall

If, in your layout, the location of the TV involves mounting it on a wall, you must first check the technical feasibility of performing this operation. Remember - you cannot hang a heavy monitor on a plasterboard wall. It will not withstand more than 30-35 kg and risks simply collapsing.

The monitor can be mounted on a wall made of bricks or blocks using brackets. In this case, make sure in advance that there is no wiring in the places where the dowels are supposed to be located.


4. Where to hide wires and cables

If your apartment is currently under renovation, design and properly prepare in advance the location of the TV and the corresponding terminals for it. What you will definitely need is 3 regular sockets behind the monitor and 1 television socket. In them you will connect the plasma monitor itself, a tuner and/or Wi-Fi adapter. All these outputs can be safely hidden behind the plasma monitor itself, placing the sockets at a distance of 8-10 cm from the top or bottom edge of the monitor (whichever is more convenient in your situation).

If there is a TV stand under the TV, on which other media equipment will presumably be placed, the sockets behind it will also not hurt you.

If the repair has already been done, all the wires can be hidden in a cable box and carefully brought to the TV. Later, this box can be designed to match the style of the wall on which it is located - in order to disguise it as much as possible.

If the TV is located opposite the window and you decide to take advice about curtains on an electric curtain rod, plan another outlet under the ceiling in the place where such a curtain will hang (curtain specialists and an electrician will tell you more about this).


5. How to choose the diagonal size

Many TV fans dream of a large plasma on half the wall. Buying such a TV is not difficult, but before you do it, check to what extent the parameters of your room will allow you to watch such a monitor without harm to your health.

That is, a 40-inch TV needs to be viewed from a distance of 80-120 or 120-160 inches (1 inch equals 2.54 cm). Now we can calculate that the eyes of a person looking at a 40-inch plasma should be 3-4 meters away from it, and for LCD monitors - 2-3 meters away.


It is not difficult, observing reality, to be convinced that many people neglect this rule, thereby spoiling the eyesight not only of themselves, but also of their loved ones. Don't repeat these mistakes.


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