Entrance doors metal brands. The best entrance doors for home and office according to user reviews. Best metal door with MDF finish

Quality iron doorsbest option both for apartments and private houses. They are durable due to different ways The finishes are attractive. There are just a lot of manufacturers, which makes it difficult for buyers to choose. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the best manufacturers of iron doors, find out their strengths and weaknesses. We bring to your attention the top best steel doors on Russian market.

Entrance doors of different brands They differ in the materials used, production technology, fittings and price. The reliability of the design directly depends on the cost. Iron doors are usually divided into mid-price, premium, and budget products. The most affordable designs are rarely purchased. Since the metal used for their production is too thin, such an entrance door cannot be reliable.

To compile a rating of metal entrance doors 2018, the opinions of experts and consumer reviews are taken into account. What matters is the experience and popularity of the company, as well as the width of the product range. On average price segment Forpost, Neman, Stal, Bravo are considered the best. In the premium segment, the rating of the best iron doors includes the brands Guardian, TOREX, Elbor. These are Russian door manufacturers whose quality is not inferior to imported products.


The 2018 steel door rating is topped by Forpost products. The first products were released by this company in 1998. Starting in 2009, production was moved to China to reduce manufacturing costs. This made it possible to produce 500 thousand units of goods annually. Unfortunately, since that time, low-quality fakes have appeared. Therefore, when purchasing an entrance system, you should always ask for a certificate, inquire about the warranty, and purchase iron doors only through official representatives.

Forpost metal doors are included in the review due to the following advantages:

  • low price (even for the most elite models);
  • wide range, products can be selected for private houses and apartments with different interiors;
  • There are a sufficient number of service centers, so if necessary, you can seek advice or call a specialist to your home.

Outpost iron doors have their drawbacks. First of all, this applies to fittings, which are manufactured at the same plant. It is difficult to replace it with other analogues. Sound insulation is present only in some models. Also, we must not forget that there are fakes.


This is one of the brands of Bravo, a famous company for the production of iron doors. It is she who continues the rating of metal doors for apartments in 2018. The main advantage of Groff products is the use of steel of considerable thickness. In addition, the structure is reinforced with stiffening ribs. Non-flammable material is used as insulation mineral wool.

The manufacturer pays attention to the aesthetic characteristics of its products. Due to the combination of appearance and strength, Groff is considered one of the best metal entrance doors. All products are guaranteed for up to 10 years, during which the service department is obliged to service the structure installed in the house or apartment.


Bravo is considered one of the leaders in the Russian market of iron entrance systems. Metal entrance doors are among the top best, according to consumers. The company is ready to provide customers with more than 350 different models, including those made using unique 3D technology.

The main advantages of entrance structures of this brand:

  • there are available models with veneer finishing;
  • reliable and high quality steel doors;
  • Excellent draft protection due to high quality seals and insulating materials.

At the same time, in the most budget options Sound insulation is only average.


Metal rating entrance doors continues the Neman brand. This is a company that produces truly reliable and safe products. The brand has a wide selection of models. The products have reasonable prices. At the same time, the manufacturer pays great attention to the external characteristics of the product. Neman entrance systems stand out due to their decorative characteristics from competitors.

To produce the best steel doors, alloy steel of considerable thickness is used. All models are equipped with two locks; if necessary, their number can be increased. Therefore, there are no questions regarding the safety of the product.

Except good ratio prices and quality, as well as interesting design solutions, Neman is included in the top metal doors because it meets all safety requirements. This is confirmed by certificates.

The only downside worth mentioning is the insufficient strength of the most budget products from this manufacturer.


The rating of steel doors is also not complete without the Steel brand. Products from this manufacturer are distinguished by good reliability and a sufficient level of resistance to burglary. In these parameters, it is a little reminiscent of Elbor. However, unlike this brand, the manufacturer Steel does not have very expensive goods. Due to this, the company's products are popular and have received many positive reviews from consumers.

Professionals also praise this brand, although there are not the most successful models in its line. But in the price segment, this is a manufacturer worthy of attention, which is rightfully included in the rating of metal entrance doors to the apartment.

The main advantages of Steel products:

  • wide range of models;
  • many options using various finishing materials;
  • good level of service.

The main disadvantage is the presence of unsuccessful models, which requires careful choice from the consumer. Before purchasing, you should ask managers about all technical characteristics.


The rating of metal doors for apartments would also be incomplete without the Guardian brand. The plant began producing iron structures back in 1994. Guardian entrance structures are popular among buyers who value beauty. Therefore, they will be useful to those who are looking for something original and want everything in their house or apartment to be in harmony. In terms of safety parameters, there are also no complaints about the product of this brand. Fire safety indicators, burglary resistance, noise insulation, service life - all these characteristics are confirmed by international certificates.

Among the advantages that made it possible to include the entrance systems of this brand in the quality rating of steel doors 2018, it is also worth noting:

  • the ideal combination of the door leaf and the door frame, the gaps between them are minimal, which guarantees a tight fit of the door;
  • in any price segment there are many models to satisfy the demanding consumer;
  • products comply with Russian and international requirements;
  • a mineral wool slab is used as a filler for the canvas - non-flammable material with high insulating properties.

Everything is good in reliable Guardian metal doors. The only thing customers are not happy with is the service. If even the most complex breakdowns occur, they cannot be quickly eliminated. The customer service is no different in efficiency.


A review of steel doors for an apartment would be incomplete without the TOREX brand. This is another popular Russian manufacturer, whose production is located in Saratov. The first products were produced on it back in the Soviet Union in 1989. The plant is constantly developing, so entrance systems have become popular not only in the CIS countries. The company has 8 warehouses.

  • good service;
  • high quality products;
  • compliance with all safety standards, including heat resistance for some models up to 5-6 hours;
  • wide product range, attractive product design.

The main disadvantage of the products is their considerable cost.


Manufacturer of iron doors Elbor is also included in the rating of the best metal entrance doors. The company has an excellent reputation, which he has worked on since the founding of the plant in 1976. At first the company produced various goods for military purposes, then retrained for defense private property. Due to this specific nature of production, all Elbor products are highly resistant to burglary.

The company does not manufacture budget models. All products are made using special technology to increase their reliability. The coatings are fire-resistant, and the filler inside the sash is non-flammable mineral wool. Moreover, the products have an attractive design. A review of steel entrance metal doors and high test scores also allow us to include products of this brand in the ranking of the best.

Imported Fortus and DIERRE products

In addition to products Russian production, the rating of steel apartment doors includes popular brands from Germany and Italy. Fortus is fundamentally different from most manufacturers in that it specializes in the production of custom doors. Minimum finished products and maximum opportunities to assemble systems at your own discretion. The buyer can choose the number of sashes, locks, other fittings, door finishes, and so on. Due to this, more than 1000 combination options are available to the consumer. This approach allows you to choose the best metal entrance doors for your apartment or country house. Any of them will have high strength, sound insulation, and will protect property and heat.

DIERRE is a company from Italy that specializes in producing high-quality metal entrance doors with a special design. The manufacturer monitors all new products on the market, introduces the most advanced technologies. Their line even includes “smart doors”; they are controlled through remote control.

High-quality metal doors from Italy are distinguished by high aesthetics; the finishing of the door leaf is complemented by exquisite fittings. The cost of such an entrance structure is not affordable for everyone, but the DIERRE system will be the highlight of any room.

What to consider when choosing?

The brand is not the only parameter that the consumer should focus on. The choice of steel doors should be based on other parameters.

Taking into account your financial capabilities, you need to pay attention to the following technical characteristics:

  1. Locking mechanisms. One lock is good, but good steel doors to an apartment should have two such mechanisms. Moreover, both must have a high burglary resistance class (3 or 4), and their mechanisms must be different. This approach will greatly complicate the work of burglars.
  2. Additional protection. Such simple elements as a chain or a night latch should also not be neglected. They strengthen protective functions designs.
  3. Door hinges. When deciding which metal entrance doors are best for an apartment, you need to pay attention to this parameter special attention. Hidden hinges are good because they are not visible and cannot be cut off during a break-in. However, this design significantly increases the cost of the product.
  4. Insulating materials. Even steel doors without filler good quality will let in noise and cold. Therefore, it is worth clarifying what exactly the sash is filled with inside. The best option is mineral wool, which can absorb noise and cold. It is also good for residential premises because it does not burn.

Finishing material is important not only from a purely aesthetic point of view. It must protect the metal surface and be resistant to external factors, especially for private homes. After all, even the best steel entrance doors will be exposed to sunlight, frost and precipitation. For an apartment, it is important that the coating is resistant to minor impacts and scratches.

Buying an iron door for your home is a responsible step. The product costs a lot and should last a long time. Therefore, you should carefully study the rating of iron doors to your apartment, all the parameters of the model you like, trust only well-known brands that have been on the market for many years and are ready to provide a long guarantee for their products.

The rating of steel entrance doors is a review and assessment of the work to improve such structures from various manufacturers. This rating includes an assessment of products from various manufacturers in terms of quality, design reliability, durability and external data.

Anyone can look up the 2014 steel door rating online without much difficulty and analyze the results different estimates, note for yourself that the leading positions are occupied in most cases input structures from Russian manufacturers, as well as high-quality products from manufacturers from Belarus. In such classifications you will not find iron doors with cheap Chinese components, because this assessment is based on identifying the most durable and high-quality products that can withstand burglary at the highest level.

Steel doors from the already famous Torex company are the most popular products today. The reliability and elegant design of the “Professor” door leaves are highly appreciated by consumers. After the assessment, the 2014 ranking of manufacturers put high-tech products in their rightful place. metal systems from the Condor company. For reliability, these doors are reinforced by the manufacturer with several high-quality and strong locks. Guardian products, which have excellent quality, also received a worthy assessment.

Manufacturers of steel structures are usually placed in the first positions, providing their products with an optimal ratio of quality and cost. Price is of great importance, for this reason the best entry products are not just high-quality and beautiful specimens, but also models that are in an affordable price range. Entry cost metal structures is a parameter whose value is influenced by the following factors:

  • the cost of the material used in the manufacturing process;
  • the amount of material required to produce one unit;
  • the number and cost of fixing devices that are equipped with entrance metal structures;
  • quality and cost of fittings;
  • manufacturer's reputation.

Door rating criteria

Anyone can purchase entrance tickets hardware for a country house or a standard apartment in a high-rise building at almost cost if you use the services of an online store. Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of products: with classic and modern designs, with bright decorative elements in design, with stained glass and mirrors.

Such variety can confuse any buyer, so before going to the store, you should find out how different manufacturers are represented in the rating of metal entrance doors. The best steel doors of 2014 are also distinguished by the fact that there are no problems with their purchase and delivery. Today, anyone who needs such a design can purchase it in any, even the most remote corner of the country.

Now there is absolutely no need to go to the market and spend a lot of your time wandering through huge exhibition halls in order to select metal entrance doors that meet all the requirements and preferences. You can buy any doors even in the outback, using the services of an online store. There are 5 main criteria by which door structures are assessed; accordingly, there are 5 different ratings:

  • by popularity among buyers;
  • by product cost;
  • on protective properties and burglary-resistant characteristics;
  • according to operational parameters;
  • according to aesthetic indicators.

The results of the category distribution presented below are the results of an independent examination, in which each expert had the opportunity to provide feedback on three copies for each of the five points. The presented ratings also took into account the results of a customer survey.

Assessing popularity and burglary resistance

The presented rating is a clear indicator of the degree of consumer demand for metal doors from a particular manufacturer. This indicator is obtained due to the high level of demand for a particular product, which arises in identifying a certain set of product characteristics, which attracts buyers, forcing them to leave positive reviews. This set of parameters includes the following:

  • price;
  • operational indicators;
  • external data;
  • burglary resistance.

For this distribution greatest influence has precisely such a parameter as the price of steel doors. Therefore, ratings mainly determine the opinion of buyers with an average income level. And the products that are within the acceptable price category are examined for the presence and level of other indicators. As you might guess, this provision of manufacturers is not a confirmation of product quality.

  1. Guardian - 14%.
  2. Torex and Condor - 9% each.
  3. Legrand, Sentinel and Intekron - 7% each.
  4. Senator and Steel Porter - 5% each.
  5. Lex, Pro-Tec and Arma - 4.5% each.
  6. Comfort, Sudar, Ratibor - 4% each.
  7. Diva and Factory Doors - 3% each.
  8. ASD - 2.6%.

Every buyer of entrance doors wants to buy a model that will withstand possible attacks on its integrity. It is necessary to take into account that burglars can use not only forceful methods of opening, but also intellectual ones. Therefore, such assessments take into account everything possible methods penetration. Depending on the expert votes, the following distribution was revealed:

  1. Guardian - 19.
  2. Condor - 17.
  3. Steel porter, Pro-Tec - 14.
  4. Torex, Bulldors - 12.
  5. Intekron, Senator and Ratibor - 8.
  6. Factory doors and Legrand - 7.
  7. Sir - 6.
  8. Guardian and Zetta - 4.
  9. ASD and Arma - 3.
  10. Diva and Comfort - 2.

During the expert assessment process, the following indicators of steel doors from various manufacturers were taken into account:

  • metal thickness;
  • pins that prevent the material from being removed;
  • loops;
  • quality of locking mechanisms.

Rating based on performance, price and quality of doors

Metal entrance doors, in addition to their strength and burglar-resistant characteristics, must also demonstrate performance indicators at the proper level. These indicators include:

  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • resistance to various temperature changes;
  • resistance to moisture, etc.

The experts involved in determining the ease of use of each of the proposed models came up with the following distribution of manufacturers:

  1. Steel porter - 21.
  2. Guardian - 20.
  3. Condor and Bulldors - 16.
  4. Torex and Senator - 12.
  5. Pro-Tec 10.
  6. Intekron - 8.
  7. Legrand and Ratibor - 5.
  8. Lex, Arma and Guardian - 4.
  9. Factory doors - 3.
  10. Sir and Zetta - 2.
  11. Diva, ASD and Comfort - 1.

The distribution of steel doors in terms of beauty and price ratio is probably one of the most pleasant, because these products, like other interior elements, participate in creating coziness in the house. According to this parameter, the expert votes were distributed as follows:

  1. Guardian - 21.
  2. Steel porter-19.
  3. Sir - 17.
  4. Pro-Tec, Armagh - 16.
  5. Ratibor - 12.
  6. Intekron and Comfort - 9.
  7. Senator and Condor - 6.
  8. Bulldors - 5.
  9. Zetta and Guardian - 3.
  10. ASD, Factory doors and Torex - 2.
  11. Legrand, Diva and Lex - 1.

All metal doors on the market can be classified into one of the following three classes:

  • economy;
  • standard;
  • elite

The current price range is presented as follows.

  1. Guardian - 16-235 thousand rubles.
  2. Steel Porter and Sudar - 30-50 thousand rubles.
  3. Arma - 14-43 thousand rubles.
  4. Senator, Pro-Tec and Intekron - 19-40 thousand rubles.
  5. Bulldors - 11-34 thousand rubles.
  6. Legrand - 13-30 thousand rubles.
  7. Lex, Zetta and Condor - 9-27 thousand rubles.
  8. Comfort, Diva and ADS - 11-24 thousand rubles.
  9. Factory doors, Torex and Ratibor - 10-20 thousand rubles.
  10. Guardian - 8-15 thousand rubles.

As you can see, there are many options for steel doors. All comparative indicators were given in relative percentages and in no way force you to purchase a particular design. The final choice is yours. Good luck!

The safety and security of property in a house or apartment largely depends on the quality and reliability of entrance doors. But how to choose the best option - after all, there are many manufacturers and models on the market? Analyzing all of them will take a lot of time and effort, so we suggest familiarizing yourself with the TOP 5 most popular and reliable brands.

Selection options

To determine this, the characteristics of both the products themselves and the manufacturers were analyzed. The quality of doors primarily depends on compliance with their manufacturing technology, starting from the design stage and ending with ease of installation.

It is believed that the main indicator of an entrance door is its mechanical strength. That is why it is made of sheet steel, and the structure itself is a kind of multi-layer “pie”. By what parameters were the winners of the rating determined?

  • Thickness of the steel sheet.
  • The degree of burglary resistance and the brand of installed fittings (locks, hinges).
  • Assortment, conditional division into classes according to cost: economy, standard, elite.
  • Fire safety.
  • Thermal insulation properties.

It is difficult to determine the undisputed leader based on these indicators. Each of the more or less large manufacturers offers high quality, but with slight differences in design and configuration.


The Russian company Bastion is considered a leader in the production of steel doors. Founded in 1997, it initially began to position its products as accessible to everyone.

The design of the entrance door is metal frame, made from profile square pipe. Its thickness is 2 mm. Welded to the frame steel sheets. Between them is laid insulation made of basalt wool, which has a high level of fire resistance.

Features of Bastion doors are as follows:

  1. Classification depending on the class of burglary protection: economy, classic and two types of elite.
  2. Besides door leaf basalt wool is also present in the mounting frame.
  3. Anti-removal hinges of our own production, locks from Mottura.

It should also be noted that several types can be selected decorative panels, including glass, forging elements and wooden inserts. The average cost of the most popular models is.

  • Economy - from RUB 25,250. There is a choice of ten types of equipment.
  • Classic – from 36,000 rub. The company offers 20 types of these doors.
  • Elite – from 48,550 rub. The range includes 26 types of equipment.

In addition, Bastion offers a service for manufacturing doors according to individual order. In this case, all the wishes of the customer are taken into account.


The production facilities of the Guardian brand are also located in Russia. The company's specialty is high productivity. This made it possible to open representative offices in more than 135 cities of the country. In addition to them, there are specialized service centers, which is an important factor when choosing.

Currently, the range offered is not so large - the buyer can choose the best option from 16 basic models, which have 46 varieties. A significant difference is the presence of special fire doors, the fire resistance class of which corresponds to the EI60 standard. The most popular models are DS-2, DS-6 and Stealth.

  • DS-2 from 22,230 rub. They belong to economy class.
  • Stealth – 202,530 rub. Premium doors.
  • DS-6 – from 62,500 rubles. The best option for reliable protection of a private house or apartment.

The price includes installation of the structure and adjustment of fittings. The company provides a 5-year warranty on all its products. It also applies to fittings, which are also manufactured under this brand.

Professional master

The entrance doors of the Profmaster company have been presented on the Moscow market for more than 20 years!

A distinctive feature of this manufacturer is its focus on individual orders.

In addition, it is easier to choose and order a door on the official website of the company, where large number various models than in shopping pavilions.

The buyer is invited to choose a door completely according to his taste and needs. There are no restrictions in locks, functionality, or types of finishes.

By default, most of the doors in the catalog are equipped with proven Turkish KALE locks, however, locks from Russian and European manufacturers can be installed to choose from; all fittings and components are also presented on the website.

The thickness of the steel sheet used in doors is up to 2 mm; according to the special wishes of the customer, a sheet of 3 mm can be taken, which is often not justified for domestic premises due to the large weight of the future structure.

The following manufacturer models can be distinguished:

  • Economy - “ZD Triuf” (RUB 15,600) practical door with mirror.
  • Classic - “Medea” (RUB 25,900) with average characteristics and good sound insulation.
  • Elite - “Phoenix” (RUB 49,000) has an excellent locking system, a maximum level of noise insulation and an eye-catching appearance.

The disadvantages include the lack of representative offices in the regions; installation and maintenance services can only be used by residents of the Moscow region.


The Oplot company (Moscow) boasts a truly unique development - bimetallic doors. Unlike standard frame structure an additional sheet of metal was used, installed between the front panels.

Polyurethane foam is used for external heat and sound insulation. The interior is insulated with basalt wool. This makes it possible to avoid heat losses through “cold bridges” inherent in standard designs. Steel doors “Oplot” are equipped with Kale or Cisa fittings. The assortment includes more than 78 types.

The difference between them is appearance, configuration and finishing materials. The company provides the opportunity to choose between powder painting, anti-vandal laminate, MDF panels, wood veneer or plastic inserts.

  • Rhapsody 2A – from 21,000 rub.
  • Senator DZ – from RUB 355,500.
  • Bimetallic - from 51,500 rubles.

The only drawback is the lack of representative offices in the regions. Delivery and installation services by the company are provided only in Moscow and the region.

Among foreign brands, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the Italian manufacturer “Dierre”. The company was founded back in 1975 and currently has the largest production capacity in Europe.

The pride of Dierre is their advanced developments in the field of security and so-called “smart” doors. The latter are equipped with a system remote control. The function of the key is performed by a chip that transmits data to the lock. It is almost impossible to fake or intercept it - 128-bit encryption is used.

  • Wallsecurity with hidden hinges – from RUB 109,800.
  • Elettra “smart” door – from RUB 165,000.

It is worth noting that Dierre has its own production of fittings that are installed on doors.

Gardesa - a long-term successful history

As an addition to this TOP, I would like to mention another Italian manufacturer, which can boast of a reliable position in the Russian market of metal entrance doors. The Gardesa company has a long history, and most importantly, extensive manufacturing experience.

The constructive style of the company's products is the safety of every element. When closed, the canvas is in maximum contact with the double frame. This provides protection against possible penetration. Products are installed in the doors famous brand Mottura, produced to a limited order by Gardesa.

  • Londra S – from 61,750 rub.

The main competitor for European and Chinese companies are Russian manufacturers. The design of their products takes into account specific aspects of operation. This is often the main factor when choosing.



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