Layout of a garage with an attic. Project of a garage with a residential attic. Disadvantages of a warm garage in winter

Building a garage on a personal plot solves the problem of storing a car, tools and fuels and lubricants, but a rational approach to the construction of the premises will expand the possibilities of its use. To do this, it is necessary to build a building with an attic. You will have extra room, which can be used as a storage room, workshop, gym, and the cost of construction will be significantly reduced, because you won’t have to pay for the work.

You can see photos of such garages at the end of the article; they look very attractive, and if the size of the building is designed for two cars, then several living rooms can be located on the second floor. This idea not only has positive aspects, you should take into account some points that create inconvenience:

  • When the car starts and warms up, the room is filled with exhaust gases.
  • Oil and gasoline stored in the lower room are fire hazards.
  • It is necessary to lay communications to the living space: heating, electricity, water supply and sewerage, and these are additional costs.

But acute shortage free space will help you come to terms with problems and arrange a living space or just a storage room above the garage.


You can find out how to make a project on the Internet; here you will find ready-made drawings for buildings of various sizes and designs. For self-construction Without professional builder skills, it is better to choose a simple project. Each floor is drawn separately, all dimensions are indicated, partitions, communications, windows and doors are marked. It is necessary to determine the position of the stairs - inside or outside the building. At this stage, you need to decide on the material for building and covering the roof. If you doubt that you can draw up a competent project yourself, then contact a construction company. You will be provided with a real work plan, including a drawing of the foundation, floors, rafter system, plumbing diagram, and will provide everything with detailed information.


The planned two-story building has significant weight, so a solid foundation is necessary. A strip foundation, deepened to 1 meter, would be the best option. If the soil on your site is mobile, then it is better not to make an inspection hole.

At the site selected for construction, the perimeter is marked and a trench is dug. If the soil freezing depth more than a meter, it needs to be made deeper. The bottom of the pit is filled with sand mixed with crushed stone and compacted. The pillow is made with a height of 15 to 30 cm.

Thin walls made of foam blocks need insulation, internal and exterior decoration. Interior decoration can be made from chipboard; clapboard finishing is suitable for this. Insulation is made with mineral wool. The outer part of the walls is lined with siding; it will give the two-story building an aesthetic appearance. It’s good if the decoration of the garage and the house look harmonious.

Details and construction details can be found out by watching the video.


The video below shows the project of a garage with an attic:


When planning to build a detached garage on your site, it is convenient to place an attic above it. This is especially beneficial when constructing garages for two cars, when there is enough space above them large area. The article will tell you what projects there are for two-car garages with an attic, the features of their construction and arrangement.

Convenience and practicality of buildings

You can make it a cozy workshop, adapt it to a convenient warehouse or even a relaxation room.

In any case, this room significantly expands the area of ​​utility areas and solves the problem with unnecessary things, stored in storage rooms, on balconies and in sheds.

The design of a 2-car garage with an attic has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
  • Significant savings in usable area. , on the second floor you can arrange a workshop, a billiard room, make gym, and, if necessary, a full-fledged living room.
  • As family members increase, the attic can be converted into living space for a young family or elderly parents.
  • The room can be used as a living room for reception large number guests.
  • A garage for 2 cars with an attic can really be used for temporary living during construction or when renovating a residential building.
  • Fuel, lubricants and oils are stored in the garage, which is quite dangerous in terms of fire.
  • The operation of the engine produces vibrations and quite loud noise.
  • Exhaust gases leaking into rooms can create an unpleasant odor.

Tip: To build a garage with an attic for two cars, you can use different materials. But it must be taken into account that the first floor must have sufficient strength to withstand the fairly large weight of the superstructure.

Making a plan

When drawing up a project for a garage with an attic, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Construction cannot be carried out in lowlands. In this place, the structure will constantly be flooded by melt and storm water.
  • It is not recommended to build a garage with an attic for 2 cars next to trees, the roots of which can severely damage the structure.
  • When designing a garage with a residential attic, it is necessary, first of all, to think through issues of electrification, water supply and sewerage.
  • It is not advisable to construct a building above underground utilities, to which free access must always be ensured.

Documentation for the project

Projects for 2-car garages with an attic may include the following documents:

  • Layout of the building on the site.
  • A sketch of the structure in scale and color.
  • A plan of the garage indicating all dimensions and height marks, indicating the locations of gates, doors and stairs.
  • Description of the selected foundation (see).
  • Drawings of the frame and materials for its finishing.
  • Sketches of the rafter system and description of the roofing material.
  • Communications supply diagram.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Calculation of required building materials.
  • A set of necessary tools.

Choosing a site for construction

Each capital building, including a garage with an attic, requires a certain territory. The two-story design of such a building requires an area half the size of a conventional building.

When choosing a construction site, certain conditions must be observed:

  • Provide good access to.
  • There should be a free space of 5 to 7 meters between the entrance and the building. In this case, it is possible to park conveniently if there is no need to park the car in the garage.
  • Any unevenness in the landscape will create extra work- The garage requires a fairly level area.
  • Ability to ensure communications.
  • The optimal distance between the garage and a residential building is approximately 5 meters. This will allow the driver to easily reach the car in any weather.
  • The location for the garage should be slightly higher or at the same level as the rest of the area to avoid flooding.

Subject to these conditions, taking into account the features of the landscape and the location of your site, an ideal place is selected to build a garage for two cars with an attic, as can be seen in the photo.


After choosing a location, you can begin developing the project. At the same time, it can be ordered from an architectural organization or purchased ready-made.

Its price is quite high, but development time is significantly saved. In this case, agency representatives can go to the site, take all the necessary measurements and develop a project specifically for the conditions and requirements of the customer. Experts will help you choose finished project, then its cost will be less.

You can develop drawings or sketches yourself.

Advice: When developing a project yourself, you should show it to specialists who will approve the documentation and, if necessary, correct it.

The project development instructions suggest the following steps:

  • Determine the number of spaces in the garage - for one, two or more cars.
  • Decide about functional purpose the attic part - will it be residential or non-residential.

  • . The attic can protrude slightly above it, which will create a place of shelter from the summer heat. This takes into account the size of the vehicles.

  • Decide whether only cars will be placed in the room, or whether they will be repaired here, which will require increasing the area to accommodate tool racks and free space for a person to move when repairing a car.

Tip: When drawing up a plan, only precise measuring instruments should be used.

  • A plan for the attic is drawn up. If you are planning a living space, then there should be a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen corner.

  • A roof is being developed for the building.

  • The power supply system is being installed.
  • The materials for the construction of the structure are determined. The cost of the garage, the duration of its construction, the durability and reliability of the structure depend on this. Fastest to build frame garage, A modern materials allow you to protect your premises from the cold.
  • The project is finally drawn up on paper, taking into account the smallest details of the design.

The video shows in detail which project is better and how to create it yourself.

Project implementation

After developing a project, you can implement it yourself or hire a team of workers. Construction of garages with an attic is a labor-intensive process.

To do this you will need:

  • Make a foundation. The best option- device monolithic slab. For a large garage there may be more than one. A single slab is poured with concrete; several ready-made concrete slabs can be laid.

  • Build walls. Foam and gas blocks are easy to process and low in cost materials.

You can use brickwork and other building materials. Everyone chooses according to their own desires and capabilities. This leaves openings for windows, doors and gates.

  • Build a roof.

  • Connect communications: electricity, water, sewerage, gas.

The outside of the building is sheathed with siding or clapboard and plastered decorative plaster or other finishing materials are used.

  • The area adjacent to the building is being developed. This could be a flower garden, a lawn sown with grass, ornamental shrubs, which will add comfort to the garage with an attic and the entire area.

Compliance with all the conditions of the project, the manifestation of imagination, and high-quality work will allow you to build a garage for two cars with an attic for every taste. The building will serve for a long time as a place to store cars and as a residential building.

The opportunity to obtain additional square meters is always relevant. This is why many people prefer to develop a project garage with attic.

Why is there an attic in the garage?

The attic is multifunctional, it can be used as:

· residential guest room;

· for storing car accessories;

· workshop;

· storage room;

· workplace for sewing, knitting;

· summer kitchen.

Such extensive application cannot but rejoice! But the area of ​​the future garage depends on this. Often they build it right away, counting on purchasing a second cars, thereby increasing the usable area of ​​the attic.

Design Features

Creation garage project with attic- this is the most important stage, which will allow you to estimate costs, labor and time in advance. When designing, you first need to decide how the attic will be used and whether work will be carried out in the garage renovation work.

It is equally important to choose the right material that will ideally suit your purposes. At the same time, regardless of the direction of use (residential or non-residential), it is worth considering a separate entrance to the floor. By photo similar buildings are easy to see non-standard solutions designers and take note. For example, you can include a mini terrace or balcony in your garage project. Additionally, the need for communications (sewage, heating, water supply) is specified.

Why a professional approach is needed

Without a well-developed plan, building a truly reliable and durable garage with an attic is impossible. This is especially true in cases where the upper floor is planned for zhilog about the premises. Ventilation, communications, insulation - all these are points that only a specialist can understand. The roof plan should also be worked on by a professional. That is why it is much more advisable not to look for standard projects, based only on general ideas about the correctness of their development, and immediately turn to specialists.

The desire to use every free square meter With the greatest benefit makes people get creative and come up with new, unconventional solutions. After all, most often you need to try to place a lot of everything you need in a very small area. Proper planning of upcoming construction should eliminate problems that may arise later. But what pitfalls are hidden in attempts to make the territory as functional as possible?

Using photos of garages with an attic, we determine the pros and cons of such a building

When you first look at any photo with an attic, only solid positive qualities. And the most important of them is additional space. After all, it can be used as both residential and non-residential premises.

1. Possibility of arranging the non-residential part of the building.

The owner can use this place to store his motorist accessories. Can place a workshop there (noise from working tools will not disturb other residents).

The owner can use this part of the building as storage or a very large pantry. She can also place a laundry here or arrange a place for work (for example, sewing or modeling).

2. Possibility of arranging a temporary residential part of the building.

This room can be used not all year round, but only in summer period or as needed. So you can easily organize there. Or use this part of the building as a guest house. Accommodate there temporarily unexpectedly arriving guests who do not have a place in the main residential building.

3. Possibility of arranging the residential part of the building.

Although nearby, teenagers or young students will happily live at a distance from other family members. Young people who have not yet fled from under their parents' wing, but are already almost independent, will find this place very attractive for permanent residence.

Garages with attic
garage projects with an attic garage projects with an attic garage with an attic project

Planning decisions, dimensions and other things must be taken before all construction work. First of all, you need to think about the following questions:

1. Is there a chance to acquire another car in the next five to seven years?

2. Will the car repair work be carried out in the storage room?

3. Which photos of garage projects attract you more: with residential or non-residential space.

4. What material will the building be constructed from?

Disadvantages of this idea minor, but they are still present.

1. More extensive construction work.

2. Increase in financial costs for construction.

3. The need for infrastructure, water supply, sewerage and other communications (in case of year-round living here).

4. Costs of heating additional premises. The need for constant monitoring heating pipes(if the system is autonomous).

We combine several photos of projects of garages with an attic into a single whole

The most correct thing would be to build the largest possible structure with minimal non-standard architectural inclusions. Although, of course, a photo of a garage with an attic in the form rectangular box few will find attractive. But the absence complex elements will lead to a reduction in construction costs.

When selecting photos of projects for garages with an attic, you should also pay attention to the size of the building, or more precisely, to the size of each of its floors. Often the extension is made only over half of the first floor. In these cases, it is built only for storing a variety of tools and other accessories. Also often the second floor is larger than the first. One part of it is built over the garage itself, and the second – over the support pillars. The space under the “balcony” is used to good effect - it is equipped.

Independently combining several options into one individual plan you need to be very careful. It is still advisable to submit it for coordination and approval to an architect, who will confirm the correctness of the organization and development of the scheme for the future construction. For the rest, be guided by your wishes and available financial resources.

When choosing a garage design, future owners may have doubts or questions about which design to choose: a house with a garage or a detached garage. Let's take a look at the list of potential advantages and disadvantages of these two solutions and take a closer look at garage designs with an attic.

Advantages of a house with a garage:

  • convenience - convenient access to the garage without leaving home; during bad weather we get into the car comfortably; easier to move heavy purchases from the car to the house;
  • lower construction cost (shared wall and roof with the house);
  • additional space above the garage for use as living space;
  • less loss of site area.

Disadvantages of a house with a garage:

  • the front façade is often dominated by a garage ( garage doors), which may not be very aesthetically pleasing from an architectural point of view;
  • the garage becomes one of the rooms that needs minimal heating, but it is not included in the total area of ​​the house;
  • the possibility of smoke entering the house, dirt and dust being transferred from the garage to the house.

Advantages of a detached garage:

  • the ability to build a garage gradually;
  • there is no smell of smoke entering the house;
  • there is no feeling of “apartment” with a car;
  • less dust or dirt from the garage gets directly into the house;
  • there is no need to significantly heat the garage;
  • possibility of using the space above the garage for the potential construction of a detached guest house.

Disadvantages of a detached garage:

  • higher cost of the garage - mainly due to a separate roof;
  • the need to go outside to get into the garage;
  • large loss of site area.

1. Project of a garage with an attic.

As we can see, the project of a garage with an attic can be implemented both for a garage attached to a house and for a detached garage. The attic floor can be used according to your needs. Here you can create a sports room, home sauna, guest house, workshop, music studio- in general, manage this space as you see fit.

What dimensions should a garage have to make it functional?

Garage width:

  • garage for one car - minimum width 4.5 meters, garage doors 2.3 m wide;
  • garage for two cars - minimum width 6 meters, garage doors at least 5 m wide

Garage length:

The practical minimum should be 6 m, with the remaining space used for tool storage shelves or as a workshop.

No matter how you use it attic floor- one of its main advantages is that noise does not reach the main house - the perfect place for a workshop or music studio.

2. Project for a two-car garage with an attic.

A self-contained two-car garage should not be too large so as to dominate the house.

A garage can be a place for more than just a car. The extra space will allow you to store garden equipment and tools or household items that you don't have room to squeeze in.

Heating in the garage should be kept to a minimum, with insulation on the walls and a strong, insulated door playing an important role. In the case where an attic is used above the garage, it is necessary to insulate the interfloor floor and ceiling. Can be used for this purpose mineral wool thickness from 12 cm to 15 cm or polystyrene foam. You can read more about attic insulation in the article “”

3. Project of a garage with a canopy and an attic.

A practical option for a garage for a family with frequent visits from guests is additional parking under a canopy next to the garage and a guest room in the attic.

The rear of the garage, facing the garden, is used as a relaxation area with barbecue.

First floor layout:

  • garage 31.88 m²,
  • storage space 6.69 m²,
  • toilet 3.18 m²

Layout of the attic floor:

  • entrance hall 4.47 m²,
  • kitchen 9.86 m²,
  • room 8.45 m²,
  • bathroom 3.03 m²,
  • balcony 8.17 m².

4. Project of a garage for one car with an attic and barbecue.

If you are looking for a garage project that includes nice bonuses, then pay attention to this solution - a garage with.

Usable area garage 17.5 m², total attic area 38.3 m², useful 7.3 m²

5. Garage with balcony and attic.

Two-story garage, detached, made of brick with gable roof.

At the rear of the building there is a kitchen and a bathroom, and an external staircase leads to the attic floor.

Garage layout:

  • 1.1 – bathroom 4.35 m²
  • 1.2 - workshop 5.71 m²
  • 1.3 - kitchen 14.52 m²
  • 1.4- garage 34.51 m²
  • 1.5 -terrace 32.15 m²

The second floor area of ​​almost 40 m2 was divided into 2 rooms plus an additional bathroom and a hall. This part of the building can be dedicated to a studio, rental space or apartment for your guests.

  • 2.1 - staircase 4.11 m²
  • 2.2 - balcony 9.81 m²
  • 2.3 — hall 12.63 m²
  • 2.4 – bathroom 4.90 m²
  • 2.5 – room 7.79 m²
  • 2.6 - room 14.40 m²

6. Project of a garage for two cars with a terrace and attic.

To make better use of the useful space of the garage, you can combine the building with a small terrace overlooking the garden.

Garage and attic layout:

7. Project of a garage with an attic for two bedrooms.

If you are planning to build a two-story garage with an attic apartment, this project could be a real hit. The garage is a classic brick shaped building topped with a steep gable roof. Traditional garage architecture allows it to easily fit into any environment.

Two gates, 260 x 224 cm, lead to the garage part planned on the ground floor. Three cars can easily be parked inside, and there is also space for bicycles, mowers, motorcycles or other equipment. Additional features storage or small workshop will perform a small utility room, located in the corner of the garage.

Garage layout:

  • 1.1 - utility room 8.16 m²
  • 1.2 – garage 70.54 m²

Layout of the attic above the garage:

  • 2.1 — hall 14.16 m²
  • 2.2 - kitchen 4.17 m²
  • 2.3 - bathroom 3.59 m²
  • 2.4 - room 18.76 m²
  • 2.5 - room 15.29 m²
  • 2.6 - balcony 4.86 m²

8. Project of a two-story garage with an attic floor.

When planning, it is worth thinking about the use of the space next to it, so this garage project expands its functionality with the help of a small canopy, which serves as an additional parking space, and on the other hand, is a balcony for the second floor.

Any additional space in the garage, such as shelves, counters and cabinets, will allow for more use of that area for a variety of purposes. The more space you have in the garage, the more convenient it will be to use.

Many drivers' dream is to have a well-equipped small home workshop that they would ideally like to use as their own personal space, and your garage is ideal for this purpose.

Let's think about the garage in the longer term - after all, it would be a pity not to use it for other purposes. From a cluttered, rarely used space, you can create a spacious, practical and functional interior, which will be used by every family member.

What do you think about a loft over a garage? Have we forgotten something or do you disagree with something? Write your comments: all suggestions are welcome.



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