Pink flamingo tree. Flamingo maple: planting and care, growing on a trunk. Acer maple Flamingo

Maple is a honey tree that contains throughout its family to the globe more than one and a half hundred various types and varieties. In most of Russia you can find the most popular varieties of this plant. There are about twenty species of them, each of which comes from European or American countries, and is used for landscaping private territory(for example, a garden or personal plot), and also as ornamental plant in places of public recreation, in city parks and squares. Maple is a wonderful crop with a lush, dense crown, which provides excellent protection from the scorching sun and provides protection from dust. And during flowering near maples, you can enjoy the pleasant sweetish aroma of its flowers.

Gnome, rounded shape; yellow-green leaves with red edges in spring, green in summer and gold in fall. The end of summer is bright green becomes darker green and red becomes purple. This type of Japanese maple is small and will grow much wider than a tall one and is ideal for containers and bonsai. The fall colors range from bronze to orange. As Murasaki Kiyohime grows, he begins to thicken and expand, and falls lower.

Like other types of Japanese maples, Murasaki Kiyoheims performs best in luminous, well-drained soils and regular watering conditions. Small rounded shape; bright red leaves in spring and fall and deep red leaves in summer. Small rounded shape; bright leaves in spring and fall and deep red leaves in summer.

The most popular types of maples

Tatarian maple (or black maple) is a tall tree or shrub reaching almost nine meters in height. The plant received its second name for the black color of its bark. This winter-hardy crop grows on almost any soil and is used on garden plots How hedge. Maple trees are especially attractive during the fall months when their foliage turns purple.

Shaina grows into a globe-shaped tree that usually does not grow more than five feet in height. The leaves first appear in the spring as bright, vibrant reds; they fade to a deep, purplish-red color in the summer, then light up a bright crimson orange in the fall. Like other types of Japanese maples, Shinas grow best in dappled light, well-drained soil and regular watering conditions.

It comes down to the following procedures

These round maples are great for container gardening or as a colorful garden accent. Japanese maple directory Japanese maples: complete guide on Breeding and Cultivation by J. Japanese Maples is currently in its fourth edition, and over the years the authors have added more than 150 new information materials, updates, and information on cultural favorites. This guide teaches gardeners how to identify maples through color photographs. If you are interested in growing your own Japanese maples, this book will make planting Japanese maples easy.

Ash maple

American or ash-leaved maple can grow in areas with different soil compositions, but is preferable to sandy areas with a drainage layer in a well-lit place. Regular pruning promotes the formation of a lush crown.

Red maple

Red maple is a tall, long-lived tree with a smooth, light gray trunk, growing up to 20 m in height. The unpretentious culture does not tolerate harsh frosty winters, but thrives in high humidity. At good care can live two or even three hundred years.

Look at the maple trees in the backyard. To start, you will need at least one mature maple tree that is 12 inches or larger in diameter. Make sure it is a healthy tree with no disease or damage. Maple trees with a diameter of 12 to 20 inches cannot be tapped more than once, but trees with a diameter of 21 to 27 inches can be tapped twice. Giant maples over 27 inches in diameter can be tapped 3 times.

Abutilon - indoor maple

The four types of maples commonly used for syrup production in North America are Sugar, Black, Red and Silver maples. We suggest you map your property in the summer, when trees are most easily identified, so when you pick a season, you're prepared. Below is an introduction to the four most common syrups made from maple. It is the most preferred tree for making maple syrup, which is not surprising for its high content Sahara. It is also preferred for its late spring growth.

Norway maple depending on climatic conditions can be in the form of a fast-growing tree or shrub with a wide, rounded crown. The unpretentious crop is resistant to cold, gusts of wind, air pollution, and can easily be transplanted. The average height of an adult plant is 20-30 meters.

Sugar maple occurs naturally in southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States. It can thrive in various soil conditions, but does not tolerate extremely wet or dry areas. Black maple also produces high-sugar sap and has late growth in the spring, but has a smaller natural range than sugar maple. It grows between southeastern Quebec to central Wisconsin and south to Tennessee. It does not appear to grow on the east coast of the United States.

Description and distribution

It doesn't have as high a sugar content as sugar and black maples, but this tree makes quality syrup and grows almost anywhere! No other hardwood can thrive in such a wide variety of conditions, making it an excellent tree for making syrup. And it makes a high quality syrup. Specifically, this tree can grow as far north as Nova Scotia, south Florida, and as far west as Minnesota and Texas.

Field maple

Field maple is a demanding heat-loving plant, reaching a height of about fifteen meters. The fast-growing maple has a dense spreading crown, a smooth dark gray trunk, and yellow-green flowers. The flowering period lasts for fifteen days. Maple is sensitive to severe frosts, but it tolerates drought and shading easily.

Silver maple can make a fairly good syrup, but it is the least desirable of the four due to its low sugar content, early spring growth, and tendency for its sap to evaporate, leaving an abundance of granulated sugar. However, this tree has almost the same natural growth range as the Red Maple.

Seedling care

Now it's time for you to process your juice into syrup. How amazing to have such incredible resources literally right in our backyards! It's a fast growing round tree with a dense but rather narrow dome, suitable for small garden. It often gets dirty or otherwise cut into a large bush. Its pink young shoots and foliage mature into green centered leaves with a creamy edge and variable pink blush.

Sugar maple

Silver or sugar maple – fast growing tree with one or more light gray trunks and a lush crown. The plant needs regular pruning. The growing place can be with any lighting and different composition soil. Autumn foliage is pink and yellow.

On the territory Far East Maples are common in the form of trees and shrubs that have adapted to the climate of the area.

It will grow in almost any soil except chalk and is resistant to honey fungus. We do recommend planting it in full sun, but it will tolerate partial shade. Sometimes people ask why botanical names for plants in Latin and Greek languages. Maple names include maple maple, ash maple, maple maple, maple maple, Negundo maple, Wedge maple, and three-leaf maple. Ash ash - black ash, maple ash, stink ash or sugar ash. Finally, it is also known as the Californian or Western Boxer.

bearded maple

Bearded maple is a low shrub species, reaching no more than 5 m in diameter at maturity. Its shoots have purple shade, which is especially noticeable in winter time against a background of white snow. Maple takes well to regular trimming and is a wonderful decorative decoration on any site.

In many parts of the world it is called American Maple, although Canadians call it "Manitoba Maple"! This is why it really helps to have one botanical name for each plant, although even that is not ideal - botanical names can be changed, but old books cannot, so some plants may acquire multiple scientific names, depending on which source you read . Delivery: The basic charge for Barerot plant orders is £50, which increases to £55 if you add any potted plants, standard trees or fruit trees to your order.

Small-leaved maple reaches a height of twenty meters and has a wide, dense crown of about 10-12 m in diameter. With the arrival of autumn, the small, light green leaves acquire a yellow-orange color.

Manchurian maple

Manchurian maple has a less dense crown, since its leaves are located on long petioles. With the arrival of autumn cooling, green foliage becomes a beautiful scarlet shade.

Because couriers sometimes experience delays, we schedule deliveries by weeks rather than by day. Therefore, please plan your boarding day for the weekend at the end of delivery week or the week after delivery, as early as possible. We will send you by email the day before your plants arrive.

Ash maple Flamingo

Payment: We do not release your card until we begin preparing your order for packaging. Guarantee: If any plants die within a year, we will replace them. You only pay for shipping of replacements. Please note that our guarantee is not valid if there is a hose ban in your area: newly installed hedges will need to be watered in dry weather while they are being installed. The best way water very thoroughly every few days: at least once a week if there is no heavy rain.

Greenbark maple

The greenbark maple is quite different large sizes leaves (about 20 cm in diameter) and a peculiar variegated color of the bark. The tree looks great in the autumn months when its variegated bark contrasts with its yellow leaves.

False-siebold maple

The false siebold maple is a decorative tent tree with a height of about 8 m, preferring to grow on land plots with good drainage. The culture is used for landscaping cities and other populated areas, as it does well in urban environments and can grow in sunny and shady places. Maple is frost-resistant and not demanding on the level of soil and air humidity.

Our nursery supplies container grown and preserved plants for gardeners, farmers and urban planners, as if any of your plants are damaged when they arrive, or if you are not satisfied with your order after inspection, please repackage it and contact us. We will give you a refund or send you a replacement and send a courier to come and collect your unwanted plants.

Maples light up our backyards in the summer and illuminate our woods in the fall with their fiery foliage. Each maple species has its own unique size, leaf shape, bark texture and fall color, but maples are also divided into several broader categories. One of the differences that is important to gardeners as well as loggers has to do with the relative hardness of maple wood.

Sugar maple, or silver maple - a monumental tree with a powerful crown. It grows fastest in open spaces. Does not mind wet soils. However, the branches of this tree are very brittle. Maple is very beautiful, especially its shape" Wieri" with cut leaves that make it openwork and light.

Photo gallery of maple species and varieties

Norway maple or sycamore - received this name due to the similarity of the foliage with the leaves of a plane tree. It has clearly defined foliage, a dense, neat crown, and an even, straight trunk.

Both hard and soft maples offer decorative leaves. "Soft maple" is not a variety of maple. This term refers to the quality of the maple tree's wood. When someone mentions hard maple, think "hard to break." The limbs and trunks of these trees grow slowly enough that they have time to develop solid structures. Hard maple specimens make better landscape trees for areas with windy winters or frequent ice storms. Only one species is in the heavy category: the rock star of the maple family, the sugar maple.

Modern breeders based on Norway maple have created huge amount varieties with unusually colored leaves or with a clearly defined crown shape. The spherical shape of the Norway maple is especially impressive - in the form of a dense green ball. In addition, new varieties have been developed with golden or purple foliage. The maple tree does not need special pruning (just remove broken and dried branches); it grows while maintaining its spherical shape.

Some sources add a second tree to the hard maple list: black maple. However, it is generally considered a subspecies of sugar maple rather than a genus. It is similar to the sugar maple with slightly darker bark and grows in the same conditions. Sugar maple is landscape view. If you're lucky enough to have this forest giant in your backyard, recognition won't be much of a problem. This magnificent tree grows 80 feet when grown, but it takes time to grow, averaging only a foot of height growth and growth of 2 inches per year for the first three or four decades.

Varieties with purple leaf color that lasts from early spring until late autumn - "Crimson King", "Faassen's Black" - are sharply different from other greens and grow well in our conditions.

"Drummondii" - known form with a white border along the edge of the leaf - a tree that brings a feeling of coolness and freshness to any corner. At the same time (unlike many other forms with colored leaves) it does not turn green in the shade, but retains the unusual color of the leaves. This variety can be planted in a large garden or on small area. Prefers lighted places, fertile soil without excessive moisture, but not dry. Trees of this species are very unpretentious: when transplanted, the earthen lump can completely crumble - so that only a few thick stubs of roots will stick out, but the plant will still take root well. Varieties are propagated by grafting, but sometimes when propagated by seeds they pass on colored leaves to their “descendants.”

Recognize a young sugar maple's leaves - dark green on top and pale below, arranged in the same pattern on opposite sides of the branch. One soft maple is similar to the sugar maple, to create potential confusion: the red maple. It too rises to clear the sky, produces a reddish new growth and creates a fireworks display of fall foliage as its dying leaves turn scarlet and gold. You can tell a red maple from a sugar maple by its growing conditions: the former likes moist soil, the latter well-drained soil.

False sycamore maple , aka sycamore or plane tree - a view worthy of attention. The lower part of its leaves is light. In a sunny place the tree grows up to 25 meters.

"Brilliantissimum" - a variety with bronze-yellow foliage. In the spring, when young leaves are just beginning to bloom, the leaves of the variety have a delicate pink-peach hue.

But the leaves also provide compelling evidence. Additionally, red maple, like all soft maple trees, grows quickly and has thin bark rather than the thick, dark, vertically grooved bark of sugar maple. Maples are known for their shallow, spreading root systems, which help them thrive in moist soils. You would think that the sugar maple, as the only hard maple, would develop deeper roots to hold the huge trunks within its hundred-year lifespan.

Sugar maples, which grow in low, moist areas, have the classic maple root system, shallow and spreading. But unlike most maples, these giants can also grow in deep, well-drained upland soil. When they grow upland, they develop deep roots.

"Leopoldii", "Simon Louis Freres" - variegated varieties. Like all bred varieties, they are always smaller in size than the original species.

Sycamore tolerates frosts worse than Norway maple; sometimes the ends of young shoots are damaged. And he doesn’t like urban conditions: he suffers from dryness and salinity. As well as from very damp soils, however, it can grow well in coastal areas.

Red maple - received its specific name due to the fact that its leaves turn dark pink and red in autumn. Its varieties further emphasize this advantage.

"Red Sunset" - a tree with a very bright autumn foliage. It feels good both in illuminated places and in partial shade. It is also called swamp - for its ability to grow in wet and acidic soils and even when water stagnates.

Guinnala maple - can grow both as a tree and as a shrub up to 5 meters high. After pruning, it produces a lot of branches, so it is convenient to use when creating tall hedges. In cold winters, the ends of young shoots freeze a little, but the branches quickly recover. In autumn, the ginnala maple is very beautiful - with fiery, bright red leaves. It can be propagated by root suckers and seeds. Photophilous, grows well in the city. It looks beautiful both on the edges and on the banks of reservoirs.

Tatarian maple , or black maple - is notable for the fact that its ripening dark pink winged fruits look like flowers against the background of green foliage. It got its second name because of its completely black bark.

Ash maple , or American - widely distributed in Russia. Its thickets are sometimes even called a weed. It does not have a very beautiful crown - loose, unkempt and at the same time brittle. However, ash-leaved maple is used in breeding the most exquisite varieties.

"Flamingo" - with white-pink young leaves it looks very elegant. Yellow- and white-variegated forms grow into small compact trees. But branches with both pure white and pure green leaves may appear on them; they must be removed urgently. The soft yellow leaves of a golden shape can only be appreciated in a composition with other decorative foliage plants. When planted alone, this tree can produce a rather pitiful impression. When heavily pruned, the American maple produces many shoots, so it can be grown as a shrub. Unpretentious and drought-resistant.

Manchurian maple - one of the most elegant. It has trifoliate yellow and red leaves on red petioles. Manchurian maple is planted in a well-lit place; only light partial shade is acceptable. Winter-hardy. It reacts poorly to pruning, but even without it the tree looks slender - thanks to its beautiful lacy crown.

Greenbark maple - is interesting primarily for its soft green bark with marbled white stripes. Together with others like him David's maples, reddish-veined, snake-barked And Pennsylvanian belongs to the group



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