Adapter part in mechanical engineering drawing. Coursework: Design of the technological process for manufacturing the “Axis” part. Choosing a method for obtaining a workpiece

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Part "Adapter"

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Passed at the educational institution: Ri(F)MGOU

The “Adapter” part is used in the RT 265 deep drilling machine, which is produced by JSC RSZ.
It is designed for fastening cutting tool to the “Stem”, which is a fixed axis fixed in the tailstock of the machine.
Structurally, the “Adapter” is a body of rotation and has a rectangular three-way internal thread for fastening the cutting tool, as well as a rectangular external thread for connecting to the “Stem”. The through hole in the “Adapter” serves:
for removing chips and coolant from the cutting zone when drilling blind holes;
for supplying coolant to the cutting zone when drilling through holes.
The use, specifically, of a three-start thread is due to the fact that during the processing process, in order to quickly change tools, it is necessary to quickly unscrew one tool and wrap the other into the body of the “Adapter”.
The blank for the “Adapter” part is rolled steel ATs45 TU14-1-3283-81.

Introduction 5
1 Analytical part 6
1.1 Purpose and design of part 6
1.2 Manufacturability analysis 7
1.3 Physical and mechanical properties of the part material 8
1.4 Analysis of the basic technological process 10
2 Technological part 11
2.1 Determining the type of production, calculating the size of the launch batch 11
2.2 Choosing a method for obtaining a workpiece 12
2.3 Calculation of minimum allowances for processing 13
2.4 Calculation of the weight accuracy coefficient 17
2.5 Economic justification for the choice of workpiece 18
2.6 Design option technological process 20
2.6.1 General provisions 20
2.6.2 Order and sequence of execution of TP 20
2.6.3 Route of the new technological process 20
2.6.4 Selection of equipment, description of technological capabilities
And technical characteristics machines 21
2.7 Justification of the basing method 25
2.8 Selection of fastening devices 25
2.9 Selecting cutting tools 26
2.10 Calculation of cutting conditions 27
2.11 Calculation of piece and piece-calculation time 31
2.12 Special question in mechanical engineering technology 34
3 Design part 43
3.1 Description of the fastening device 43
3.2 Calculation of fastening devices 44
3.3 Description of the cutting tool 45
3.4 Description of the control device 48
4. Calculation of the mechanical shop 51
4.1 Calculation of required workshop equipment 51
4.2 Determination of the production area of ​​the workshop 52
4.3 Determining the required number of workers 54
4.4 Choice constructive solution industrial building 55
4.5 Design of service premises 56
5. Safety and environmental friendliness of design solutions 58
5.1 Characteristics of the object of analysis 58
5.2 Analysis potential danger of the projected site
machine shop for workers and the environment 59
5.2.1 Analysis of potential hazards and hazardous work conditions
factors 59
5.2.2 Analysis of the impact of the workshop on environment 61
5.2.3 Possibility analysis
emergency situations 62
5.3 Classification of premises and production 63
5.4 Ensuring safe and sanitary
hygienic conditions labor in workshop 64
5.4.1 Safety measures and equipment 64 Automation of production processes 64 Equipment location 64 Fencing of hazardous areas, prohibited areas,
safety and locking devices 65 Ensuring electrical safety 66 Waste disposal in workshop 66
5.4.2 Activities and means for production
sanitation 67 Microclimate, ventilation and heating 67 Industrial lighting 68 Protection from noise and vibration 69 Auxiliary sanitary facilities
premises and their arrangement 70 Tools personal protection 71
5.5 Measures and means to protect the environment
environment from the impact of the designed mechanical workshop 72
5.5.1 Solid waste disposal 72
5.5.2 Purification of atmospheric exhaust gases 72
5.5.3 Cleaning waste water 73
5.6 Measures and means to ensure
security in emergency situations 73
5.6.1 Ensuring fire safety 73 Fire prevention system 73 System fire protection 74
5.6.2 Providing lightning protection 76
5.7. Support Engineering
labor safety and environmental protection 76
5.7.1 Calculation of total illumination 76
5.7.2 Calculation of piece noise absorbers 78
5.7.3 Calculation of cyclone 80
6. Organizational part 83
6.1 Description automated system
project site 83
6.2 Description of automated transport and warehouse
systems of the designed site 84
7. Economic part 86
7.1 Initial data 86
7.2 Calculation of capital investments in fixed assets 87
7.3 Material costs 90
7.4 Design organizational structure workshop management 91
7.5 Calculation of the annual fund wages working 92
7.6 Estimating indirect and shop costs 92
7.6.1 Cost estimate for maintenance and operation
equipment 92
7.6.2 Estimate of general shop expenses 99
7.6.3 Distribution of costs for maintenance and operation
equipment and public costs for the cost of products 104
7.6.4 Cost estimate for production 104 Cost calculation of the kit 104 Calculation of unit costs 105
7.7 Resulting part 105
Conclusion 108
References 110

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Course project on mechanical engineering technology
Project topic: Development of a technological process for machining the “Adapter” part.

Applications: maps of turning-milling-drilling sketches, operational map of combined operations of processing parts on CNC metal-cutting machines, control program (005, A) (in the FANUC system), adapter drawings, parts processing diagrams, technological sketches, workpiece drawing.

In this course project, the volume of output was calculated and the type of production was determined. The correctness of the drawing was analyzed in terms of compliance with current standards. The route for processing the part was designed, equipment, cutting tools and fixtures were selected. The operational dimensions and workpiece dimensions were calculated. Cutting modes and time standards for turning operations are determined. Issues of metrological support and safety precautions are considered.

The most important tasks of this course work are: practical understanding of the basic concepts and provisions of mechanical engineering technology using the example of designing a technological process for processing the “Adapter” part, mastering the existing range of technological equipment and tooling in production conditions, their technological capabilities, and the rational area of ​​their use.

In the process of analyzing the technological process, the following issues were considered: consideration of the manufacturability of the design of the part, justification for the choice of technological process, mechanization and automation, the use of high-performance machines and equipment, flow and group production methods, strict adherence to mechanical engineering standards and the ranges of preference available in them, the validity of use on specific operations of technological equipment, cutting tools, working devices, measuring instruments, identifying the structures of technological operations, their critical assessment, recording the elements of technological operations.

1. Task
2. Calculation of output volume and determination of the type of production
3. General characteristics details
3.1 Functional purpose of the part
3.2 Part type
3.3 Manufacturability of the part
3.4 Standard control and metrological examination of the part drawing
4. Selecting the type of workpiece and its justification
5. Development of a route technological process for manufacturing a part
6.Development of the operational technological process for manufacturing the part
6.1 Clarification of the selected technological equipment
6.2 Clarification of the part installation diagram
6.3 Purpose of cutting tools
7. Processing sketches
8. Development of a control program
8.1 Execution of a technological sketch indicating the structure of operations
8.2 Calculation of coordinates of reference points
8.3 Development of a control program
9. Calculation of operational dimensions and workpiece dimensions
10. Calculation of cutting conditions and technical standardization
11. Metrological support of the technological process
12. Safety of the technological system
13. Filling technological maps
14. Conclusions
15. Bibliography

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1. Technological part

1.3 Description of the technological operation

1.4 Equipment used

2. Calculation part

2.1 Calculation of processing modes

2.2 Calculation of clamping force

2.3 Drive calculation

3. Design part

3.1 Description of the device design

3.2 Description of the device’s operation

3.3 Development of technical requirements for the device drawing



Appendix (assembly drawing specification)


The technological basis is the most important factor successful implementation of technical progress in mechanical engineering. On modern stage For the development of mechanical engineering, it is necessary to ensure rapid growth in the output of new types of products, acceleration of their renewal, and reduction of the time spent in production. The task of increasing labor productivity in mechanical engineering cannot be solved only by putting into operation even the most advanced equipment. The use of technological equipment helps to increase labor productivity in mechanical engineering and orients production towards intensive methods of its conduct.

The main group of technological equipment consists of devices for mechanical assembly production. Devices in mechanical engineering are auxiliary devices for technological equipment, used in processing, assembly and inspection operations.

The use of devices allows you to: eliminate the marking of workpieces before processing, increase its accuracy, increase labor productivity in operations, reduce production costs, facilitate working conditions and ensure its safety, expand the technological capabilities of equipment, organize multi-machine maintenance, apply technically sound time standards, reduce the number of workers necessary for production.

Effective methods that speed up and reduce the cost of designing and manufacturing devices are unification, normalization and standardization. Normalization and standardization provide an economic effect at all stages of the creation and use of devices.

1. Technological part

1.1 Purpose and description of the part

The “Adapter” part is designed to connect the electric motor to the gearbox housing and protect the junction of the motor shaft with the gearbox shaft from possible mechanical damage.

The adapter is installed into the hole in the gearbox housing with a smooth cylindrical surface with a diameter of 62h9 and secured with four bolts through holes with a diameter of 10+0.36. A cuff is installed in hole 42Н9, and four holes with a diameter of 3+0.25 serve, if necessary, to dismantle it. A hole with a diameter of 130H9 is intended for mounting the connecting flange of the electric motor, and a groove with a diameter of 125-1 is intended for installing a slip-on flange connecting the electric motor to the adapter. The hole with a diameter of 60+0.3 houses the couplings, and two 30x70 mm grooves are intended for fastening and adjusting the couplings on the shafts.

The adapter part is made of Steel 20, which has the following properties: Steel 20 - carbon, structural, quality, carbon? 0.20%, the rest is iron (in more detail the chemical composition of steel 20 is given in Table 1, and the mechanical and physical properties in table 2)

Table 1. Chemical composition carbon structural steel 20 GOST 1050 - 88

In addition to carbon, carbon steel always contains silicon, manganese, sulfur and phosphorus, which have different effects on the properties of steel.

Permanent impurities in steel are usually contained within the following limits (%): silicon up to 0.5; sulfur up to 0.05; manganese up to 0.7; phosphorus up to 0.05.

b With increasing silicon and manganese content, the hardness and strength of steel increases.

b Sulfur is harmful impurity, it makes steel brittle, reduces ductility, strength and corrosion resistance.

b Phosphorus gives steel cold brittleness (brittleness at normal and low temperatures)

Table 2. Mechanical and physical properties of steel 20 GOST 1050-88

y VR - temporary tensile strength (tensile strength

when stretched);

y t - yield strength;

d 5 - relative elongation;

a n - impact strength;

w - relative narrowing;

HB - Brinell hardness;

g - density;

l - thermal conductivity;

b - linear expansion coefficient

1.2 Technological process of manufacturing a part (route)

The part is processed in the following operations:

010 Turning operation;

020 Turning operation;

030 Turning operation;

040 Milling operation;

050 Drilling operation.

1.3 Description of the technological operation

030 Turning operation

Sharpen the surface along the contour

1.4 Equipment used

Machine 12K20F3.

Machine parameters:

1. Largest diameter processed workpiece:

above the bed: 400;

above the caliper: 220;

2. The largest diameter of the rod passing through the spindle holes: 20;

3. Maximum length of the processed workpiece: 1000;

4. Thread pitch:

metric up to 20;

inch, number of threads per inch: - ;

modular, module: - ;

5. Thread pitch:

pitch, pitch: - ;

6. Spindle speed, rpm: 12.5 - 2000;

7. Number of spindle speeds: 22;

8. Maximum movement of the caliper:

longitudinal: 900;

transverse: 250;

9. Caliper feed, mm/rev (mm/min):

longitudinal: (3 - 1200);

transverse: (1.5 - 600);

10. Number of feed stages: B/s;

11. Speed ​​of rapid movement of the caliper, mm/min:

longitudinal: 4800;

transverse: 2400;

12. Power of the main drive electric motor, kW: 10;

13. Overall dimensions (without CNC):

length: 3360;

width: 1710;

height: 1750;

14.Weight, kg: 4000;

1.5 Scheme of basing the workpiece on the operation

Figure 1. - part location diagram

surface A - installation with three reference points: 1,2,3;

surface B - double guide with two support points: 4.5.

2. Calculation part

2.1 Calculation of processing modes

Processing modes are determined by two methods:

1. Statistical (according to the table)

2. Analytical method according to empirical formulas

Elements of cutting modes include:

1. Depth of cut - t, mm

where di1 is the diameter of the surface obtained at the previous transition, mm;

di-diameter of the surface at this transition, mm;

where Zmax is the maximum allowance for processing.

t when cutting and cutting grooves is equal to the width of the cutter t=H

2. Feed - S, mm/rev.

3. Cutting speed-V, m/min.

4. Spindle speed, n, rpm;

Determine the processing modes for the finishing operation of external turning of the surface O62h9 -0.074, determine the cutting force Pz, the main processing time To, and the possibility of performing this operation on a given machine.

Initial data:

1. Machine 16K20F3

2. Received parameters: O62h9 -0.074 ; Lobr = 18+0.18; roughness

3.Tool: continuous cutter, c = 90?; q1 = 3?; r = 1 mm; L = 170;

H?B = 20?16; T15K6; durability T 60 min.

4. Material: steel 20 GOST 1050-88 (dvr = 410 MPa);

Work progress

1. Determine the cutting depth: ;

where Zmax is the maximum allowance for processing; mm;

2. The feed is selected according to tables and reference books: ; (rough processing).

Stable = 0.63, taking into account the correction factor: Ks = 0.48;

(i.e. to door = 410 MPa);

S = Stabl? Ks; S = 0.63?0.45 = 0.3 mm/rev;

3. Cutting speed.

where C v is the coefficient; x, y, m - exponents. .

C v = 420; m = 0.20; x = 0.15; y = 0.20;

T - tool life; T = 60 min;

t - cutting depth; t = 0.75 mm;

S - feed; S = 0.3 mm/rev;

where K V is a correction factor that takes into account specific processing conditions.

K V = K mv? To nv? K andv? To mv;

where K mv is a coefficient that takes into account the influence of the physical and mechanical properties of the material being processed on the cutting speed.

For steel

K mv = K r? n v ;

n v = 1.0; K r = 1.0; K mv = 1? = 1.82;

K nv is a coefficient that takes into account the influence of the state of the workpiece surface; .

K andv is a coefficient that takes into account the influence of the material tool on the cutting speed. .

K V = 1.82? 1.0? 1.0 = 1.82;

V = 247? 1.82? 450 m/min;

4. The spindle speed is determined by the formula:

N = ; n = rpm

To increase tool life, we take n = 1000 rpm.

5. Determine the actual cutting speed:

V f = ; V f = = 195 m/min;

6. The cutting force is determined:

P z according to the formula; .

Р z = 10? C p ? t x ? S y ?Vф n ? K p ;

where C p is a constant;

x, y, n - exponents; .

t - cutting depth, mm;

S - feed, mm/rev;

V - actual cutting speed, m/min;

C p = 300; x = 1.0; y = 0.75; n = -0.15;

K p = 10 ? 300? 0.75? 0.41? 0.44? K p = 406 ? K p ;

K p - correction factor; .

K p = K mr? K c r? K g r? K l r? K rр;

where K mr is a coefficient that takes into account the influence of the quality of the processed material on the force dependencies. .

K mr =; n = 0.75; K mp =;

K c r; K g r; K l r; K rр; - correction factors that take into account the influence of the geometric parameters of the cutting part of the tool on the components of the cutting force

K c r = 0.89; K g r = 1.0; K l p = 1.0; K rр = 0.93;

Kp = 0.85? 0.89? 1.0? 1.0? 0.93 = 0.7;

Р z = 406 ? 0.7 = 284 H;

7. Let’s check the cutting power conditions on the machine spindle; for this, the cutting power is determined by the formula:

where Pz cutting force; m;

V - actual cutting speed; m/min;

60?1200 - conversion factor;

Kz = 406 ?0.7 = 284 N;

We determine N on the machine spindle taking into account the efficiency factor; Efficiency (z);

N sp. = N doors ?z;

where N sp is the power on the spindle; kW;

N motor - power of the machine's electric motor; kW;

N dv 16K20F3 = 10 kW;

Z - for metal-cutting machines; 0.7/0.8;

Nsh = 10? 0.7 = 7 kW;


Because condition N res< N шп; соблюдается (0,9 < 7) ,то выбранные режимы обработки осуществимы на станке 16К20Ф3;

9. Determine the main time using the formula:

where L calculated - estimated processing length; mm;

Which is calculated by the formula:

L calc. = lobr + l 1 + l 2 + l 3;

where lobr is the length of the surface being processed; mm;(loar = 18mm);

l 1 +l 2 - -the amount of penetration and the amount of tool overtravel; mm; (equal to 5mm on average);

l 3 - additional length for taking test chips. (since processing is in automatic mode, then l 3 = 0);

i - number of passes;

T o = = 0.07 min;

Let us summarize all the results obtained above in a table;

Table 1 - Machining parameters for turning operation

2.2 Calculation of clamping force

The design diagram of the fixture is a diagram that depicts all the forces acting on the workpiece: cutting force, torque, clamping force. The design diagram of the device is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

The design diagram of a fixture is a simplified image of the fixture, with its main elements.

The forces applied to the workpiece must prevent possible tearing of the workpiece, shifting or rotating it under the influence of cutting forces and ensure reliable fastening of the workpiece during the entire processing time.

Workpiece clamping force at this method consolidation is determined by the following formula:

where n is the number of sticks.

f - coefficient of friction on work surface clamp f=0.25

Pz - cutting force Pz = 284 N

K is the safety factor, which is determined by the formula:

where K0 is the guaranteed safety factor, K0=1.5;

K1 - correction factor taking into account

surface view of the part, K1=1;

K2 - correction factor taking into account the increase in cutting force when the cutting tool becomes dull, K2 = 1.4;

K3 - correction factor that takes into account the increase in cutting force when processing discontinuous surfaces of the part (in this case it is absent);

K4 - correction factor taking into account the variability of the clamping force generated by the power drive of the device K4=1;

K5 - correction factor taking into account the degree of convenience of the handle position in hand clamping devices(in this case absent);

K6 is a correction factor that takes into account the uncertainty of the place of contact of the workpiece with support elements that have a large supporting surface, K6 = 1.5.

Since the value of coefficient K is less than 2.5, the resulting value of 3.15 is accepted.

2.3 Calculation of power drive

Since the workpiece is clamped without an intermediate link, the force on the rod will be equal to the workpiece clamping force, that is

The diameter of a double-acting pneumatic cylinder when supplying air without a rod is determined by the following formula:

where p - compressed air pressure, p=0.4 MPa;

d - rod diameter.

The diameter of the pneumatic cylinder is assumed to be 150 mm.

The rod diameter will be 30 mm.

Actual force on the rod:

3. Design part

3.1 Description of the design and operation of the device

The drawing shows the design of a pneumatic device for axial clamping of a thin-walled bushing with a collar. The bushing is centered in the recess of the disk 7 attached to the body 1, and clamped along the axis by three levers 6, mounted on the axis 5. The levers are activated by a rod connected to the screw 2, when moved, the rocker 4 moves along with the levers 6, clamping the workpiece . When the rod moves from left to right, the screw 2, through the nut 3, moves the rocker arm 4 with levers 6 to the side. The fingers on which the levers 6 are mounted slide along the oblique grooves of the disk 7 and thus, when unfastening the processed workpiece, they rise slightly, allowing the machined part to be released and a new workpiece to be installed. .


A device is a piece of technological equipment designed to install or direct an object of labor or a tool when performing a technological operation.

The use of devices helps to increase the accuracy and productivity of processing, control of parts and assembly of products, provides mechanization and automation of technological processes, reduces the qualifications of work, expands the technological capabilities of equipment and increases work safety. The use of devices can significantly reduce installation time and thereby increase process productivity where the installation time of an object is commensurate with the main technological time.

A reduction in time for processing a part and an increase in labor productivity was ensured by the development of a special machine tool - a chuck with pneumatic clamping.


1. Filonov, I.P. Design of technological processes in mechanical engineering: Tutorial for universities / I.P. Filonov, G.Ya. Belyaev, L.M. Kozhuro et al.; Under general ed. I.P. Filonova.- +SF.-Mn.: "Technoprint", 2003.- 910 p.

2. Pavlov, V.V. The main tasks of technological design: Textbook / V.V. Pavlov, M.V. Pozhidaev, E.P. Orlovsky, etc. - M.: Stankin, 2000. - 115 p.

3. Handbook of mechanical engineering technologist. T. 1 / Ed. A. M. Dalsky, A. G. Kosilova, R. K. Meshcheryakova, A. G. Suslova, - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Mechanical Engineering -1, 2001.- 912 pp., ill.

4. Handbook of mechanical engineering technologist. T.2 /Ed. Dalsky A.M., Suslova A.G., Kosilova A.G., Meshcheryakova R.K. - 5th ed., revised. and additional -M.: Mechanical Engineering-1, 2001.- 944 pp. ill.

5. Suslov, A.G. Mechanical engineering technology: A textbook for students of mechanical engineering specialties at universities. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2004. - 400 p.

6. Zhukov, E.L. Mechanical engineering technology: Textbook for universities / E.L. Zhukov, I.I. Kozar, S.L. Murashkin and others; Ed. S.L. Murashkina. - M.: graduate School, 2003.

Book 1: Fundamentals of mechanical engineering technology. - 278 p.

Book 2. Production of machine parts. - 248 p.

7. Skhirtladze, A.G. Technological equipment of machine-building industries / A.G. Skhirtladze, V.Yu. Novikov; Ed. Yu.M. Solomentsev. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Higher School, 2001. - 407 p.

9. General machine-building standards for time and cutting modes for standardizing work performed on universal and multi-purpose machines with numerical control. Part 2. Standards for cutting conditions. - M.: Economics, 1990.

8. Skhirtladze, A. G. Generalist machine operator: Textbook for prof. schools, institutions / A. G. Skhirtladze, Novikov V. Yu. - 3rd ed., ster. - M.: Higher School, 2001. - 464 p.

11. Pris, N. M. Basing and bases in mechanical engineering: Guidelines to implementation practical classes in the course "Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Technology" for students of full-time and evening departments of specialization. 120100 "Mechanical Engineering Technology" / N. M. Pris. - N.Novgorod: NSTU, 1998. - 39 p.

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On workplace Along with the task, technological documentation is received: technological, route, operational maps, sketches, drawings. Failure to comply with the requirements means a violation of technological discipline; this is unacceptable, because this leads to a decrease in the quality of products.

The initial data for constructing a technological process is a drawing of the part and technical requirements to its production.

Route map (MK) – contains a description of the technological process of manufacturing or repairing a product for all operations various types in technological sequence, indicating data on equipment, accessories, materials, etc.

Forms and rules for issuing route maps are regulated in accordance with GOST 3.1118-82 (Forms and rules for issuing route maps)

Operational map (OC) - contains a description of the operations of the technological process of manufacturing a product with a breakdown of operations into transitions, indicating processing modes, design standards and labor standards.

Forms and rules for issuing transaction cards are regulated in accordance with GOST 3.1702-79 (Forms and rules for issuing transaction cards)

Working drawings of parts must be made in accordance with ESKD (GOST 2.101-68), the drawing indicates all the information for manufacturing the part: shape and dimensions of surfaces, workpiece material, technical requirements for manufacturing, accuracy of shape, dimensions, etc.

In this report, I examined the Adapter part and analyzed the grade of material from which the part is made.

The part, the adapter, experiences axial and radial stresses, as well as alternating stresses from vibration loads and minor thermal loads.

The adapter is made of alloy construction steel 12Х18Н10Т. This is high quality steel containing 0.12% carbon,18% chromium, 10% nickel and some content titanium, not exceeding 1.5%.

Steel 12Х18Н10Т is excellent for the manufacture of parts operating under high impact load conditions. This type of metal is ideal for use in low temperatures negative temperatures, down to -110 °C. Another very useful property Steels of this type, when used in structures, have good weldability.

The detail drawing is presented in Appendix 1.

The development of the technological process begins after clarification and determination of the choice of workpiece, clarification of its dimensions for further processing, then a drawing is studied, a plan for sequential processing of the part by operation, and a tool is selected.

The technological process is presented in Appendix 2.


The part is made from material 12Х18Н10Т GOST5632-72 and a more expedient method of obtaining a workpiece is casting, but for comparison we will consider obtaining a workpiece - stamping.

Stamping on hydraulic presses is used, as a rule, where a hammer cannot be used, namely:

When stamping low-plasticity alloys that do not allow high deformation rates;

For various types of extrusion stamping;

Where a very large working stroke is required, for example, when deep piercing or broaching of stitched workpieces.

Currently in mechanical engineering there is GOST 26645-85 "Castings from metals and alloys. Tolerances of dimensions, weight and allowances for machining"with amendment No. 1 to replace the canceled standards GOST 1855-55 and GOST 2009-55. The standard applies to castings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys manufactured in various ways casting, and complies with the international standard ISO 8062-84

The following types of casting are distinguished: earth casting, chill casting, pressure casting, squeeze casting, shell molds, centrifugal casting, suction casting, vacuum casting.

To make this casting, you can use the following casting methods: in a chill mold, in lost wax models, in shell molds, in plaster molds, in sand forms and gasified models.

Chill casting. Chill casting is labor- and material-saving, low-operation and low-waste technological processes. It improves working conditions in foundries and reduces the environmental impact. The disadvantages of chill casting include the high cost of the chill mold, the difficulty of obtaining thin-walled castings due to the rapid removal of heat from the melt by the metal chill, and the relatively small number of pours when producing steel castings in it.

Since the cast part is produced serially, and the durability of the mold when pouring steel into it is low, I consider it not advisable to use this type of casting.

Casting using gasified models. LGM - allows you to obtain castings in accuracy equal to lost wax casting at a cost level comparable to PF casting. The costs of organizing the production of forest products include the design and manufacture of molds. LGM technology makes it possible to produce castings weighing from 10 grams to 2000 kilograms with a surface finish of Rz40, dimensional and weight accuracy up to class 7 (GOST 26645-85).

Based on the serial production, as well as expensive equipment, the use of this type of casting for the manufacture of castings is not advisable.

Low pressure casting. LND – allows you to produce thick-walled and thin-walled castings of variable cross-section. Reduced casting costs due to automation and mechanization of the casting process. Ultimately, LND provides a high economic effect. Limited use of alloys with high melting point.

Sand casting. Sand casting is the most widespread (up to 75-80% by weight of castings produced in the world) type of casting. Casting in PF produces castings of any configuration from 1 to 6 complexity groups. Dimensional accuracy corresponds to 6...14 groups. Roughness parameter Rz=630...80 µm. It is possible to produce castings weighing up to 250 tons. with a wall thickness of over 3 mm.

Based on the analysis of possible types of casting to obtain our casting, we can conclude that it is advisable to use casting in PF, because it is more economical for our production.

The main indicator for assessing the manufacturability of the workpiece design is the metal utilization factor (MCM)

The accuracy levels of the workpiece are:

1. Rough, CMM<0,5;

2. Reduced accuracy 0.5≤KM<0,75;

3. Accurate 0.75≤KIM≤0.95;

4. Increased accuracy, for which CMM>0.95.

CMM (metal utilization factor) is the ratio of the mass of the part to the mass of the workpiece.

Metal utilization factor (MUR) calculated using the following formula:

where Q child is the mass of the part, kg;

Q ex. – mass of the workpiece, kg;

The obtained values ​​of the coefficients allow us to conclude that the “Adapter” part is technologically advanced enough to be manufactured by casting.



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