Signs of drug addiction. Characteristic signs of drug addiction

Drug addiction - current problem modern society. A person can become a drug addict at any age, regardless of social status and financial capabilities. There are several ways to determine signs of addiction without the knowledge of the subject.

If you find out about drug abuse in time and immediately seek qualified help, this will prevent serious consequences.

Common signs of drug use

At first glance, it seems that recognizing a drug addict is easy. Many have probably heard about the aggressive behavior of drug addicts, dilated pupils and punctured veins. Nowadays, the variety of narcotic substances is huge, and the methods of introducing illegal drugs into the body are also different, so identifying a drug addict becomes much more difficult (especially given the desire of teenagers to keep everything secret for as long as possible).

How to recognize a drug addict: make sure that your relative really abuses drugs without scaring or alienating him? There are several common signs:

1. Changes in appearance and habits.

After taking drugs, the addict’s eyes become indifferent, “dead”, the pupils either greatly dilate or constrict. This is a fairly common and familiar symptom, so the addict may hide his eyes behind dark glasses.

Drug abuse gradually leads to the fact that a person stops taking care of himself: he washes less often, does not change clothes for weeks, and does not tidy up his hair. A change in clothing preferences should be alarming: if in the heat or at home a person wears long-sleeved shirts, then perhaps he wants to hide the marks from injections.

2. Deviation in behavior and character.

People who use drugs are subject to frequent mood swings: they may laugh or cry when it is inappropriate, or quickly turn from a carefree person to depressed, irritable and even aggressive. The range of feelings of a drug addict may also change: if previously a person was stingy with emotions, but now he is inflamed with love and is ready to constantly hug and kiss - this is also a reason to think. The influence of drugs affects inner world person: those who were previously thoughtful and calm become relaxed and talkative, and active and sociable people turn into withdrawn and depressed.

3. Social circle.

According to statistics, a person becomes a drug addict under the bad influence of other people. Therefore, the drug addict’s environment changes: old friends are forgotten, and new ones appear, whose appearance and behavior can alert relatives. Gradually, drugs are crowding out all other human activities: teenagers begin to skip school, and adults stop going to work. Memory problems appear and work ability decreases.

4. Discord in the family.

People who use drugs lose interest in family life: Children no longer show concern for their parents, and adult drug addicts are indifferent to their partners. Drug addicts spend a lot of time outside the home, sometimes they don’t even come home at night. Mood swings are possible: a person left home in an irritated state, but returned in a cheerful mood. And if suddenly valuables or money begin to disappear from the house, this means that the addict does not have enough money to buy substances.

5. Detection of strange objects.

Smoky spoons, bags with traces of glue, syringes and ampoules, unknown substances and containers with solvent found in the apartment indicate the use of prohibited substances by any of the family members. As a result, the apartment may be inhabited by unpleasant odors acetone or vinegar, and the addict’s clothes give off a sweetish aroma.

4. The emergence of health problems.

Drug addicts change their sleep and wakefulness patterns: they sleep a lot during the day, but at night they cannot sleep. Immediately after taking drugs, a person begins to feel thirsty and is drawn to sweet foods. As a result of drug abuse, a person develops diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cough and runny nose can become chronic. The drug addict's skin turns pale and dries, the condition of the nails and hair deteriorates, and sweating increases.

These signs allow us to indirectly answer the question of how to recognize a drug addict, since they can also be symptoms of other disorders. If any of these signs are detected, you should contact the Svoboda Foundation for the assistance and rehabilitation of addicts, where qualified clinic staff will make a reliable diagnosis and help cure drug addiction.

Stages of treatment

Family consultation

The initial consultation determines the further course of the entire rehabilitation of the addict. At this stage, you receive information about the timing, cost, and methods of treatment in our center.


A necessary step to obtain the addict’s consent to treatment. Models of behavior of relatives in relation to the future rehabilitator are discussed.


Once the addict is ready to enter treatment, detoxification occurs. Those. cleansing the body of substances that alter consciousness. In each specific case, its duration varies. The procedure lasts from 2 to 7 days.

Inpatient rehabilitation

When an addict enters the center, his inpatient stay begins. He lives according to the regime established in the center, without access to narcotic substances. Treatment is carried out in a closed facility, so access to the patient is available to a strictly limited list of relatives on certain days.

Social adaptation

At this stage, the patient begins to leave the walls of the center, gradually increasing the period of stay in society. However, it is still closely connected with the center and a breakdown at this stage is unlikely. The addict learns to live soberly in society, without succumbing to temptations.

Lifetime support

Lifelong support is the very thing that keeps you from breaking down in difficult times. life situations. Such support is provided voluntarily by one dependent to another.

Particular signs of drug use

Exists large number drugs, each of which has different effects on the human body.

Recognize a salt addict

To answer the question of how to recognize salt addict, you need to understand the mechanism of action of salt. A person who consumes salt experiences uncontrollable body movements and strange facial expressions, an aggressive look and hallucinations.

Weed addict

Drug addicts who smoke weed have an unnatural expression in their eyes, and their pupils turn red.

If you use powders

Those who prefer powder develop excessive self-confidence, insolence towards others, and excessive talkativeness. After consuming the powder, the addict feels cheerful and energetic, and quickly copes with any task.

Ecstasy, LSD

Drugs in tablet form exist huge amount: this includes ecstasy, LSD, and many others. Taking such drugs leads to excessive dilation of the pupils, dry mouth and loss of appetite.

Drug addiction is a terrible addiction. Many people, having once experienced the pleasure of a drug, do not realize what an abyss they have driven themselves into. Most modern citizens think that in life they need to experience all the “charms” of existence, but they do not fully understand the meaning of this phrase. Instead of trying psychotropic drugs, it is better to travel or engage in extreme sports. Addiction ruins destinies, breaks dreams, love, and friendship. Drug addicts have nothing left sacred.

The first signs of a drug addict

At first, it is quite difficult to notice changes in the behavior of a person who has started using drugs. If you suspect something wrong is going on with a friend or relative. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the main symptoms of a drug addict. There are different drugs in terms of severity. Therefore, the initial changes of the user will also vary.

  • Changes in the manner of writing and speaking.
  • Excessive activity, poor coordination of movements, causeless lethargy.
  • Frequent mood changes.
  • Absence or, on the contrary, rabid appetite.
  • The pupils react poorly to light, and a sparkle appears in the eyes that looks unnatural.
  • An addicted person loses his usual sleep pattern.
  • The color of the skin changes: it turns pale or turns red for no reason.

It is worth paying attention to more significant and specific signs. Because in the modern rhythm of life, we may seem like potential “drug addicts” at first glance. We may also experience drowsiness, apathy, poor appetite and mood swings.

Signs of addiction to various drugs

  1. Hallucinogenic. When taking hallucinogenic drugs, fictitious phenomena arise that do not coincide with reality. In this case, the addict does not quite understand what he sees. It seems to a person that he is watching animals and natural phenomena. Some, on the contrary, see horrors that are fixed in memory from films they once watched. In such a state, a person can do a lot of stupid things without realizing it. With long-term use or abrupt cessation of the effects of such substances, apathy, mental imbalance and a depressive state often appear.
  2. Heroin. When talking to a heroin addict, you may notice that the addict repeats sentences several times. He drawls his words and conducts the dialogue slowly. He falls asleep while standing, and then abruptly joins the conversation. If a person is currently under the influence of a drug, he may seem to be a completely good-natured interlocutor. The addict remains quite calm and polite if nothing irritates him. Note the unusually small pupil that does not respond to light. Lips quickly turn red and may be swollen and bitten. Unnaturally pale skin is also a sure sign of drug addiction.
  3. Hypnotic. When taking sleeping pills, the symptoms are similar to alcohol intoxication. If you take a large amount of the medicine, you may experience hallucinations. Drug addicts tend to have insufficient salivation. In most cases, the tongue becomes very slurred, causing speech to become slurred. Also, people with addictions often experience incoordination of movements.
  4. Marijuana. When smoking cannabis, the addict's pupils dilate and his lips and eyes become red. Dry mouth is also present. A person who has used marijuana is unusually active and talks quickly. When the drug wears off, a strong appetite awakens.
  5. Intake of volatile substances. Examples of such substances are gasoline, Moment glue, acetone, solvent, car paints and varnishes. Often teenagers begin to breathe in vapors due to the desire to experience hallucinations (cartoons). This is the most accessible and non-prohibited way to get unconventional intoxication accompanied by “glitches”.
  6. Psychostimulants. When taking such substances, the drug addict develops an excessive desire to do something, talk a lot and quickly, jumping from topic to topic. In addition, the pupils dilate; a person under the influence of the drug cannot sit still. If funds allow, the addict remains under the influence of this drug for several days. Often this drug causes increased sexual desire. Therefore, people often take psychostimulants with the opposite sex, after which they have sex for hours.

  1. The beginning of addiction can be a change in the group of friends. When a person starts using drugs, he loses interest in friends with whom he previously had close contact. New friends show a different world with unusual sensations with the help of prohibited substances. As a result, the addict breaks off past ties. On this basis, teenagers quickly find like-minded people and are reluctant to share their newly made friends with their parents.
  2. When communicating with a new company, the drug addict tries to express himself secretly, using phrases that are incomprehensible to others. Pay attention to how your teenager reacts to face-to-face communication. If he does not want to make eye contact with other family members, preferring to be alone with himself more often, think about it.
  3. Pay attention to the contents of your first aid kit; there may be drugs there that can relieve a drug addict’s withdrawal symptoms. After certain period Following drug addiction, the addicted person loses interest in everything. He stops enjoying a hobby that just recently brought him pleasure. In most cases, the addict leaves home for long term. Upon his return, his appearance leaves much to be desired.
  4. It is worth noting that sharp changes occur in mood. This is especially noticeable in a novice drug addict. He can be unusually cheerful, then suddenly becomes sad. This also includes causeless aggression, complete indifference or, on the contrary, care. The addict tries to move quickly, while he experiences complete disorientation (poor coordination of movements).
  5. You can define a drug addict in another way. If we are talking about a teenager, pay attention to the fact that every time he asks for more pocket money. It happens that you cannot afford to allocate funds for its needs. Look to see if you are losing valuable items that can be taken to a pawnshop or sold secondhand. This money will be used to buy drugs.

Health problems for drug addicts

  1. The most visible state of a beginning drug addict is his appetite. It can change dramatically from gluttony to complete reluctance to eat. This suggests that not everything is in order with a person’s health; we need to focus on this fact.
  2. You may want to pay attention to bad smell from the mouth, this indicates that the teenager is using marijuana or hashish. A frequent cough or rhinitis that has not been observed before suggests that your loved one is taking heroin.
  3. As a result of the use of narcotic substances of any kind, a person experiences disruption of the activity of the heart muscle, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. Often, a drug addict’s blood pressure jumps, resulting in dizziness.
  4. Take a closer look at the eyes of the person you suspect of drug addiction. If he looks through you with glassy eyes, while the pupils do not react in any way, you can be sure that your loved one is under the influence of a drug.

  1. Injection marks may be noticed by loved ones or friends. A potential drug addict will have numerous stains from intravenous drug administration. By comparing all the signs, you will definitely conclude that the person suffers from addiction.
  2. The drug addict will do his best to evade questions about where the syringe marks on the veins came from. The addict will begin to refer to the fact that he injured himself or scratched the area. A person can also add that he was playing with a cat who scratched him. You will hear a lot of absurd options for the appearance of tracks. You don't need to be a medical expert to distinguish damaged skin from injection marks.
  3. If you suspect your loved one of drug addiction, take a closer look at the wounds on the skin. A small dot will remain in the place where the needle was inserted. Thus, a bruise is clearly visible in the injection area small size. When a person makes intravenous injections for a long time, he develops so-called “roads” from the injection points. When a drug is repeatedly administered into the same vein, a depression called a “well” begins to form.
  4. If the traces go along the veins, this means only one thing - the person injects himself with narcotic substances. Drug addicts try in every possible way to hide the “roads”, passing them off as scratches. Hiding stains from intravenous injections is not so difficult. It is enough to apply ointment for bruises and blood clots to the injection area. It is enough to use such products for several days, after which the problem of visible traces will be solved.
  5. Many addicted people try in every possible way to hide their traces by making injections into those parts of the body where the veins are hard to see. Examples of such areas are the groin, armpits, legs, neck, etc. When injecting into these parts of the body, the drug addict allows himself to wear loose clothes during the hot season. In some cases, it is only revealed by pale skin color, circles under the eyes and excessive thinness.
  6. There is a certain part of drug addicts who prefer smoking or snorting drug mixtures to intravenous injections. It is difficult to distinguish such drug addicts from ordinary citizens. Those drug addicts who are afraid of disappointing their loved ones or quickly ending their lives come to use illegal substances.

How a drug addict disguises dilated pupils

Pupils dilate when drug addicts take stimulants. To make their eyes look normal, addicts use medications, these include the group of miotics. Medicines this kind can constrict the pupil. If you drop them into your eyes for a long time without a doctor’s prescription, cataracts often form, and later complete blindness occurs. However, drug addicts want to hide their addiction to illegal substances so much that they do not think about the consequences.

How drug addicts disguise constricted pupils

Drug addicts who use hard drugs, such as opium and heroin, most often face the problem of small pupils. A powerful remedy for stomach disease, Bacarbon, comes to their aid. Side effect When taking the medicine, it acts to dilate the pupils. To dilate the pupil of the eye after injection of a potent drug, Bacarbon tablets are crushed into dust and diluted clean water, then the resulting mixture is dripped into the eyes.

If you suddenly notice this medical drug at loved one, this means that he is taking strong drugs. The recommendation is relevant for drug addicts who have not previously been subject to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. It happens that after uneven instillation, the pupils may not be equally dilated. This is how a drug addict is defined.

If you witness strange behavior of a loved one, try to find out the real reason change it psychological state. A drug addict will have a better chance of rehabilitation, since the fight against addiction must begin as soon as possible. In the first attempts at conversation, the addict will avoid conversations and also refer to factors of irritability when trying to discuss his behavior.

Video: how to find out if your loved one is using drugs

Such as insufficient sleep, unsuccessful love (relevant for) and much more. Signs of a novice drug addict or an experienced drug addict can be divided into 2 categories: appearance and behavior. So, behavior. If you notice that a person suffers from sudden and frequent changes in mood, regardless of the situation or irritating factor, this cannot always be considered a sign of drug use. Often, this is due to some problems, such as a small amount of sleep and rest.

You should pay attention to increased excitability or, conversely, too little activity. Sometimes you can recognize a drug addict this way. But still, pay attention to how the person spent his day. Excessive vigor can be a good mood, and lethargy can be overwork. If there are no special reasons for emotional distress, then you can safely sound the alarm.

Often, a person taking drugs is very secretive; secretiveness can manifest itself gradually. This may be due to both age-related changes and the desire to solve their problems independently. This also includes abandoned hobbies, on which a person previously spent a large amount of time, but now he is not at all interested in it.

If you notice that your friend begins to spend a lot of money, or tries to borrow it from you very often, and valuable things disappear from his house one after another, this may mean that, together with others, the person may be buying prohibited items.

TO obvious signs This may include increased aggressiveness, suspicious new friends, problems at work, increased interest in pharmacology, if it has not been observed before.

As for appearance, his pupils, the size of which may change, as well as lack of coordination, slow or “choking” speech, loss of appetite and, of course, traces of injections, will help you find out whether a person has taken drugs.

If you suspect a loved one, we advise you to buy a drug test at (average price 250 rubles) and if this test shows a positive result, then the next step will be to submit it to specialized laboratories for the detection of narcotic substances.

Video on the topic

Drug addiction is a chronic disease that is caused by the use of drug substances. Teenagers and young adults are most prone to this addiction. In order to recognize a drug addict by behavioral characteristics and appearance, it is enough to carefully follow the person.


Look at the suspect's mood. You should be wary of its frequent and sudden changes, regardless of the situation.

Remember that excessive vigor or inhibition of a person’s reaction is also a sign.

Check the mode. Disturbance in the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is the most common sign of drug addiction.

Pay attention to a person, if he has become overly secretive and more often secludes himself. Drug addiction and secrecy go hand in hand.

Be wary if a person changes interests too abruptly. And he no longer cares about what he recently felt attracted to.

Remember, purchasing drugs requires a lot of money. So the need for money should alert you. And if savings or valuables suddenly begin to disappear from the house, you should immediately pay attention to the behavior of the suspected person.

Control who the person spends with free time, what he does. Suspicious friends older or much younger than him may indirectly talk about addiction.

If you see increased aggressiveness of a person close to you, this can also be a kind of wake-up call.

Parents must always be able increased attention to all the problems of the child, they should actively observe the lives of their children, be interested in how they spend their free time, what they strive for, what tastes they develop, desires that arise and what actions they perform under the influence of the environment, the microsocial environment. Parents must catch all the changes occurring in their children, be able to understand the behavior and characteristics of their reactions, as this is necessary to identify the first signs of drug addiction.

Why is it so difficult for parents to notice that something is happening to their child? Firstly, most novice drug addicts are very careful. They are afraid of exposure, are forced to hide, lie, and therefore make very little contact. Secondly, often, due to their busy lives, parents do not have enough time to communicate sufficiently with their children.

What advice can you give to parents in this regard? Here are a couple of tips: 1. Try to have cordial and confidential conversations with your children every day. 2. Don’t let your personal affairs consume you so much that you don’t notice the seemingly small details of your children and some details related to their lives and behavior.

Let us dwell on those signs, having noticed which, parents, relatives and friends could correctly evaluate them, that is, identify them as painful in order to take the necessary measures to prevent trouble. Relatives and relatives can usually easily identify a drunk person. It's a completely different matter when taking drugs. Most parents don't know how to tell if their child is using drugs. Signs of drug use can vary depending on the type of drug, dose, frequency of use and combination. For convenience and clarity, they can be fairly roughly divided into two parts - changes in behavior and external signs.

Changing the behavior of a novice drug addict

Signs of drug addiction are, first of all, loss of enthusiasm, indifference, lack of initiative, and the appearance of indifference; loss of interest in previous hobbies and studies; absenteeism at school, college; secrecy and privacy. There is alienation from the traditional team, withdrawal from former friends, and loss of contact with parents. The formation of some micro-groups, unexpected companies should be alarming, especially if it is hidden. Deceitfulness is on the rise. It is possible to leave home.

Sometimes a teenager freezes in a dreamy pose and flinches when called. There may be lapses in memory, inability to think logically, to explain one’s actions and their reasons.

Adolescents who use drugs quickly change their character; they become emotionally unstable and impatient. Sudden changes in mood, outbursts of hostility, and irritability for no reason appear. Particularly alarming is the sharp change in the state of excitement to passivity and lethargy; rapid change from fatigue to extraordinary energy.

Previously unusual rudeness, aggressiveness and cruelty appear. Manners and even handwriting change.

Carefree fun can be replaced by anger, melancholy, and anxiety. The sleep formula is distorted - insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day, increased activity in the evening. Appetite changes (absence, outbreaks of gluttony), the nature of nutrition changes. A previously unnoticed addiction to some food may appear. For example, opium addicts eat only sweets during certain periods, since they feel nauseous when eating other foods. They cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. And hashish addicts periodically experience an increased need for food.

Adolescents’ strong advocacy for freedom to use drugs and positive statements about them.

Specific elements of the drug addict subculture appear - specific jargon (grass, wheels, shirevo, parish, plan, mulka, jef).

How to recognize a drug addict?

Typical external signs of a drug addict are, first of all, a change in complexion - usually pallor, there may also be redness, circles under the eyes, dry or painful oily skin (“greasy coating”), excessively constricted or dilated pupils.

With inhalation use (inhalation of vapors of volatile toxic liquids and various powdery substances), a border of irritation appears around the lips and especially in the corners of the mouth. There may be redness and swelling of the face and difficulty breathing through the nose. Sometimes there is a mask-like, hypomimic, puffy face or, conversely, animated facial expressions.

Teeth often turn yellow and become covered with indelible plaque; the tongue loses its natural color, becomes thick, and deep longitudinal cracks appear on it.

A runny nose (“running nose”), increased body temperature, and a state of intoxication without the smell of alcohol are observed. Pantomime changes, reflecting the “gestural contour” of the entire personality. The gait becomes unsteady. Untidyness, sloppiness, and stains on clothes from chemicals appear.

You should be alert to the appearance of unusual odors - specific from the mouth, from clothes (sweetish, similar to the smell of incense, glue or drugs household chemicals). For example, the smell of hemp preparations, which are usually used when smoking, differs from the usual smell of tobacco smoke. It has a specific smell of rotten straw, mustiness, and a damp basement.

Most often they pay attention to sudden weight loss. However, one of the main signs is marks on the body from injections, injection tracks, which are possible in the most unusual places: under the armpit, in the mammary glands, in the groin area, etc.

A very significant factor is the appearance of items that accompany drug use - tablets, ampoules, syringes, needles, various tubes, hookahs, glue, plasticine-like lumps with a strong odor. A typical type of cigarette is smoked by hashish consumers, mixing it with tobacco. Firstly, they are noticeably longer, and secondly, they burn unevenly - obliquely, more on one side. This is where the slang name “jamb” comes from. You can find precise mini-scales for weighing a single dose, as well as smoking sticks to kill the specific smell of hashish.

You can find a rubber band, cord, tape and other similar items to compress the veins of the arm before injection. When using cocaine, they find so-called cocaine spoons to inhale it through the nose.

These are the main signs of drug addiction, indicating the use of drugs and toxic substances. Of course, not all of them are equal - some are quite significant, others are less significant. But if in behavior or appearance If the child matches several signs, and especially 5 or more, then, without throwing hysterics, you need to calmly talk to him and figure everything out. Under no circumstances should you immediately scold your child for not being able to stop using drugs. Perhaps this is already the subject of his experiences. Only a calm, confidential conversation with a loved one will help reveal all the child’s experiences.

Of course, only a doctor can determine the disease and its nature, but should loved ones be vigilant and, if necessary, sound the alarm? Therefore, relatives, senior comrades, and colleagues should closely monitor everyone’s life young man. Everyone who comes into contact with young people - teachers, educators, mentors, coaches, foremen - must not only observe, but also constantly (tactfully, but skillfully) monitor the behavior and lifestyle of their students. This should become not only human, but also official responsibility everyone. And if any of you notice signs of drug addiction in a young man, you need to sharply stop these attempts, in no case putting it off “for tomorrow.” Only today! Tomorrow may be too late: a persistent craving for drugs arises and you will have to undergo long-term treatment. You should contact specialist narcologists as soon as possible. Remember that no one will help your child except you and doctors.

Additional articles on this topic:

Drug and substance abuse are serious problems and need to be identified as early as possible. I would like to note that you should not sound the alarm immediately as soon as you notice any of the signs of drug use. Only together can they point to the real problem. Individually, these signs can also indicate a problem area. For example: Falling in love can cause sleep disturbances and changes in communication with loved ones. The disease may cause changes in the pupils (but remember, they will still react to changes in light). In adults, strong changes in behavior will be suspicious, while in a child growing up, changes are normal, so you should pay attention to the combination of signs.

If you have any doubts about what is happening to a person close to you, if you need help, contact our specialists. We will be happy to help you!

Main signs of drug addiction

External signs of drug use are behavioral symptoms and “evidence” that indicate that a person is intoxicated. Signs of a drug addict are expressed by the following things:

  • in sleep disturbance;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • dry mouth;
  • decreased sexual potency;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • losing weight;
  • violation of the body’s protective properties, etc.

Signs of opiate addiction

Opiates are drugs such as morphine, opium, heroin, codeine. An opiate addict can be recognized by signs that are expressed externally:

  • severe constriction of the pupils;
  • the eyes are slightly reddish and very shiny;
  • bruises under the eyes;
  • shallow intermittent slow breathing;
  • itchy skin (especially nose);
  • lethargic and sleepy appearance;
  • slurred speech;
  • passivity and general relaxation;
  • apathy towards everything except oneself;
  • euphoria and carefree;
  • excessive “courage” and determination in behavior;
  • nervousness, etc.

Physiological signs of taking these drugs:

  • dry skin and mucous membranes (lips, tongue);
  • shallow sleep;
  • decreased urine output;
  • frequent constipation;
  • There is no cough when you have a cold;
  • slight decrease in body temperature.

Symptoms of methadone addiction

  • constriction of the pupils;
  • slow and confused speech;
  • slow movements;
  • irritability over trifles;
  • appetite disorders;
  • shallow sleep;
  • shallow breathing;
  • “good nature”, etc.

Physiological signs of methadone addicts include mild itching of the skin.

Signs of drug addiction to cannabis

Next, we will give signs of taking cannabinoid drugs (that is, those produced from hemp, and these are: marijuana, anasha, hashish, plan, ganja, charas, ma, kief, dachcha, synthetic cannabinol, Mary-Jane, hemp).

The first signs of using such drugs:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • euphoria;
  • a surge of energy;
  • talkativeness;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • decisions are made very quickly;
  • distorted perceptions (of space, sounds, etc.);
  • crawling sensations;
  • redness of the skin, less often pallor, etc.

External changes that those who use cannabinoid drugs are subject to:

  • unstable attention;
  • Very bad memory;
  • a strong decrease in criticality of one’s behavior (does not distinguish bad deeds from good ones);
  • selfishness;
  • callousness and intolerance;
  • no interest in anything except drugs;
  • outbursts of aggression;
  • signs of paranoid schizophrenia;
  • personality degradation, etc.

Physiological changes:

  • lung diseases (bronchitis, etc., up to lung cancer);
  • hepatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • myocardial dystrophy (heart muscle);
  • exhaustion;
  • impotence in men and lack of menstruation in women.

Symptoms of cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine use

The following is a description of the external and physiological signs of the use of cocaine, methamphetamine (dexamphetamine; methylphenidan; phenmetrazine; methedrine; ephedrine (“Jeff”, “mulka”, “fen”); pervitin (“screw”); phenamine; “ecstasy”) and amphetamine (Preludin; Ritalin; Romilar; Desoxyn). These drugs are similar in their signs of use and have similar effects.

External and physiological signs:

  • red eyes, especially in the morning due to insomnia;
  • dilated pupils and painful sensations in the eyes due to bright light, a tendency to wear sunglasses;
  • ​nosebleeds;
  • euphoria;
  • self-confidence;
  • swagger;
  • talkativeness;
  • laughs a lot;
  • good mood, giving way to aggression;
  • hallucinations;
  • lack of appetite and sleep;
  • fast movements (faster than usual);
  • secrecy, dishonesty, unbalanced psyche and other signs of degradation.

After taking a large dose in the evening, the drug addict will be lethargic and depressed the next morning. He will have a tendency to use sedatives and alcohol to combat insomnia.

Symptoms of using sedative-hypnotics

Sedative-hypnotics include barbiturates (chloral hydrate; meprobamate; methaqualone; barbamyl; phenobarbital; reladorm; cyclobarbital). The following changes occur from these tablets:

  • irritability;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • poor memory;
  • violation motor functions;
  • half-asleep state up to coma;
  • physiological changes: weak breathing and pulse.

Another type of hypnotic-sedative is a benzodiazepine (phenazipam; radedorm; relanium (diazepam); elenium; imovan; donormil). The symptoms of using these tablets are as follows:

  • External changes: slurred speech and disorientation;
  • Physiological changes: dry mouth.

Signs of butyrate use

Butyrate (compote, pinocchio, butyrate, water, GHB, etc.) causes the following changes:

  • in small doses: relaxation and slight dizziness;
  • in medium doses: inappropriate behavior, confused speech, unstable psyche, nausea;
  • in large doses: impaired sense of balance, nausea, vomiting, weakness, uncontrolled behavior and memory loss;
  • when combined with alcohol: vomiting and loss of consciousness or sleep, and then respiratory arrest and death.

Signs of hallucinogen use

The hallucinogens include the drug phencyclidine - PCP "pi-si-pi", "angel dust").

Physiological changes (drug intoxication lasts from 4 to 6 hours):

  • The most accurate indicator that something is wrong is the condition of the eyes, or rather the pupils. Of course, pupils can be dilated or constricted in case of health problems (high or low blood pressure, vision problems, etc.). But... If there is a suspicion of drug use, then the pupils do not react to changes in lighting. People who use drugs use various kinds tricks to disguise the reaction of the pupil. For example, if a person has used opiates, then immediately after use the pupil narrows to a point and remains very small for some time. Drug addicts use various medicines to expand it (stomach drops are dripped, belladonna is smeared with suppositories). However, it is not possible to equally drop a drop into the eye and the pupils will be different sizes. You can also use this technique - turn the person around to face bright light and look at the reaction of the pupil, then turn it towards the dark part of the room and again pay attention to the reaction of the pupil. If it was used, then the pupil will not react to changes in lighting. If not, then you will see a reaction (in bright light it will narrow, in the dark it will expand);
  • The next indicator is the quality and quantity of sleep. If there has been drug use and it continues, the quality of sleep will change. If these are “fast” (club) drugs, then there will be problems with sleep. He may stay awake all night, listen to music or do something, and then during the day he becomes depressed or sleeps for a very long time (sometimes there is no sleep for more than a day and then he also sleeps for a long time). If it’s opiates, then it “sleeps on the move” - it freezes, itches, nods during a conversation;
  • Body condition - skin quality changes (dryness, paleness, acne), changes in movements, posture. Problems with bowel movements if you use opiates;
  • Clothing - in a warm room or in the warm season, when everyone wears short sleeves, the person who uses drugs (if it is injections) will wear long sleeves. Often you will wear sunglasses even indoors;
  • Communication - in a person who uses drugs, communication becomes inadequate - either inhibited or aggressive. That is, it will change.
    • pale skin;
    • dilated or constricted pupils (or normal pupils, but sleepy eyes), slightly swollen eyelids;
    • red or cloudy eyes, shine in the eyes, redness of the whites of the eyes, eyes are rounded like an “owl”;
    • slow speech, incoherent, stuttering, there is a noticeable lack of logic in statements between phrases, incomprehensible statements, jumping from topic to topic, paying attention to insignificant details in a conversation, a silly tone of conversation;
    • poor coordination of movements, uncontrolled movements, imbalance (as if drunk);
    • increasing indifference to what is happening nearby;
    • leaving home and absenteeism from school;
    • difficulty concentrating, memory deterioration, attention is weakened and focused on internal experiences;
    • inadequate response to criticism;
    • frequent and unexpected mood changes;
    • unusual requests for money;
    • loss of valuables, clothing and other things from the house;
    • frequent unexplained phone calls;
    • injection marks, cuts, bruises;
    • rolled up pieces of paper, small spoons, capsules, bottles, vials;
    • constant licking of lips due to dryness;
    • bad breath;
    • specific burning smell from clothes;
    • excessive gaiety and laughter for no reason;
    • confusion of thoughts;
    • abruptly changing mood to a state of incomprehensible sadness and thoughtfulness;
    • increased need for verbal communication over time, giving way to a desire for solitude with music (for hours);
    • sometimes hallucinations;
    • with a sudden change of situation - fear and paranoid phenomena;
    • lack or increased appetite (“gluttony”) and lack of hunger;
    • excessively excited state and talkativeness;
    • lack of fatigue, increased activity and endurance of the body, all movements and actions are performed at an accelerated pace, the need to constantly move and do something;
    • feeling of strength and superiority;
    • exhaustion;
    • insomnia;
    • sometimes trembling of the limbs;
    • euphoria, feeling of emotional uplift, excessively “good” mood;
    • reassessment of one's capabilities;
    • increased sexual activity;
    • strong desire speak;
    • rapid pulse;
    • confusion;
    • slow mental reactions;
    • difficult thinking process and speed of making logical decisions;
    • indecision;
    • depressed mood, etc.;
    • drowsiness;
    • lethargy;
    • confusion;
    • slow reaction;
    • muscle weakness;
    • articulation disorder;
    • unsure gait;
    • hallucinations;
    • suicidal tendencies;
    • disturbances of vision and consciousness;
    • fear and panic;
    • frequent memory loss;
    • inability to perform purposeful actions;
    • split personality, etc.
    • increased blood pressure;
    • sweating;
    • vomit;
    • dizziness.




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