The best guides for learning Spanish. Online course “Spanish for beginners”. Join

Good November day everyone!

One of my professional dreams has come true - at the language center where I work, they are recruiting a group of adults who will learn Spanish from scratch.

I think everyone who is familiar with this language will understand me - it sounds very beautiful, especially in songs.

I also have to choose a Spanish textbook. And I treat foreign textbooks like a child treats new toys - I search for the entire educational textbook on the Internet, then click the “download” button and look impatiently at the download window. And then I clap my hands when the message “file downloaded” pops up on the screen.

Spanish Spanish textbooks

Why take a textbook that is not written in our language?! Because he:

  • built on a communicative principle and focused primarily on spoken language, which is the goal of almost all adult learners
  • prepares for the international DELE exam
  • includes not only a book for the student, but also a teacher’s kit with all the goodies
  • does not have errors that appear in Russian-language textbooks


Po Sueña taught 4 years ago, when she worked at a language center. My impressions were not the most favorable - it lacks what I love so much in everything - structure. Some grammatical exercises are given illogically, and in some places they are weak. But the wording of the task for the exercise is written in such a way that even a language learner can easily understand it. But I don’t recommend taking it on your own, only with a teacher who will “filter” and “dilute” where necessary.


Another textbook, also popular in courses. It seemed to me very similar to the previous one, and, judging by the reviews, it is intended for teenagers. Having looked through the Mañana textbook, I didn’t feel love at first sight, so it remained in its folder.

About ¡A bordo! I found out from a forum for teachers, I had never heard of it before. The textbook makes the most favorable impression - colorful, structured, interesting. But, like any barrel of honey, there is a fly in the ointment - it’s hard to find it on the Internet, and affording a whole set (if your employer doesn’t pay for it) is not a cheap pleasure.

Español en Marcha

It’s a good textbook (we know each other only superficially), but the Internet also doesn’t have all the parts I need for it (and I need not only a book for a student with audio and workbook, but also a book for teachers, a collection of tests and additional tasks to practice skills), so also past the cash register to the folder with textbooks.


My student Katerina, who is learning Spanish with a native speaker, told me about the Prisma textbook, and in it I found the perfect combination of “like + freely available.” Perhaps after a while my thoughts will change, but at the first stage of getting to know Prisma, I am quite happy with it.


Without grammar, of course, you can’t go anywhere, even in communication courses.

Gramática de Uso del Español is very similar to the good old Murphy - theory on the left, exercises on the right, keys in the back. Everything is clear and understandable. We'll definitely take it.

Russian textbooks on Spanish

They are best taken as an addition to a Spanish-language book. I do this when it’s interesting to see how this or that rule is explained in Russian or when I’m too lazy to come up with a translation for a topic.

Espanol in vivo

This self-teacher of the Spanish language by Georgy Nuzhdin - “Textbook of modern Spanish with keys and pointers” - I recommend to everyone who is eager to learn for themselves. Recycling of material, clearly written rules, abundant exercises for practicing vocabulary and grammar - in short, paradise for a beginner in Spanish.

Spanish for everyone

We were taught at the university using Komarova’s textbook “Spanish for Everyone.” To be honest, this training was more like saving a drowning man by the drowning man himself, so it can also be taken by anyone who wants to learn the language on their own - with some perseverance, they will succeed. Of all the Spanish textbooks I have worked with, this one seemed to me the most sensible.

Spanish course for beginners

Dyshleva taught the “Spanish Language Course for Beginners” herself at a non-state university. On the one hand, it’s not bad for beginners - the grammar is easily explained, there are not many exercises for practicing it (and for practicing vocabulary too), but there are no keys to the exercises, and there is no audio... How to find out for yourself that you are pronouncing words clumsily and are you constructing sentences?

Ms. Dyshlevaya also has a specific sense of humor, and in translation tasks every now and then you come across sentences like: “Why is everyone looking at me? “The thing is, you just lost your skirt!” and “A woman is a man’s friend.” Among the exercises for practicing reading there are funny dialogues:

(La mujer y su marido entran en su apartamento.) (The wife and husband enter their apartment.)

Marido: Estoy muy cansado. Tengo hambre.
Husband: I'm very tired. I'm hungry.

Mujer: Pronto vamos a cenar. ¿Quieres tomar algo?
Wife: We'll have dinner soon, would you like something to drink?

Marido: Si, una cerveza, favor.
Husband: Yes, beer please.

Mujer: ¡Vaya! ¿Pero qué pasa? ¡Todo está sucio!
Wife: Wow! What happened? All bottles are empty!

Marido: No sé, mira, hay un monton de botellas vacías sobre la mesa.
Husband: I don’t know, look, there are a bunch of empty bottles under the table.

Mujer: No entiendo nada, en la nevera no hay nada de comer.
Wife: I don’t understand anything, there is no food in the refrigerator.

Marido: ¡Y mi botella de coñac está vacía!
Husband: And my bottle of cognac is empty!

Mujer: ¿Y dónde está Alfonso?
Wife: Where's Alfonso?

Marido: Creo que acaba de salir.
Husband: I think he just left.

I find this type of humor inappropriate in the classroom, so the textbook needs to be carefully moderated. It also seemed to me that while teaching I came across mistakes, but I didn’t remember specific examples.

This concludes the review of Spanish textbooks, and for all those interested there will be a separate article about additional materials in Spanish class.

Good luck to everyone and students!

Spanish ranks second in the world in terms of prevalence, second only to Chinese. It is officially recognized as the second language of international communication and is the official language not only in Spain, but also in many other countries. That is why Lifehacker decided to devote the next selection of language YouTube channels to Spanish.

1. Spanish for beginners

On this channel you will find many lessons for language learners on their own from scratch. Each lesson is a short video that covers one small element Spanish language. Thus, you can study even during breaks between your main work or in any other free minute. There is also a short Spanish course for tourists, which will be useful if you are going on a short trip.


If you have already achieved some success in Spanish, but want to improve your level, you should turn to lessons from a native speaker. The PRACTIQUEMOS channel was created and supported by the efforts of a professional Spanish teacher who has been posting useful tips, examples and exercises for her students for the past six years.

3. Spanish lessons with Petrov

Dmitry Petrov is a very popular polyglot, translator, and teacher who has developed his own original method of learning a foreign language. It offers to master the basics of the Spanish language in just 16 study hours. And the most interesting thing is that it really works. During this time, of course, you will not learn to speak Spanish fluently, but you will lay a solid foundation of knowledge.

4. The Web Spanish School

This channel contains video courses of the Spanish language in six parts. A total of several hundred lessons from qualified and experienced Spanish teachers. A priceless gift.

5. Spanish from scratch

The main value of this channel is that it is aimed at improving the most essential skills: listening comprehension and speaking. You can learn all the grammar rules, memorize large number words, but never achieve fluency in the language. Therefore, Lifehacker advises starting your study with this video course, which allows you to hear correct pronunciation the most popular phrases and have plenty of practice in reproducing them.

Bonus: LIFE in SPAIN

As a bonus, there is a wonderful channel that, although it does not contain educational materials in the literal sense of the word, will tell you a lot about life in Spain. It is led by a Russian girl who studies in this beautiful country. In her videos, she talks about how to move to Spain, go to university, learn a language, and many other interesting things.

Learning any foreign language requires time, effort and patience, thank God, now there are a huge number of manuals, educational materials, websites and blogs that make this task easier. By choosing to study Spanish, you will not only be able to speak the language of the 140 million inhabitants of our planet, but also receive various “bonuses” - from a better understanding of English to job opportunities in a Spanish-speaking country.

The resources below will be useful not only to those who have just started learning the language, but also to those who have already delved into Spanish grammar, vocabulary and phonetics.

Studying the theory and consolidating it.

A popular and interesting blog that covers the most current information and various information about the Spanish language. The resource is divided into several sections: grammar materials, phonetics, vocabulary, educational lessons, forum. By registering, you can communicate with other lovers of the Spanish language and culture just like you.

In addition to educational material, the blog contains useful information about Spanish culture, immigration to this country, attractions, holidays in Spain, culinary recipes etc. All articles on the site are constantly updated, this suggests that the creators of the blog really monitor its relevance.

An excellent site for language learners, and here's why: the project consists of 5 sections: news, exercises, grammar, music and maestro SPOT, all in Spanish, keep in mind.

News is divided into several categories: world, cultural, travel, health, fashion, etc. You can also choose news based on your level: A, B, C. Exercises include news texts and are divided by level. Articles are presented in "Grammar" small size about the Spanish alphabet, morphology, syntax, verbs, etc. The musical part of the resource contains videos and interviews with famous actors and singers. Last section– these are videos, after watching which you are asked to complete a number of tasks.

Read the news, complete tasks, leave comments, this portal is another good way to practice your Spanish!

The site, unlike the previous resource, is presented in Russian, which is perfect for beginners. In the “Spanish Lessons” section, several texts are offered for reference, all of them are accompanied by dictionaries, where almost every word from the presented text is translated.

The server works in this way: by going through lesson after lesson, the student begins to simultaneously help developers translate various documents, articles and other materials. That is, this project is mutually beneficial cooperation its developers and students. Some receive free knowledge, while others use it for their own purposes.

Training is conducted in an interesting game form, which helps to quickly memorize words and expressions, construct sentences correctly, and understand grammar in practice. As you master the next topic, you are awarded points (lingots) and increase your level accordingly. You can learn more about the popular platform by following the link and starting practicing. Mobile app version available.

The topic of “conjugating Spanish verbs,” which is sore for many, ceases to be such if it is given due attention. The portal allows you to view verbs in various persons, numbers, moods and tenses.

Among the advantages of this resource are the translation of each type of time, a point that is especially important for beginners; verb conjugation in imperative mood, affirmative and negative forms, conjugation by tenses. It is very convenient to see the verb in all its forms in one place.

“Everything is clear” is the name of the following site; this is precisely the goal of its developers, to convey grammatical material to language learners in an accessible form.

This task is achieved by performing various grammar exercises, tasks on building dialogues from the given phrases, solving crossword puzzles - all this is on home page site. It is represented in 4 languages, but Russian is not among them yet.

The resource allows you to choose exercises based on your level of knowledge. It should be noted that the site contains a huge number of tasks and they are all freely available. There is a “conjugation” of verbs, which we already mentioned earlier.

You can consolidate your accumulated knowledge by following the link provided. Here are more than 200 different tests and exercises of simple and difficult levels. The site is convenient because it allows you to start testing your knowledge without the registration process. After taking the test, you can see the results immediately.

The portal also contains other useful information for Spanish learners. For example, you will find the fairy tale " Goldfish» in Spanish, Spanish jokes and anecdotes, interactive games and crosswords, topics on current topics, an overview of textbooks and tutorials that can be downloaded immediately.

Another resource for consolidating your knowledge in a playful way. In fact, this is one of the subsections of the site, which is presented entirely in Spanish.

Gomino Labs is a kind of game training through which you can assess your knowledge and improve its level, honing your mastery in various aspects of the language.

For example, Numara - try to determine the number of specified words, if you think that the endings s are always plural, you will definitely make mistakes))). Or Separador, which contains entire phrases and sentences that need to be broken down into individual words and prepositions. The portal contains a large number of games, each of which can be customized to suit your level of knowledge.

Applications for gadgets.

Application name LIBROS GRATIS ESPAÑ OL speaks for itself: here you will find artistic, historical, classical literature in Spanish, all material is freely available. By installing the application on your phone or tablet, you will be able to read books in the original at any convenient time in a convenient place.

And, of course, you cannot do without a translator. This application does not take up much space, works quickly and properly, this is confirmed by numerous positive reviews about him. The application allows you to download offline phrasebooks that can be used without an Internet connection.

An excellent application for children that will help not only them, but also you, to replenish your vocabulary. Of course, you are unlikely to reach a conversational level, but this will give impetus to further study of the language. Agree, knowing the words of individual topics makes it easier to navigate texts and articles. Nice interface, 3 difficulty levels, free access, what else do you need to get started?

Dictionaries and textbooks.

On the main page of the site you need to select the interface language, i.e. if you do not have knowledge of English, this is not a problem here. The presented interface will be displayed in Russian.

The dictionary is presented on various topics: greetings, home, transport, animals, nature, geography, writing, etc. By selecting one of them, you will see the corresponding pictures, and by hovering your cursor over them, you will hear their original pronunciation. Ideal option for beginners.

Same server, same dictionary with the only difference being this option introduced for Latin America. The principle of training is no different from the previous one. There is an opportunity to practice listening and speaking. Each picture of each topic has a sound accompaniment.

Listen, repeat and remember!

The non-profit project was created by one single person - its author Ilya Shvyrev. The site is presented in the form of a self-teaching textbook on the Spanish (and English) language. A consistent presentation of the material will allow not only beginners to delve deeper into Spanish grammar. Those who already have certain knowledge can find useful information for themselves and test their knowledge using the proposed test.

The author regularly updates his project interesting information and exercises. Ilya Shvyrev is the creator of the virtual textbook, the experience he has accumulated allows him to effectively and in an accessible manner present educational materials to beginners.

Spanish music.

This resource is a real find for lovers and connoisseurs of songs in Spanish. The latest and most modern hits are presented in written form in the original language, translated into Russian and with the possibility of free online listening to the song.

The site contains a chart indicating the number of weeks on the chart and the rating of music artists. This will allow you to always be up to date with new musical releases. The “Guess the Melody” section gives you the opportunity to find out how well you know the works of your favorite singers. The interactive section “Radio” presents free listening to your favorite songs and hits, which are selected personally for you, based on the frequency with which you listen to this radio. You can also submit musical requests.

Musical compositions on this site can be listened to in English, German, French, Italian. Register quickly, start enjoying excellent music, for the translation of which do not forget to thank the authors on the local forum.

Another music resource that allows you to understand your favorite songs in Spanish. Like the previous portal, translations of several languages ​​are also presented here. The site is updated almost daily. The creation of the website and translations of songs are carried out by real professionals in their field.

Even if you speak Spanish at a high level, this site will be even more useful for you. The portal hosts competitions, by participating in which you can win a prize.

Online Spanish lessons

It is difficult to name another online service that would be so effective, interesting, convenient and useful for beginners. The famous Russian polyglot Dmitry Petrov talks clearly and accessible about the basics of the Spanish language in 16 lessons.

The effectiveness of the classes was noticed already from the first lessons, which were attended by several people. Their knowledge ranges from just one word sombrero to the ability to communicate in other foreign languages.

The resource offers you to view all 16 lessons for free or download lesson notes.

Another video resource for learning Spanish, where lessons are taught by a young teacher Irina Shipilova. During short lessons, which last on average 10 minutes, Irina manages to talk about grammar and vocabulary in a very original, sometimes even artistic form.

In the last lessons, Irina helps to analyze two famous Spanish songs, which undoubtedly motivates further listening to songs and, as a result, learning the language.

The site is presented with videos of 4 categories, from level A1 to B2, the material is presented to listeners in the original, which allows you to test your listening comprehension of Spanish.

To avoid problems with understanding speech, each video is accompanied by a written description of what is happening on the screen. The description is also given in Spanish, which creates an atmosphere of complete immersion in the language.

The topics of the video materials are very different, their duration is no more than 5 minutes. The videos are accompanied by subtitles, which, however, you will need to know English to watch.

Let's summarize.

We won’t be surprised if the presented portals make your eyes wide open and you don’t know where to start.

Each site provided is useful for both beginners and advanced students. And, as with everything, an integrated approach will help you achieve results in learning Spanish: studying theoretical material, practice in the form of doing exercises and assignments, practicing skills with a teacher. The last method involves direct communication with the teacher, who will point out mistakes, correct pronunciation, and explain difficult points.

Lessons with a person who knows a foreign language perfectly will be so effective that you will be pleasantly surprised by your results.

This resource is an online learning school foreign languages, including Spanish. Classes are held via Skype with an individual teacher and have the following advantages:

  • personal approach to each student;
  • saving time and cash for transport;
  • the ability to create your own lesson schedule;
  • the ability to conduct classes in a place convenient for you;
  • guaranteed money back if there is no result in the 3rd lesson.

And this is not all the advantages of this teaching method. During a free trial lesson, a teacher selected specifically for you will determine the level of your knowledge and create an individual program with an emphasis on topics that interest you to a greater extent., listed on the site will pleasantly surprise you, and the section contains the most popular questions about the learning process: from organizational issues until payment for lessons.

Upon completion of training, each student is issued a certificate confirming the level of his knowledge. The certificate will be a significant addition to any documentation: presented to a Russian (foreign) employer or to foreign educational institutions.

You can check out useful materials and articles, many of which were written by teachers of the same site. Blog articles are updated regularly.

A holistic approach to learning will give you the results you need: from basic knowledge to advanced levels. The most difficult part in learning any language is starting to learn it after overcoming the first barrier. Use our recommendations and you will be on the path to success!

LF School warns: learning languages ​​is addictive!

Learn foreign languages ​​via Skype at LingvaFlavor school

Spanish tutorial necessary for self-study. Spanish tutorial will help you start studying Spanish, Spanish tutorial- Your guide in learning the language, Spanish tutorial- a way to learn Spanish at no cost. The Spanish tutorial is designed in accordance with modern concept intensive teaching of foreign languages. The method of working with the Spanish self-teacher is simple, but, nevertheless, brings positive results. The Spanish language self-teacher is intended, first of all, for self-study of the Spanish language from zero level, i.e. Great for beginners. From the Spanish language self-instruction manual, you will gain basic knowledge of phonetics, grammar, and the peculiarities of constructing sentences in Spanish. The following Spanish language tutorial for beginners consists of 60 lessons covering the basic knowledge necessary so that in just a couple of months you can freely and easily communicate with native Spanish speakers in any Spanish-speaking country in the world. The Spanish language self-teacher will significantly improve your speech literacy and language skills, and also form a basic vocabulary. With the help of a Spanish language tutorial, you can easily master spoken Spanish in a short period of time. The Spanish language self-teacher will provide you with the most modern additional language phrases and expressions that are most often found in our everyday life. The emphasis in the Spanish language tutorial is on oral and written speech. All new material is given in connection with what has already been studied, so as a result you will receive systematized knowledge of the Spanish language. All lessons in the Spanish language tutorial are equipped with audio files that will help you bring your speech as close as possible to Spanish pronunciation. This Spanish tutorial is not a tutorial at all in the usual sense. This is more of a grammar guide for those who want to figure it out on their own. The material of the Spanish tutorial is perfectly selected and structured, so those who conscientiously master this tutorial will be able to explain themselves normally in standard situations. When learning Spanish with the help of a Spanish tutorial, never try to quickly go through the entire educational material– the benefit from such a pace of learning will be zero. This Spanish language tutorial is designed for daily lessons of 20-30 minutes. Working with the Spanish language self-teacher is quite easy: at the end of each lesson you are asked to complete a simple exercise to review the material covered. If you turn learning Spanish into an exciting hobby with the help of our Spanish language tutorial, then success in mastering it will not be long in coming. The Spanish tutorial presented in this article is an effective tool for learning Spanish. Study with our Spanish self-teacher every day and the results will not take long to arrive!

Spanish tutorial

Lesson 1. Gender of nouns. Indefinite articles

Lesson 3. Word order in a sentence. Interrogative and negative sentences

Lesson 4. Using the words es and está. Prepositions

Lesson 6. Plurals of nouns and adjectives. Use of articles in plural. number

Lesson 8. Using acento. Personal pronouns. I verb conjugation. Conjugation of the verbs ir and estar in the present tense

Lesson 9. Merging the preposition a with the definite article. Conjugation of the verb comenzar in the present tense

Lesson 10. Reflexive pronoun. Conjugation of the reflexive verb lavarse

Lesson 11. 2nd conjugation of verbs. Conjugation of some irregular verbs. Case relations of nouns

Lesson 14. Possessive pronouns-adjectives. Individual verb conjugation: salir, oir, venir

Lesson 15. Verb ir + a + infinitive. 2nd group of verbs of deviant conjugation. Individual conjugation of irregular verbs: traer, poner, ser

Lesson 18. Case relations of interrogative pronouns ¿qué? ¿quién?. Adverb tanto-tan. Conjugation of the irregular verb reir

Lesson 19. Personal pronouns (continued). Verb conjugation: poder, saber, acordarse, conocer

Lesson 23. Conjugation of irregular verbs ver, encontrar, pedir. Personal pronouns (continued)

Lesson 27. Conjugation of the deviant verb of the 1st group cerrar. Conjugation of irregular verbs decir, ser, saber, querer

Lesson 28. Features of using personal pronouns in a sentence. Formation of the diminutive form of nouns

Lesson 29. Verb tense agreement. Gerundio. Verbal noun

Lesson 30. Using the word mismo. Conjugation of the verb ir in pretérito simple

Lesson 36. Construction estar + gerundio. Passive voice of verbs

Spanish is one of the the most beautiful languages modern world. It is spoken by more than 500 million people, is an official language in 27 countries, and is actively used in more than 50 countries. He is also one of the official languages such international organizations as the UN, EU, African Union, Organization of African States and a number of others.

Knowing Spanish allows you to fully enjoy their rich culture. Learning this language is very interesting, because it will help you get in touch with the work of many brilliant writers, poets, musicians, get acquainted with fiery salsa, romantic bachata, and appreciate famous TV series and programs in their native language.

Spanish tongue-tongue travelers and businessmen, the language of work and leisure. He will open the door for you amazing world and will help in learning other foreign languages.

For those who decide to start learning Spanish, this selection of books will help:

No. 1. Spanish language textbook. Practical course for beginners

E. I. Rodriguez-Danilevskaya, A. I. Patrushev, I. L. Stepunina

The textbook contains 20 lessons, which cover basic everyday, some regional and socio-political topics. Lessons include phonics, grammar, vocabulary, main text and post-text exercises.

An approximate analogue of Bonku in the English language: lame Soviet uninteresting texts (towards the end of the textbook - about the struggle of Latin American countries for independence from American capitalism, etc.), not a very good lexical composition, but the grammar is presented in Russian, clearly and orderly, that's all practiced in a variety of exercises.

No. 2. Espanol en vivo. Textbook of modern Spanish (with keys)

Georgy Nuzhdin, Carmen Marin Estremera, Paloma Martin Laura-Tamailo

This textbook is intended for students of non-linguistic universities who are starting to study Spanish from scratch, and corresponds to the program of the first and second years of studying Spanish for non-linguistic specialties.
Spanish phonetics should be trained using this textbook, that's for sure. Introductory course(Phonetics) is the best of all that I managed to find and watch. There are audio files for the textbook; with them, using this textbook, you can independently improve your pronunciation. Lots of exercises to practice each sound, to distinguish between similar or difficult sounds, every aspect is worked out very carefully. I highly recommend it. Otherwise, Patrushev is better in terms of vocabulary, it is really more lively and pleasant, but the grammar is more chaotic. But for some it may work out easily.

No. 3. Spanish Grammar

V. S. Vinogradov

The textbook for institutes and departments of foreign languages ​​contains basic normative information about the grammatical structure of the Spanish language. It includes sections on morphology, syntax, spelling and punctuation.
The most sensible reference book on Spanish grammar in Russian.

No. 4. A collection of exercises on Spanish grammar

V. S. Vinogradov

The collection contains exercises on all the main sections of Spanish grammar. It is fully consistent with the “Grammar of the Spanish Language” by the same author (6th ed., 2003) and corresponds to university programs in Spanish. The purpose of the collection is to help students of Spanish consolidate the material they have covered and develop grammatical skills correct speech. Designed for students of higher educational institutions and a wide range of people studying Spanish.
Actually, a practical application to Vinogradov’s reference book. Good for practicing and consolidating, as well as repeating problematic topics.

No. 5. Spanish course for beginners

I. A. Dyshlevaya

The proposed manual is designed for 120-140 hours of classroom training and consists of 11 lessons and an introductory phonetics course. The manual allows you to learn the basic rules of pronunciation, grammar, and teaches you how to communicate on basic everyday topics.
Good grammar exercises galore. There are a lot of good conversational structures that really stick if you do the exercises honestly. How to use it is briefly, but completely and clearly presented in Russian.

No. 6. Spanish language textbook for 2nd year humanities faculties

M. G. Gorokhova, N. I. Tsareva

The textbook outlines the most complex phenomena in Spanish grammar: the use of the subjunctive and conditional moods, the future tense in a modal meaning, absolute constructions with an infinitive

For intermediate level. A simplified version of the old textbook "Perfeccione su Español". Adapted texts by Spanish authors as lesson texts, exercises for both grammar and vocabulary.

No. 7. Spanish conversational grammar with exercises

I. I. Borisenko

The manual includes exercises on the basic and most complex grammar topics: imperative, subjunctive and conditional moods, modal use future tense, etc. Each topic is preceded by a brief grammatical reference.

Just a cult collection of exercises on Subjuntivo, Condicional, coordination of tenses. There are also some texts and illustrated anecdotes, but the exercises overshadow everything

No. 8. Workshop on Spanish grammar. Subjunctive / Espanol

L. P. Kuznetsova

This textbook, consisting of 3 parts, contains grammar exercises on the use of tenses subjunctive mood. The book contains keys to exercises for translation from Russian into Spanish.

In terms of cult status, it is not inferior to Borisenko’s collection, but is dedicated entirely to Subjuntivo.


No. 9. Russian-Spanish visual dictionary

Corbeil J., Archambault A.

“Russian-Spanish Visual Dictionary” contains an extensive list of names of objects and phenomena around us. Intended for a wide range of readers, the Russian-Spanish Visual Dictionary nevertheless meets the requirements of everyone who seeks to find an accurate and the right word to use it in your daily life and professional activities. This dictionary will become an indispensable assistant for you in searching for unknown terms, checking the meanings of words, correct use of special terms, and also as an additional teaching aid. When compiling the “Russian-Spanish Visual Dictionary”, its creators pursued the goal of collecting under one cover maximum quantity words that most fully reflect all facets of the world around us. The dictionary contains 17 thematic sections, 20,000 terms and definitions.

A visual dictionary is a picture dictionary. Perfect for beginners to pick up basic vocabulary, such as the names of vegetables, animals, clothes, etc. For translators - to understand the details.

No. 10. Spanish-Russian visual dictionary

Visual teaching of a foreign language. — Fast and easy way learn and remember several thousand Spanish words. — Thematically selected illustrations reflect different aspects of everyday life.

No. 11. Practical Spanish course. Final stage of training / Espanol: curso de perfectcion

M. I. Kienya

New modern textbook Spanish language course is aimed at the final stage of education and is intended for universities and higher education institutions preparing bachelors, specialists and masters with knowledge of the Spanish language.
For advanced level. Complex texts, a lot of vocabulary exercises.

No. 12. 5000 useful words, expressions and terms. Russian-Spanish dictionary-reference book

G. Ya. Turover

The basis of the “Russian-Spanish Dictionary-Reference Book” is the thematic principle of organizing the material, which is most optimal for mastering a foreign language. The reference dictionary consists of 5 parts.
A dictionary useful for translating the names of some international organizations, conferences, established newspaper cliches, etc.

No. 13. Spanish language textbook. Practical course. Advanced stage

A. I. Patrushev

The book is a continuation of the Spanish Language Textbook. Practical course. (For beginners)` E.I. Rodriguez-Danilevskaya, A.I. Patrushev, I.L. Stepunina. Contains 17 lessons on everyday, socio-political and regional studies topics
The book is a continuation of the Spanish Language Textbook. Practical course. (For beginners)` E.I. Rodriguez-Danilevskaya, A.I. Patrushev, I.L. Stepunina. Contains 17 lessons on everyday, socio-political and regional studies topics

No. 14. Practical translation course. Spanish

V. A. Iovenko

The practical translation course aims to form and develop the skills and abilities of written translation and all types of oral translation from Spanish into Russian and from Russian into Spanish of texts on political, economic and legal topics.

Vocabulary in the spirit of “meeting at top level”, “met the delegation”, “an agreement was signed”, etc.

No. 15. Uso de la gramática espanola: Avanzado

Francisca Castro

— En 22 temas imprescindibles:

- toda la gramatica necesaria para un tercer ano de espanol,

— los ejercicios que la ponen en practica.

—Estructura de theme:

Approximate analogue English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy: first briefly the grammar material, then exercises on it. Uso has three levels: Elemental, Intermedio, Avanzado.

No. 16. Practical translation course. International Relations: Spanish

V. A. Iovenko

hair-raising texts and exercises about meetings of delegations, diplomatic notes, etc.

No. 17. Spanish Grammar. Collection of exercises / Espanol

A. V. Kiselev

The proposed collection contains exercises on the main topics of Spanish grammar for incomplete high school. It covers issues related to nouns, adjectives, articles, adverbs, numerals, and verbs.
A good collection of exercises on the most basic topics: articles, verbs ser and estar, adjectives, prepositions, numerals, reflexive verbs and basic verbal constructions, practicing common verbs like tener and hacer. Good for beginner and intermediate level of language learning - A2-B1. For complete beginners it’s a little complicated, for advanced ones there’s nothing to do.

No. 18. Spanish course for intermediate students / Espanol para continuar

I. A. Dyshlevaya

The book is a continuation of the “Spanish Language Course for Beginners” by I.L. Dyshleva. The manual is designed for 200 - 210 hours of classroom training and consists of 10 lessons. Intended for students of language courses and foreign language departments.
The second part of the textbook “Dyshleva”, everything is the same, but more complicated: grammar, conversational structures, exercises for translation from Russian. Gorgeous duet!

Nowadays, knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens up great opportunities, but speaking English today will surprise few people. Spanish will help you quickly career growth, will be useful when traveling around Spain and Latin American countries, will broaden your horizons and open up new horizons.



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