How to remove or disable Yandex Zen on the main page of the browser. How to remove Yandex Zen service from the browser

Good day! Something incredible is happening in our world, before I had time to write about possible problems in the work of ZEN from Yandex and how to get it back, my users are already asking me questions about how to disable Yandex Zen on a computer in a browser or on their android smartphone.

Yandex.Browser users were among the first to feel the presence of this very Zen, which is quite logical - the service from Yandex was first tested in their own browser.

I can’t say that the service didn’t succeed, rather, on the contrary, it throws up interesting notes (although at the start I didn’t have much hope) and there is a desire to turn it off not because it is bad, but simply distracts from work ... I decided to work, opened a new tab and hung there for half an hour rereading the post on peekaboo.

The service also successfully captures mobile platforms, for example, it is part of Yandex Launcher, which is almost always used in FLY smartphones (if you are a happy owner of a smart from FLY, then you will definitely find the answer to your question ... for some reason, the network completely ignores Yandex Launcher and tells how to remove it in the mobile version of the browser from Yandex)

The service uses all the features of the Yandex search engine to offer you the most relevant notes - it's like advertising. If you are often interested in the life of stars, then the feed will be littered with information about Olga Buzova ... and if you constantly hang out on IT portals - jokes about computers, for those over 30 you are provided.

If the tape of personal recommendations does not become outdated for you, I do not recommend chopping in the heat of the moment - give Zen a little more time, perhaps more suitable materials for you will be selected over time

I like that in Yandex Zen there is an opportunity to make it clear what information you are interested in more and what you do not want to see in your feed. And if an enraging resource with icteric headlines constantly flashes in the lists, you can simply block it and enjoy sitting in front of the monitor flipping through pages with cats and memes.

The good news is that the service is constantly evolving. If at the start it was just an aggregator of various useful information, then at the moment there are quite a few authors who write exclusively in their Zen channel - a sort of exclusive that is not found anywhere else. It is worth mentioning the main feature of this service is the speed of loading content ... all entries are optimized to the maximum and load instantly even with a poor Internet connection

However, if you are determined to disable Yandex Zen in a browser or phone, it is your right, and my task is to tell you how to do this ... because there are some nuances and tricks.

How to disable Zen in Yandex

You should understand the difference between Yandex Zen in your browser and the feed of recommendations directly on the Yandex website itself. Directly on the web resource, no one will let you disable ZEN - this is quite logical.

You can find Yandex Zen on the official website just by scrolling down the main page a little - Yandex's ZEN service and it will certainly promote it. But in the Yandex Browser, you can easily disable it without any problems ...

How to disable Yandex Zen in the browser

It is worth talking about the personal recommendation feed in the browser. Everything here is as standard as possible - ZEN is embedded in Yandex.Browser and is disabled in the browser settings, but for others it exists as an extension or addition (you can quite simply pick it up from bad webmasters who offer you to quietly install it along with the program you need).

After analyzing the situation, I decided not to describe each of the cases separately, but to take the situation with Yandex.Browser and the most popular Google Chrome (by analogy, everything is turned off in Firefox and Opera). I just don't see the point in rewriting the same thing as some authors do.

How to remove Zen from Yandex Browser

With Yandex.Browser, everything is as simple as possible for us (like everything in this life)- open the browser, go to settings (three dashes in the upper right corner and click on "Settings").

Under the Appearance Settings category, uncheck Show in New Zen Tab - Personal Recommendations Feed. Please note that you will have more points - I partially removed them to save space and time.

In such a simple way, you can remove Yandex Zen from your native browser (or rather disable it, but the main thing is that the goal has been achieved)

How to remove Yandex Zen from Google Chrome

In the case of third-party browsers (on the example of Google Chrome) everything is somewhat more complicated, because initially Yandex Zen was not installed there and it is not known how you got it in your particular case.

If Zen is bothering you, you don't have to remove it from Google Chrome, there are always easy ways to turn it off. Here, look at the example, click on "Settings" as in the picture below and find there "Show in a new Zen tab - a feed of personal recommendations." It is enough to remove the daw and ZEN will no longer bother you ...

Some familiar wording, just like in Yandex.Browser, don't you find it? And all because, most likely, you installed an extension from Yandex called "Visual Bookmarks", and so - Yandex.Zen is an integral part of these most convenient bookmarks. By removing visual bookmarks, we will remove Zen from Google Chrome - it's simple!

To do this, go to the settings menu, select the drop-down item "Additional tools" and activate "Extensions" (note that some elements may vary slightly depending on the version of Google Chrome, but in general the algorithm of actions is always the same).

Find the "Visual bookmarks" extension from Yandex and click on the "Trash" icon and confirm their deletion...

If you like visual bookmarks and you are used to them, then just disable Yandex Zen as I wrote above - it's not difficult and disabled functionality will not affect your computer performance in any way

What other nuances can there be with Yandex Zen and the Chrome browser? At the very beginning of the note, I wrote that it is impossible to disable or delete the personal recommendation service on the Yandex website, so if you are an ardent opponent of Zen and Yandex, then after deleting visual bookmarks, you most likely have your hated Yandex with this very Zen.

It’s quite easy to change the start page in Google Chrome - go to the settings and scroll down the page with the parameters down to the “Launch Chrome” section, here you can set the page that will be launched when the browser starts (I’ll be a little arrogant and suggest that you indicate the ITnega Blog as a start site - this way you can get useful information faster and more often).

We restart the browser and see that at startup the site we specified in the parameters opened, so we removed the functionality of the Yandex.Zen service from Chrome. Again, if you are used to using visual bookmarks from Yandex, then it is better to simply disable Zen than to remove the useful extension completely.

How to remove Zen on Android

With mobile platforms, things are a bit more interesting for Zen. Not so long ago, on my review, I had a phone from the FLY company, which had a shell from Yandex with a personal feed integrated into it. Unfortunately, I did not find an answer in any of the notes on how to disable Yandex Zen on Android, and I found the answer to my question in an unexpected place - the official website of Yandex.

To remove Zen on Android, answer one simple question ... do you see a personal feed in the Yandex browser or directly in the shell itself (Yandex.Launcher)

We remove Zen from Yandex.Browser for a smartphone

In Yandex.Browser for Android, everything is similar to the version for a regular Windows computer, but with minor differences. Press the "three dots" and select "Settings". Scroll down to the "Yandex.Zen" section and turn off the "Display recommendation feed" option.

Thus, we have disabled Zen on Yandex.Browser for Android. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Zen extensions are never installed on phones, because with add-ons for web browsers on smartphones, everything is still complicated.

Disabling Zen in the system (Yandex.Launcher) on the example of FLY

Now it’s worth touching on Zen and what not a word about in all the notes is how to remove Zen on android devices. This is not a tricky thing - the fact is that many manufacturers prefer services from Yandex and you use Yandex.Launcher (such a shell).

The first thought that comes after this information is to install a third-party launcher, because it is not intuitively clear where to find the Zen settings in the system. I just had a smartphone with a shell from Yandex on my hands, and using its example, I will show how to turn off Zen on android devices.

To go to the shell settings, you need to hold down any free area on the desktop with your finger. Go to the "Home Screen" section and select "Desktops". Swipe left to Yandex.Zen and swipe it up until the "Hide" link appears. After that, ZEN will not appear on your device's desktop.

From version to version of Yandex.Launcher, the interface may change, but in general, the process of disabling Zen does not change.

How to disable Yandex Zen in a browser or phone? Conclusions!

I am often asked - how to remove Yandex.Zen ... or maybe it really is worth giving it a second chance ?! In the short time of its existence, it is really developing rapidly and even now you can find really useful information in it, and not just reprints from the blogs we are used to.

There is one harmful function in Yandex Browser - Zen. The name is odd, because the point is to constantly give you a feed of popular articles and news.

In this article, I will show you how to disable this Zen in Yandex Browser.

About service

So what is this service? An endless feed of news tailored to your preferences.

As planned by Yandex, you not only read articles, but also evaluate them. And this allows the smart algorithm to more and more accurately slip articles to you. In addition, it takes into account which articles you generally visited. Apparently, this only works for the user of the Yandex browser.

and for a tablet or smartphone:

Where do news and articles come from?

Lenta, Lifehacker, RBC, Echo MSK, NTV, ADME, Snob and other Runet giant portals.

Initially, you are prompted to select at least 5 sites that you will monitor especially.

After that, when you open a new tab, you also see Zen offer cards:

This ribbon can then be customized.

This feature is disabled by default. That is, they will not forcefully show you anything - and thanks for that.


On this site, a large number of articles are devoted to the info-diet, when you limit the amount of new information that comes in. What for? To focus on what really matters to us. And all this news and articles is usually just another kind of procrastination.

But even for getting information, this new service, in my opinion, is not as convenient as regular RSS (I wrote about it). If you know how to use it, it is not at all clear why this Zen is needed. To litter your brains even more? No thanks!

So, it's decided - delete!

But how to remove Yandex Zen from your PC (or laptop) and smartphone?

1. How to disable on the computer

Let's go to settings:

Uncheck the box "Show personal recommendations in a new tab":

2. How to remove Yandex Zen on a smartphone or tablet under Android

In a smartphone, disabling the service will also not cause you much trouble:


Now you know how to disable this feature.

Write in the comments!

Were you able to turn off harmful Zen according to my instructions? If not - describe your problem - we will finish it together.

Back in 2016, Yandex introduced a new personal recommendation service called "". About what it is, we considered in a separate article.

With the introduction of a new service, in which, by default, a feed of news and posts appeared on the start page. Many users did not like this, and they decided to remove Zen from the browser, jokingly calling him "Jen".

In June 2017, publication in Zen became available not only to major players in the IT market, but also to ordinary webmasters. Due to this, users' feeds were filled with identical posts that had nothing to do with their interests, which further exacerbated the problem.

Disable Zen in Yandex browser

Based on this, you can only remove Zen from FireFox together with other Yandex services.

1. Go to the "Add-ons" section in the Mozilla browser, and remove the "Visual Bookmarks" extension.

2. If you don’t want to say goodbye to all Yandex services, but you only need to disable Zen, then on a new tab, find the “Settings” button and click it.

3. In the side menu that opens, find and uncheck the item shown in the figure.

Removing "Zen" from Google Chrome

The Chrome browser is a development by Google, respectively, "Jen" gets into it exclusively with third-party extensions, for example, Visual Bookmarks.

1. Open a new tab and click on the settings button.

2. Disable Zen in the menu that appears, as shown in the screenshot.

You can completely get rid of it, only related to Yandex.

How to prevent recurrence

  1. "Zen" comes only with other Yandex services, so do not install add-ons from this company in your browser.
  2. Pay attention to additional software installed with a number of programs downloaded from the Internet. We came across such an example recently, in a review.

It grows every year, the service creates more and more services and opportunities for users. One of the latest innovations is the Yandex.Zen news feed. According to the announcements of the developers, the service is designed to simplify the search on the Internet and allow you to see only interesting and useful publications. In reality, everything is a little different: the extension is full of ads, large blocks of not very useful information, and significantly consumes system resources. We will tell you how to quickly configure or remove the program not only from the Windows operating system, but also from smartphones and tablets.

Setting up Yandex.Zen in different browsers.

Yandex.Zen is an individual feed with recommendations built into the Yandex browser. The system personalizes the feed based on the sites the user visits. Individual selection of material is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the content read and viewed by the user. For example, if you often search for information about sports, the feed will automatically display news and articles on this topic without duplicating the information you have already seen.

ADVICE. Analysis of queries and search history does not identify the user. There is no need to worry about the security of the service.

The tape itself is vertical. The title of the recommended article is displayed at the bottom of the screen. To read it, just move it up. The Android system makes it possible to place the ribbon on the notification bar. The advantage of Zen is that the service gradually adapts more and more to the user. Initially, extra recommendations and news may seem intrusive, but the more the system gets to know you, the more useful it will become. Settings allow you to adjust the displayed information and block unnecessary information. The program is constantly being improved and improved. However, for many users, it seems too intrusive. Consider how you can enable, configure and disable it.

Ways to turn on

If you decide that the utility is useful and you want to use it, enabling Yandex.Zen will not be a problem. To do this, just install Yandex Explorer on a computer or smartphone, and Zen will appear automatically. If this does not happen, then perhaps the tape is simply disabled.

How to enable Zen on PC

  • Click on the "Menu" icon.
  • Open the settings tab.
  • Launch Appearance Settings.
  • Check "Show personal recommendations feed".

ADVICE. If there is no such item, then the matter may be in the updated browser interface. In this case, enable the new interface and restart the browser.

In some cases, you first need to download browser updates. For this:

  • Open "Menu".
  • We are looking for the item "About the browser" (it can also be called "Advanced", "About Yandex" and the like).
  • Update using the corresponding button.

After restarting the program everything should work.

Shutdown methods

If you decide that you do not want to personalize the tape and are ready to remove it from the PC screen, you need to take a series of measures to clean up the browser.

How to remove Yandex.Zen from the start page

  1. Open browser settings.
  2. We are looking for the "Personal recommendations" tab.
  3. We uncheck.

How to remove an extension from a computer

  1. Remove all Yandex utilities.
  2. We clean the registry using any convenient program.
  3. Signing out of the account

Everything is quite simple, but each browser used has its own nuances. Let's take a closer look at where to click and what to do.

Delete from Yandex.browser

To remove Zen from the Yandex browser, do the following:

  • We open the browser itself.
  • Find the "Settings" menu.
  • Disable the "Show Zen in New Tab" feature.

Thus, the feed will be disabled on the main page as well.

Disable in Chrome

You can disable Yandex.Zen in Google Chrome in much the same way as in the previous paragraph. The difference lies in some features. Firstly, often a personal ribbon is installed in Chrome without the consent of the owner. Secondly, a simple shutdown will not be enough. Additionally, we do the following:

  1. As in the case of the previous browser, we disable all Zen-related settings in the "Menu" item.
  2. We change the home page in the same panel.
  3. We go to the "Extensions" item and delete all installed utilities related to Yandex there.

IMPORTANT. If you delete "Visual masonry", then it will be impossible to restore them. We advise you to double-check manually and remove only what is necessary.

  1. Next, we change the start pages when adding new tabs. You can do this in the "Open at startup" tab and add the specified addresses in the appropriate paragraph.
  2. You also need to remove the Yandex service from the specified search engines. To do this, remove everything from the search settings except Google. We click "Finish".
  3. We close the browser and remove Yandex from the taskbar using the basic Uninstall Programs utility.

Now you can restart Google Chrome and check if the problem is still there.

We clean Opera and Mozilla

The algorithm for disabling Zen in Opera and Mozilla is identical, since the ribbon appears in these browsers only with the installation of visual bookmarks. Most often, this happens automatically when downloading some software that adds bookmarks on its own during installation.

ADVICE. To avoid such situations, remove all unnecessary checkboxes from the installation items.

We are taking the following measures:

  1. Open the "Settings" menu.
  2. As in the previous steps, uncheck the box for personal recommendations.
  3. Disable or completely remove all unnecessary extensions. In the Mozilla browser, this can be done in the "Advanced" tab, in Opera - "Manage Extensions".

You can also use the universal method - the Adguard ad blocker.

Removing Zen on Android

Removing an extension from a phone is much easier than from a PC. To do this, just disable all Zen items in the Android or iOS browser settings.

As we can see, solving the problem is quite simple. If none of the methods helped, then you can simply reinstall the web browser. After the measures taken, do not forget to clean the registry for the normal functioning of the PC and to prevent new problems. We hope this information has helped you. If not, ask questions in the comments!

Hello, friends! In this article, we will deal with an interesting and useful feature, which of all browsers first appeared in Yandex - this is the Zen feed.

Zen is a special service that offers news and publications from various sites that will be of interest to you. The list of posts is generated based on the history of the web browser. That is, Zen analyzes which sites you view and what information you are interested in. And when there is enough material for analysis, then the Zen tape will appear in the browser.

How to turn on the Zen ribbon

To start using it, you do not need to install any third-party extensions and applications. Launch your browser and open a new tab. At the bottom of the page, immediately below the scoreboard, you will see the line "Yandex Zen". Click on the "Enable" button.

You need to select at least 3 sources. Then click on the "Continue" button.

After that, when you open a new tab, Yandex Zen will be displayed below the scoreboard. To view it, click either on the line "your personal recommendations" or on the empty area of ​​the top tile.

It is represented by blocks in which the name of the source, the topic of the news and a small fragment of text are written. If you are interested in the recommendation, click on it, and an article will open in a new tab, where you can read the entire text in detail.

After each page refresh or when a new tab is opened, the recommendations here change.

To open the scoreboard again and close the feed, click on the up arrow on the left.

If, when you open a new tab, you do not have the “Yandex Zen” line at the bottom, and at the same time the ribbon itself is not displayed in the browser, then click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner and select “Settings” from the menu.

On the settings page, in the "Appearance settings" section, check the box "Show in a new Zen tab - personal recommendations feed".

Setting up Zen in Yandex browser

If Yandex.Zen started showing a lot of information in the feed that you are not interested in, then you need to tweak it a little.

At the bottom of each tile with the news there are two buttons "Like" - thumbs up, and "Dislike" - thumbs down. If the material is interesting, click like, if not, dislike. The opinion will be taken into account in the future, the feed will be formed from the material (or similar to it) that you like.

Also, by clicking on the tile with the news and reading it in a separate tab, in the feed on this tile, after that, a small window will appear with buttons: “More of this” - the same Like, “Less of this” - this is Dislike, and “Block this source". Clicking on the last button here will no longer show the news posted on the site that has just been blocked. If you do not want to do anything, click on the cross to close the window on the tile.

How to remove Zen from the browser

Now let's see how it can be removed. There is nothing difficult in this. Simply disable it in the settings of the browser itself.

Go to the settings page and in the "Appearance settings" section, uncheck the box "Show in a new Zen tab - personal recommendations feed".

After that, when opening a new tab, the Zen ribbon will not be displayed under the scoreboard.

Zen on Android in Yandex browser

You can use it not only if the browser is installed on your computer. You can also view recommendations with interesting material on a phone or tablet with an iOS or Android operating system, if Yandex browser is installed on the device.

To enable it on an Android device, go to the browser and at the bottom you will see "Yandex Zen - personal recommendations feed". Swipe up on the page.

After that, you will also see a message on the screen. Click the "Try" button below.

As on a computer, you will be prompted to select what material you are interested in. Tick ​​at least three sources and click "Continue".

The news tiles will now display in the browser. You can view all the proposed news by scrolling the page up.

If you liked the entry, click on it and read the full text on the site where it was published. Tiles with the news that you have read will turn light gray.

You can set up a Zen feed on your phone as follows. At the bottom of each tile on the right there are three horizontal dots, click on them.

If this function bothers you or, for example, you need to save traffic, then you can disable it in this web browser on Android.

To do this, open the menu. You can do this by pressing the button on the device, which opens the context menu. Then select "Settings" from it.

Turn on Yandex Zen in your Yandex browser and stay up to date with all the interesting news that is happening in the world. Well, if it interferes, you can always remove it.



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