Fortune telling for the future in various subjects. Fortune telling by milk. Fortune telling by name

Publication date: 12/23/2014

Probably everyone remembers the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan, when three girls were spinning under the window and dreamed of becoming queens in order to love and gift their beloved one with what, the main thing is that he was worthy of them. Although the fairy tale is a fiction, every girl still dreams of her own king, who will appreciate and respect her, the only question is where he is and when the meeting with him will take place. There is an answer to this, which can be obtained if you conduct fortune telling for your betrothed on Christmas and Christmastide (12 days according to the number of months in the year) - a time of magic and magic. At night you will be able to see your future loved one and even find out what kind of character he will be.

Christmas fortune telling by voices

You need to get up early in the morning on January 7 and open the window, while saying the following words: “Betrothed, come and take me with you.” Wait for someone to pass by; if you see a woman first, it means you won’t be destined to meet your betrothed this year, but if it’s a man, then that’s what he will look like. If the first is a child, then a whole year of trouble awaits you and there will be no time for love.

Fortune telling from notes

If you want to know what your loved one's name will be, you need to take as many pieces of paper as you need. at the moment turned years old, and write on them male names. Then mix them and put them under the pillow on the night from the sixth to the seventh of January. Early in the morning, without getting out of bed, take the first one you come across and read the name. This will be the answer.

Fortune telling by objects

Of course, the appearance of the betrothed is important, but I would like to know what kind of character he will be. To do this, you need to take several items - candy, a knife, an elastic band, a heart, maybe a heart-shaped keychain, a coin, a paper bill, a lemon, a ring and a bow. Now mix them all and put them in a pre-prepared box, made yourself from blue cardboard - this is for single fortune-telling. If several girls are telling fortunes, then choose one leader. They cover her eyes with a scarf, and each girl comes up to her, and she pulls out any object from the scarf, so you can find out what kind of character the betrothed will be.

The meaning of objects

  • Candy - will give a lot of compliments - a very sweet and cheerful guy.
  • The knife is sharp on the tongue. Sarcastic.
  • Rubber is a boring person.
  • Heart - loving. Will change.
  • Coins - stingy.
  • Paper bill- rich and generous.
  • Lemon is sad and boring.
  • Ring - high position in society.
  • Onion is cruel. Lots of tears from him.

Fortune telling by pies

This prediction can be obtained from the girl’s mother. She must bake pies from yeast dough and see what they are like; her daughter will get the same betrothed.

If they are ruddy, they are hardworking and have money.

Poorly baked - stingy and indifferent.

Dry crust - envious.

A breaking crust is a heavy hand for a husband; he will often raise it against his wife.

The crust at the bottom is burnt - he will be a homebody.

The raw filling inside is a sick spouse.

Over-salted filling - a girl will shed a lot of tears because of it.

Sour filling is a drunkard.

Fortune telling by roosters

You need to bring a rooster from the chicken coop at midnight and ask him what kind of groom he will be. Then put it on the floor and see how it behaves.

A bully - the guy will be a brawler and a brawler.

Calm down - the guy will be balanced and patient.

Restless is a fussy guy.

Suddenly the talkative guy starts crowing.

Fortune telling by dog

You need to throw cold bones on the doorstep of the girl’s house and wait for the dog to run up to them. You should pay attention to its color.

Black wool - the husband will have dark hair. Redhead - the husband will be red-haired and freckled.

White - blond.

Black and white - brown-haired.

Another color - it is not yet known what kind of hair he will have.

Fortune telling by colored threads

If you want to know what future awaits you and your betrothed, you need to take threads of seven colors, like a rainbow, and weave a braid from them. Then blindfold and pull out any thread. Pay attention to its color.

Meaning of colors

  • Red - will love and cherish you. You will become the meaning of life for him.
  • Orange - he will love you, but more relatives.
  • Yellow - you are like a ray of sunshine to him. Life is not life without you.
  • Green - the most important thing for him is money, and then you.
  • Blue - you will have a calm and peaceful relationship.
  • Blue - your relationship will be stable and cold.
  • Purple - you will live for money with each other.

Fortune telling by milk

Girls must buy milk before noon, preferably homemade, and put it in a warm place at midnight. Wait until it starts to sour.

If it doesn’t turn sour in a day, the betrothed will be from afar.

The serum is cloudy - the husband will be a drunkard.

Thick yogurt has risen - the betrothed will be rich and respectable.

The layer of yogurt is larger than the whey - the husband will be the owner of the house, but if it’s the other way around, the wife will be.

Fortune telling in the snow

You can tell by the snow what kind of betrothed there will be. We need to make a snowball and put it in the yard. Look in the morning.

Strong and even snow - the husband will be ideal.

Strong, but with holes - strong, but with flaws.

Soft and loose - and the husband will be a mess.

Water flows from him - he will constantly complain about life.

The snowball fell apart - your relationship is short-lived.

Snowball is not there - he will cheat on you.

Domino fortune telling for your betrothed

You need to take a domino and mix it, imagining a man. Then close your eyes and ask the question where you will meet your betrothed, after pulling out any domino, it will become the answer.

Meaning of fortune telling

  • 6-6 - very soon you will meet your betrothed while traveling.
  • 6-5 - you see him every day.
  • 6-4 - you are already familiar with him.
  • 6-3 - your meeting will take place in a cinema or restaurant.
  • 6-2 - very soon you will find yourself at a wedding, where you will meet him.
  • 6-1 - he is your colleague.
  • 6-blank - this person is a close relative of your friend.
  • 5-5 - he is a business partner.
  • 5-4 - you will get to know him while playing sports.
  • 5-3 - if you have a pet, it’s time to go to the veterinarian, because there you will meet your betrothed.
  • 5-2 - are you sure that you don’t know who he is and are waiting for an answer where you will meet him? He's nearby.
  • 5-1 - during the holidays there will be a holiday romance, which will develop into a serious relationship.
  • 5-empty - you will take it away from your friend.
  • 4-4 - he is your neighbor.
  • 4-3 - during a date with a young man you will meet him.
  • 4-2 - he is your ex.
  • 4-1 - you know his sister.
  • 4-empty - most likely, your acquaintance will occur under sad circumstances.
  • 3-3 - you will meet on the plane.
  • 3-2 - he is a friend of your friend.
  • 3-1 - acquaintance will occur during a meeting with friends.
  • 3-empty - it is not yet known how you will meet.
  • 2-2 - very soon you will see your soulmate in advertising or cinema.
  • 2-1 - he is your boss.
  • 2-empty - you have known him since childhood.
  • 1-1 - you will meet at the bank.
  • 1-empty - you will meet in the courtyard of your own house.

Fortune telling with 15 coins

These are not ordinary coins. You can make them yourself from multi-colored paper. When 15 coins are made, you need to put them in a green satin bag, sewn with your own hands.

So, on the night of January 6-7, you need to mix the bag of coins and pull out any, without looking, with the thought, what will my betrothed be like?

The meaning of coins

  • Red - your loved one will be very handsome, but many girls will be interested in his attractiveness. So keep your eyes open - they might take you away. True, it will be difficult for them to do this, since he will only love you, but still...
  • Yellow - he will be positive and active, radiating warmth and joy. Life is always easy with him - you will go through all the obstacles together, his presence will always inspire hope in a bright future.
  • White - your sweetheart will be calm and balanced. It will even be a little boring somewhere with him, but no problems will affect your family life - it will be peaceful and pleasant.
  • Blue - your relationship will resemble a raging sea, since your betrothed is a volcano, never stands still, constantly on the move, he will demand the same from you.
  • Orange - your man will resemble a fire. If you don’t add more firewood, his feelings will quickly fade. So, always be ready to act - beautiful lingerie, travel, sports. He needs to see that you are ready to do anything for him.
  • Blue - he is a dreamer and a romantic, not used to solving complex problems. So, get ready for the burden of family life to fall on you. And even if you ever get angry, nothing will change - you will carry everything on yourself.
  • Gray - your life will be gray, since your betrothed is not used to doing and deciding something - he is ready to go with the flow, without turning anywhere - work-home-work. Although at work he will be appreciated and respected.
  • Black - you will get a very difficult person as your soulmate - he is angry and not ready to compromise, even for your sake.
  • Green - your relationship will be calm. Peace and grace will reign in the house, since your betrothed is a householder with golden hands. The most important thing for him is that the house has a full bowl and happy family near.
  • Pink - you will meet a person for whom there are no problems in life: no money - we’ll borrow, no job - we’ll find it later, but while we’re saving, no life goals - that’s okay. The main thing is to live today and have fun.
  • Violet - everything is violet to him - floats with the flow and is good. True, you won’t be able to live with such a person for long.
  • Golden - you have found yourself a king who is only used to ruling, so get ready to obey unquestioningly, otherwise the punishment will not be long in coming - you may even be hit or deprived of money.
  • Silver - your betrothed will have golden hands and a kind heart.
  • Brown - your life will be measured and calm, without excesses, since your betrothed is a person of conservative views.
  • With a question mark - it is not yet known what fate has in store for you as your soulmate. Wait - time will tell.

Many magicians and shamans use candles in their work, and not only to burn them. You can notice how sometimes sorcerers gaze long and intently into the flame. Certain meanings can be discerned in a candle flame. ordinary person.

If the candle burns evenly and the flame goes clearly upward, then this good sign, it personifies a favorable environment around, a good aura, and calm relationships.

If the flame blows away and sparks, then the place is unclean, there is a lot of negativity in it, or the personal state of the person performing the ceremony is weakened and nervous.

When you look longer into the candle flame, you can see patterns on the walls or in the air that symbolize something important to you. Also, a person at this moment may experience visions, since it's full focus on a specific thought or problem. Often, after such sessions with a candle, clear thoughts and ways to resolve problems come. A person feels peace and a surge of strength.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Before going to bed, you need to eat something very salty (do not drink it with water), then say old words: “My betrothed, disguised, come to me, give me something to drink.” According to legend, whoever gets a girl drunk in a dream will be betrothed.


To find out the answer to a question of interest, you need to focus on it and go outside. Secretly overheard conversations will be important clues, from which a clear picture will emerge in the end. It is considered a bad sign to hear screams of quarrels and swearing.

Fortune telling by apple

Make a wish. Take an apple and cut it with your left hand. If the seeds are not cut and you get an even star in the core, then your wish will come true.

Fortune telling on objects. Symbolism

IN big company People can be told fortune telling on many small objects. For example, collect in a box a wide variety of things related to the type of human activity: a coin (financier), a compass (traveler), a sleeve () and others. The pulled out object symbolizes the activity of the future spouse. Options for this fortune telling can be very diverse.

Spiritualist fortune telling

A dangerous type of fortune telling, but very interesting. Its meaning is that a group of people calls for help a spirit who answers their questions. There are many varieties: with a saucer, with a book, with scissors. When conducting a session, a serious and positive attitude of all participants is important. It is imperative to open the door or window, turn off the lights (you can only light candles), and hold hands. There must be at least one person in the company with strong energy, and he will be the guide. At the end of the session, the spirit must be carried out and the space behind it must be closed.

This publication contains ancient fortune telling, with the help of which you can get the correct answer to almost any question. To do this you need to select suitable way fortune telling, focus on your question or desire and perform the ritual in accordance with the proposed description. When turning to this book, remember that faith in the power of fortune telling plays an important role. Good luck to you and have a nice time!

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The given introductory fragment of the book All types and methods of fortune telling (E. L. Isaeva, 2010) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Fortune telling on various subjects

Fortune telling by bread

The ancient Arabs said: “When people bake bread, demons run away into the mountains.” This attitude towards bread is associated with its enormous role, which it has always played in the life of any person.

For any nation, bread is a symbol of life, but not everyone knows that the taste of bread is determined not only by the quality of flour and yeast, the taste of water or the amount of sugar. In baking bread, the energy that the person involved in its preparation puts into it means a lot.

Since ancient times, this last property of bread has been used in Rus' to find out about the character of the future bride. The groom's relatives asked the girl to bake bread, after which they carefully examined the finished loaf.

Anyone who has ever tried to bake a pie or pies from yeast dough knows that this is not an easy task. For example, to bake a fluffy and rosy pie, simply combining the right ingredients is not enough. U different women The same recipe will yield different pies or cheesecakes. And it’s not just about the quality of the components used or strict adherence to technology. Bioenergetic research has shown that the taste of finished bread directly depends on the events awaiting the woman and her family members in the near future. After all, the dough, rising by yeast, is able to absorb the aura of the house, as well as the energy of the person baking the pie or bread. The result of this is an exact repetition of the characteristics of the human biofield in bread.

According to the ancient Russian tradition, only bread was used in fortune telling. Experience shows that bread without any filling is most fully capable of reflecting the characteristics of a person’s aura, so fortune telling on ordinary bread turns out to be the most accurate. The fortune-telling loaf was baked from pie dough, but separately from the latter and dedicated to the brownie. The latter means that after fortune telling, this bread had to be left in certain place so that the brownie eats the treat.

The meaning of fortune telling is that different housewives do not have two completely identical breads. And the most delicious bread comes from the woman who has the greatest supply of vital energy, who has the purest and brightest aura and a kind, flexible character.

Light and fluffy bread speaks of the light and happy hand of the woman who baked it and of her being chosen by fate. Thanks to this, she will always be accompanied by success and good luck, she will achieve a lot in life.

Nourishing and tasty, but heavy bread is made by a wise and kind woman, but with a difficult fate. The biggest troubles await her from her loved ones. Such a woman has bright, good energy, but does not know how to use it as protection from future blows of fate.

A lush, but tasteless and insipid loaf indicates that the main character traits of the future bride are greed and laziness. In life, this woman will use those around her for her own benefit, without giving them anything in return.

If the bread turns out alternately under-baked and then over-baked, the woman who prepared it has a complete lack of logic. In Rus', they tried not to woo a girl who only got bread every other time.

People believed that, having become a wife and having children, such a woman would attract misfortune into the house, including on the heads of her own children.

Consistently sticky (raw and stale) bread indicates that evil spirits live in the house. Perhaps one of the girl's household has absorbed too much negative energy, which you need to get rid of as quickly as possible.

Beautiful, correct form bread comes from a woman with a difficult fate. If you look closely at the loaf, you can find irregularities formed by voids on its surface. Such voids indicate gaps in the aura of the woman who baked the loaf. It is through them that her well-being and luck “go away”. Such bread is usually obtained by a person born in a “cursed” year: he should not live away from his relatives and change his place of residence.

Lush and tasty, but different in shape, breads indicate a creative nature, endowed with high intelligence and constantly in search.

If a woman makes delicious bread, which she herself gives every time new uniform, then most likely she is not able to analyze what is happening and make a forecast for at least the very near future. She is so absorbed in small things that she cannot concentrate on the main thing.

Cracked bread prophesies either difficult trials that will befall the woman who baked it, or the violent death of one of her relatives.

If the bread is burnt, it means that the woman who prepared it is grumpy and vindictive, which affects not only those around her, but also herself.

Crumbly bread comes from a fickle woman who is prone to changing her social circle and place of residence.

Fortune telling by bread crumb

For fortune telling, you need to take a little bread crumb and roll it into a ball between your palms, mentally saying the question that interests you. Then you need to stop and, with your palms open, examine the resulting ball. The first movement or the first thing that comes to your mind will be the answer to the question asked.

Interpretation of movements and thoughts

The ball is too small and you will never be a big boss.

The ball is too soft - your jealousy gives you a lot of unpleasant moments.

One ball - in the near future your lot will be loneliness.

The ball fell as soon as you opened your palms - a loss awaits you in the near future.

You have forgotten and mechanically continue to roll the crumb - an alarming and exciting period of life awaits you.

While rolling the crumb, you keep an eye on it all the time - at the moment you are in search.

You have forgotten and crushed the crumb - quick changes in life await you.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most popular and most common types of predictions. There is not a person in the world who has not read or heard about him. However, not everyone manages to find out exactly their destiny, inscribed in symbols on a coffee cup.

In Italy they claim that it was the Italians in the 18th century who developed the methodology for this fortune-telling and compiled full list symbols used. Moreover, they themselves are simply sure that with the most accurate predictions the devil is personally present.

The procedure for fortune telling in the 18th century was practically no different from the manipulations in modern ritual. They also poured coffee into the coffee pot and poured it hot water, brought to a boil and said the words of the spell: “Aqua boraxit vinias carajos.” When the coffee boiled, it was stirred several times with a spoon, repeating the second part of the spell: “Fexitur et patricam explinabit tornare.” Then the coffee was drained from the sediment, and the cup with the grounds was turned over onto an unglazed white saucer and the third and last part of the spell was pronounced: “Hax verticaline, pax Fantas marobum, max destinatus, veida porol.” It was believed that if a fortune teller does not know or uses magic words incorrectly, her predictions should not be trusted.

Thus, to tell fortunes using coffee grounds, you need to have only a few items: a plain, preferably light-colored coffee cup and some natural ground coffee. Fortune telling works best if you brew two tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee and one tablespoon of finer ground coffee in a coffee pot (or cezve). Approximately one cup of water should be added. After the coffee is brewed, it is poured into a cup and given to a person who wants to know his fate to drink. In this case, the role of the oracle will be played by the sediment that will remain in the cup after the drink is drunk.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to concentrate and formulate the question in such a way that the answer to it fits the meaning of the moment in life you are experiencing. Then you need to pour freshly brewed coffee into a cup, let the drink settle, and then drink, leaving a little liquid (about one tablespoon) at the bottom of the cup.

Then you need to take the cup in your left hand and, focusing on the question, turn the cup clockwise three times so that the grounds are evenly distributed along the walls. You need to rotate the cup vigorously so that the grounds cover its inner surface almost to the brim.

Then the cup should be quickly tipped over onto the saucer and, slowly, count to seven. After this, you need to turn it over and carefully examine the stains that have formed on its walls. For prediction, their location is of great importance (for example, from top to bottom, right to left, left to right, or along the bottom).

By the stains on the walls one can judge future events; spots formed on the bottom speak of the past (Fig. 1). Thus, spots located far from the top edge and close to the bottom of the cup tell about distant events, and vice versa. An analysis of several spots, at least five, gives a complete picture. Only in this case can a more or less correct prediction be made.

Rice. 1. The meaning of the spots depending on their location: 1 – present or near future; 2 – more distant future; 3 – area of ​​unlucky omens; 4 – questioner; 5 – something that will soon leave the life of the person asking or move significantly away from him; 6 – something that is approaching and will soon become part of the questioner’s life

The meaning of the figures

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is based on associations between the shape of the stains and the corresponding concepts. We give the meaning of a possible figure below, however, beginners in bewitching should treat “revelations” in a coffee cup with a fair amount of skepticism, since the described figures are simply not able to reflect all the events that occur in a person’s life. And only rich experience and extensive practice can help to correctly determine the meaning of figures and the meaning of combinations.

Body parts and people

Eyes: changes in life await you.

Head: a young man has appeared in your immediate circle who will have a beneficial influence on your destiny.

Head in profile: you are under reliable protection.

Woman's head: Love.

Male head: separation from a loved one.

Head looking up: You have an influential patron.

Head looking down: It won't hurt you to be careful: there is some danger ahead.

Lips: at the bottom - good news; at the top of the cup - you are guaranteed the support of friends.

Two heads in the center of the circle: for an imminent wedding.

Two heads facing each other: mutual love.

Two heads separated from each other by a vertical line: betrayal of a lover, major quarrel, separation, divorce.

Several goals: you are in a difficult situation, but your loved ones will help you.

Elderly woman: family life or a long-term love affair.

Hand: collapse of illusions, disappointment. Person with Animal: There is a person next to you who is ready to take care of you.

Animals, insects, birds

Butterfly: message of love.

Buffalo: pain and suffering.

Bull: Beware, danger awaits you.

Bull on the hill: financial situation will soon change for the better.

Bull in the lowlands: You will not have any serious illnesses in the near future.

Camel: prosperity, financial success.

Crow: there is misfortune in the house.

Pigeon: in your environment there is a person with a pure soul.

Hare: Cowardice, you cannot analyze the present to make a forecast for the future.

Snake: deceit, evil, ill-wisher, deceitful friend.

Cow: luck, success, quick happiness.

Cat: poverty, ruin, bankruptcy, financial collapse.

Chicken: A stranger needs your help.

Swan: unexpected receipt of money.

Lion: power, might, breadth of soul, nobility.

Fox: cunning, lies, deception, fraud. Frog: luck, success, good news, happiness.

Bear: a danger that can be avoided by chance.

Ant: troubles, anxiety, vanity, restlessness.

Fly: financial success, inheritance, wealth, material well-being.

Deer: wisdom, honesty, openness.

Eagle: your struggle will soon end, after which a well-deserved victory awaits you.

Spider: surprise, unexpected gift.

Rooster: good news, happiness in the home; closer to the bottom of the cup - there is a person in your environment who is plotting against you.


Dog: reliable friend.

Owl: prolonged serious illness or death.

Tiger: rage.

Lizard: unexpected event, surprise.

Trees, flowers

Oak: triumph, well-deserved victory.

Willow: sadness, melancholy, tears.

Clover: There is no need to be sad - all problems will be resolved.

Bush: the undertaking is unsuccessful, it will end in failure.

Forest: mistake in choosing a life partner or life path.

Lily: on the wall of the cup - devotion in friendship, fidelity in love; at the bottom - a quarrel.

Rose: marriage, marriage, engagement, wedding.

Violet: union with a rich man.

Chrysanthemum: late love.


Automobile: trip, journey.

Diamond: happiness in love, mutual affection.

Angel: unexpected joy, good news, surprise.

Fork: wealth, luxury, prosperity, enjoyment of material goods.

Coffin: misfortune, sadness, grief.

Coffin with a cross: possible death.

Coffin by the bed: serious illness.

Door: success in the business started.

House: happiness in family life, prosperity, luck, success.

Dagger: enmity, loss, anger.

Key: all doors are open before you, any of your endeavors will be a great success.

Wheel: adventure.

Ring: wedding, engagement, beneficial alliance.

Box: joyful event, luck, success.

Hammer: you will have to act at random, but under any circumstances the undertaking will end successfully.

Knife: damage, loss, sacrifice.

Scissors: prosperity, luck, success.

Shoes: danger.

Weapon: scandal, quarrel that threatens to break up.

Folder: successful ending of the matter.

Loop: one of the most ominous symbols, promising either death or major troubles.

Glove: return of old love.

Horseshoe: happiness, luck, success.

Dishes: unexpected meeting.

Candle: dreams, dreams.

Chair:career growth, financial success, well-being.

Flag: you are in danger, so you should not do rash things.

Hat: success, fame.

Anchor: clearly outlined - happiness, success, luck, blurred - passing troubles in personal life.

Shapes and lines

Arc: an insidious and dangerous enemy.

Star: freedom, long-awaited deliverance from an unpleasant situation or an annoying person.

Square: secured, happy life

St. Andrew's cross:

Cross: solid - bad news; outline of the cross - happiness in family life.

Circle: closed - you get along well with others; open - a pleasant new acquaintance awaits you soon.

Line: zigzag - adventure; crossed line - resentment, troubles in personal life; a long straight line - a carefree and happy life; broken line – indecision, illness, losses, uncertainty.

Oblique lines: warning of impending danger.

Broken lines: material difficulties.

Oval: marriage, marriage, wedding.

Strokes or dots: happiness, luck, success.

Triangle: closed - unexpected success, luck, luck; unclosed – patron, protector.

Dashes: change of place of work.

Quadrangle: luck in love, luck.

1 – you are loved.

2 – failure, illness, unpleasant event.

3 – successful deal, profit, financial success.

4 – success, luck

5 – gossip, empty talk, evil tongues.

6 – wedding, marriage, marriage.

7 – family happiness, mutual love.

8 – disagreement with loved ones.

9 – acquaintance. 10-100 – success, luck.

101 or more – long life.

Fortune telling by tea

Tea appeared in Europe around the 15th century. It quickly gained popularity, and people who often drank this drink began to notice that the figures formed by drunken tea leaves and remaining at the bottom of the cup were strongly reminiscent of those obtained by casting lead, wax and other fusible materials used in predicting the future. Fortune tellers began to use this property of tea, and the symbols remaining on the walls of the cup began to be interpreted in accordance with the meaning of the figures obtained after fortune telling on wax, lead, etc.

To find out your future with tea, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to a certain method of brewing it. You only need a certain number of tea leaves. A small teapot, approximately 150–200 ml, is most suitable for fortune telling. You need to pour two teaspoons of tea into it (with the top), pour boiling water over everything, cover with a lid and leave for several minutes. After this, pour the finished tea into a cup, give it to a person interested in their fate to drink, then shake the remaining tea with the tea leaves with strong circular movements and examine the resulting figures.

Symbol Location

In this fortune telling, the handle of the cup represents a person who wants to know his destiny, so the symbols located near it will represent his loved ones, friends, home, family, profession or occupation. If we are talking about events, they will happen very soon.

Closer to the top of the cup there will be symbols of events either currently occurring or expected in the near future; closer to the center of the cup are symbols of more distant events, and on the bottom are those that will happen in the distant future.

Interpretation of symbols

Diamond: happiness in love.

Angel: surprise, good news.

Harp: romantic adventure.

Butterfly: a flirtation that will end badly if you take everything to heart.

Barrel: full and close to the handle - party; empty - you need rest; at the bottom - it's time to think about your expenses.

Ring or bracelet: advantageous marriage, wedding, engagement (to name exact date you can by looking for numbers next to the figure); at the bottom - postponement or even cancellation of the wedding.

Letters: friends, colleagues, relatives; clear letters - good news; fuzzy letters are bad news; letters surrounded by dots - money; a heart next to the letters means stress.

Bouquet: secure love connection, strong family life.

Bottle: it's time to forget about excesses; on the bottom of the cup - the warning applies to one of the fortuneteller’s friends or relatives.

Bull: danger, moderate your impulses and try to realistically assess the situation.

Vase: The key to mental comfort and success is good relationships with everyone around you.

Fan or fan: One careless word can lead to big troubles.

Branch: without leaves - quarrel; with leaves - an addition to the family or a new friend.

Grape: happiness in the family based on trust.

Kite: Be patient, luck has turned away from you for a while.

Gates: open – successful resolution of an unpleasant situation; closed - you will reach an agreement only as a result of persistent and long negotiations.

Guitar: love languor, anticipation of violent passion.

Pigeon: peace, good news, peace of mind.

Mountains: A friend will help you finish a difficult job.

Mushrooms: a quarrel with a loved one, complications at work, misunderstandings in the family, you need to change your outlook on life and your physical fitness.

Coffin: death, bad news.

Door: open - surprise, unexpected good news; closed - the wish will come true, but not soon.

Tree: happiness, health, well-being; there are many trees - the desire for changes in life will come true very soon.

Dragon: time to start all over again.

Acorn: a difficult period will end with unexpected luck; clear drawing - success, good luck; fuzzy drawing - you will achieve your goal only with significant effort.

Woman: passion, hope, illusion.

Lock: an unexpected pleasant event, an unexpected inheritance.

Star: wealth, happiness, health, fulfillment of cherished desires;

Building: It is possible to achieve the goal only by changing the environment or being internally reborn.

Snake: evil, ill-wisher, deceitful friend.

Umbrella: closed - you are in a difficult situation; open - the wisest thing in your situation is to follow the advice of your friends.

Initials: a person with such initials; next to the pen are close people.

Stones: you need to expand your circle of friends.

Drop: troubles, tears.

Square: protection in an unfavorable situation.

Dagger: loss, enmity.

Clover: all bad things will end quickly.

Cell: pressing problems, wedding; a large cage - the best way to wait out an unpleasant situation is inaction, let things take their course; a small cage is a promise made in a fit of emotion, which can lead to some kind of trouble.

Key: All doors are open before you, and all roads will lead to happiness.

Book: closed - think before making a decision; open - keep it up!

Goat: bad news from those on the road; Don’t be stubborn, a quarrel is not the best way to prove that you’re right.

Wheel: Only hard work will lead you to success; at the edge of the cup - financial profit.

Bell: good news; several bells - a wedding, an important event.

Cleaver: Perhaps the situation will become more complicated, be patient and try not to make hasty decisions. Don't conflict with others.

Comet: Live only in the present and try not to think about the future.

Compass: you need to change your occupation or environment.

Ship: journey; near the handle of the cup - a profitable trip; at the edge of the cup - an urgent unexpected trip.

Basket: full - addition to the family, surprise; empty - a call to save.

Box: closed – anxiety; open – stable position, friendly communication.

Crown: luck, respect, honor.

Cat: betrayal.

Chair or armchair: unexpected guest; It's time to relax.

Cross: a sacrifice is required on your part; on the bottom of the cup - big troubles for people close to you; at the edge of the cup - soon the end of the black streak in your life; cross in a square - very soon you will find a way out of this situation.

Bed: It's time to get some sleep and relax.

Circle: money; big circle - big money; success as a result of hard work or after the end of a series of troubles.

Jug: close fun and joy; be more careful and avoid excesses; a pleasant time with friends.

Chicken: be careful with money; your intuition will bring you financial success.

Bush: unexpected influx of money, and the thicker and more bush, the more there are.

Lamp: on the wall of the cup - unexpected help in a difficult situation; on the bottom of the cup - disappointment; at the top edge - a meeting after a long separation; near the handle - a large inheritance; two lamps - the merging of two destinies, two weddings.

Ladder: Your ideals will help you achieve success quickly, but they will provoke high demands on you.

Bat: intrigues envious people; bad trip.

Lily: on the edge of the cup - a successful marriage, a faithful friend; at the bottom - a quarrel, a scandal.

Lines: parallel – travel, trip; intermittent, wavy - indecision, uncertainty, financial failure; straight - spiritual comfort, peace.

Fox: lies, cunning, deception that can destroy any friendly ties.

Leaves: small ones - don’t despair, start over, and luck will smile on you again; on the bottom of the cup - your wish will not come true soon.

Faces: new friends.

Boat: boat with sail - do your favorite things; large boat - fear of future events or a change of place will destroy existing plans.

Shovel: honest work will be duly rewarded.

Moon: glory, honors; at the handle of the cup - a romantic adventure; on the bottom - travel; waxing moon - you need to change your occupation; flawed moon - it’s time to urgently make a decision; the moon is almost invisible because of the clouds - soon all worries will leave you, and peace will come in your soul.

Frog: We need changes in work, life and communication with loved ones.

Daisy: love, luck, happiness.

Mask: be careful - you should not trust secrets even to your closest people; a mask next to a flower or a bell means celebration, fun.

Car: change for the better.

Bear: troubles are close, they are waiting for you right outside your doorstep.

Broom: it's time for change.

Baby: on the wall of the cup - financial difficulties; next to the pen - unexpected honors; on the bottom of the cup - a quarrel with your loved one.

Hammer: success will come only after a series of mistakes.

Bridge: your plans for getting out of a crisis situation will lead to success.

Man: new acquaintance; next to the letters - you can find out the name of your new friend.

Ants: you will have persistent and hard work.

Flies: minor troubles that you shouldn’t pay attention to.

Ball: to changes in life.

Anvil: the goal will require patience and maximum effort.

Celestial bodies: luck, happiness, prosperity, prosperity.

Knife: at the bottom of the cup - financial difficulties, health problems, a new business will require careful preparation; the tip of the knife is turned towards the handle of the cup - trial, break from work, separation from family; the knife is covered with part of the square - you will be lucky, you will happily avoid trouble; complications in relationships with loved ones.

Scissors: not far from the handle of the cup - troubles in the family; at the top of the cup - divorce; on the bottom - troubles at work.

Clouds: troubles; there are many individual tea leaves around the clouds - financial difficulties, it is necessary to change long-planned plans.

Deer: In a quarrel, it is better to take a neutral position.

Eagle: perhaps your desire will result in a serious prospect; now is the time to make a decision to increase your family, build a new home, expand your circle of acquaintances and friends; you will need an influential patron.

Donkey: you do not have enough patience to achieve success; stubbornness is not the best way to influence people; First understand the essence of the issue, and then make a decision.

Glasses: surprise; If something unexpected happens at work, it will bring nothing but disappointment.

Palm: good luck, happiness in family life, a strong union.

Spider: Despite the fact that you carefully hide everything, everyone will know about receiving an unexpected gift or a large sum of money.

Hourglass: danger awaits you in the near future; on the bottom of the cup - do not rush to make a decision so as not to aggravate the situation.

Saw: the intervention of an outsider in your affairs will lead to unexpected and unpleasant developments.

Horseshoe: success, luck, and in which particular area, neighboring signs will tell you.

Bird: on a branch - a quick trip or journey; there are many strokes and dots next to the bird - traveling with friends; several birds - happiness; there are other figures nearby - news.

Gun: troubles caused by family troubles.

Hand: if you help a friend, he will certainly help you.

Fish: good news, travel.

Airplane: on the bottom of the cup - a thwarted trip, disappointment; on the wall of the cup - fatigue from everyday work; next to the pen - you need to do a good deed either for yourself or for family members.

Boot: the trip will only be carried out with (material) support loved one; any business trip will give the desired results.

Heart: your close friend or future lover is next to you; next to the ring - an imminent wedding; next to the points - you will receive money soon; the contours of the heart are blurred - your intentions are not entirely serious.

Elephant: you literally have everything except a devoted friend.

Dog: Friend; on the bottom of the cup - a friend needs your help and support; dog's head - someone in your circle will highly appreciate you as a friend.

Owl: serious illness.

Arrow: a letter with a positive response to your proposal; the contours of the figure are unclear - unpleasant news.

Dancer: your flirting may be misunderstood.

Awning: The best cure for a bad mood is travel.

Axe: danger; the contours of the figure are unclear - a minor nuisance.

Dots in a row: trip, journey; three dots - fulfillment of desires.

Points in the heap: a lot of money, a well-paid job.

Triangle: happiness; triangle with the base up - you need to be careful in making decisions.

Tube: You shouldn’t rely only on yourself for everything; in your situation you need good advice.

Duck: There is no need to lose heart; cheerfulness and optimism will help you get out of a difficult situation.

Apron: in the very near future you will meet a person who will be your faithful and kind friend.

Flag: expect an attack with extreme caution and prudence.

Fountain: your plans will be successfully implemented, happiness and success are ahead.

Fruits: You will be lucky in everything.

Flowers: respect from others, happiness; at the bottom of the cup - an insoluble situation in love; on the wall of the cup - a strong love affair or a successful marriage.

Church: wedding, engagement.

Numbers: lottery winnings, address, money, time or date. The figures located nearby will help clarify the interpretation of the numbers; numbers close to the pen - the prediction will come true in the near future.

Tealeaf: a large tea leaf on the very edge of the cup - a man who is attracted to the fortuneteller; on the edge of the cup there is a small tea leaf - a woman who is interested in the fortuneteller.

Kettle: your thoughts are closely related to achieving complete harmony in your relationships with your family; Steam is coming from the kettle - a constant struggle with unfavorable circumstances, ill-wishers or oneself.

Watch: time to think about plans for the future.

Bowl: prosperity, abundance; a future acquaintance will be able to bring you many joyful and pleasant moments.

Chess pieces: complications at work and in communicating with friends and family.

Hat: making profit, money; at the bottom of the cup - a calm and happy family life; on the wall of the cup - your diplomatic skills will come in handy more than once in life.

Sword: the immediate future means conflicts with colleagues or superiors, quarrels in the family, scandals with neighbors.

Crew: your innermost secret will most likely become known to everyone, so you should not make rash decisions.

Apple: good health; you have good prospects for career growth.

Eggs: the birth of a child; two or three eggs in the nest is amazing news.

Anchor: luck, success; close to the edge of the cup - love and constancy; approximately in the middle of the wall of the cup - your lot is work and travel, love affairs occupy you little; fuzzy outlines of a figure - a quarrel with a loved one.

Button fortune telling

In the old days, for this fortune-telling they used two pearls - black and white, seven small sea shells and a sieve. Nowadays, pearls and shells of the required sizes are unlikely to be quickly found, so these items are successfully replaced with ordinary buttons.

When starting to guess, you need to find two large buttons (black and white) and nine small ones. Small buttons should be the same size, slightly concave on one side and convex on the other. The buttons should be placed in an ordinary tea cup, then taken into right hand, cover the top with the left hand, shake and pour the buttons onto a flat surface, for example on a table.

For prediction, use those buttons that are in the majority around one of the large buttons. For example, if three small buttons fell near a black button, and the remaining six fell near a white button, then the prediction is made only based on the buttons that “surrounded” the white landmark. In the event that several small buttons fell very far from the large ones, and the “magic” pattern consists of three or fewer buttons, this alignment is not considered predictive and the buttons must be thrown again.

The future can only be predicted by four or more buttons. In addition, in fortune telling you need to take into account the sides with which the buttons lay up - concave or convex. Great value in this fortune telling has a majority consisting of four or more concave and the same number of convex buttons.

In general, fortune telling with buttons only involves answering a question or fulfilling a wish regarding a specific event. This fortune telling is not able to paint a complete picture of even the near future.

Interpretation of possible button combinations

More buttons lie near the white landmark

Four or more buttons lay with the concave part up: good luck, happiness, health and prosperity will accompany you for many years. If you pay attention to such aspects of life as love, friendship and career growth, then you will also be successful in all of these.

Four or more buttons are placed with the convex side up: in the very near future, luck will turn away from you and you will find yourself in a difficult situation.

Your perseverance and the help of newfound friends will help you get through a bad patch in life.

However, in any situation, one should not forget that the basis of success is self-confidence.

More buttons lie near the black landmark

Four or more buttons lay down with the concave side up: you should not grieve that your efforts will not lead to results, because an unexpected receipt of money awaits you, which will significantly improve your unenviable financial situation. You will survive a streak of minor failures, you just don’t need to give up or become despondent: your ability to see the good even in the worst will help you survive until better times.

Four or more buttons lay with the convex side up: if failures literally follow you, this is very bad sign. Try to abandon the undertaking and change the direction of your activities. The failures that the buttons “predicted” apply to your professional activity. But, if friendship and love are somehow connected with work, expect troubles in your personal life.

Five or more buttons form a cross

Cross next to white landmark

Four or more buttons lie concave side up: the time of failure has come in your life.

Four or more buttons lie with the convex side up: you have done or are just about to do something that will bring you nothing but trouble in the future. If it's not too late, try to abandon your plan.

Cross next to black landmark

Four or more buttons lie concave side up: do not be upset if things are not as good as you want: good luck is just around the corner.

Four or more buttons lie with the convex side up: perhaps now you are, as they say, on a horse, but there is no need to delude yourself - soon an event will happen that will radically change your life.

Five or more buttons form a circle

Circle next to white landmark

Four or more buttons with the concave side up: get ready to receive a large sum of money or an expensive gift.

Four or more buttons laid with the convex side up: very soon you will go on a trip in pleasant company or, on the contrary, unexpected guests will come to your house.

Circle next to black landmark

Four or more buttons lie concave side up: what is most important at the moment will turn into a soap bubble in the near future.

Four or more buttons lie with the convex side up: do not take any trips in the near future, as serious danger awaits you outside the threshold of the house.

Fortune telling on a coin

For this fortune telling, you need to take a small coin and nine cards for playing flinch. If there are no such cards in the house, you can cut them out of thick paper and number them from 1 to 9. These cards need to be mixed and laid out face down in three pieces in three rows. Between the cards you need to leave a distance the size of a coin. Then you need to take a coin, raise it above the laid out cards and throw it, aiming at the very center of the layout. After this, you need to turn over the card on which the coin fell and read its interpretation in accordance with the one below; which side the coin fell on the card also matters.

Interpretation of cards

Tails: to achieve your goal, you need to act decisively before fate turns away from you.

Eagle: a person has appeared in your environment who wants you to act on his orders. Be careful: you should not do anything that contradicts your desires.

Tails: You’ve listened to other people’s advice enough, now you’re ripe for important decisions and can give out advice left and right yourself. If your decision is late, the chance to succeed will be lost.

Eagle: you are surrounded by unkind people who shamelessly take advantage of your generosity. Get rid of them, otherwise you may be accused of inciting unseemly acts.

Tails: be vigilant, otherwise you may take the wrong path. Think carefully about every step, even if it seems insignificant to you.

Eagle: you are simply mesmerized by your ideas and trumpet your genius at every crossroads. But if you come up with something very good, you will be heard, even if you express your thoughts in a whisper.

Tails: Do not under any circumstances give up what you have started, even if someone interests you very much. tempting prospects. You can exchange a worthwhile business for a dubious enterprise.

Eagle: your job is to implement ideas, not generate them. It’s better to let others do the theory, and your job is to carry out things and get tangible profits from it.

Tails: your desire to have fun has reached its limit, but the work you have started requires attention, otherwise you may be disappointed even before you enjoy your vacation.

Eagle: you will be persuaded in every possible way to play cards or other games of chance, naively believing that you are always lucky. Don't give in to this provocation, just do your job.

Tails: you have worked hard enough, now you can rest, relax and taste a little of the joys of life, because next to you is a person whom this can make happy.

Eagle: those around you are taking advantage of your kindness, and their demands are increasing day by day. It's time to stop being a cash cow and think about yourself.

Tails: The time has come to use your intuition and not try to force events, as circumstances require.

Eagle: If a new business isn't going well, don't lose heart. Only by maintaining self-confidence will you be able to attract people who can help you in some way.

Tails: When planning any undertaking, try to make sure that it is appropriate and practical, and only then begin to develop a plan for what you have planned. This is especially true for enterprises associated with making large profits.

Eagle: It’s time to look for start-up capital for a new business, since you have good prospects.

Tails: Use your powers of persuasion carefully. Otherwise, those who trusted you may turn against you when they find themselves involved in a dubious enterprise.

Eagle: they intend to throw you off balance. You should not succumb to provocation: meet all attacks addressed to you calmly, carefully weigh your objections and give answers in clear terms. Only in this way will you prevail over your opponents.

Fortune telling with bones

For this type of fortune telling, you will need seven dice, which must be placed on the table as follows:

1 – head; 2 – heart; 3 – stomach; 4 – right hand; 5 – left hand; 6 – right leg; 7 – left leg.

A person who wants to find out his fate needs to choose any of the laid out bones, or several. Based on which bones or bones a person chose, a possible answer to his question is given.

Interpretation of bones

Head bone: reason, knowledge, ignorance, madness.

Heart bone: love, joy, sadness, sympathy, antipathy, hatred, indifference.

Stomach bone: health, illness, life, death.

Right hand bone: good news, welcome, work, receiving money, apartment, promotion, travel package, etc.

Left hand bone: inaction, evil, loss.

Right leg bone: trip, journey, change for the better, housewarming.

Left leg bone: an unhappy journey, a bad trip, etc.

Fortune telling by beans

Fortune telling by beans is based on obtaining a monosyllabic answer to a question of interest. For “yes” and “no” to become answers, you need to formulate the question accordingly.

If they are telling fortunes for a man, they take 37 beans; for a woman, slightly less - 31. Beans for fortune telling are only suitable for pure white ones, without a single speck of color.

When starting fortune telling, you need to concentrate, mentally say the question and put the beans on the table, dividing them into 3 piles. Accordingly, in male fortune-telling you need to collect piles of 12 beans, in female fortune-telling - 10. The extra bean must be put in the middle, separate from the piles.

Then you need to calculate three key numbers. The first is determined by the number of letters in the name of the fortuneteller or fortuneteller, the second by the number of letters of the patronymic, the third by the surname. For example, Olga Nikolaevna Mukhina. The first number will be 5 (Olga), the second – 10 (Nikolaevna), the third – 6 (Mukhina). After this, you need to find out one more number: the number of vowels contained in the question. For example, the question: “Will I be with Oleg?” contains 9 vowels.

When the necessary numbers have been found, you can begin fortune telling. From the first pile you need to take as many beans as correspond to the number of the name (5), and put them on a separate “extra” bean. From the second pile you should take 10 beans according to the number of the fortuneteller's last name. Of the third - 6, according to the number of her last name. All selected beans must be placed in one pile along with the “extra” beans. And finally, from the pile formed near the “extra” bean, take as many beans as there are vowels in the given question (9).

If after all the manipulations there is not a single bean left in this pile, the wish will never come true. If, after subtracting the number of vowels of the question, there remains in the pile odd number beans, then the answer will be unequivocal - no. And only an even number of beans in a pile will mean an affirmative answer.

Fortune telling on needles

Place exactly 21 sewing needles that have never been used to sew on a small plate or tea saucer. After this, you need to slowly pour water so that the needles change their original position. Then, by the way they lay down, they judge the situation in which the person who wants to find out her fate finds herself. For example, the number of crosses formed by pairs of needles indicates the number of ill-wishers or the number of hostile forces directed against the fortuneteller in the current month.

Needle pendulum

You need to make a pendulum from a needle by threading a red silk thread about 75 cm long through the eye, folding it in half and tying a knot at the end. Take a small coin (preferably silver) from the fortuneteller and place it in the center of the table. Then take the needle with the thread threaded by the knot, sit at the table, placing your elbow on it, and point the needle point to the center of the coin.

The fortuneteller should ask questions that require clear answers “yes” or “no” and carefully observe the pendulum. If the needle does not move, then there is no answer to this question yet; if it has moved in the longitudinal direction, then the answer will be “yes,” if in the transverse direction, “no.” If the pendulum has gone in a circle, the question is not understood and needs to be formulated more clearly.

Fortune telling with a knife

In this fortune telling, gypsies usually use wooden board(circle) for cutting bread, which is approximately 30 cm in diameter.

If there is no such board in the house, you can use a round tray or cut out a circle from cardboard, specially designed for this fortune-telling. Along the edge of the circle you need to write the most common answers to the questions that fortune tellers usually ask: “Yes”, “No”, “Important letter”, “Travel”, “Unexpected meeting”, “ New love"", "News", "Today's tears will soon turn into joy", "Love", "Unexpected guest", "Luck in business", "Letter", "Good news", "Be careful: there is an enemy nearby, skillfully hiding under the guise of good friend”, “Be patient.”

You need to place a kitchen knife in the center of the prepared circle and mentally ask a question. Then the knife should be rotated clockwise 3 times and read the message it points to. This will be the answer to the question you asked. The following two answers may be the consequence or cause of the predicted event. If the tip of the knife indicates a gap between two answers, the fortune telling is repeated.

Divination by flame

Fortune telling by flame is very simple, but at the same time quite complex: after all, only someone who spends all nights by the fire could come up with such a thing. In order to stare into the flames for hours, you need to have a good imagination and a philosophical mindset, and in order to read your destiny from the dancing tongues of fire, you need to have even more life experience.

In the flame of one fire, several people can see their future at the same time, since everyone will see in it only what is destined for him by fate. Therefore, it is recommended to use flame fortune telling for yourself personally: in this case, the prediction can be read most accurately and with less effort.

In the case when they are telling fortunes for another person, they sit him to the left of themselves and spend a long time tuning into him. To do this, you need to take it with both hands by the right hand and hold it for a few seconds. After this, you should look closely at the flame and try to see in it signs that symbolically mean events that await a person in the future.

It happens that a fortuneteller cannot see real images that can reveal the secret of future events. In such cases, the gypsies report that changes in life await the fortuneteller, but it is still impossible to guess whether they are good or bad.

Fortune telling by what you see

Mentally ask a question, then look at the things around you. The first thing that catches your eye will tell you the answer to the question.

Interpretation of what was seen

Child. The person you are thinking about is currently busy taking care of children.

River. You have to leave your home. If at this moment you thought about the depth of the river, you are in some danger. If, on the contrary, you compared a river to a stream, then you will easily overcome the obstacle that will soon appear on your path.

Flapping eyelashes. Fulfillment of desire, consent. If you decide to count the number of movements, you will guess the number of members of the family you are interested in.

A ball, jumping bird or other moving object. Party, fun, good time.

Immovable object. Loneliness, boredom.

Dog, cat or some other animal. Your wish will not come true soon.

On the eve of the New Year, we are increasingly concerned about the question of what it promises us. Since the night from December 31 to January 1 is considered magical, when you can make any wish and it will come true, this is a great time for predictions, since fortune telling is usually carried out on New Year, come true.

New Year's fortune telling "Clock"
You need to take 12 items: coins, mirror, pen, handkerchief, wallet, toy, flower, ring, watch, paper, ball of thread, cup. Arrange them in the same way as the numbers on the dial. Make an arrow from a ballpoint pen; the rod will show what awaits you. You only need to turn it once.
1. Coins - all the years you will have to live modestly and in debt.
2. Mirror - the year will pass in narcissism.
3. Pen - this year you will have the opportunity to sign important papers, thanks to which you can get rich.
4. A handkerchief is not a very pleasant year. You will have to cry often.
5. Wallet – big profits await you this year.
6. Toy - expect a new addition to the family.
7. Flower – this year you will meet great love.
8. Ring - unmarried people will probably get married, and those who already have a family are expecting a romantic relationship with their spouse.
9. Clock - all year you will be in a hurry to get somewhere.
10. Paper - a promotion awaits you.
11. A ball of thread - intrigue and complicated affairs await you, from which you will have to extricate yourself.
12. Cup - spend a year in a friendly atmosphere, talking over a cup of tea or coffee.

New Year's fortune telling on cups
Take seven identical cups. Arrange them in a circle. Place an onion under one, paper money under the second, a ring under the third, a coin under the fourth, a button or paper clip under the fifth, a toy or pacifier under the sixth, and cotton wool under the seventh.
The meaning of objects
Onion - the year will bring many tears.
Paper money is a rich year.
Ring – marriage.
Coins - you will spend a year in debt.
Button (paper clip) - change of job or promotion on the career ladder.
Toy (pacifier) ​​- expect a new addition to the family, but if you already have children, then the year will be full of pleasant surprises for your little children.
Vata – you will be full of health and energy.
New Year's fortune telling on a piece of paper
Take white sheet A4 paper. Divide the sheet into 8 sectors. The first sector is love, the second is family, the third is career, the fourth is health, the fifth is money, the sixth is home, household, the seventh is friends, the eighth is relatives.
You will need a red button, you throw it over the sheet, where it will fall, success and luck will await you in that area, and a black button, which means failure in that area.

New Year's fortune telling using postcards
Buy 12 different New Year cards and write wishes on them.
For example, in January you will receive a large sum money,
In February, expect a serious conversation with your superiors.
An unexpected surprise awaits you in March.
In April you can win a large amount of money.
In May, a new addition to your family awaits you.
You will buy a car in June.
A meeting with an old friend awaits in July
In August, a casual acquaintance can develop into a serious relationship.
September will bring new opportunities.
October will be full of joy and happiness.
In November, get ready for unexpected cash assistance.
December will be full of troubles and worries before the upcoming holidays.
Now place the cards in a circle and let your guests pull them out and enjoy the pleasant predictions!

Winter is a time for fairy tales and the fulfillment of desires, so girls loved to spend Christmastide, which lasts from Christmas to Epiphany (from January 6 to January 19), in fortune-telling and predictions. But, as practice shows, the most truthful answers to all the questions asked could be obtained on the night of January 6-7, when Christmas fortune-telling was carried out.

On this night, young maidens in Rus' gathered in the bathhouse, since it was the most secluded place and it was here, according to legend, that magical power flew in, answering all the girls’ questions without concealment. Before starting fortune telling, the girls swam, thus washing away all the troubles and problems that had accumulated throughout the day, and walked with a clear head and clean body to dialogue with the power of magic and enchantment.

A prerequisite: the bathhouse had to smell like pine, so the fortune tellers brought in spruce and pine branches, which from the heat scattered a pleasant aroma throughout the room, and they themselves could beat each other with spruce brooms, thereby appeasing the magical power so that it would be favorable and gave only truthful answers.

In some villages, they also brought various sweets and pastries to the bathhouse, which were placed on a bench covered with a white cloth; it was believed that the spirits would wash themselves, eat, listen to songs (the girls always sang on this day) and, being satisfied, would give good and faithful advice.

Today, all these ancient rituals are rarely observed by anyone, but fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide is also relevant among modern girls, therefore, the following methods of prediction will be useful to them, however, it is still advisable to prepare appropriately for them, so as not to anger the magical power: instead of a bathhouse - a sauna, instead spruce branches- aromatic oils, and replace the white tablecloth with a snow-white towel and, of course, don’t forget to take a steam bath to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts.

The meaning of figures for fortune telling on wax, coffee, shadows and others

Here you will find a breakdown of the figures for folk fortune telling on coffee and tea, as well as for fortune telling on wax, shadows, mirrors, lead, tin and the like. The database contains values ​​for 600 figures.

Name the figure you see:

For every person, his future is a secret that he really wants to know. This is probably where multiple attempts to create a time machine came from. After all, no one knows what the future is. Yuletide fortune telling are able to lift this veil of mystery.

Here you will find fortune telling for marriage for Christmastide and Christmas: on buttons, indoor flower and threads. They will predict whether you will get married soon, what kind of relationship you will have with your spouse and what kind of character he has.

Christmas time is a great time for all kinds of fortune-telling, because on these days ordinary people do not work, but walk with all their might and celebrate Christian holidays - Christmas and Epiphany, and it is on these days that otherworldly forces are most active, which means it is possible to look into their future without the help of specialists to find out what it promises!

What is a cherished dream? Everyone has their own, but it is for the sake of it that a person lives, breathes and moves. Some are ready to move mountains to fulfill their plans, while others hope for magic and wait for this magical moment. And what's surprising... he comes. The main thing is faith and hope that everything will work out!

Love is the greatest feeling on Earth, and in the entire Universe. This is a priceless gift that, alas, is not given to everyone, but which many dream of. For the sake of love you can suffer, for the sake of love you can live, for the sake of love you can create. Therefore it is love fortune telling and predictions are the most popular among both women and men.

We are all waiting for our soulmate, with whom we will go through life hand in hand, overcoming adversity and rejoicing in our shared happiness. That's why unmarried girls and they strive to find out, by looking into the future, what it is like - their beloved and unique one.

Who among us would not like to know our destiny? In trying to look into the future, we are not embarrassed by the complexity of the methods, the unusualness of the means, or the originality of the interpretations... And the use of coffee for fortune telling in the most surprising way has “taken root” in the practice of fortune-tellers.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs