Why invest in investment coins? Investment gold coins: buying and selling

The Golden Coin House not only sells coins, but also buys them. Clients often ask to prove the authenticity of coins. I am taken to a small office with office desk. In front of the master Ruvshan lie a scattering of shining yellow and white diamonds: “235 pieces of 0.01 carats each,” says the master.

Before starting work, he puts on gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints on the gold. There are standards and criteria for the diameter and weight of coins. Therefore, first the coin is checked against them.

“Try to place the coin on its edge: the original always stands firmly,” Ruvshan tries for about ten seconds to place the experimental coin straight, but he fails. “Genuine coins can always be placed on the edge,” he explains. Then we check the coin’s weight on the scales: the standard weight of the “Nicholas” coin is 8.6 grams. The experimental coin weighs 8.54. “Yes, old coins may have a deviation in weight due to abrasions, but not so much - 8.59–8.58 is still acceptable,” says the master.

“If you want, you can come to us with your kitchen scales,” adds Alexey.

Metals that are similar in parameters to gold are often used for counterfeiting. The metal is poured inside and wrapped in gold on top. Such things are tested using a touchstone ( glass with a rough surface that rubs against metals. - Approx. Rusbase). Ruvshan lightly “strikes” the coin on the touchstone, and it leaves a thin mark. Then he takes special acids and drips them from the test tube onto the strip. It does not change in color: “Not gold and gold of the lowest standard immediately give a reaction: they begin to turn black, burn and have a specific smell.”

Large jewelry can be sawed (most often this applies to ingots). But this method is used infrequently, since the gold is seriously deformed. “Fraudsters can fill large ingots with tungsten so that the buyer cannot distinguish a fake by weight. Gold can be counterfeited unnoticed. First, we check the item - and if we notice that the conductivity parameters do not match, we warn the client that we will bite the metal. As a rule, scammers refuse, since this method 100% shows a fake. It happens that clients themselves do not know about the fake. Is it true, last time this happened five years ago,” recalls Alexey.

Another way to check is to use Archimedes' law. The coin (or product) is weighed. A container of water is weighed. Then the product is lowered onto a fishing line or thread into a container of water. The weight is recorded. The dry weight of the product is divided by the weight in water. The value is compared with the metal density table.

“I’m self-taught, I learned everything for two months. Before the “Golden Coin House,” I worked in several gold companies. In the first one I checked 20–30 kg of scrap per month for authenticity. There are no special courses for my skill. But pawn shops have courses for those who accept gold,” says Ruvshan. It takes skill. Sometimes people bring perfect coins. There was a case when four people looked at the coin under a magnifying glass, and I noticed a small spot the first time without a magnifying glass. Probably it was intuition."

Investment coins - is it worth investing in them?

Investments in precious metals are by far the most stable and promising. Along with other options for metal investments, coins play a special role. Collectors and numismatists know for sure that ancient collectible coins and coins made of precious metals bring a stable income to their owner, since they always increase in value.

There really is a reason for this. Over the past decade, financial markets have been rocked by crises. Deposits provide income below the inflation rate, thereby not allowing you to receive income from investments, stock markets They collapse every now and then, which makes the investment risky. Moreover, the cost of coins during this time increased almost fivefold. According to auction participants, the growth trend continues at the same pace, and price increases on average reach 16-20% per year.

Many banks offer services for issuing and selling investment coins. You can buy coins second-hand, but there is a high probability of running into a fake. If buying rare collectible coins requires certain skills and knowledge, then with investment coins everything is much simpler. Their value is equal to the value of the metal from which they are made, while the price of collectible coins is determined by its significance and rarity.

What are bullion coins?

These are coins made from high-grade precious metals, mainly gold and silver. Platinum ones are less common. Investment coins are issued by the Central Bank. They are purchased as an investment to preserve and increase assets. They are minted using simplified technology and in large quantities.

If commemorative coins have a certain fragment and are dedicated to some event, then precious coins have a simple design. They indicate the type of metal, weight, denomination, fineness. At the same time, the real price has nothing to do with the face value. So, a coin with a face value of 50 rubles. made of gold will cost about 25-30 tr.

The investment attractiveness of the coin is created by the absence of value added tax. According to statistics, the most popular coins are gold coins. Information on prices is available at the stands of banks selling coins, as well as on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the “Banknotes and Coins” section.

Coins are sold in special capsules to protect them from damage during storage. Since the metal is of a high “soft” standard, then mechanical influences may cause damage, which will reduce the value of the coin in the future due to low quality.

When buying, it is worth remembering that not all banks that sell coins buy them back. The difference between the purchase and sale prices is quite significant, so it is not profitable to sell coins over a short period of time. Like all other gold, coins can only generate income over the long term.

Advantages and disadvantages of investment coins.

To start investing in coins, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of investing. The advantages include:

  • Stable growth in price over the long term.
  • The price is close to the cost of the precious metal, which is growing in price.
  • There is no taxation on purchase.
  • If coins are issued in small quantities, their value will be higher due to their value and rarity.


  • Requires careful storage. Even minor damage can reduce the condition of the coin to satisfactory and reduce its value.
  • Responsibility for storage lies with its owner.
  • To receive income you need to wait several years.
  • When buying secondhand, you can run into a fake.
  • Having a rare copy of a coin makes it more difficult to sell it, since you will need to find a real connoisseur who is willing to pay a decent amount for it. The bank will accept even a rare coin only based on the weight of the metal.
  • Income can only be obtained in the long term (7-10 years).

Thus, it makes sense to buy investment coins for the preservation and conservation of capital. By ensuring its proper storage, you can make good money in a few years. If you choose between gold bars and coins, the latter will be more interesting for an investor in terms of the absence of VAT on purchase.

Which metal to choose?

Standard coins are issued in silver and gold. If you choose for investment purposes, then gold will be more profitable. They are more expensive, the price of gold has less volatility than that of silver.

It is better to choose silver when buying commemorative or collectible coins, 80% of the cost of which does not depend on the metal. The value of silver is lower than gold, so it will take many coins to create capital in coins, making them difficult to store. Gold coins are steadily increasing in price and will always be in demand, since gold is a rare and non-renewable metal.

Coin price.

Several factors influence the value of a coin:

  • Coin quality. If the owner of the coin saved it in good quality, then it will be recognized as in excellent condition and purchased at a good price. If there is damage on the coin, the condition will be considered satisfactory and the price will be clearly reduced.
  • Coin circulation. This is almost a fundamental factor in pricing. A large circulation means the prevalence of the coin and its low demand, i.e. the price will depend only on the weight of the metal. If the precious coin is also rare, then numismatists will want to get it into their collection and are ready to shell out a large amount.
  • Metal. The price of a coin will depend on what metal it is made of. Gold bullion coins are made from 999 fine gold, so the price will be tied to the exchange rate of the metal. The advantage for investors here is that the coin will not cost less than the metal.
  • Rarity. A coin made of gold, but issued in a rare edition, will cost many times more than its common counterpart.
  • Time. The longer a coin remains with its owner, the more expensive it will be. The price of the metal generally rises over a period of 5 to 10 years, although there may be falls over short periods of time.

Price for some coins:

Where to buy coins?

The simplest and in a safe way is a purchase through a bank. Here coins are sold with certificates and an agreement in special packaging. It is not recommended to buy coins by hand, through private advertisements. Even if a coin does not differ in appearance from the original, this does not guarantee its authenticity. Now there are methods of precision casting, which allows you to copy a coin exactly.

Natural ways to attract investments are investment funds, shares, banks, real estate, portfolio investments. Few people thought that investment coins could act as a publicly accessible financial instrument that would ensure the reliability and security of the deposit. What are investment coins, and how do they attract investors, as well as what is the value of precious metals in the investment market? Let’s find out right now.

We have already concluded that the best investment is investing in gold money. The reasoning for this is very simple:

  1. Gold is a reliable metal;
  2. High liquidity;
  3. High availability;
  4. Always relevant;
  5. High volatility.

The advantages of this method of investing are that it is profitable all over the world. The value of the stock is regulated by exchanges, regardless of the location of the future investor. In order to learn how to invest money, it is not at all necessary to have extensive experience and professional skills.

A young beginner can figure out how the stock exchange works. Another way may be to hire a trader who will professionally increase the level of capital and maintain the existing amount. Every “penny” is available in any bank and for any solvent citizen. Thus, start-up capital may be minimal or completely absent. The weight of assets is less than precious metal bars, which means storage conditions become easier.

Advantages of the investment method

An investor who wants to realize and increase his capital analyzes each toolkit so as not to make mistakes and get the expected result. Investing in monetary units has its pros and cons. It is necessary to study each argument and determine whether it is interesting to you or not.

For many, the tangibility of investments and their visual perception remains important. A numismatic unit in this direction will be more important than an impersonal metal account in a bank. In addition, the invested “penny” is not taxed, which often attracts capitalists. The monetary units are in your safe and not in the bank, which increases the reliability of the deposit and protects against the sudden insolvency of a commercial organization. The availability of money ensures its acquisition anywhere in the world, and purchasing investment coins at any bank allows you to get acquainted with a wide range of collections at any time.

The other side of the coin

Are you almost convinced that this is the best investment tool and are you ready to send it to the nearest bank? Take your time, you always need to objectively perceive not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages.

Purchasing an investment unit from a bank does not require payment of VAT, but the difference between the purchase price and the sale price will have to be calculated. Some banks have very large spreads, which does not suit many investors. To avoid excessive spending, you should be well aware of when and where to buy assets, and patiently wait for the moment to arrive. Many consider storing and transporting an asset a disadvantage: home conditions may not always be the most reliable. The liquidity property of assets is directly related to its overall state. Thus, it is not recommended to purchase monetary instruments without a case, and slight damage or fingerprints left on the surface will significantly reduce the value.

Investment funds: characteristics and types

Coins for investments are minted from precious metals that are of the highest standard. The main purpose of such money is investment. A certain circle of people interested in this method of investment purchase rubles and provide a deposit.

At the same time, the investment method is considered more profitable than investing in precious metals, since the value of money is still higher than the value of gold or silver. Thus, an investment coin is a certain category of money, minted using high-grade metals. The coins preferably have a gold or silver composition. Investment money is not included in circulation and is produced automatically. When minted, each unit must correspond to the following characteristic features:

  • weight standard, which is inherent in analogues;
  • thickness standard;
  • uniformity of texture;
  • simplicity of drawing in a simplified format;
  • absence or inconspicuous presence small parts in design.

Are there differences between an investment and a collection?

Issued into circulation through Russian banks large number coins that have their own denomination and value. Assets produced for collection or investment activities are completely different and have their own characteristic differences. Let's take at least the cost of each unit. Gold bullion coins will equal their value to the precious metal, but commemorative coinage has a significant difference in price, and its value is determined by its numismatic value.

Let's look at the differences in more detail:

    • Payment of tax. Recently, commemorative coins have been exempted from taxation, and VAT has also been abolished. Why? The cost of the find to numismatists for investment purposes, which included tax interest, discouraged consumer interest. However, the abolition of VAT for collector's editions did not generate significant demand from collectors;
    • The value of investment rubles. Investment in a collection requires a potential approach to each specimen. An investor must have a good understanding of the value of money and distinguish the value of the same object at different times. Investment banknotes may differ from each other in circulation, rarity, or belonging to a limited series. This does not mean at all that two absolutely identical “kopecks” will have the same price. One may turn out to be more expensive than another just because it is more beautiful. All the subtleties of investing in gold coins or silver tokens can only be recognized by a professional numismatist. For an investor who is only looking for profit in increasing his capital, it is easier to purchase investment coins made of silver or gold (George the Victorious, silver Sable);

  • Valuable or not valuable? A gold or silver coin can be issued not only by the Mint, but also by any bank or commercial organization. In turn, memorial signs are valued for their rarity, quality workmanship and level of preservation. Both categories of coins have their merit, although investments in precious metal coins will only be attractive to investors who are engaged in safe, stable investment activities. Investing in numismatic money is much more difficult, since you will have to search for rare and limited ones. Big role has a historical component of the “penny”. It will take a lot of time to collect information, and the investment will not be profitable at all.

New wave of interest

The net profit from the purchase of banknotes directly depends on the difference between the purchase price and the sale price. The dynamics of the price are as flexible as the dynamics of the cost of the precious metal from which the coinage is made. Banks act as intermediaries between the consumer and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which generates an increase in the value of assets several times due to the markup of credit accounts. When it comes to transporting monetary assets, the cost increases geometric progression. The best way The acquisition will be a purchase in Moscow or near the capital.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation publishes release planning monetary units and circulation. However, this does not help investors purchase the signs. The limited edition runs out even before it reaches the bank, as the bank's regular customers leave preliminary requests and snap up valuable copies even before the release of the collection.

The acquisition of numismatic value does not entail the payment of VAT, but the sale gives rise to tax obligations. The seller is forced to pay tax on personal income from the benefit received in accordance with tax law.

Finally, we decided whether this investment was profitable or not. There are two big questions left to answer: “When to buy?” and “Where to sell?”

A mistake often occurs, in particular among investors, when they want to purchase assets at the moment they become available. cash. This approach to contribution is wrong. The day for purchasing coins is carefully selected and carefully analyzed. The asset should not be purchased during the period active growth prices, as there is a risk of a significant decline in value. The acquisition is profitable at the moment of almost complete depreciation of the monetary unit. According to economic laws, alternating price hikes are a simple financial phenomenon.

The sale of monetary assets is not carried out as quickly as we would like, because most banks refuse citizens to purchase coins. However, they will not take money for trying. To sell at a bank you will need a passport. A valuable method is to contact pawnshops, although this is not particularly beneficial for investors, since the conditions for accepting goods underestimate the value too much.

It is possible to find a potential buyer through online stores or channels. However, selling is always more difficult than purchasing. It is important to catch the right moment again during a period of rising prices for precious metals.

What to buy as an investment unit

In Russia, investment money is limited in quantity. Demanded monetary units have their own history and value.

Let's study some of them:

  • “Chervonets” - a gold investment coin of the 70s-80s;
  • “Zodiac Signs” - investments in gold coins of this collection have been highly valued since 2000;
  • “Russian Ballet” - produced in 1993, minted from gold, silver and palladium;
  • “St. George the Victorious” - nominal value is 50 rubles;
  • “Winter Olympic Games 2014” are silver investment coins, minted in anticipation of the Olympics in Sochi. The denomination of such signs is 3, 50, 100 rubles;
  • “River Beaver” - the purchase of gold investment coins has been carried out since 2008.

Investments in silver coins are valued slightly less than gold, although this is only due to the level of volatility. Investments in gold bullion coins will provide the best return.

Investing in precious metal units is a long-term process that requires the right approach and careful study of the area. A profitable investment is capital made from gold units; silver rubles can only serve as a precious gift. The gold price is growing every year, although not as actively as investors would like. Such a financial instrument should be purchased only for the purpose of long-term storage, in order to subsequently make a profitable sale.

Gold has always been synonymous with the word wealth, capital is also stability and reliability, at least in the economic interpretation. Thousands of years ago, gold was not only a means of payment, but also a means of accumulating and preserving one’s own wealth.

Thousands of years have passed, but the situation has not changed fundamentally, and today gold is actively used for saving and storing capital. Moreover, a lot of examples can be given from ordinary women in India who buy gold items to create their own “financial parachute”. According to their laws, all the gold on a woman is her property and she leaves her husband’s house with it; it is interesting that a similar practice is widespread in the Muslim world. Without exception, all the central banks of the world that store part of their reserves in gold, not virtual, but physical.

Interestingly, most of the physical gold of EU countries is stored in the United States, and last year there was a fairly big scandal (in narrow circles) when some European countries decided to take back my gold from the USA. The process, as far as the press reported, has already begun, but in reality the transportation of gold will take at least 5 years.

If everything is more or less clear with Indians and central banks, then Was it worth investing in gold for an ordinary person?

How to invest money in gold, available options

There is a fairly small set of tools for investing in gold for ordinary citizens; to work with the same sand and nuggets, permission from the Assay Chamber of the Russian Federation will be required. In the available list, purchase of coins, bank bars, acquisition jewelry. A separate line is the opening of special metal accounts - compulsory medical insurance (anonymized metal account).

Each of the options has its own pros and cons, but in all options except bank accounts, investing makes sense only in the long term of 5 years. It is worth noting that in addition to quite large disadvantages, there is also a huge advantage.

The big advantage of investing in physical gold is its high liquidity; gold can be converted into “live” rubles at almost any time. At the same time, the correct selection of instruments allows such conversion to be carried out with minimal losses, of course, compared to most other instruments suitable for investment (more details here).


Bank bars are marked bars with documents containing 999.95 fine gold. Typically sold in hermetically sealed packaging, jars require identification upon purchase.

When purchasing a bank bullion, be sure to check that you have all the documents for the gold, plus keep the receipt.

Disadvantages of Investing in Bullion

  • — the need to pay VAT (18% on the cost of gold, which will not be returned in the future);
  • - difficulties with selling. they buy the bullion with reluctance, while very carefully checking not only the documents of the gold itself, but also its physical safety. The presence of scratches or abrasions gives an almost 100% guarantee that the bank will not buy the bullion.
  • - high discount on sale. Banks buy with a spread of at least 20% to the market price.

Pros of investing in gold bars

  • — high liquidity;
  • — 100% protection from inflation, crises and devaluation, not only of the ruble but also of the dollar.
  • — in the next 5-6 years, at least 30%, with a profitability of 70%

Where is the best place to buy bullion?

The optimal option is to purchase outside Russia; in most countries such a purchase is not taxed, which will save 18%, plus in Russian banks the difference between the market price and the sale price of bank gold differs by 20-25% (this is especially noticeable on small bars). The spread is much lower abroad. True, you can only buy within a certain limit (check with customs before purchasing), everything above is subject to additional customs duty.


The minting of gold coins is mainly carried out by the Central Bank and there are two fundamentally different categories:

Investment coins– they are the ones of greatest interest to the buyer. So, when purchasing them, you do not need to pay 18% VAT; in most cases, the spread between the market price and the sale price is relatively small. And most importantly, such coins are bought with pleasure not only by banks, but also by jewelers.

It is worth noting that transactions with gold (except jewelry) between individuals prohibited, but who's stopping you from finding more interesting options than the banal sale of investment gold coins, for example, exchange.

Commemorative coins– these coins have a price much higher than the denomination of the gold equivalent and are valuable for numismatists and collectors. Investing in this tool It’s quite risky without knowledge and relevant acquaintances.


Gold jewelry has been and will probably remain for a long time the main instrument for saving capital in the east, about Arab and Indian women has already been said. The Slavs do not have such a tradition, but this does not prevent our women from investing.

True, configuration

wife - gold - decoration - investment

represents a specific aspect of our life and, by and large, cannot be a standard. In fact, this option of investing in gold is suitable only for the wives of wealthy men who must be prepared for rapid changes in their lives, while not having other tools to create a “financial parachute.”

In fact, investing in gold jewelry is only profitable if the jewelry is very old or is a work of art (which is hypothetically capable of increasing in value). In all other cases, such investments are not profitable since the sale of such jewelry is made by weight, and the purchase is made by weight, plus work and store margin. That is, in any case, the conversion of gold back into money will be negative.

Metal accounts, deposits in gold

Unallocated metal accounts (OMA) are opened in banks and have a more virtual basis; in most cases, we are not talking about physical metal (it can be in gold, platinum, silver). In fact, virtual metal is purchased at the market price, and when withdrawing money, it is sold at the same market price (set by the bank).

This tool is very convenient and here's why:

Advantages of metal accounts in gold and silver

  • — high reliability. De facto, such investments completely protect capital from inflation and devaluation.
  • — high liquidity. Convert savings back to monetary form can be done very quickly.
  • - lack of additional . All transfers are carried out at the current gold rate at the bank.


  • — the money is in the bank, that is, all risks associated with the bankruptcy of a financial institution fall on the shoulders of the depositor.
  • - you can only earn money if the price increases. Unlike, there are practically no accruals for OSM, and if there are, they are meager.
  • — OSM does not fall under deposit guarantee.

Conclusion, OSM is very convenient and practical tool if you need to “wait it out”, but you won’t be able to make money on it. You also need to choose banks very carefully, my advice or the large state-owned Sberbank of Russia and its gold account or large foreign banks

Is it worth investing in gold in 2016?

It is impossible to find a more reliable instrument for saving your own money; gold exists and will remain the main savings instrument for many years to come, but this option will not allow you to earn money and get big profits. By and large, even after 10 years, having converted gold into money, you will simply receive the nominal value of your capital, taking into account past inflation and the depreciation of paper money.

And now a little video with the opinion of experts on investing in gold.

It is possible to achieve great success only if there is a stable increase in capital. Almost everyone does this, just in different manifestations. Most in a convenient way is investing money in promising directions in order to extract maximum income. This allows you to receive almost passive capital gains, and investing in coins is considered one of the popular methods. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to understand the specifics of this area, clearly understand the risks and advantages of investment coins and build a clear strategy of action. This is exactly what will be discussed next.

Features and concept of investment coins

Currently, there are many different coins that have a high value exceeding millions of rubles. However, they are collectible.

Bullion coins are made from precious metals and are purchased with the aim of obtaining further benefits by increasing the price of gold or silver. Their cost is as close as possible to the metals from which they are made. This is achieved by simply appearance, lack of features and complex elements. In addition, they are produced in large quantities. All these factors make them absolutely useless for numismatists. They are manufactured with one purpose - to provide an original and convenient investment opportunity. Carrying out a deep analysis, it becomes clear that buying such coins resembles a process and has much in common with and in the future allows you to receive a similar income.

Investment coins, unlike collectible coins, are primarily valued not for their beauty, rarity and historical significance, but for their precious component. Their cost directly depends on weight. The second factor is technical condition products. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure careful storage and protect the investment item from mechanical damage.

Terms of profit

Silver bullion coins, like gold ones, slowly rise in price. This is due to the financial stability of precious metals. On the one hand, this is a significant advantage, since it will not allow you to lose all your money. But from the point of view of profitability, this is a disadvantage, as it prevents quick resale and achievement of set goals.

In most cases, tangible income comes no earlier than three years later. The exception is the purchase of coins during a decline in prices and a sharp rise in price against the backdrop of economic factors. The likelihood of such an outcome is very low. Therefore, you need to focus on the long term.

Examples of popular coins

Russian banks offer wide choice this kind of coins. Their number and range is constantly expanding. Various images associated with memorable dates or great personalities can be minted on the obverse. In addition, they have different weights and materials of manufacture. It is the last two criteria that are key. Below are some examples:

  • Gold "Chervonets" issued in the USSR until 1982. Its total weight is 8.6 grams, of which 7.74 grams are pure gold.
  • George the Pobedonosets, who appeared in 2006, when the stock of Chervontsev began to run out. These coins have almost identical mass of pure gold. The difference is in hundredths of a gram. They are most popular among investors due to their optimal weight and, accordingly, affordable price.
  • Square coins dedicated to the 2014 Winter Olympics. The weight of pure gold can range from 7.78 to 15.55 grams. They ceased production in 2013, so they are relatively rare.
  • Judo-14. Gold coins weighing 1 kilogram. Accordingly, these specimens have a significant value exceeding several million rubles.

In addition, there are many other options, the availability of which can be checked on official websites and bank branches. Investing in coins should be done with the help of banks. Individuals may inflate real figures and offer fakes that are unsuitable for investment activities.

Positive aspects

The high popularity of purchasing precious coins is due to a wide range of advantages that attract investors. The main ones are:

  1. Compact size, no storage problems. Small copies can be stored anywhere, including a home safe. This feature allows for easy transportation and hiding the investment item from prying eyes. For example, when buying gold investment coins, you can place tens of millions of rubles in a compact safe.
  2. Practicality. These coins do not require care from the owner. Each of them is stored in a special capsule, which reliably protects from scratches, dents and other damage that can occur even with careful use. The shell has a transparent structure and allows you to examine each element in great detail. Therefore, you should only open the capsule if absolutely necessary.
  3. Availability. To buy gold and silver coins, it is enough to have a passport and personal capital. The purchase is quick and hassle-free. It is worth noting that many people can purchase them, this is due to the presence of silver copies that have an acceptable price.
  4. Ease of sale. Getting rid of precious monetary units and getting your investment capital back is very simple. Many banks are making purchases.
  5. Relatively low probability of incurring investment losses. The fact is that the main material is precious metal, which always has a high cost and demand. In the worst case scenario, you can get back most of your investment. At best, investing in coins will provide a significant increase in funds.
  6. Aesthetics. This method allows you not only to increase your existing capital, but also to get aesthetic pleasure from beautiful, highly valuable products.
  7. There is no need to worry about the well-being of the bank. Purchased coins are handed over to the owner. Therefore, unlike metal and cash accounts, bankruptcy or liquidation of a bank will not cause problems for the investor and will not entail losses.

TO general list we can add that all transactions with coins are exempt from value added tax, which is a significant advantage over other types of investments.


Before you invest your entire budget in an investment business, you need to assess the existing risks. There are quite a few disadvantages, but in some cases they can play a key role. First of all, it is worth remembering the following points:

  1. You cannot be sure that coins made of precious metals will bring a guaranteed profit. If the price of gold or silver decreases, you may suffer losses.
  2. Long term. As practice shows, precious metals are stable and gain in price very slowly. This means that such an investment must be made for a long term. Only then can you make significant profits. The only exception is market instability, accompanied by sharp price changes.
  3. Banking policy. All banks sell coins at the same price, and buy them several percent cheaper. This difference results in certain monetary losses for investors. Therefore, in order to receive income, you need to wait for such an increase in the price of metal that can cover all costs and increase the investor’s capital.

The listed conditions indicate that investments in gold and silver coins should be made by those who are willing to wait a long time for a favorable moment for resale.

Investment stages

Investing money is a responsible step that requires an objective assessment and adherence to a clear algorithm of actions. The process of purchasing and obtaining subsequent benefits from investing in precious metal coins can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Determining the budget. It is very important to analyze what kind of investment return the investment can bring. For this purpose the amount is indicated initial capital. It is worth noting that small investments will not bring a tangible effect. This is due to the slow and slight increase in prices for precious metals.
  2. Cost accounting. You need to understand that there is a difference in the cost of buying and selling. Statistics show that gold bullion coins are more profitable in terms of resale.
  3. Setting goals. Each investor pursues a specific goal. This can be a rapid increase in capital or its preservation. In the case of coins, you need to understand that profit can only come after a few years, and its volume in the majority of cases does not exceed ten percent of the total investment. For those who hope to quickly increase their wealth several times, this method doesn't fit.
  4. Coin selection. First you need to carry out an analysis and understand what kind of metal is recent years has acquired a stable trend of increasing value, and which has fallen in price. For example, if silver falls steadily in price over three years or remains at the same level, then silver bullion coins will not be the best object purchases. However, there are exceptions when there is a sharp and significant drop in price due to temporary political factors. This allows you to seize the moment and make a profitable purchase. Such sharp drops most often have a short-term nature and are accompanied by a subsequent rise in price.
  5. Regular monitoring. When gold coins are purchased, you need to constantly monitor changes in value. This is the only way to control the situation and sell the investment object at the maximum price.
  6. Buyer's choice. The bank is considered the most reliable buyer. In this case, the transaction takes place quickly and safely, but the purchase price may not suit some investors. Private individuals sometimes offer more favorable conditions that allow them to receive a large income, but there is a possibility of becoming a victim of fraud. When making private transactions, you need to take care of both personal and legal security.
  7. Grade. An objective determination of cost can only be carried out by a specialist. The final price depends not only on the weight, but also on the visual condition. That is why you need to carefully store the jewelry.

By following the above procedure and following the basic recommendations, you can reduce risks and increase the likelihood of generating income.

No one is insured against losses, but it is worth making every effort to prevent this from happening, and investing funds will help improve financial condition. A few simple tips will help with this:

  • If the total value of coins exceeds 250 thousand rubles, they automatically receive property status. Therefore, a sale within the first three years of ownership will incur a tax of thirteen percent. For this reason, it is advisable to invest for a period of three years or more.
  • When choosing, pay attention to those copies that were produced in the smallest circulation. This can subsequently have a positive impact on the cost.
  • Do not open the protective capsule. Any scratches and deformation are reflected in the final cost, and therefore, in the amount of profit.
  • It is recommended to buy precious coins only from reliable places. Otherwise, there is a risk of purchasing a fake.
  • When purchasing, you need to pay attention not to the total weight of the product, but to the mass of the precious metal contained.
  • The terms of purchase and sale may vary from bank to bank. Therefore, it is necessary to study all the offers and choose the most profitable one.
  • There is no need to make investments during a period of sharp rise in prices for precious metals. This will not generate income and will most likely result in further losses.
  • The decision to sell must be made quickly. Prices on the world market change every day, so there is practically no time to think.

In addition, you need to set yourself up for success and wait for the right moment. The right motivation and strategy is the first step to success.


Income from precious coins is achieved through profitable resale. This is a long process that takes several years and requires constant monitoring of gold and silver price indicators. It is advisable to make investments only for investors who have significant capital and do not seek to make a profit in short terms. In other cases, it is recommended to consider other types of investment.

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