What does dracaena symbolize in the house? Dracaena in the interior (51 photos): beautiful accommodation options

Signs about dracaena in the house. Dracaena is also called the “dragon tree”, because its appearance, according to legend, is associated with a dragon that died in a fight with a huge elephant. Their blood splashed onto the ground and mixed, and in these places they grew tall trees, later called dracaena. To decide whether dracaena can be in the house, and how it affects people’s lives, you should turn to folk wisdom, namely, signs. ✔ Of these, the most common are the following: ✔ 1. If you received dracaena as a gift, then you will be lucky in love. ✔ 2.By placing this flower in your room, you will gain confidence. Also, with her appearance, they prophesy to her owner career growth, easy luck (for example: in gambling), it also contributes to quick decision-making that does not cause regrets later. ✔ 3. Dracaena is a peacemaker plant, therefore, having acquired it, you can quickly establish peace in the family. ✔ 4. If the dracaena withers, it means that one of the residents of the apartment has problems, or a person with negative energy has appeared. As you can see, not all signs about dracaena are positive, but still in most of them it brings benefits to people. Let's take a closer look at how exactly. ✔ How is dracaena useful for the home? Like other house flowers, dracaena can be different types, each of which has a different effect on the home and on the person himself: ✔ 1.Dracaena dracaena. It is believed that it attracts love, protects and fights negative influences (energy). ✔ 2. Dracaena fragrant. This species helps fight bad luck and illness. If you give it to a person for whom everything is falling out of hand and he is haunted by failures, then he will definitely become more successful. This variety also helps accelerate the healing process of wounds on the surface of the skin. ✔ 3.Dracaena derema. It cleanses the apartment of negative energy and helps cope with stress or panic. This flower calms and relaxes a person. ✔ 4.Dracaena Godsefa. This flower belongs to the Aquarius group, so it is most suitable for people with this zodiac sign. It balances the character of the person who lives with him: when it is necessary to show character, and at other times to calm down so as not to commit a rash act. Also, the presence of dracaena in the house helps to ensure that there will be fewer conflicts in it, or if they arise, they will be quickly resolved. You can look at the effect of dracaena from a purely scientific side. This flower purifies the air of the room where it stands from harmful impurities (benzene, ammonia, xylene, toluene, etc. substances) and from microbes flying in it. He simply attracts them to himself and processes them. This helps to avoid complications and speeds up the healing process (especially skin diseases). Also, thanks to dracaena, bones and teeth are strengthened. Based on all of the above, we can say with confidence that dracaena will not harm you if it grows in your apartment. It is recommended to place it in the bedroom, where positive impact a flower will be most effective, but it can stand in other rooms.

Cat care

Houseplants that can poison a cat

Danger can lurk everywhere. Poisonous for cats indoor plants may cause serious symptoms of poisoning, which any owner should be aware of

Pet owners know that their pets often have a tendency to taste some pretty strange things. For example, cats often gravitate toward plastic or wool, and especially diligent cats enjoy chewing sofa upholstery. And of course, indoor plants, which at a certain period of a cat’s life, and only she herself knows which period, become part of her diet. Whether garden, indoor, wild plants or flowers from a nearby store, all this can provide a tasty and tempting diet for a cat who may be at odds with her health. Toxic houseplants for cats can be a serious problem for many owners.

Veterinarians recommend adding dietary plant fiber to your cat's food, such as bran. It is believed that this approach will reduce the animal’s craving to crunch on a juicy aloe vera leaf, but there is no reliable evidence for this theory yet. Every now and then the cat still gnaws on house plants. Some associate this with cleansing the stomach, but this statement is only relevant for dogs, which thus stimulate the gag reflex. This phenomenon is not inherent in cats, at least that is what is officially believed.

When the first signs of poisoning appear in a cat - drooling, loss of appetite, uncontrolled acts of defecation and urination, impaired coordination of movements, vomiting, etc., you should immediately provide first aid and consult a veterinarian. Fresh teeth marks on a specific plant will help determine which species the cat was poisoned by. Although it is worth additionally noting that few of them are capable of causing any truly serious poisoning effect of such strength that it is worth worrying about the life of a cat. About how to provide first aid if a cat is poisoned -.

List of plants that are poisonous to cats

Below is a list of indoor and outdoor plants that are poisonous to cats and should be avoided if you have a feline pet in your home. However, if the love for green flora exceeds the sense of danger, it is better to keep pots and bouquets out of reach of animals, although in the case of cats this is quite difficult.

Below each plant are indicated the symptoms that poisoning causes, but it is worth noting that these are the most severe symptoms that occur in case of severe poisoning. When a cat eats a small amount of the plant, some symptoms may disappear, while others may not appear so clearly.

Aloe vera

Great for treating burns, but toxic to cats. If this plant grows in an apartment, then you must make sure that it is in a place inaccessible to them.

Symptoms: vomiting, depression, diarrhea, loss of appetite, convulsions, change in urine color.


The flowers of this plant are especially toxic; they contain the largest amount of poison and often attract cats with their sweet taste and smell.

Symptoms: vomiting, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased salivation, loss of coordination, convulsions.

Azalea, or Rhododendron

Despite its beauty, this plant is very poisonous not only to cats and dogs, but also dangerous to other animals and humans if parts of the plant enter the digestive tract. A few leaves can cause some pretty serious problems.

Symptoms: acute digestive disorders, excessive salivation, loss of appetite, frequent bowel movements, colic, depression, weakness, loss of coordination, stupor, paralysis, heart weakness, recumbent position. The suffering continues for two or more days. If timely professional help is not provided, and if there are no signs of improvement within two to four days, death often occurs.

Gypsophila, or “Child’s Breath”, or “Gentle Breath”

This delicate plant with a charming pleasant smell, which is used to make wedding bouquets for brides, is quite toxic to cats.

Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea.


It's classic ornamental plant very toxic to mammals. The tubers are the most poisonous part of the plant.

Symptoms: severe irritation of the oral mucosa, tongue and lips, excessive salivation, vomiting, difficulty swallowing.


Cloves are not the best poisonous flower from the entire list, but if the cat eats too much, problems cannot be avoided.

Symptoms: mild gastrointestinal disorders, possible dermatitis.

Castor bean

This plant is popular in the medical community - castor oil is made from it. In addition, gardeners love castor beans for their specific appearance.

Symptoms: abdominal pain, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, weakness and loss of appetite. Severe cases of poisoning can lead to dehydration, muscle twitching, tremors, seizures, coma and death.


The smell of chrysanthemums is quite specific and pungent, but many are crazy about this flower. Chrysanthemum poisoning may not lead to death, but it can cause serious discomfort in the cat.

Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, dermatitis. In some cases, loss of coordination and seizures may occur.

Cyclamen, or Alpine violet

These beautiful flowers are popular both for growing in the garden and in pots, but they are quite toxic to cats and dogs. The highest concentration of the toxic component is usually found in the root part of the plant.

Symptoms: gastrointestinal irritation, including intense vomiting. There are known cases of animal deaths.


Most people try not to grow these flowers; it is believed that, like periwinkle, daffodils are more likely to be mourning, cemetery plants. Additionally, these harbingers of spring are toxic to cats and dogs. The bulbs are the most poisonous.

Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea. Large volumes cause seizures, low blood pressure, tremors and irregular heart rhythms.

Gladiola, or gladiolus

Despite the fact that gladioli are most often grown in the garden, they are often used in home flower arrangements. The above-ground part of the plant is not characterized by severe toxicity, unlike the corms. Therefore, the root part of the gladiolus dug up for the winter should be stored in a place inaccessible to cats.

Symptoms: drooling, vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea.


Hosta is a mildly poisonous houseplant for cats. Its leaves and stems are most toxic.

Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, depression.


Ivy is good as decoration. Due to its fast growth and good climbing ability, it is often planted along walls and fences. There are dwarf varieties grown in pots. This is one of the few poisonous plants, which, oddly enough, attract pets, especially cats. The leaves are the most poisonous.

Symptoms: vomiting, abdominal pain, increased salivation, diarrhea.


Despite their pretty and delicate appearance, almost all members of the lily family are very toxic to cats, even when ingested in very small portions. Tiger, Asian, Japanese, Easter, stargazer, casa blanca - all these varieties of lilies can poison a cat. Interestingly, lilies are not poisonous to dogs.

Symptoms: renal failure with all that it implies - rare urination in small portions, edema, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Euphorbia white-veined

One of the indoor plants that is very poisonous to cats, so growing it in the same room with animals is strictly not recommended.

Symptoms: vomiting, deep depression, weakness, immobility, diarrhea are general symptoms. The overall picture may also include seizures, difficulty breathing, fast, weak pulse, dilated pupils, kidney and liver failure. Poisoning often results in coma, respiratory paralysis and death of the animal.

morning glory

This simple plant from the bindweed family is highly respected by the wild Aztec tribes. After drinking infusions from parts of this plant, they can predict the future. If cats could speak human language, they could probably also be used as predictors of the future, but it’s better not to try. In our country, this plant is often grown on balconies and in dachas.

Symptoms: gastrointestinal disorders, agitation, tremor, disorientation, ataxia, anorexia, hallucinations.


Oleander is a rather poisonous plant, especially for cats, dogs and even horses. All parts contain a highly toxic cardiac glycoside similar to digitoxin and can cause a number of serious problems.

Symptoms: colic, diarrhea (possibly bloody), incoordination, shallow panting, muscle tremors, recumbency, and possibly death from heart failure.


But the toxic properties of poinsettia for cats are somewhat overestimated. This ubiquitous holiday decoration can certainly cause discomfort, but not so much as to cause panic.

Symptoms: irritation on the mucous membrane of the mouth, stomach and intestines, which can sometimes cause mild vomiting in the cat.


This climbing plant, poisonous to cats, is a very common house pet, characterized by rapid growth and low maintenance. Cats rarely attack pothos, but its hanging stems often fascinate the animal, which enjoys playing with them, often with its teeth.

Symptoms: burning and intense irritation of the oral mucosa, tongue and lips, excessive salivation, vomiting, difficulty swallowing.


Is there anything better than the smell of your hands after they've been collected? fresh tomatoes? But this pleasure will not be shared by pets, especially cats. Particular trouble can be caused by the leaves of the plant, which cats love to chew while growing seedlings on the windowsill. In addition to material damage to the owner, this phenomenon can bring a serious amount of discomfort to the cat itself, but not fatal.

Symptoms: loss of appetite, excessive drooling, severe gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, drowsiness, central nervous system depression, confusion, changes in behavior, weakness, dilated pupils, slow heart rate.


The tulip bulb has the highest concentration of toxins, therefore, as in the case of gladioli, it is necessary to seriously hide the seed. The petals and leaves of tulip flowers are also poisonous to cats.

Symptoms: intense gastrointestinal irritation, drooling, loss of appetite, depression, seizures and cardiac abnormalities.

Dwarf ficus, or jade tree, or Chinese ficus, or Japanese ficus, or friendship tree, or money tree

This plant is toxic to cats and dogs. The toxicity is fairly unknown, but ingestion of the pulp and leaves can cause a number of very unpleasant symptoms in a cat.

Symptoms: vomiting, depression, ataxia (impaired coordination) and bradycardia (slow heart rate, which is rare).

Philodendron, also known as horse philodendron, red emerald, red princess

Philodendron is characterized as an easy to cultivate houseplant that is poisonous to cats.

Symptoms: irritation on the mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue and lips. Increased salivation, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing may also occur.


An actively flowering plant, for which it is loved by home flora lovers, but it is very toxic to pets. If ingested, this plant may cause a number of common features poisoning in cats.

Symptoms: increased salivation, vomiting and diarrhea. If an animal ingests a large amount from the root mass, heart rhythm disturbances, convulsions and even death can occur.

Elephant's ear, or caladium, or alocasia

This seemingly inconspicuous plant with huge leaves brings invaluable benefits as a houseplant as a source of oxygen and a predictor of rainy weather. But contained in it chemicals are capable of causing a clear clinical picture of poisoning in cats.

Your pet's habit of chewing juicy leaves can lead to poisoning and more serious consequences. Poisonous indoor plants pose a particular danger to cats, since an outdoor cat will most likely prefer to chew an ordinary blade of grass rather than a suspicious bush. How to wean your pet from the habit of eating potted greens, and what flowers that are dangerous for cats should not be grown on windowsills?

Popular houseplants that are dangerous for cats

A disappointing fact for plant lovers: almost all potted greens grown on windowsills are toxic to cats. Some plants cause mild illness, others cause vomiting and diarrhea, and still others can kill a cat even if it only eats small piece. You can often hear from the owner: “This is all nonsense. I grow indoor plants that are poisonous to cats, but Murka feels great after chewing a leaf.” The fact is that cats react differently to a toxin that has entered the esophagus. To draw an analogy, they are like people who have dined on poisonous mushrooms: one will end up in the hospital, another will feel slightly unwell, and the third will be healthy and cheerful, although he has eaten more than everyone else. In addition, many poisonous plants are a ticking time bomb for cats: the toxin accumulates in the body for years until one day the concentration reaches a critical level.

Azalea pleases the eye with lush greenery and flowers of extraordinary beauty, but its juice contains an alkaloid that is dangerous not only for cats, but also for people. Once in the cat’s stomach, the poison depresses the central nervous system, which leads to eating disorders, convulsions, swelling of the larynx, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Dieffenbachia And Scheffeler- indoor plants that are poisonous to cats, even if the pet does not swallow, but only chews the leaf. The juice is extremely toxic and causes irritation of the oral mucosa, possibly even stopping breathing. Once in the eyes, the poison irritates the delicate skin of the eyelids and conjunctiva - the cat experiences pain, shakes its head and rubs its muzzle with its paws.

Cyclamen love for unpretentiousness and abundant flowering: colorful butterflies fluttering over the green lawn - beauty! But dangerous. After eating a leaf or stem, a cat can become seriously poisoned: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. After chewing a tuber, a pet may die from cardiac arrest or respiratory failure.

Ivy And chrysanthemum not so dangerous, but if a cat eats a lot of greens, disaster can happen. If you simply chew a leaf, you will feel unwell: diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain are possible.

Caladium And philodendron- flowers dangerous for cats high content toxic acids in leaves and stems. If the poison enters the body, swelling of the larynx may begin. Even small amounts of acid have a detrimental effect on kidney function and can lead to chronic dysfunction. Fortunately, the juice of these plants burns the mucous membranes, so cats rarely swallow the poisonous leaves.

A detailed list of plants dangerous to cats is given at the end of the article.

How to decorate window sills?

First of all, you should pay attention to plants that repel cats. The list is small, but there is plenty to choose from: ponderosa, sheddock, calamondin, kincan, lemongrass, tangerine. Cats hate the smell of citrus fruits, so even if they are seduced by juicy greens, they will not swallow the fragrant leaf. Coleus canine is a modest flower that repels all animals with its pungent odor. This garden perennial, but coleus dog can also be grown in pots.

Guess what plants cats of all breeds and ages do not like? That's right, cacti! These evil thorns will quickly “wean” your pet from tasting indoor greens. Don't be afraid for the cat - they are smart and careful, they don't pick up needles with their paws. You just need to choose really prickly species - the cat will cope with soft tiny thorns in no time. Plant cacti better in groups, in wide, stable bowls (small pots will end up on the floor after the first “attack” on the cat).

The following indoor plants, safe for cats, are very popular and do not require care: arrowroot, begonia, chlorophytum, camellia, indoor coleus. Conditionally safe are dracaenas (except for the bordered one) and Saintpaulia (indoor violet).

Useful landscaping

If your pet likes to chew flowers, offer her an alternative - plant plants that are good for cats. A small “flowerbed” located away from indoor flowers, to switch the cat’s attention to healthy greens: any cereals, catnip, mint or lemon balm, thyme. All these plants are also useful for humans - fresh leaves can be added to tea, and cereal shoots can be added to salads. The cat will certainly thank the owner for such a gift by leaving a ball of hair or part of the breakfast she ate on the carpet - don’t worry, this is normal. It is better to remove dirt than to treat your pet for stomach disorders.

Don't open your mouth to someone else's flower

A cat, rebellious, ready to die rather than obey, still has one weakness. She is a slave of habit. Therefore, sometimes the tender shoots of oats or the fragrant leaves of lemon balm do not attract the cat simply because it is accustomed to chewing the harmful ficus.

A few tips will help you decide how to protect flowers from cats in each specific case:

  • the simplest solution: hang flower pots on the walls or place them on wall shelves;
  • coat the edge of the pots and a few leaves of the plant with cinnamon oil;
  • put the lid in the pot plastic bottle, pour red pepper into it. Sometimes it is advised to dilute the pepper with water and spray the plant, but the flower may not withstand such blasphemy;
  • if you don't like citrus plants To repel cats, you can use lemon or lime zest: cut into small pieces and place in pots. You can sprinkle leaves and twigs with lemon juice diluted with water, but flowering plants should not be subjected to such a test;
  • All cats hate vinegar, and it is an excellent repellent, but all family members will have to endure the terrible smell;
  • To stop the cat from jumping on the windowsill altogether, you need to cover it with aluminum foil. It is slippery and rustles frighteningly with every movement - almost all cats hate foil.
  • plants and pots can be sprayed with anti-rodent. This is a bitter liquid used to raise domestic animals that love to taste everything.

List of poisonous plants for cats and symptoms of eating them

Wolfsbane, fighter

Amaranth- general intoxication, possible death;

Amaryllis (clivia, zephyranthes, hippeastrum, bloodflower, eucharis, crinum, etc.)- defeat nervous system, convulsions, intestinal disorders, respiratory failure, heart rhythm disturbances, renal failure;


Arizema trifolia- heart failure, impaired coordination of movements;

Aroids (spathiphyllum, monstera, dieffenbachia, anthurium, philodendron, caladium, calamus, syngonium, etc.)- leaves and stems contain acids that irritate the mucous membranes. oral cavity, intestines, stomach, possible death;

Asparagus, asparagus- diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, impaired kidney and heart function;

Periwinkle- juice causes hallucinations, impaired coordination of movements, panic states;

Colchicum, Colchicum- general intoxication;

White acacia

Henbane- general intoxication;

Biota, thuja orientalis

Hemlock- general intoxication, high probability of death;

Veh is poisonous, hemlock - general intoxication;

Maiden grapes and wild grapes- acute heart failure, impaired coordination of movements, swelling of the oral mucosa;

Wolf's Bast- general intoxication;

Gardenia jasmine- local irritant effect (redness, dermatitis, allergic reactions), general intoxication when ingested;

Heliotrope- general intoxication;


Hyacinth- vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps;

Wisteria- vomiting, diarrhea;

Gloriosa- general intoxication, inhibition of the functions of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, deadly poisonous;


Delphinium- diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, dysfunction of the kidneys, lungs and heart;

Dieffenbachia- diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, dysfunction of the kidneys, lungs and heart;

Dracaena carinatum- swelling of the oral mucosa;

Jasmine indoors, garden- general intoxication;

Honeysuckle- swelling of the oral mucosa;

Zamia- local irritant effect (dermatitis);

Iris- vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain;

Caladium- diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, dysfunction of the kidneys, lungs and heart;

Kala- diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, swelling of the oral mucosa, convulsions, dysfunction of the kidneys, lungs and heart;

Dogwood- swelling of the oral mucosa;

Clematis- diarrhea, vomiting;

Castor bean- diarrhea, vomiting;

horse chestnut- diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, dysfunction of the kidneys, lungs and heart;

Crocus, saffron- diarrhea, vomiting;

Lakonos, phytolacca- diarrhea, vomiting;

Lily of the valley- diarrhea, vomiting, cramps;

Lastovnevye (hoya, slipway, etc.)- general intoxication, intestinal disorders, convulsions, possible death;

Lysichytum- diarrhea, vomiting;

Liliaceae- diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, dysfunction of the kidneys, lungs and heart;

Lupine- general intoxication;

Ranunculaceae- general intoxication;

Poppy- hallucinations, loss of coordination of movements, panic attacks;

Spurge- contact dermatitis, if it gets into the stomach - general intoxication;

Monstera- contact dermatitis, burns of the oral cavity, intestines, stomach;



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