Measuring an old window to replace it with plastic ones. How to measure the opening for a window. Video. How to measure a plastic window correctly

Installing plastic windows is not an easy job and must be done with full responsibility.

To make a window frame of the required size, you will need its dimensions. You can do them yourself or call a specialist from a window company.

If you decide to involve specialists, then knowing the technology of taking measurements will not be superfluous. This way you can monitor the work and determine the level of their qualifications. Or you can do without specialists and take measurements yourself and save some money.

Before taking measurements, you need to properly prepare:

  • Provide free access to the window. If work is carried out at height, open the window sash to take external measurements. When taking measurements in a private house or on the ground floor, you need to place a ladder or stepladder to the window;
  • Take a pen and paper. Draw a table in which you will enter all parameter values;
  • Measure the width, length and thickness of the window sill beam. Then the height and width of the window opening;
  • Measure the length and width of the sill.

Important! All measurements are taken and recorded in millimeters.

Stages of taking measurements

  • First, measure the width of the outer side of the window. The width is calculated from the side slopes. To obtain more accurate indicators, measurements should be carried out in two areas, above and below window frame. The opening may be uneven. The smaller of the obtained results is entered into the table.
  • Measure the height of the opening. First with right side, then with the left.
  • 20 mm is added to the width (subject to measuring windows in panel houses and 40 mm. in brick). This distance is used to overlap the future window onto the ledge (quarter). There is no need to add extra millimeters to the height parameters, since a low tide is installed below, which should be level.
  • Measure the ebb, which is presented between the side surfaces of the quarter. Add 30 mm to the resulting figure. If there are any materials left, you can always trim them.
  • The width of the flashing is measured from the window to the end of the ledge. 25 mm is added to it.
  • After closing the window, measure the inside of the opening. The principle of operation is similar to measuring the external part.

Self-measuring the window opening - can a beginner do it?

There are some features and requirements for correct and accurate taking of window measurements, subject to which even a beginner can cope with this task:

  • To correctly take window measurements, you must have spatial imagination, as well as an understanding of the design of the house structure and the window frame.
  • Measurements must be taken from the inside and outside. This will give exact result. If it is not possible to go outside due to high floor, the measurement is carried out through the window sash.
  • If the measurement is carried out for the customer, then it is necessary to clarify whether the outlines of the current opening will be preserved until the finished window frames arrive. Sometimes the dismantling of old frames is carried out by the owners carelessly, with cleaning concrete plaster or by removing an additional row of bricks.
  • When measuring window openings in panel houses, it is necessary to take into account their possible distortions. This will prevent the appearance of through cracks. Very often there is a discrepancy between the parameters of the lower and top parts windows.
  • When taking measurements as a performer, it is necessary to agree on the external parameters of the future window, how much it will protrude from behind the wall.
  • When measuring the window span, it is also necessary to take into account the location of the ebb. The lower level of the window frame should not be lower than the edge of the projection on the outside.
  • Having decided on the dimensions of the future window frame, it is necessary to compare them again with internal results opening measurements to ensure they are performed correctly.
  • An important indicator is the shape of the window, as it can be varied. For example, arched, rectangular, trapezoidal and so on.

How to correctly measure quarter-quarter window openings

A quarter is a protrusion located along the outer perimeter of the opening, 1/4 of the brick. It is done to keep the window structure from falling out.

  • The first is the possible asymmetry of the protrusions.
  • The size of the window frame should allow the structure to extend beyond the side projection by approximately 20–40 mm. That is, the future frame should be wider than the distance between the sides of the protrusions.
  • The penetration of the structure into the protrusion from above should not exceed 15–20 mm.
  • The window sill beam must be 10 mm above the lower level of the protrusion, for normal installation drainage

Steps for measuring width

  • The width of the hole is measured along the slopes from the outside. 40 mm is added to this indicator. (On one side 20 and on the other).
  • The distance between the points of abutment of the structure to the slopes is measured with inside.
  • Next, measure the width of the window opening from the inside.

Stages of height measurements

  • The window is measured without a support beam.
  • The height of the opening is measured from the upper slope to the base level. The measurement is taken from the outside. To the result obtained, 10 mm is added for the top gap.
  • The height of the support beam and the height of the window structure are measured taking into account this profile.

How to measure a window opening in a wooden house

The peculiarity of window openings in wooden houses is the absence of protrusions (quarters). Most often, the frame is installed flush with the outer part of the wall. This allows you to avoid additional costs for finishing external slopes. It is enough to get by with platbands alone.

  • The first thing you need to do is measure the width of the hole for the window.
  • To do this, the structure is measured at three points, bottom, middle and top. By choosing the smallest indicator, 50 mm will be subtracted (25 on each side) to seal the window with polyurethane foam.
  • The next parameter is the height of the structure.
  • Height is measured using the same principle in three places. Taking the smallest indicator, the same 50 mm is subtracted.

Important! If there is a window sill, you need to take into account its thickness. If the future window sill is the same size as the previous one, nothing needs to be done. If it is thicker, the difference must be subtracted from the results of window height measurements.

  • If measurements are taken in a house where there is a rough frame, the opening is measured inside it.
  • The size of the street casing is also calculated taking into account the parameters of the rough box. For example, the box size is 50 mm. To calculate the width of the finishing strip, the grip indicator on the wall and frame is summed up, 20 mm each. The installation seam is taken into account - 25 mm and the result is 115 mm, this is the width of the casing.

Important! When installing plastic windows in a new log house it is necessary to take into account its shrinkage and possible distortion of the structure. Therefore, when calculating the height of the frame, you need to subtract 10% for the shrinkage of the house and 50 mm for the seam from polyurethane foam. Failure to maintain clearances when shrinking the house will lead to distortion of the structure and deformation of the entire frame.

How to measure a window opening in a brick house

The process of measuring a window opening in brick houses must be approached very responsibly, since the dimensions of the openings for the window do not always have standard dimensions.

Measuring features

  • Protrusions (quarters) in brick houses can reach 100 mm in depth. In this regard, it is necessary to accurately calculate the size of the future structure so that it is hidden behind the quarter by no more than 30 mm, otherwise it will be completely hidden and the walls of the house will fall directly on the glass.
  • When taking measurements, you also need to determine the boundary load-bearing wall. Since in these places the plaster may have a greater thickness for which adjustments should be made. Approximately a plus to the obtained frame parameters of 10–20 mm.
  • Inside, the distance between the side slopes is measured both in width and in height.
  • The height is measured from the window sill to the upper surface of the slope. Measurement is performed in two places: right and left.
  • From the outside, the distance from the slope surfaces is measured in width and height. And also the height from the upper slope to the drainage basin.
  • From the obtained indicators of the future frame, 20–30 mm are subtracted for the installation seam.

Consequences of incorrectly measuring a window opening

If measurements are taken incorrectly, the following problems arise:

  • The window structure may be larger than the window opening. This will lead to additional costs for widening the hole for the frame.
  • The window frame does not match the opening to the smaller side. As a result there will be large gaps, which will need to be sealed using special profiles or polyurethane foam, which will also entail additional costs. In addition, the window will not perform its functional tasks - protect the room from cold, rain, noise, and so on.

In conclusion, I would like to note that for quality installation For plastic windows, it is necessary to correctly measure the opening. There are a number of features and nuances that need to be taken into account in a given situation during the measurement process.

So, for wooden openings and brick houses There is a technology that must be followed. But no matter what the house is, the main thing is a responsible approach to business. After all, incorrect measurements will lead to a mismatch between the window structure and the opening, which means additional costs and failure to fulfill its functional tasks.

Before resizing a window, you need to know the features of its opening and configuration. It is recommended to take measurements very carefully, since in panel houses the dimensions window designs approximately the same, but in brick buildings they may differ by several centimeters. We suggest using these instructions if you want to install it yourself. metal-plastic windows. You also need to know how to measure a PVC window in order to approximately determine how much the windows will cost.

Rules for measuring windows

Measuring the window of a house must be done from the street and from the side of the living room. Both dimensions are required to determine the depth of the window opening. You need to know that the window must be no smaller in size than its outer part. And how much more is what we should calculate.

Remember that the opening may be skewed, this is especially noticeable in panel houses, so you need to increase the size of the structure by the amount of the skew. After you determine the dimensions of the window, you should compare them with internal dimensions opening. This will allow you to find mechanical errors in the calculations that you carried out earlier, and then evaluate what the plaster should be like in order to apply it to the internal slopes.

Before measuring the size of the window, make sure you have the following tools at hand and prepare: a measuring device, pliers, a blunt chisel (15-20 mm), a building level, a hammer small sizes, pencil, ruler, eraser, form for recording the result. It is convenient to take measurements using a tape measure or telescopic ruler. The measurement accuracy should be 10 millimeters.

Measuring windows in a residential building and a quarter

Window openings in houses that have a quarter should extend from the outside beyond the top and side slopes by 20-30 millimeters. This should be taken into account if you decide to take the issue of window measurement seriously. The width of the window should be measured along the outer slopes; 40-60 millimeters are added to it for the window to be set on both sides by a quarter or a little less if the wall is curved.

After measuring the width between the outer slopes, the result should be checked so that it is not greater than the distance between the points at which the internal slopes adjoin the frame. The width of the window frame should not be greater than the width of the internal opening.

If during checking the window width is larger size, then you need to contact professional measurers. The height of the window is the distance from the base of the opening to the upper slope minus 10-20 millimeters, which is the gap for the mounting foam, and plus 20-30 millimeters, which is necessary for the structure to enter the upper quarter.

If you plan to use a stand profile when installing windows, which is a prerequisite when arranging a window sill and ebb, then you should reduce the window height by another 30 millimeters (the height of the stand profile). Now you know how to measure correctly plastic window a quarter and a half under construction!

In order to check the correctness of your work, check the following dimensions: the height of the window frame without a substitution profile should be no more than the distance from the window sill to the upper slope from the inside. The height of a window with a stand profile should not exceed the length between the lower edge of the window sill and the upper internal slope.

Measuring a window opening in a residential building without a quarter

Measure the height and width of the window opening before measuring the plastic window. When measuring the width, you should measure at the top and bottom of the opening; take the smallest value in subsequent calculations. It is necessary to subtract 20-40 millimeters from the width of the opening (gaps for foam on both sides), and this is what we will consider as the width of the plastic window.

The height is measured on the right and left sides of the opening. From the smaller figure we subtract 20-40 millimeters (gaps for foam) and 30 millimeters (height of the stand profile). This will be the height of the window.

Window width measurement

To obtain the size of the window, add 3-5 centimeters to the width of the slope from the outside (a little less in a situation where the wall is curved). To accurately measure a window, you need to know some nuances:

  • the window should be the same or slightly wider in the place where the frame touches the slopes;
  • the structure should be smaller than the internal window opening.

To avoid making mistakes when measuring windows in non-standard openings, you need to contact a specialist. A professional surveyor can identify the causes of discrepancies on the spot.

Window height measurement

The window height measurement scheme is quite simple and understandable to every developer. For the structure to go into the upper quarter, to given size add 1.5-2.5 centimeters. When installing a window with a window sill and ebb, you need to use a stand profile, and subtract 3 centimeters from the resulting size.

In fact, window design is determined by color and configuration existing window. Products should, if possible, be identical on the façade of the building. When designing a structure, you need to take into account some practical recommendations and technological limitations:
the specified sash dimensions in the window system catalog should not exceed the maximum;

  • due to the limited capabilities of perimeter fittings, the width of the tilt-and-turn sash should not be less than 400 millimeters;
  • the bending diameter of the semicircular arch should reach 520 millimeters;
  • The dimensions of the openings may vary due to the arrangement of the floor and other factors, so measurements are taken during the construction and reconstruction of the building, and all dimensions are consistent with the project.

Thus, you have learned how to correctly measure windows in residential buildings with a quarter and without a quarter. There is a method for calculating height and width. Prepare in advance all the tools necessary for work so as not to be interrupted during the process! This way you can determine the cost of the future metal-plastic structure.

Yes, it's really not difficult at all. We will now tell you how to correctly measure for your future plastic windows. By following our simple instructions, you won’t even notice how quickly and easily you can do it. The main thing is not to rush. Let's do everything together, step by step.

First, you need to determine what kind of window opening you have - with or without a quarter. To make it clear to you what kind of “quarter” this is, here is a small diagram.

Accordingly, on the left there is a window opening with a quarter, on the right - without a quarter. Got it? Let's move on.

Let's assume that your window is quarter-less. Then we will proceed as follows:

We measure the size of the opening vertically and subtract 5 cm - this will be the height of your window. And subtract 3 cm from the horizontal size of the opening - this will be the width of your window. Subsequently, during installation, these 3 cm will be filled with mounting foam (1.5 cm on each side of the window). And 5 cm in the vertical plane is 1.5 cm from the top of the window - again for mounting foam, and 3.5 cm from the bottom is needed to install the window sill.

To measure the width of the tide, take the distance from the edge brickwork to the frame of the old window. We take measurements from the outside of the opening. To the resulting size we add 3-5 cm, i.e. we get a small projection of the ebb behind external masonry bricks It is needed in order to rainwater did not flow down the wall. We measure the length of the ebb between the slopes of the window opening, also on the street side. Add 5 - 8 cm to the resulting distance.

All that remains is to take measurements of the length and width of the future window sill and also add to these dimensions at least 5-8 cm in both directions so that the window sill “crashes” a little on the right and left into the wall. It is better to take 20-30 centimeters in reserve; the excess will still be cut off during installation. Naturally, we measure the window sill from the inside of the opening.

Window sills and ebbs, as a rule, have standardized dimensions of width (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 cm) and length (up to 6 m). In order to decide on a suitable window sill and ebb from the available standard sizes, you need to obtain your minimum dimensions. Actually, that's all. We measured the window “without a quarter”.

Have you taken a closer look at your window, and it turns out that it’s still only a quarter? Now we will deal with him! So:

We measure the size of the window opening horizontally between the quarters at the narrowest point. Add 3-4 cm to this size (1.5-2 cm on each side of the window). This will be the width of our window. And vertically we simply measure the distance from the bottom of the opening to the upper quarter, without adding or subtracting anything. This will be the vertical size of our window. We measure the window sill and ebb in the same way as in the version of the opening without a quarter.

Thus, in both cases we get the 6 required sizes to order a window:
- window height;
- window width;
- length of the window sill;
- window sill width;
- low tide length;
- width of the ebb.

Windows can now be ordered! Don't forget to order the window sill plugs (with mandatory indication of the overhang width), installation profile and fasteners. Take a responsible approach to choosing the type of profile and glass unit, mentally or on paper, select options for opening the sashes of the future window (hinged, tilt-and-turn, without opening). We also recommend mosquito nets, blinds and mechanisms for multi-stage ventilation.

Based on the needs of our clients, as well as the demand for plastic window systems of various sizes, the company has developed an exclusive offer: small plastic windows in Moscow at an affordable price. We specialize in the manufacture of high-quality products, which are accompanied by appropriate documentation and certification.

Scope of work performed

To date, we have produced about 200 thousand products for premises in different parts of the capital and region. Buyers choose us thanks to our modern service, which includes the following services:

  • consulting professionals to select the optimal window system, components and fittings;
  • calculation estimated cost products;
  • accurate measurements using a professional measurer;
  • accurate delivery of plastic windows;
  • high-quality installation of window systems, slopes, window sills, etc.


Step 1. Measure the opening. Calculating the size of a plastic window.

Rice. 1: Window opening without quarter. Rice. 2: Window opening with a quarter.

Measuring the opening without a quarter.

First, we measure the width of the opening (Wpr), i.e. distance between side walls. To calculate the window width (Wо), it is necessary to subtract the gaps for the mounting seam (Wm) from the resulting opening width Wpr. As a rule, 20-30 mm are left under the mounting foam on each side.

Wо = Wpr – 2*Wm

Rice. 3: Calculation of the window width for a quarter-less opening.

Measurement of the opening and a quarter.

Unlike the quarter-less version, in this case measurements are taken both from the street and indoors.

We measure the width of the opening from the street side (Wul) and the width of the opening in the apartment (Wkv). The width of the plastic window (Wo) should be 20-50 mm more than Wul and 40-60 mm less than Wsq.

Rice. 5: Calculation of window width for a quarter opening.

We also measure the height of the opening from the street side (Nul) and indoors (Hkv).

If there is a quarter at both the top and bottom, then the height of the window (Ho) is calculated using the formula:

But = Zero + (10…30 mm) – 15 mm

If there is a quarter only at the top, then the height of the window (Ho) is calculated using the formula:

But = Zero + (10…30 mm) – (40…60 mm)

Step 2. Measuring the ebb and window sill.

The length of the ebb is determined by the width of the opening on the street side. Allowances of 30-40 mm on each side are added to the width of the opening. The width of the tide is measured by the depth external wall(from the frame to the edge of the wall), plus 20 mm overhang under the frame, plus 30-40 mm protrusion of the ebb from the edge of the wall.

The length of the window sill is measured by the width of the opening on the side of the room. Allowances of 100 mm on each side are added to the width of the opening. The width of the window sill is determined by the depth interior wall(from the edge of the wall to the frame), plus 20 mm of overlap under the frame, plus the amount of protrusion of the window sill from the edge of the wall.

When measuring the width of the window sill, it is very important to take into account that it should not cover heating radiator more than 1/3. Otherwise, free circulation will be obstructed warm air may result in the formation of condensation on the glass.

When measuring the width of the ebb and window sill, you need to remember that the frame of the new plastic window will be narrower than the old one wooden frame. Therefore, the window sill and ebb will be larger in width.

Step 3. Measuring the width of the internal slope.

The width of the slope is determined by the depth of the inner wall from the frame to the edge of the wall. A minimum of 20mm must be added as a trim allowance.

When measuring the width of the slope, you need to remember that the frame of the new plastic window will be narrower than the old wooden frame. Therefore, the resulting slope will be wider.

This instruction by measurement will help you determine the preliminary parameters of the window and components to calculate the approximate price.

Before how to take window dimensions you need to take into account the fact that they directly depend on the size of the opening and its features. In panel houses, the sizes of window openings are standard, brick houses may have openings whose dimensions differ by several centimeters from each other, or even have an arbitrary shape. In these cases, measurements must be taken with special care.

How to correctly measure a window in a building with a window opening that has a “quarter”

Before measuring a window in a building that has a quarter, it is necessary to ensure that it extends beyond the outer slopes (Fig. 1, A) by 1.5-2.5 cm from the top and sides. This standard is provided for in the recommendation “Carrying out measurements and installation of PVC windows” by T.R. 152-205, GOST 52749-2007.

How to measure window width correctly

Figure 1

It is necessary to add 3-5 cm to the width of the outer slope (less if there is a curvature of the wall). This will be the required window size.
If you are at a loss how to measure a plastic window correctly, please note the following:
The window should be slightly wider or equal in size between the places where the frame comes into contact with the slopes (Fig. 1, B).
The window should be narrower than the internal window opening (Fig. 1, C).
If the above conditions are not met with the question, how to correctly measure a window in a non-standard opening, it is better to contact a professional measurer who can assess the situation on the spot and identify the reasons for the discrepancy.

How to measure the height of a plastic window

Figure 2

In order to measure the windows in terms of height, you need to do the following: subtract 2 cm from the distance between the outer upper slope and the base of the window opening (Fig. 2, F). This distance is enough for the mounting foam at the bottom of the opening. You need to add 1.5-2.5 cm to the resulting size (Fig. 2, D) so that the window fits into the upper quarter. When using a base profile, which is a prerequisite when installing windows with ebb and sill, you need to subtract 3 cm from the obtained window size. If you do not know exactly how to measure windows correctly and doubt the obtained dimensions, you can use the fact that usually the value of D is equal to the height of the required window.

The dimensions of the window, both in width and height (if a stand profile is used), should be 3-8 cm smaller than the window opening. This is necessary for the installation seam. If the quarter is more than 5 cm and, accordingly, the foam seam is more than 4 cm, you need to use an additional profile.

How to measure pvc windows(in height) and be sure of correct sizes The following rules must be observed:

  • The size of the window, not taking into account the stand profile, should be less than the distance between the upper internal slope and the window sill (Fig. 1, E).
  • The size of the window together with the stand profile should be less than the distance from the bottom edge of the window sill to the top internal slope(Fig. 2, E+G).

When installing plastic windows, how to measure the size in the opening without “quarters”

If the window opening is without quarters, then the installation gaps should be 1.5-4 cm on each side of the window. To do this:

  1. We subtract 3-8 cm from the width of the opening. This will be the width of the required window.
  2. We subtract 5-6 cm from the height of the opening. This will be the height of the new window (3 cm is occupied by the stand profile, the rest is needed for the mounting seam).

Consider the curvature of the wall.
If this is not enough, you can look how to measure a plastic window video. This video is presented on our website.

Attention! This instruction cannot contain all the nuances that need to be taken into account when measuring windows.



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