Hurricane cyclone tornado what is common. What is a hurricane and why Harvey is so dangerous: nature's fury. Tornado is a dangerous phenomenon

Our planet is beautiful, and people consider themselves rightful masters on it. They changed her face like nothing before the beginning of human life. But there are forces that simply cannot be controlled, even with the most high technology. These include hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, which constantly destroy everything that is dear to people. And it is impossible to stop it. You can only hide and wait for the end of nature’s wrath. So how do these phenomena occur and what consequences do the victims face? The answers to these questions have long been given by scientists.


A hurricane is a complex weather phenomenon. Its main characteristic is a very strong wind, with a speed of more than 30 meters per second (120 km/h). Its second name is typhoon, which is a huge whirlwind. The pressure in the very center is reduced. Forecasters also clarify that a hurricane is a tropical cyclone if it formed in South or North America. Life cycle this monster lasts from 9 to 12 days. At this time, he moves around the planet, causing damage to everything he comes across. For convenience, each of them is assigned a name, most often a female one. A hurricane is, among other things, a huge clot of energy, which in its power is not inferior to an earthquake. One hour of the vortex's life releases about 36 megatons of energy, as in a nuclear explosion.

Causes of hurricanes

Scientists call the ocean the constant source of this phenomenon, namely those areas that are located in the tropics. The likelihood of a hurricane increases as you approach the equator. There are many reasons for its appearance. It could be, for example, the force with which our planet rotates, or differences in temperature between layers of the atmosphere, or differences in atmospheric pressure. But these processes may not be the beginning of a hurricane. Another of the main conditions for the formation of a typhoon is a certain temperature of the underlying surface, namely water. It should not be below 27 degrees Celsius. This shows that in order for a hurricane to form at sea, a combination of favorable factors is needed.


A storm is also characterized by strong winds, but its speed is lower than that of a hurricane. The speed of wind gusts in the storm is 24 meters per second (85 km/h). It can pass both over the water areas of the planet and over land. It can be quite large in area. The duration of a storm can be a couple of hours or several days. At this time there is very heavy rainfall. This leads to additional destructive phenomena such as landslides and mudflows. This phenomenon is located at a level lower than a hurricane on the Beaufort scale. A storm at its most extreme can reach force 11. The storm that was recorded in 2011 is considered the strongest. It passed over the Philippine Islands and caused thousands of deaths and millions of dollars worth of destruction.

Classification of storms and hurricanes

Hurricanes are divided into two types:

Tropical - those that originated in the tropics;

Extratropical - those that originated in other parts of the planet.

Extratropical ones are divided into:

  • those that originated in the Atlantic Ocean region;
  • those that originate over the Pacific Ocean (typhoons).

There is no generally accepted classification of storms yet. But most weather forecasters divide them into:

Vortex - complex formations arising from cyclones and covering a large area;

Stream storms are small storms of a local nature.

A whirlwind storm can be snowy, dusty or squally. In winter, such storms are also called blizzards or blizzards. Squalls can occur very quickly and end just as quickly.

A flow storm can be a jet or a katabatic storm. If it is a jet, then the air moves horizontally or rises along a slope, and if it is a runoff, then it moves down a slope.


Hurricanes and tornadoes very often accompany each other. A tornado is a vortex in which air moves from bottom to top. This happens at extremely high speed. The air there is mixed with various particles such as sand and dust. This is a funnel that hangs from a cloud and rests on the ground, somewhat similar to a trunk. Its diameter can vary from tens to hundreds of meters. The second name for this phenomenon is “tornado”. As it approaches, a terrible roar is heard. As the tornado moves, it sucks in everything it can tear off and lifts it up in a spiral. If this funnel appears, then it is a hurricane of terrible proportions. A tornado can reach speeds of about 60 km/h. It is very difficult to predict this phenomenon, which worsens the situation and leads to large losses. Hurricanes and tornadoes have claimed many lives throughout the history of their existence.

Beaufort scale

Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes are natural phenomena that can occur anywhere on Earth. In order to understand their scale and be able to compare them, a measurement system is needed. For this, the Beaufort scale is used. It is based on visual assessment what is happening and measures the wind force in points. It was developed in 1806 for his own needs by a native of England, Admiral F. Beaufort. In 1874 it became generally accepted and has since been used by all weather forecasters. It was further clarified and supplemented. The points in it are distributed from 0 to 12. If 0 points, then this is complete calm, if 12 is a hurricane, bringing with it severe destruction. In 1955, the USA and England added 5 more points to the existing ones, that is, from 13 to 17. They are used by these countries.

Verbal indication of wind force Points Speed, km/h Signs by which you can visually determine wind strength
Calm0 Up to 1.6

On land: calm, smoke rising without deviation.

At sea: water without the slightest disturbance.

Quiet1 From 1.6 to 4.8

On land: the weather vane is not yet able to determine the direction of the wind; it is noticeable only by a slight deflection of the smoke.

At sea: small ripples, no foam on the crests.

Easy2 From 6.42 to 11.2

On land: the rustling of leaves is heard, ordinary weather vanes begin to react to the wind.

At sea: the waves are short, the crests are like glass.

Weak3 From 12.8 to 19.2

On land: large branches sway, flags begin to develop.

At sea: the waves, although short, are well defined, with crests and foam, and small whitecaps occasionally appear.

Moderate4 From 20.8 to 28.8

On land: sawdust and small debris fly in the air, thin branches begin to sway.

At sea: waves begin to lengthen, fixed large number lambs

Fresh5 From 30.4 to 38.4

On land: trees begin to sway, ripples appear on bodies of water.

At sea: the waves are long, but not too big, with a large number lambs, splashes are occasionally observed.

Strong6 From 40.0 to 49.6

On land: thick branches and electrical wires sway to the sides, the wind tears the umbrella out of your hands.

At sea: large waves with white crests form, splashes become more frequent.

Strong7 From 51.2 to 60.8

On land: the whole tree, including the trunk, sways; walking against the wind is very difficult.

At sea: the waves begin to pile up, the crests break off.

Very strong8 From 62.4 to 73.6

On land: tree branches begin to break, it’s almost impossible to walk against the wind.

At sea: the waves are getting higher, the spray is flying up.

Storm9 From 75.2 to 86.4

On land: the wind begins to damage buildings, removing roof coverings and smoke hoods.

At sea: the waves are high, the crests capsize and create spray, which significantly reduces visibility.

Severe storm10 From 88.0 to 100.8

On land: a rather rare occurrence; trees are uprooted and poorly fortified buildings are destroyed.

At sea: the waves are very high, foam covers most of the water, the waves hit with a strong roar, visibility is very poor.

Hard Storm11 From 102.4 to 115.2

On land: rarely occurs, causes great destruction.

At sea: waves of enormous height, small and medium-sized ships are sometimes not visible, the water is all covered with foam, visibility is almost zero.

Hurricane12 From 116.8 to 131.2

On land: extremely rare, causes enormous destruction.

At sea: foam and spray fly in the air, visibility is zero.

Why is a hurricane scary?

One of the most dangerous meteorological phenomena can be called a hurricane. The wind moves at great speed in it, causing great harm people and their property. In addition, these air currents carry with them dirt, sand and water, which leads to mudflows. Huge downpours cause floods, and if it happens in winter, avalanches often occur. Strong winds destroy structures, tear out trees, overturn cars, and blow people away. Very often, fires and explosions occur due to damage to electrical networks or gas pipelines. Thus, the effects of a hurricane are dire, making them very dangerous.

Hurricanes in Russia

Hurricanes can threaten any part of Russia, but most often they occur in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Chukotka or Kuril Islands. This misfortune can happen at any time, and August and September are considered the most dangerous. Forecasters are trying to anticipate such recurrence and warn the population about the danger. Tornadoes may also appear in the area Russian Federation. The most susceptible to this phenomenon are the water areas and sea coasts, Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region and the central regions of the state.

Actions of the population in case of a hurricane

Every person should understand that a hurricane is a deadly phenomenon. If there is a warning about it, you need to act quickly. The first step is to strengthen everything that can be torn off the ground, remove fire hazards and stock up on food and clean water a couple of days in advance. You also need to move away from the windows; it is better to go to where there are none at all. Electricity, water and gas equipment. Candles, lanterns and lamps are used for lighting. To receive weather information, you need to turn on the radio. If you follow these recommendations, your life will not be in danger.

Thus, hurricanes are common throughout to the globe, which makes them a problem for all people. It should be remembered that they are extremely dangerous, so you must strictly follow all instructions in order to save your life.

Unbridled natural phenomena. It is impossible to prescribe rules of conduct for a tornado or hurricane, or to direct a typhoon or tornado along the desired path. There are even scientific developments this weapon against which humanity is powerless.

But, until now, these phenomena have not been fully studied, which is why they are dangerous. And, and for all living things.

website - Let's dream together about indomitable and unbridled tropical destroyers.

Christopher Columbus first mentioned this in his notes back in 1495.

A tropical cyclone is formed due to pressure changes over water surfaces. Humid and hot air rushes upward, condenses, and thereby receives incredible energy, moving in a spiral. And it pours out onto the ground in the form of precipitation.

They occur mainly in tropical latitudes, hence their name.

It is believed that W. Shakespeare “legitimized” the spelling of the word hurricane.

The largest hurricane can be compared in size with the state

  1. These unbridled phenomena are capable of producing so much energy in one day that it is quite enough to illuminate the streets of a large metropolis for several years.
  2. One small “brawler” dumps 9 trillion liters of precipitation per day (rain and rain).
  3. The hurricane dumps tens of tons on the beaches. Many waterfowl who died under the influence of the enormous pressure of the elements had their eyes gouged out.
  4. The direction of its rotation depends on the hemisphere in which it originated. In the South they rotate in the clockwise direction and, accordingly, in the North they rotate in the opposite direction.
  5. More powerful cyclones and typhoons occur in the North, with the movement "against".

Showers, tornadoes, huge waves and storm surges retain their power only over the surface of seas, oceans and large bodies of water. When approaching land, they instantly lose their strength and subside.

If you make associations: a tornado is as wide as a hot dog, and a hurricane is as wide as a football field in a stadium

  1. If we consider only the last 200 years, there were almost 2 million human casualties from such disasters around the world.
  2. Hurricanes and typhoons “reach” beaches when its center crosses the coastline.
  3. The largest hurricane can be compared to the size of a state. Up to 1000 km in diameter. Medium size up to 350 km.
  4. Such phenomena never occur at the equator. This happens because they need the Coriolis force for rotation (inertial force), and in this place it is the weakest on the planet.
  5. Oddly enough, but these are an important and integral part of the weather system of our planet. Typhoons, tornadoes and hurricanes transport huge masses of hot, humid air from the tropics to the poles. Balancing humidity and temperature in the Earth's atmosphere. In their absence, part of the animal world would simply die out from heat and drought.

“Hurricanes are like people. Every storm has the characteristics of a living creature..." Desmond Bagley

The eye is the center of the cyclone

Why are hurricanes given female names?

Until 1953, they were given names completely haphazardly. By numbers or by the first letters of the alphabet. After this year, the World Meteorological Organization decided to give them easy-to-pronounce female names.

US military weather forecasters did this as a joke, in honor of the indomitable temper of their mothers-in-law and wives. This tradition has become part of the system. Currently, they are sometimes used male names. Cyclones Bob, David and Frederick have already been sent to a “well-deserved rest”.

  1. There are 6 separate lists of hurricane names. Special rule: each list is used only for 1 year, and is repeated every 7th. The most destructive and destructive names are removed from the list to prevent their recurrence.
  2. The largest in terms of destruction was Katrina. Caused more than US$100 million in damage.

Conditions for the occurrence of cyclones

Such natural phenomena simply cannot arise in the middle of a lake. To thrive, they need certain conditions:

  • The depth of the reservoir is at least 60 m
  • The water temperature in it is from 27°C
  • The higher the temperature, the more destructive and powerful the hurricane


How human curiosity and the desire to shoot on camera does not stop mortal danger tsunami.

What is the difference between a tornado and a hurricane

Hurricanes can last for several days. And with a tornado, the elements rage from a couple of tens of minutes to several hours.

! Hurricanes are 1500-2000 times stronger and more permissive in strength and size than tornadoes.

If you make associations: a tornado is as wide as a hot dog, and a hurricane is as wide as a football field in a stadium.

  1. Tornadoes are primarily caused by hurricanes. Hurricane Andrew (1992) produced 62 tornadoes, and Hurricane Beulah (1967) produced a whopping 141. A tornado can start even a week after a hurricane.
  2. There is an unusual consequence - the Fujiwara phenomenon. When two or more cyclonic vortices revolve around each other and a common core. This creates a more powerful and powerful tropical vortex.

Up to 10 tropical storms form annually. Only 6 of them turn into a hurricane

  1. A tornado has speed and far exceeds the strength of a hurricane. Like a sprinter: the distance is shorter and the speed is greater. A hurricane's speed exceeds 30m/sec.
  2. The eye is the center of the cyclone. The air drops down there and the weather is very calm and clear. "Eye" has correct form circumference and diameter up to 370 km (maximum).
  3. Around the “eye” there is a ring of thunderclouds. They are called a wall. It causes the most destructive consequences.

The same natural phenomenon such as a storm or tropical cyclone in different parts oceans have their own names:

  1. Up to 10 tropical storms form annually. Of these, only 6 turn into a hurricane.
  2. Five of them hit the shores of the United States.
  3. An attempt was made to influence the strength and direction of the elements. A project called Stormfury was organized (1962-1983). We went to the center of the cyclone aircraft, which threw away silver iodides. It was assumed that they would cause the supercooled water in the storm to freeze, and the structure of the cyclone would suffer destruction.

Small natural disasters were stopped in this way. But later it turned out that for the most part there is not such a large amount of supercooled water in the clouds and, by and large, this is a waste of money.

Based on the damage and destruction caused, Patricia was named the most powerful destructive hurricane on the planet.

Currently, this service is engaged in monitoring and forecasting the intensity of incipient cyclones.

The most powerful hurricane in the world

Based on the damage and destruction caused, Patricia was named the most powerful destructive hurricane on the planet. He attacked Mexico in October 2015. Periodically, the wind created gusts of up to 400 km/h.

What is more destructive: earthquake or hurricane?

If we compare the destructiveness and consequences of earthquakes and cyclones, then the following happens every year in the world:

  • 500,000 vibrations earth's crust with casualties up to 100,000 people
  • 85 typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes with much less consequences

Scientists blame the increasing number of such global warming, human factor and natural repeating cycle.

Only time will tell what awaits us.

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What is the difference between a hurricane and a tornado? It should be noted that both of these natural phenomena are united by the fact that they represent the rapid movement of wind from one place to another.

Hurricane and tornado: what are their features

Typically, hurricanes occur in tropical latitudes and begin with a strong gust of wind. The hurricane covers an area from 150 to 600 km with a speed of 120-200 km per hour. At the center of a hurricane there is what is called the “eye of the hurricane.” In other words, this is a calm spot where there are no strong gusts of wind. The diameter of the “eye of a hurricane” can be from 5 to 20 km. If a person is in this center, it may seem to him that the hurricane is over, but when the natural disaster begins to move further, the wind will play out with no less force, and will blow in the completely opposite direction. Why is this happening? Because a hurricane, at its core, is an annular storm when the wind blows in a ring.

A tornado is also an annular storm, but more powerful and dangerous for everything around it. The tornado does not exceed 2.5 km in diameter, but is nevertheless more dangerous. As a rule, this natural phenomenon begins in those places where a thunderstorm is already heard, and the sky is covered with dark funnel-shaped clouds. A tornado can cover an area only a few kilometers long and a few hundred wide, but its force is so great that everything it encounters on its path rises up. If a hurricane can only uproot a tree or tear off the roof of a house, it not only tears out everything in its path, but also carries it hundreds of kilometers away.

Differences between a hurricane and a tornado

A hurricane, like a tornado, is a severe natural disaster, but the first phenomenon is considered less dangerous. A tornado is capable of lifting upward an object whose weight is measured not only in kilograms, but also in tons. After a tornado, unfortunately, nothing remains intact within the radius where it passed. Fortunately, this powerful natural phenomenon is not typical for all territories. Why exactly is a tornado so dangerous? Because if during a hurricane there is a quiet spot in its center, then during a tornado there is no such spot. Here everything is the other way around. A so-called vortex funnel with extremely low pressure inside is formed in the center of the tornado. It is thanks to this funnel that all objects encountered on the path of the tornado are sucked inside. Buildings that are caught in a tornado funnel may simply explode.

Every day we learn more and more sad news about how the powerful Hurricane Harvey, raging in the Gulf of Mexico, causes more and more destruction and claims an ever-increasing number of lives. Hurricanes, typhoons - all this is practically unknown to residents middle zone, and therefore we decided to tell you about what this natural disaster actually is.

What is a hurricane

The term "hurricane" has two main meanings. Firstly, a hurricane is a storm, that is, a very strong wind whose speed exceeds 30 m/s. Often such storms are accompanied by strong disturbances at sea or ocean. However, we are interested in the second, narrower and more familiar meaning, according to which a hurricane is a weather system low pressure. It occurs over heated areas of open water of sufficient size and is accompanied by powerful thunderstorms, showers and storms. From space, a hurricane looks like a huge funnel of clouds: it receives energy from the fact that warm, moist air rises, after which the moisture condenses in the form of water vapor and falls as rain, while the warm air, which has become dry, falls down. Hurricanes are also called "warm-core cyclones" because the operating principle of polar and extratropical cyclones is completely different.

Storm winds during a typhoon cause the sea to crash huge waves onto the coastline

The word “hurricane” itself comes from the name of the Mayan god of the wind - Huracan. There is one more popular name hurricane - " tropical cyclone" But in Japan and Far East hurricanes are called typhoons. They arise and maintain their strength only over the surface of large bodies of water, and if the wind blows a hurricane onto land, it will quickly exhaust itself. Therefore, it is the coastal areas that suffer the most from the elements, but heavy rains generated by hurricanes often cause extensive flooding even at a distance of 40 km from the coast. Despite the fact that tropical cyclones often cause enormous damage to infrastructure, they cannot be called absolute evil. Firstly, it is thanks to hurricanes that drought ends in some areas of the Earth and the vegetation landscape is restored. Secondly, tropical cyclones transfer large amounts of energy from equatorial latitudes towards temperate latitudes, which makes them an important component of global atmospheric circulation processes. This leads to a decrease in temperature in various parts of the planet's surface, so that it avoids overheating and maintains a stable temperate climate.

What does a hurricane consist of: the eye of the storm

Diagram of the structure of a hurricane: red arrows show flows of warm air, blue arrows show gradually cooling air

Eye of the Storm(or simply “eye”) is the central part of the cyclone, in which warm air falls down. As a rule, it retains a regular round shape, and its diameter can reach from 3 to 370 km, but on average the size of the eye is 30−60 km. An interesting “stadium effect” is associated with it: large cyclones upper part the eyes are noticeably wider than the lower ones, which, when observed from the inside, actually resembles the shape of the stands of a stadium.

Large cyclones usually have a clear eye and a clear sky; in small ones it can be partially or completely covered with clouds, which is characterized by significant thunderstorm activity.

Wall of the eye

The eye wall of a storm can be seen either from inside the hurricane or in photographs of space satellites

In fact, the eye is an opening that forms a ring of dense thunderstorm cumulus clouds. Here the clouds reach their greatest height, but maximum speed winds are achieved not at the top of the wall, but at a small height above the surface of the water or land. Remember the videos from the Internet where strong winds lift small buildings off the ground and blow away cars? This is precisely the destructive power of a hurricane wall passing over a populated area.

Strong cyclones (category 3+) change the wall several times throughout their existence. At the same time old wall narrows to 10−25 km, and is replaced by a new one of larger diameter. Changing the wall - good sign: during each such procedure the cyclone weakens, but it is worth keeping in mind that after final formation new wall it will quickly regain its former strength.

Outer zone

The wide canvas of a hurricane consists of so-called rain bands - lines of dense thunderstorm clouds that slowly diverge from the center of the cyclone. The wall and outer zone is the area where moist air rises through circulation cells, but they are all smaller than the central one.

What happens when a hurricane makes landfall? An increase in surface friction causes a concentration of air flows and, as a result, rainfall.

However, the hurricane is not limited to these categories. Due to the centrifugal movement of air, it forms cloud cover even at very high altitudes. These clouds have little in common with the dense cumulus cover of the wall and outer zone: light and cirrus, they move quickly from the center of the cyclone and gradually disappear. They can become the first signal warning of the imminent arrival of a cyclone.

Hurricane Harvey

The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey: highways turned into swimming pools dirty water

So what makes it stand out among its peers? Harvey", currently turning Texas into a water-covered wasteland? For starters, this is the strongest hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico since the famous Katrina, which hit the United States in 2005. He was initially classified as category four on the Saffir-Simpson scale. This is the so-called huge hurricane": the wind speed on its territory reaches 50−70 m/s, and the flooded zone is located at an altitude of up to 3 meters above sea level, while the floods extend ten kilometers inland.

On the last day of summer, the US National Weather Service reported that Harvey had weakened and moved from a tropical storm to a tropical depression: wind speeds had dropped significantly, but heavy rainfall was still continuing. We can only hope that the cyclone will soon disappear altogether: at present, federal authorities are finding it difficult to give even an approximate estimate of the damage that the disaster caused along its entire path.

Throughout its existence, humanity is constantly faced with such natural phenomena, against which it is not possible to resist. Despite the achieved level of technological progress, humanity is unable to control a tornado, typhoon, or tornado. The characteristics of these elements are given below.

A tornado is considered one of the most dangerous. It resembles something that descended to the surface of the earth for some kind of “dance”. Its scope is usually up to 400 m, less often it can reach 3000 m. For many, it is a mystery how a tornado differs from a tornado. This is what we have to find out.

What is a tornado?

A tornado is a huge funnel that descends from a thundercloud to the ground. It can travel both over land and water. The lower part of the funnel resembles a cloud, which consists of dust, dirt, and various objects.

Some people confuse it with a dust devil, but this is a serious misconception. A tornado is associated with a thundercloud; it is part of it, resembling a trunk that descends to the ground. He cannot tear himself away from his cloud. But dust and sand whirlwinds have nothing to do with thunderstorm phenomena.

Causes of a tornado

Humanity has not yet been able to understand the tornadoes. Their appearance is associated with the process when moist, warm air ends up very close to cold, dry air. In this case, their contact should pass over a cold area of ​​\u200b\u200bland or water. Warm air appears between low temperatures.

Due to the fact that the process of the appearance of a tornado is a certain chain reaction, this destructive natural phenomenon is often compared to an atomic bomb.

Due to the interaction of cold and warm currents, a trunk is formed, which cools and falls down. A vacuum zone descends behind it, drawing everything in its path into itself.

Danger of natural phenomenon

The whole danger of a tornado lies in its trunk. Depending on its own size, it is capable of pulling into itself and lifting any objects to great heights. This includes people. Dissolving in the atmosphere, it subsides and everything that was above the ground falls down.

If the vortex is unable to pull an object into itself, it tears it apart. For example, a house standing in its path will most likely turn into ruins, and its debris will scatter tens of kilometers away.

What is a tornado?

From English and Spanish languages The word "tornado" is translated as "to spin." This is what they call a tornado in North America, including the United States. A spinning funnel descends from a cumulonimbus cloud and makes a sound similar to a waterfall or a rumbling train.

Most often, tornadoes occur in the United States, in Texas. This is due to the fact that warm, moist air comes from it, which collides with cold masses from Canada and dry masses from the rocky mountains.

The following natural phenomena occur:

  • thunderstorms;
  • showers;
  • gusty winds;
  • tornado.

What is the difference between a tornado and a tornado?

Many people think that a tornado and a tornado are different phenomena. But if you look at how a tornado differs from a tornado, it becomes clear that it is nothing. In some countries, it is generally accepted that a tornado is a destructive phenomenon on land, and a tornado is a destructive phenomenon on the surface of water.

In addition to these two names, there is a third one - thrombus. It can be heard in European countries.

All three names - tornado, tornado, thrombus - are considered synonymous.

How is a tornado different from a hurricane?

Once you understand the difference between a tornado and a tornado, you can understand what a hurricane is. Often people do not understand the features of a particular natural disaster, and everything related to the movement of air masses is called a hurricane. At the same time, a tornado and a hurricane are different concepts.

A hurricane is a tropical cyclone that is expressed as strong wind, rain, thunderstorms. The confusion arises because it could cause a subsequent tornado.

Classification according to the Fujita scale

There cannot be an answer to the question of what is stronger - a tornado or a tornado, since they are one and the same phenomenon. There are many classifications of its strength, but the Fujita scale is most often followed.

Tornado, typhoon, tornado: characteristics

Wind speed, km/h


Relatively little damage is caused in the form of broken branches and dilapidated trees. In many countries it is called gale force wind

The phenomenon can rip the roofs off houses and move cars.

The elements uproot trees.

The clot is capable of overturning a train and lifting a car above the surface of the earth.

Anything lighter than a car flies in the air, even buildings that are not properly fortified.

The elements are capable of lifting almost anything into the air and easily tearing the road surface off the ground.

Exists only in theory, since the wind can reach the speed of sound.

So, we have already figured out that talking about the difference between a tornado and a tornado is not entirely correct. Similar natural phenomena occur all over the world, bringing death and chaos. However, there are cases that can be classified as curious.

  • So, in 1879, a terrible tornado passed through Irving. At this time, parishioners were praying in a wooden church. The clot lifted the church with people inside and moved it several meters. None of them were injured and escaped with fright.
  • In 1913, in Kansas, a storm swept through a garden, uprooting large apple tree. It was torn into many pieces, but the hive with bees that stood a meter from the dead tree remained unharmed.
  • In 1940, in the village of Meshchery, along with a thunderstorm, rain fell, consisting, in addition to water, of antique coins, made of silver under Ivan the Terrible. This miracle can be explained by the fact that, having exhausted its energy, the tornado gives back everything that it pulled into itself. Perhaps he retrieved a treasure that was not buried too deeply, but after walking a certain distance, he began to weaken and released it with the rain onto the ground.
  • In 1923, in Tennessee, a natural disaster destroyed the walls, ceiling and roof of a residential building and carried them skyward. At the same time, the family who lived in it remained sitting at the table. They all escaped with fear.

In most cases, natural disasters bring nothing to humans except death and destruction. You can verify this by looking at the photos of waterspouts and tornadoes presented in this material.

What to do during a tornado?

Whatever the difference between a tornado and a tornado, these phenomena are dangerous for humans. To survive, you must adhere to certain recommendations.

The first point of any instructions for action in emergency situations is the absence of panic and composure. First of all, you need to find a secluded place. From a strong tornado, only a special bunker can become this.

You shouldn’t try to run away from a rapidly approaching blood clot; it will catch up anyway. It’s better to get your bearings on the area and group up so as not to fall into the crater. It is necessary to find any even insignificant depression or crack and press into it as hard as possible. This way the funnel won’t be able to drag you along with it. In this case, you need to cover your head with your hands to protect it from being hit by any object that may fly nearby.

While in an ordinary house without a basement, you should follow the instructions:

  • take cover in the center of the room on the first floor;
  • stay away from windows;
  • close the windows from the approaching elements;
  • open and lock the windows on the opposite side;
  • turn off water and electricity;
  • turn off the gas.

Manipulating the windows will prevent the building from exploding due to pressure changes.



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