Magic for a career on the waning moon. Love magic spells. Conspiracy to gain slimness

Conspiracies for the waning moon have always been extremely popular. And this is no coincidence. At this time they have a special powerful force. People take advantage of this and perform various rituals during certain phases of the moon.

Conspiracies read on the waning moon will help get rid of illnesses, excess weight, eliminate problems, poverty and bad luck, and clear your head of bad thoughts.

Features of the waning moon

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that the moon changes according to a certain cycle. There are different phases: waxing, full moon and waning. Today, both magicians and scientists confirm their influence on human health and destiny.

Unlike the full moon, which causes excitement, the waning moon is a time of cleansing and release. During this period, it is advised to cleanse the body of harmful substances, get rid of melancholy and negative thoughts, and even clean the house. It lasts two weeks.

During the waning of the moon, invisible channels open that help a person cope with many problems. The main thing is not to waste time while the channels are open.

Rules of conspiracies

To achieve the desired result, important conditions must be met:

  • The performer must obtain all items for the ritual himself.
  • They should not be given into the hands of other people.
  • It is better to read the text of the waning moon spell by heart, but you can also do this from a piece of paper.
  • You need to speak clearly, quietly and without hesitation.
  • The moon should be clearly visible. The weather at night should be clear.
  • The ritual is performed in all alone.

The main rule of any ritual is strong faith in your actions. A person must imagine how his life will change in better side, believe that the waning moon spell will work.

What rituals are performed

Certain conspiracies during the waning moon are endowed with magical power. These include conspiracies:

  • For rejuvenation. Allows you to look younger and more attractive in the eyes of others.
  • From alcoholism. It is distinguished by powerful action and effective results.
  • For weight loss. A great way to lose weight and get rid of fat.
  • For love. The conspiracy will help you find happiness in your personal life and bring back your loved one.
  • For sadness. It is read to attract a loved one who does not reciprocate. He will experience great sadness.
  • On the lapel of love. Used if it is necessary to break a love affair.
  • For money. Read the text for good luck and success in financial matters, attracting money.
  • To remove the evil eye and damage. The sacrament will help remove the negative magical effects.
  • For good luck. Eliminates bad luck.
  • For healing. Will relieve wounds and illnesses.

Money plot

During the waning moon, you need to take out all the coins from your wallet and squeeze them in your fist. Looking at the month, you need to say:

“Changes, coppers and nickels, you go to the beggar, take my poverty with you! The beggar will drink and walk, and fade in his poverty. I give change from the master’s purse - I bring the wealth back to my house. From now on I don’t know poverty, but I live in wealth. My word is strong, it is molded to me. Key, tongue, lock. Amen!".

The next day, distribute this change to the poor, and this should be done right hand. With the beginning of the next moon cycle, wealth will begin to flow into the performer's house.

During this lunar cycle, the following rules regarding money should be observed:

  • you cannot lend money or make serious purchases;
  • You should not hand over money, it is better to put it on the table;
  • It is not recommended to count and hold other people's money.

Love spell

The waning moon will help bring back your lover and make him sad. To do this, you need to read the lines every evening:

In order for a loved one to return, they also make him sad. It is necessary to read the plot through an open window:

“Seven violent winds, fly with strong wings, comfort widows and little orphans. Take away all earthly sorrow from them. Infuse her into the obstinate body, with the zealous heart of a slave (name). Chop his heart with a steel ax, slash his soul with whips, exhaust and exhaust his body, bring sadness and love melancholy to (name). So that he would not know peace, neither day nor night, nor at home, nor on the road, nor at any hour, nor now, nor for a single moment! Let the whole body burn, let the heart ache, let it be tormented by love for me, slave (name), ignite with passion. Amen".

A young man, being at any distance, will immediately feel melancholy.

Love conspiracies on the waning moon are usually aimed at a rival for separation and cooling of her love feelings, as well as reconciliation and the return of the loved one to herself.

Another longing spell will help make your loved one constantly dream of meeting. When reading, you need to stand under the moonlight and say:

"I will get up, ( given name), I will cross myself and go out of the hut through the gate. I’ll head east into an open field and find a place where there is a hut, in the middle of which lies a board, under which there is melancholy. Melancholy cries and sobs bitterly, waits for the white light, but can’t wait for the clear sun to rejoice and have fun! So he (name of beloved) can’t wait for me, he (name of beloved), constantly thinks, rejoices at thoughts of me. He (the name of the beloved) cannot eat, drink, or live without me, neither in the early morning, nor at dawn, nor at lunchtime or midday, nor under the night stars, nor during violent winds, nor under the sun, nor under the moon. . He (beloved’s name) cannot live without me, like a fish without water, like a baby without mother’s milk.”

An important condition of this ritual for longing is that the performer should not seek a meeting with his loved one himself. Usually, the spell of melancholy is removed immediately after the meeting, so it will not bring any negative consequences.

Attracting good luck

Rituals for the waning moon are aimed at eliminating troubles and failures, which helps attract good luck. This conspiracy is carried out near an open window; it will help attract success in business and cast aside worries. It is necessary to stand facing the month and tell it about your thoughts that are disturbing the person. Then say:

“The pure silver moon is waning, taking all my misfortunes with it, when it dissolves in the night, new hope will be born in me.”

After that, go to bed. The result will not be long in coming.

Weight loss conspiracy

This plot is very popular among girls. It's lightweight and effective ritual. Take liter bottle with sunflower oil and soil in a container. On the fifteenth lunar day, write the phrase “my fat” on the bottle. On this day you should not eat any fatty foods. Then say over the oil:

“Take my butter, my fat, fix it in yourself.”

For the next 14 days, you need to pour the oil a little at a time into a container with soil and say:

“I expel fat from the body, I shed it with oil, accept the earth of my suffering, deliver me forever from overeating.”

Before the new moon, pour out the oil completely and throw away the soil and bottle.

In most weight loss conspiracies, the waning moon is chosen as a model and symbol of weight loss.

An instant spell using holy water will also help you lose weight. You can read it at night or until dawn, while the waning moon is visible. You need to put a glass of water in front of you and read:

“Sister Moon, dear girl, control the water from the sky, go away, take my extra weight with you. Amen".

Then they drink a glass. There will be an immediate weight loss by as many grams as you drank. After the ritual, it will no longer be possible to stop weight loss. The plot is read once, every day, until the phase of the moon changes. It will take as many grams as the amount of water you drink daily. For greater weight loss, you should limit yourself in food and exercise.

Alcoholism conspiracy

This ritual is performed immediately after the full moon. Take holy water and wedding ring drunkards. The decoration is lowered into the water and they say:

“You, holy water, heal my husband, God’s servant (name), cure him of drunkenness, drive away the disease, so that it goes away and never returns. As long as my husband wears this ring, it will protect him from alcohol and binge drinking. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Speak three times. In the future, the owner of the ring must wear it.

How to return the energy of strength

The waning moon helps clear away negative energy, gives strength, heals the body. To regain the energy of youth, it is necessary to carry out a special conspiracy away from the city. Go to any deserted place and lay a cloth on the ground. Then lie on it, without moving, peering into the night sky, and turn over on your stomach. After this, press yourself to the ground and do not move for several minutes. Turning over onto your back again, you should whisper:

“Just as the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (name), will be healthy and strong. Just as the earth gives strength to all living things, just as all plants and animals are born from the earth, so I will gain strength and cleanse myself of everything unnecessary. My words are strong, just as Mother Earth is strong, as I said, so she will do. Amen".

You need to mentally imagine your cleansing, how the body is filled with energy and strength that comes from the earth, how the body is rejuvenated, and thoughts are cleansed of all bad things. It is better to carry out the ceremony in late spring or early summer.


The waning moon cycle is perfect for lapel rituals. This lunar phase contributes to the end of relationships, their breakup. Therefore, lapels made during this period have great power.

We need a church candle and new needles. In a secluded place, you should dig a small hole in the ground and stick nine needles into it. You need to imagine how liberation from relationships and love affairs occurs. Then they dig a hole, stand up and say:

“Just as needles cannot be together, just as they cannot grow into one whole, so you, the servant of God (name), cannot be together with the servant of God (name). As the needles grow together, then these lovers will only come together. So be it."

Light a candle at this point and leave without looking back.

Conspiracy against illness

The plot should be read by one of the sick person’s relatives. Stand by the window, open it and pick up a towel white which has never been used. The moon should be clearly visible. Its light should fall on the performer. Say three times:

“As (the name of the patient) wipes himself with this towel, so (the name of the illness) will stop. The disease goes away from (name of the patient), all the dirt goes into the towel. As soon as 7 days have passed, (name of the patient) will be completely clean and healthy. My will is strong, my word is true. As I, (my name), said, so be it.”

The patient needs to dry himself with a towel for a week. Others should not use it. After 7 days, the performer takes the towel and buries it in a deserted place or burns it.

In order not to expose yourself and your loved ones to danger, it is better not to get involved with black magic. And the performance of white magic rituals can be entrusted to practicing magicians. After all, the result of the ritual can be unpredictable, be it a conspiracy for melancholy or good luck.

The waning moon phase is an energetically strong period. Therefore, at this time many magical rituals of different directions are performed. The question of what conspiracies are read on the waning moon interests many. The most effective rituals are those that allow you to cleanse yourself of everything alien and unnecessary.

Methods of effective rituals for the waning moon

There is a huge variety of rituals that are aimed at cleansing. Such influences will help get rid of failures and bad luck. Conspiracies for the waning moon are in the best possible way overcome the dark streak of life. Rituals are widely used to help get rid of bad habits and normalize life.

Cleansing and activating vitality

In the phase of the waning moon, you can use magic to remove accumulated negative energy. The ritual will allow you to improve your energy potential, so everything unnecessary and foreign will go away, thanks to it, vital forces will be activated. It is advisable to carry out the ritual away from the hustle and bustle, so it is recommended to go out of town or find a deserted place in the park. You need to take a piece of new natural fabric with you.

In nature, you should lay a cloth on the ground and lie down on it. First, you just need to lie on your back and look at the sky and the crowns of green trees bending over you. After this, you should roll over from side to side, and then onto your stomach. In this position, you need to press your whole body tightly to the ground and lie down for a few seconds.

Then you need to turn over on your back and say the following words:

"Like the earth given to people for life I am forever strong and young, so may I, the Servant of God (proper name), always be healthy, filled with eternal youth. Just as the earth gives strength to plants and animals, so let me gain strength from it and get rid of everything that is unnecessary and interferes with my life. The words I have spoken are strong, and my desire is righteous, may holy mother earth help me. Amen".

While reciting a conspiracy, you need to imagine how new fresh forces enter your body, and everything unnecessary leaves it. The ideal time for such a cleansing ritual is the end of spring or the first month of summer. At this time the earth is already well warmed up sun rays and filled with positive energy.

If you feel that your health has deteriorated significantly for unexplained reasons, then during the waning moon you can perform a ritual for healing.

For the ritual you will need the following attributes:

  • A fresh egg laid by a village hen;
  • Paper or plastic bag;
  • Blue marker.

The ceremony is carried out in a separate room, it is advisable to first remove all unnecessary things from it. In the room prepared for the ceremony, you need to leave the egg for a couple of hours. After the time has passed, you should go into the room, undress and lie on the bed in a comfortable position.

The egg should be rolled all over the body, this should be done especially carefully in places where discomfort often occurs. In the process, you need to visualize the scene of how the egg absorbs all the negative energy and your body is healed.

After rolling out, write the following words on the egg with a blue marker:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), found healing, all illnesses and ailments went away. Health is with me again."

After saying the words, the egg must be placed in a bag and taken out to trash cans that are located far from your home. It is important to discard the egg in such a way that it breaks.

Getting rid of a streak of bad luck

When there is a long streak of bad luck in life, you can use a very powerful magical ritual. To carry out the ceremony, you must stock up on spring water in advance; tap water cannot be used as an attribute.

Having retired to a separate room, you should pour the water into a wide container and place it on the windowsill, while the window must first be opened. It is necessary to wash your face, neck and shoulders with it.

“Mother, natural water, you are cold and valuable, like gold and silver. You are strong, you cover wide spaces, you wash high mountains. So from me, Slave(s) of God(s) (proper name), you will wash away all the bad luck and remove all the failures. All evil slander The natural water will wash away and they will no longer cause me harm. She will protect me in the future of human malice, bad speeches and unkind eyes. It will only be as it is said. Amen".

After this, you need to go to bed and leave the water on the window until the morning. You can then wash your face with it for a while. This will strengthen your protective energy.

It is important to understand that most rituals aimed at cleansing and healing are very powerful. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, it is recommended to carry them out no more than once a year. In addition, for such rituals to be effective, you need to be positive and before performing them, mentally ask for forgiveness from your loved ones for accidentally causing offense.

Rituals for the waning moon have their own specifics, which are important to know if you are seriously interested in magic. It has long been scientifically proven that the Earth’s satellite has a significant impact on human well-being. Therefore, experienced magicians always take into account the phase of the moon when planning the performance of various rituals. From this article you will learn what rituals you can resort to during the waning phase of the moon.

Even in ancient times, people noted the fact that the moon has a specific cycle. It can be in the waxing, full moon or waning phase.

Unlike the full moon, which provokes increased arousal, during the waning moon the body is cleansed and freed from negativity. This is a wonderful time to carry out cleansing manipulations, get rid of bad thoughts and also do some general cleaning

When the moon is in its waning phase, invisible channels are opened that help a person eliminate various problems. The main thing is to be able to use them correctly and in a timely manner.

What rituals are suitable for the waning moon?

When you pronounce this spell, imagine how your body is filled with the vital force of the earth, how it is rejuvenated and healed from any negative energy.

It is best to resort to this ritual in late spring or early summer. At this time, the earth is already sufficiently warmed up and filled with strength after winter inactivity, which it can give to a person who turns to it for help.

Ritual of release from negativity

You will need to retire to your room, put a candle on the table, light it, and then take a piece of paper and write down on it all the problems and troubles that you want to eliminate.

These can be habits that destroy you, obsessive states, bad thoughts, anxieties and worries - whatever comes to mind.

You can deal with ashes in different ways: either flush it down the toilet, or take it away from your home. The second option is used much more often than the first.

It is forbidden to tell anyone about what you have done; keep the ritual in the strictest confidence.

Ritual for failure

Its time is late evening, you need to wait for the waning moon to appear in the sky. Go out into the yard, open your arms towards the heavenly body and, lingering in this position, complain to the moon about what does not make you feel like a happy person.

At the end of your monologue, add the following statement:

“The moon of pure silver is waning, all my troubles are with
takes with her when she dissolves in the night, new hope in me
will be born."

Then go home and try to fall asleep immediately. And when you wake up in the morning, you will feel freed from the negativity of past troubles. When the waning moon phase ends, Lady Luck will turn her face to you.

Ritual for financial troubles

If you are constantly lacking cash and dream of achieving monetary stability, use the following ritual.

It is performed strictly on the fifteenth lunar day.

You will need to stand in such a way as to see the earth's satellite. It is important that the moon is clearly visible; it should not be hidden by clouds.

Stand with your back to the moon, take a mirror in your hands (you need the moon to be reflected in it) and say three times:

“Mother Moon, please take me
I bring poverty and lack of money.”

Pay attention! With the help of this ritual, money will not fall from the sky on you, but you will have opportunities to earn money in an honest way and get the desired profit.

It is important not to behave passively and rely only on magical actions, but to make active efforts on your part. It works on this principle money magic– it helps to open channels that will attract finance to you, but on your part it is necessary to notice them in time and use them correctly.

When resorting to magic, do not forget that sincere faith is the force that makes any rituals work. So always believe in what you do

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The article contains the most effective conspiracies that are pronounced on the waning moon.

Conspiracies, the effect of which manifests itself during the period of the waning Moon, are turned to when you want to get rid of all sorts of “unnecessities”: what weighs you down, causes troubles and interferes with your life.

Exists large number evidence of the influence of the planets surrounding the earth on our lives - on well-being, health. Decrease negative impact, the energy of the night luminary will help reduce their effect to a minimum and cleanse yourself.

The period of the waning moon is ideal for performing rituals that relieve ailments, skin diseases, extra pounds, bad habits, obsessive thoughts, unsuccessful relationships and poverty.

Rituals performed during the waning moon are as powerful as those performed during the full moon phase or new moon. From the materials in this article you will learn what conspiracies manifest their power on the flawed Moon and what are the features of these rituals.

How to read a spell for the waning moon for water and candles?

Conspiracies that are spoken on the waning moon are so strong that they act instantly. Therefore, this lunar phase is the most successful for performing occult rituals, not inferior to the full moon.

The hour when the Moon begins to “die” is considered the best for the mystical self-destruction of all “unnecessities” in the life of any of us

During the period of the waning moon, it becomes possible to perform magical actions for yourself or loved one to gain money, to receive reciprocal feelings. Magic texts are also strong during this period against the evil eye, damage, and various merciless vices.

  • Instant conspiracies are called instant conspiracies because they do not require special preparation when reading them. Actions during rituals are minimal.
  • There is no need to light candles purchased from special days, visiting an Orthodox Church is excluded.
  • The main condition is to wait until the beginning of the calendar phase of the waning of the Moon and, in solitude, begin to repeatedly read the verbal spell formula.

What rules should be followed when performing rituals?

  • You cannot laugh while reading a conspiracy or performing a ritual, because all actions are not performed for fun.
  • Pronounce all magic words with faith in their power.
    You need to speak magic words in the light of the Moon, turning your face to the east.
  • Before you begin the ritual, you need to concentrate on your problem, which you decided to get rid of with the help of higher powers.
  • The short text of the conspiracy is spoken in one breath.
  • Say the final word of the conspiracy while exhaling
  • They say conspiracies while standing, bowing their heads.
  • The voice when reading the plot should be measured, monotonous, the text should be pronounced quietly and calmly.
  • For the plot to show its power, it must be read on an empty stomach, and after the ritual, try not to eat for as long as possible.
  • It is necessary to follow the recommendations and requirements regarding the phase of the Moon; if there are none, then the plot is read for the flawed Moon.
How to read a water spell on the waning moon?

Having decided to turn to higher powers, you must understand the responsibility you bear for conducting magical rituals.

  • By attracting good luck, money, love and favor from others with the help of strong texts, you thereby influence your destined destiny.
  • This action may affect later life.

Important: if you resort to the help of higher powers, wanting to take revenge on someone or perceive your actions as a harmless activity, then you are mistaken. A correctly performed magical action has sufficient power to overcome the factors influencing it.

Water spell:

  • read three times (but another number may be indicated)
  • after each reading the water is baptized

Candle spell:

  • read on a lit candle in complete solitude and silence
  • After reading, remove the candle so that no one sees or touches

Conspiracy to lose weight on the waning moon: ritual

If you want to perform a ritual to lose weight, then perform magical actions on Friday or Monday. It is on these days that it is necessary to perform rituals that get rid of unnecessary things.

To perform the ceremony, prepare water. The plot is read while preparing for bed.


“Lord help, God bless, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and Holy Spirit. On the sea and ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a bed, on that sofa there is a feather bed, and on it lies a pig, and my fat is guarding. The pig has three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads, and ten mouths. Eat my fat with one head, eat my fat with the second head, eat my fat with the third head... eat my fat with the eighth head. And the ninth head of the pig will eat up all my fat, all the lard and overweight will take it for himself. Key, lock, tongue. As it is said, it will come true. Amen".

Read this plot over a bowl filled with running, not boiled water before going to bed:

One of the most effective conspiracies on water is considered to be the one held on the waning moon

After reading the plot, you need to wash your face with water from a bowl and go to bed.

The following plot is read over a glass drinking water, which is located at the level of the solar plexus. You need to carry out the ritual in front of a wide open window or on the balcony.

Look at the moon or water and say 9 times:

The second version of the ritual for the waning moon

Video: Lose weight quickly. Weight loss conspiracy. Conspiracies for the waning moon

Spell for money against lack of money on the waning moon: ritual

  • This ritual relieves misfortunes associated with lack of money. Therefore, if you decide to change the course of your destiny, turn to the help of higher powers only when you encounter a dark streak in life.
  • The plot is read in the phase of the waning moon. For the ritual, take a mirror. The only condition: it must be in your home for a long time.
  • Wait until sunset and go to the intersection.
  • The mirror breaks with the words: “Go back to where you came from!”
  • After that, return to the house and don't look back.
  • The ritual gets rid of everything negative: failures, bad emotions and experiences.

Video: Ritual for the waning moon against poverty and lack of money

Waning Moon spells for a man's love: ritual

A magical ritual that helps to improve relationships with a man is performed not only on the full moon, but also during the waning moon phase. In terms of its effectiveness, the conspiracy is in no way inferior to rituals performed on another day of the lunar cycle.

Since this period is considered the beginning of extinction, attenuation, a conspiracy carried out during the period of the flawed Moon will help to recapture a man from a rival, be it a mistress or wife.

You need to continuously look at the Moon and pronounce the magic words of the conspiracy, turning to the Queen of the Night

The energy of the night luminary will act as a binding to the beloved, and will break even a close connection with a homewrecker.

How to perform the ceremony?

  • Nothing should distract from the magical action, so turn off all means of communication (mobile phone, laptop).
  • To avoid unexpected guests, tell your acquaintances and friends that you will be absent that day.
  • You need to prepare a photo of your sweetheart and 3 church candles.
  • The ritual must begin at midnight.
  • Light the candles and pick up the prepared photograph.

Read the plot without taking your eyes off your lover’s face:

“Just as a clear month, the sun loves red, so does (lover’s name) me(name) will love, he will only be with me.”

  • Read the plot as many times as you are old.
  • Turn the photo over and reverse side write down what you want most from your lover.
  • When you finish saying the magic words, hide the photo from prying eyes.
  • Don't tell anyone that you performed a love ceremony.

Spell for husband on waning moon

Very powerful conspiracy which is said for food. The ritual is easy to perform at home.

  • It is necessary to wait for the waning moon and speak food.
  • After your spouse eats the enchanted foods, he will again begin to experience tender feelings for you.
  • When you cook food, whisper a spell. The plot must be spoken 3 or 9 times in a row.

Words to say over a meat dish:

“The mighty beast was overcome by longing and longing for the beast, he came to Nicolet He prayed to the Pleasant: “Let me go, Nikola the Pleasant, calm me down, put me to sleep. Nikola waved his stick, the animal fell to the ground as if knocked down. Crows circle over the beast, wanting to peck the meat. Don’t give meat to the crows, grandfather, but give it to the servant of the Lord (spouse’s name). Let him remember the servant of the Lord (your name), and dry up with fierce longing for her. This shall be according to my word, neither by negotiation nor by cross.” “The blood is boiling from the heat, black smoke is pouring out. Whoever eats this meat will burn for me all his life, and no one will cool him down for me until the end of time. The words are in the casket, the casket is locked, there’s a squelch in the water, that’s all they saw.”

“As the rich man’s food is sweet, so too from me, the servant of God (full name form) It will be sweet for the servant of God (name). And if he doesn’t come to me, any food will taste bitter to him. Key, mouth, lock." “The Likhov forest stands up to the skies. The winds in the forest are icy, the trees in the forest are stone, the grass is thorny, the animals are biting, hungry for human blood. In the middle of that forest there is a mountain, and on the mountain is my hut. The hut is light, warm, nourishing and peaceful. The oven bakes the bread itself, the tablecloth sets the table itself, the bed spreads itself. Come to me, light Nikitushka (replace the name), stay forever and never know Likha. Amen, amen, amen."

Wart spell for the waning moon: ritual

To speak a wart, you need to wait for your day on the waning moon. For a woman, these are the following days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. For a man this is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

You cannot perform the ritual on the waxing Moon so that the number of warts does not increase.

  • After waiting for your day on the waning Moon, pick a bunch of old grass. Do this with your left hand.
  • Pull out the longest stem. Poke their warts and recite the text of the conspiracy:

“A dry one will not become young,
A fish will not make a bull,
You can't get milk from a rooster.
So you can't sit on my body either
And die in a bad month.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

  • If there is no dry grass, then take an apple that fell from a tree.
  • Cut it into 3 parts, touching the warts, and read the plot:

Which apple is eaten,
And which apples dry out.
So should you, wart, dry up and die
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

After the ritual, bury each part of the apple in a separate place.

A spell to help get rid of warts is an ancient magic that was used by our distant ancestors. With the help of special rituals you can easily and quickly get rid of such a scourge.

And here is the text of another simple one, but strong conspiracy, which will help get rid of warts and moles. You need to circle the knot counterclockwise and say:

The knot dries and the mole (wart) dies. In the name of the Father and Son and Saint Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracies to sell a house on the waning moon

Selling a house can be a real problem for a family who is about to move to another city, buy a new home, or is about to sell an apartment filled with bad energy. The speed with which the transaction is carried out plays a decisive role in some cases.

The sale of a house can be accelerated if you resort to the help of higher powers and carry out a special magical ritual. The rituals performed in these cases have a unique impact on the world around us, the real estate seller himself, as well as other people.

Defective Moon as a symbol of the end of a certain period life path and moving away from anything, is an ideal period for reading conspiracies for the quick sale of a home.

Features of the ritual:

  • Take a bucket of water and a rag.
  • Wash the floors in the premises you are going to sell (be sure to wash by hand).
  • When you've finished cleaning, squat over a bucket of dirty water and read the plot.

“My house, four corners and the brownie, I renounce you, all walls, doors and locks, from all four corners and from the brownie. Whoever brings me money for you first will take you for himself. So be it. Amen".

  • Dirty water should be poured into the yard at night. The main thing is that no one sees you doing this activity.

The following ritual will help you sell your house faster:

  • Take 1/2 cup of rice, same amount of salt and sugar.
  • Combine all bulk products in a separate container and mix
  • Insert a new pin into the center of the mixture, point down,
    read the plot:

“I sell for happiness and prosperity good people what to me more than herself Not need to. I, the servant of God (name), will later acquire what I need for (name the amount you want to get for the sale of the house). What is said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • After reading the plot, you cannot regret the home you are selling, otherwise the sale procedure, which has already been activated, will cease to operate.
  • The mixture with rice, salt, sugar and a pin is placed at the entrance to the house, in a place inconspicuous to strangers.
  • When the sale of the home takes place, you need to give alms to 6 beggars.
  • The container containing the pin and bulk products is buried in a deserted place.
  • The ritual is performed over a white, clean and ironed tablecloth. dining table in the premises that are for sale.

Sit next to me and say:

“White-white, white-white, a lot of snow on my hut peasant swept away, The snow is unruly, white, creaking, flying on the windows, flying on the walls, flying on the roof. I will go to the servant of God (name) to the courtyard and sit on white horse, I’ll go looking for a generous, kind, and rich merchant. I will find a noble, fat buyer. How much snow falls on the roof of the hut from the blizzard, the merchant will offer me so much gold for the house. Just as a dog cannot be next to a cat, so generosity and stinginess cannot exist. I, the servant of God (name), choose generosity. As it is said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Video: How to quickly sell a house: conspiracies

The phases of the moon have great influence for a person's life. Depending on it, it is recommended to carry out various rituals. The old moon hides a special energy, which is why conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon bring purification, liberation and promise good luck in business and love. This period allows you to cleanse yourself of illnesses, mental burdens, and gain the spiritual energy necessary in the future.

How to correctly read conspiracies for the waning moon?

The waning moon is considered best period for healing, protection and getting rid of everything unnecessary and negative in life. It is in this phase that the following conspiracies have the greatest results:

  1. A conspiracy against failure.
  2. For love and the return of a loved one.
  3. For protection from enemies.
  4. To get rid of loneliness.
  5. For good luck and financial well-being.
  6. To your health.

However, each of these rituals has a set of certain rules, without which it will not have the desired effect. There are also general instructions, including strict adherence to instructions, faith in a positive result, complete secrecy of intentions from other people and, of course, the appropriate phase - the waning moon.

New love and return of a loved one

Love affairs are one of the main rituals performed on the old moon. It is during this period that the forces of nature have a beneficial effect on personal life, awaken hidden feelings and ignite the flame of love and passion.

Waning moon conspiracies for a man’s love are best read using a photograph of the person you want to bewitch. To carry out the ritual, in addition to photographs, you will need 3 red church candles and a needle. You need to perform the ritual in the dark exactly at midnight, completely alone, observing all stages of the ritual:

1. Stand by the window so that you can see the moon.

2. Place candles on the windowsill and light them.

3. Take a photograph of your loved one and, looking alternately at the moon and at the photo, read the spell three times:

  • “Just as the night loves the moon and comes only with its rising, so you, servant of God (name of the chosen one), love only me, (your name), be with me alone and do not think about anyone else.”

4. The candles should be extinguished, and the melted wax should be applied to the face of the chosen one in the image.

5. Use a needle to draw a lock on the wax and say:

  • “I’m locking up your heart, I’m taking the key to it for myself.”

6. Hide the photo in a safe place and not show it to anyone until the wedding with your lover.

Bring your husband back to the family or a loved one is easier than to bewitch a stranger, because there is already love in his heart and it only needs to be revived. Conspiracies to bring back a loved one, which can be read on the waning moon, can not only bring back old feelings, but also permanently discourage the lover from other women.

For the ritual you will need one church candle and two photographs: yours and your husband’s or boyfriend’s. Since the ritual is performed on fire, you need to purchase three church candles. As in the first version of the plot, you should wait until midnight and light a candle in complete silence and solitude. Then, looking at your loved one’s face, repeat three times:

  • “As soon as this candle burns out, the moon will revive love (names)”

Let the candle burn almost to the ground and extinguish the wick with your right hand, and hide the rest in a secluded place. This conspiracy is considered one of the most powerful in love magic.

Protection from enemies

It is also possible to protect yourself and your family from enemies or eliminate enemies at work with the help of a special conspiracy. But you should consider whether you simply want to protect yourself from the influence of a person or to discourage him from yourself. To protect you, purchase three church candles: one large and two smaller. Place the one that is higher in the center of the table, and the smaller ones on the sides. Without taking your eyes off the flame, begin reading the prayer:

  • “God protect my home and the people dear to my heart. Protect my work and business from unkind enemies, from everyone I know, and from those who are not familiar to me. Protect and hide from villains and their intrigues. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amine b"

The ritual from worst enemies using candles and nails. He is able to ward off ill-wishers and, if they want to harm you, he can “prick” them in response. For this ritual you need to purchase exactly 7 candles and 7 nails. Place the candles on the table in a semicircle, and place nails in a row in front of them, take the sheet with the spell in both hands and read the spell out loud:

  • “As the moon wanes in the sky, so all my enemies will have no sleep. For every caustic word and insult, let them be washed with tears and be punished with a heavy share. Whoever called me names or encroached on my family, let him be doubly offended and humiliated. I send the enemy’s actions back to them. The enemies cannot find either forgiveness or repentance. So be it. Amen"

A conspiracy against enemies, read on the waning moon, can ward off troubles and misfortunes from your home, eliminate ill-wishers, and protect you from unprofitable deals and financial deceptions.

Money and luck

To attract good luck, both in life and in the financial sphere, it is important to free yourself from obstacles and bad luck. You can read a spell for money on the waning moon at home using just small mirror. Wait for the moon to rise, stand with your back to the window and raise the mirror so that it is reflected in it. Having caught the lunar reflection, repeat the spell three times:

  • “Mother Moon, you are full of gold and silver, deliver me from lack of money and poverty, give me a good share.”

It is better to read the conspiracy against lack of money on the waning moon in small change, holding 13 coins in the palm of your hand. It is the coins that will be used to speak. Therefore, do not forget to throw them over your left shoulder after the ceremony and leave without looking back. Words to be said during the ritual:

  • “My poor thing, my poor fellow, get off me and go to the small change. Whoever picks up this penny will take all the poor from me. Amen"

From loneliness

* Reading a plot against loneliness on yourself on the waning moon will help you find happiness and faith, end sadness and free yourself. Moreover, the effect of this ritual is almost instantaneous. It is better to carry out the ritual at night on Wednesday before going to bed. Prepare a glass of water, preferably holy, as it is a conductor of light energy. Then read the words:

  • “Voditsa - sister, you saw a lot, washing the land where your dear little one stepped, walked past my path. Turn our destinies around, unite our smiles, let your current open my threshold to my dear one. Wash, renew my blood, drive away melancholy and loneliness. Let happiness flow in a golden stream. May my darling be by my side forever!”

Drink water and go to bed. A dream can also carry an important meaning related to the ritual being performed, so it is worth paying attention to it.

From diseases

There are many conspiracies against illness during the waning moon, which can be read almost always and everywhere. For example, at noon you should lie on your right side and say: “Half a day has passed, half the illness remains” , and at sunset in the same position: “The day has passed, the illness has gone away.”



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