Interesting facts about water for adults and children. Abstract of the educational activity “What do we know about water” for children of middle preschool age

From birth, a child needs water. It not only gives pleasant sensations and develops various receptors, but also through games is the most enjoyable way of learning and instilling cultural and hygienic skills.

Children are fascinated by water with its amazing properties, wonderful transformations and many secrets that adults help reveal. The little ones can be shown pictures of water and told where it collects on our planet - in puddles after rain, swamps, ponds, seas and oceans.

Children remember water very well when a parallel is drawn with the animal world. It is necessary to provide knowledge about what kind of water animals, insects feed on, what the hard way sometimes they go through to get a drop of water, where it can be found (in gorges, rocks, in plants), what water is unsuitable for drinking, what water is dangerous for life, what is the composition of the water.

For example, in deserts there is very little water, and therefore there are practically no plants. It is difficult to get it in deserts, but despite this, there is life there too, animals and insects live there.

You can also tell how they adapt to such difficult living conditions. For example, camels can drink 100 liters of water at a time and then go without water for two weeks. Moreover, this is one of the few animals that can drink brackish water. But a person only needs a clean one.

Children are very interested in animals for which water is their natural habitat. This sea ​​turtles, frogs, whales, dolphins.

Mainly gaining knowledge about water in preschool age is based on observation and experiments. That is why it is so useful and entertaining to consider and observe the habits of birds whose life is directly connected with water - ducks, swans, herons, flamingos.

Depending on the age of the children, adults should talk about need water primarily to keep the body in good shape, that water helps the body absorb nutrients, makes breathing oxygen more hydrated, controls body temperature, plays a major role in metabolism, removes various waste and unnecessary substances from the body.

Children should know that, especially in the hot season, they need to drink a lot of water, because overheating of the body and lack of fluid are life-threatening. Drawing children's attention to the nature around us in game form an adult can explain everything water cycle in nature. Whether it’s a morning drop of dew on blooming flowers or the intricate patterns of cracking ice underfoot, everything is worthy of a child’s attention.

There is probably not a single child who would not be interested in watching how the arrow of a bulb dipped in water rises and strives upward, how a drying flower that has received water gains a second wind.

There are many that children unravel with interest, as well as fairy tales, poems, and songs. Ecological tales designed to instill in children a careful attitude towards water - the source of all living things. Exciting adventures of pirates described in books of travelers, methods of survival in sea ​​water- another thread connecting children with this irreplaceable substance - WATER.

We need to tell and involve children in water sports- diving, surfing, water polo, water skiing. Elements of these sports should be present in swimming lessons, which children always welcome with joy. Family kayak trips will forever remain in the memory of children. Just delving into inner world a child, looking through children's eyes at everything that happens, an adult can show everything amazing properties water.

Water... It has neither beginning nor end, because water itself can be in three states - gaseous, liquid and solid - constantly moving from one state to another. It seems that such a substance simply does not exist on our planet anymore...

There is not a person on Earth who has not learned the truth that water is the source of life on our planet. If a person finds himself in the desert under the scorching, merciless sun, he will be ready to exchange all the treasures of the world for one sip of the priceless life-giving “golden” drink. It is not without reason that the Bedouins believe that no treasures and riches can save a traveler in the desert if the supply of water runs out.

What is water, has man unraveled its main secret?

After all, it conceals a lot of unexplored and unknown things, it has been written about it huge amount articles, poems dedicated to her... And how many more will be written...

For many centuries, people had no idea what water was and where it came from on our planet. Until the 19th century, people did not even suspect that water was chemical compound, having the classic formula - H2O.

The human body is almost seventy percent water, the child’s body is still more. It turns out that the aging process of the body is the depletion of its water reserves.

This means that a person is nothing more than “animate” water.

Very recent discoveries by British scientists have forced people to look at water differently. It turns out that the plasma that flows through human veins is close in composition to sea water. And this may mean that human ancestors once lived in the oceans, and when they came to land, they laid the foundation for the human race.

Moreover, all those scientific hypotheses that there is practically no water in space has now been completely refuted, which means that once upon a time life was in full swing in space - on Mars, on Venus, on the Moon. But why today have these planets turned into a desert, or maybe the Earth is facing a catastrophe similar to the one that happened to them?

Scientists believe that there was life on Mars thousands of years ago, but something happened in space that changed the structure of Martian water.

Who was the ancestor of man, why is it most comfortable for a woman to give birth in water?

A person learns about this only when he unravels a kind of code that provides clues to the mysteries of life and death, and this code is encrypted, according to researchers, in a water molecule.

Today it has been reliably proven that water has memory and the ability to transmit the necessary information. After all, she is a living organism, and the main task modern man is the comprehension of the secrets of water and the ability to decipher its messages.

It has already been established for certain that water changes its state under the influence of human thinking, and its electrical conductivity also changes, so much so that the simplest organisms that get into it either die or become more active.

It was discovered that in one cell of water there are about 44 thousand different formations, scientifically speaking - information panels, each of which has a specific structure, which, like a receptor, instantly responds to external influences.

When a person has a certain impact on water, he affects one of these information panels, another impact is responded to by another panel, and they interact with each other, changing the state of the water.

It turns out that water is a kind of hierarchically organized environment, a kind of biocomputer with storage and relay devices. And this means only one thing: water is a living, ready-made cell.

Tests have shown that small children and animal babies in cages have a special structured water, which in its structure resembles snowflakes. It is this water, called cluster water, that slows down the aging process and removes toxins.

In nature, the open state of water is a confirmation of the principle that is the basis of life - it is the basis for managing information "all in all." The water matrix contains absolutely everything that is in a living cell. After all, it was not for nothing that Leonardo before Vinci considered life to be animated by water. It is also possible that this very circumstance will help to clarify the evolution of the transformation of living matter into non-living matter and vice versa: after all, life has its own information program, which can be solved with the help of water.

Another special property of water is its memory. If you place an amoeba in a container of water and then drop a drop of acetic acid there, the amoeba, which is located at the very bottom, is instantly paralyzed, although the molecules of the drop of acid have not yet reached it. The thing is that information about the acid spreads at lightning speed through the water in the container at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

The explanation for this phenomenon is hidden in the unusual structure of the water substance, which consists of cells visible even under a microscope. Cells, in turn, consist of elements - molecules, the number of which sometimes reaches several million.

And as soon as the water is affected by any field or even just a certain mechanical impact, then a new combination of cell elements is compiled, respectively, with new properties. Scientists call this state of water information-phase. And it is this state that makes it possible to assert the memory of water, which means that the information received is revived at every point of the water.

Everyone remembers how Alan Chumak waved his hands in front of the water. Some believed him, others considered it quackery. But today it has been proven that the properties of water really change at this time, but not with the help of Chumak’s abilities: this is done by those viewers who, sitting in front of television screens, believed in him and set themselves up for a miracle. If there were sensors near these people at this time, they would immediately record the changes.

And Chumak’s presence in this case is not at all necessary. A huge number of experiments have been carried out that have proven that if you read a prayer over water, its structure will change.

Naturally, different people this happens in different ways, but there are also real phenomena, for example, one woman managed to influence water in such a way that it turned into wine. However, Jesus himself performed this miracle in ancient times...

This is precisely what explains the effect of healers on humans: after all, more than seventy percent of it consists of water.

As you know, the best water on the planet is considered to be pure spring water that comes from the depths of the earth. And this is not surprising: its structure has not yet been subject to changes.

Today, methods have been found to change the structure of water, even corresponding correctors have been created, the production of which can be established in the near future, although water itself is so sensitive that it is affected by all those correctors that exist in nature.

Mendeleev was also sure that it was very difficult to conduct experiments with water: after all, it participates in chemical reactions, while being influenced by everything from human behavior to the cosmic background.

Sunspots have become more active - the water feels it, the time and place of the experiment has changed - the results will be different from the previous ones. Even the presence of an outsider during the experiment, which means a change in the electromagnetic background of the laboratory, will be noticeable.

Space, and therefore water indicators, is influenced not only by people, but also by objects and structures.

How does all this affect a person? In different ways: after all, each person has his own water structure, which is programmed even before his birth.

It has long been proven that a person lives most comfortably in the homeland of his ancestors, because it is this environment that forms his water matrix. An example of this is fish that go to spawn in the place where they were born.

Even plants have different water matrices. Why do biologists believe that it is better to water plants? warm water? It's very simple: warm water is a blank sheet of information that is suitable for any plant.

Without water, any living creature will die... Without water, a person will die...

Today there are already regions on the planet in which water is gradually becoming scarce. And one should not be surprised by this, citing the fact that about seventy percent of planet Earth is water. But fresh water, so necessary for humans, is only one percent...

Over the past half century, more than five hundred fairly serious conflicts have been localized in the world, the cause of which was water, which means that almost ten such conflicts break out a year, about once a month...

And this is not surprising. After all, water today is the most necessary, and at the same time the most amazing substance, full of the most unexpected surprises, existing on Earth.

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Start a conversation with your child from afar. Like, water is a natural liquid that gives life to all living things. We all exist only due to water. It makes up at least 60% of the human body and covers 2/3 globe. The body can live no more than three days without water. In general, water is very important. Properties of water: it can be in liquid, gaseous and solid states. Today we are exploring the properties of water in its most common state - liquid. By the way, a child over 5 years old can carry out this experience independently from start to finish. Those who are younger will need their mother's help at the initial stage. But all the same, the laurels of the discoverer will, of course, go to the baby, regardless of age. So, what do we need: plastic cup, water, white paper napkin, colored markers, scissors.

Experience for children

1. Pour water into a glass - about 1/3 full. We cut a strip from a napkin approximately 10–12 cm long and 2–3 cm wide. We will work with it further.

2. We apply multi-colored broad strokes on a strip of paper in a row, close to each other - red, orange, blue, green, yellow... You can do it in any order, of course.

3. Lower the paper strip into the glass so that it slightly touches the surface of the water.

4. Water will immediately begin to rise up the napkin, wetting it. And a rainbow trail will begin to spread upward along the strip, as if stretching. Very beautiful!

Explanation of the experiment for children

First, wetting of the paper occurs - the phenomenon of interaction of liquid with the surface solid. The attraction between water molecules is weaker than their attraction towards solid molecules. The liquid tends to increase the contact area and ultimately presses against the surface of a solid body (in this case paper), spreading over it. The napkin has a porous structure and consists mainly of cellulose, which, in turn, has a fibrous structure. Thus, it is not difficult for water to find capillary paths (like in plants) to move upward.

Well, who said that physics is just science! This is, first of all, magic, which so attracts all children without exception. After all, so many amazing things happen around us, and on the one hand these are the laws of physics, and on the other - some magic. The funniest thing and the closest thing to us is the study of water and its properties. It is only at first glance that nothing special happens to water, but for a child all the amazing transformations of water into steam or ice are something truly extraordinary. Then why not get to know the water better?

To begin with, you should study the most simple properties water. To do this, you need to pour water into a glass and let the child smell it, taste it and just look at it. Then, you can dream up. Let the child try to explain on his own, without the help of his parents, what “Water” is. But in the process of the story, he will understand that water is a liquid, moreover, it is transparent, without color, smell and taste. Moreover, water is the main source of life on earth.

The child should be explained that water is first and foremost a liquid. A simple experiment can be done that will prove that water can flow, especially if there are no obstacles in its path. You can also pour water into different containers, thereby the child will understand that water does not have its own shape.
How to explain to a child that water is clear? To do this you need to take two glass glasses, pour water into one and . Then throw a bead into each glass and explain to the baby that in a glass of water the bead is visible, but in a glass of milk it is not.

Water has no odor, and this can be proven experimentally to your baby. It is necessary to pour different liquids into small glasses: juice, tea, milk, and, of course, water. Blindfold the child and give him the opportunity to try each proposed “sample”. The child will understand that juice is sour, tea is sweet, but what about water? Does water have taste? Let the child answer this question himself.

To make sure that the water has no odor, you can also conduct a small experiment. To do this, you need to take liquids of different smells: juice, lemonade, fruit tea. Let your baby identify the smell of each drink and also try to find which cup contains water.

It is necessary to explain that water is a simple liquid into which any substance can be added and dissolved. The child should be offered to dissolve something in water, for example, salt, sugar, cereal or beads, so the child will understand what can be dissolved in water and what cannot.
Water is a very unique substance, and while playing, you can show your child which objects sink and which remain on the surface. Plastic cubes, pebbles, pieces of paper, etc. are suitable for this experiment. Let the child put all the objects into the water and see whether they sink or not.

You can surprise a little by molding a ball out of plasticine and dropping it into the water. Of course, the plasticine ball will sink, and the child will conclude that plasticine is not a buoyant material. What if you make a boat from the same plasticine? It’s an amazing thing - the lump of plasticine sank, but the boat did not. Why is this happening? You should explain to your child that the more water is displaced by an object during a dive, the more force the object is pushed upward. Using this example, we can prove that the buoyancy of objects most often depends on their shape.

Water tricks

"Diving Raisin"

Pour water into a jar, add 2 tsp. soda and 2 tsp. vinegar, stir slowly. Then you should put the raisins in the water and watch them. The raisins will immediately sink to the bottom of the jar, and then begin to rise up and fall back to the bottom of the jar. This “dance” is very funny to watch, especially for a child.

"Disappearing Water"

For this trick you will need two absolutely identical glasses. They should be filled with water to the same level and marked with a felt-tip pen. Cover one of the glasses with a lid and leave the other open. Place the glasses in a warm place. The next day, the water level in the open glass will be less than in the closed one. The fact is that in an open glass the water evaporated due to heat, but in a closed glass it remained almost unchanged. As water evaporates, it turns into invisible tiny particles of steam that evaporate.

"Magic drops"

How to make water not disappear, but rather appear? To do this trick, you need to take a dry glass and put it in for half an hour. Then, having pulled it out, you can invite the baby to run his finger along the walls of the glass. The result is that his fingers will become wet. What is this? The glass just fogged up and droplets of water appeared on its walls. This happened due to the fact that the walls of the glass cooled in the freezer and began to cool the surrounding air. In the cold, water vapor from the air began to turn into droplets of water and, accordingly, settled on the walls of the glass. For the same reason, it rains, fog and thunderstorms appear.

Of course, after such fun and amusing experiences, you will learn not only with joy, but also with pleasure.

When scientists try to find life on other planets, they often ask the question: “Is there water there?” As we know, life cannot exist without water. Water is a tasteless, odorless, colorless liquid that is part of all living beings. It is present in the soil and in the air.

Types of water

Water has three main states: liquid (its normal state), solid, called "ice", and gas, or "water vapor".
The condition of water depends on its temperature. At 0°C, water changes from liquid to solid, or freezes. At a temperature of 100°C, water changes from liquid to gaseous state. This transition from a visible to an invisible state is called “evaporation.”
Why does water play such an important role in our lives? Just look at our planet! It consists of ¾ water...

Properties of water

To get acquainted with the properties of water, I suggest you experiment with water. I think it will be very interesting for children and adults.

(taken from the book by N.M. Zubkov. Experiments for children from 3 to 7 years old)

  • Ask before the experiment, “What does the water taste like?” After that, let your child try drinking water. Then put a little salt in one glass, sugar in another, stir and let the children try. Ask: “What did the water taste like?” Explain that water takes on the taste of the substance that is added to it.

  • Carry out a similar experiment with the odor properties of water. First, let your child know that water has no odor. And then add scents to the water (vanilla, vinegar, valerian, etc.) and let the child smell it. Conclusion - the water begins to smell of the substances that are added to it.

  • Boil water, pour the boiling water into a transparent glass, cover it with a lid, then show how the condensed steam turns back into drops of water and falls down. Ask: “Why do they cover food with a lid?” Where will tea cool faster: in a cup or saucer.

  • Make a small groove, similar to a stream bed. Place it at an angle, attach the lower end to the basin, and secure the upper end so that it does not fall. Pour water onto the groove in a small stream. If you put pebbles in the gutter, you can achieve the effect of murmuring streams.

  • Take plastic bottle(preferably 2 liters), cut off the bottom. Make a hole in the plug, insert a flexible hose from a dropper (at least 30 cm long) into it. Seal the hole hermetically (you can use plasticine) so that it does not leak. Pour water into the bottle, plugging the hose with your finger. Now adjust the height of the bottle and hose so that a homemade fountain bubbles merrily in your hands. It will work until the water level in the bottle is equal to the level in the tube.

  • Take 2 sheets of paper and fold them together, try to move them. Now moisten the sheets with water, attach them to each other, press. Try moving the sheets relative to each other. Explain to your child that water has a “gluing” property.

Who knows where the water comes from?
Perhaps from snow? Perhaps made of ice?
Or maybe it comes from underground springs
And she gives life and bloom to everyone.
So that we can find out everything about water,
There are many textbooks to read.
As well as various magazines and books,
So that all its secrets will be revealed to us in an instant.

Water cycle in nature

Watch the cartoon and try to understand how water travels.

What is water? It's a trickle from the tap
These are waves and storms on the seas and oceans.
There's a drink in a sweaty bottle in your hand,
And in the spring, and in the well, and in the stream.
Yes, water can be in different states.
In liquid, solid it. Even in gaseous form.
We don't see it or don't notice it.
But when it’s not there, we feel it hard.

What could be in a transparent drop of water?
What could be in a transparent drop of water?
At first glance, of course, nothing.
But drop it on the glass, leave traces
And look at it with a microscope.
And you can see this,
What you didn't even suspect.
He can convey his secret secret
Water for you. Is this what you dreamed about?
Only the inquisitive ones
He will lift the veil of his secrets.
Experience it, know it fully.
And the water world will cover you.

Save water
Water is what gives us all life.
What gives us strength and vigor.
Crystal clear or very dirty.
It is useful in any condition.
Where there is mud, frogs live.
For them, only in the swamp there is peace and comfort.
For us, the water must be clean,
So that we are not afraid to wash and drink.
However, water is no less useful.
Which is in the form of frozen ice.
It cools, freezes, invigorates.
And in the heat it gives us coolness and joy.
Let's all save water.
Protect her from unreasonable spending.
Otherwise the water may run out
And life on the planet will then die down.



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