How to get supernatural powers. How to discover your abilities

Many people doubt whether superpowers exist, while others successfully develop them in themselves. It is no secret that a person’s brain is not used to its maximum possible capacity. This is confirmed by the fact that in emergency situations, for example, when a person is being chased by an angry dog, an unsportsmanlike person can jump over a two-meter fence. That is why people who think about how to awaken superpowers in themselves often cope with this task quite successfully.

How to develop superpowers?

Today, no one will be surprised by a person who has the ability to clairvoyance or predict the future. In addition, superhearing, telekinesis, levitation, teleportation, and astral travel are possible. Let's look at how to develop some of them.

  1. In order to develop superhearing, start by cleaning your ears. To do this, buy cleaning candles at the pharmacy; 2-3 for each ear will be enough. After this, your hearing will improve on its own. To practice, you need to spend as much time as possible in silence and solitude. Go out into nature, visit quiet parks, sit down, close your eyes and listen to every rustle. This way you will get used to catching little things and echoes. Next, you can practice at home in a dark room - to do this, take a comfortable position, plug your ears with earplugs and relax. At first it will seem to you that you do not hear anything, but later it turns out that you are hearing echoes of something cosmic and unknown. Repeat the practice daily, and you will begin to hear more and more clearly what other people do not hear.
  2. If you are interested clairvoyance, then you will have to practice meditation, since this is one of the fastest and most proven methods. However, in India this is achieved even more successfully through the use of narcotic substances, but this method cannot be used. Just practice meditation, setting yourself, for example, to see the future in visions, and what at first seems like a fantasy will soon take on a more real form.
  3. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects without physical impact. In this case, the development of abilities will be very simple: place a feather or other light object and imagine how it moves to the side. After several weeks of this practice, you can try to direct your gaze to the pen and try to move it with your mind, and, as they say, it will actually move.
  4. Levitation is the ability to soar above the ground, which is attributed to some enlightened individuals. It is believed that it is possible to change the polarity of one's own gravity, which will give the same effect as the repulsion of two magnets with the same pole. But for this they have not yet come up with another way other than the deepest spiritual enlightenment, which consists of an ascetic lifestyle, renunciation of worldly worries and endless meditation.

Each person has his own inclinations. Some write poetry easily, others have no problem understanding the intricacies of higher mathematics. Likewise, superpowers can be completely different, and if you are unsuccessful at something in one area for a long time, it is quite possible that your talents are in something else. The question of how to discover superpowers in yourself, or at least understand what area they come from, is very difficult, but if you want, you will definitely cope with this task.

How to try to gain superpowers: two ways

No matter how difficult the question of how to recognize in yourself may be, this can be achieved by reading a lot of literature on the topic and communicating with those who have already achieved success.

The easiest way to develop is to find yourself a teacher. In many cities, both organizations and individual specialists will offer you such services. Remember, real professionals will explain all the details to you in detail and take care of your safety.

You can try learning from books, using prayers, mantras or meditation. This is where, as a rule, the entry of any person into the world of the unknown begins.

In the “Encyclopedia of Absolute and Relative Knowledge” by Bernard Werber, with reference to Buddhism, the concept of the most serious human sin is formulated - the lack of craving for knowledge of the laws of development of the Universe. Of course, the entire Werber encyclopedia is a work of art in which they mix in arbitrary proportions established facts with the insights of a talented writer. And yet, the brilliant formulation reflects the spiritual purity of a person striving to break out of the framework of ordinary consciousness. The desire for knowledge of infinity or the Absolute and one’s place in the spiritual hierarchy of the universe, characteristic of part of humanity, is always encouraged by the highest entities of the Hierarchy of Light, who help, in response to perseverance, to open certain communication channels through which information is received in response to the student’s request.

The infinity of knowledge is reflected in the multiplicity of paths, following which the seeker finds himself a little closer to the Truth. There are ways of knowledge through science, logic, philosophy, psychology, art, religion, mysticism, magic and esotericism. With the help of the first four paths, the laws of the physical world or the laws of the existence and functioning of gross matter are discovered. The left (logical) hemisphere of the brain is responsible for their cognition. Its functioning ensures a person’s adaptability to environmental conditions and his survival.

The remaining paths lead into the world of subtle matters, invisible to the eye, but perceptible by those who have developed extrasensory perception, the degree of which is responsible for the right (creative) hemisphere of the brain. It allows you to expand the consciousness of an individual by obtaining additional information through existing senses, the increased sensitivity of which is received from birth or acquired through hard training. Activation of unused areas of the right hemisphere of the brain develops extrasensory perception. Supersensitivity exercises activate new areas of the brain. It turns out that once you have embarked on the path of understanding the subtle worlds and walking along it non-stop, the presence of results is simply inevitable.

Those who have already stepped on this path know that we ourselves and everything around us are sources of vibrations. Everything in a person emits vibrations - every cell, every organ, every thought, every emotion and every feeling. Bad thoughts, negative emotions and negative feelings are sources of rough vibrations. As training progresses, a person learns to control thoughts and emotions, achieves inner harmony and a feeling of unity with everything in the Universe, moving to a new level of consciousness and emitting increasingly subtle vibrations. To understand what gross and subtle vibrations are, you can turn to the analogy of music, comparing, for example, hard rock and “Hallelujah”.

Talking about vibrations in this context makes sense to answer the question: where exactly do people with supersensible perception? Some believe that they work with the forces of the elements (magicians), others refer to revelations sent to them directly from the Lord or through his prophets (religious mystics), others believe that they receive knowledge from their Higher Self or other entities located in the subtle worlds (psychics). All that remains is to figure out what our Higher Self is and what entities live in the subtle worlds.

For those who visit such sites, the multidimensionality of the human being is no secret. A person resides simultaneously on the physical and subtle (non-manifested) planes of existence, but he has lost his integrity, that is, the connection with his own Self, which exists in other dimensions and has its own level of vibration in each of them. By raising the level of vibrations of consciousness, we sooner or later fall into unison with our own higher-level Self, gaining access to the information known to it. We walk, as in a computer game, from one level to another, merging with our selves more and more. high levels, gaining knowledge and restoring one’s own integrity. But at the levels of existence open to us, our subtle essences are not the only inhabitants. By reaching the level of vibrations of the subtler planes, we can come into contact with any other entity that exists in the same wave range.

In the age of the Internet, everyone understands that communication channels are needed to access servers. A person is a transmitting and receiving device, just like a radio or a computer. To receive knowledge or energy in a supersensible way, he must give a signal of readiness (increase the level of vibration), contact the server (his Higher Self or another subtle entity) and open a channel for receiving a signal that simultaneously has information (meaning) and energy (frequency, length waves, power) components.

Our communication channels with higher worlds directly related to our senses. If a person has a more developed channel of visual perception, psychologists call him a visual person. He easily visualizes images and can achieve success in clairvoyance. Others perceive information better by hearing (auditory learners), and the development of this channel can lead to clairaudience. Even less common are people with developed tactile sensations, who are clairsentient. A very small number of people experience the world through smells or tastes, but these channels can also have supersensible development, and where one sees a picture, another hears sounds-signals or entire phrases, a third feels vibrations, and some distinguish hundreds of shades of taste or smell. Sometimes a person develops several channels at the same time or is not even aware of which channel he is using; it’s just that in response to his question, information pops up in his mind in the first few seconds, as if out of nowhere. These people are sometimes called clairvoyants.

An open information channel operates simultaneously in several directions, not only receiving information, but also transmitting it to other people or entities. One can transmit a picture or thought form (telepathy), another can put an energy charge into a thought that can move objects (telekinesis), and a third can use the information and energy received to heal the sick. Someone runs to the computer and starts typing texts about things that they have no idea about, but would like to know (channeling or automatic writing). In any case, you should never forget that all unusual abilities are not only the merit of a persistent student, but also the result of his interaction with invisible helpers from the subtle worlds .

What are the ways to develop supersensible perception? First of all, various spiritual practices: prayers, relaxation, meditation, self-hypnosis, breathing techniques, some types of yoga and other energy gymnastics. Everyone chooses the path that suits them, all directions are different, but most of them use an altered state of consciousness as a tool. Many have noticed that perception is heightened in those who love and in women during pregnancy, because these two states completely change a person’s consciousness. Exercises that make it easy to get into trance or a meditative state of consciousness, are covered on this site in detail and clearly.

In addition to spiritual practices, simple training in the sensitivity of the organs of perception is necessary for the rapid development of abilities. Firstly, the impetus for discovering abilities can be a sharp change in lifestyle. There are cases where people deprived of vision have an increased sense of touch or hearing, allowing them to survive and navigate the world around them. If you spend some time every day tightly blindfolded, doing the usual homework By paying attention to the sensations in your hands from contact with various objects, you can develop the ability to visualize the objects you feel. The impetus can be a change in sleep and wakefulness, diet, living environment, habitual behavior patterns and much more. Some of the exercises, which are carried out in a normal state of consciousness, are designed to develop the skills of sensing the passage of energy, and some are intended for development of hand sensitivity, primarily the palms and fingers, although the entire skin of the body as a whole can be involved in the perception process.

The question may arise: what does this have to do with development of finger sensitivity to clairvoyance, that is, to the perception of information through pictures? The most direct thing. Clairvoyants are said to have an open third eye. This metaphor means that they have a pineal gland that is dormant in others, which translates signals coming from outside (for example, through vibrations) into visual images, that is, transforms information from one type to another.

The need to train the sensitivity of the palms is due to the fact that the most sensitive areas of human skin are located on the pads of the upper phalanges of the fingers and at their very ends. To activate or “reveal” these points, there are several techniques. According to one of them, activation is carried out using a knife with a long narrow blade and a sharp end, which is brought as close as possible to the point to be opened. The knife rotates clockwise until a sensation of a pinprick appears, after which it gradually moves away along an expanding spiral orbit to a distance at which the sensation of the thread connecting the open point and the knife ends. The exercise is repeated for both points of each finger, first of one and then of the other hand until the points are fully opened, or five minutes for each finger.

There are many exercises for developing sensory perception, and discovery of superpowers there is largely a question of perseverance, self-confidence and faith that somewhere out there, in other dimensions of existence, there will always be someone who will appreciate the efforts and help in the process of finding oneself and the Truth.

It is known that a person uses a negligible part of his capabilities, only a few percent out of a hundred. So some people think - what are the rest for? There is an opinion that those 90-98% are human superpowers, and you just need to find out how to discover and discover your extraordinary talents.

What are superpowers?

These are extraordinary intuition, telepathy and clairvoyance, supermemory, supervision and superhearing, telekinesis and pyrokinesis, teleportation, levitation and the ability to perform astral travel, make unique self-hypnosis and induce hypnosis and self-hypnosis. And also:

  • taste supersensitivity, when a person feels the range of tastes much more strongly, especially bitterness;
  • tetrachromatism, an extremely rare phenomenon in which vision is sensitive to hundreds of millions of color shades;
  • echolocation, in which people determine the location, size and density of objects by reflected sounds;
  • synesthesia - the coherent work of different channels for transmitting and processing information, when letters or numbers have their own colors, taste sounds, and dates or symbols are seen in a certain place on the imaginary plane;
  • the ability to perform complex mental calculations.

How to discover your superpowers?

There are different theories and approaches. Some teach how to acquire any superpowers; others object that revealing them at will is impossible, because everyone has their own from birth. And still others do not believe in any phenomena at all, considering everything quackery. What do you think? If discovering superpowers and developing your inner potential is important and interesting to you, let's look at the main recommendations and warnings that experienced mentors give.

You should know this!

Only irresponsible “teachers” who want to make money on your desire for self-development will promise you amazing results and will not take care of your safety. After all, before you open something in yourself, it’s worth finding out why and how it was closed. You can release colossal power, but how will you manage it? You will have visions, insights or premonitions, but will you become happier, calmer and more harmonious with them?

To discover superpowers in oneself means to receive both a gift from God and a mine that can destroy everything that was familiar and dear, but was not previously valued. Remember: people only receive what they are willing to accept. There is no other way.

Ways to Unlock Superpowers

They can be hard and unsafe or soft and natural. The former include experiencing shock or suffering, deprivation, pain or drug use. The second path is the discovery of superpowers through self-knowledge and spiritual development, understanding one’s place in the world. If you feel what your soul is striving for, your intentions will easily come true. Any action you take will not meet resistance or it will be insignificant. And new, hidden abilities will begin to appear in you, because they will become tools for realizing your destiny.

The main thing is to develop and strengthen not only the spirit, but also the will and body.
Healthy lifestyle, including type of thinking, proper nutrition and physical activity is the source of your strength. Will will help you overcome any difficulties and not give up on your goal.

Choose practices and exercises to suit your taste. You can use meditation, prayer or mantra, techniques for expanding consciousness. Directly develop the desired skills - memory, thinking, will, concentration.

And also very important:

  • do not have any illusions that superpowers will be given to you without any effort;
  • believe that their development is possible;
  • know why you are doing this, have a goal;
  • work on yourself every day, without forcing yourself, listening to feelings and changes in yourself.
Introduction Exercises for the development of superpowers General exercises Telekinesis Telepathy Teleportation Skin vision Clairvoyance Clairaudience Dowsing Levitation “Bulletproof”

Psychic abilities It’s not just rare individuals who have it. Superpowers are embedded (hidden) in each of us, But

There are many means of identifying and developing abilities such as clairvoyance or telekinesis. In most cases, certain rituals are assumed to be performed, which were passed down from generation to generation by people who did not have any formal knowledge and did not use scientific approaches.

Even now, in the modern world high technology, paranormal abilities are studied and viewed in the traditional “mystical” aspect. Occultism and religion are involved here much more often than “official” science, although science can explain the phenomenon more simply, without the shroud of secrecy. The main problem facing serious researcher paranormal phenomena - to separate real facts from false interpretations and apply the correct concepts that exist in modern science to explain natural phenomena.

The success of research in the field of paranormal phenomena depends not only on the skill of the scientist, but also on the use of suitable technical equipment.

It is not necessary to use electronic devices to observe the internal processes of the psychic or parapsychologist being tested. Those who practice meditation and other esoteric practices can control physiological functions through willpower.

A researcher who has sufficient experience with electronics and electrical circuits is given the opportunity to more effectively investigate paranormal phenomena. In the near future, material on methods for studying paranormal phenomena, instrument diagrams, etc. will be posted on the site.

Many paranormal researchers believe that human mental activity is not limited by the capabilities of the mind. All processes occurring in the brain (not necessarily in a conscious state) not only influence the functioning of other organs, but, in addition, provide a certain kind of interaction with the surrounding space, sending “waves” throughout the Universe. Our brain works as a “transceiver,” sending and receiving information directly from anywhere in the Universe. However, again, you should not use technical terms in the meaning that is assigned to them in official science. The quotation marks here indicate the metaphorical use of words. This means that our ordinary senses - sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing - are by no means the only means of interacting with the world around us.

Hypersensitivity, which goes beyond normal perception, is more pronounced in some people than in others. Unusual abilities that cannot be explained from the point of view of official science are called paranormal (or superpowers, “third eye” abilities, psychophysical abilities), and people who possess them are called psychics (or parapsychologists).

Alternative science claims that there used to be a highly developed civilization on Earth (for more details, see the article “The origin of life on Earth, how the Universe works, and what awaits “homo sapiens” in the future”), which had the abilities of a “third eye.”

Is it really possible for a modern person to have “third eye” abilities? - YES, THIS IS REAL! Here's what you need for this:

1. First of all - lead healthy image life(including complete cessation of smoking, complete cessation of alcohol and drug use).

2. Be mentally and physically healthy.

3. Constantly improve yourself, perform special exercises to develop the “third eye”.

5. Do not use acquired abilities for evil(“with malicious intent”). The greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

If you don’t follow these 5 basic rules, you won’t develop your “third eye”!!!

To develop abilities, among other things, it is important to have good health.

Health levels:

1. Bodily

A. Organs

Gastrointestinal tract

b. Systems

Immune system

Central nervous system

V. At the cellular level (organs and systems)

2. Energy

A. Chakras

b. Channels (Chinese meridians)

V. Subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental, karmic)

G. Energy analogues of bodily organs and systems


Other organs and systems

3. Spiritual

A. On the etheric plane

Harmony with the body


Harmony with the outside world

V. On the karmic level

harmony with the soul

4. Soulful

A. On the etheric plane

Harmony with the body

b. On the astral-mental level

Harmony within yourself

V. On the karmic level

harmony with the Spirit

Exercises to develop superpowers:

There are many techniques for developing the “third eye”. To begin with, you can start doing simple exercises that are accessible to everyone, and later move on to more complex exercises. Suggested exercises, one of many possible options on the development of the “third eye”. Which specific technique will lead you to a positive result - it depends only on you.

Opening the third eye is possible!

The third eye (pineal gland, pineal gland) is an organ that actually exists in every person, but for most it is in a “dormant” state. But there are methods for opening the Third Eye; with a strong desire, it can be “opened” in every person.

An open Third Eye gives a person:

Vision of the future

Vision of the past

Vision with eyes closed

Vision beyond time and distance

Vision of the human aura and accurate diagnosis of the state of the body based on it


Mind Reading

Development of intuition

Lucid and vivid dreams

Communication with Mentors

Vision of the etheric body

Aura vision

The ability to treat yourself and others without resorting to medications and the help of doctors.

And much more is available to the Superman who has an open Third Eye.

You need to be prepared for the fact that, perhaps, if you exercise every day for a year, you will not get any visible results. This will be a test for you.

The main condition is patience and training every day at the same time. It’s better at night (there will be no unnecessary witnesses to your “inappropriate behavior” from the point of view of ordinary people. And concentration occurs best at night).

To prevent anyone from unexpectedly entering the room where you are exercising, hang a sign on the door of the room from the outside: PLEASE DO NOT ENTER - I'M STUDYING...or: PLEASE DO NOT ENTER - I'M WORKING.

But some exercises are designed to be performed not only at night, but also in the morning, daytime, and evening.

Superpowers are embedded (hidden) in each of us, But Not everyone has them. However, if a person is on the right path of development, he will be able to achieve success. In order to master superpowers, it is necessary to go through a fairly long path of self-improvement.

Harmony within a person plays a decisive role in the development of abilities. It will be possible to achieve results only when there is enough energy (prana) in the body. Without harmony, a person simply wastes his energy on the negative aspects of existence. Such as anger, cowardice, anxiety, rudeness, envy, power, selfishness, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to live in harmony with the world around us, which is the main task of everyone. If you want to develop supernatural abilities in yourself, you must first of all perfectly master exercises to enhance and accumulate bioenergy and master the technique of self-hypnosis. Only then can one begin the targeted, systematic development of the “third eye” abilities.

As for “safety precautions”. Children under 18 years of age are recommended to perform exercises only in the presence of adults. All other ages (over 18) can perform the exercises either alone or in the company of like-minded people. Recently, many scammers and sectarian organizations have appeared offering their “services”. Be careful and careful!

Next... You must not allow excessive energy consumption in the body; to do this, it is necessary to recharge the body with energy after each lesson, for example, using an exercise to turn on the chakras. But here you need to know that people with heart disease are prohibited from doing this. Many children exhibit spontaneous manifestations of supernatural abilities. In this case, parents should treat their children’s “exercises” very carefully, avoiding overtraining, and with them, undesirable consequences.

The execution time in the exercises is given in order not to overwork. Although if you are full of strength and desire, no one forces you to stop before the scheduled time, but as soon as you feel weakness, a dull aching tingling in your head, stop. Energy is still rather weak.

I want to warn you about the possible destructive consequences of incorrect application of exercises and superpowers themselves in practice.

Remember! There is nothing stronger than weak interactions, an example of this is the atom and everything connected with it. Therefore, you must take the position of not causing harm, observing the commandment: “Do no harm.” You should radiate only good thoughts and refrain from evil ones. Otherwise, a boomerang may work - the effect of a reverse strike. Remember: an evil thought that does not reach its target and is reflected back hits the person who sent it with enormous force.

All disorders, including physical ones, begin from the head, so it is necessary to keep your thoughts in harmony.

Superpowers “will not fall on your head,” but with effort, perseverance and setting a specific goal, you will definitely achieve a positive result.

General exercises (basis, including for restoring spent vital energy)
Exercise No. 1
Relieving mental stress, since there is nothing more harmful to our spirit than constant tension: it tires, it dulls the brain:
Eliminate all thoughts and indulge for a short time in a state of complete peace, while passively contemplating the views of Nature or the images and dreams hovering in your mind. Relax.

If your attention is attracted by a cloud floating in the sky, a tree swaying by the wind, then you look at them and contemplate them passively.

Duration: from a few seconds to five minutes.

Frequency of execution: as needed.

Exercise No. 2
Mini self-massage. Prevention of premature aging of the body, improvement of vision, prevention of diseases of bones and joints:

Thoroughly rub your ears so that your ears “burn” and “pulse” both on the outside and on the inside. inside. The direction of movements and the nature of the impact are not significant during preventive treatment. Then we grab the hair and perform low-amplitude twitches, feeling slight pain; don’t worry: your hair will only get better from this (in addition to the reflexogenic effect on the projections of internal organs and systems, the hair roots are strengthened).

After this, you can begin to thoroughly knead and rub the palms and backs of your hands, and then your feet. In this case, it is necessary, grabbing the nail phalanx of the fingers, to strongly squeeze it not only from above and below, but also from the sides. “Beating the heavenly drum”: opening and closing your mouth, strike the teeth of the upper jaw against the teeth of the lower jaw several times.

Duration: from 5 to 8 minutes.

Frequency: once a week.

Exercise No. 3
There is a yoga exercise that improves the functioning of organs such as the thyroid gland and lungs, helping to improve blood supply to the brain:

Sit or stand up straight. Look ahead, at one point. Completely inseparable. Inhale calmly through your nose. And – exhale sharply through your nose. Then again, calmly inhale through the nose and exhale sharply (only through the nose).

After five breaths, increase the pace and breathe like a runner at the finish line: inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Noisy, energetic. This exercise must be performed for a long time, from 11 to 25 times, focusing on your larynx, the place where one of the seven main chakras of the body is located.

Exercise #4
And this exercise, developed by bioenergy therapists, helps cleanse the body. It's best to do it alone.

While standing still, begin to spin counterclockwise. At the same time, hold your left hand with your palm down, and your right hand with your palm up. Imagine that right hand energy comes into you from space, and on the left, part of it goes into the ground. Gradually speed up and speed up the rotation speed. When you feel dizzy, squat down and imagine that at that moment you, like a corkscrew, are screwed into the ground and... dissolved in it.

This exercise not only serves to cleanse the body, but also to replenish its energy reserves.

Psychokinesis/telekinesis - a person’s mental influence on surrounding objects without the use of muscle force, a person’s ability to move objects in space without mechanical impact on them, that is, with the help of psychic energy.

Psychokinesis - forceful influence and influence on material objects, the impact occurs due to mental effort. At the same time, thought is considered as an immaterial substance that influences immaterial entities.

Telekinesis is a forceful influence and influence on energy fields, the influence occurs due to the formation of powerful physical fields.

With the help of psychokinesis/telekinesis it is possible, for example, to turn the compass needle, hang and move objects in the air, bend hardware, extinguish a candle flame from a distance, etc.

The ability to influence inanimate objects (for example, turn a compass needle, suspend objects in the air, bend metal products, extinguish a candle flame from a distance, etc.) is considered in parapsychology as the phenomenon of telekinesis. Moreover, some researchers argue that the effect occurs due to the formation of powerful physical fields (it is noted, for example, that during telekinesis strong pulsed fields of electromagnetic origin and acoustic signals lasting 0.1-0.01 s are generated). Other researchers believe that the impact can occur due to mental effort (psychokinesis), while thought is considered as an immaterial substance that influences immaterial entities.

In my opinion, both concepts are applicable to the phenomena of telekinesis, however, based on the fact that thought is still material, we should talk about the influence of material factors on material objects.

Future experimental studies will help reveal the nature of telekinesis. For now, we can only state the fact of the existence of psi energy and its participation in the phenomena of telekinesis. Currently available practical experience allows you to go further: to reveal the mechanism of influence on inanimate objects and master telekinesis.

If you want to develop telekinetic abilities, you must first of all perfectly master exercises to enhance and accumulate bioenergy and master the technique of self-hypnosis. Only then can one begin the targeted, systematic development of telekinetic abilities. The exercise I propose is one of the options for such a system.

To perform the exercise, you need to prepare a very light spiral-shaped paper cone and hang it on a nylon thread. Perform exercises to strengthen and accumulate bioenergy.

Stand in the priest’s pose and, mentally feeling the energy in the solar plexus, send it as you exhale to the fingertips of your right hand, then to your left hand. Feel the flow of energy between the palms of your hands, turned towards each other at a distance of 30 cm, while you feel the density of the air between your hands and a tingling sensation in your palms. As you exhale, send energy again to the solar plexus. Perform this operation 15-20 times. After which, sending to last time energy to the fingertips, with both hands it is easy, without physical tension in the area of ​​the hands, to turn the spiral-shaped paper cone in any direction.

Having mastered the exercise and rested for 5-6 minutes, do a full energy recharge and proceed to more difficult task- impact on the radiometer. Having placed the device on the table, try to rotate its petals by acting on the impeller (petals) of the radiometer. After two to three months of successful “work” with the radiometer, you can begin to influence the compass needle.

Classes for training telekinetic abilities must be carried out regularly, but before the first signs of fatigue. You should not allow excess energy consumption in the body; to do this, it is necessary to recharge the body with energy after each lesson.

Those who have perfectly mastered the exercises for turning on the chakras can easily master the technique of deforming metal objects (bending spoons, forks, etc.). But here you need to know that people with heart disease are prohibited from doing this. Many children exhibit spontaneous telekinetic abilities. In this case, parents should treat their children’s “exercises” very carefully, avoiding overtraining, and with them, undesirable consequences.

Three chakras are involved in the mechanism of influencing metal objects: Anahata, Muladhara, Ajna.

Take the object with your left hand, and with your right hand, lightly stroke it in the thinnest place with the index finger and thumb of your right hand. First, visualize the Anahata chakra, concentrate your attention on it and achieve a vivid vision of its color, then simultaneously send energy in a spiral from the base of the Anahata chakra cone to the fingertips of your left and right hands. The message of energy should be soft. At the same time, give yourself the attitude: “My energy affects the molecules and atoms of matter, I can change their structure.” This thought must be constantly present during the experiment.

Then you begin to visualize the Muladhara chakra, sending energy (with a clear visualization of color) from the top of the chakra cone along the spine in a spiral to the top of the Anahata chakra cone, then in a spiral to the base of the Anahata chakra cone and then send the energy to the right hand.

After this, you need to visualize the Ajna chakra, sending energy down the spine to the Anahata chakra in a counterclockwise spiral and sending energy in the same spiral to the fingertips of the left hand.

Send messages several times according to the pattern until the object is deformed. As observations show, when energy is sent according to this scheme, the object bends downward. If we change the second part of the diagram, send energy from the Muladhara chakra counterclockwise to the left hand, and from the Ajna chakra clockwise to the right hand, the object bends upward.

If you are already long time If you perform the exercises, you should notice the development of your abilities to control subtle energies.

In the exercises described below, you cannot blow on objects, move them with air currents, charge them with electric charges, etc. Remember! Only the energy of your thought, the energy of weak energy information fields, works here.

Exercise No. 1
Draw 2 points - at the top and bottom. Concentrate on the top. Smoothly move your gaze down without losing concentration. Then up.

This should be done very slowly. This is where your brain begins to learn the first steps of telekinesis. You should feel an effort, as if you were moving by willpower. top point down (and vice versa). If you do everything correctly, you will feel that your gaze is glued to the object you are looking at, as if you are falling inside it.

Exercise No. 2
To do this, every day, starting from 5 minutes and then up to 15, concentrate on a small black dot opposite you. Body position - comfortable, relaxed, no thoughts, spine straight. You should imagine that rays are emanating from your eyes and from the bridge of your nose, which are literally glued to the point.

Exercise No. 3
Look at the point without looking up and make rotational movements with your head. 15 minutes.

Exercise #4
To perform the exercise, you need to prepare a very light spiral-shaped paper cone and hang it on a nylon thread.

Perform exercises to strengthen and accumulate bioenergy.

Stand in the priest’s pose and, mentally feeling the energy in the solar plexus, send it as you exhale to the fingertips of your right hand, then to your left hand.

Feel the flow of energy between the palms of your hands, turned towards each other at a distance of 30 cm, while you feel the density of the air between your hands and a tingling sensation in your palms. As you exhale, send energy again to the solar plexus. Perform this operation 15-20 times. After which, having sent energy to the fingertips for the last time, with both hands, easily, without physical tension in the area of ​​the hands, turn the spiral-shaped paper cone in any direction.

Having mastered the exercise and rested for 5-6 minutes, do a full energy recharge and proceed to a more complex task - influencing the radiometer. Having placed the device on the table, try to rotate its petals by acting on the impeller (petals) of the radiometer. After two to three months of successful “work” with the radiometer, you can begin to influence the compass needle. Classes for training telekinetic abilities must be carried out regularly, but before the first signs of fatigue.

You should not allow excess energy consumption in the body; to do this, it is necessary to recharge the body with energy after each lesson. Those who have perfectly mastered the exercises for turning on the chakras can easily master the technique of deforming metal objects (bending spoons, forks, etc.). But here you need to know that people with heart disease are prohibited from doing this. Many children exhibit spontaneous telekinetic abilities. In this case, parents should treat their children’s “exercises” very carefully, avoiding overtraining, and with them, undesirable consequences.

Three chakras are involved in the mechanism of influencing metal objects: Anahata, Muladhara, Ajna. Take the object with your left hand, and with your right hand, lightly stroke it in the thinnest place with the index finger and thumb of your right hand. First, visualize the Anahata chakra, concentrate your attention on it and achieve a vivid vision of its color, then simultaneously send energy in a spiral from the base of the Anahata chakra cone to the fingertips of your left and right hands. The message of energy should be soft. At the same time, give yourself the attitude: “My energy affects the molecules and atoms of matter, I can change their structure.” This thought must be constantly present during the experiment. Then you begin to visualize the Muladhara chakra, sending energy (with a clear visualization of color) from the top of the chakra cone along the spine in a spiral to the top of the Anahata chakra cone, then in a spiral to the base of the Anahata chakra cone and then send the energy to the right hand. After this, you need to visualize the Ajna chakra, sending energy down the spine to the Anahata chakra in a counterclockwise spiral and sending energy in the same spiral to the fingertips of the left hand. Send messages several times according to the pattern until the object is deformed.

As observations show, when energy is sent according to this scheme, the object bends downward. If we change the second part of the diagram, send energy from the Muladhara chakra counterclockwise to the left hand, and from the Ajna chakra clockwise to the right hand, the object bends upward.

Exercise #5
Buy plastic cup. Sit on the floor, place a chair in front of you. The surface of the chair should be flat. Place the glass on its side in front of you. Try to mentally move it “with both hands” by an effort of will. Make passes over it as if you were pulling it by your hands (it may seem like you are making wind that moves the glass). 10 minutes.

Results with a glass should be in 3-5 days. Don't let your subconscious tell you that it's just the wind. Then you can control this “wind” from a distance and move heavier objects. This requires faith and will.

Exercise #6
Hang a match on a silk thread. With both hands (with the power of thought, without touching the match with your hands), try to rotate it around its axis. 10 minutes.

Exercise No. 7
Take a plate and fill it with water. Place a floating object on the surface of the water (for example: a cork, a piece of foam, etc.). Try moving an object across the surface of the water.

Exercise #8
Take any oblong object. Tie it on both sides with a thread to two fixed posts (for example: a floor lamp and a door handle). Try to spin this object around a horizontal axis.

Exercise #9
Hang any object vertically on a thread - a key, a ring, etc. Try swinging it, then twist it clockwise, stop and spin it counterclockwise.

Telepathy - transfer of thoughts and feelings over a distance; mind reading; communication “human-human”, “human-animal”, “animal-human”, “human-plant”, “plant-human”.

The exchange of information at the level of biofields between a person and the outside world around him is called telepathy (in the Soviet encyclopedic dictionary, the term “telepathy” is explained as the transfer of thoughts and feelings at a distance without the mediation of the senses).

The natural ability of telepathy is inherent in a few people, but the majority of people do not possess it. But this ability can be developed with the help of special exercises. And those who want to do this need to understand the following:

1. The responsibility to society of a person who uses telepathic abilities is very great. If a person uses them for the benefit of society, participating in the search and rescue of people or in scientific research, this is commendable. But we must remember that the work of a telepath (in including for the benefit of society) must be qualified, because otherwise great mental troubles are possible both for the telepath himself and for the people with whom he works. If a person wants to use telepathic abilities simply out of interest, this cannot be considered worthy of approval, because issuing information into the general field, without good intentions, can lead to a certain amount throw people out of balance and push them into rash actions. When telepathy is used for personal gain or to cause harm to certain people, both the telepath himself and the objects of his influence can suffer severely.

2. A person using telepathic abilities must necessarily be able to accumulate prana and have a sufficiently large supply of it in the nerve centers. The fact is that the energy distributed in a healthy body (taking into account a certain supply of energy in the nerve centers) completely provides physical and mental processes the body itself. And only in exceptional cases, especially dramatic situations that are mortally dangerous for an individual, this energy automatically, spontaneously switches to transmitting information about the nature of the danger to the general biomagnetic field. Hence it is clear that a person engaged in telepathic experiments needs to constantly take care of the accumulation large quantity prana in the nerve centers.

3. It is necessary to be healthy physically and mentally. For a telepath, Hatha yoga is very useful in this regard, as it improves health (and also gives the skills of proper breathing and relaxation, which are necessary for freeing consciousness). You should move on to Raja Yoga, the elements of which you need to know (in particular Pratyahara), only after thoroughly studying and mastering Hatha Yoga.

4. A positive attitude must always be present in your life. You need to convince yourself that in the world that you perceive with the help of ordinary senses, everything is as good as possible, and if there is something absurd, then the time is not far when it will disappear. Any elements of anxiety and uncertainty that are present in you before the liberation of consciousness can set you up to receive such information that its perception, at best, will forever block your path to the general field, and at worst, it will deprive you of the possibility of normal thinking under normal conditions.

5. You need to be able to manage yourself in any living conditions. Without mastering the ability to restrain your emotions, you cannot accumulate and send energy, because, accompanied by uncontrollable emotions (often negative), this energy can be the energy of destruction of the psyche of other people. Let's say you have learned to concentrate and send, at will, quite powerful discharges of high-frequency currents. While communicating, someone accidentally offended you, causing you to become angry. The discharge of energy that this person will receive from you will be so strong that it can cause him a deep nervous shock. This person may become seriously ill.

6. The ability to relax and free the body from tension is no less important than the ability to concentrate, direct and send energy to individual parts of the body or to the external environment. Clamps in certain areas of the body are a source of excitation, to which energy rushes from other cells of the body - nearby and distant. And this can interfere with the liberation of consciousness.

Exercise No. 1
Tuning into the perception of weak energy-informational influences:

A. Perform self-massage of biologically active points of the head:
Take a position that is comfortable for you and relax. Eyes closed. Pay attention to your palms - rub them together until they become warm.
Index fingers With both hands, lightly stroke: the wings of the nose from top to bottom; superciliary arches from the bridge of the nose to the temples; auricles (behind the ears). Each place - 10-12 times.
In conclusion, perform a head massage, for which bend the fingers of both hands and move along the head from the beginning of the hair on the forehead back, as if combing your hair, to the back of the head, to the neck, including the collar area. At the end of this movement, bring your hands down and forward, shaking them to release all negative energy.

b. Conduct a meditation session and disconnect from the influence of your own senses. The main thing here is isolation from the influence of your own senses.
Carry out special breathing exercises to concentrate consciousness.

Exercise No. 2
Contact method of mind reading:
To complete this exercise, you will need any adult close to you who will voluntarily agree to practice. It is not recommended to involve children under 14 years of age in such activities.

Blindfold the subject's eyes with a black, light-proof bandage so that your inductor does not perceive any information through the visual analyzer, but can concentrate entirely on his thoughts.

Take the inducer’s left hand, place it on your forehead in the “third eye” area and press lightly with your right hand. Ask the inducer to think hard about something. At first it can be a simple object, then an action with it; You choose the exercise scenario yourself. Let him try to mentally imagine the image of the intended object or the action with it in images.

Teleportation is the movement of people and objects from one place to another, without the use of known vehicles.

Exercise No. 1
Teleportation is the movement of one's own body without wasting time from one place to another, located at a great distance from the first.

Through strong faith in the success of teleportation, you will be able to dematerialize your material body so that it again appears in its original form in another, distant place.

In a darkened room, you enter a state of waking relaxation. When you reach this higher state of consciousness, you imagine as intensely and vividly as possible a place not very far away - for example, another room in own home, a friend’s room, a cozy place in the forest through which you often walk.

If this imagination - up to the imagination of the smell - succeeds, then you give in to an intense desire to instantly be in this place. You are absolutely sure that your material body will now dissolve into “nothing” here and become pure energy that will spread with lightning speed to the place that you imagined, that your body will “rejoice” completely real and capable of action.

If you get tired of moving short distances, you can imagine more distant places - the place of your last vacation, for example, and teleport there.

Duration of exercise: no more than 45 minutes per day.

Exercise Frequency: You try teleporting from one place to another every other day for a month.

Skin vision
How to learn to see with your skin? A special training system can help you with this. When starting a lesson, prepare yourself for its implementation. Do bioenergy recharging of the body and self-hypnosis exercise. Self-hypnosis formula: “I can easily, freely, without difficulty feel the color of the square. All temperature changes will be perceived by the palm of my hand, and my brain will automatically give me the finished result.”

Place the white and black squares side by side. Close your eyes, relax your palm working hand. Raising it at a distance of about 10 cm, hold your palm over one square, then sharply move it to the other. Analyze the sensations. Over white you can feel freshness (like morning coolness), over black you can feel a slight warmth. Learn to easily identify these sensations with your eyes closed, remember and secure them in the archive of your memory. Then practice on one of the colors you've mastered by asking someone to place a square under your hand.

When you learn to accurately identify two colors, add another color during training, for example, red. Place it under your palm and remember your sensations for three to four minutes. Once you have memorized them, commit them to memory. You can use the self-hypnosis formula: “I can easily feel the color with my palm, remember my sensation, which is stored in my memory, compare and give an accurate answer.”

Clairvoyance is a person’s ability to see what is hidden from us, what is inaccessible to perception in the normal range of sensitivity, what we do not see, do not feel, do not hear.

Clairvoyance is a supersensible perception that uses astral vision. All living beings, objects and all forms of matter have their own energy field, their own aura, which includes an astral aura that emits vibrational waves of very high frequency (astral frequency) in the form of so-called astral rays. These astral light rays are perceived by the human astral organ of vision in exactly the same way as ordinary light rays are perceived by the physical organ of vision. Since astral light rays pass through material objects, the densest bodies are transparent to an experienced clairvoyant.

With simple clairvoyance, a person receives astral impressions at a close, limited distance. Such a clairvoyant can see through the body of a person close to him and observe the work of his internal organs; can see the aura of the people he encounters, while distinguishing the colors of different parts of the aura and thus determining the quality of the thoughts of these people. In addition, he can read texts on sheets of paper hidden in envelopes, or observe objects located in a nearby closed room.

With clairvoyance in space, a person can see people, objects, places and incidents in space. long distance. One of the means of clairvoyance in space is the “astral tube”. (Just as a person uses a telescope to perceive distant bodies, astral vision uses a device that is, as it were, an addition to it - a constant flow of thoughts, “fastened” by a strong flow of prana sent along with the thought. This current of thoughts, or “pipe” , as if destroying the distance between distant points. Along the path of this current, astral light radiations and astral sound vibrations from distant objects pass unhindered.) The “astral pipe” is formed by the will of the clairvoyant or his strong desire (in which the necessary current of thought is established with the help of strong flow prana). For some clairvoyants, the will and desire to establish an “astral tube” is not enough. In this case, you can use glass balls and crystals. These physical devices are the point of departure, like the “eyepiece” of the “astral tube”.

The “eyepiece” of the “astral tube” can also be a glass of clean water. Place the glass on a white tablecloth and look with concentration at the center of the surface of the water without blinking or lowering your eyelids for 10 minutes. You need to exercise twice a day for several weeks. In the end, you can see images, faces, events on the surface of the water.

In order to develop the ability to see the aura of objects and people, practice looking closely at your eyelids and the outline of an object. Having relaxed your body, closed your eyes and partially freed your consciousness, look forward intensely (closing your eyelids), carefully examining the thinnest outlines that emerge on the “screen” of your eyelids for 10 minutes. It is best to exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up, or before going to bed. After nine days of such exercises, you can move on to the next exercise. Just as in the previous step, you need to relax and, having partially freed your consciousness, look closely (eyelids lowered) in the twilight at the outline of some small object in the room. After some time, you will begin to see an aura surrounding the object at which your gaze is directed. If you carry out such experiments with people, you will soon gain the ability to see the colors of the aura (by which you can judge the quality of thoughts and character of these people).

Exercise No. 1
Take 20 postal envelopes. In 10 of them put red inserts, in 10 others - blue. Seal the envelopes and mix them. Then divide the envelopes into two groups in any way, without looking inside: put envelopes with red inserts on the right, blue ones on the left. Then check the envelopes. If you correctly identified 8 out of 10 envelopes, your clairvoyance abilities are excellent, 6 out of 10 are good, 4 out of 10 are satisfactory.

Clairaudience is the ability to perceive sounds that are inaccessible under normal conditions.

Exercise No. 1
Prepare your mechanical watch. Take any comfortable meditation position, sitting on a chair, armchair, etc. Relax. It's better to close your eyes.

Listen to the ticking of the clock, trying to focus all your attention on it. Gradually, day by day, the clock must be removed further and further.

After some time, you will hear what is happening at a great distance, and even a whisper will not escape your hearing. Your hearing acuity will increase, but this is not clairaudience, but distant hearing.

Exercise No. 2

Prepare small and big watch. The starting position is similar to the previous exercise.

Place one watch on your right ear and the other on your left. Try to hear the ticking of the clock alternately: sometimes large, sometimes small.

This exercise will bring you great benefit in the future, when complete clairaudience appears.

Practice until you succeed. Every day for 5-10 minutes.

The phenomenon of dowsing (dowsing effect) has been known for more than four thousand years. Dowsing was widely used both in Europe and Asia to search for water and minerals. The most intensive use of the dowsing method began at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1911, the first congress of dowsers took place in Hanover, and subsequently the International Union of Dowsers was organized. Currently, there are several national unions of ore prospectors and water prospectors in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, New Zealand and other countries. At a meeting of a commission on this problem in the USSR in 1979, the term “dowsing” was adopted, and the effect of rotating a metal frame was called “dowsing.”

High sensitivity, powerful bioenergy, as well as the ability of mental self-regulation allow a person to master this method in 2-3 weeks.

The indicator frame comes in two types (Fig. It is made of metal wire with a diameter of 2-4 mm. Part of the frame is clamped in the operator's hand(s). During the search for minerals, the free part (frame arm) rotates left and right. Depending on the angle of rotation, the type of mineral is determined. If the frame is in the zero position, then there are no minerals.

Training Method

1. Before searching, perform an exercise to accumulate energy.

2. Holding the frame with your hand, tune in to searching, for example, for water, and mentally give the setting: “I and the frame are a single whole. I feel the water. My Feelings are transmitted to the frame and it will give a signal at the right moment.”
Prepare three containers in advance, covered with oilcloth. In one - water, in the other - scrap metal, in the third - any crystalline rock. The distance between containers is 15-20 cm.

Slowly, without haste, when the frame is in the zero position, move your hand with the frame over the first container 3-4 times, returning your hand to its original position. Remember the deflection angle. Then perform the same operation on the second and third containers, remembering the deflection angles.

Perform these operations by asking someone to swap the containers. Use the angles of deviation to determine where things are. Having mastered these operations perfectly, you can start searching for minerals, water, etc.

Using the frame, you can diagnose human diseases at a distance of 5-7 cm from the surface of the body. When a pathology is detected, the frame makes a rotational movement. The fact is that in a healthy person, the ethereal shell is at the same distance from the surface of the body. If the function of any organ is impaired, a “failure of the shell” is felt at this place, which is recorded frame. When the central nervous system is overexcited, there may be a release of energy and in this case there is an expansion, an increase in the etheric shell.

There are more advanced techniques for professionals who know how to work with chakras. I suggest one of them for searching for minerals.

Warm up the Muladhara chakra by retracting the anus - hold for 3 seconds, lower for 3 seconds - for 2-3 minutes (do not overexert). Send a mental ray to the top of the Muladhara chakra cone. Open it with an effort of will, drawing in energy clockwise to the base of the cone. Then turn on all the chakras in the same way. Transfer the mental ray to the Ajna chakra (with a vision of its glowing blue cone). Put information on a mental level: “I easily capture the Earth’s information, I easily process it.”

Transfer the mental ray to the base of the Muladhara chakra cone and send energy through both legs into the ground (grounding). At the same time, sensations of a light wave and impulse appear. When you intuitively feel that you have reached your goal, from the Muladhara chakra (the base of the cone), send energy upward to the Svadhisthana, Manipura and central chakras, and then at an angle of 45° to the hands where the frames are located. Mentally perform self-hypnosis: “I am inextricably linked with the Earth.” Start searching for minerals. The type of minerals is determined by the angle of deflection of the frame.

In therapeutic diagnostics, as a rule, the Ajna, Manipura and Anahata chakras are used.
The dowsing method is based on the ability of the human body to capture radiation from various substances. The more powerful the radiation of a substance, the more the energy of a person’s lower chakras intensifies, the more the frame deviates.

Levitation is the ability to lift off the ground and float in the air. Levitation is antigravity.

Exercise No. 1
Imaginary levitation:
You are trying, with the help of your imagination, to neutralize gravity, to cancel it, since you know that any mental image can be realized.

Levitation, which takes place in thoughts, gives you a feeling of the body that is identical to “real” levitation, since your subconscious cannot distinguish between “being” and “appearing”. Thanks to the fact that you create spiritual foundations within yourself, you program your inner spiritual potential.

Lie down on a couch or bed. Close your eyes. Observe your breathing and take a few breaths in and out completely calmly.

Then, concentrating on your body, you imagine how you are lying and how your body is pressed deeply into the mat.

You become heavier and warmer - heavier and warmer - heavier and warmer - and your consciousness recedes more and more into the background. You imagine a colorful summer field. You walk along this field and feel the warm ray of sun on your face.

And finally, imagine how you slowly float upward, how your feet leave the ground and you can mentally command your body.

You slowly soar over the field and with bated breath enjoy the feeling of weightlessness. You are all permeated with a hitherto unknown inner lightness and freed from all bodily and spiritual stress.

If you want to finish the exercise, imagine yourself slowly floating down until your feet touch the ground.

Duration of this exercise: you imagine for as long as you like, but under no circumstances no longer than half an hour.

Frequency of exercise: care must be taken to perform “imaginary levitation” no more than twice a month. Because although this exercise is very useful in terms of content, it, on the other hand, takes a lot of energy, which must be restored again and again.

Exercise No. 2
Levitation of a body part:
You enter your usual room, turn on sufficient, dim lighting and quiet relaxing music in the background. You sit down at the table and first place your right hand on the table top. You relax, take a few deep breaths and try not to think about anything.

Then you concentrate on your right hand.

Anyone suffering from balance or heart problems should consult a doctor first. It is also recommended not to take any alcohol or medications on the day of the experiment and to be well rested.

It is necessary to interrupt the exercise in case of your unwell health or physical hindrance. This is quite rare, but can happen.

First we concentrate on the right hand. We imagine the heat that seems to pass throughout the entire hand.

At the same time, the hand becomes very heavy and very warm. We strain our sense of body and mentally “travel” along the entire arm to the shoulder joint. We “feel” the skin, muscles, tendons, blood, how blood flows through the veins.

Next, imagine... The hand lies very heavy and very warm on the table top. Now we very intensely imagine how the still heavy hand becomes lighter and lighter, until we stop feeling it altogether.

When this happened, we further imagine how we push an imaginary “ air cushion", on which the hand slowly floats upward.

At the same time, we carefully monitor our sensations and the state of our body.

Meanwhile, we constantly inhale and exhale air.

If you have successfully completed this exercise, you carry out the same experiment with your left hand, with your fingers (toes). At the end you relax with relaxing music.

Having mastered this exercise perfectly, you will be able to levitate with your whole body.

Duration of exercise: You exercise as long as you feel good. If tension or internal interference arises, you interrupt the exercise and repeat it at another time.

Frequency of exercise: no more than once a week.

“Bulletproof. Superman."
To begin with, it should be said that without prior many years of training - it's life threatening(you understand why).

You can improve yourself all your life, but still not become a “superman”.

Remember Neo from The Matrix, Clark Kent from Smallville, or The Bulletproof Monk... Yes, it's science fiction, but this is also possible in our real world!

There are many known real examples, evidence.

There are people who walk on hot coals, tumble on a pile broken glass, do not experience pain and do not bleed from piercing the body with a knife (needles, sword, etc.), catch bullets fired from firearms, do not receive absolutely any damage from bullets fired at them and an explosive device triggered nearby (bullets and fragments literally bounce off such superhumans).

Firstly, it is necessary to perform daily exercises to relieve the fear of pain, instilling confidence that there will be no pain. Secondly, the launch of a biochemical mechanism when the body begins to produce endorphins through a certain state of consciousness. Thirdly, training in a trance state, maximum muscle relaxation. Fourth, performing various exercises (exercises for concentration and self-confidence, meditation, “breathing exercises”, and it will also be useful to perform some exercises from martial arts.

Detailed description exercises, you can find in books and textbooks on the development of superpowers. In the early stages, you can rely on “self-learning”. And in the future, when you achieve some certain results, it is better to turn to more to an experienced master possessing the abilities of the “third eye” and the ability to teach others, who can become your mentor. be continued...

We wish you good luck and success in self-improvement!

What a person can get beyond his capabilities can make him different from other people. This does not mean that you can use the acquired knowledge and opportunities uncontrollably!

You will learn some techniques for entering a trance to develop incredible superpowers!

Preparatory activities

  1. Learn to relax, concentrate your energy and bioenergy. Meditation is one of the important components of any superpower. What else do you need to learn? Enter a trance state at any time, at any second! It is thanks to trance that professional wizards and magicians begin to do their magic.
  2. Buy a comfortable and beautiful notebook. You need it to keep a diary! Are you a little surprised? Of course! Open your notebook. Fold the first sheet in half. On one side of the sheet, write down the dream you had. Fill the other side with the events that happened on that very day. Place your diary in places that quickly catch your eye. Read everything you managed to write in three months. Analyze, draw conclusions, look for coincidences.

Trance technique for entering trance

Here are trance techniques for entering a trance to possess some superpowers in real life:

"Rotate your eyes quickly"

Lie down or sit down so that your head rests firmly on something. Raise your eyes upward, keeping the tension in them. Start rotating them randomly. Take a deep breath and hold the “received” breath. After seven seconds, lower your eyelids and relax completely. Repeat everything a second time. Hold the exhalation for five seconds, inhale, close your eyes (for a moment), open them, lift them to the ceiling and again concentrate on your breathing. Remaining in a state of complete relaxation, you yourself will not notice how you enter a state of trance.

"Weightlessness and lightness"

Look for a hard surface. Lie down on her. By the way, don’t take pillows, as you’ll have to do without them. Relax and take off the clothes that bother you. Monitor your breathing, but don't control it. Repeat the long “so” (as you inhale) and the long “ham” (as you exhale). You won’t even notice how “so-ham” will be repeated automatically. This means that you gradually begin to enter a trance.

Relax every muscle in your body. Say (mentally) the following: “my eyes relax, my eyelids relax, my lips relax, my nostrils relax...”. Speak to all parts of your body. Walk over the entire body four times in a row. Repeat a fifth time if you do not feel numbness. You must reach the point where you no longer feel your “physicality.” Repeat any mantra. It’s best to repeat this: “om-mm,” “om-mm,” “om-mm.” Imagine that there is a solar disk between your eyebrows. Imagining that it is shining, repeat the same mantra. Look at the sun as if you see it right in front of you (in your real life). Why all these “performances”? The fact is that when you learn to clearly imagine the sun, then it will be very easy for you to see absolutely any person, absolutely any object in front of you.

"Musical Delight"

Choose any calm and beautiful composition, which you really like. Put it on repeat. Turn it on. Focus on each note, listen to it. The more attentively you listen to the melody, the more you will relax, the faster you will “plunge” into a state of trance. If nothing works, then you will have to change the musical composition. There can be several compositions (but no more than three).

"Brain Setup"

Sit down on any soft sofa. Remove all objects that will distract you even a little. Give yourself a clear statement: “I’m going into a trance…. I easily fall into a trance state... I feel good...” Focus on these thoughts and relax. If meditation doesn’t work, then “work through” your thoughts again. Try going into trance for thirty minutes without taking breaks or coffee breaks.

Maximum sensitivity

Learn to feel your own fingers and your own hands as much as possible.We tell you how such sensitivity develops. Let's start with the hands. Rub your hands together. Place them parallel to each other. Open them (very slowly). Wait until you feel the warmth between them. Make the exercise more difficult by doing it with the hands of any person.

Don't share your aspirations with anyone

Keep them secret even from your closest girlfriends and friends. After all, no one is immune from the manifestation of hidden hatred and hostility!

Love is the source of superpowers!

Turns out that true love helps to discover and develop superpowers. When a person falls in love, incredible things happen to him.

Let's tell a story on this topic.

Real life story

In one of the inconspicuous courtyards of the metropolis lived a pretty girl Masha. She loved life and enjoyed it as much as she could. The day came when she realized that life was even cooler than she could have thought.

One day she met a neighbor and fell head over heels in love with him. Maria so wanted him (the guy’s name was Sanya) to pay his attention to her! The girl thought for a long time about how she could attract Sasha to her, but nothing came to her head in love.

A week has passed. Maria knew that time was passing very quickly. She understood that something urgently needed to be resolved. She was lucky because chance “led” her to the right book. The girl was so captivated by its pages that she did not have time to notice how the book ended.

In the book it was written that one girl realized that she had learned to read palms when she fell in love with the guy from the neighboring house. Masha called her sister into her room and asked her to show her her palm. Victoria laughed and refused. Maria voiced the same request in the presence of Sasha... He neither laughed nor hesitated. He immediately extended his hand to the girl... And she realized that she saw not lines on her hand, but the future!

This means that you can fall in love so that something is revealed in you that you had not noticed in yourself before. Good luck to you in Love!

Learn to control natural elements. . .

Don't miss it. . .

Make your dreams come true. . .

Always remember. . . !



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