How to open your own sewing business from scratch. Approximate business plan for clothing production

It has always been believed that clothing production is a promising and profitable business, therefore, it makes sense to consider an approximate sewing business plan. The most important thing is the correct focus on the consumer and the choice of specifics. This business idea involves a large field of activity, and what is noteworthy is that there is opportunity for growth. For example, having opened a small shop for custom tailoring, you can later organize the production of your own line.

Today, when purchasing things, the client focuses on quality. People who have high incomes can buy clothes from world brands, which cost a lot of money. However, most of the population is forced to purchase inexpensive goods from foreign manufacturers. As a rule, such clothes do not always match the sizes, the patterns are simple, and the tailoring is sloppy. As a result, in lately domestic production is very popular.

Business plan for clothing production

Where to start sewing production

First, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis in the field of clothing production in the region where future opening of your own business is planned. It is worth paying attention to your competitors and what specific services they offer. There may be areas that have not yet been touched upon. The type of work performed and the range are extremely wide:

Sewing small and children's clothing;
clothing repair;
tailoring to order;
tailoring of workwear (uniforms);
sewing outerwear;
sewing interior items (pillows, bedspreads, curtains, etc.);
sewing products from suede and leather.

Of course it's not full list work that the sewing shop is able to carry out. In addition, in practice it often occurs when several types of services are combined.

Customer Focus

Consumers can be divided into groups, based on purchasing power. If you target wealthy clients, you need to ensure high demands to reach a certain sales level. Need to be tracked fashion trends. Also take into account that the buyer will pay attention to the quality of the fabric, perfect fit, tailoring, etc. Sewing production of this level has its own advantages. This good income, which will be provided by wealthy clients.

The most important thing is to maintain the ratio of quality and price. Inexpensive things are not difficult to purchase. But quality, and even at an affordable price, is already problematic. Each buyer will demand perfect tailoring and make claims about the material. How well the seams are processed, how neatly the stitches are made.

In this case, the business plan for clothing production should be created in such a way as to make custom tailoring affordable, but at the same time a good income should be ensured.

Production registration

To organize a sewing production, you need to register a business, or legal entity. face. To register an emergency, you need to prepare a number of documents:

Identification code;
registration card;
receipt of state duty;

To register a sewing production as a legal entity. person needs the following documents:

Charter of the enterprise;
a certificate that certifies the registration of a subject to conduct business activities. This document is issued by the district executive committee;
assigned identification code.

It will take 2 months and approximately $100 to complete all the documents.

Premises for sewing production

Business plan for clothing production should include the question of selecting premises. If you plan to produce a small volume, then there are 2 options.

1. Small premises are rented;
2. Personnel are hired who will carry out custom tailoring at home. In this case, you won't have to spend cash for rent, but it is worth considering that transport costs will increase several times. It is necessary to deliver work home and then pick it up finished products.

If you are planning a large-scale sewing production, you will definitely need to rent large areas to accommodate several workshops. In this case, rent will be the main expense item. It is advisable that the room does not require overhaul, and the electrical network had 380 V voltage.


You need to select equipment based on the scale of production and its specifics. Performed on universal machines greatest number operations. For a mini workshop, 7 pieces are enough. In addition, you will need edge-stitching machines, semi-automatic buttonhole and buttonhole machines. Also, equipment for heat and wet processing is needed.


It is the employees who determine the quality of the product, which will affect your profit. Well-adjusted machines have virtually no defects, which is why personnel selection is so important. Most best option when hired workers already have sufficient experience. If you plan to produce small-scale sewing production, 25 people are enough. They must be divided into 2 brigades, which will include:

Seamstresses – 7 people;
heat and wet processing workers – 2 people.

In addition, specialists will be required who will monitor and ensure the operation of the entire enterprise:

Design technologist;
cutters – 2 people;


The main one-time expense item is the purchase of equipment. Monthly costs:

Purchase of accessories and materials;
rental of premises;
utility bills;
wages to the staff.

To start a small workshop that will produce from 25 to 60 units of goods, you will need 15 thousand dollars. The enterprise, which will produce about 200 models every day, involves an initial investment of $150,000.

Approximate business plan for clothing production will help bring this business idea to life.

You decided to open own business related to sewing, but have absolutely no idea where to start? The secrets are not as complicated as it might seem; the main thing is to correctly decide what exactly you plan to do. Today there are many great ideas that will help develop it and make it more profitable.

How to start your own sewing business at home, what difficulties may you encounter and how to solve them?

Interesting ideas for your own business

We offer interesting sewing business ideas that may interest you. This doesn’t have to be custom tailoring or repairing clothes; you can find a niche in tailoring clothes for pets. Yes, yes, today it is starting to be in demand. you can design and sew ethnic clothes, start producing comfortable slings for young mothers. At the initial stage, it is better to choose something simple and less expensive.

For those who sew at home, there are very interesting idea for sewing clothes for pets. IN recent years There is a steadily increasing demand for such services. In Europe and the USA, such a business has long been considered one of the most profitable; more and more salons are opening not only for individual, but also for mass tailoring. Some people prefer to sew clothes for their little pets from famous fashion designers.

In our country, this type of business is now at an embryonic level, such ideas are quite promising, and the initial costs are much lower than for.

To implement such an idea, everything must be organized correctly. This means that not only equipment is required (in this case, sewing machines are sufficient), but also fabrics and suitable accessories. To begin with, it is recommended to experiment with waterproof fabrics, but as you gain experience, you can sew using other types of textiles. To begin with, you can start at home, and then hire help.

If you want to immediately open a full-fledged one, you should consider some financial expenses. First, you will have to draw up a business plan that will include all the necessary factors and financial costs. This is not only registering you as an entrepreneur, but also searching suitable place for work, purchasing equipment and furniture, recruiting personnel. What is important in this case is an advertising campaign that will tell your potential customers about offers and opportunities. It is important to correctly determine the location of the future studio; it should be conveniently located for your clients.

A good organizer is able to receive quite a significant profit from the first months, especially since the competition here is minimal.

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Ideas for sewing ethnic clothing are quite new today; such a business can be started even in the conditions of an apartment itself, without spending money on renting a room or purchasing expensive equipment. Target Audience there is practically no limit here, modern options Clothes with ethnic motifs are in demand among a wide variety of segments of the population. This process is quite creative, it is difficult to make ethnic clothes just like that, you need to carefully study the multiple aspects and features of this niche. A professional seamstress will have to get acquainted with the client’s ethnic preferences and find suitable accessories.

To promote your business in this direction, it is better to advertise on forums and resources, and create your own blog.

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Slings for new mothers

Ideas for can be the most unusual. When asked where to start working from home, there is a fairly easy answer. This is sewing slings used by young mothers to carry babies. Sewing them is not so difficult; in the process you can gain the necessary experience in sewing skills if you do not have enough of it.

Slings are pieces of thick fabric that are wrapped around the figure in a special way, creating some semblance of a pocket in which the baby is carried. Such ideas are not new; many peoples have been using this device for hundreds of years; it is very convenient and can reduce the load on a woman’s back and arms.

Such ideas are implemented quite easily, you just need to have a good, multifunctional sewing machine, accessories, fabric samples and the fabrics themselves. It takes approximately two hours to sew one sample; fabric consumption may vary, it all depends on the selected models. It’s best to start with not very complex ones, simultaneously advertising on forums and online stores.

The clothing business covers various related areas. You can focus on modifying and repairing clothes, sewing custom suits, curtains, bed linen and patchwork quilts. Some seamstresses specialize in sewing wedding clothes, while others make elegant knitted leotards for gymnasts and figure skaters.

In addition to selling sewing services, you can also create in-demand items that you can then sell, such as bags, bedding, patchwork quilts, children's carnival costumes for the holidays and so on. Other seamstresses make a living by making custom upholstery, pet clothing, and textile toys. The sewing market is large and open to people with creative potential and the ability to sew.

How to start a sewing business

At the very beginning, you need to decide what, exactly, you will sew. Despite all the variety of sewing products on the market, there will always be buyers for exclusive, original products. There are many things that an experienced seamstress can make.

Individual tailoring. You can work as a dressmaker at home, or open a sewing studio and sew clothes to order.

Seamstress-fashion designer. If you are interested in creating your own fashionable items of clothing, you will be able not only to sew products according to customer designs, but also to offer customers your own original models. A fashion designer has more opportunities, because she can not only sew to order, but also sell her products in sewing stores and boutiques.

For a seamstress specializing in tailoring, there are many areas where she can apply her skills:

  • Uniform
  • Children's clothing
  • Men's clothing
  • Costumes for dancers, gymnasts and figure skaters
  • Women's clothing
  • High fashion
  • Intimate clothing
  • Plus size clothing

And this list goes on...

Sewing wedding clothes. The wedding business provides great opportunities for an experienced seamstress. Many craftswomen earn good money by sewing wedding dresses and wedding accessories.

Sewing for home. Sewing decorative elements for the home also provides great opportunities for the sewing business. You can focus on sewing curtains and curtains for windows, special decorative pillows, shower curtains, bedspreads and other bedding.

You can sew leather and textile bags, covers for web equipment and clothing, as well as toys.

Clothes repair. This could be stitching loose seams or replacing a zipper. This kind of work can be very profitable business, since many people have clothes in their closet that need repairing and they have no idea how to do it.

Sewing clothes and accessories for pets. This is a rapidly growing segment, and you can start creating blankets for horses, clothing for dogs and other pets.

When choosing your home business niche, determine which area you will feel most comfortable in and whether that segment has a large market. Don't try to position yourself as a "jack of all trades." You will be trusted much more as a professional if you specialize in a particular area.

Workplace seamstresses

If you are focused on sewing curtains, you must have a professional understanding of finishing materials, fabrics, the latest trends and styles to make best curtains for your clients.

Having chosen, for example, sewing wedding dresses as your specialization, you need to know everything about wedding fashion. Your sewing skills must be excellent. If you feel like your work isn't good enough, keep improving and keep learning. latest methods and techniques. At serious attitude to work, and the willingness to work hard, despite the difficulties, you will succeed!

The main tool of a dressmaker is a sewing machine.

Marketing market research

As with any other business, you must take some time to research and test the market for demand for your product or service. Draw up a business plan, even if you do not intend to attract external funding. This will help you focus on priority tasks and calculate financial prospects your sewing business. You will also need to answer the following questions: where, to whom and how will you sell your products and services? Who are your competitors?

Clothing business costs

To start a sewing business, you need a reliable and versatile sewing machine and more. sewing equipment. If you don't have everything necessary equipment, still try to buy the best you can afford, even if it is second-hand. Good equipment It will last longer, and it will be much easier to work on it.

The largest investment for this business will be the purchase of a sewing machine (if you don’t have one). Sewing machines cost from $300 to $6,000, depending on the model and the list of operations it can perform.

Find out as much information as possible about various models sewing machines what they can do and how well they function. Nowadays there are modern computerized sewing machines, which are programmed using special punched cards to create embroidery. Some of them have an automatic needle threader, an LCD touch panel, and a device that can create rivet holes of 5 different diameters.

You may also need a serger, which allows you to create decorative seams on all types of fabrics. Its cost ranges from $300 to $1600.

In addition to sewing equipment, you will need:

  • Sewing patterns
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Pins
  • Threads
  • Fabric meter

In addition, you need to purchase a mirror from full height so that the client can examine himself from the outside.

Pricing your home sewing business

Your income potential will depend on the industry you enter. Also check what prices your competitors have for similar products. On the one hand, your prices must be competitive, on the other hand, you should under no circumstances work at a loss. Don't rate your work too low. The price of the product should include your hourly wage plus profit.

For repairing clothes you can earn $5-$30. For sewing a men's suit you can earn up to $1000, an evening dress from $200, wedding dress up to $5000, and children's clothing can be sold from $10-$50.

The two most important factors price formation will be the time spent on sewing the model and cost consumables. Be sure to discuss all costs with the client before starting work, from the type of fabric that will be used to finishing hardware.

If the model includes drapery, calculate the exact fabric consumption and inform the client about it. Some clients buy the fabric themselves, and in some cases you will be tasked with choosing the material yourself. Discuss all these details with the client every step of the way to avoid conflicts and customer dissatisfaction. Draw up contracts for expensive work.

Potential income

After your sewing business Once it gains momentum, you can earn between $20,000 and $35,000 per year. An experienced seamstress with a strong client base can earn up to $60,000. Income can increase if you hire employees to do the sewing and you can do the marketing and sales.

Search for clients

To begin with, you can advertise with funds mass media o readiness to provide the services of a home-based seamstress. Subsequently, satisfied clients will recommend you to their friends and acquaintances. Over time, you will have regular customers, and word of mouth will bring you new referrals.


A person who decides to open his own studio is guided by simple logic: everyone needs clothes. On the one hand, the enthusiast is right, on the other hand, statistics show that from 30 to 45% of industries (depending on market conditions) are closed during the first 3 years of activity. Therefore, in order to make money, you need to draw the right conclusions from the mistakes of others and take advantage of the positive experience of successful entrepreneurs. We will tell you how to open a sewing business in this article.

Market and risks of the clothing business

A survey of bankrupt entrepreneurs showed that businessmen did not properly research the local market. As a rule, they attributed the failures to the lack of stable demand and the dominance of dumping enterprises. Meanwhile, other companies repairing and sewing clothes, curtains, bed linen and workwear continued to operate successfully in the same area.

Marketers commenting similar situations, they say with irony: “even a world-famous couturier cannot convince a nudist to dress on an abandoned beach.” You can take this satire however you like. But the fact remains that success is based on a careful approach to the analysis of the key audience - or rather, its requests. It is unlikely that a prominent entrepreneur with an income of $10 thousand a month will come to a basement studio where zippers are changed and jeans are hemmed.

When drawing up a business plan for your own studio, it is important to choose a survival strategy:


Target audience of the studio

Popular services

Common mistakes

Survival strategy


Demanding clients mainly fashionable women

Sewing dresses and suits individual orders

Focus on small and cheap repairs

Upgrading the status of the studio to the “business+” format

Medium-sized cities, but not less than 200 thousand inhabitants

Middle class

Making new clothes fit your body

Target for prestigious orders or repair of old clothes

Choosing a convenient place to visit and improving service culture

Small towns

Poor + lower middle class

Repairing old clothes

Focus on expensive orders or fitting new clothes

Speed ​​of service and adequate cost of services

Areas with high unemployment

Wholesalers and businessmen

Sewing large quantities of clothes

Focus on residents

Increased productivity and reduced costs

What products does the sewing shop produce?

The success of clothing production as a business depends on the range of services offered. Even in the area with high level unemployment, you can get big profits if you open not an atelier, but a full-fledged workshop. In this case, it is important to hire cheap labor.

“For example, if you order a simple denim jacket to be sewn in Moscow, the cost of the service will be 2,000 rubles,” explains labor resource expert Anna Kryzhovnikova. - But in an abandoned town, seamstresses will agree to do the same work for 125 rubles, producing 8 items per shift. Even taking into account production and logistics costs, the clothing business will provide the entrepreneur with at least 500 rubles in profit on each product.”

The following products are in stable demand among network enterprises and reseller businessmen:

  • children's winter and demi-season clothing;
  • school uniform on special order:
  • pajamas for hospitals;
  • prison robes;
  • car covers;
  • tents made of rubberized percale or tent canvas.

Business in clothing production: what is needed?

A business plan for a sewing studio has excellent chances of being successfully implemented if it starts with a professional who is well versed in sewing technology. Although amateurs with an entrepreneurial spirit also got on their feet in this matter. Whoever plans to organize production, a business project for sewing production should be developed taking into account special knowledge extracted, for example, from Amirov’s textbook or other specialized books. They will give a clear idea of ​​what the premises and personnel for production should be like, and what equipment for the sewing business needs to be purchased.


To sew 10 pieces of garments daily by one master, an area of ​​6-7 square meters is needed. meters with a 380 V power supply. This means that a small workshop for 3 seamstresses will fit on an area of ​​20 sq. meters. Plus, you will need space for fitting rooms (at least two) and a reception - where without it. This is plus 10-15 sq. meters. It’s also a good idea to have a warehouse or at least a storage room. However, by installing shelving in a garment factory, you can do without a separate room for storing fabric, accessories and finished products.

Entrepreneurs who target the middle class wisely strive to rent premises near “folk paths” with a lot of traffic - for example, in a city market. Such premises must comply with fire and sanitary supervision standards. This must be stated in the lease agreement. It is also worth stating the tenant’s right to directly enter into contracts for the supply of electricity with the energy supply company. As for the business project of a sewing workshop, here the location is of secondary importance - the main thing is that it is cheap and close to the place of residence of the workers.

In the provinces, renting a room of 30 sq. meters is 25,000 rubles per month, workshop 300 sq. meters - 100,000 rubles. In the capital - 4 times more expensive. Meanwhile, promotion of an atelier can take up to six months.

Sewing studio equipment

The choice of equipment for an enterprise depends on the product range. Amirov's book provides recommendations on this issue. The workplace of one seamstress, for example, for sewing curtains, should include:

  • cutting and ironing tables;
  • table with a professional typewriter;
  • overlock;
  • blind stitch hemming machine.

Cutting and ironing tables can be at general disposal - however, if the team has no more than 3 people, and the enterprise is managed directly by the owner of the studio.

To open a wide-profile clothing repair and sewing studio, which will have 3 workplaces, you need to purchase:

Equipment type


Straight stitch machines with electronically controlled

250,000 rubles

Furrier machine

70,000 rubles

Knitting machine

100,000 rubles

Blind stitch hemming machine

50,000 rubles

40,000 rubles

Steam generator

110,000 rubles

Tables, cash register, chairs, fitting booths, mannequins, racks

100,000 rubles

Total: 720,000 rubles. This amount is reflected in the business plan of the sewing studio.

Please note that we are talking about high-quality professional machines. The same set of the “Made in China” option can be purchased 4 times cheaper - but the performance will be lower. And no one has canceled frequent breakdowns either.


In the capital's ateliers that claim the status of “business+” and even “elite”, it is recommended to hire three seamstresses, managed by a couturier, for two cutters. He also accepts orders, discusses the cost of work, and agrees on details. According to the business plan of a sewing workshop, business promotion takes up to 6 months. At the same time, the wage fund with the necessary tax and pension contributions can easily reach 1,200,000 rubles.

In the sewing business in the outback, the main role is played by the technologist. It optimizes in-line sewing of products at the rate of 160 individual operations per shift per seamstress. However, experienced businessmen, although they conduct castings, do not hire seamstresses until they have concluded a large contract with a substantial advance payment.

The experience of small provincial workshops shows that the optimal ratio is 1 professional / 2 apprentices. It is better if the owner himself turns out to be the master. In the end, he can be patient if orders are bad. Repairing and adjusting clothing involves many simple operations that can be handled by a worker with minimal training. It is best to work on a piece-rate system, giving seamstress assistants 30% of the order cost, rather than paying the minimum wage and 10% bonus. By the way, the second method of remuneration is often more profitable, but the first is better suited for difficult times. In addition, in the first case, you do not have to include salary costs.

Sewing studio advertisement

To ensure that the opening of the studio does not go “in vain” due to the lack of clients, you should conduct a competent advertising campaign. Advertising events should also be specified in the business plan of the studio. You can advertise on TV or appear in a show organized by various cutting and sewing schools. The video posted on YouTube is also good method. Although the traditional set of events also provides good results. Let's list them:

  • design of a bright sign that is clearly visible from a distance;
  • usage billboards and pillars in places with the greatest human traffic;
  • maintaining the studio’s website indicating prices lower than those of competitors;
  • hiring promoters to distribute advertising leaflets;
  • Regular placement of advertisements about the studio in local media.

Sewing business: documentation

When opening a sewing workshop or atelier, it is recommended to register as an individual entrepreneur. The state duty will be 800 rubles. The entrepreneur fills out an application to the tax office, in which he indicates OKVED codes 18.2, 18.21, 18.22 and 18.24 from sewing clothes and accessories to creating workwear.

After receiving an extract from the state register, you must fill out and submit to the tax office an application in form 26.2-1 for the transition to a simplified taxation system - 6% of income. Then visit the statistical authorities and the local branch of the pension fund to register.

Even if the lease agreement states that the premises meet the standards safe operation, you will still need permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the city fire department. It is not difficult to obtain them, although the “paperwork” takes time - it takes up to half a month.

Step-by-step plan for starting a sewing business

Since a significant part of entrepreneurs open workshops with their personal participation as a master and with 2 assistant seamstresses, it is logical to draw up a business plan for sewing production taking into account this set of employees. The sequence of actions to start a business includes 6 simple steps:

  • Register the enterprise as an individual entrepreneur if you plan to hire no more than 2 assistants, or as an LLC to open a workshop with several dozen workers.
  • Find a workshop location that meets safety standards in accordance with current legislation. Conclude a direct contract for the supply of electricity, if technical conditions allow.
  • Obtain permission from Rostechnadzor and the fire department.
  • Purchase and install production equipment and furniture.
  • Find and hire staff.
  • Conduct an advertising campaign.

And present a gift to the first client of the company. They say it's good luck.

Business plan for a sewing workshop: profitability and payback

A sewing workshop is considered successful if there are 350 minor works or 35 serious orders per month with an average bill of 250 and 2,500 rubles per product, respectively. Small production - hemming trousers, replacing zippers, minor repairs. Serious orders - sewing a dress, jacket, replacing the lining of a fur coat or coat.

One employee must bring 87,500 rubles per month to the studio’s treasury, or minus 30% of wages - 61,125 rubles. After deduction of tax according to the simplified tax system in the amount of 6% of turnover and contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund in the amount of 22,261.38 rubles per year + 1% of turnover, approximately 50,000 rubles remain at the owner’s disposal. For three - 150,000 rubles.

From this amount the rental rate and utility bills are paid - 35,000 rubles. The owner is also rewarded for risk and professionalism - 30,000 rubles. It is also logical to deduct 20,000 rubles of unforeseen expenses. Thus, at the end of each month of work, 65 thousand rubles remain, which go to cover the initial investments, consisting mainly of expenses for the purchase of equipment and for an advertising campaign - 720,000 and 100,000 rubles in our case.

A sewing studio can reach the break-even point in 12-14 months. Of course, if the company does not encounter unexpected difficulties and is forced to stop production.

The business plan of a clothing enterprise for the production of large quantities of clothing assumes an initial investment of 10-14 million rubles. The risk here is high. Still, Chinese consumer goods have strong positions in our market, and it’s difficult to squeeze it out.


A sewing studio has a higher chance of survival than most other businesses. However, neglecting advertising and drawing up a business plan for an atelier can do its dirty work. Production works best in medium-sized cities, where the demand for repairs and adjustments of clothing is high. If you have an extra $200 thousand, you can take a risk and open a large sewing business in an unemployed outback.

Recently, the sewing business has become increasingly popular.

Seamstresses who previously worked at home are opening their own workshops, and sometimes even an entire production workshop. I would like to note right away that this business is quite a profitable activity. It's easy to explain. After all, goods of this kind have always been in demand among the population.

When opening a sewing business, you need to remember that there is a lot of competition in it. In each more or less big city Our country has a sewing production or sewing workshop. To work in this area, you will need a lot of start-up capital. The main expense items will be for renting premises, purchasing equipment, hiring employees and purchasing necessary materials. It is difficult to name the payback period, since this indicator is unpredictable. Experts recommend opening a workshop that will specialize in something specific. For example, sewing children's winter overalls. That is, a specific thing and from a specific material. This is the most optimal strategy for operating a sewing enterprise.

Let's consider step by step how to open a sewing production

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Registration of a workshop as a legal entity

You can open your own business as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company).

If it was decided to register the company as an individual entrepreneur, then the tax office will need to collect and submit the following documents:

Review of a set of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur takes five working days.

If the decision to open an individual entrepreneur is positive, the entrepreneur is issued:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (unified register of individual entrepreneurs);
  • notification of registration with the tax authority individual;
  • notification of registration in the territorial PFS of an individual (Pension Fund);
  • from Rosstat certificate of issuance of statistics codes.

After registration, the individual entrepreneur must make a stamp (from 500 rubles) and open a bank account (from 2 thousand rubles).

If the choice was made in favor of an LLC, then the following set of documents is provided to the tax office:

  • application on form 11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • if there is only one founder, then the decision to establish an LLC. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;
  • paid state duty receipt (4 thousand rubles);
  • notarized photocopies of passports of all founders;
  • if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in form No. 26.2-1.

The period for consideration of the application by the tax authority is five working days.

If the response to the application is positive, the tax office issues:

  • LLC registration certificate;
  • LLC charter;
  • certificate in form 1-3-Accounting for registration with the tax authority;
    extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • notification of registration in Pension Fund Russia (PF);
  • certificate of registration with the TFOMS (territorial compulsory health insurance fund);
  • certificate of issuance of statistics codes from Rosstat.

It will take a few more days to register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat. It will take two days to produce the organization's seal. Opening a bank account takes on average three days. The authorized capital of an LLC must be at least 10 thousand rubles.

OKVED codes:

  • 18.2 - production of textile clothing and clothing accessories;
  • 18.21 - production of special clothing;
  • 18.22 - production of outerwear;
  • 18.24 - production of other outerwear and accessories.

According to Federal law RF No. 52-FZ dated March 30, 1999, it will also be necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozharnadzor.

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Finding and renting suitable premises

Starting to choose a suitable premises for a workshop directly depends on the planned scale of production. Let's give an example: to sew 90-100 pieces of fabric per day, the area of ​​the room should be about 70 square meters. m. The more products the workshop produces, the larger the rental space will be needed. It’s good to open your own workshop in one of the city’s production zones. The premises for rent in such places are suitable in size. and the rental price is low. Before signing a premises rental agreement, find out whether the selected premises meets all SES requirements and other inspection companies.

You can start a sewing business at home. In this case, it will consist in the fact that for each seamstress at home a special equipment, which works for specific sewing operations. It turns out that one seamstress makes patterns, another processes the edges of the product at home, the third does stitching, etc. In this case, the costs rent are absent, since the workshop is not needed. All work on the production of goods is carried out by seamstresses at home.

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Sewing shop equipment

To equip a sewing workshop, you will need the following:

  • sewing machine;
  • cutting machine;
  • heat treatment unit;
  • wet processing unit;
  • interoperative tables;
  • automatic loop take-up machine;
  • button apparatus;
  • overlock;
  • steam generator;
  • cutting knife;
  • cutting equipment;
  • consumables.

Equipment costs will amount to about 250 thousand rubles. A more accurate amount can be announced if you know the volume of work, production area and number of employees.

The cost of purchasing accessories and fabric will be 50 thousand rubles.

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Recruitment of personnel for clothing production

The success of this business depends more than half on the skill level of the employees working in it. Therefore, close attention should be paid to personnel selection. Employees must have at least minimal experience work, have certificates and a diploma of completion of professional educational institutions. It is equally important that they all be polite and friendly in their interactions with clients. If you don’t have enough money for highly qualified employees, you can hire several professionals and help them with novice specialists without work experience. There is a high probability that, having gained experience, these young employees will remain in production.

For productive work of staff, it is better for seamstresses to set their salary according to the formula, a small salary plus a percentage of revenue. This will create an additional incentive to work. At the initial stage of work, when there are few orders, you can only hire seamstresses. As the business grows, additional order takers, cutters and fashion designers will be needed.



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