DIY electric flashlight. Instructions for making a diode flashlight with your own hands. Checking the functionality of the electrical circuit

Blocking – generator is a generator of short-term pulses repeated after quite a while large gaps time.

One of the advantages of blocking generators is their comparative simplicity, the ability to connect the load through a transformer, high efficiency, connecting a sufficiently powerful load.

Blocking oscillators are very often used in amateur radio circuits. But we will run an LED from this generator.

Very often when hiking, fishing or hunting you need a flashlight. But you don’t always have a battery or 3V batteries at hand. This circuit can drive an LED to full power from an almost dead battery.

A little about the scheme. Details: any transistor (n-p-n or p-n-p) can be used in my KT315G circuit.

The resistor needs to be selected, but more on that later.

The ferrite ring is not very large.

And a high-frequency diode with a low voltage drop.

So, I was cleaning out a drawer in my desk and found an old flashlight with an incandescent bulb, burnt out, of course, and recently I saw a diagram of this generator.

And I decided to solder the circuit and put it in a flashlight.

Well, let's get started:

First, let's assemble according to this scheme.

We take a ferrite ring (I pulled it out of the ballast fluorescent lamp) And we wind 10 turns with 0.5-0.3mm wire (it could be thinner, but it won’t be convenient). We wound it, make a loop, or a branch, and wind it another 10 turns.

Now we take the KT315 transistor, an LED and our transformer. We assemble according to the diagram (see above). I also placed a capacitor in parallel with the diode, so it glowed brighter.

So they collected it. If the LED does not light, change the polarity of the battery. Still not lit, check that the LED and transistor are connected correctly. If everything is correct and still does not light up, then the transformer is not wound correctly. To be honest, my circuit didn’t work the first time either.

Now we complement the diagram with the remaining details.

By installing diode VD1 and capacitor C1, the LED will glow brighter.

The last stage is the selection of the resistor. Instead of a constant resistor, we put a 1.5 kOhm variable one. And we start spinning. You need to find the place where the LED shines brighter, and you need to find the place where if you increase the resistance even a little, the LED goes out. In my case it is 471 Ohm.

Okay, now closer to the point))

We disassemble the flashlight

We cut a circle from one-sided thin fiberglass to the size of the flashlight tube.

Now we go and look for parts of the required denominations of several millimeters in size. Transistor KT315

Now we mark the board and cut the foil with a stationery knife.

We tinker the board

We fix bugs, if any.

Now to solder the board we need a special tip, if not, it doesn’t matter. We take wire 1-1.5 mm thick. We clean it thoroughly.

Now we wind it on the existing soldering iron. The end of the wire can be sharpened and tinned.

Well, let's start soldering the parts.

You can use a magnifying glass.

Well, everything seems to be soldered, except for the capacitor, LED and transformer.

Now test run. We attach all these parts (without soldering) to the “snot”

Hooray!! It worked. Now you can solder all the parts normally without fear

I suddenly became interested in what the output voltage was, so I measured

I once ordered 5630 SMD LEDs from China for a future robot, which I’ve been assembling for half a year, and now a lot of diodes arrived, a whole bay, and the excess needs to be used somewhere :) I decided to assemble a backlight for the door at the entrance to the house. Having started experimenting, it turned out that you can make good lanterns for illumination in various places at home, and what’s most important is that everything can be made from scrap materials! 🙂

The first thing you need to do is collect necessary materials, namely:

  1. The kefir or milk lid is the basis of the flashlight body
  2. SMD 5630 or 5730 LEDs
  3. Resistors 3.3 – 12 Ohm (depending on power source)
  4. Circuit board or printed circuit board
  5. Wires
  6. Plexiglas - as a housing cover
  7. 3.7 Volt battery or 5 Volt power supply

In this article, I used SMD 5630 LEDs with an operating voltage of 3.3 Volts and a current of 150 milliamps. Power source – battery from cell phone with a capacity of 5000 MAh and a voltage of 3.8 Volts. At this voltage, 3.3 Ohm resistors are needed, but in the absence of them, I had to use 2.2 Ohms.

When the battery is discharged, its voltage drops and generally does not exceed 3.6 volts, which is quite consistent with the resistance ratings of 2.2 Ohms.

A small piece of circuit board is suitable for attaching LEDs and resistors.

We solder the diodes, resistors and power wires according to the diagram.

The diagram shows resistor values ​​for 3.7 and 5 Volts. For a brighter glow, you can add additional LEDs - 3, 4 or more, depending on the size of the housing cover and the required brightness.

After this, you should check the operation of the circuit by applying power to the corresponding wires.

Now you can fix the board in the cover using hot glue.

We pass the wires through the side hole of the cover, also fixing them with hot glue.

Now we attach the transparent plexiglass cover using one-second super glue.

I cut out the lid using a 44 mm crown and a screwdriver from a sheet of plexiglass.

Apply glue along the edges of the glass. It can be dots, or it can be a solid line.

Press the flashlight body tightly and hold it for a few seconds.

The cover is in place. The flashlight is almost ready.

The hole in the center of the flashlight, obtained by drilling a circle of plexiglass, can be closed using a furniture plug.

The flashlight body is ready. If desired, you can wipe sandpaper plexiglass to obtain a matte surface. In the photo below on the left is a flashlight with clear glass, and on the right - with a matte finish obtained using sandpaper.

Connect both flashlights to a power source.

This is what the finished product looks like.

These lanterns are bright enough to illuminate an entire room.

For example, you can make a backlight on a bookshelf.

Or on the clothes shelf in the closet.

Flashlight is necessary thing when traveling to nature or outside the city to the country. At night on personal plot or near the tent, only he will create a ray of light in the dark kingdom. But even in a city apartment, sometimes you just can’t do without it. As a rule, it is difficult to get something small that has rolled under a bed or sofa without a flashlight. And although nowadays there are devices that are multifunctional and can be a source of light, some of our readers will probably want to know how to make a flashlight with their own hands. How to make a small device from scrap items will be discussed below.

Classic shape

The most convenient design, which in principle has remained unchanged for flashlights for many years, is the design containing:

  • cylindrical body with batteries of the same shape;
  • reflector with a light bulb at one end of the housing;
  • removable cover at the other end of the housing.

And this design can be obtained using unnecessary household items. If you make a lantern with your own hands, you will, of course, not have the beauty of shapes like an industrial design. But it will be functional and you will get a lot of positive emotions from a working homemade product.

So, the main problem, which at first glance is difficult to solve, is the reflector. But it just seems complicated. In fact, we are surrounded by many objects that can become preparation for a number of reflectors different sizes. These are ordinary plastic bottles. Their inner surface near the neck is very close in shape to that of a reflector made at the factory. And the lid seems to be created for mounting an LED in it, which today is best source Sveta. It is brighter and more economical than a miniature light bulb.

Making a reflector

The fact that you may not be able to find a tube of suitable dimensions for making a body is not a problem. It can be glued together from individual parts. For example, from unnecessary disposable ballpoint pens. To spring the contacts, you can use a spiral, which is used for binding pages, and the contacts can be made from thin sheet metal, the raw material for which will be can. Therefore, we start with a choice plastic bottle desired sizes and selection of other elements. The smaller the bottle, the stiffer and stronger the reflector will be. The easiest way to fasten parts during assembly is using construction sealant.

So, let's start making a flashlight with our own hands. Using a sharp knife, cut off the neck and parabolic part of the body from the bottle and trim the edges with scissors.

For effective reflection, we use foil in which chocolate bars are wrapped. If its dimensions are not enough, you can cut the blank larger size from a roll of foil intended for baking products. To keep the foil on the surface, apply a thin layer of sealant. Then we press and level the foil over it. If she wrinkles, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that there are no swellings and that it follows the shape of the base.

We press the foil with our fingers and, smoothing out the unevenness, form the most even surface possible. Using scissors, trim the edges of the foil flush with the plastic base. Along the contour of the neck we make a cutout with a knife for the LED, which will subsequently be installed in this place on the socket.

We make it from the bottom of a bottle cap, cutting off the threaded edges with a sharp knife and, if necessary, trimming them with scissors. Then, using an awl or the tip of a knife to make two holes in the socket, we thread the legs of the LED through them, pressing its base against it. For correct installation LED lamp In the center of the cover, you need to select the correct distance between the holes based on the location of the legs at the base of the LED.

We bend the LED leads to the sides until they touch the edges of the socket. We attach the conductors to them by twisting. If the twisting turns out to be unreliable due to the properties of the wire cores or for other reasons, soldering is used. After attaching the wires, the leads are folded along the socket. It is recommended to check the performance of the received part using the batteries used in the flashlight.

Then we cut out a contact pad for the battery from a sheet of tin, which rests on the socket with the LED. By twisting or soldering we connect the pad - terminal with a shorter wire. We attach the terminal to a spring, which in turn is attached to the socket. To fasten the elements we use sealant.

Then we glue the socket with the LED into the reflector.

Bottom and case with batteries

The part of the flashlight body opposite the reflector is also made from a part of a bottle with a neck. But only from the very neck with the lid. A terminal made of a sheet of tin is glued to its inner wall. A wire is also attached to it. This wire and the second wire from the LED will be used to control the flashlight. The terminal is in contact with the battery, being pressed by a cap that is screwed onto the neck.

Two main parts are ready. Now we need to make a case for the batteries. To do this, we use dry and therefore no longer needed felt-tip pens. We leave only the body, which we shorten in length and cut along the axis at the ends, making two protrusions for gluing. Before cutting, make marks with a marker, applying the body of the felt-tip pen to the parts to be glued.

Apply glue to the protrusions and glue them to the reflector and the back, respectively.

Then we cut out the switch parts from the tin sheet. We mount the wires to them and glue the parts to the body.

We insert batteries into the flashlight and use it. This, of course, is not a factory-made flashlight with a high-quality reflector and high beam. But it is made with your own hands, it is your own product, which gives good low-level lighting and gives great pleasure, and money cannot buy it. Now you have a clear idea of ​​how easy it is to make a lantern yourself.

Ready flashlight and light from it

LED light sources are by far the most popular among consumers. LED lights are especially popular. There are different ways to get an LED flashlight: you can buy it in a store or make it yourself.

LED handheld flashlight

Many people who understand at least a little electronics, various reasons, increasingly prefer to make such lighting fixtures with their own hands. Therefore, this article will discuss several options for how you can make your own diode hand-held flashlight.

Advantages of LED lamps

Today, LED is considered one of the most profitable efficient light sources. It is capable of creating a bright luminous flux at low powers, and also has a lot of other positive technical characteristics.
It’s worth making your own flashlight from diodes for the following reasons:

  • individual LEDs are not expensive;
  • all aspects of assembly can be easily accomplished with your own hands;
  • homemade lighting fixture can run on batteries (two or one);

Pay attention! Due to the low power consumption of LEDs during operation, there are many schemes where only one battery powers the device. If necessary, it can be replaced with a battery of appropriate dimensions.

LEDs and their glow

In addition, the resulting lamp will last much longer than its analogues. In this case, you can choose any color of the glow (white, yellow, green, etc.). Naturally, the most relevant colors here will be yellow and white. But, if you need to make special lighting for some celebration, then you can use LEDs with a more extravagant glow color.

Where can the lamp be used and features

Very often there is a situation when you need light, but there is no way to install a lighting system and stationary lighting fixtures. In such a situation, a portable lamp will come to the rescue. An LED hand-held flashlight, which can be made with one or more batteries, will find wide application in everyday life:

  • it can be used for work in the garden;
  • illuminate closets and other rooms where there is no lighting;
  • use in the garage for inspection vehicle in the inspection hole.

Pay attention! If desired, by analogy with a hand-held flashlight, you can make a lamp model that can be easily installed on any surface. In this case, the flashlight will no longer be portable, but a stationary source of light.

To make your own LED flashlight manual type You need to remember, first of all, about the disadvantages of diodes. The truly widespread distribution of LED products is hampered by such shortcomings as the nonlinear current-voltage characteristic or current-voltage characteristic, as well as the presence of an “inconvenient” voltage for power supply. In this regard, everything LED lamps contain special voltage converters that operate from inductive energy storage devices or transformers. In this regard, before proceeding self-assembly To create such a lamp with your own hands, you need to choose the necessary diagram.
When planning to make a hand-held flashlight from LEDs, you need to mandatory think about his diet. You can make such a lamp using batteries (two or one).
Let's look at several options for how to make a diode hand-held flashlight.

Circuit with super-bright LED DFL-OSPW5111Р

This circuit will be powered by two, rather than one, batteries. The assembly diagram for this type of lighting device is as follows:

Flashlight assembly diagram

This circuit assumes that the lamp is powered by AA batteries. In this case, the ultra-bright DFL-OSPW5111P LED with a white glow type, having a brightness of 30 Cd and a current consumption of 80 mA, will be taken as a light source.
To make your own mini-flashlight from battery-powered LEDs, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • two batteries. An ordinary “tablet” will be enough, but other types of batteries can be used;
  • “pocket” for the power supply;

Pay attention! Best choice there will be a “pocket” for the battery, made on the old motherboard.

  • super bright diode;

Super bright diode for flashlight

  • a button that will turn on a homemade lamp;
  • glue.

The tools you will need in this situation are:

  • glue gun;
  • solder and soldering iron.

When all the materials and tools are collected, you can start working:

  • first from the old one motherboard remove the battery pocket. For this we need a soldering iron;

Pay attention! Soldering the part should be done very carefully so as not to damage the pocket contacts in the process.

  • the button to turn on the flashlight should be soldered to the positive pole of the pocket. Only after this will the LED leg be soldered to it;
  • the second leg of the diode must be soldered to the negative pole;
  • the result will be simple electrical circuit. It will close when the button is pressed, which will cause the light source to glow;
  • After assembling the circuit, install the battery and check its functionality.

Ready lantern

If the circuit has been assembled correctly, then when you press the button the LED will light up. After checking, to increase the strength of the circuit, the electrical solders of the contacts can be filled with hot glue. After this, we place the chains in the case (you can use it from an old flashlight) and use it for your health.
The advantage of this assembly method is the small dimensions of the lamp, which can easily fit in your pocket.

Second assembly option

Another way to make LED homemade flashlight– use an old lamp in which the bulb has burned out. In this case, you can also power the device with one battery. Here the following diagram will be used for assembly:

Diagram for assembling a flashlight

Assembly according to this scheme proceeds as follows:

  • We take a ferrite ring (it can be removed from a fluorescent lamp) and wind 10 turns of wire around it. The wire should have a cross-section of 0.5-0.3 mm;
  • after we have wound 10 turns, we make a tap or loop and wind 10 turns again;

Wrapped Ferrite Ring

  • Next, according to the diagram, we connect a transformer, an LED, a battery (one finger-type battery will be enough) and a KT315 transistor. You can also add a capacitor to brighten the glow.

Assembled circuit

If the diode does not light up, then it is necessary to change the polarity of the battery. If it doesn’t help, then the problem was not with the battery and you need to check the correct connection of the transistor and the light source. Now we supplement our diagram with the remaining details. The diagram should now look like this:

Scheme with additions

When capacitor C1 and diode VD1 are included in the circuit, the diode will begin to shine much brighter.

Visualization of the diagram with additions

Now all that remains is to choose a resistor. It is best to install a 1.5 kOhm variable resistor. After this, you need to find the place where the LED will shine brightest. Next, assembling a flashlight with one battery involves the following steps:

  • Now we disassemble the old lamp;
  • We cut out a circle from a narrow one-sided fiberglass that should correspond to the diameter of the lighting fixture tube;

Pay attention! It is worth selecting all parts of the electrical circuit to match the appropriate diameter of the tube.

Parts of the right size

  • Next we mark the board. After this, we cut the foil with a knife and tin the board. To do this, the soldering iron must have a special tip. You can make it yourself by winding a wire 1-1.5 mm wide onto the end of the tool. The end of the wire must be sharpened and tinned. It should look something like this;

Prepared soldering iron tip

  • Solder the parts to the prepared board. It should look like this:

Finished board

  • after that, we connect the soldered board to the original circuit and check its functionality.

Checking the functionality of the circuit

After checking, you need to solder all the parts well. It is especially important to solder the LED properly. It is also worth paying attention to the contacts going to one battery. The result should be the following:

Board with soldered LED

Now all that remains is to insert everything into the flashlight. After this, the edges of the board can be varnished.

Ready-made LED flashlight

This flashlight can be powered even from one dead battery.

Varieties of assembly schemes

In order to assemble an LED flashlight with your own hands, you can use a wide variety of circuits and assembly options. By choosing the right circuit, you can even make a flashing lighting fixture. In such a situation, a special flashing LED should be used. Such circuits usually include transistors and several diodes, which are connected to various power sources, including batteries.
There are options for assembling a hand-held diode lamp, when you can do without batteries at all. For example, in such a situation you can use the following scheme:

There are times in every person’s life when lighting is needed, but there is no electricity. This could be a simple power outage, or the need to repair the wiring in the house, or perhaps a forest hike or something similar.

And, of course, everyone knows that in this case, only an electric flashlight will help out - a compact and at the same time functional device. Nowadays there are many various types of this product. These include regular flashlights with incandescent lamps, and LED flashlights with rechargeable batteries. And there are a great many companies producing these devices - “Dick”, “Lux”, “Cosmos”, etc.

But not many people think about the principle of its operation. Meanwhile, knowing the structure and circuit of an electric flashlight, you can, if necessary, repair it or even assemble it with my own hands. Let's try to figure this out.

The simplest lanterns

Since flashlights are different, it makes sense to start with the simplest one - with a battery and an incandescent lamp, and also consider it possible malfunctions. The circuit diagram of such a device is elementary.

In fact, there is nothing in it except a battery, a power button and a light bulb. And therefore there are no special problems with it. Here are a few possible minor troubles that may result in the failure of such a flashlight:

  • Oxidation of any of the contacts. These could be the contacts of a switch, light bulb or battery. You just need to clean these circuit elements, and the device will work again.
  • Burning out of an incandescent lamp - everything is simple here; replacing the light element will solve this problem.
  • The batteries are completely discharged - replace the batteries with new ones (or charge them if they are rechargeable).
  • Lack of contact or broken wire. If the flashlight is no longer new, then it makes sense to change all the wires. This is not at all difficult to do.

LED flashlight

This type of flashlight has a more powerful luminous flux and at the same time consumes very little energy, which means that the batteries in it will last longer. It's all about the design of the light elements - LEDs do not have an incandescent filament, they do not consume energy on heating, which is why the efficiency of such devices is 80–85% higher. Also important is the role additional equipment in the form of a converter involving a transistor, a resistor and a high-frequency transformer.

If the flashlight has a built-in battery, then it also comes with a charger.

The circuit of such a flashlight consists of one or more LEDs, a voltage converter, a switch and a battery. In earlier flashlight models, the amount of power consumed by the LEDs had to match the amount produced by the source.

Now this problem has been solved using a voltage converter (also called a multiplier). Actually, he is main detail, which contains the electrical circuit of the flashlight.

If you want to make such a device with your own hands, there will not be any special difficulties. Transistor, resistor and diodes are not a problem. The most difficult part will be winding a high-frequency transformer on a ferrite ring, which is called a blocking generator.

But this can also be dealt with by taking a similar ring from a faulty electronic ballast of an energy-saving lamp. Although, of course, if you don’t want to mess around or don’t have time, then you can find highly efficient converters on sale, such as 8115. With their help, using a transistor and a resistor, it became possible production LED flashlight on one battery.

The scheme itself LED flashlight is similar to the simplest device, and you shouldn’t stop at it, because even a child can assemble it.

By the way, when using a voltage converter in the circuit on an old, simple flashlight, powered by a 4.5 volt square battery, which is no longer available for purchase, you can safely install a 1.5 volt battery, i.e. a regular “finger” or “little finger” one. battery. There will be no loss in luminous flux. The main task in this case is to have at least the slightest understanding of radio engineering, literally at the level of knowing what a transistor is, and also to be able to hold a soldering iron in your hands.

Refinement of Chinese lanterns

Sometimes it happens that a purchased flashlight with a battery (which appears to be of good quality) completely fails. And it’s not necessarily the buyer’s fault. improper use, although this also occurs. More often, this is a mistake when assembling a Chinese lantern in pursuit of quantity at the expense of quality.

Of course, in this case it will have to be remade, modernized somehow, because the money has been spent. Now you need to understand how to do this and whether it is possible to compete with the Chinese manufacturer and repair such a device yourself.

Considering the most common option, in which when the device is plugged in, the charging indicator lights up, but the flashlight does not charge and does not work, you can notice this.

A common mistake by the manufacturer is that the charge indicator (LED) is connected in parallel with the battery, which should never be allowed. At the same time, the buyer turns on the flashlight, and seeing that it is not lit, again supplies power to the charge. As a result, all LEDs burn out at once.

The fact is that not all manufacturers indicate that such devices cannot be charged with the LEDs turned on, since it will be impossible to repair them, all that remains is to replace them.

So, the modernization task is to connect the charge indicator in series with the battery.

As can be seen from the diagram, this problem is completely solvable.

But if the Chinese installed a 0118 resistor in their product, then the LEDs will have to be changed constantly, because the current supplied to them will be very high, and no matter what light elements are installed, they cannot withstand the load.

LED headlamp

IN recent years A similar lighting device has become quite widespread. Indeed, it is very convenient when your hands are free, and the beam of light hits where the person is looking, this is precisely the main advantage of a headlamp. Previously, only miners could boast of this, and even then, to wear it, you needed a helmet, onto which the flashlight was, in fact, attached.

Now, the mounting of such a device is convenient, you can wear it under any circumstances, and you don’t have a rather large and heavy battery hanging on your belt, which, moreover, must be charged once a day. The modern one is much smaller and lighter, and also has very low energy consumption.

So what is such a lantern? And the principle of its operation is no different from LED. The design options are the same - rechargeable or with removable batteries. The number of LEDs varies from 3 to 24 depending on the characteristics of the battery and converter.

In addition, such flashlights usually have 4 glow modes, not just one. These are weak, medium, strong and signal - when the LEDs blink at short intervals.

The modes of the LED headlamp are controlled by a microcontroller. Moreover, if it is available, even a strobe mode is possible. In addition, this does not harm LEDs at all, unlike incandescent lamps, since their service life does not depend on the number of on-off cycles due to the absence of an incandescent filament.

So which flashlight should you choose?

Of course, flashlights can be different in voltage consumption (from 1.5 to 12 V), and with different switches (touch or mechanical), with an audible warning about low battery. This may be the original or its analogues. And it’s not always possible to determine what kind of device is in front of your eyes. After all, until it fails and repairs begin, you cannot see what kind of microcircuit or transistor is in it. It's probably better to choose the one you like, but possible problems decide as soon as it arrives.



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