How to make a small concrete mixer yourself. Homemade manual concrete mixer from a metal barrel. Photo gallery: making a concrete mixer from an ordinary barrel

Carrying out almost any construction work in your home requires use concrete mortar. Those who have a concrete mixer are very lucky, because this unit greatly simplifies the process of mixing the mortar.

But even if you don’t have one, in this article we will talk about how to make a concrete mixer with your own hands at home and what is needed for the process of manufacturing the device.

Let's take a concrete mixer from a barrel

Wanting to save money, domestic craftsmen have long been practicing manufacturing homemade units for mixing cement. After all, for not large quantity solution, you can use a simple shovel and own strength, but for large volumes would be better suited handmade homemade concrete mixer from a barrel. This type of unit is controlled manually.

Using a barrel as a base is the simplest and most cheap option, especially if you have a barrel. And if it has a frame in the form of welded corners and rods, then this option is also very reliable.

A do-it-yourself concrete mixer can be made from a barrel with a capacity of one hundred liters or more. Several holes must be drilled at the ends of the cover to install the shaft, and flanges with bearings are placed on the bottom.

Then you need to cut a hole in the side of the container through which the mixture will be loaded to make the solution. Optimal size holes – 30×30 cm.

Many people wondering how to make a concrete mixer with their own hands - are faced with the problem of the hatch not fitting tightly. In order for the lid to fit as closely as possible to the structure, a sealing rubber band must be glued along the edges of the hole.

The hatch itself is directly attached to the body using ordinary hinges. As for the shaft, in order for the forced-action concrete mixer to work properly with your own hands, this element should be installed at an angle of at least 30 degrees.

The finished manual concrete mixer is mounted in the ground or tightly installed on the surface. Here everything depends on your imagination and capabilities. The shaft can be made from several iron rods with a diameter of 0.5 cm.

In principle, at this point the manufacturing of the structure can be considered complete. For first use, load the elements of the future solution into the barrel and twist it until the mixture is ready. To unload the resulting solution using a concrete mixer manual type is installed with the container so that the hatch is at the bottom.

Substituting the container, the hole opens and the mixture is removed. A handmade homemade concrete mixer made from a barrel will last longer if you treat it with anti-corrosion agents from time to time.

Homemade concrete mixer from 200 liter barrel(video)

1.1 Electrical unit

If you are interested in how to make a concrete mixer with your own hands, but you want to get a more advanced unit than one with manual controls, then this instruction is for you.

A homemade manual concrete mixer made from a barrel cannot be compared with an electric unit, at least because in the case of the latter, cement mortar will take significantly less effort. So, manufacturing the structure will require you to prepare certain materials, a list of which is given below.

1.2 What will you need?

Prepare in advance:

  1. A container that will mix the cement. You can also use a small barrel or other metal container for this.
  2. Electric motor from a washing machine. You can choose another one, but the motor from a washing machine usually withstands heavy loads. Moreover, the engine of a washing machine, especially an old one, is not so difficult to find.
  3. Drive shaft.
  4. Fittings for blades. You can use regular metal corners.
  5. Several bearings.
  6. Metal elements for making the frame.

Using a washing machine engine and a barrel with a capacity of about two hundred liters, you can get from seven to ten buckets of cement in one go. On average, this is enough for one cycle of construction work.

To unit electric type the solution was mixed more efficiently, the container can be additionally equipped with screw blades. They are installed at an angle of 30 degrees.

If you don’t have a washing machine motor, then you can look for a motor whose rotation speed is about one and a half thousand revolutions per minute. It is desirable that the shaft rotation speed be no more than 48 revolutions.

Using a motor with these parameters to produce the unit, you can achieve the most optimal mixing results: the solution will be of high quality, and there will be no dry lumps left in it. In addition, to ensure that the engine operates normally and does not let you down at the most crucial moment, you will need to install the gearbox as well as the belt drive pulleys.

1.3 Let’s start assembling the unit

How to make a concrete mixer at home using a motor from a washing machine or other device - read below:

  1. Holes should be drilled on both sides of the barrel or other container to connect the shaft to the drum.
  2. As for the opening for loading and unloading the mixture, it is arranged according to the same principle as in the case of a manual design.
  3. A gear ring should be installed on the bottom of the tank, protruding as part of the gearbox. Here it is also necessary to install a gear with a small diameter.
  4. Now is the most crucial moment. In order for an ordinary barrel to become an electric concrete mixer, you need to insert a bearing with a large diameter into a piece of pipe that will be welded to the container. After this, the shaft itself should be connected to the motor.
  5. In order to make the operation of an electric concrete mixer more convenient and, if necessary, it can be moved around the construction site, the structure can be equipped with wheels. The wheels are installed on the machined ends of an axle made of metal reinforcement. The diameter in this case should be 40-45 mm.
  6. Another important point. To simplify the work with the unit, it can be additionally equipped rotating mechanism. If you don't know how to do this, then there is nothing difficult here. By welding you need to connect two segments metal pipe with a diameter of 50-60 mm with several stops, as well as bearing housings. After this, the device will only have to weld the plugs and handles.

2 Typical mistakes when making a concrete mixer

In practice, when making concrete mixers, craftsmen often make mistakes that lead to certain problems. To avoid this, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance:

  1. First of all, any working tank, be it a metal barrel or another container, must be of the highest quality. Therefore, make sure in advance that there are no holes in your barrel and that there are no signs of corrosion or other mechanical damage.
  2. Do not forget that the instructions were written specifically so that you can get a high-quality unit. Therefore, follow these points as closely as possible. If you deviate from the actions, they will end up being inconsistent with each other, and accordingly, there is a high probability of getting a low-quality concrete mixer.
  3. Please also take into account the fact that metal elements structures cannot be welded to cast iron. The process of making a concrete mixer itself is not particularly easy, and such mistakes will only complicate it.
  4. Also remember that it is better not to overload the concrete mixer with mass. It is better to run several mixing cycles than to break the unit in one go.

If you follow the rules described in the instructions and take into account in advance all the mistakes that can be made during the process, you can save a lot of money.

To make the unit high-quality, you will need a minimum of building materials and tools, but you need to be very careful.

When starting construction, anyone at least once has a question: how to make a manual concrete mixer with your own hands? It's quite a tedious task, mixing in a bucket.

  • Tub for combination mixer– this is not best option. In the corners, the solution does not mix properly, and for a better solution you need to rotate for a very long time, consuming electricity. For small portions of the solution, a good tub is obtained from two identical basins. If the stirrer will be used occasionally, you can also use plastic basins secured along the rim with metal tape. The bottom of one of the basins needs to be cut out. This tub will only be tiltable: side unloading is not possible. The neck of this top-discharge bucket must be reinforced with two transverse bars.
  • The drive is used in factory-made mixers, it is expensive and you cannot make it yourself: it is necessary special equipment. For a high-quality replacement, the following elements will be needed: a flywheel (even an old one from any car engine will do); gear (take it in the same place as the previous option); wheel hub - from the same car.
  1. Incorrect selection of tub. You need to choose a round one, high and not very wide: the distance from the edges of the vibrator to its walls should be equal to its radius.
  2. Flat vibrator. If you make it from a metal sheet, then this will not excite a certain system of internal waves in the solution. An excellent vibrator can be made from two folded metal plates or saucers.
  3. Big vibrator. Typically the vibrator diameter is 20 cm/kW. A wider one will not be able to mix the solution efficiently.
  4. Incorrect position of the vibrator. In general, the vibrator should be located along the axis of the tub at a distance equal to its diameter from the bottom. The solution above the vibrator should also be equal to its diameter. If these conditions are met, the quality of the solution will be excellent.
  5. Controlling the duration of the batch concrete mixture. If the mixture stops gurgling and moving, this means the solution is ready. In this case, 10 minutes minimum will be enough.

Concrete mixer drawings

For this purpose, various cement mixtures, as the most affordable to date building material. If the amount of work is small, then you can prepare a cement mortar construction mixer or in a small bucket, stirring it with a shovel.

But if you need a path in front of the house and pedestrian paths, build a stone shed or make a fence with concrete base and brick pillars, then it is advisable to have a mechanism on hand that will ensure the preparation of a cement or concrete mixture. In we will tell you how to make a concrete mixer with your own hands and what materials you will need for this.

Existing types of concrete mixers

The main types of devices for preparing cement mortar or concrete are determined by the mixing method.

It could be:

  1. gravitational, based on the simple turning over of the constituent components of the mixture;
  2. mechanical, which resembles gravity, but to improve mixing, additional dissecting elements are added to the design;
  3. vibration, in which the mixture is prepared thanks to a vibrator immersed in it;
  4. combined, where two or three mixing methods are used simultaneously.

Each type of concrete mixer has its own positive and negative qualities, which depend on the cost of materials, the complexity of production and the required level of quality of the concrete solution prepared in them.

Gravity-type mechanisms

This is the simplest manual concrete mixer with your own hands, requiring a minimum of cost and effort in manufacturing. However, the quality of the prepared mixture in such a device can be called no more than satisfactory, and it will not be possible to produce large volumes of solution in it.

And yet, with relatively small requirements for the solution, given its simplicity and low cost, such a do-it-yourself concrete mixer is quite widely used when performing construction work on personal plots.

Structurally, its design is a horizontally located, closed container with an opening door through which components are supplied.

For more convenient use of a gravity-type concrete mixer, it is installed on a welded support frame.

You can use a metal can or an ordinary steel barrel as a container. After bookmarking necessary materials through the door, close it tightly, and begin to rotate the container using the handle. After mixing, the gravity-type concrete mixer is turned with the door down, and the finished solution is dumped through it into a tray.

Mechanical mixers

Homemade concrete mixer with your own hands mechanical type outwardly very similar to gravitational. The main difference is inside her.

These are guide and cutting blades welded to the inner walls of the container. They direct the fall of the overturned layers, cutting them into separate parts.

In this case, the dough will be of higher quality and in a shorter time. The presence of blades changes the very principle of gravitational mixing. Therefore, the working container can be positioned not only horizontally, but also at an angle, which allows for more efficient use of the volume of the concrete mixer and makes work more convenient.

Schematic illustration mechanical concrete mixer.

In addition, a working container installed at an angle to the horizontal no longer requires a sealed lid, and the finished mixture can be dumped through a constantly open hole by turning the working container itself over.

Making a working container

You can also use a steel barrel as a working container, to the inner walls of which steel blades should be welded at an angle of 30-35 degrees. The height of the blades should be equal to a quarter of the diameter of the barrel. It is possible to weld the blades to a rotating shaft running inside.

A more difficult option would be to make a container of your own design, a kind of homemade product. To do this you will need a piece of steel thin-walled pipe with a wall thickness of 2.5-3.5 mm, a diameter of at least 800 mm and a length of at least a meter.

The supporting frame is best made from steel profile pipes.

One side of the pipe is welded with a steel circle. On the other side, 4-6 triangular segments are cut out, which are folded to the middle and welded together. The result is a container resembling a pear. The blades are welded inside the pear, and in the center, on the outer side of the bottom, a steel axle is welded for subsequent fastening of the drive pulley.

They are less susceptible to bending than angle bars and are relatively lightweight. The frame design should include the installation of support wheels on which the container will rest, and a platform for installing the electric motor.

The frame itself should consist of two parts:

  1. the support on which the entire structure will rest;
  2. rotating, on which the working container will rest.

Support frame with handle and wheels.

The supporting and rotating parts of the frame are connected to each other through short shafts mounted in bearings or bushings.

A transverse handle must be welded to one of the shafts to allow tilting of the rotating part of the frame, and with it the working container, which will lie on the frame, resting on wheels.

Mechanical concrete mixer drive

The drive for rotating the mixer in devices of this type is extremely rare and only with a small volume of working capacity. Typically, an electric motor connected to the mixer through a belt drive is used for rotation.

It is even better to connect the electric drive through a gearbox, but a self-made concrete mixer in this case will be too expensive in terms of the necessary components. In factory designs you can see gear transmission from the motor installed on the side of the tank, in the place largest diameter, but at self-production such a solution is feasible only theoretically.

Vibrating type concrete mixer

Vibrating devices are widely used in the industrial preparation of mortars and concrete mixtures, since they provide best quality final material. They are very simple in design, and then making them yourself is quite easy.

During operation, the components begin to actively mix, and water is gradually added until the required degree of solution thickness is obtained. At the end of the process, a hatch opens at the bottom of the tank, and ready mix falls into a pan or car body.

Structurally, such a concrete mixer is a stationary container located vertically. In the upper part, the necessary components for preparing mortar or concrete are loaded, a certain amount of water is added, and a submersible vibrator is lowered into the middle.

If you already have your own submersible vibrator or you have the opportunity to purchase one, then making such a concrete mixer yourself will not be difficult. There are no moving or rotating parts, there is no need to invent a drive and a rotating frame design, but simply install the improved barrel design on the support frame and place the receiving tray below.

The main difficulty in operating such a design is the need to ensure a stable position of the vibrator. In order for the finished mixture to be of high quality, it is necessary to place the vibrator strictly in the center of the volume occupied by the prepared solution and mix it all at the same time.

On industrial enterprises For this purpose, a special lowering structure is used, on which the working mechanism is fixed.

If you decide to use a steel barrel as a working container, then first of all you need to remove the bottom and lid. After this you need to make from steel sheet a truncated cone, the larger diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the barrel, and weld an opening gate to the smaller diameter. You can buy it or make it from existing corners and a steel plate with a handle - then you will get it for free. Weld the manufactured cone to the barrel, and the working container will be ready.

Now you need to install the container on a support frame, the height of which will ensure that a receiving tray can be placed under the concrete mixer. It is best to install it with a slight slope or feed the solution into it through a receiving chute, and install the tray itself next to it.

In conclusion

When deciding to make a concrete mixer with your own hands, you need to understand that its manufacture will require a large amount of welding and plumbing work. You must have such skills or have an assistant who can do this. It would also be a good idea to look online additional photos and video materials, having become familiar with the experience already accumulated by other people.

The work should begin with identifying the materials already available. Based on such an audit, it is necessary to make drawings or a sketch diagram of the future device. After this, purchase all the missing materials and tools, and then begin manufacturing.

No construction project of any scale is complete without a high-quality concrete mixer. The device is not cheap, but it is periodically necessary at the dacha or in the homestead, so many people think about buying it even in cases where the question of global construction is not at issue. You can get out of this situation by building a high-quality concrete mixer yourself. Today we’ll look at several options on how to make this easier and cheaper.

Concrete mixer. Why is it needed?

A homemade concrete mixer with your own hands opens up a lot of prospects for working with concrete and not only with it, but with everything construction mixtures. By spending some time building a device of any complexity level, you can get reliable design, which will help out not only its owner, but also its neighbors more than once.

It is useful for preparing mortar when laying brick, foam block, stone, and for building foundations different types, for the manufacture of decorative elements and landscape design, for example, garden paths. The price of the most inexpensive concrete mixer is about 8 thousand rubles.

Prices for concrete mixers

On average it will have 20-25 liters of batch, and the power can be from 150 W. Not the best choice even for periodic use, especially for construction. The mixing drum in such concrete mixers is belt driven by an electric motor, and this is the most simple design, which you can buy.

More advanced and productive models are in a more serious price category. About 22 thousand piglets for a concrete mixer with a rim driven mixing drum. Its volume will be from 120 to 140 liters, which is approximately 80 kg of the finished mixture. This is not yet a professional model, but it can already be used for small-scale construction. Now that we are guided by the prices and characteristics of ready-made concrete mixers, we can consider options for building it ourselves, and the design can be chosen depending on how many cubes we need in a ready-mixed concrete mixer.

Choosing a concrete mixer design

For a summer residence or personal plot everyone will be able to choose a device of such productivity that they need it, and not overpay for extra cubic meters of ground air. This is the main advantage of building a concrete mixer yourself. The second advantage is that you can use literally everything you have at hand and build a concrete mixing plant with minimal costs in terms of money and time.

That is why the choice of the device concept remains with the owner. We publish photos of the most interesting and simple devices, but you can always complicate the design.

Required design elements

Be that as it may, any concrete mixer must have the following elements in its design so that it can minimally perform its functions:

How to make a frame and select an electric motor

The frame and frame of a concrete mixer can be made of wood, but there are many questions about the practicality of such a design. As a temporary option, you can use 15x15 timber, but whether this makes sense is up to each individual to judge. The optimal option for durability and strength is a welded frame made from angle or rolled steel of any profile. We have presented several drawings in the photo as an example.

If you decide to install an electric motor, usually you use a motor from a household washing machine. Empirically, it has long been calculated that 25-30 revolutions per minute at the outlet of the gearbox is quite sufficient for high-quality mixing of any mixture. An electric motor from a washing machine can provide good torque, the motor is quite durable, especially if it is used in a gentle operating mode. For more productive and high-volume concrete mixers, three-phase electric motors are used.

Mandatory geometric parameters for a cylindrical type concrete mixer are the inclination angle of the main axis of about 40-45 degrees. In this case, a folding mechanism is needed to unload the finished mixture. There are options homemade concrete mixers from a barrel with a horizontal mixing drum. In this case, a hinged hatch is installed in the barrel, which closes tightly during the preparation of the concrete mixture, and opens during unloading, and the finished mixture falls into a container prepared in advance.

There are many designs and types of homemade concrete mixers. The main thing when designing and building it is patience and the ability to use basic tools and welding, which is what we wish for you. Good luck to everyone!

A do-it-yourself concrete mixer is necessary for construction work. If you need to erect a building, you will need a lot of concrete. Even for wooden building A solid concrete foundation is required. In view of this, it is impossible to save on material.

DIY options

Don't know how to make a concrete mixer? There are several options. A simple option is a handmade product that works using human power. Complex option - homemade device using an electric motor. It should be made from improvised means.

Making at home requires observing the nuances. The product must be:

  • Safe. It is especially important to pay attention to the gearbox powered by electric current.
  • Low cost, ease of production. The parts you need for production should be cheap.
  • Ease of use. A mechanical concrete mixer is practically no different from a manual machine, and it is much easier to use. Decide in advance on the type of device.

Materials and tools

For a manual barrel concrete mixer, you will need the following materials:

  • channel;
  • card loops;
  • Bulgarian;
  • 200 liter barrel;
  • bearing housings;
  • metal corners (50x50 millimeters);
  • welding machine;
  • fasteners;
  • flanges;
  • pipe.

How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands with an electric motor? Additional materials required:

  • electric motor;
  • pipe sections;
  • rod reinforcement;
  • corners.

DIY concrete mixer from a barrel (video)

Step by step instructions

  1. Cut holes on the side (24x30 cm) - they are required for laying the concrete components and the hatch.
  2. The hatch will be opened using card hinges.
  3. Flanges are fixed to it. Inside the barrel they will prevent the walls from breaking.
  4. The comb is made from corners. It speeds up the process of preparing the mixture. The length of the corners is 760 millimeters; they are installed inside the barrel. The pins are fixed to the corners by welding.
  5. The elements are welded. The racks are placed near the ends of the barrel.
  6. To give the concrete mixer stability, the supports of the racks are dug into the ground (the depth should be 30 centimeters), and the soil is compacted.
  7. Levers are attached to both sides of the shaft. The length of the handles should ensure that the drum can be rotated with both hands.

After the concrete mixer structure is ready, it is placed on the site. It is necessary to choose a place where the concrete components will be stored. They are inserted through the hatch, then the shaft is rotated. To ensure mixing of the mixture, 15 revolutions are enough.

Important! Build-ups may appear inside the barrel. For cleaning, stones and water (1 bucket) are placed in the drum. Next, it is enough to make 25 revolutions of the shaft. The contents of the barrel are then emptied.

Engine Installation

The production of a barrel with an electric motor is carried out using a single-phase motor. Its rotation speed should be less than 40 rpm.

You can use engines from old ones washing machines- “Wave”, “Seagull”. They have sufficient torque. It is important to remember that the optimal rotation speed for the tub is between 20 and 30 rpm. For this, different gearboxes are used. The easiest way is to use a drive belt and pulley.

It is also allowed to use a motor from a motorcycle running on gasoline. This device is convenient to use because it does not depend on electricity. Reducing the rotation speed will help chain reducer. The engine is attached with 4 bolts to a bracket welded to the body.

Free concrete mixer plans

Important nuances

  • To make it convenient to use the device, it is worthwhile to provide a structure for overturning (it is made from corners) and a mechanism for transportation.
  • Before manufacturing, it is worth taking into account individual characteristics and showing design resourcefulness. This is the only way to create a product that will be convenient to use.
  • For high-quality operation, it is necessary to ensure rotation of the shaft through the bearings. The maximum dose of solution is limited to 7 buckets.

Drawings: design features

  • It is not difficult to draw up a drawing for creating a concrete mixer. To make a simple device you will need a bucket, a drill, and a bracket. But you can also produce little concrete. However, using the presented design it will be possible to make concrete for garden path or filling the floor in the room. To carry out large volumes, an appropriate capacity is required - from 150 liters. It can be welded from sheets of metal.

  • The next stage is the construction of the base. It should also be reflected in the drawing. The foundation must support the weight of the machine and concrete. It must also be durable. When performing minor work, a frame made of timber with a cross-section of more than 100 millimeters is suitable. For large volumes, a metal frame should be preferred. The structure is assembled using welding.
  • The engine can be made from an old washing machine motor. To ensure the required rotation speed, it is worth using gearboxes. They can be made of belts and pulleys.

Even during production simple device, drawings are required. They are much easier to work with.

Operating principle of a concrete mixer (video)

To carry out construction work, you simply need a concrete mixer. You can do it yourself. The product can be manual or equipped with an electric motor. Don’t forget about the drawings; with their help, the work will be completed quickly and without errors!

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