Why a knife breaks in your hand: a sign. Broke, fell, find a knife - signs

Majority will accept about knives they warn about threats and dangers - such is the nature of the knife itself, capable of cutting, wounding, killing!

Find a knife according to the sign, not just to trouble, but to big trouble. The most the best option will pretend that you didn’t notice him and walk past! After all, whoever finds and picks up a knife is in danger of scandals, “showdowns,” betrayal of loved ones, and even fights. Signs say that even murder is possible.

There are some nuances in such a dangerous find: if the knife blade is broken, your hopes for the best will not come true; a sharply sharpened knife means anxiety and difficult trials, and a rusty one foreshadows imminent separation.

Why does the knife fall?

The knife fell on the floor - a sign that a male guest will come soon. However, most likely, you are not expecting him and, moreover, you do not have sympathy for him. To rid yourself of such a visitor, signs advise tapping the flat of the blade of a fallen knife on the floor and saying: “Stay at home!”

The worst omen is when the knife falls and sticks into the floor. In this case, one of the household members faces death. However, this sign is true only if the knife fell while slicing bread.

The knife broke. Sign.

Breaking a knife or seeing it broken in a dream is unlucky. Fate warns that something terrible is approaching, fraught with danger. To protect yourself, signs advise:

Throw away the blade of the broken knife and say the spell: “Even though the knife breaks, grief and misfortune does not affect me and my loved ones”;

It is better to postpone important things planned for this day.

Other signs about knives.

Two knives near the bread on the table or two knives to cut bread for dinner - a quarrel and scandals.

Iron knife - good protection from evil spirits. It protects those getting married and pregnant women from the evil eye and damage (the evil eye will be cut by a sharp knife blade). The knife protects babies from the evil one. Therefore, in the old days, a knife was always placed in the cradle, right up to the baptism of the child, and the expectant mother, in anticipation of the birth of the child, put it under her pillow so that the baby would be born healthy and strong.

In the beliefs of many peoples, you cannot eat from a knife - you will become evil. The same as people for whom a knife in their camping, homeless life is also a fork - soldiers and hunters, tramps and robbers.

You should not leave a knife on the table at night - a brownie, having stumbled upon it and cut himself, may get angry and stab the careless owner.

You cannot give a knife as a gift, but this sign can be “deceived” by giving the giver small money. Thus, it turns out that you bought the knife and did not receive it as a gift.

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A knife is a familiar object to everyone, but not everyone knows what mystical power it has.

This is a symbol of strength and power; it can be either a talisman and a protective talisman, or attract conflicts and misfortunes.

It is not without reason that this item was used in mystical rituals and cults, in magic and witchcraft. It must be treated correctly and respectfully, and be aware of the relevant ancient superstitions and traditions. And observe them so that there is peace in the house, and troubles and evil are avoided.

Different beliefs

The most common is a dropped knife. But that’s not all that can happen to this item! Not only traditional and well-known superstitions are associated with it, but also rarer ones.

Let's say this device not only sometimes falls on the floor, it can be accidentally broken, lost, found, given or received as a gift, and so on. What is worth knowing about this?

1. Many people know why a knife falls from the table to the floor. As you know, this is for a person’s visit to the house, and a male one at that.

2. If the device fell and hit the floor with its handle, it means that it is coming to you close person, whom you know well. This man is pleasant to you, has no negativity towards you, and the visit will most likely be pleasant.

3. If the device falls and lies on the floor with its tip in your direction, be on alert - the guest coming towards you carries some hidden evil motives within himself, he is not coming with good intentions. The meeting will not be pleasant for you, and may result in conflict.

If you want to get rid of the need to meet such a person at home, pick up the device and tap its handle on the edge of the table, and say quietly “stay at home,” then no one will come.

4. If this object fell with its tip in the other direction, the man’s visit does not bode well - just some man he knows wants to see you.

5. If the knife fell and stuck on the floor, a stranger is coming towards you. With good or bad intentions is unknown, so if you don’t want surprises, knock on the table with the handle.

6. It’s not good when a knife breaks - it’s unpleasant in itself, but also bad omen, which may portend failure. But there is a way to avoid troubles.

If the device is broken, there is no need to try to fix it, even if your favorite item is broken. You need to throw it away, and at the same time say a conspiracy: “The knife breaks, grief does not concern me.”

7. If the device begins to rust, this means you should pay attention to your health - it has probably begun to deteriorate.

8. If suddenly, by mistake in a restaurant or at a party, you come across two knives instead of one cutlery, it means that you will be married twice - this is what the sign says.

9. Losing this item may be offensive, but not scary. This good omen, you will get rid of some evil.

Useful knowledge

There are traditions that will help you avoid unpleasant quarrels, family conflicts and failures. A knife is an important item that must be handled correctly.

For example, if you happen to find a knife, don’t take it! It’s a bad omen, but only if you pick up the find. This will lead to troubles and failures, so even if you manage to find very beautiful knife- refrain and pass by.

  • Many people know that a knife cannot be given as a gift - why is that? Because it is sharp and its blade will destroy friendships, such a gift can lead to conflict. But why not cheat? Since you can’t give it as a gift, you can buy it – for a symbolic five kopecks. Such a gift will not bring trouble.
  • You cannot leave it on the table - there is a belief that there will be quarrels in the family.
  • It is also forbidden to leave knives crossed on the table, or a knife and fork - this also leads to conflicts.
  • It is known that you cannot twist a knife on the table or play with it - this will bring trouble to the house.
  • You can't eat from the tip - it's a bad omen, and you can cut yourself.

Signs will help you avoid unpleasant surprises. It’s good to just know what the gift of a knife leads to, what will happen if it is left on the table, found or lost, dropped or broken, why it is undesirable to eat from the edge and cannot just be given as a gift - this knowledge will help in life and make your destiny happier.

Use signs wisely and without fanaticism - and let every gift of fate be only welcome, and let the surprises in life be the most pleasant. Author: Vasilina Serova

Many household items are associated with folk signs and superstitions. Most originated in ancient times and survived until today. The folk superstition about a broken knife in your hand does not bode well. What to do if a knife breaks in your hand and what this means, we will consider below.

Sign: why does a knife break in your hand?

The general interpretation of the sign promises a person a loss of vitality, a serious defeat. More exact interpretation is this:

  1. Broken in half cutlery promises trouble. The same can be said about cases when the handle breaks, or the blade is covered with a network of cracks and rust.
  2. A knife that breaks in your hands, according to signs, can portend trouble for loved ones (accidents, robbery, etc.).
  3. Sometimes the breakdown of an old knife after buying a new one is interpreted as an insult to the owner.
  4. Sometimes the breaking of a blade in the hand is perceived as an attempt by strangers to cause damage. If you believe the signs, the blade allegedly took on the main impact, thereby saving its owners.
  5. A knife accidentally broken in your hand can promise conflicts in a romantic relationship and upcoming separation. Disagreements with family members are possible.
  6. Rust and breakage of a steel blade indicates the poor health of one of the household members.

Please note: items that are unusable cannot be stored. It is important to get rid of it immediately after a breakdown, after wrapping it in paper or cloth.

If the tip of the knife breaks

Signs say that the tip of the knife symbolizes the so-called shield, which acts as a storehouse of negative energy. As soon as the level of negativity goes off scale, the end of the tip breaks off. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Get rid of the knife.
  2. Re-sharpen the blade.

Please note: the knife collects the negativity of strangers in relation not only to the residents of the house, but even to the building itself.

Careless handling of broken cutlery can result in cuts. The interpretation of signs in this regard varies depending on which finger is cut and on which hand.


Cut with a broken knife thumb on right hand promises trouble for someone close to you. Moreover, the problem solving will be done by the person who cut himself.

When an injury is on the left hand, the sign portends serious financial losses. A person should pay great attention to his finances to avoid unplanned expenses.


If it breaks in your hand steel knife and cut your left one in the process - you should prepare for a quarrel with your best friends.

A sign of damage to the right index finger promises insurmountable differences in communication with influential people. Tolerance, understanding and lack of aggression will help mitigate conflict.


On the left hand, the tip of a broken device - there will be conflicts with best friend. Quarrels will end with the cessation of close contacts. Disagreements can be avoided by more attention and patience.

If injured middle finger on the right hand, one should expect betrayal. Often, a sign promises betrayal of a partner in a romantic relationship.


If a broken knife injures the ring finger on your left hand, you need to take care of your reputation. Most likely, she is under a big thunderstorm and causes doubts among others.

A similar injury, but with right side, usually indicates gossip and gossip. You should be wary because someone you know is spreading rumors.

Little finger

According to signs, this finger symbolizes positive emotions, material well-being, and joy. Injuring the little finger on the right hand means severe disappointments that will follow after making a previously planned purchase. It's better to think several times before spending money.

If a broken cutlery injures your left little finger, you should prepare for constant problems in your everyday life (blackouts, water, etc.).

How to interpret the corresponding dream

If you dreamed of a broken knife, this promises severe disappointment, the collapse of plans and desires.

Getting injured by a broken blade in a dream means a severe illness that will overtake you in the near future. In another interpretation, instead of feeling unwell, a person will experience a serious nervous breakdown.

If you had to repair a broken knife in a dream, it means real life will be able to establish relationships with a loved one.

Not everyone knows that if knives break, become dull or fall, it is a negative omen. Knives are items that require special treatment.

In the article:

Knives break, become dull or fall - a sign

If knives fall in your kitchen, the omen promises you a visit from a man. At the same time, they look at how many knives fell. If there is only one, then there will be only one guest. And if all the sharp objects in your house have fallen to the floor, an old sign promises you many exciting acquaintances and a meeting with your soulmate. But if after the fall the blade stuck into the floor, you will have an unpleasant interaction with a man or a quarrel with him. There is also a more unpleasant omen: if a knife falls on the floor while cutting bread and sticks into the floor, this foreshadows the appearance of a dead person in the house. This sign is especially true about families in which there are old or sick people. If, while cutting bread, the tool falls with its handle, a guest will soon come, and even before you finish the meal for which you cut the bread. Previously, they would have thought that if you have a stupid weapon, then you yourself are stupid too. There is a rational grain in this; the blade should be kept sharp and suitable for use. Even now, many people believe that what knives are like, so is their owner. A person whose hands do not reach the point of sharpening the object with which his food is prepared is inclined to create problems for himself. If your knives constantly become dull, pay attention to this tendency. Breaking a knife is an unpleasant omen. Sometimes this happens due to jealousy of the item that has been replaced with a new one. But, in any case, if the knife breaks, the signs promise problems for you or your entire family. Since in the old days it was considered a strong amulet, if your personal item is broken, it means that it was directed at you. Perhaps someone is using it to harm you. You cannot store broken knives at home; you will have to throw them away, even if you are very used to this product. Usually they throw a broken thing where people don’t go, with the words:

Even though the knife breaks, grief and misfortune do not concern me.

Giving knives is a bad omen

In the East, giving a decorative edged weapon symbolizes the desire to break off a relationship. Such gifts are not accepted there even now. But in the East they only consider giving decorative blades as gifts; this superstition does not concern ordinary people. IN Latin America it's the other way around. They believe that a household knife will bring quarrels and misfortune, but a decorative one a great gift. In our country it is not customary to give knives as gifts. It is believed that such a gift will bring a quarrel between the giver and the person for whom such a gift is intended. It is believed that a sharp blade can cut friendships or love ties between people, and sometimes there is an opinion that this gift can even shorten life path. Therefore, they are not given as a gift, but exchanged for a small coin or other purely symbolic item. Then the bad omen does not come true. This superstition is popular not only among the Slavs, but also in Europe. It is believed that the blade has a soul that does not recognize being given as a gift and wants to be purchased. That's why exchange is needed.

Household signs about knives

Decorative blades are often used as interior decoration. They can literally transform a boring room and highlight your taste. But signs about knives do not allow them to be hung strictly vertically on the wall. It brings death. If you want to hang a bladed weapon on the wall, place it at an angle to the floor. Do not store household products with the blade facing up - this not only threatens injury, but also serves as a sign of quarrels. An ancient sign can easily answer the question why you can’t eat from a knife. She foreshadowed anger and loneliness for impatient people who are too lazy to look for a spoon, because it is difficult to find those who want to communicate with an evil person. In addition, trying to eat with such an object instead of a fork can lead to injury. For girls, this sign promises an angry and sharp-tongued husband.

If two knives or one with a fork intersect on the table, you should immediately move them, preferably to different corners of the table. This sign portends a major quarrel or failure. You should also not spin the knife on the table.

Some believe that a blade crossed with another blade is bad luck, and if this happens with a knife and a fork or spoon, death will come into the house if these cutlery are not immediately moved in different directions. Sharp objects were always hidden at night. There is even an opinion that if you leave a sharp blade under the light of the moon on a full moon, it will become dull by morning. Few people would want to sharpen a knife again. It cannot be left on the table, it is a pet. Some believe that this makes it possible for evil spirits to stab someone in this house or prevents the brownie from fighting it and can even cut him. You cannot sharpen a knife after sunset, this portends the entry into the house of a thief, robber or enemy who wants you harm or even wants your death. You cannot use knives instead of skewers. If you forgot them and have already left for nature, use branches and other objects. If you are accidentally given two knives at a feast, it means you will have two marriages.

  • Playing with a knife is a sign of a quarrel.

Ancient signs warn that if a knife is found and picked up, the person who did it will die from a stab wound. This sign does not indicate how soon this will happen, but it still follows from it that you cannot pick up knives on the street. The loss of a knife in most signs symbolizes the loss of life. If you think badly of an item while using it at the same time, he may be offended. Most often this leads to its loss or cuts. Things that we underestimate either try to show what they are capable of, or they become completely offended and leave. You cannot cut bread with two different blades, this will lead to a quarrel. You can’t even put two sharp objects near the bread. Do not leave the blade in the bread, this is disrespectful, and the punishment for this is poverty and hunger.

Ancient customs and signs about knives

In some regions it was forbidden to come to visit with bladed weapons. He should have been left near front door, at least. If the guest did not do this, he was disrespectful and aggressive, and also brought misfortune to the house. Most likely, this custom was caused by the fact that the owners were unnerved by guests with edged weapons.

The Slavs attributed many specific characteristics to edged weapons and sharp household objects. magical properties. For example, a knife was considered the best amulet, like many other metal objects - pins, sickles, needles. It was wrapped in silk and placed under the pillow, carried with them, and placed in the cradle. In this way they protected pregnant and giving birth women, children, the bride and groom, stuck them into the floor, threshold or wall to create protection, and baptized windows and doorways with knives. Sometimes they were used during funerals, but they were never taken to funerals, so as not to hurt the soul of the deceased. If you were in the same house with the deceased small child, he was given a blade to protect himself from death. A sharp object was placed under the table with the dead person; it was believed that this would slow down the decomposition of the body. Seeing evil spirits, our ancestors drew a circle around themselves with a blade. Things consecrated in... had special power against evil spirits.

In the past, it was thought that if such a blade was thrown into the middle of a vortex caused by evil spirits, it will stop, and blood will remain on the blade. Sometimes knives were stuck into the place where the child tripped and fell. They believed that evil spirits were hiding there. Livestock was stepped over and carried over for various purposes. In Scotland they believed that a person who had a knife with him would never be taken by the fairies. And in order to prevent the fairies from taking the meat brought into the house at night, a knife was stuck into the carcass. The word “knife” was never spoken by sailors while sailing. But the products themselves were stuck into the mast for good luck in fishing. Girls who were about to get married, but did not want to have children, bought a folding blade before the wedding ceremony. It was required to be kept folded with you during the wedding. In some regions, during a feast, a knife was stuck under the table. It was believed that this would prevent guests from eating too much. In general, all sharp things have a powerful magical power, therefore, underestimating the significance of such superstitions and signs can be very dangerous. In addition, many of the signs have an additional aspect - they relate specifically to the safe handling of things.

The knife appeared in everyday use of mankind a very long time ago, as evidenced by archaeological excavations. Stone and bronze knives were used by our ancestors as weapons, a talisman for protection on the road from robbers and wild animals, a tool for cutting food, and a sacred object in rituals and ceremonies. Folk signs about the incident when a knife broke in one’s hands are available in different countries.

Why does a knife break in your hand?

According to signs, a broken knife is a symbol of loss of strength and defeat. The fact is that a kitchen item that is in contact with every day saves information and energy about its owner. If a knife breaks, it means that higher powers want to warn a person about something and redirect the flow of his energy in a different direction. So, why does a knife break in your hand? In general, if a knife breaks, the signs do not bode well.

A knife broken in half or a blade falling off the handle, as well as cracks or rust formed on the blade spell trouble. Since the knife acts as a protector of the house, its breakdown indicates that the energy-protective field of the home has been broken, and he and his household are in serious danger. According to signs, if a knife breaks, trouble may happen to loved ones, they may have an accident or become a victim of robbers. There is an opinion that the blade breaks under the influence of evil spirits. Our ancestors buried a broken knife under the home threshold, because they believed that its edge would serve as a talisman for the home from dark forces, evil spirits and unkind people.

There is also popular belief that an old knife may break from resentment if you purchased a new one. You should get rid of a broken thing without delay, saying the conspiracy words: “Let the knife break, but grief does not concern my loved ones and me.” In addition, the need to get rid of a broken item is also associated with the fact that with its further use the risks of a household injury increase.

If the tip of the tip is broken

The sign warns: if the tip of the knife breaks or on it steel blade nicks or chips have appeared, which means someone is experiencing negative emotions towards you and wants to harm your home and your family members. Negative dark energy accumulates in the tip and irregularities of a deformed blade. If the tip of a knife, which also symbolizes masculinity, breaks, the object can be left at home only if a new tip is sharpened.

Important! According to the Feng Shui system, knives should not be left in sight, especially at night. They must be stored in a closed place so that the energy of aggressiveness and danger does not spread throughout the room.

Signs about cuts on the right hand

There are popular sayings about wounds caused by a broken knife. A cut on the hand in a specific place warns of upcoming difficulties in a certain area of ​​a person’s life. On the right hand:

  1. if you cut your thumb while cutting, you should expect problems in the lives of loved ones who will be in dire need of your increased attention;
  2. a cut index finger warns of a possible conflict with influential people, the need to restrain one’s aggression;
  3. a wound on the middle finger promises deception and betrayal;
  4. wounded ring finger, responsible for social status, speaks of a threat looming over your reputation;
  5. cut the little finger, representing material well-being, - to disappointment in the upcoming purchase. In order not to waste time and money and save your nerves, it is preferable to refuse the purchase.

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