from wiki, for the lazy

Most of Henderson's principles are parodies of arguments made by anti-evolutionist creationists. Canonical dogmas:
The invisible and intangible Flying Spaghetti Monster created the Universe, starting with a mountain, trees and a “dwarf”.
All evidence for evolution was deliberately built in by the FSM. He tests the faith of the Pastafarians by making things look older than they really are. “For example, a scientist might radiocarbon date an artifact. He finds that approximately 75% of the carbon-14 atoms decayed by emitting electrons, and from this he concludes that the artifact is approximately 10,000 years old, since carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. But what our scientist doesn't realize is that every time he makes a measurement, the Flying Spaghetti Monster changes the results with His Spaghetti Hand. We have many tests showing how this is possible and why He does it. It is, of course, invisible and passes through matter with ease.”
Pastafarian paradise includes at least one beer volcano and one stripper factory.
"Ramen" (eng. Ramen or RAmen) is the official ending of prayers, some parts of the Gospel of the FSM, etc. and is a combination of the word "Amen" (used in Christianity, Judaism and Islam) and "ramen" - Japanese noodle soup . This word is usually spelled with a capital "P" and "A", although spelling with a single capital "R" is also acceptable.

In 2010, Bobby Henderson indirectly confirmed the parody of religion, writing in his blog: “FSM is still going strong though after 5 years we’re at the dangerous place where we either become more real or more fake and both worry me. Don’t want the church of FSM turning into Scientology or Mormonism.”

According to the Pastafarian belief system, pirates (sea robbers) are "absolute divine creatures" and the original Pastafarians. Their portrayal as “thieves and renegades” is misinformation spread by Christian theologians of the Middle Ages. In reality, Pastafarians say, they were "peace-loving explorers and spreaders of goodwill" who distributed candy to children.

The Eight “You Better Not Do That” are the Pastafarian equivalent of the Old Testament Ten Commandments. They can be found in The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. They include many aspects of life, from sexual behavior to food intake. According to Pastafarianism, they were given to Moses the Pirate (the FSM equivalent of the biblical Moses) by the Flying Spaghetti Monster himself. Initially there were ten of them, but two tables fell “on the way from Mount Salsa.” Mosey himself called them “Commandments”, and his pirate gang called them “Condiments”. The absence of two "I wish you hadn't done that" presumably partly explains Pastafarian shaky moral standards:
You better not act like a narcissistic ass and a saint when you preach My spaghetti grace. If other people don't believe in Me, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not that narcissistic, honestly. Besides, we're not talking about these people, so let's not digress.
It would be better if you did not justify in My name the oppression, enslavement, shredding or economic exploitation of others, well, you yourself understand, a generally vile attitude towards others. I do not require sacrifices, purity is required for drinking water, not for people.
It's best that you don't judge people by their appearance, their clothes, or the way they speak. Behave yourself, okay? Oh yes, and get this into your stupid head: A woman is a person. A man is a person. And a bore is always a bore. None of the people is better than others, with the exception of the ability to dress fashionably - I'm sorry, but I have gifted in this sense only women and only some of the guys - those who distinguish purple from crimson.
It would be better if you did not allow yourself to take actions that are unacceptable for yourself or your voluntary and sincere partner (who has reached an acceptable age and mental maturity). I suggest that everyone who disagrees go through the forest, unless they consider it offensive. In this case, they can turn off the TV and go for a walk for a change.
It would be better if you did not fight the bigoted, misogynistic and other evil ideas of others on an empty stomach. Eat, and then go to these bastards.
It would be better if you didn’t spend a lot of money on building churches, temples, mosques, tombs in the name of glorifying My pasta grace, because this money is better spent - choose what:
to end poverty
to cure diseases
for a peaceful life, passionate love and lower Internet costs.
I may be a complex carbohydrate omniscient creature, but I love the simple joys of life. Who, if not me, should know? After all, it was I who created everything.
It would be better if you didn’t tell everyone around you how I spoke to you. You're not that interesting to everyone. Stop thinking only about yourself. And remember that I asked you to love your neighbor, didn’t you get it?
You'd better not treat others the way you want them to treat you when it comes to copious amounts of latex or Vaseline. But if the other person likes it too, then (following the fourth commandment) do it, take a photo, just for the love of God - wear a condom! After all, it's just a piece of rubber. If I didn't want you to enjoy the process itself, I would have provided thorns or something like that.