Job interview. How to get there. Interview questions for a sales manager. Probing questions for a job interview

Every living creature strives to live in comfortable conditions. So that a person in life can surround himself maximum convenience, he needs to have a prestigious position. Qualified organizations always carefully select personnel. To get a job it is not enough to have good education and work experience, you also need to be able to pass the interview with dignity.

This is a form of dialogue between a potential employer and a specialist. Important Requirements are presented to how a person answers questions. The employer also pays attention to his manner of behavior. In order to hear the cherished “Yes, you are accepted,” you must adhere to several rules.

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What is it and what is it for?

Interview- This is an official form of communication. Every employer who has held a position in a certain field for many years clearly understands who can cope with the task. Accordingly, he will understand by appearance and by several answers whether this person is suitable for him to staff.

In order to fully pass the interview you need:

  • Be aware of what kind of enterprise a person is going to and plan your image accordingly.
  • Think in advance about what the employer will ask and prepare several answers to the questions.
  • Be able to show your best side by demonstrating your skills.

It is worth remembering that the employer is the same person and you can also find an approach to him.

The goal of the employer and the applicant

The interview has its own meaning. There are two purposes for its passage. It is necessary for both the employer and the applicant:

  • When an employer announces that there is a vacant position at his company, several people may respond to such an advertisement. The purpose of the interview is to select the most suitable one from several people. An employer, as a rule, pays attention to such qualities as perseverance, analytical warehouse intelligence and level of knowledge regarding the proposed position.
  • For the applicant there is only one goal - to get the opportunity to work in this very place. He must prove to his interlocutor that he is the one who can do this job better than others. The applicant should not only do things to please the employer. He also needs to find out whether the working conditions are suitable for him. He should inquire about salary, career opportunities and work schedule. Thus, the applicant will not only present a picture of his intended job, but will also show the employer that what position he will occupy matters to him.

An interview is usually a lengthy procedure. Sometimes it can take several hours. Participants in the dialogue need to get rid of self-doubt and pass this test with dignity.

Interview stages

The entire interview process can be divided into several separate stages:

  1. It is the applicant who experiences the most anxiety. Of course, because of such a side feeling, it is difficult to understand what a person is like; in this case, it is customary to relieve tension. The employer can ask how quickly the person found this place, whether he likes the company, how the weather is outside, and any other non-binding question. As a rule, after several minutes of such communication, the applicant calms down and feels more confident;
  2. The next stage of the interview is the interview itself. A person looking for a job must answer several short questions. Often, the employer asks about what kind of work experience the candidate has and about his skills. In this case, you should not lie just to pass the interview. If you don’t have such skills, it will be easily revealed during work. An employer is the same person who does not want to spend a long time on an interview, so you need to give short answers to the question without additional frills. If the applicant has just received an education diploma, then he can report on what kind of work experience he has. Some organizations also provide for candidate assessment using;
  3. After the applicant has answered all the questions, he can ask what interests him, now, in order to find out whether such a position is suitable for him.
  4. After the interview, a decision is made. First of all, the employer accepts it based on the data provided for him. He can hire a person, provide him with an additional interview, or refuse him. As a rule, the employer does not inform that the person did not pass the interview; he promises to call him back or says that the staff is full and he needs to come at another time. There are also cases when the applicant himself refuses a position, for example, because the work schedule does not suit him.

Types of Interview

There are several types of interviews:

  • Dialogue with the person working with personnel. This person is not an employer, he selects personnel based on his provided requirements. He can also draw up several resumes of prospective candidates and send them for consideration to the manager, who will choose who is most suitable for him.
  • Prestigious firms often have peer interviews, which cause a lot of stress for the candidate. It is conducted by the head and several of his assistants, who have the right to ask additional questions. Then, they let the applicant go for a few minutes to “walk”, after which they collectively make a decision to refuse or accept him for the job.
  • When big companies come huge amount candidates, then in order to reduce time, group interviews are arranged. All applicants are divided into several groups and asked to enter the office one by one. Next, managers interview all people and hire those who are most suitable for working at the enterprise.

Key interview points to consider in advance

  • It’s not without reason that people are greeted by their clothes. First of all, it is worth paying attention to this factor. Of course, we are not talking about selling the furniture in your home and buying a brand from a famous designer. You should dress neatly and business style. The employer should have the impression that a well-groomed person is sitting in front of him.
  • If the interview is scheduled for certain time, then the candidate is required to arrive without delay.
  • Each answer to a question should be brief, but at the same time detailed.
  • Only truthful information should be provided, as it can be easily verified.
  • In no case should one say that a person left his previous job because of terrible management; a new employer can take these words personally.
  • The candidate does not have to answer the questions immediately, but also has time to think about how best to express his thoughts.

How to increase self-confidence, develop and develop self-esteem

Some people who are about to undergo interviews experience self-doubt. There are several ways to overcome fear:

  • You need to imagine how life will change thanks to this work.
  • You need to get rid of all negative thoughts and believe that the interview will go well.
  • If the last interview was unsuccessful, then before a new dialogue you need to analyze all your mistakes.
  • It is necessary to get rid of various phenomena of self-criticism, only in this case a person can become more confident in himself.
  • Every failure should be viewed as an important life experience.
  • Before an interview, you need to relax, for this you need to watch a good movie, take a warm bath or do yoga.
  • Before entering the manager’s office, you need to repeat the phrase to yourself: “I am confident in myself.”

Example of interview dialogue

  • Why do you want to work in our company?
  • I like that your company offers career growth opportunities, for me this is one of the important indicators. I will also need useful experience, which I will purchase from your company. I would like to emphasize that I also applaud the organization of your company.
  • Are you considering other options for getting a job?
  • Yes, I considered other options, but your company attracts me the most.
  • What is your marital status, will it interfere with your work?
  • I used to be able to combine family life with other things, I hope this will continue in the future.
  • List your strengths?
  • I am very punctual, I always arrive on time. I am of the opinion that every job should be done with high quality. I also consider my perseverance to be a positive quality; I pursue my goals to the end.
  • List your weaknesses?
  • I may not be able to do complex work as quickly as I would like, since I spend a lot of time analyzing the problem.

Every person has to undergo an interview at least once in their life. In order for it to be successful, you need to tune in to a positive result.

An interview is an acquaintance and communication between an employer, or his official representative, and a potential employee applying for a specific job. workplace.

What is the interview for?

For any employer, before hiring a person of any specialty, it would be rational to conduct a conversation with him to determine the degree to which he is suitable for a certain workplace. An interview is a necessary and important event in the production field to identify the specialist most suitable for performing certain job responsibilities.

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Do you need to prepare for an interview with an employer?

Before interviewing people applying for a position, the employer must seriously prepare for the future conversation in order to make an objective selection of the best employee.

Main types of interviews

  1. Structured. In this type of interview, the company specialist responsible for hiring personnel asks potential employees a series of sequential questions, prepared and formulated in advance. The selection among many applicants is carried out according to best performance surveys.
  2. Situational. In this situation, the job seeker is presented with a specific situation. He is required to provide information about proposed actions directly related to artificially created circumstances.
  3. Projective. This type of interview involves an “interview” style where specific questions are asked that need to be answered at a fast pace without delay.
  4. Behavioral or according to competence. In the behavioral type of interview, a potential employee is presented with problematic work situations from which an objective way out must be found. Priority in this situation is given to life work experience.

1. One-on-one interview

This type of interview involves two participants, one of whom is the job applicant, and the other directly the employer himself or his authorized representative. The employer participates in interviews when hiring persons whose work responsibilities will be intertwined with his responsibilities.

When selecting other categories of employees, the following may participate in the interview:

  1. Recruitment Manager.
  2. Personnel worker.
  3. Heads of the department.

2. Group interview

A group interview allows you to assess the behavior of a job applicant in a team. It is necessary when the position requires a person who communicates easily in society. It is also used to fill a vacancy that is unimportant for the manager enough to arrange individual meetings for it.

There are several types of group interviews:

  1. One applicant interviews several employer representatives.
  2. Several job applicants are talking with the person responsible for recruiting personnel.

The main points of the interview for the employer

In order to select the most suitable candidate for a particular job, the employer needs to take into account some provisions relating to the potential employee:

  1. Age.
  2. Education.
  3. Experience working in the specialty in question.
  4. Skill level.
  5. Availability of additional knowledge.
  6. Additional requirements and wishes for the candidacy.

Typically, an interview is scheduled after the job applicant speaks with the person in charge over the phone. The candidate must receive information in advance about the date and time of the interview with the corresponding clear instructions, which he must strictly follow if he wants to make a positive impression on the company's representative and get the desired job.

In accordance with the rules of etiquette, it is necessary to inform the secretary about the name of the visitor and the time of the visit. It is also necessary to give him clear instructions about further actions and the persons who will carry out the activities.

Before conducting an interview, it is important to read the candidate’s biography for informational purposes.

In some cases, the crucial points in choosing it are:

  • Family circumstances.
  • Having children.
  • Availability of additional education.

  1. Pre-prepared questions. It is necessary to determine in advance the questions that are expected to be asked. It is important to write down all the points that relate to this profession in order to obtain objective information about the person and select a worthy employee who will perform his job duties efficiently and responsibly.
  2. Mood. When holding such a responsible event for both parties, the state of people’s mood is important. Great mood with a smile on an attractive face will help the applicant win over the employer, and the representative of the company’s head will objectively assess the abilities and capabilities of the person who has come to get a job.
  3. Attention. The person responsible for the conversation needs to plan the event in such a way that nothing distracts the attention of both parties. This is an important point because if there is insufficient attention, you can miss some points, which can subsequently become “fatal” for both one side and the other.
  4. Bias. It is worth remembering that bias on the part of both the employer and the potential employee can lead to a loss of interest on both sides. It is important, during a conversation, to maintain a friendly atmosphere that encourages openness, attentiveness and the desire to continue communication.
  5. Awareness. When setting a date and time for a conversation in order to select a suitable candidate, it is necessary to notify the person about the position of the name and patronymic of the responsible employee with whom the appointed event is expected to be held.

Basic requirements when conducting a conversation

  1. To quickly endear yourself to any person, it is important to call him by name and patronymic. This gives a feeling of significance and interest in the conversation with the interlocutor.
  2. The person in charge must introduce themselves before starting the conversation. In this case, you need to indicate your position, last name, first name and patronymic.
  3. When conducting a conversation, a friendly atmosphere should reign in the room.
  4. It is always worth remembering the rule that it is necessary to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This principle especially applies to the relationship between a person who already works in a company and a person who is just looking for a job.
  5. During the conversation, the HR manager must provide the applicant with all the necessary information regarding the proposed position. You need to familiarize yourself with the data:
    • Job responsibilities.
    • Size wages and the likelihood of its increase.
    • Operating mode.
    • Availability of days off.
  6. To more clearly perceive the information provided, you need to control your speech in a slow and clear style.
  7. It is forbidden to praise the company and the proposed position. All information should be presented clearly and without additional emotions. A responsible specialist must remember that he must look respectable in the eyes of the applicant. Appearance the company and its employees should speak for itself about the representativeness of the company. The applicant must independently feel, without prompting, the advantages of working in this particular company.

What is a structured interview

During the structured interview process, when selecting an applicant, attention is paid to:

  1. Answers to the questions asked.
  2. Speech literacy.
  3. Certain gestures and facial expressions.
  4. Appearance.
  5. Orientation in various additional issues.

What should an employer pay attention to?

When choosing an employee, the head of the company needs to pay attention to various characteristics of the person, both personal and professional, including:

  1. Character traits that can be divided into three subcategories:
    • Emotional.
    • Strong-willed.
    • Intelligent.
  2. A person's appearance can say a lot. The way he treats his clothes, hairstyle and other elements of appearance, the same way he will treat the performance of his job duties.
  3. Each profession requires certain requirements for the intelligence and education of the employee.
  4. When selecting specialists for responsible positions, it is advisable to:
    • Make inquiries regarding additional information about the job applicant, which may include a criminal record, the presence of relatives abroad, and many other data that may affect the performance of job duties.
    • Check reviews from previous places of work and, if necessary, get recommendations regarding a particular person and his professional qualities.

The main mistakes that occur when hiring

  1. Haste due to the need to quickly fill a vacancy.
  2. Lack of a selection system, which is due to an insufficient number of candidates from which to choose.
  3. Evaluate the results of the conversation using relative ratings instead of absolute ones.
  4. Making an assessment under the influence of various biases. It is always necessary to evaluate a person in a multifaceted manner with different complex results.
  5. Initially, the employer did not determine the specific qualities that a person applying for the position should have.
  6. Rash decisions that may be due to various factors, including the lack of candidates for a certain vacant position.
  7. Excessive sensitivity to negative factors.
  8. Excessively high confidence in the interview.
  9. Conducting repeated interviews with the same questions.
  10. False interpretation of the candidate's data. In this case, the phenomenon of the gala effect, the meaning of which lies in the influence of a certain factor, for example, a person’s appearance, on his certain functional properties, for example, mental abilities, can play an important role.

Key questions to ask during an interview

For a more objective concept of the internal content of a person who is applying for a vacant position, the specialist responsible for hiring people, it is necessary to correctly formulate the main questions that determine the applicant’s suitability for work:

  1. Availability of education and necessary qualifications corresponding to the proposed vacancy.
  2. Marital status. In some situations, this issue is the main one, for example, if the position involves frequent business trips.
  3. Get information about a person's strengths and weaknesses from his lips. Moreover, the parties must be considered both from a personal point of view and from a professional one. It is important to pay attention that the weaknesses are described in such a style that they closely resemble the strengths.
  4. Invite the applicant to tell:
    • ABOUT difficult situation at your last job and tell you how to overcome it.
    • About the reasons for leaving your previous job.
  5. Ask questions that lead many to a state of “dead end”:
    • “Why should you work for us?” The answer to this question should look like a description positive qualities about myself.
    • “Do you think it’s okay to lie sometimes? If yes, then in what situations?” When answering this question, a person can fully reveal his negative sides.
    • “What are the methods of stimulating employees necessary to increase productivity?” Methods of stimulating employees may include paying bonuses or increasing wages. In some cases, trips to various recreation centers or tickets to concerts are offered.

It is a known fact that when preparing for a job interview, questions and answers should be thought through in advance. Therefore, for many people, this process becomes a kind of “night before the exam”, when the applicant feverishly collects all available information. accessible form information, compiles a list of questions that may be asked during an interview and memorizes the answers to them. Due to the stereotype that has developed in society “if you answered incorrectly, you’re lost,” many are horrified by the mere thought of having tricky questions and possible pitfalls hidden in them. Such experiences are quite understandable - it’s a shame to miss your chance when the job you put so much effort into getting is almost in your pocket. However, excessive suspiciousness is also useless. Wanting to help you avoid similar situations, we have compiled the TOP 10 of both non-standard and frequently asked interview questions and answers.

Since most often standard interview questions, as well as the answers to them, have fairly clear formulations, it would be most correct to present them in the form of a general table:

Questions Correct Answers What is not worth talking about
Why did you choose our company? Provide specific facts confirming that by taking this position, you will be able to realize yourself to the fullest. Don't use standard, generic phrases. Avoid making inappropriate statements about other companies.
What was the reason for the dismissal? Indicate neutral reasons for leaving (for example, that you have reached the maximum in terms of career growth). Don't criticize past management or the place of work in general.
What are your strengths/weaknesses? Honestly identify among the qualities you have those whose presence is valued in this company.
When talking about shortcomings, try to shift the emphasis so that all of the above is compensated by your advantages.
Avoid phrases like “it’s not for me to judge, from the outside I know better.”
Have you submitted your resume to other companies? Have they been interviewed? If this happened, honestly answer “yes”, separately emphasizing that this work you prioritize. Do not rush to list the entire list of offers and their conditions from other companies.
What goals do you set for yourself for the next 5-10 years? When applying for a job, tell us about your planned career growth detailed description its stages and goals. Don't answer "I don't know."
What salary are you expecting? Try to avoid answering. If it doesn’t work out, give the amount a little higher than the average for your profession. By specifying a salary that is too low, you risk presenting yourself in the eyes of the employer as either a bad specialist or an unconfident person; if you indicate a salary that is too high, you will appear ambitious and arrogant.
What do you think a good leader/team should be like? Correct answer: strong personalities, who value teamwork, guide others and listen to their opinions, and are ready not only to give the opportunity to test their strengths, but also to come to the rescue in case of failure. Don't answer "I don't know"
What did you like/dislike about your previous job? Highlight everything separately good points, representing your previous work from the best side. Don't criticize previous bosses and colleagues
What is your work experience? You can list all previous places of work, or, if there are too many of them, indicate how long you have been working. Don’t lie if you have no experience, but focus on your theoretical training.
Why should we choose you? Prepare a list with real arguments that you are simply irreplaceable for this company as an employee. Don't praise yourself, it can create a bad opinion about you.

Questions that may baffle you

Often, after successfully answering frequently asked interview questions, the interviewer brings up completely unexpected topics. Non-standard interview questions should not throw you off; their purpose is to test your ability to adapt to an emergency situation. The most often tricky tasks asked when applying for a job look like this:

  • Do you have any questions for us? Never answer no. Try to clarify the points that interest you, as well as ask questions that would speak in favor of your hiring.
  • Won't it be yours? personal life a hindrance if there is a need for business trips and irregular work schedules? Do not go into details, answer firmly “no” and do not give reasons for the development of this topic.
  • (For women) How soon do you plan to have a baby? There is no clear answer to this category of questions. Some experts believe that it is better to clearly state the desired date, while others, on the contrary, argue that it is better to answer “I don’t plan yet.”
  • How do you prefer to resolve conflicts? The best option is to talk about a real situation that you managed to successfully resolve. At the same time, you cannot complain about the participants in the conflict, thereby you will demonstrate that in situations requiring decisive measures, you are able to get the upper hand over yourself and the problem.
  • What did you do when you didn't have a job? Construct your answer so that the employer has no doubt that this time was not wasted. For example, indicate that you were involved in advanced training, apartment renovations, etc. while searching for a job.
  • Tell us a little about yourself. The most common mistake is advising the employer to refer to the resume. On at this stage Your ability to present yourself and communication skills with senior management are assessed.
  • Tell us about your mistakes and failures. The optimal answer to this category of questions would be an honest listing of small flaws that you managed to correct on your own. When questions arise about larger mistakes, it is recommended to answer that you don’t remember any such mistakes.
  • What will you do when faced with misunderstanding from colleagues or superiors? The main task is to convince the employer that you get along with people easily, can find an individual approach to everyone without difficulty, and, if necessary, are ready to make concessions and seek compromises.
  • What is your current income? When answering, use the amount that is agreed upon when applying for a job.
  • Forbidden topics. If the employer starts asking questions on topics that have nothing to do with the hiring procedure (for example, asking about religion or political views), you can safely point this out to him or, if you wish, answer him.

Tests for “intelligence and intelligence”

The main requirement when applying for a particular position, along with professional skills, is to test the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the applicant. Depending on the industry you're applying for a job in, there may be some pretty weird interview questions. Let's look at some of them:

  • Search for the reason. During an interview, you may be presented with a situation and asked to tell you what caused it to happen. The main thing here is to reason. The flow of your thoughts to the employer is much more important than the correct answer.
  • Finding a solution. Here you will have to look for a way out of the presented situation. Therefore, reasoning out loud will also be very appropriate.
  • Flattery test. The interview ends and the interviewer may ask you to evaluate yourself. This is done in order to reveal your traits of a flatterer and a sycophant. Therefore, if you are not firmly convinced that the person sitting in front of you is ideal, you should not idealize him. It is better to pay attention to its minor flaws and shortcomings.
  • Hearing test. Some companies believe that a person can only fully open up with the help of music. So don't be surprised if you're asked to sing or talk in detail about your favorite tune.
  • Check for a kleptomaniac. You may be asked the question “did you steal pens from your previous place of work.” Honesty in this case - best option, however, an ironic statement in the manner of “of course, what else are they needed for” would also be appropriate.
  • Stress check. Some companies will ask you to do unpleasant work, such as mopping floors, or make you wait for more than 2-3 hours before starting the interview. This tests the applicant’s readiness to work with rude clients, for whom all employees are nothing.
  • "Let's talk about the weather." A sudden change of topic in a conversation tests your ability to switch and quickly pick up the thread of the conversation.
  • "Your ideal world." Here the scale and creativity of your imagination is assessed. Therefore, do not be afraid of anything and, most importantly, speak up.
  • “You are not suitable for us.” This trick is used quite often by interviewers to clearly see how a person will behave in case of refusal (dismissal). Will he fight or give up, start “throwing mud at everyone” or leave with dignity.
  • Association game. To understand your thinking, you may be asked to compare yourself or another person to something (for example, furniture or food). Don’t get lost and feel free to voice what first came to mind. Be prepared to have to explain your comparison.

Try to answer briefly so that the answer lasts no more than a couple of minutes. If the employer does not understand something, he can always stop you and ask you to clarify. Remember, questions at a job interview are not an exam, but a dialogue between people with equal rights, each of whom should have their own point of view and should not be afraid to express it and ask questions.

The key moment in the exciting process of employment is the interview. All applicants are concerned with the question: what will happen there? Particularly acute feelings arise regarding the questions: what will interest the interviewer, and what if he puts me at a dead end? What if during the interview process you need to clarify something, is it appropriate to ask about it directly?

On the other hand, the employer, in search of a good employee, also takes care to find out, through an interview, the actual experience of the applicant and his main personal qualities. He has a leading role in this dialogue. How to structure a conversation in order to conduct it most effectively with the help of the right questions?

What questions will be asked at the interview?

Of course, it is impossible to predict the course of the interview with 100% certainty. Different vacant positions require different approaches to candidates, and therefore different questions. In addition, the personal opinion of management also plays a significant role: for some, professional characteristics are more important, for others they do not compensate for the unsuitable personal factor.

When conducting interviews, employers most often use one of two models that help quickly determine the sincerity of the applicant in his presentation of information:

  1. "Cone". Questions start with more general topics, then they gradually become more specific and special. An applicant with the stated experience will easily withstand such detail, and long pauses and unclear answers will show that the applicant has embellished his professionalism.
  2. "Spiral". At any point during the interview, the recruiter returns to topics already discussed and clarifies certain points. Sincerity can be judged by comparing the applicant's answers.

Rhino method

Sometimes creative recruiters build an interview according to the “rhino” principle, breaking through the emotional defenses of the interlocutor with unexpected and unusual questions. In this case, they are not interested in the adequacy and correctness of the answer, but in the interlocutor’s first reaction to a non-standard question, the ability to get out of a difficult situation, sometimes even a sense of humor.

Don’t be scared or raise your eyebrows when you hear a question like “What is your inadequacy?” or “What breed of dog is your personality like?” Try to answer without thinking for long: the main thing is to show that you accepted the proposed conditions.

"Stressful" questions

A separate interview method involves a special approach that unsettles a person. The purpose of this method is to test the applicant’s psychological stability, ability to withstand pressure, and behave correctly in difficult situations. Such interviews are not conducted by ordinary companies; they are often the ticket to your dream job.

During “stressful” interviews, applicants are asked to wait longer than usual, may be “accidentally” doused with water, given an uncomfortable chair, not greeted, and speak in a raised voice. The interlocutor is stunned with questions like: “Why did you leave with past work,were incompetent?” “You have children, do you plan to take sick leave often?” “You don’t have children, so you don’t like taking responsibility?” “Not married, does that mean people don’t like you?”

Of course, manipulating self-esteem is an ethically ambiguous method, however, many believe that in business any means are good.

If this job is truly important to you, you need to remember that it is just a game and obey its rules. Don't "prepare" too much.

You should try to remain calm without changing your chosen line of behavior. Your answers should demonstrate your confidence and suitability for the position. To personal questions, even if they offend you, it is better not to answer the type: “This is no one’s business,” but to construct an answer in the style of “This will not interfere with my conscientious work.”

Everything will go as well as possible if you remember in time that the interviewer is not an ill-mannered boor, but a specialist in psychology who plays his role well.

What questions should you prepare for?

It is difficult to invent too many ways to effectively achieve the same goal. That is why during an interview they most often ask a series of questions that are more or less similar in content. The candidate has the opportunity to think about the most advantageous answer in advance.

  1. What can you tell us about yourself?
  2. "Wrong" answer. A lengthy summary of the biography or, conversely, a short listing of the standard facts “born-studied-married.”
    The "correct" answer. In the 2-3 minutes allotted for an answer, it is really impossible to tell about yourself in detail. The interviewer waits for the selection of facts the interlocutor will make: they are the ones who will say what is most significant for the applicant. It is better to focus on those points that indicate your benefit for working in this position.

  3. Why should we hire you for this position?
  4. "Wrong" answer. Formal listings of your experience and achievements.
    The "correct" answer. Drop false shyness and show yourself with best side, selecting convincing arguments.

  5. Why do you want to work with us?
  6. "Wrong" answer. Standard phrases about career prospects, a reputable company, and interesting work.
    The "correct" answer. The opportunity to effectively apply your qualifications, a strong team of professionals where you can hone your experience and bring the greatest benefit.

  7. What are your weaknesses?
  8. "Wrong" answer. Sprinkling ashes on your head, listing real shortcomings.
    The "correct" answer. Make disadvantages a continuation of advantages, for example, “I’m not very good at relaxing.”

  9. What are your strengths?
  10. "Wrong" answer. Frank boasting or well-worn cliches like “executive, responsible, obligatory.”
    The "correct" answer. Emphasizing specific properties that are significant for the position being sought. It is advisable to note on specific examples achievements made thanks to these qualities.

  11. Where do you see yourself in a few years?
  12. "Wrong" answer. An attempt to evade the answer, since the applicant does not yet have plans for the near future.
    The "correct" answer. This question is how the interviewer judges your ambition. It is best to present a plan for your professional and personal growth.

  13. What salary are you expecting?
  14. "Wrong" answer. A vague answer indicating false modesty or lack of self-worth.
    The "correct" answer. It is better to name a price that is slightly (no more than 15-20%) higher than the one that suits you or that offered for similar positions. In this case, you can agree to a smaller amount if the company has benefits, social packages, bonuses, insurance and other positive financial aspects, which the employer will not hesitate to inform you about.

Questions from an employee to an employer

The interview is in full swing, you have answered many tricky questions of interest to a potential employer, you have talked about many important points. The moment has come when the interviewer, having exhausted his interest, turns to you with a phrase that many take as a parting phrase: “Do you have any questions?”

Even if such a remark was not made, some things should definitely be clarified.

An applicant who does not ask questions will alert the recruiter: it means that the person is not too attentive, he is not too interested new job, or he is frivolous. The applicant’s questions complete the opinion formed about him.

What should you definitely ask, according to the managers conducting the interviews themselves? What questions will show the sincere interest and seriousness of the applicant’s intentions and will add “pluses” to his candidacy?

  1. ABOUT functional responsibilities . Even if the position involves obvious responsibilities, it is worth clarifying how they are understood in this particular organization. The degree of specificity of the questions will show that the applicant is truly a competent specialist.
  2. Clarifying questions about the company. If a person reacted responsibly to a future interview, he collected information about the future company in advance. Questions related to information the candidate already has will show that he has seriously prepared for the interview, and that he is really interested in the company.
  3. About growth opportunities. The employer will consider it quite natural if he hears a question about the possible prospects of a future employee in the company.
  4. About accepted corporate standards. If a person is seriously going to work at a company, the uniform of clothing, internal rules, etc. will be important for him.
  5. Financial issues. If the topic of wages was not raised during the previous conversation, then it is necessary to raise this issue, clarifying at least what the payment consists of and what factors influence it. A person who is not interested in his future remuneration may give reason to think that he does not value himself, and is getting a job just “for show.”

Good luck with your interview!

How to pass a job interview? This question worries many people before an upcoming meeting with an employer. Employment in the desired company will depend on how the job interview goes, so it would be right to prepare for this event in advance. Everyone knows that any successful career begins with a successful interview, and for it to be effective, you need to arrive at the meeting at least 10 minutes early. This will give you the opportunity to navigate an unfamiliar environment, which will allow you to behave correctly at the interview. It is not recommended to come to a meeting with an employer with a support group - friends, mother, relatives. This will provide the basis for drawing conclusions about the lack of independence of a person applying for a job.

Before entering the door you must knock. Once allowed to enter, you should introduce yourself to the employer clearly and distinctly. It is considered extremely indecent to be late for an interview, chew chewing gum, talking on the phone, looking indifferently into the distance. You need to smile more, show with all your behavior that you are interested in getting a job and are ready to work with dedication in the desired company or firm. It is the first impression that a person makes during a job interview that will be decisive in getting the desired vacancy. You need to remember that you can only make a favorable impression on an employer once, there will be no second chance. Many people know this, but for some reason they neglect it.

For the interview to go well, you need to try to win over the interviewer. To do this you must be in good location spirit, clearly explain why you came, thank the interlocutor for his time.

It is important to find out the interviewer's name in advance or remember his name during the introduction and address him strictly as he introduced himself.

It is very important to be able to cope with anxiety during an interview, since anxiety will not allow you to fully open up and present yourself in a favorable light. positive traits character and professional qualities. A little excitement is appropriate - this will help give the employer the idea that the person really needs this job and getting the desired position is important for him. But you shouldn’t attract attention to yourself with excessive excitement. Redness of the face, wiping sweat from the forehead, rubbing wet palms, stuttering will allow one to conclude that the respondent is unbalanced and lacking.

If you have the opportunity to choose where to sit, then you should try to sit not opposite the interviewer, since psychologically people who want to get the desired job tend to perceive the interlocutor as an opponent who interferes with achieving what they want. Ideal option is the opportunity to take a place next to the interviewer, then he will perceive the respondent as a like-minded person.

If you still had to sit opposite the interviewer during the interview, then you should take a collected and neat posture, without crossing your arms and legs, thereby demonstrating openness. Also, openness should be noted in the gaze. Often respondents do not know how to look at their interlocutor correctly. Having mentally drawn a triangle between the interviewer’s eyebrows, you need to look at its center. This way, the interlocutor will not have the feeling that the respondent is glaring at him or that he is not focused and his gaze is distracted.

How to pass a job interview if a person is overly emotional? To do this, you need to give up active gestures and control your hand movements. If you hold a notepad and pen in your hands, this will help you calm down a little.

How to pass an interview successfully

So, the respondent sits, listens to the interviewer and prepares to answer the questions posed. To set your interlocutor on the same psychological wavelength as yourself, you need to behave the same way as the interviewer. You should unobtrusively copy his poses and gestures, but this must be done very carefully.

To successfully pass an interview, you need to avoid using slang when communicating and avoid the topic of financial, personal and family problems. The following topics are categorically a losing option at an interview: politics, religion, intimacy.

It would be a mistake to try to overwhelm the interviewer with your knowledge. It is the interviewer who conducts the interview, and it would be wrong to take this role away from him. He may become aggressive and form a negative impression of the respondent. During an interview you should tell only the truth. If during a conversation the respondent is caught in a lie, then we can assume that this is the end of a career that has not yet begun. It is rare that he is able to maintain the opinion of himself that he is better than he actually is for more than 30 minutes. If the interviewer suspects a lie, he will formulate and ask questions about the same facts in different ways and real facts they will still float up.

How to successfully pass a job interview? It is required to present your weak points correctly during the interview process.

A frequent and one of the “inconvenient” questions is the question of a long period without work. Here, applicants often try to tell lies. There is no need to do this.

At a job interview, it would be a good idea to talk about completing one-time projects privately, or attending some courses or trainings. If trainings and courses are not related to work, then it is better to simply say that you are interested in a new direction.

Often during an interview, respondents are confused by the question about the shortest period of work and why it was so fleeting. Here it is advisable to answer plausibly. You can simply note that the working conditions did not correspond to those that were initially offered at the interview.

If the respondent worked for several months at his previous job, then in this case we can say that the dismissal occurred without explanation immediately after the end of the probationary period. HR officers conducting interviews know that many companies do this in order to save on employee salaries and will accept such an explanation with understanding.

If a mistake was made at a previous place of work and with the understanding that it will be difficult to hide it in front of the interviewer, then it is better to honestly tell about it, with an emphasis on realizing this and not making mistakes in the future. You should not speak badly about previous employers during an interview.

Often, interviewers ask common questions, but it will be better to answer them without templates. If you are asked about working with clients, you should answer that you like working with people. This question is vague and does not carry any semantic meaning other than that there is a desire to get a job. It would be better to talk about your experience working with clients at the interview.

How to conduct a job interview correctly? During a job interview, you should move away from the patterns: birth, study, marriage, etc.

You should build your story on important events labor practice. During the interview, you will listen for no more than 3 minutes, so it is important to meet this time. When talking about your achievements, you should not say “our company” or “we”, but me. Interviewers often ask personal questions. If you don’t want to answer them, you can ask how this question relates to future work.

During an interview, many are driven by the question about the size of their future salary. You need to answer it honestly, giving the real figure for this work. If you are asked to fill out forms at an interview, it is better to fill them out at home in a calm environment, having first practiced on a draft. Based on the completed forms, the person will be assessed, taking into account handwriting, errors and blots.

How to pass an interview? Answers to the interviewer's questions should fully reveal the candidate and confirm suitability for the proposed vacancy.

When answering questions, you should understand what the employer wants to hear and what kind of answers need to be given in order to successfully pass the interview.

Interview questions are divided into several types:

— identification of professional competence;

— questions of a personal nature;

— case questions simulating a situation at work;

general questions: experience, education, past jobs;

- questions that reveal the candidate’s motivation ( career growth, salary amount).

The following will help you pass a job interview: sample questions and answers to them.

To the question “tell us about your experience, where did you work and what did you do?”, you should tell them from your last place of work, what the functionality was, what they were responsible for, what issues were resolved. It is advisable to tell what difficulties you overcame, without talking too much and being distracted by extraneous topics.

When answering the question about failures at work or mistakes, it is worth noting that, like all people, you also made mistakes, but in the process of work you learned to avoid mistakes or simply not make them.

To the question “What is important to you in your work?” It is advisable to answer that it is an opportunity for professional growth and development.

To the question “How long have you been looking for a job?” It’s worth answering that you’ve been looking for a job for a couple of weeks and already have several final offers.

To the question “What qualities help you achieve success at work, and which ones can hinder you?”, you should answer this way: “helps you achieve success.” high level contact, openness, desire to help a friend, high efficiency, punctuality, accuracy, responsibility, diligence, and anxiety, excessive assertiveness, lack of experience in an unfamiliar situation can interfere, but faith in yourself and in the importance of the importance of the matter helps you make the right decision in time.”

To the question: “Why should we choose your candidacy?”, we need to answer: “I have all the necessary skills and the necessary experience to most effectively implement all the tasks that this position will imply,” or “I am interested in your vacancy “, or “I’m ready to learn and try my hand at a new job.”

To the question: “How long are you willing to work in our company?” You should answer like this: “I am interested in long-term cooperation with your company.”

To the question: “Where do you see yourself in a few years?” you should answer like this: “I am interested in professional growth and development, I have a desire to eventually occupy a responsible position.”

The following tips will help you successfully pass a job interview:

— the respondent should not focus on possible mistakes made during the interview; he should apologize and continue his story;

- if they ask a question to which there is no answer, then you should say that you need time to think;

- if during the interview it turns out that the level of knowledge is insufficient for the job, then you should express your readiness to learn. Only this should not be done in a hackneyed phrase, focusing on the fact that we are trainable, but it is better to talk about specific examples when similar problems have already been solved and the level of knowledge has increased quite successfully;

- after the end of the interview, you need to thank the interviewer;

— when applying for a job, you cannot put pressure on pity or try to evoke sympathy;

— you should not talk about your problems, troubles, difficult financial situation;

— you need to be confident in yourself and show with all your appearance that you are capable of solving not only your own problems, but also the problems of the company;

— you should not put pressure on the interviewer with your knowledge;

- you also cannot praise the former boss, thus imposing the image of the right boss on the new boss.

If you fail to find a job, you need to take this as experience, which will allow you to find the desired vacancy next time.



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