Chalk Mashenka is a reliable remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs. Chalk “Mashenka” for cockroaches: principle of action, composition and reviews

Domestic cockroaches are known for their tenacity and high adaptability to different conditions environment. Although they do not directly harm humans, they are capable of spreading various diseases and worsen the sanitary condition of your apartment. In this article we will look at a remedy for cockroaches, thanks to the use of which you can forget about these pests forever.

If you find a cockroach running indoors, you should carefully examine all the hidden places in your home to detect other individuals. If pests are found, you should immediately take measures to destroy these insects.

Among the huge selection of products, it is worth highlighting the Mashenka pencil against cockroaches. This chalk has been very popular for many years. Having a low price, it is very effective in controlling insect pests.

The principle of operation of the Mashenka pencil

One of the active ingredients of Mashenka chalk is chloropyphos. Once in the insect's body, it blocks the intestines. Another component, the cementing material included in the composition, affects the entire circulatory system.

Both substances have a detrimental effect on cockroaches. An insect, running along a drawn white stripe, touches it with its paws and antennae. After which, upon contact with water, the poison very quickly penetrates the insect’s body, as a result of which the cockroach dies.

Chalk Mashenka against cockroaches has many advantages:

  • it has no smell;
  • does not emit harmful substances;
  • does not generate dust, which makes it quite safe to use;
  • it is easy to wash off from treated surfaces.

Many people remember it from Soviet times; they used it to paint white stripes on the back of furniture, behind the refrigerator and in other places.

How to properly use Mashenka in the fight against cockroaches?

This product is very easy to use. It is necessary to apply thick stripes in those places where cockroaches were found, as well as behind the refrigerator, near heating devices, near the trash can and at the sink. Use useful tips by application:

  1. Draw lines on all baseboards in the house, as well as on the backs of furniture. Please pay attention special attention kitchen furniture;
  2. Circle the trash can;
  3. Draw a circle around all the legs of the dining table.

These tips will help you fight insects.

If cockroaches have infested and multiplied in a room, it takes a lot of effort and money to fight them. The body of these insects has a number of qualities that enable cockroaches to adapt to any conditions.

Currently, there are a large number of products on the market to combat them. But the best reputation among similar means for fighting cockroaches was won by the Mashenka chalk.

Its advantages include ease of use and relatively inexpensive price (approximately 50-100 rubles).

The product consists of several components: the toxic substance chloropyphos and a cementing substance (content 0.5% and 95%, respectively). The principle of action of the “Mashenka” chalk is as follows: the intestinal function is paralyzed after the drug enters the intestines, the cementing composition causes blockage of the blood vessels, which leads to the rapid death of the insect.

The drug in the form of a white chalk without a pungent odor in blue 20-gram wrappers can be freely purchased at special stores for gardeners and gardeners, hardware stores and departments where household chemicals are sold.

Due to the presence of Mashenka in the insecticidal solution, it should be stored at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, average air humidity, and protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Guide to using chalk "Mashenka"

To achieve the most effective results from using the “Mashenka” cockroach chalk, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. In solid lines, so that insects cannot get around the obstacles, it is necessary to treat the main surfaces (plinths, window sills of ventilation grilles, junctions of sewer and water pipes, all gaps in windows and doors).
  2. It will not be superfluous to treat the insides of the cabinet, drawers that are on the floor, areas under the bathroom, etc.
  3. Continuous lines must be drawn around sofas, armchairs, and chests of drawers to prevent cockroaches from getting inside.

Using the instructions for use included with the Mashenka chalk, you can determine how much area one block will be enough to cover. The drug is effective for 1 week, so you can use the chalk more intensively than indicated in the instructions.

Cockroach chalk “Mashenka” belongs to drugs of the 4th hazard class. In this regard, it should be applied only with gloves, and the mucous membranes should be protected. respiratory organs and oral cavity from contact with the substance.

It is necessary to use chalk especially carefully in homes where there are children and pets. To prevent harm, it is best to try to apply chalk in areas that are most difficult for animals and children to reach.

To prevent the appearance of insects in the house, you can sometimes treat the spaces under window sills, along thresholds and in closets, as well as in other places that are inconspicuous to the eye, with chalk.

Chalk Mashenka is a bedbug repellent that is easy to use and has low toxicity. Upon contact with the product, poison enters the body of the bug, which begins to act after a short time. The product can be transmitted from one bedbug to another upon contact. The product should be stored protected from sun rays in a place inaccessible to children.

Attention! Unlike many other bedbug remedies, chalk is able to maintain its effect after application for one to two months. It does not erode or lose poisonous properties. But you need to choose the right place of application so that the poison does not enter the body of pets, children and other residents.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! In the fight against bedbugs, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology is 100% effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects. Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.


Chalk Mashenka consists of two active substances. This is zeta-cypermethrin, which affects nervous system bedbug and deltamethrin, which has a paralytic effect. Thanks to these poisonous components, chalk is lethal to blood-sucking insects, but relatively safe for humans. The product also contains auxiliary substances - gypsum and chalk.

Instructions for use

Mashenka's bedbug pencil can be used without prior preparation; in this case, you need to “draw” lines in those places where bedbugs are noticed. But you can use chalk by crushing it into powder and sprinkling it on possible pest habitats. This makes it possible to process some specific hard to reach places, for example, behind the baseboard and cracks in the tiles. Quite often, chalk is diluted with water and treated with the resulting composition. In this case, you need to know that the amount of water should be small, the mixture should turn out mushy. It must be applied with a brush.

Pay attention! The instructions indicate that when drawing with chalk, you need to make the lines bold, approximately 3 cm wide.


Chalk, although deadly for bedbugs, poses virtually no risk to humans. But precautions still take place. Before use, the chalk is freed from its wrapper, but not completely. The outermost part of the wrapper is most convenient to use to protect against direct contact.

It is best to carry out processing with rubber gloves; the drug does not emit toxic fumes, so a respirator is not needed. It is important that children and pets cannot come into contact with the product when it is applied to the surface. Therefore, if there are such residents in the house, you need to draw with chalk only at a sufficient height.

Safety precautions must be observed most carefully if the chalk is used in crumbled form. To protect yourself from dust getting into your respiratory tract, you need to apply a gauze bandage.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! To get rid of BUGS, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

After finishing the treatment, you need to wash your face and hands with soap.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The product has a low price;
  • One chalk is enough to process about 30 m2;
  • The drug is excellent as a preventive measure or a means of protection against “neighborhood” bedbugs;
  • The composition of the chalk allows it not to erode or lose its toxic properties for a long time.


  • It is possible to treat only those places that children and pets cannot find;
  • After a month after treatment, it is required wet cleaning using a soda solution;
  • The product does not kill bedbugs instantly;
  • Quite low efficiency.

Winning the fight against cockroaches is not easy, since these insects are very tenacious and easily adapt to various unfavorable conditions. But nowadays it has become easier to solve the problem, since there are many on sale various drugs to destroy these harmful insects. A popular remedy is cockroach chalk, called affectionately by its manufacturers. female name"Mashenka."

Cockroaches are the scourge of many homes; picky insects can also settle in country house, both in an ordinary city apartment and in luxury apartments. Insecticides, which come in a variety of forms, are successfully used to control insects.

One of the easiest to use and cheapest medications for cockroaches is the “Mashenka” chalk (pencil). At the same time, the product allows you to get a good result, especially if there are few insects in the house.

Description of the product

Chalk “Mashenka” is an insecticidal agent that has a contact effect, that is, in order for the insect to receive a dose of poison, it needs to come into contact with the surface treated with chalk.

The composition of the drug includes effective insecticide- chlorpyrifos, but the main substance of the product is a cementitious composition. When particles of the drug enter the insect’s digestive system, the cement blocks its functioning, resulting in the death of the insect.

Advice! You can buy Mashenka chalk in almost all hardware stores. The product is inexpensive, one pack is enough to treat 20-30 meters of area.

Packaging and appearance

Externally, the product looks like ordinary school white chalk, which does not have a distinct odor. Packaged in paper or polymer packs, decorated in blue tones. Instructions for use must be printed on the package. The weight of one package is 20 grams.

Storage conditions

So that the chalk does not lose its insecticides, it is important to store it correctly. Storage conditions:

  • room temperature;
  • lack of high humidity;
  • no direct sunlight.

Advice! Chlorpyrifos is unstable to ultraviolet radiation, so Mashenka’s pencil should not be stored in places exposed to direct sunlight.


The product belongs to the IV (highest) safety class, that is, the chalk is of low toxicity for humans, of course, if you do not start using it internally in large quantities. However, you should not neglect basic security methods:

  • The chalk should be stored in its original packaging away from food products;
  • It is not recommended to hold the pencil when using bare hands, it is better to use gloves. You can apply the product by holding it through the packaging.


Let's look at how you can use Mashenka's pencil to carry out pest control in your apartment.

Three ways

There are three different ways carrying out disinfestation using chalk:

  • Drawing lines. This is the most popular and convenient way applications. The chalk is used for its intended purpose, that is, simply draw lines with it in those places where the paths of cockroaches pass, as well as near insect habitats.
  • Use in crushed form. If you crush the pencil to a powder, the product can be used as a dust, that is, scatter it near places where cockroaches accumulate.
  • Solution. Dilute one powdered chalk in five liters of water, use the prepared solution to wash surfaces - furniture, floors, plumbing items, pipes, etc.

Carrying out processing using the classical method

Since, most often, a pencil is used to draw lines in the habitats of cockroaches, let’s consider how to use this tool correctly so that the effect is maximum.

  • Holding the chalk by the free edge, you need to draw continuous (not dotted!) lines. It should be remembered that this is a contact insecticide, so you should not give insects a chance to pass through the line without getting dirty.
  • The following places need to be treated: thresholds, window sills, baseboards, ventilation grilles, places near sockets and switches located on the walls adjacent to neighboring apartments. It is imperative to treat the places where public building pipelines pass (sewage risers, heating system, water supply).
  • It is useful to treat furniture from the inside. It’s worth treating the shelves and drawers in cabinets and cabinets. It would not be superfluous to outline large furniture - sofas, chests of drawers, etc.
  • It is imperative to carry out the treatment in the bathroom, draw lines near the places where the pipes pass, treat the space under the bathtub, make a line around the toilet.

The completed lines retain their properties for about a week, then the treatment can be repeated.

Is this remedy effective?

If the infection is severe, you should not use the product; you will need to select a more concentrated and effective insecticide and carry out a total treatment. As a preventative measure, Mashenka's pencil is very convenient. For example, if neighbors start poisoning cockroaches, then the insects will begin to actively crawl into adjacent apartments.

To protect yourself, it is worth drawing and regularly updating lines at places of general building communications - ventilation, pipelines, electrical wiring. You can use a pencil after a total treatment to prevent re-infection.

So, a pencil against cockroaches with the romantic name “Mashenka” is enough effective remedy to prevent cockroaches from entering the house. You can also use chalk if the premises are mildly infested. But if there are a lot of insects in the house, you should choose more “killer” products.

The presence of insects such as cockroaches or bedbugs in the house is a serious problem that anyone can face. It is worth noting that cleanliness in the home does not guarantee the absence of these unpleasant roommates, since they often move into a house or apartment from untidy neighbors. In addition, cockroaches and bedbugs can “travel” and come with you from business trips, hiding in suitcases and bags. Being around such insects is unpleasant and unsafe for health, so even if you find one cockroach or bedbug at home, you need to immediately address this problem.

What is chalk Mashenka

Chalk Mashenka is a means to fight cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, fleas, moths and even flies. It is an analogue of the Chinese pencil against harmful insects in the house, has a low cost and effectively fights household pests.

Mashenka chalk is based on a Chinese insect repellent pencil with a similar composition.

The composition of the chalk includes:

The modern market offers the buyer a huge selection of all kinds of means to combat unwanted neighbors in the house: sprays, gels, traps, etc. Despite the fact that the effectiveness of such products is often higher than that of Mashenka chalk, the analogue of the Chinese pencil does not lose its popularity. This can be explained by the following factors:

  • effectiveness of use against pests at home;
  • low cost of the product;
  • ease of use.

It is worth noting that Mashenka chalk, unlike many other insecticides, does not kill insects quickly. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to get rid of cockroaches or bedbugs in your home. In cases where pests are present in very large quantities, the use of chalk must be combined with the use of other, more effective drugs.

In particularly advanced cases, it is worth using chalk in combination with other insect repellents in the house.

Video: means to combat cockroaches

How to use

The main method of using Mashenka chalk is to draw lines in places where cockroaches and bedbugs appear most often:

Chalk lines must be continuous and wide, at least 1.5 cm. Compliance with this condition gives maximum effect, since when crossing the line the insect manages to capture an amount of the drug sufficient for rapid death.

When drawing with chalk, draw continuous, wide lines.

One Mashenka chalk is enough to cover an area of ​​about 30 square meters.

In addition, chalk can be used in other ways:

The intensity of the impact of chalk on insects lasts for about a month. However, already 7–10 days after applying the drug to the surface, the effect begins to weaken. After 2-3 weeks, the remaining product must be washed off with a soda-soap solution and, if necessary, treat the room again with a pencil.

Chalk Mashenka should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. In an open package, the drug begins to lose its properties already at temperatures above 25 degrees.

Security measures

The effectiveness of Mashenka chalk is determined by the presence of harmful substances in its composition. chemicals, which can harm the health of humans and pets. Therefore, when working with this drug, you should adhere to certain rules:

First aid

If safety precautions were violated and external or internal contact with the drug occurred, you should immediately contact a medical institution for qualified help. Before examination and consultation with a doctor:

  1. If chalk particles come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. It is necessary to immediately rinse them with running water or soda solution(1 teaspoon of soda per 200 ml of water).
    If chalk particles get into your eyes, rinse them immediately clean water or soda solution
  2. When the pencil comes into contact with the skin. The insecticide should be washed off immediately with a stream of water.
    Mashenka will help remove pencil from skin running water from the tap
  3. If Mashenka gets into the stomach. It is necessary to drink several glasses of a weak solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting. To prepare a solution of potassium permanganate, dissolve 2-3 crystals of the substance in 1 liter of water. Remember that a more concentrated solution can cause serious problems in the body. To avoid contact of manganese particles with the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and subsequent chemical burns, the finished solution should be filtered through several layers of gauze before use.

    Gastric lavage with manganese solution is one of the available measures to cleanse the body during intoxication
  4. If the victim loses consciousness. Do not take any measures - help is needed in this situation medical workers.
    Intoxication when working with insecticide is a serious reason to consult a doctor



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