How to make slime at home: video tutorials, tips, recipes. The simplest and most proven recipes for making slime at home Watch how to make slime from baby oil

Last weekend, my sister asked how to make slime without sodium tetraborate - she wanted to do an unusual photo shoot for Instagram, and so I urgently had to look for a slime recipe. Well, what can I say? Do-it-yourself slime is made quite quickly, there are many ways, it has its pros and cons, I’ll tell you about everything in order.

This best question, which I had to answer that weekend. Because my social circle is not too familiar with insta trends. Basically, slime is a fun gooey mess that has some of the properties of non-Newtonian liquids. This is an elastic, sticky toy that can either spread into a soft puddle or gather into an elastic ball. This toy is also called handgam, slime or Silly Putty.

A great way to keep children occupied - this thing is really cool and interesting to watch, and both adults and kids enjoy playing with it. I can also say that such a toy will help children develop the concept of a non-Newtonian fluid and improve fine motor skills, and for adults handgam can be used as an anti-stress.

You can make lickers in the most in different ways, I’ll tell you about everyone I managed to find out.

Starch based

How to make slime from water and starch? The method is quite simple. You will need:

  1. 1 tbsp. corn starch (do not replace potato starch);
  2. 1 tbsp. warm water;
  3. 1 tbsp. PVA glue;
  4. dye (we used regular dyes - my mother had some for Easter, and I buy dyes for handmade soap);
  5. You can also add sparkles or broths (holiday ones or those used for manicure are suitable).

First, liquid starch is made - pour the entire glass of starch powder into a bowl and add a quarter glass of water. Boil the remaining water, add the soaked starch into the water, boil everything for about a minute, stirring continuously. This amount is enough for three lickers. Next, take a thick bag, pour in a third of the volume of liquid starch, drip some dye (don’t pour too much, the dyes are well concentrated), and then you need to pour in glue and glitter.

After this, tie the bag and knead it thoroughly - you should get a mass in the form of a sticky compote and a little liquid. We drain the liquid and blot the licker several times with a napkin. Your handgam can be used.

Is it possible to fail to make a slime made from starch? Oh, in fact, nothing can work out. This is the first anti-stress slime that my sister and I made, and it worked out well, but when I decided to repeat this experience, it didn’t work out. Of course, I immediately started asking on the forums how to make slime from starch and why it didn’t work out for me.

And it turned out that if add too much glue (or some very good quality glue), then the slime will be sticky. And if there is too much starch, it will fall apart.

Especially for kids

Young mothers are eager to find out how to make slime without glue and sodium tetraborate. In general, why do many people want to make different things with their own hands at home? The point is that a child who plays with handgam can accidentally put the mass in his mouth and slobber, or simply hold it in his hands for a long time, so naturally no one wants the child to be damaged by glue or a tetraborate solution. It’s much easier to make slime in a couple of minutes from detergent, or from soap and salt.

How to make slime from flour?

  • So, you need to mix flour with cool and heated water.
  • The mixture is mixed (you will need approximately 300 grams of flour, 1/4 tbsp. cold water and the same amount of hot).
  • For a beautiful shade, use dye or ordinary gouache or watercolor.
  • It turns out very interesting if you make two lumps different colors, and then crush them together.
  • As soon as the mixture is homogeneous in consistency, it is put in a cool place for three hours.

This is a simple slime that even a child can play with safely.

Shaving foam

How to make slime from shaving foam? In principle, shaving foam slime is easy to make - you just need a tube of glue and some shaving foam.

Predict exact quantity It’s difficult, so we do this - put 100-200 grams of glue (the whole bottle) into a plate, and then inject foam into the eye and start kneading. You need to add foam to achieve the consistency you need.

In general, shaving foam slime can be pure white (the color is dense and beautiful), or you can drop a couple of milliliters of dye. By the way, you can drop several different drops and you will get a marble handgam.

Watch a fascinating video on how to make such a licker:

Shampoo and salt

We also learned how to make slime from shampoo and salt. You need to take any shampoo (we took dad's transparent shampoo blue color) - you will need 3-4 tablespoons. And then you need to pour salt into the shampoo and stir well. You will see how gradually the liquid mass becomes thicker and ceases to be so sticky.

We weren't too fond of this one, it's more like sticky jelly than a standard handgam, but it's also a pretty cool thing and fun to play with.

Shampoo and starch

How to make slime from shampoo and water with starch:

First, make liquid starch (I wrote above how to make it correctly - corn starch with some water), and then you need to add shampoo and mix well. The mixture must be kept in the refrigerator.


If you need to make handgam for adults, then I advise you to watch a video on how to make slime from soda. However, it should be taken into account that it is better not to give this mass to children, and after the fun they should wash their hands.

Soap and glue

Another recipe is how to make slime from liquid soap. Again, nothing complicated. Go to hardware store and buy polymer glue - well, for example "Titan". And then mix three parts glue and two parts liquid soap. If you take colored transparent soap, then the slime will turn out transparent.

By the way, there is another cool recipe for making slime from soap - just add soda and salt to it by eye and mix well, and then keep the mixture in the refrigerator.


An easy way to make slime from toothpaste is to mix a small tube of glue and a pack of gel toothpaste. Then you need to mix the mixture thoroughly and cool in the refrigerator for about half an hour. I’ll say right away that toothpaste slime smells very strongly of toothpaste, so it’s best to add a couple of drops of perfume composition to the mixture or regular essential oil.

Another interesting slime from toothpaste is made using polymer glue - if you beat the mixture well, there will even be air bubbles in it (it looks very nice in photos and videos). The ratio is this: for 100 grams of toothpaste you will need 40 grams of glue (the same “Titan” will do).

How to make slime from toothpaste without glue? You can experiment with sodium tetraborate - add a few drops of tetraborate to the mixture of toothpaste, salt and shampoo, then mix well and cool.

And if you want to try how to make slime with tetraborate, then you will like this lesson - it turns out the easiest and most beautiful anti-stress slime.

By the way, while I was googling recipes, I saw that many people were asking about how to make slime out of paper. The simplest knowledge of chemistry tells me that there is no way. However, you can make handgams with the addition of paper glitter or confetti.

To make the soap slime stick better, add a drop of vinegar into the mixture, and for greater smoothness, add a little glycerin.

To prevent slime made from pva glue from drying out for a long time, store it in a jar or in a tight bag.

You can also make slime from plasticine and gelatin. In my opinion, this is the best slime without glue and tetraborate. By the way, without sodium tetraborate you can make slime from soap and salt - just mix liquid soap with salt.

Watch the video and learn how to make slime from glue and water:

How to care for slime

In general, the easiest way to care for slime is to wash it regularly and make a new one after a week. Well, in fact, any handgam made for children is enough for a week (even if the recipe says for a month). The borax begins to erode, the components of the detergent begin to disintegrate into their components. And even a child can make a new slime - the main thing is to choose easy recipe(almost any of those that I have listed) and make sure that the baby does not pour soap into his eyes or taste the glue. Make beautiful and colorful lickers, play with them and try new recipes!

Now you know how to make slime at home without sodium tetraborate and you can tell your friends how to make slime at home.

Slime, or slime, is an anti-stress toy, which is a plastic, well-stretched mass that is at the same time sticky and maintains its unity. It feels good to hold in your hands, and children (and adults) love to play with it. Slime was originally invented and released by Mattel back in 1976. Since then, the word “slime” has become a household word, other companies began to produce such toys, and after that, slime (in Russia it is also called slime) began to be made by craftsmen at home. Moreover, as it turned out, making slime with your own hands is quite easy.

Today there are a great variety of slime recipes, including homemade ones. Craftsmen sell them on Etsy, some DIY channels on YouTube are entirely devoted to making slimes... Slime made according to different recipes also turns out different: more liquid or dense, airy or close to jelly. Dyes, glitter, etc. are added to slimes - this way they also turn out interesting and varied in appearance.

We have put together for you several simple recipes for making different slimes/lickers at home. All recipes come with videos: it’s easier to understand how to make slime.

But first, let’s clarify an issue that is important for making slime / slime according to classic recipe.

What glue is suitable for slime/slime?

Essentially, in order to make a plastic, soft, well-stretchable mass that does not stick to your hands, you only need two ingredients: glue (PVA is often used) and a thickener (the easiest way is to take a solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin, it is sold in pharmacies and is inexpensive ).

In fact, it may turn out that not every PVA glue is suitable for making slime. Craftsmen have compiled a list of brands and types of PVA glues that are suitable for making slime. We present it for you:

1). PVA glue “Joiner Moment” (preferably white);

2). PVA Berlingo;

3). PVA Brauberg;

4). PVA Erich Krauser;

5). PVA "Contact";

6). PVA Novohim;

7). PVA Attomex;

8). PVA "Omega";

9). PVA “Ray red”;

11). PVA Kores;

12). PVA "Cone";

13). PVA “Every day”;

14). PVA Andex;

15). PVA Stick Up;

16). PVA “365 days”;

17). PVA Elmers;

18). PVA-K19;

19). PVA VGT;

20). PVA "Lakra";

21). PVA Deli;

22). PVA "Titan";

24). PVA White House.

Transparent office glue is also suitable for making slime. Using PVA slime usually turns out opaque, but with office glue it's the opposite (unless you add some other ingredients that give color).

Slime / slime: classic recipe

You will need:

Suitable PVA glue;

Sodium tetraborate;

Optional dye.

Sequence of work:

Pour glue into the container. If desired, you can add a drop of dye and mix (if this is your first experience in making slime, you can try making slime without dye). Next, add sodium tetraborate little by little and stir until the mixture reaches the desired consistency.

This video clearly shows how to make slime according to the classic recipe and how the addition of dye affects the consistency of the slime (and also what will happen if you use the wrong glue):

Slime with toothpaste and shaving gel


The slime turns out airy, voluminous and fluffy.

You will need:

Silicate glue - about 90 ml (3 small bottles);

Coloring (for example, liquid food coloring) - about a drop (optional);

Toothpaste - about a teaspoon;

Shaving gel - about 2 teaspoons;

A solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin (sold in pharmacies) - about a teaspoon;

Sequence of work:

Add the ingredients one at a time into a clean container in the order in which they are listed in the list above, mixing everything well each time. Add sodium tetraborate last, and it’s better not all at once, but little by little, stirring each time. You will understand that this substance is enough when your slime comes off the walls of the dish. Finally, remove the slime from the bowl and knead it well with your hands, like dough.

Clearly - in the video:

Transparent slime

Usually transparent slime is made from transparent silicate glue. If you want the slime to be more liquid, at the first stage the glue must be further diluted with water. But you don’t have to dilute it - the slime will turn out more elastic, as in the above version. In this example, borax is used as a thickener; this is the same sodium tetraborate, but in dry form; before use, it must be diluted with water (1 tablespoon of powder per 50 ml of water). You can also use a ready-made solution of sodium tetraborate.

You will need:

Silicate glue;

Sodium tetraborate solution;

- container and spoon/stick for mixing;

If desired, small glitter (you need small glitter, otherwise playing with the slime will not be very convenient, its structure will be disrupted) and dye.

Sequence of work:

Pour glue into the container. If you need liquid slime, add water and mix. Add sodium tetraborate and mix. Add a little at a time until the mixture reaches the desired consistency. Mix in a container and then with your hands. Now you can add dye by mixing it into the slime. Then the slime must be returned to the container and, sprinkled with glitter and covered with a lid, left for 2-3 days. During this time, all the air bubbles will come out of the slime and it will become perfectly transparent.

More details and clarity in the video:

Two simple slime recipes without pharmaceutical ingredients

If you don’t want to go to the pharmacy, but have shower gel and starch or children’s airy plasticine on hand, you can make slime using one of the simple recipes.

Simple recipe 1: slime / lizun from shampoo and starch

The slime turns out to be quite dense and elastic, matte, velvety, and pleasant to the touch. It's good to make something out of it. This slime is not very durable: the starch hardens and the slime dries out, losing elasticity - even in a closed container.

You will need:

Shower gel, liquid soap, shampoo (one of your choice) - approximately 1 tablespoon;

Dye (eg. acrylic paint) - droplet;

Starch (any) - about 2-3 tablespoons;

- container and spoon for mixing.

Sequence of work:

Pour shampoo into the container, add dye if necessary, and mix. We begin to add starch and mix. Add starch and mix until you get the desired consistency. If you get a lot of starch, no problem, add more shampoo. You need to knead the slime well so that it stops sticking to the walls of the dish, and then knead it with your hands.

Simple recipe 2: slime / lizun from shampoo and air plasticine

Unlike the previous one, this slime is more durable. If it is stored in a closed container or film, it hardly dries out and retains its properties for a long time.

Air plasticine looks like this.

You will need:

Shampoo, shower gel, liquid soap - 1.5−2 teaspoons;

Airy (aka light) plasticine (sold in toy stores, etc.) - 1 bag.

Sequence of work:

Airy plasticine itself is very plastic, but mixed with shampoo it takes on new properties. It can be smeared on the surface and then easily collected, stretched, wrinkled, and so on. So, flatten the plasticine into a flat cake, add a little gel/shampoo to the middle and mix it right in your hands. Add gel little by little until the slime reaches the desired consistency.

Both recipes are clearly shown in the video:

Preview photo:

Today you can buy slime in any toy store, however, you don’t have to spend money to please yourself with it. In this article we will tell you about the most in unusual ways making slime at home.

Slime is the favorite toy not only of all children, but also of adults. It can be wrinkled, stretched, torn and sculpted again.

How to make magnetic slime?

Magnetic slime is not just a toy made of jelly-like material, it is a toy that, when interacting with a magnet, takes on the most bizarre and funny shapes. This is the slime that is most popular among children.

You can make slime at home in 2 different ways.

Method No. 1

  • Liquid starch
  • PVA glue
  • Magnetic chips
  • Magnet

Let's start making slime:

  • In a disposable container, mix approximately 50-60 ml of liquid starch and 1.5 tbsp. l. magnetic shavings. Stir the ingredients. As for liquid starch, you can buy it ready-made or make it yourself.
  • The easiest way to prepare this starch at home: combine 10 g corn starch and 80 ml water, stir. Next, boil 500 ml of water and pour the previously prepared mass into it in a thin stream, stirring, cook for several minutes, add essential oil (2 drops) if desired, and boil for a few more minutes.
  • Next, pour the cooled starch into a jar or bottle and use as needed.
  • Now add about ¼ cup of glue to the mixture of starch and magnetic shavings, mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Next is the most important stageslime formation. This is not easy to do, since at first the toy sticks to your hands. To protect your hands and nails from turning black, use rubber gloves; they can be lightly coated with glue or oil.
  • Stir the slime until it accepts correct form and it won’t reach the desired consistency.
  • Next, you can start playing with magnetic slime. It can be used like regular slime - crush it, inflate it like a ball, or you can play it with a magnet.

Method No. 2

  • Any office glue
  • Iron powder
  • Borax in liquid form

Let's start making the toy:

  • Combine half a glass of glue with 1 tsp. borax, stir the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Now add 2-3 tbsp to the mass. l. water, stir the mixture again.
  • Knead the mixture until it becomes dense. Next, form the slime with your hands and only then mix iron powder into the toy, you need to take about 1.5 tsp.
  • If, while playing with the slime, it does not magnetize well, add a little more iron powder to it.

Please note that this slime stains surfaces very badly, so you need to play with it very carefully. When preparing the toy, it is best to protect your hands with rubber gloves. This slime should be stored in a plastic container.

How to make slime from salt, glue, shampoo?

According to this recipe, the slime turns out exactly the same as store-bought. It stretches well, wrinkles and even inflates like a balloon. Even a small child can make a toy using this recipe.

  • Shampoo – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Transparent office glue – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 2.5 tbsp. l.

You can make slime this way:

  • Pour glue into the container.
  • Now add shampoo to the glue in parts. note that shampoo You can use absolutely any one. Its smell, color, etc. does not matter. The only thing you need to consider is that the color of the shampoo will determine the color of the slime, unless, of course, you want to add some other dye to the mass.
  • A mixture of glue and shampoo need to be stirred thoroughly. As you add shampoo, the mass will begin to thicken and become jelly-like.
  • From salt we do saline solution. To do this, you need to combine salt and about 0.5 liters of ordinary water. Stir the liquid until the salt is completely dissolved.
  • Now we place jelly-like mass into a saline solution and form a toy. Wrinkle it and rinse it with saline solution.
  • After 3-5 minutes. Such manipulations will make the slime elastic, soft and pliable, and most importantly, it will stop sticking and sticking to your hands.

  • After this, the toy must be placed in plastic container and take it out from there only while playing with it.
  • If you want to add any dye to the slime, do it at the stage of combining the glue and shampoo, or add the dye directly to the glue.

How to make slime from silicate glue and perfume?

Yes, in fact, such a beloved toy can be made even from silicate glue and the simplest perfume. Everyone probably has such ingredients in their home, so it’s definitely worth trying to make slime out of them.

  • Silicate glue – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Perfume with spray
  • Red dye

So, let's make a slime like this:

  • Place the glue in a deep container.
  • Since silicate glue is transparent, it can be painted with any dye and, as a result, get bright and beautiful slime. You can use absolutely any dye, any color, but we suggest trying to make the slime red.
  • Drop 1 drop of dye into the glue (if the dye is liquid), dissolve the dye in water and drop a few drops of liquid into the glue (if the dye is powdery, dry).
  • Mix glue with dye.
  • Now spray perfume several times directly into the glue container. You will see that a thin film has formed on the mass. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Repeat these manipulations until the mass completely becomes jelly-like.

  • Next, take the slime in your hands and thoroughly knead his. At first it will tear and will not be elastic, this is not scary. Continue shaping it for 3-7 minutes. and you will see that it has become soft and pliable.
  • The slime made from these ingredients will be small, so if you want a larger toy, double the amount of ingredients.

How to make slime from silicate glue, toilet paper and nasal drops?

To prepare slime, you can use the most unusual and at the same time affordable ingredients. To prepare a toy according to this recipe, we will need glue, toilet paper and simple Naphthyzin nasal drops.

  • Silicate glue – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Toilet paper – 10 cm
  • Nasal drops
  • Dye

To make slime according to this recipe, you need to do this:

  • Take the glue and pour it into a deep container.
  • Add to it any dye, whichever one you like. If this is not done, the slime will turn out transparent and pieces of paper will be visible in it. We suggest using any bright dye, such as yellow or green.
  • Toilet paper need to be torn into small pieces. It is best to give preference to soft toilet paper, as it will soften much better and faster in the glue. You can also replace toilet paper with regular paper napkins.
  • Add shredded paper into dye-dyed glue and stir thoroughly. After this, the glue will be absorbed into the paper and the mass will become more uniform, but at the same time liquid and not viscous.
  • Now take Naphthyzin nasal drops and add a few drops to the mixture, mix the ingredients. Do not add many drops at once, otherwise the slime may not be elastic.
  • After stirring the mass, you will see that it has become more thick and jelly-like. Add the product until the mixture becomes thick enough.

  • Next, take the slime in your hands and knead well within 5 min.
  • After this, the toy will become soft and elastic, it can be stretched and torn.

How to make slime from toothpaste?

You may not believe it, but this funny toy can be made with just one ingredient - toothpaste. Let's try.

  • Any toothpaste
  • Massage oil
  • Sequins

To make slime:

  • Take any pasta. Its color, manufacturer, etc. do not matter. Place it in a deep container. Keep in mind that no matter how much paste you take, the slime will be the same size, since no other ingredients will be added.
  • Next, you can do this: soften the paste in a steam bath. If this happens, place the paste container in a large container of boiling water. Stir the paste constantly until it becomes more viscous.
  • You can soften the paste using microwaves. In this case, place the container in the microwave and turn it on for 10 seconds to soften the paste. Take out the mass; if it is not yet viscous enough, repeat the manipulation.
  • After this, apply a very small amount to your hands. any massage oil, Take the chilled slime in your hands and knead it thoroughly.

  • After 3-5 minutes. the toy will become very soft, pleasant to the touch, good stretch.
  • If desired, you can add glitter to the slime. Please note that glitter can color the slime.
  • You can also initially color the paste in any color using dye.
  • If you want to remove the strong smell of toothpaste, add a little to the slime essential oil, for example, lemon, tangerine.

How to make slime from dishwashing liquid and soda?

This recipe is very simple. With its help you can easily and quickly make a very soft and elastic slime. Moreover, the ingredients for its preparation will certainly be found in every home.

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Dye

We make the toy this way:

  • Pour dishwashing liquid into the container. The size of the slime will depend on its quantity, so use it at your own discretion. You can use absolutely any product, but it is better to give preference to a thicker one.
  • Color It also doesn’t matter, however, if the color of the product is green, then the slime will turn out green. If you want to get your own slime color, use a clear product and dye.
  • So, if you want to color the slime, add to the product dye and mix the mixture well.
  • Now gradually add some baking soda to it. To start, 1 tsp.
  • Stir the mixture, look at it consistency.
  • Add soda and mix with the product until the mass becomes thick and jelly-like.
  • Then take the slime in your hands and give it a good knead his. This will take approximately 5-7 minutes.
  • That's it, you can play.

How to make slime from a glue stick, baking soda and air freshener?

What unusual ingredients can be used to make slimes, this recipe is proof of that. Just imagine, a glue stick, soda and a regular air freshener will help you make the most interesting slime for yourself.

  • Glue stick – 70 g
  • Soda - half a tsp.
  • Any air freshener

Let's get to work, now we have to make a slime with a freshener:

  • Since the glue is not for sale small blocks, but it is made in a “pencil”, we need to remove it from the container and cut it into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the faster the glue will melt.
  • Next we need to melt the glue. This can be done using microwave oven or a steam bath. The first option will be less time-consuming.
  • Melted glue will look like regular liquid transparent glue.
  • In 1 tsp. Dilute the baking soda with water, then add the liquid to the glue and mix thoroughly. After this, the mass will become thicker and more viscous.
  • At this stage you can add any decorating elements, for example, glitter, balls, beads, dye, etc.
  • Now spray the mixture with air freshener and quickly stir it, it will become even more jelly-like.
  • Repeat this manipulation until the slime reaches the desired consistency.
  • Please note after kneading slime in a bowl, you need to knead it thoroughly with your hands, only after that it will become elastic and stop sticking to your hands.

How to make edible slime?

Interest small child You can use such an unusual toy as an edible slime. You can prepare such a delicious toy together with your baby.

  • Any chewing candies – 150 g
  • Powdered sugar

What do you need to make edible slime:

  • You can use any sweets, as long as they are chewable, since we have to melt them
  • Take all the candies and put them into a deep container.
  • In another container, larger than the one in which you placed the candies, boil water.
  • Place the container of candy in a container of boiling water and, stirring the contents, melt it.
  • Next, let the candy mass cool slightly.
  • After sprinkle the mixture with powder and knead it like dough.
  • Add powder to the mixture until it becomes elastic and soft. Also note that the mass should stop sticking to your hands.
  • If desired, in such edible slime You can add food coloring.

As you can see, you can make slime with your own hands very quickly and easily. At the same time, such a toy will not turn out to be expensive, because the ingredients for its preparation are available in every home. Today we have not told you all the recipes by which you can make such a toy, so use all your imagination and experiment.

Video: DIY edible slime

Everyone who came from the 90s remembers an unusual toy that stood out in the store against the backdrop of dolls and cars. It's slime! There were so many funny moments at school when this thing was placed on the chair of an excellent student or thrown directly onto the blackboard during a break to scare the teacher entering the class.

Children remain the same at all times, and no pranks are alien to them. So, you can please your child with an unusual toy. Plus, made by yourself!

Today you can even learn how to make slime from hand cream without having to buy anything in the store.

Why is it better to make slime at home?

One of the disadvantages of slimes, which affected its sales, was high level sodium tetraborate. This substance has toxic properties. This component is very dangerous for people with allergies or skin diseases.

In addition, the problem was that it is not known what dosage of tetraborate the manufacturer used - this was often not indicated on the packaging of the slime.

That is why the toy began to be banned for children, and gradually the supply of these goods stopped. But slime without sodium tetraborate can also be prepared using ingredients that are quite familiar to us.

From soda

So let's consider simple recipes Lizunov with your own hands. Take baking soda, as well as water, dish soap and dye (can be replaced with gouache).

  • Pour it out detergent into a container (it is better to use glassware). You can do everything by eye, guided by consistency.
  • Add soda and mix. If the mixture is too thick, you can correct it by adding a little water.
  • To add color we use dye. Mix and put in the refrigerator. The slime will be ready in 15-20 hours.

What should you do if the slime sticks to your hands while playing? At the cooking stage, you need to add 2 drops of sunflower oil to the mixture.

From shampoo

Instead of shampoo, shower gel is also suitable. It's very simple!

  • Mix water and shampoo in equal proportions. You need to take a product without granules or other foreign particles.
  • Cool the slime in the refrigerator - this takes about 20 hours.

You should also store the slime at a low temperature (but not in the freezer). The shelf life of the toy is 30 days.

From flour

We bet you didn’t even know how to make slimes with your own hands from flour? Such a toy will be safe even for a baby. The only thing is that it won’t be as bright as store-bought options.

For cooking you will need flour and water. And you can take some kind of natural-based dye.

  • Add ¼ cup of cold water to the container with flour.
  • Stir and pour in the same amount of warm water. You cannot pour boiling water.
  • Bring everything to a homogeneous consistency and add a couple of drops of dye.
  • When the mass has become sticky and thick, put it in the refrigerator. In the case of flour, 4 hours is enough for the slime to be prepared.

From starch and glue

You can also make your own slime using PVA glue. And you will also need liquid starch, a bag and dye. If only dry starch is available, it is simply diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. Instead of dye, you can use gouache.

  • Pour 70 ml of starch into the bag.
  • Add dye and 25 g of glue
  • We tie the bag and shake vigorously for 5 minutes to mix all the ingredients.
  • Drain the liquid if there is any. You should get a homogeneous mass. This will be the slime!

From hand cream

You will also need baking soda and detergent.

  • IN plastic cup pour 1 tablespoon of dish soap.
  • Add 1 level teaspoon of soda and mix.
  • We use a little more hand cream than detergent.
  • Mix everything with dye.
  • 4 hours in the refrigerator and you're done!

From toothpaste

Here the process is longer, but the slime turns out to be very elastic and lasts longer. You will need toothpaste and dye.

  • Squeeze into a glass toothpaste. It’s good if it’s in the form of a gel – the color of the slime will be better.
  • Add dye and mix.
  • Place the mixture in a water bath (15 minutes is enough).
  • Cool in the refrigerator. In 5 hours you can play!

In all cases, slimes are great even for small children. They do not stain surfaces or stick to them.

Don't forget that you can add vegetable or any liquid oil to eliminate stickiness if you haven't calculated the proportions. Delight your child with a handmade toy. It will definitely turn out better than store bought!

Photos of do-it-yourself slimes

When making slimes, water is used to add volume to the mass and make it more tender. The glue that is too thick is diluted with liquid so that it “grabs” from the activator, but does not turn the toy into a piece of rubber. It is also used to dilute sodium tetraborate, soda and other stabilizers. In all cases, regular tap water is suitable; some recipes require hot water.

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1. From water and PVA glue

This recipe produces a jelly slime that requires a lot of kneading. You should not shorten this time by adding extra drops of thickener. If there is too much of it, the slime will tear.

Ingredients for slime

  • 80 ml water,
  • 100 ml PVA glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. gouaches,
  • a few drops of borax.

Cooking method

  1. Place the glue in a wide container.
  2. Pour some water into the bottle from under it, rinse it and put it back there.
  3. Pour the remaining liquid into the glue and stir.
  4. Tint the mass.
  5. Drip Borax into it.
  6. Knead with a spatula until rolled.

Watch this video on how to make slime from water and PVA glue:

2. From water without glue

When preparing the toy, it is important to mix the liquid well and quickly, especially after adding the film mask. Otherwise, it will begin to curl up into pieces, which will then be difficult to combine into one whole.

Slime ingredients

  • 100 ml water,
  • 30 ml film mask,
  • 1 tsp. shampoo,
  • 1 tsp. sodium tetraborate diluted with water (proportion 1:1).

How to make it yourself

  1. Pour the main ingredient into a bowl.
  2. Add the film mask there and mix the liquid.
  3. Pour in the shampoo and continue using the spatula.
  4. Add sodium tetraborate, knead until clots appear.
  5. Then knead the mass with your hands until you get slime.

3. From water and soda

Using the proposed method, you can make a perfectly stretchy glass slime. When working with it by hand at the last stage excess liquid need to be squeezed out.


  • 200 ml water,
  • 3 tbsp. l. soda,
  • 60 ml stationery glue.

How to make slime

  1. Dissolve the baking soda in the liquid, stirring with a spatula.
  2. Pour glue into the middle of the dish with this mixture.
  3. Use a spatula to collect the mass that has begun to thicken from the edges of the cup toward the center.
  4. Take it in your hands and knead it, periodically dipping your fingers in the soda solution.

Watch this video on how to make slime from water and soda:

4. From water and shampoo

This is one of the slime recipes that always works because it's so basic. The manufacturing process is completed quickly, the toy comes out elastic and stretchy. Original slime can be turned into butter if you add a little clay to it.


  • 1 tbsp. l. water,
  • 1 tsp. shampoo,
  • 50 ml PVA glue,
  • a drop of rich cream,
  • 0.5 tsp. dye,
  • 0.5 tsp. aqueous solution of sodium tetraborate (1 part of the drug for the same amount of liquid).

Method of making slime

  1. Place the glue in a container and add water to it.
  2. Pour shampoo in there.
  3. Add cream to the mixture and stir everything.
  4. Tint the composition.
  5. Pour in the thickener, knead with a spoon until it curls.
  6. Finally, knead with your hands so that the slime does not stick to them.

5. From water and flour

In this recipe it is impossible to establish exact proportions, since flour varies, that is, a product from one manufacturer swells more and faster than from another. Therefore, between adding it, it is necessary to knead the mass well, without leaving lumps. If it turns out too dense, you can add more liquid.

What is needed for slime

  • 100 ml water,
  • 1.5-2 cups flour,
  • 1-2 tsp. vegetable oil.

  1. Place the liquid in a large cup to make it easier to mix later.
  2. Pour flour into it in portions, working with a spoon at the same time, without leaving any lumps.
  3. Tint the future slime.
  4. When the mixture acquires the consistency of thick sour cream, add oil.
  5. Knead it with your hands.

In this video you will learn how to make slime from water and flour:

6. From water and starch

At the first stage, it is necessary to make a non-Newtonian liquid, that is, there is no need to strive for uniformity of composition, this is impossible. The amount of glue can be reduced, then the slime will be softer and stretch to the film. If you follow the proportions, it will come out matte, smooth and will remain that way when stretched.

What to make slime from

  • 100 ml water,
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch,
  • dye,
  • 30 ml silicate glue,
  • 2-3 drops of sodium tetraborate.

How to make it yourself

  1. Pour starch into a cup.
  2. Pour water in there.
  3. Mix the mixture with a spatula and your hands.
  4. Touch it up.
  5. Add glue to the composition and make it homogeneous.
  6. Thicken with sodium tetraborate and mix with a spatula.
  7. Knead in your hands until it releases from the skin.

7. From water without sodium tetraborate

Despite the unusual components, the proposed recipe produces a classic slime. And if you add more thickener, you can make handgam.

Slime ingredients

  • 1 tbsp. l. water,
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch,
  • 60 ml stationery glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil,
  • 5-6 doses of Teymurov spray.

How to cook it yourself

  1. Transfer the glue to a bowl.
  2. Pour water into it.
  3. Tint with gouache.
  4. Add starch and stir so that there are no lumps.
  5. Add vegetable oil, distribute it evenly in the liquid.
  6. Inject Teymurov spray.
  7. Knead until thick with a spoon and fingers.

How to make slime from water without sodium tetraborate:

8. From water and sodium tetraborate

With such a volume of liquid, a finger slime is obtained. It stretches well, falls beautifully from top to bottom, but gets your hands dirty. The recipe can be adjusted by reducing the amount of water or adding sodium tetraborate.

Proven recipe

  • 200 ml water,
  • 130 ml stationery glue,
  • 2-3 drops of liquid dye,
  • 1 tsp. sodium tetraborate.

Method of making slime

  1. Pour the liquid into a bowl.
  2. Add office glue to it.
  3. Mix everything until smooth.
  4. Touch it up.
  5. Pour in thickener.
  6. Knead until the mass thickens.

9. From water and salt

An important condition for preparing a toy according to this recipe is that there should be much more salty liquid than glue. And you need to pour it into the water, and not vice versa.

Slime ingredients

  • 100 ml hot water,
  • 5 tsp. salt,
  • 30 ml glue.

How to make at home

  1. Mix salt and water in a glass, leave the solution alone until it cools.
  2. Pour it into a wider bowl.
  3. Carefully add stationery glue to the liquid along the wall.
  4. When it curls, take out the clumps and make slime out of them.

Video on how to make slime from water and salt:

10. From water and liquid soap

The soap in the recipe is necessary so that the slime is shiny and stretches well. The water will keep it from getting too steep. And thanks to the hair gel, when the mass is stretched, a “web” is formed on the film.

What is needed for slime

  • 100 ml water,
  • a little gouache,
  • 4 doses of liquid soap,
  • 1 tsp. hair styling gel,
  • 50 ml glue,
  • 1-2 ml sodium tetraborate.

Cooking method

  1. Place the liquid in a cup and tint.
  2. Add hair gel.
  3. Add composition liquid soap, mix until smooth.
  4. Pour in the glue and swirl it around with a spoon.
  5. Thicken the liquid with sodium tetraborate.
  6. Knead until done.

11. From water and plasticine

In this recipe, it is important not to overexpose the plasticine in the liquid so that it does not dissolve at all. The slime will initially stick to the skin, but as you knead, this property will disappear.


  • 200 ml hot water,
  • 1 pack of lightweight plasticine.

Method of making slime

  1. Place water in a container.
  2. Flatten the lightweight plasticine slightly so that its thickness becomes less than 5 mm.
  3. Place this piece in the liquid for a few minutes.
  4. In the process, knead the mass in water.
  5. Remove from there and knead again with your hands.

This video is about how to make slime from water and plasticine:

12. From water and paper

In the recipe, the amount of paper is determined virtually “by eye.” It is only necessary to meet the condition that it and the water must combine into a fairly thick composition. The slime turns out to have a very unusual texture, but it can be stretched if you do it slowly.


  • 150 ml water,
  • 30-35 cm double layer toilet paper,
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. film masks,
  • 1 tsp. paints,
  • 1 tsp. body lotion,
  • 1 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • 4 tbsp. l. Persil washing gel.

Making slime at home

  1. Place the liquid in a cup and add small pieces of toilet paper there.
  2. Add the film mask and stir until smooth.
  3. Tint the mixture and leave it to soak for 10 minutes.
  4. Add body lotion and mix again.
  5. Squeeze shaving foam into the mixture and distribute it evenly throughout the mixture.
  6. Pour Persil in parts, without stopping stirring with a spoon.
  7. Knead the slime properly with your hands.

13. From water and toothpaste

In this recipe, you can slightly increase the amount of water if the sponge “eats” the initially poured liquid when whipping. You should add it literally drop by drop, otherwise you will end up with mucus and not slime.

Simple recipe

  • 4 tbsp. l. water,
  • 1 tsp. toothpaste,
  • 130 ml silicate glue,
  • a drop of liquid dye,
  • 0.5 tsp. undiluted sodium tetraborate.

Method of making slime

  1. Place water and toothpaste in a container.
  2. Mix them with a spoon.
  3. Using a foam sponge, beat both components into foam.
  4. Pour glue into it and mix.
  5. Add sodium tetraborate.
  6. Tint the future slime and work the mixture with a spoon until it stabilizes.



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