Foam concrete manufacturing technology. Production of foam concrete blocks. Preparing a mixture of sand and cement

The use of foam concrete has a history of more than fifty years. The operation of structures using it has already shown the reliability and durability of the material. Foam concrete has high noise insulating properties. Today we will look at the features of the opening own production this building material.

What is foam concrete

Foam concrete is concrete with a cellular structure, which is formed by closed air bubbles. This material has low density and thermal conductivity. It can be used as thermal insulation material(grade D200 – D500), structural and thermal insulation (D600 – D800) and structural with reduced thermal conductivity (D900 – D1600).

The grade of foam concrete indicates its density. For example, foam concrete grade D400 means foam concrete with a density of 400 kg/m 3. Foam concrete is produced in accordance with GOST 25495-89 “Cellular concrete. Specifications" The low density of foam concrete causes low consumption of materials for its production. For this reason, the cost of foam blocks is significantly lower than that of concrete blocks. The use of such materials is especially beneficial in low-rise construction and the construction of internal partitions.

Foam concrete is very easy to process. You can cut it with a regular hacksaw and hammer nails into it. Working with foam concrete on a construction site has much in common with working with wood. Foam blocks are the same foam concrete, molded in the form of parallelepipeds. Foam blocks are made as standard sizes(200*300*600 mm or 100*300*600 mm) and larger ones. At self-production The size of the foam blocks is determined by the size of the selected shape.

Appearance of foam blocks

Advantages of using foam blocks in construction:

  • low cost and, accordingly, high profitability of production;
  • high thermophysical characteristics;
  • ease of processing;
  • the opportunity to save money during the construction of the foundation due to the low mass of the walls, as well as lower transportation costs;
  • environmental friendliness.

Foam concrete, like any other material, is not without disadvantages that should be taken into account when using it. Its strength is significantly lower than that of concrete, and even more so reinforced concrete, it does not bend, has relatively high water absorption and permeability, and exhibits significant shrinkage (it is recommended to wait up to one month before use). But at the same time, the production of foam blocks as a business can bring quite high profits.


The production of foam concrete, despite the relatively low cost of factory-made foam blocks, is very tempting to produce them at home or in a mini-factory.

There is a common misconception that foam concrete can be produced by simply adding a foaming agent to a standard concrete mix. This is wrong.

The production of foam blocks from foam concrete is carried out mainly by two methods. The classic method is to prepare cement mixture(recipes are given below). Foam is supplied to the finished mixture from a foam generator and after mixing, the foam concrete is poured into molds. Using the autoclave method, all components are thoroughly mixed in a mixer under pressure. The resulting mixture is squeezed through a nozzle into the prepared mold. Technologies based on mixing dry components are usually used in mass production.

Form for foam blocks

For the production of foam concrete, Portland cement of a grade not lower than M400 (preferably M500), sifted and washed, is used river sand, foaming agent. Sometimes in concrete mixture add additives that accelerate setting (for example, liquid glass), as well as improving the structure of concrete (calcium chloride or calcium nitrate). Sand should be used in small fractions, since large particles quickly settle (sediment), which significantly reduces the quality of the product.

Production of foam blocks

Professional production foam blocks

Solid foam concrete mass

The company PENOBLOC.RU in Moscow specializes in the production of certified foam blocks, which are in demand in the construction of various structures. We use only high-quality components and equipment in the production of materials, therefore we give a 100% guarantee of the strength of our products.

Certified production of foam blocks is carried out using a special technology, which produces an environmentally friendly, durable and economical building material. When producing foam concrete blocks, constant quality control is carried out at each production stage. Thanks to our company's many years of experience and the use of professional skills, we offer our customers high-quality and effective material in construction.

Main advantages of our products

Foam concrete blocks are the most popular building material for the construction of walls of low-rise buildings, country houses, cottages and other buildings thanks to the following criteria:

  • low cost;
  • speed of wall construction;
  • strength and durability of the material;
  • good heat and sound insulation;
  • high degree of fire resistance.

Mass production of foam blocks in our country has reached a completely new level due to high demand for it. Foam concrete has excellent qualities, in which it is many times superior to brick and aerated concrete, while the material has a lower cost. Foam blocks are durable in use and do not lose their properties throughout the entire period of operation. appearance, that is, the material does not crumble and does not absorb moisture. Thanks to this property The foam concrete block is not susceptible to corrosion processes and fungus.

Automated process for manufacturing foam blocks

The production of a large number of foam blocks requires specialized automatic equipment that meets high technical requirements and standards, as well as compliance with technology at every stage. This is the basis for ensuring that manufactured products have high levels of quality, strength and durability in operation.

When organizing our production of foam blocks, we tried to eliminate human intervention from the process as much as possible, as a result of which we created ideal conditions to speed up the production of products and minimize possible failures. The whole process looks like this:

  • to prepare the foam concrete mixture, the components are automatically supplied to the terminal with automatic dosing of each component;
  • after thorough mixing and pouring ready mixture into forms large size they are transported to special chambers, where the initial maturation of the foam concrete mass occurs while maintaining the desired temperature;
  • the finished foam concrete mass is fed to the receiving line, where it is automatically sawed into separate blocks using special machines;
  • After sawing, the foam blocks undergo thermal and humidity treatment in chambers to achieve maximum strength. This is necessary to ensure that all shrinkage processes in the foam concrete mixture take place within the production cycle. In addition, the presence of steaming chambers allows us to produce foam blocks all year round;
  • the finished blocks are packed in film, placed on pallets and taken to a warehouse, where they are further stored for 2 weeks.

This technology makes it possible to achieve greatest strength material with maximum dimensional accuracy and a rough rough surface, which avoids the use of various solutions for better “adhesion” of plaster and tile solutions to foam concrete walls. At the same time, the equipment can be quickly reconfigured to fit any block size.

Our company produces foam blocks using high-tech modern equipment, resulting in high quality products.

The main components of foam concrete

The quality of the finished foam blocks depends on the quality of the components used. In our production we use only proven components, namely:

  • cement – ​​not lower than grade M500D0;
  • water – soft technical water of a certain temperature that meets GOST standards is used;
  • sand – quartz or fine structure is used;
  • foaming agent

Only high quality foam blocks

The company PENOBLOC.RU in the production of foam blocks uses only highly effective and proven technologies over the years, so our products are always of high quality, strong and durable in use. You can purchase any batch of foam concrete blocks from us with delivery to your destination and subsequent unloading. We will help you choose which type of transport and in what batches to deliver the products so that they can be easily unloaded and stored in the designated area. We always have in stock large number blocks, therefore we deliver our products within strictly specified time frames and at the most convenient time for customers.

Concrete products:

Vladimir (Mytishchi)
I ordered blocks from this company this year. Out of 900 pieces, only 8 were broken. There is a small error in “geometry”, but not critical. Thanks a lot.

Maria (Moscow)
Everything is fine!

Valentin (Krasnozavodsk)
I haven’t bought foam blocks yet, but I’m already pleased with the call, what a pleasant attitude of the manager towards the client!

Vitaly (Novosibirsk)
I bought foam blocks from you, they were really good, although several of them had broken edges. Thanks anyway!

Vasily (Kostanay)
I purchased foam blocks through you. You can say for the first time and I was pleasantly surprised how quickly and in what excellent form they arrived to me. Thank you!

Useful information:

Why do our blocks make a house warmer?
The thermal conductivity of walls made of foam concrete blocks is influenced by the following factors: density of foam concrete (kg/m3), structure of foam concrete (size and number of air bubbles in the foam concrete mass), thickness and quality of masonry joints. In general, we can say that the thermal conductivity of a material directly depends on its density; the lower the density, the less heat the material transfers.

Why is it cheaper to build with our blocks?
Price square meter The walls of a house are made up of: the cost of the blocks, the cost of masonry mortar, the cost of plaster and putty. Experience shows that when buying cheaper blocks, people are faced with the problem of a large number of blocks falling apart during delivery on the way to the construction site.

Comparison of various technologies for producing foam concrete.
There are several technologies for producing foam concrete. By and large, they can be divided into two groups.

How to determine the quality of a block by external signs?
New material, made of porous concrete, has proven itself since the very the best side. Houses built from foam blocks are warm and durable. In summer they are cool, and in winter owners save up to 30% on heating costs due to the fact that foam concrete retains heat well. A few tips when purchasing foam concrete blocks...

The relationship between foam block production technology and ecology.
We are interesting creatures - PEOPLE. We try not to eat low-quality food, do not buy rotten, falling apart cars, and are interested in the environmental conditions in the area of ​​the acquired plot of land on which we are going to build a house.

Foam concrete is a building material with an optimal price/performance ratio, widely used for the construction of low-rise buildings. Foam concrete is supplied in the form of blocks, which, depending on their size, are classified into wall, partition and U-blocks.

This article presents equipment for the production of foam blocks. We will consider mobile, stationary installations and automatic production lines, and also study the technology of making foam concrete at home.

Raw material composition, foam concrete production technology

The solution from which foam concrete is prepared consists of four components: sand, Portland cement (class M400-M500), foaming agent and water. Various modifying additives can also be added to the composition to improve the characteristics of the material - accelerating its hardening, increasing strength, etc.

Foaming agent added to the composition - chemical substance, thanks to which foam concrete receives a cellular structure. The most common foaming agents are Arecom-4, Foamin-C, Foam-X, PB-2000. These are synthetic substances, but there are protein-based foaming agents, the product made using them is classified as “bio-foam concrete”.

The proportions of the mixture will vary depending on what density of foam concrete you need to obtain. To produce the most popular foam concrete D600 (density 600 kg/m3), the following ratio is used: water - 120 liters, cement - 310 kg, sand - 210 kg, foam - 715 kg.

The production process consists of the following stages:

  • foam is prepared in a foam generator by mixing a chemical reagent with water;
  • a cement-sand mixture is prepared in a mixer;
  • foam and solution are combined and diluted to a uniform consistency;
  • the mixture is poured into molds, the dimensions of which determine the size of future blocks, where they are kept for 8-10 hours;
  • After the time has elapsed, the blocks are removed from the molds and stored in the storage warehouse finished products gain final strength within 10-15 days.

This technology is easy to implement and, if you have the required equipment, it can be easily implemented at home. The production of foam blocks can not only help save on material purchases during construction, but potentially this is a good business, since due to its high popularity foam concrete blocks always in demand.

1.1 Industrial equipment

Equipment for the production of foam blocks, depending on functionality, is classified into three groups: mobile, stationary, automatic. Let's look at each class of technology in more detail.

  1. Mobile installations. Productivity - 25-70 m3 of foam concrete per day. The kit, as a rule, does not include a full-fledged steam generator, the functions of which are performed by a pressure mixing chamber. The advantages of mobile equipment include: minimal price, compact dimensions, ease of maintenance. Disadvantages - high consumption of foaming agent and low productivity. Tested installations - Metem PSG (cost 150 thousand), Robus 500MS (cost 240 thousand).
  2. Stationary installations. Productivity - 50-100 m3 of foam concrete per day. The foam generator is included, the advantages are productivity, lower cost of the finished product. Recommended model - Metem AZP (price 250 thousand).
  3. Automatic production lines. Productivity can reach up to 160 cubic meters per day. Such units have a mechanized conveyor belt, and the production itself is divided into 5 separate zones. Advantages - minimal labor intensity of production, the highest productivity possible at home. Disadvantages: large dimensions of the equipment, cost. Common models are Fomm Start (1.4 million), FC100WM from the NPU company (1.5 million.

Please note that when using units with a foam generator, you will need to obtain a license to operate pressure equipment.

1.2 Overview of the production process (video)

2 Production of foam concrete at home

Making foam blocks with your own hands is possible if you have a concrete mixer, a foam generator, as well as formwork forms for pouring the blocks. You can use a regular concrete mixer as a mixer, but you can also make such a unit manually. You will need:

  • sheet steel;
  • low speed gearbox;
  • electric drive;
  • shaft with blades
  • metal plate;
  • large diameter rubber hoses.

It is necessary to weld a tank with a volume of 200-250 liters from sheet steel; if available, you can use an old one metal barrel). At the bottom of the barrel, it is necessary to drill a hole into which a rotation shaft with blades is mounted on bearings. The shaft itself is connected to an electric drive through a reduction gearbox; the container must also be mounted on a platform; it must be raised 20-30 cm above the ground.

To make a foam concentrate with your own hands, you will need a compressor with a large-diameter receiver. Here you will also need to weld a tank of 200-300 liters, but the seams must be reinforced. It is best to make a rectangular container and weld a coal profile onto its side faces. The need to strengthen the structure is explained by the fact that during operation the pressure in the tank will be maintained at an increased pressure of 3-4 Bar. In the walls of the container you need to make 2 pipes with a diameter of 10 cm, the first is the outlet (the hose will be connected to it), the second (parallel to the first) is for connecting the compressor.

The production process is as follows:

  1. Water is poured into the foam generator and the required amount of foaming agent is added (according to the table). The compressor turns on, increasing the pressure in the container to a predetermined level, which leads to foaming of the composition.
  2. Prepared in mixers cement-sand mortar, into which the calculated amount of foam is mixed. The components are mixed until smooth and poured into molds. The blocks are kept in them for 10-12 hours, after which the products are removed from the blocks and hardened for 10-14 days, after which they can be used in construction work.

Note that, unlike aerated concrete, which is cast in large quantities and then cut into blocks, foam blocks are made individually - in molds. The following standard sizes are available on the market: 600*300*100 (150, 200, 250, 300) mm. Only their width varies, while their height and length remain unchanged. The cost of forms starts from 15 thousand rubles (form for 6 blocks) and can reach up to 80 thousand (for 70 blocks).

Make at home simple form Can be made of metal or plywood. It is easier to work with plywood, since its connection is done using a screwdriver. Initially, you need to cut the plywood panels using a jigsaw or circular saw, then the shapes are assembled from the blanks. Every 6-9 forms are collected into one block. Keep in mind that at all stages of manufacturing molds, it is necessary to carefully monitor the correctness of their dimensions, since they directly affect the geometry of the blocks produced.

Professional modern equipment for the production of foam blocks and high-quality components allow us to produce lightweight and reliable modern building material. The manufacturing process of any lightweight cellular concrete has its own characteristics and nuances, and foam concrete is no exception. Before we begin the review modern equipment for production, we will consider the main features of manufacturing foam blocks.

The process of manufacturing foam concrete blocks can be carried out in two ways: in various ways, each of which has both disadvantages and advantages.

1. Molding method.

During the production process, concrete mortar poured into an iron cassette mold with removable sides and bulkheads dividing it into several sections. Directly in the mold, the block is dried, and then the completely finished product is removed from it.

The advantage of this method is the absence of sawing machine, which significantly reduces cost and production time.


  • poor block geometry;
  • low dimensional accuracy of produced blocks even when using expensive molds;
  • a deliberately high percentage of defects, since every block adhering to the surface of the mold is destroyed.

To prevent the destruction of the blocks, special lubricating compositions for molds have been created that decompose in the open air in a few days. The cost of such lubricants is high, but they do not insure against chipping and destruction of blocks.

2. Sawing (cutting).

This technology is most common among manufacturers foam concrete materials. When using this method, first a large block is made from a foam concrete solution, which, after drying, is sawn (cut) into blocks of the required size.

To cut blocks, a sawing machine for foam blocks is used, which not only saws the resulting mass, but also removes damaged edges.

The advantages of this technology are minimal errors and high dimensional accuracy, as well as correct geometry each product.

The disadvantage will be the need to cut the foam concrete mass into small pieces, and this requires special, rather expensive equipment. This increases production costs and production time.

Stages of block production

The main stages of manufacturing foam concrete blocks using both sawing and casting methods, with the exception of certain points, are almost the same. Let's consider, in general outline, the main stages of foam concrete production using injection molding technology:

1. Preparation of foam concentrate, diluted in a separate container with water, and then fed into the foam generator. If there is a cavitation installation, this step is skipped.

2. Mixing and producing foam concrete mixture. All dry ingredients and additives are placed in the mixer, after which foam is fed into it. All components are mixed for several minutes with the mixer hatch hermetically closed.

If a cavitation installation is used, then the foaming agent is put into the mixer first, before all the other ingredients are added there, after which the mixture is kneaded for about half a minute.

3. Filling out forms. Before you start filling the molds, they must be cleaned and lubricated with machine oil or special lubricating fluids. After this, the resulting foam concrete solution is poured into molds and the top side is leveled.

4. Hardening of foam concrete. Forms filled with solution should be stored at a temperature environment about +20 °C. If this condition is met, the foam blocks will reach 25% of the designed strength in 8-10 hours, which will allow them to be packaged.

Methods for making foam concrete blocks

We have already discussed one of the methods for making blocks, namely the method of pouring foam concrete into special cassette molds. There are two more:

  • Sawing or cutting solid foam concrete using special equipment.
  • Pouring foam concrete composition into special forms, followed by automatic formwork.

Types of equipment for the production of foam blocks

Today it is not difficult to buy equipment for the production of foam concrete blocks, either individually or as a set. It is quite easy to get confused by the number of units offered by manufacturers and sellers, which differ in performance, size and configuration of units. It is important to clearly establish how many blocks you need and whether your finances are enough to organize production.

The production of cellular foam concrete and blocks from it is impossible without the following equipment:

  • vibrating screen (for sifting materials);
  • raw material supply device (sand, cement);
  • water dispenser;
  • mixer;
  • foam generator (except for installations using pressure technology);
  • compressor;
  • hose for supplying the finished solution;
  • forms various types either sawing machine or band saws.

To understand all this variety of equipment, let's look at what it is like.

All settings can be:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

A special subtype of stationary installations for foam concrete are conveyor and automatic lines.

Fixed lines

Stationary complexes for the production of foam concrete blocks are produced on the basis of various foam generators. Capable of producing up to 110 m3 per day.


  • High performance.
  • Low consumption of foaming agent for each m 3 of the resulting material.
  • Production of high-strength foam concrete.
  • Reducing production costs.

The price of stationary lines for the production of foam blocks is quite high, as can be seen from the table below:

Mobile equipment

A mobile installation for the production of foam concrete does not involve the use of a foam generator during the production process. As a rule, equipment of this type operates on the principle of pressure technology, and is characterized by low productivity, up to 45 m3.

  • The easiest way to produce foam concrete and blocks from it.
  • The absence of a steam generator leads to a reduction in the price of such installations.
  • Low productivity.
  • High foam concentrate consumption.
  • Not very high strength of the resulting material.

In the table below, you can see prices for equipment for foam concrete in the category of mobile machines.

A special feature of the Fomm-Prof500 is the presence of a Fomm-PGM foam generator that works using the GreenFroth protein foaming agent, which makes it possible to obtain foam concrete of higher strength than, for example, on a Sunny pressure unit.

In addition to BAS-130, Sunny-014 and Fomm-Prof500, there are many other mobile installations and complexes on the market, including foreign ones, such as RSG-500, DSL-150. All of them have good performance and are quite affordable prices in the range from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. However, all these installations have a serious drawback - a poorly developed service department and possible delays in the supply of spare parts.

Automatic and conveyor lines

To organize an automatic or conveyor line for the production of foam concrete blocks, you need a fairly large room, since it is necessary to organize five main production areas in it:

  • Cement warehouse with automatic dosing.
  • Sand warehouse automated by dispenser.
  • Automated line for dosing and supplying cement, water and sand.
  • Foam concrete production line.
  • Place for cutting foam blocks or automatic stripping of forms.

Productivity ranges from 80 to 100 m 3 blocks per shift.

Below is a table in which you can see both the performance and prices of this equipment:

Today, the automatic line “Fomm-Pusk” produced by the St. Petersburg company “Stroy-Beton” is in high demand. Contains:

  • automatic dosing complex;
  • automatic control system;
  • automatic water supply system;
  • storage and supply systems for sand and cement;
  • production plant "Fomm-Prof".

Thus, if equipment is needed for individual construction, a used machine for producing foam blocks at home is quite suitable. If you need to get more blocks, such as, for example, small construction teams, then mobile installations. For small commercial organizations, depending on the expected production volumes, both mobile and landline lines are suitable.

Despite the fact that I don’t like the phrase “production” and “home conditions,” but since people are interested in this topic, let’s try to figure out how to organize a mini-production of foam blocks on your site.

I will say right away that doing business, and especially manufacturing, on your own site where you live is a violation of the law (not a criminal article, just a fine). Any industrial production(and production building materials This is exactly what it is) there is no way to organize where people live. For this, there are special industrial zones or your enterprise must be located at a distance of 300 meters from the nearest residential buildings. Therefore, if you are starting such a business near you, then work quietly, but expect that sooner or later your office may be opened and you will have to communicate with regulatory authorities, pay more than one fine, and close the company.

It is best to open a mini-enterprise in a rented premises of 100 - 200 sq.m., which is available for a reasonable price rent There are plenty of them in every city.

If there is demand for foam blocks?

Of course, there is demand, but supply is also high. Foam block is in demand due to its following qualities:

  • low cost (houses in villages are now probably built only from it);
  • speed of wall construction - building with foam blocks is much faster than with bricks (one foam block = 4 bricks);
  • high strength (but it is still not recommended to build buildings higher than 3 floors);
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • frost resistance and so on.

However, when opening production, you will have to try hard to find someone to sell the foam block to. And you should look for buyers in advance of purchasing the equipment for the production of foam blocks. Otherwise, you will stamp a whole warehouse of goods, you will not be able to sell, but wages and other expenses will have to be paid. You can search for buyers using the following options:

  • construction markets;
  • construction organizations;
  • chain stores selling building materials;
  • wholesale buyers and individuals who can be searched through advertisements in newspapers, on websites, and so on;
  • you can hang a banner on the highway: “Foam blocks for sale from the manufacturer at low prices...", indicate phone number.

When opening a business, it is important to consider seasonality. They start buying foam blocks when they wake up construction market. And this happens in the spring. It is during this period that production should be launched. In this case, the buyer can be expected with the first foam block made.

I agree with the user under the nickname “granitos” from the forum, who says that it is best to produce foam blocks and engage in private construction. It turns out that you don’t need to look for sales of your products: you sell the foam block to the end consumer. Here you have a profitability of more than 100%:

Case registration

Even if you are at home, you will still have to register a case. Without the status of an entrepreneur, it will be impossible to sell your products: no one will work with the usual an individual. Opening an individual business will not be difficult.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs in tax service takes only 5 working days from the date of submission of documents for registration. The procedure costs 800 state rubles. duties, and the list of documents is limited to a photocopy of the passport, TIN and application for registration. In the application for registration, you can indicate OKVED code 26.61 “Production of concrete products for use in construction.”

As a taxation system, it is advisable to use the simplified tax system (USN), 6% of revenue or 15% of profit. This special regime will relieve you of the obligation to pay income tax, VAT and property tax. You need to switch to the simplified tax system within 5 days from the date of registration of an individual entrepreneur upon application (it is better to do this immediately after receiving a certificate for an individual entrepreneur).

Equipment – ​​we buy a production line

There are plenty of offers on the market for equipment for the production of foam blocks. You can find configurations for 200 thousand rubles, or even for 1.5 million. The configuration of the line will depend on the desired production volume. In principle, “home” production does not require high productivity. For example, here is a set of equipment for 270 thousand rubles, which includes a pressure unit, a compressor, a foam concentrate and molds for blocks (30 pieces).

Such a kit will make it possible to produce up to 5 cubic meters in an 8-hour shift with the efforts of two or three workers. foam concrete. In monetary terms, this corresponds to 10-11 thousand rubles per day. In 22 working days more than 100 cubic meters can be produced. foam blocks worth 230 thousand rubles (revenue).

Briefly about raw materials and technology

The raw materials for the production of foam blocks are PC500D0 cement, water, sand, foaming agent, and mold release agent. Approximate cost raw materials for the production of 1 cubic meter. is 1600 rubles.

The production technology includes such stages as the formation of a foam concrete mixture in a pressure unit - unloading the finished foam block - stripping (unmolding) the foam blocks - loading the finished foam blocks onto pallets - storage - forming the release strength of the foam blocks within 2 days. Foam blocks acquire their final, one hundred percent strength 28 days after production.

Average production cost of 1 cubic meter. m of foam block is 2000 rubles, and the selling price is about 3000 rubles. That is, from 1 cu. m of foam block we make a profit of 1000 rubles. We sell 100 cubic meters. per month and get a profit of 100 thousand rubles.

Business plan for mini production of foam blocks


  • purchase of a line (equipment) + delivery – 300 thousand rubles;
  • preparation of the production site – 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials and materials - 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (purchase of household equipment, work clothes, etc.) – 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 500 thousand rubles

Manufacturing cost of 1 cubic meter. m. foam blocks:

  • cement PC500D0 (0.3 t) – 1300 rubles;
  • water (0.3 t) – 8 rubles;
  • sand (0.2 t) – 50 rubles;
  • foaming agent (1.16 t) – 90 rubles;
  • lubricant for molds (0.25 kg) – 10 rubles;
  • electricity – 100 rubles;
  • depreciation of equipment - 300 rubles;
  • wages – 400 rubles.

Total: 2258 rub.

Profit per month:

  • selling price 1 cubic meter – 3000 rub.;
  • profit from the sale of 1 cubic meter. (before tax) – 742 rubles;
  • monthly production volume – 110 cubic meters;
  • total profit (before tax) – RUB 81,620;
  • tax (USN, 15% of profit) – 12,243 rubles.

Net profit per month – 69,377 rubles.

The payback period for a foam block business with 100% sales of products is 7 months. The actual payback may be higher by 5-6 months, if we take into account the seasonality factor and possible disruptions in product sales.



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