Dream interpretation skyscraper roof. American dream book Roof. Why dream of a roof according to the Esoteric dream book

Very often the action in our dreams takes place in different rooms or we see residential buildings and various buildings. We pay attention to the plot, to what we ourselves do in our dream, but at the same time, the roof of the dreaming house is a very “talking” symbol that can tell a lot.

As the Old Russian dream book says, the roof in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's state of affairs and how they will develop in the near future. The psychological dream book says that appearance and the state of the roof of the house in a dream is the most eloquent evidence of the state of mind of the sleeping person, his self-confidence. More dreams about rooftops can predict how things will change. social status and the financial situation of the dreamer.

To correctly interpret what the roof is dreaming of, you need to recall the details of your night vision:

  • How strong and beautiful was the roof.
  • What materials was it made from?
  • Maybe in your dream the roof burned or leaked?
  • It is important to remember what you yourself did in your dream.

The roof, says the Astrological Dream Book, is the personification of the sleeping person's value system, his ideals, confidence, "what is good and what is bad." Depending on the balance of this system, a person feels more or less protected in real world. The more beautiful and stronger roof at home in a dream, the better the dreamer's beliefs contribute to his success in society.

Another roof in dreams is the personification of the head as part of the body. Dreams should be taken as a direct warning, where a stone falls on the roof of your house, hail pours, falls. Most often, such dreams are a warning to protect your head, literally, from accidents, injuries and bruises.

As the Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima says, if you saw a beautiful and strong roof in a dream, but at the same time you are worried about something, anxiety about the success of your plans has no basis. If the roof of the house turned out to be leaky, with holes, then in reality do not rely on patrons. You will have to act exclusively on your own, which means that you need to very accurately calculate your strength.

When the roof of the house in a dream completely failed or collapsed, this may mean that the dreamer will have to change his place of residence. For a businessman, such a vision may mean that in the current situation, the change of partners will be far from worst decision. If you dreamed without a roof at all, you should not be scared at all - a dream characterizes you as an independent person who is very difficult to "brainwash".

From tiles and glass

The material from which the roof you dreamed about could give you a certain signal. For example, why dream of a roof if it is made of tiles?

In the event that the tile is of a pleasant color for the eyes, without flaws, and is laid evenly - such a dream portends material well-being and rapid career advancement. When in a dream you yourself tiled the roof, you have to work hard to get a tangible income. If you dropped tiles while working, the vision tells you to refrain from unplanned expenses.

The more the roof flows after the rain in your nightly dreams, the more your emotions interfere with rational decisions, the worse emotional outbursts eventually affect your financial condition.

When in a dream the roof flows after rain in such a way that it seems: a little more - and the whole house will be washed away, this means that, succumbing to an emotional impulse, you can forget about all the reasonable decisions that you made earlier. The interpreter advises not to restrain feelings, because by doing this you can aggravate your condition, but throw them out in a different way: find yourself an activity that would give vent to feelings - boxing, singing loudly, playing in a theater group, after all.

If the roof is leaking in your dream, it may also mean that you pay too much attention to the opinions of others about yourself. It is often a dream that the roof is leaking after the rain - try to focus on your own thoughts and desires in reality, decide what you need, and not your relatives or superiors. Follow your goals - and the situation will change for the better.

Burning roof or attic repair

When I dreamed that the roof of the house was flaring up and burning, then different interpreters give different variants explanation for this vision. So, if the roof is on fire, this may mean that the business in which you are now completely absorbed is moving towards a successful conclusion. As people say, "everything burns and argues."

There is also a medical interpretation of the vision, in which one dreams that the roof is on fire. If this happens, it is possible that the dreamer needs to undergo a brain examination in order to avoid problems - a dream in which the roof is on fire or, conversely, covered, may mean problems with cerebral blood supply.

Another meaning of sleep, in which you see that the roof of your house is on fire, is in recent times you had too many household chores, worries and responsibilities. Interpreters advise taking a timeout to rest, otherwise it won’t be long before the state when the “brain boils”.

A similar interpretation - only in relation to your professional activity- has a dream in which you see the roof of your office or business on fire. You devote too much attention and time to work, and too little to your own health. You need to rest so as not to "burn out at work."

A dream in which you had a chance to cover a roof or repair it has a very favorable meaning. As the Ancient Dream Book says, the roof that you repair in your dreams symbolizes that your actions to protect your own home or business are correct. Finding patrons, building new channels of communication, correctly designated own position - all this will provide you with stunning success in the near future.

If you dreamed that it was tearing off the roof, the Magical Dream Book advises you to take a closer look at your surroundings. It is possible that among your acquaintances there is a person who should not be trusted. And it is better to “calculate” it in advance than to become a victim of betrayal later.

Walking on the roof, on the contrary, indicates that everything is in order with your social circle. As New says family dream book, the roof on which you walked in your dreams, or even slept on it, indicates that you know how to choose your friends. Therefore, at the current stage of life, you may well feel safe.

Climbing to the very "top" of the house in a dream, according to Miller's Dream Book, is a harbinger of significant success in life. However, if you dreamed that you were falling, try to understand that you yourself deserved your success. Only confidence in own forces will help you reach new heights in life.

The roof is what protects us from bad weather, from the scorching sun, and from other phenomena. So in a dream, why such a plot is dreamed of means patronage and protection, but not in all cases. The dream interpretation interprets this dream from different angles.

Maybe you had to be on top of a building, or fall from it. Or you saw a leaky roof and decided to fix it. Remember with maximum accuracy the small details of the dream, and then it will be possible to confidently compile a true interpretation of the dream book.

Interpretations of various dream books

Dream Interpretation Medey gives an interpretation of what the roof of a building is dreaming of from the point of view of symbolism. As a building located on top, it is a symbol of reason, bright thoughts. A simple vision of her in a dream will help you discover a new worldview in yourself.

Dream Interpretation Longo interprets the roof of a skyscraper in a dream as a sign of far-reaching plans and prospects. A brilliant idea has already been born in your head about changing your life for the better, it remains only to “polish” it and implement it.

According to the Ukrainian dream book, the interpretation of the roof in a dream means success in all areas of life. Whatever you undertake in a given period of time, everything will turn out as well as possible: the brain works at the peak of its abilities, seeing obstacles in advance, and strategically solving the problems that have arisen.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov interprets what he dreams of standing on the roof in a dream as the dreamer taking a leading position in terms of issues to be resolved. With your qualified leadership, business or just work will go uphill.

Sitting motionless on the roof in a dream is a sign of indecision in a dream book. Every now and then you have new plans and ideas, but you do not dare to implement them because of uncertainty. First of all, you should understand yourself, your fears, and then new magnificent achievements await you.

Why dream that the roof has fallen? The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation portends severe depression or even a mental illness associated with constant mental stress. You need to unload yourself at least occasionally, remember, “horses die from work,” you should not exhaust your mind beyond your abilities.

If you need protection, then do not hesitate why you dream of building a roof: the dream book interprets such a plot as your readiness to choose a new way to protect yourself from trouble.

Roof repair is a prediction of future luck. At present, you are on the verge of restructuring your worldview, and this will help you re-evaluate your life position and bring yourself closer to achieving all your desires and goals.

According to the interpretation of the Esoteric dream book, climbing the roof in a dream is a symbol of spiritual growth, a revision of life positions. For business people, such a dream portends a sharp career, receiving an increase in salary, admission to a managerial position.

damaged roof

If the roof leaks in a dream, then this is a harbinger of trouble. Now your thoughts are in turmoil, you do not know which decision to continue the work you have begun will be the only true one, and you are simply driving yourself into a corner. Such self-flagellation can lead to severe stress and even to loss of reason.

An unsuccessful period, a “black streak” awaits the dreamer if the roof is leaking in a dream. It is especially sad why such a picture is dreamed of if the water does not drip from it, but oozes in streams, flooding everything around. We urgently need to look for a way out of the current situation, otherwise everything can end very badly.

According to the dream book of Simon Kananit, if the roof collapses in a dream, then the dreamer will have unpleasant news that will bring grief and sadness. Most likely, this will be news about an incident in the family, and it will unsettle you for a long time.

More globally, what is dreamed of that the roof has failed is interpreted. An unexpected disaster will fall on your city, which can take not only shelter, but also the lives of many people. Take care of yourself and your home, and perhaps trouble will bypass you.

Obstacles in a relationship for lovers predicts what a leaky roof is dreaming of. Talk to your soulmate, ask him all the dissatisfaction, try to revive the former passion.

Why dream of a falling roof of an old and collapsed house? This is a dream book warning that everything in life goes wrong. You need to completely reconsider your relationship with others, make peace with enemies, and then life will go along the intended path.

If the roof is on fire in a dream, then this may be direct evidence of the dreamer's brain disease. Urgently go to the doctor, in the brain they go inflammatory processes that cause such associative lines in a dream.

Seeing a burning roof in a dream for a seriously ill person is an omen of death. The body is already in agony, urging the brain and body to surrender. But if you sound the alarm in time, everything can work out, the main thing is not to miss the right moment, and then death will recede.

A psychoanalytic explanation is given to the plot where you had to make a roof in a dream. More recently, you have been insulted, your honor has been discredited, and the subconscious mind, by displaying such pictures in a dream, explains that you should forget about everything and forgive the person who discredited you.

For those born in the summer months, repairing a roof in a dream is a sign of seeking help and protecting others. You feel uncomfortable in the current situation, but thoughts are gradually brought back to normal, providing the choice of the only correct solution.

For a young girl to cover a roof in a dream is a dream book prediction about a conflict with a loved one. Be careful, the other half considers himself the only right one, and does not listen to the opponent's argument. To prove something to such a person does not work out, it is better to just wait until the grievances subside.

Being on the roof and falling from it

Falling off a roof in a dream is often a bad omen, but different dream books interpret this picture from different angles. By Ukrainian dream book a terrible fall from the top of the house down symbolizes the dreamer's death.

The 21st century dream book predicts only temporary troubles associated with pride and narcissism if you saw your fall from the roof in a dream. Curb your difficult temper, listen to the opinions of other people, and then you will not only maintain relationships with others at the same level, but also add a lot of new experiences to your life.

According to Longo's dream book, falling off a roof in a dream is a symbol of great change. Perhaps some kind of discord will occur in the family, and you will no longer be able to be with a cozy family nest. But do not worry, this situation will be temporary, live a little with friends, and when the household calms down, you can return.

For those who are going to tie the knot, to be on the roof in a dream - bad sign. The age of your family will not be long, due to conflicts and quarrels, you will part with the second half. Jumping from a roof in a dream, and at the same time landing successfully, is a harbinger of incredible success in your endeavors.

According to another interpretation, jumping from a roof is the personification of the dreamer's readiness for a bold but risky step that will change life forever. And climb on the roof - a sign of the rise mental capacity a person who has a dream. Ride on top of the train sure sign reckless acts, for which you will have to answer to the fullest extent.

If you were offered to participate in any risky venture, then you can be sure why you dream of walking on the roof. In a few days, you will need to make a serious decision, and make a choice whether to participate in the case or not.

Climbing on the roof in a dream is a dream book warning about the danger hanging over you. It will be most true if you experienced fear when climbing an inclined plane. But if it didn't cause negative emotions, then everything will be as usual.

Running on the roofs according to the interpretation of Yoga's dream book is a positive prediction. In the near future, you will feel peace of mind and peace, the negative energy that has accumulated in the aura over the years will soon come out, leaving behind a feeling of lightness and harmony.

Not a single dwelling can do without a roof that protects from precipitation, the rays of the scorching sun and the vagaries of the weather. Protection, protection, salvation, this is what the roof dreams of, according to the versions of dream books most often. But this symbol is so ambiguous that there are still many interesting and useful interpretations for the dreamer. True, it will still be useful to recall night vision in the smallest details. If it was not possible to restore the plot in detail in memory, then in the dream book there will certainly be a prediction according to the memorized fragment.

Curious options from different sources

Medea's dream book explains: what a roof might dream of in terms of symbolism. So, as usual, she crowns the building, is on top, then this symbol mind, lofty thoughts and plans. It is possible that such a dream will inspire the sleeping person to comprehend philosophical truths, study psychology or the occult sciences.

But Longo is more pragmatic, and explains why the roof of a skyscraper dreamed like this: even in a dream, a person continues to think scrupulously over something, builds global plans, reflects on the prospects. The dream book promises that the idea that is already wandering in your head, and haunting even at night, will be brilliantly implemented, you just need not to put off its implementation.

In the Ukrainian dream book, it is believed that the roof is good luck, luck in any business. What the dreamer will not undertake after waking up, everything goes well for him. He himself will be surprised at what great ideas generates his brain, how cleverly it turns out to find a way out of the most difficult situations. Or turn unfavorable conditions in your favor.

Tsvetkov in his dream book describes a plot in which the sleeper is standing on the roof. He is sure that this characterizes the dreamer as a strong-willed person, with outstanding leadership qualities. Such a character can be an excellent strategist, the head of a large enterprise or a whole holding.

However, if you stand at the very top of the building without moving, then this is a sign of indecision and lack of confidence. Or you constantly have some tempting plans, but you are clearly not in a hurry to start putting them into reality. This is either laziness or doubt. Do not get lost, be bolder, the dream book recommends.

And why dream about how the roof fell? According to the Wanderer's dream book, this is a symptom of a severe, depressed state of mind, depression, or even a disease caused by chronic overwork. Only one conclusion suggests itself: we must not forget about rest or a change in the type of activity, which can also sometimes serve as a relief, helps to relieve stress. The dreamer knows for sure: how to protect himself from the machinations of enemies, that's what he dreamed about when he was building a roof. If you had such a dream after you thought about the method of protection, then the one you chose will never let you down. This is the right decision! - guarantees a dream book.

It's nice to see in night dreams how the roof is being repaired. According to the dream book, this is a crucial period in the life of a sleeping person. He enters a new life stage, gives an assessment of the path traveled, and becomes wiser, more restrained, in a word, more perfect.

Why dream of moving up to the roof? The esoteric dream book assures that this is a sign of spiritual rebirth, growth. For entrepreneurs, such a plot promises an increase in profits, and if you are a conscientious employee of the company, then expect an increase in salary or an offer to take a higher position.

Unsightly roof

There is a reason for alarm, that's what a leaky roof is dreaming of. Such a dream is typical during a period of mental turmoil, panic - the sleeper does not know exactly in which direction to continue moving in order to complete a responsible project. But the dream book advises not to take production problems so close to the heart, otherwise stress, a nervous breakdown, and even insanity are likely.

Unfortunately, the plot is not the best interpretation, that as a result of a roof leak, water flows in streams along the walls, gathering in huge puddles on the floor. Such a picture portends a strip of life's adversity, trials. But remember that you can not sit back and wait until everything resolves itself. Do not put off finding a way out of a difficult situation, act quickly and decisively!

In the dream book of Simon Kananit there is a prediction: why the roof is collapsing. The author explains that the dreamer will receive bitter news regarding one of his household members, family members. This information will deal a crushing blow to his psyche.

Why did you dream that the roof had collapsed? A night fantasy about such an incident in reality can turn into disastrous consequences not only for the dreamer, but also for his countrymen. In dream books there is an indication of natural disasters, natural, man-made disasters affecting entire villages or cities. What to do, having received such a prediction? He will take care of the supply of provisions, medicines, strengthen his housing.

Did you dream of a leaky, dilapidated roof? Then it is quite possible that you do not have a relationship with a partner? They do not have the former sincerity and passion. The recommendation from the dream book is to speak frankly with your lover, directly but delicately, express your claims, listen to his comments.

Did you notice in a dream an old dwelling, the roof of which is falling down before your eyes? Such a vision is a hint that not everything is going smoothly in your life. This is due to the principles of building relationships with colleagues and comrades, households. You need to reconsider your habits, change the commanding tone to a more friendly one, make peace with those who were offended by you or once hurt you, the compiler of the dream book shares his experience.

A midnight nightmare in which c is one of the symptoms of a brain disease. Urgently consult with an experienced doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a competent cycle of treatment procedures.

The same vision for a person bedridden by a serious illness is a tragic sign, suggesting that his life path close to completion. But if they are near loving people ready to selflessly care for the sick and pray for him, then death will not knock on his door.

Psychoanalysts interpret the plot in such a way that you are building or repairing a roof in night dreams: you are offended, offended, but the subconscious sends the right signal - forget about the offenders, fence yourself off from them with a wall of complete indifference, ignoring or forgive them.

For people born in the summer, dreams about roof repairs fall at those moments when help and protection are urgently needed. But there is no need to despair over time, everything will return to normal and there will be a solution to issues that haunt and cause nervous tension.

A conflict with her lover, that's why the young lady dreams of a roof that she undertook to fix. The girl needs to show gentleness and female cunning, given that her gentleman sincerely considers himself right and is not ready to listen to even the most reasonable arguments, to take into account obvious truths. You will have to endure his whims a little, since arguing is useless and harmful.

Activities on top of the house

Falling in a dream, including from a roof, is considered a bad omen. In the Ukrainian dream book there is even a mention that such a flight precedes death, the death of a sleeping person.

However, not everything is so pessimistic. For example, in the dream book of the 21st Century, it is said that such an incident may indicate the dreamer's pride, narcissism. He should have been a little more modest. This is the secret meaning of such a vision, otherwise conflict situations with others will only multiply. By following this simple recommendation, you can enlist support, win numerous sympathies, which will make you feel more comfortable in any society, experience positive emotions.

In Longo's dream book, it is explained in a different way why a fall from a roof is dreamed of. This symbolizes a huge change in fate. It is possible that at first glance they will cause despair and sadness. For example, the dreamer may quarrel with the household and leave the family nest. However, very little time will pass and he will return to the family, having drawn the right conclusions. However, he will be accepted by relatives who are not so categorically inclined, now ready for compromises and concessions.

Brides and grooms will be interested to know why in a dream they ended up on the very high point some building. This is a sign that the marriage they are preparing for will not last long. The family boat will sink endless mutual nit-picking and claims. Anyone who in a dream decided to jump from the roof and at the same time landed successfully, without injury, is lucky. Fortune patronizes such a person in everything, and in personal life both in business and education.

In other collections of interpretations, such a desperate jump is identified with the readiness and desire of the sleeper for risk, a bold act. And if someone in a dream managed to climb onto the roof, then it means. In reality, he overcame some science, gained invaluable knowledge and experience. But if you slept and saw yourself on the roof of a railway car, then beware of your own ill-considered, reckless actions.

In reality, did you receive an offer that involved certain risks? In this case, it is quite understandable why you are walking along the top, being in the arms of Morpheus. To be done important choice, and your brain is tirelessly and restlessly occupied with this dilemma.

Climbing on the roof in a dream warns of impending danger in real life. If you experienced fear at the same time, then the development of events does not bode well. But if you desperately and boldly overcame inclined planes, then everything will work out.

And, finally, the interpretation of Yoga's dream book, for someone who happened to run along the roof in a sleeping state. It prophesies a way out negative energy, peace of mind and excellent physical well-being - complete harmony, peace, happiness.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions presented by Morpheus speaks ...

Dream Interpretation Roof, roof To be on a roof in a dream, repairing or building it is a sign of unlimited success in everything. Sleeping on a roof in a dream - to waking security from the machinations of enemies and false friends, to good health for many years. If in a dream it seemed to you that you were falling from a roof, in reality, achieving success, you will be unsteady in your beliefs. A roof that collapsed in a dream portends an unexpected disaster. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Roof If you dream that you are on the roof: such a dream portends a stunning success. To dream that you are falling from a roof means that although you will achieve a high position, you will still not find enough strength in yourself to keep what you have achieved. Seeing a falling roof is a sign that you are in danger of an unexpected disaster. To cover the roof or repair it: an omen of quick success. If you dream that you are sleeping on the roof, then the intrigues and intrigues of your enemies and imaginary friends will not cause you any harm. Also, such a dream promises good health. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Roof A roof seen in a dream portends a calm home life. The sloping roof of an old house means fragile marital happiness, the more fragile and short-lived, the steeper the slope of the roof. Flat roof high-rise building means good luck in the enterprise, the conclusion of a profitable contract. If in a dream a leaky roof leaks in your house, this is a sign of bad family events. Repair the roof - change your place of work or residence. Seeing yourself standing on the ridge of the roof - you will take an unjustified risk, but at the same time you will still achieve stunning success. To be afraid of heights, being on the roof of a skyscraper, means that you will be overcome by doubts that will prevent you from successfully completing the work you have begun. Falling off a roof in a dream portends a shock from false news that informs you with malicious intent. Building a roof is a financial expense. Sitting in a cradle lowered from the roof of a high-rise building and swinging strong wind at the level of the tenth floor - such a dream means that in real life You will be satisfied with the modest results of your labor. If in a dream you sunbathe on the roof - therefore, in reality you are reliably insured against any accident, and if not, then do it in the very near future. Fall asleep on the roof - you will have good health. Seeing a collapsed roof in a dream means that a sudden disaster will soon befall you. To see a roof torn off by a hurricane wind - expect misfortune in the house. Hearing a strong roar of hailstones drumming on the roof - in reality a happy coincidence awaits you, which you will not fail to use for your own good. Having a roof over your head in a dream for a young lady portends the birth of a child. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Roof ROOF, to be on it - increase, success; cover - correction of affairs // losses; burning, torn - death (to the patient), the collapse of the case, famously; broken - bad news; fall off the roof - change, failure. Small Velesov dream book

Roof dream interpretation The dream in which you see yourself on the roof means success in love. Success portends the construction of a roof, while a crumbling roof portends failure and separation from a loved one. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Why is the Roof dreaming The roof, like the top of the house: symbolizes the head, the mind. A look into the outside world. To stand on the roof: to have a broad outlook, recognition. Repair the roof: build new ways to protect in life. The roof is collapsing: unfortunately, a disease of the head. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Roof To cover a roof in a dream: soon you will have a quarrel with someone dear, and none of you will consider yourself guilty. This quarrel will bring you a lot of suffering and worries. Before starting a quarrel, think that a small squabble can turn into a waste of time and energy for negative emotions. If you dreamed of a leaky roof, it means that some obstacles in love await you. Maybe just one of you is not too eager to communicate with another? If you are sure that your beloved (beloved) loves as much as you do, you just need to try to do everything possible so that nothing prevents you from enjoying each other. To dream of a house without a roof - you need to prepare for the fact that an event will occur in the near future that will greatly surprise and excite you. Maybe events will develop in such a way that you suddenly have to part with a person dear to you, and both of you will not know how long the separation will last. To see how the roof is blown away by the wind: a symbol of the fact that you are surrounded by the wrong people who should be trusted. Perhaps in the near future you will face difficulties, and then it will become clear who you can trust and who. Seeing someone walking on the roof in a dream or walking on it yourself is a sign that you will soon have to make a choice. Most likely, you will be offered to participate in some very important matter, but you will not be confident in your abilities. Tip: do not take on a case in the outcome of which you doubt. Perhaps someone will try to convince you that it's worth the risk. However, before making a choice, remember that in case of failure, which is likely, it will be you who will be responsible for everything. Fall from the roof: expect major changes in life. Maybe you will have to not see your friends for a while or stay in another city. Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Dream Interpretation Roof, roof Roof, roof. To be on a roof in a dream means unlimited success. If you are frightened and think that you are falling, it means that in real life, achieving success, you will not firmly adhere to your position. If you see a collapsing roof in a dream, it means that an unexpected disaster will befall you. Repairing or building a roof is a sign of rapid success. If in a dream you sleep on a roof, it means that in reality you are protected from the machinations of your enemies and false friends. Your health promises to be strong. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Roof, roof Caught up in a dream on the roof - you have unlimited success ahead of you. If you were afraid of falling from the roof, then in real life, on the path to success, you will not firmly adhere to your position. We saw a collapsing roof in a dream - an unexpected disaster may befall you. They repaired or built a roof - your success will be triumphant. We slept on the roof - firmly protected from the intrigues of enemies and false friends. Yes, and health will not let you down. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Roof Rooftop: Looking from below what you think is protection is actually preventing you from moving forward. To break through to break "up": a sign of spiritual growth. To see a new, whole "strong rear": a solid foundation. Old, dilapidated: strengthen your rear, otherwise everything will fall apart. This also applies to scientific and other concepts and attitudes. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Roof "The roof has gone": mental instability, the danger of a mental crisis "higher than the roof": a lot of "now they are covered": the end of "get a roof over their heads": protection, secured accommodation, and "get a roof" Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Roof Roof, to be on it: increase, success to cover: improvement of affairs / losses burning, torn off: death (to the sick), collapse of business, famously destroyed: unpleasant news to fall from the roof: change, failure. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Roof ROOF - protection; head, hair, brain. Being on the roof - elevation, achievement, success. No roof - open connection with space, direct contact with one's destiny; madness. Leaks - failures. Burning - the opening of the coronary head energy center, a spiritual breakthrough; brain inflammation. Collapses - trouble. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Roof Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Roof To be on a roof in a dream, repairing or building it is a sign of unlimited success in everything. Sleeping on a roof in a dream: to waking security from the machinations of enemies and false friends, to good health for many years. If in a dream it seemed to you that you were falling from a roof, in reality, achieving success, you will be unsteady in your beliefs. A roof that collapsed in a dream portends an unexpected disaster. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Roof The roof, like the top of the house, symbolizes the head, the mind. A look into the outside world. Stand on the roof - have a broad outlook, recognition. Repair the roof - build new ways to protect in life. The roof is collapsing - unfortunately, a disease of the head.

Dreams sometimes predict future events for a person. Some of them seem incomprehensible and even frightening. It is very important to correctly interpret dreams.

Why is the roof dreaming? Worth sorting out.

Why the roof is dreaming - the main interpretation

Our home is the place where we feel protected. We feel cozy and comfortable in the house. In a house with a leaky roof and crumbling walls, no one can feel comfortable. In such a house, self-confidence and a sense of security are lost.

What should you pay attention to in the dream in which you had a roof?

Whether it was the roof of your house, or the roof of another's house;

Have you climbed on the roof;

Was it whole, or was it destroyed;

Who else figured with you in a dream;

What emotions did the dream bring to you?

If you dream that you have been trying to climb the roof for a long time and everything is in vain - such a dream suggests that you will spend time and energy trying to achieve an unrealistic goal.

If you dream about how someone else is trying to climb the roof, you will observe the new achievements of other people, but you yourself will not be able to achieve the same. If you dream that someone climbed onto the roof of your house, you should be careful. Someone wants to encroach on your property, privacy, most likely you know this person well.

A dream should be disturbing, in which you see a roof that has been dismantled or broken by the elements. Often such a dream promises unforeseen expenses and other significant troubles. It will be difficult to avoid trouble.

If the roof is broken by the elements - the events of the negative plan will be absolutely unpredictable, and you will not be able to control them, but if you see a roof that people are dismantling - such a dream may indicate the intervention of a third party in your life. Remember who you saw in the process of parsing the roof. This person may try to interfere in your personal life in every possible way.

If you see someone from your work busy sorting out his personal roof, the person is aiming for your place, and at the same time, he does not dislike you. If you see that he is dismantling your roof, he aims for your position intentionally. He wants you to lose and wants to get around you in many ways.

The dream interpretation advises, while it is not too late, to stop any enmity and rivalry with this person in time and do just work. If you intensify your efforts now and achieve a lot in the professional field, enemy intrigues will simply remain in the past.

If you dream that your lover has climbed onto the roof and is trying to break it, burn it, he will unknowingly destroy relationships and then all the blame for failures will fall on you. Perhaps he is simply confused and driven by lower-order emotions. Try to support your soul mate in everything, show your respect and the fact that you are always there for him. Then rash acts can be avoided.

If in a dream you are sitting on a roof and enjoying the starry sky, such a dream speaks of your excessive daydreaming. You think too much about what is unlikely to ever come true. Sitting with your loved one on the roof under the starry sky - such a dream recommends that you rest together. You have a lot in common common interests, it remains only to give each other enough attention and time.

If in a dream you are trying to jump off the roof and crash, you are tired of everything that you have. Perhaps you do not appreciate what life has given you. In that dream in which you dream of your personal suicide - turn Special attention, from the roof of which house you jumped. If this is your home, your negative emotions are associated with it. If this is the roof of any other house, you are under pressure public opinion.

Seeing in a dream how someone else jumps from the roof - you will not be able to help a friend in solving his problems. Try not to deny anyone support in the near future. If you see someone else trying to climb the roof and constantly sliding down the stairs, such a dream indicates the need to work together with a person who is unpleasant to you.

If in a dream you are trying to climb the roof, but the stairs are always short and not suitable for this, you should not be upset and disappointed. Just don't make important decisions in the near future, don't make promises, and don't expect promises from others. Far-reaching plans in the near future are not destined to come true.

A beautiful, bright roof of your house portends celebration and joy. A dull and dilapidated roof is a sad event that will soon end. Changing the roof in your house - such a dream speaks of significant positive changes in your destiny. If you change the roof in someone else's house, you will become the culprit of positive changes in someone else's fate.

Why dream of a roof according to the Esoteric dream book

Climbing onto the roof yourself - to be successful in all matters. Climbing onto the roof with your soulmate - to have success and good luck in love. If you are climbing onto a roof with a stranger, take a closer look at him. Perhaps you are waiting for new pleasant acquaintances.

Fall off the roof because someone pushed you off it - expect a dirty trick and negativity, someone craves your losses and problems. If you still didn’t manage to recognize the offender, don’t be discouraged, soon you will find out his name in reality. If you yourself pushed someone off the roof in a dream, you will become the culprit of another person's problems. Try not to judge anyone. This will provide you with peace and quiet.

Buying a house without a roof means having a desire to independently change your life. Perhaps there is a despotic man next to you, or someone else is limiting your options. You shouldn't get excited. It is important to consider all actions. Perhaps now you need control, he will provide you with acceptance right decisions.

If you dream that someone else blocked the roof of your house in your absence, someone else's interference in your life will be very positive. Do not refuse support and help. If you look at the roof from the ground in a dream, you will be disappointed in your position. It's not as strong as you might think. If a new building appears in the place of the roof in a dream, such a dream promises a lot of new positive opportunities, the main thing is to use them in time.

Why dream of a roof according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says what the roof is dreaming of - such a dream should be interpreted in its entirety. It is important to remember if someone else was present in it. If you dream of walking on the roof with your lover, you will have a romantic meeting with him in reality. To see a dream in which you yourself are walking on the roof, and the wind overcomes you - expect unpleasant moments in your personal life.

The dream book does not advise trusting rumors and gossip. Try to make your own decisions. A dream in which you dream of a dilapidated building with a whole roof promises the restoration of previous relationships. They will go out to new level and will give you only positive emotions. Dreams in which the roof is destroyed, but the building remains intact, promise unpleasant emotions, resentment and mistakes.

Your excessive emotionality can harm relationships, and in the eyes of your soulmate you will look bad. If you jump from the roof and find yourself in another reality, such a dream promises the transition of your personal life to new horizons. It can even be about marriage.

Why dream of a roof in other dream books

In Medea's dream book It is said that the roof is a symbol of the mind. If you look from the roof at the expanses of the city, you are a comprehensively developed person who is admired by many. If in a dream you are repairing the roof, you need protection. If the roof collapses, you may expect problems with your head.

In Hasse's dream book it is said that special attention should be paid to how the roof looks. If she is modest, then your life will be modest. If it has a huge pool, you will swim in luxury in life. If the roof is transparent, those secrets will be revealed to you that will help you move boldly through life. To see the roof broken by lightning - such a dream means sudden unpleasant news.

A dream in which there are many birds on the roof promises you a journey. You will start your journey small, and in the future, tremendous changes will occur in it. If you see how the roof of your house is on fire, you will rush about with a thought. You will be plagued by doubts - drive them away. Do not be upset in advance - everything is in your hands. You choose the path you should take next.



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