Favorite sports in different countries. National sports in different countries. Where to play sports in Europe

Football: 4 billion followers

The predominance of football throughout to the globe so obvious that it shouldn't come as a surprise to those who weren't expecting to see the sport at the top of the list. The game has fans in all countries from Japan to America, but nowhere is football as popular as in Europe. For most European countries This is not just a game, but a way of life. The FIFA World Cup is the most iconic event of this sport, which is included in the list of the highest paid competitions in the entire sports world.

Basketball: 1 billion followers

Over the past 10 years, data on basketball league revenues, television contracts and overall sport popularity suggest that basketball has gained widespread recognition outside of its homeland of America. Basketball quickly became in demand in Canada, China, Spain, the Philippines, Australia, Turkey, France, and Germany.

Cricket: Approximately 2 billion followers

Cricket is one of the most popular sports mainly in countries like England, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand. In India and Pakistan, cricket is valued on par with religion. This is a source of patriotism, a reason for pride and a fight for honor.

Tennis: Most Valuable Sport Has 1 Billion Followers

Indeed, this is a universal game, and unlike team sports, the individuality of the athletes attracts attention here. Tennis is equally popular among men and women around the world. In fact, it is one of those rare types of games that ensures equality between men and women. This applies not only to the load, but also to the prize fund.

Athletics: over 6 billion followers

Athletics closes the list of the most popular sports. Today, this is the most global sport of all, since it includes several disciplines: several types of running, long jump and much more. Athletics is the main discipline in Olympic Games and is the most viewed during game broadcasts.


Some of us love to watch sporting events, while others don't mind getting their clothes dirty while participating. The following is a list most popular games all over the world, primarily because they are so entertaining!

No. 10. Volleyball

Playing volleyball is quite easy because all you need to do is have good coordination and strong hands. More than 900 million people either play or watch volleyball. Beach volleyball is very popular best way get the tan of your dreams! High schools especially highlight the benefits of this sport.

No. 9. Cricket

Cricket originated in England and is played using a ball and a bat. People in India drop everything when a game is shown on television; children can be seen playing this game at any time of the year.

No. 8. Gymnastics

Not everyone can do this sport. Gymnastics requires great flexibility, coordination and strength. It's always interesting to watch gymnasts perform on television. It's amazing how their bodies curl into rings and other similar shapes!

No. 7. Swimming

Working out can be boring, but if you know how to swim, you can tone your body and have fun at the same time! Swimming is easy to learn, and many swimmers enjoy playing games such as water polo or Waboba. At seven.

No. 6. Tennis

Many people think that watching tennis is very boring, but the 1 billion people who watch events like Wimbledon and the French Open religiously year after year disagree. Considered to be a stylish and graceful sport, tennis is played by the elite of America and Europe.

No. 5. Water sports

Such sports, like scuba diving, jet skiing and many others, are loved because they are interesting and exciting. The adrenaline rush you get when you see a school of fish swimming near you is very exhilarating.

No. 4. Rugby

Rugby is a very popular sport in England and is one of the toughest in the world. Players must constantly fight each other, and there are hardly any rules or restrictions to reduce aggression. The sport is divided into several categories, the most popular being College Rugby and Tag Rugby.

No. 3. Basketball

This game is not as simple as it seems, and while playing you need to know a number of rules. Basketball is very popular among teenagers tall may help here, but it is not a requirement for the game. If you see a goal and know how to run, this game is perfect for you. Third place among most popular sports games.

No. 2. Hockey

Even though the sport is not as popular as it used to be, its viewership numbers around 2 billion annually. Physical education teachers constantly encourage students high school play this game, but it seems that now this sport is mainly liked only by the female half. Hockey can be a pretty tough sport and it can be quite difficult to move around with such heavy equipment.

No. 1. Football

Most popular sports game in the world. The rules of football are easy to understand and the game is quite simple if you know what is allowed and what can result in a red or red card. yellow card. Approximately 4 billion people love the sport, and televised matches attract the highest ratings every year.

This article will focus on Russia, the USA, Canada, France, Africa and Australia.

The most popular and widespread sport in Russia is football. In total, 13 million 641 thousand people are involved in sections and clubs in Russia. It is noteworthy that athletics leads the world rankings, while football is in first place in Russia. And in general, the first three places are occupied by team sports, although athletics is in a high fourth place. The Russian team's greatest achievement was in 2008, where it made it to the semi-finals, unexpectedly defeating the Dutch team with a score of 3:1. In 2018, Russia will host the FIFA World Cup where it has good chances to take a prize!!!

In the USA, the most popular sport is not basketball, but American football! It beat baseball and basketball in popularity. Hockey there is also not at a bad level, since it has the most popular NHL championship in the world, where the best players in the world participate.

When you think about the sports that France enjoys, what immediately comes to mind? Cycling, perhaps with the Tour de France? Skiing in the Alpine resorts so beloved by the rich and famous? Fishing, perhaps in lakes, rivers and the sea, or perhaps just the pleasure of walking, is what most symbolizes sporting France for you. In France, as well as throughout Europe, football remains popular! Guided by the French Football Federation, the French team finished second in the 2006 World Cup, and won the World Cup (while host country) in 1998. Unfortunately, along with their honorable second-place showing, the controversy is also part of France's football reputation. During a match in the 2006 World Cup, player Zinedine Zidane head-butted Italian player Marco Materazzi in the chest. While it is true that the two players exchanged words, at the time, it was unclear what exactly was said.

Sports in Canada consist of various games. Common ones are hockey, lacrosse, soccer, basketball, soccer, curling and baseball. Everything except curling and football are considered domestic sports, as they were either invented by Canadians or trace their roots to Canada.

Ice hockey, referred to simply as "hockey", is Canada's most played winter sport, its most popular spectator sport, and its most successful sport in international competition. It is Canada's official national winter sport. Lacrosse, a sport with Native American origins, is Canada's oldest and official summer sport. Canadian football is Canada's second most popular sport, and Canada's football league» The annual championship, the Gray Cup, is the nation's largest annual sports event. While other sports have a large spectator base, association football is known in Canada as football in English and French, has the most registered players of any sports team in Canada. Professional teams exist in many Canadian cities.

As a country with a generally cool climate, Canada enjoys greater success at the Winter Olympics than at the Summer Olympics, although significant regional differences in climate allow for wide range both team and individual sports. Major multi-sport events in Canada include the 2010 Winter Olympics. Great successes in Canadian sports are recognized by Canada's Sports Hall of Fame, and the Lou Marsh Trophy is awarded annually to Canada's top athlete group of journalists. There are many others gyms fame in Canada.

The African continent has many beautiful landscapes, various animals in the wild open plains, several tribes that are native to a particular country, and a unique culture and tradition. Additionally, the continent is widely known for its trademark sport: football.

Association football or football for short is very popular in African countries and is a favorite sport among the natives of the region. IN next year South Africa is likely to become the first African country to host the World Cup. international competition to football. This prestigious sporting event brings together all the participating teams from different countries in one exciting tournament and features some of the most exciting moments in the world of the game. Whenever you go to the ground in Africa you can see little boys playing with each other kicking hand-held football, and they aspire to become football icons in the near future.

As a nation, Australia has participated in many international events including the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, Commonwealth Games and sport specific events like the Football World Cup and the Cricket World Cup. There is a large number national teams in sports such as Australian football, basketball, hockey, netball, rugby, softball, water polo and wheelchair rugby. Netball is one of the most popular women's sports in the country. Competitive disability sports exist in Australia, a country that has national women's deaf football (soccer) teams, and compete in major events such as the Summer and Winter Paralympics.

From this information we can conclude that football is the most popular sport in many countries of the world, and The whole planet plays football!!!

There are over a hundred sports in the world, in which thousands of professional athletes and millions of people participate at the amateur level.

Some sports are considered recognized, while others are considered entertainment. And there is a separate category in sports called national sports.

Many people are interested in which sports are national, we tried to figure it out and prepared a list of countries in which their sports are popular.

National sports of the world are those sports that arose and developed among one people, and also became part of folk culture. After developing in their country, they gained fame in other countries of the world.

So what sports are considered national? different countries?

First of all, it is worth mentioning football, because England is considered the birthplace of the sport beloved by millions of fans. Besides Great Britain, football is considered a national sport in Scotland and Brazil, but more on Brazil a little later.

England also invented cricket. It is Britain's favorite summer sport. The rules of the game were invented in the 18th century and the game still does not lose its popularity.

Golf is one of the traditional sports in Great Britain. Just like cricket, it was invented in England. The country has many special golf courses, as well as professional championships and championships.

The most famous national sport in the United States is, of course, American football. In America there is a professional league in which world-famous American football teams compete. This sport is not included in the Olympic sports. We mentioned more about non-Olympic sports.

It is also worth mentioning baseball, which is included in the list of traditional US sports. And, despite the fact that many representatives of Russia do not understand the rules of this game, this does not mean that it is not popular in other countries of the world.

Traditional sports of the Kazakh people are aimed at testing strength and endurance. It is unlikely that the names of such sports as baiga, kokpar or kyz-kuu are known to many, but, nevertheless, they are popular in their homeland.

Despite the fact that football was invented in England, it is one of the national sports of France. The French became world champions once again proves that they know how to play football, and they do it professionally and beautifully.

Bicycle racing is also a traditional French sport. The Tour de France, a multi-day road cycling race, is known all over the world. And for athletes, participating in it is a great honor.

Russian society in relation to professional types sports is ambivalent. If a quarter of the population plays sports at an amateur and semi-professional level, about half follows developments in the world of sports on TV and the Internet (and sometimes even goes to competitions), then about a third do not understand what all the fuss is about. If they care about anything, it is only the budget funds spent on professional sports.

Let's leave the last category aside and focus on the first two. What sports do residents like? Russian Federation more than anything? The answer is in top 10 most popular sports in Russia. The rating is based on Yandex search query statistics.

The most intellectual sport has always been popular in Russia, and the Russian school of chess players commands respect throughout the world.

Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva said that compulsory chess lessons could be introduced in Russian schools in the next two years. Similar “experimental” lessons are already being conducted in schools in 40 regions of Russia.

However, this will not affect all classes, but only students primary school. This program allows children to develop strategic planning skills, promotes the development of spatial and systemic thinking, and also comprehensively develops their personality. And perhaps it will help raise a whole generation of future champions.

A spectacular and popular sport, especially women's championships among the male population. They love tennis for its speed, dynamics, intensity of play and elegant and powerful strokes. There are fans of this sport even among astronauts - Russian and American astronauts promised to arrange a tennis match on the International Space Station.

In Russia, the largest tournament is the VTB Kremlin Cup. Previously, it was called simply the Kremlin Cup, but in 2017 VTB Bank became the only sponsor of the tournament.

The prize fund for the men's tournament is over 823 thousand dollars, and for the women's tournament - over 790 thousand dollars.

This one has type of sport  a very long and colorful history. He was known even during the reign of Peter I. It was he who brought samples of skates from Europe and figured out how to attach them directly to boots.

The first textbook on figure skating, pompously titled “Winter Fun and the Art of Skating,” was published in Russia in 1838. And a little later (in 1865) figure skating was recognized as a sport in our country.

During the Soviet era, figure skating, thanks to its entertainment and beauty, captivated millions of men and women to television screens, no worse than popular films.

And the increased popularity of figure skating in modern Russia is largely explained by the numerous triumphs of Evgenia Medvedeva - she wins all the personal tournaments in which she participates. Along the way, the athlete sets new world records. Let's hope that the injury will not prevent Evgenia from performing just as brilliantly at the Olympics in Korea.

Among Russian folk entertainments with for a long time there were fist fights. Back in the days Kievan Rus a type of fist fighting - “one-on-one” - was not only an interesting spectacle, but also one of the methods trial. This is where the name “fist law” comes from.

With English boxing (in the form of "international matches" for fun English ambassadors) the Russians met during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. And as a sports discipline, boxing began to develop in Russia only in the 19th century.

Popularity of boxing in recent years has grown significantly. What is it - a desire to lose steam, drive your aggression into limits, learn to defend yourself, or just the pleasure of moving and feeling your own strength?

Probably, next year the popularity of this sport will grow even more - the head of the Boxing Federation promised to work on its “advertising”. And Kadyrov has nothing to do with this.

The honorable sixth place of skiing in the hearts of sports Russians (as opposed to foreign rankings) is apparently explained by the peculiarities of the climate. Winter in our country is long, we need to fill the time somehow.

Skiing has many interesting branches, such as skijoring (towing a skier), ski stunts, downhill skiing and racing, and even ski jumping from an airplane without a parachute.

The Soviet ski school was very strong, and the Russian one continues its glorious traditions. Even the doping story could not prevent Russian athlete Sergei Ustyugov from winning five victories in a row by the end of last year.

“Queen of Sports”, dating back to Ancient Greece, is not as popular in Russia as throughout the world. If in Russia it takes first place, then in Russia it barely got into fifth place.

In Russia, athletics has had a very difficult fate. In the “saints” for some, and the “dashing” years of the twentieth century for the majority, sports schools where future athletes were trained were closed en masse, stadiums were turned into markets, and coaches and athletes either went abroad or were engaged in more profitable business than sports.

However, despite all the difficulties, Russian athletics managed to survive and brought many awards to its country. In 1996, at the Olympics in Atlanta, the team was no longer the USSR, but Russia (for the first time since 1912). She won 26 gold medals, 21 silver and 16 bronze medals.

In recent years, this sport in Russia has been severely damaged by doping scandals. Fortunately, there is still something to be proud of - Russian jumper Maria Lasitskene took more than 18 first places last year and hopes to set a new world record.

This game was once invented by one of the teachers at an American university to entertain students in physical education classes. Since then, it has not only rapidly stepped beyond the borders of America, but has also become a new sports discipline.

In Russia, the first basketball teams appeared in 1906, on the basis of the St. Petersburg sports society "Mayak". In 1947, Russian basketball players received the right to participate in FIBA ​​competitions. In the period from the 50s to the 80s of the twentieth century, the USSR basketball team was considered the strongest in the world.

Perhaps the secret to the popularity of this game, as the coach of the basketball team once said, is that it is human nature to jump for joy - or to rejoice while jumping.

Volleyball is in third place among the most popular sports among Russians. It is spectacular, gives a boost of energy, educates team spirit, and in addition it is non-contact, which means it is not too traumatic. What else do you need from good sports discipline?

Some of the brightest moments in Russian volleyball history included:

  • victory of the USSR men's team at the European Championships in 1950;
  • victory of the USSR men's team in the World Cup in 1965;
  • victory of both men's and women's teams at the European Championships among youth teams in 1966.

The results of 2017 were extremely favorable for volleyball fans of the Russian Federation - 32 medals were added to the Russian team’s treasury, more than half of which were gold!

The victory at the World Championships in Krakow, where the Russian team faced German volleyball players, looked especially impressive.

Traditionally considered one of the “Russian” sports, along with figure skating and chess. However, dark times for domestic hockey came in the 90s, when the lack of stability in domestic sports forced eminent athletes to try their luck in foreign clubs. Having won the 1993 World Championship, the Russian team remained for many years without a single medal.

And only in recent years has Russian hockey regained its former glory. In 2008 (just on the centenary of hockey), the Russian team beat the Canadians, winning the title of world champions. And in 2014 she became a five-time world champion.

But at the end of 2017, the situation for the Russian team is disappointing - in lately Swedes and Canadians rule the hockey kingdom.

Football ranks first among the most beloved sports among Russians. Even the eternal swing from hope to disappointment during the performances of the Russian national team seems unable to make fans stop loving the green field and the white and black ball.

Football was brought to Russia along with English engineers, issued by industrialist Savva Morozov. On the pages of pre-revolutionary newspapers and magazines there were heated discussions about the meaning. Many did not stand on ceremony in their expressions and called football “foot fighting” and “an extremely rough sport.” But all this talk did not stop the team Russian Empire in 1912, win fourth place at the Olympics in Sweden. And in 1923, the first USSR Football Championship took place.

The Soviet football team has a lot to its credit glorious victories, including victory at the Olympic Games in 1988. She became European vice-champion three times - in 1964, 1972 and 1988. The Russian team cannot yet boast of great success, but fans are waiting and hoping that best moments in the history of Russian football is still ahead.



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