How to pump up your shoulders at home and in the gym - a complete guide. How to build huge shoulders! best tips

A man with a triangle figure looks sexy. Broad shoulders, sculpted torso, toned stomach excite the imagination of ladies. To have such forms, the future athlete needs to work hard. The proposed training program will help pump up deltoids, trapezius, arms and chest.

The deltoid bundles are easily injured, so strict adherence to the technique is required.

The following exercises are effective for training your shoulders:
  • presses to build shoulder mass;
  • for isolated training of the deltoid muscles.

Warming up the shoulder joint swinging your arms, making circles with your elbows, pulling yourself up. Exercises on the horizontal bar will make your shoulders powerful. Horizontal pull-ups and a wide grip will work the middle and front bundles. For the roundness of the posterior muscle, techniques with inverted shoulders, reverse narrow grip, and hanging techniques are relevant.

Push-up variations

Let's move on to push-ups. The main load falls on the chest, quadriceps, and to a lesser extent on the shoulders. The emphasis on the muscles depends on the placement of the hands.

  • In a narrow position, the triceps and frontal (front) delta bundle work;
  • When wide, the tension shifts to the biceps, chest, middle, and front of the shoulders.

Push-ups with legs supported.

  1. We place our feet on a support, hands on the floor;
  2. We lower our body slightly towards the floor;
  3. For maximum load We perform shallow movements of the shoulder muscles.

20 times for 3-4 sets.

One-arm push-up

This exercise will increase the mass of the shoulder girdle and maximally load the triceps.

  1. We take a horizontal position;
  2. We move our left leg to the side;
  3. We transfer the body weight to right hand, place the left hand at the waist.

Keeping your balance, we begin the exercise.

At first we go no deeper than 15 cm. Over time we add 10 cm.

10 times x 2 sets.

Doing push-ups upside down

Exercise for advanced level. Deltas, biceps, triceps will be shocked. Along the way, coordination and balance will develop:

  1. we stand next to the wall;
  2. we distance ourselves 2 steps back, take a sharp step, lean on our hands, throw our legs up;
  3. We place the brushes 15 cm from the vertical.
  4. A similar pose is taken from all fours. Leaning on the wrist, we step onto the wall with our feet. When there is approximately 25 cm left to the support, we assume a vertical position.
  5. We rest our palms on the floor, arms wider than shoulders, heels at the top;
  6. We don’t lean our buttocks on the wall;
  7. Smoothly bend your elbows until your head hangs above the surface. We don’t touch the floor with the top of our head;
  8. We straighten our arms and return to height.

We repeat as much as possible.

Dumbbell workout

We lift the load in front of us one by one.

The goal is to load the anterior head of the deltoids.

  1. We hold dumbbells (starting with 2 kg) in our palms;
  2. We pull one hand forward, up, straight up above the head;
  3. Controlling the movements at each point, slowly lower;
  4. Having reached the level of the face, we raise the second hand;
  5. Without moving to the sides, we spread our arms vertically in opposite directions.

Dumbbell press up

Trains the frontal and middle deltas. usually performed at the end of a workout.

  1. We take dumbbells so that the upper fingers are on top;
  2. By bending the limbs at the shoulder joint, we lift the load;
  3. We don’t turn our wrists;
  4. Having reached the temples, we return to the starting position.

Sitting on a chair, stretch the dumbbells upward. We load the frontal, middle delta, trapezius.
We do 15 times x 3 sets with a rest of 30 seconds.

Arnold press

The basic exercise pumps up the 3 deltoids, triceps, upper thoracic, and trapezius. It is distinguished by a wide range of movements and position of the hands. Efficiency depends on the accuracy of the starting position:

  1. We take the basic position, hold the dumbbells with our palms facing the body;
  2. Arms are bent, elbows tense;
  3. We hold our breath, stretch our arms forward;
  4. Having reached the border of the shoulders, we spread our arms wide so that the little fingers look up and raise them above the head;
  5. With straight arms, lower the load down.

The shoulder position should allow the arms to move in the plane of the body.

In order not to load the spine, we perform lifts at a slow pace.

Bent over dumbbell swings

We give roundness to the rear beam of deltas. The muscle does not like heavy load, so we choose equipment with moderate weight.

  1. We take dumbbells with a neutral grip;
  2. When raising our arms, we tilt top part torso parallel to the floor. The back is arched at the lower back. Straight elbows are fixed statically until the end of the exercise;
  3. At the same time, spreading the dumbbells to the sides, we try to raise our arms as high as possible. We make movements straight ahead. In the top position, pull your elbows higher than your back.

13-20 reps in 4 sets.
An integrated approach with alternating body weight and weights will provide excellent results. The deltoids recover quickly, so to achieve a defined contour you need to train every other day, while consuming a lot of protein, and staying hydrated.

Pumped up male shoulders are an indicator of courage and strength. Experts advise girls to pump up their shoulders to make their female form beautiful. Don't have time or money for the gym? Do this at home and you will have sculpted shoulders that will be the envy of your friends.

How to pump up your shoulders at home - preparation

Without preparation strength exercises are not followed – the risk of injury increases. A light warm-up includes:

  • running in place;
  • rotation of elbows and shoulders;
  • swing your arms and legs.

Allow 15 minutes to warm up. The muscles will stretch, warm up and better accept the load.

How to pump up your shoulders at home on a horizontal bar

The horizontal bar is a universal exercise machine; it gives an even load on all the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Let's start training:

  • learning how to do pull-ups correctly on the horizontal bar. Grasp the horizontal bar so that thumb did not close with the palm. Pull yourself up slowly 10 times;
  • straight grip. Starting position – hanging with a straight medium grip. Bend your legs at the knees and cross them. Bend your lower back, place your hands on the bar back side to yourself. Start pulling yourself up and try to touch the horizontal bar with your chest. At the same time, bring your shoulder blades together. When lowering, straighten your arms almost completely. Start doing the exercise 5 times, gradually increase it to 10-12 times, 3-4 approaches per workout;
  • reverse grip. The starting position of the body is similar to the previous version. But now turn your hands with your palms facing you. Bend your elbows smoothly and try to reach the bar with your back, not your chest. Don't try to get high! The muscles are well worked with an incomplete pull-up, when the elbows are bent at a right angle and the shoulders are parallel to the floor. The number of exercises performed is the same as in the above option. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20 times.

How to pump up your shoulders at home with dumbbells and a barbell

The main exercises for the shoulders are divided into two groups - swing and press. The barbell will help you achieve results quickly. Use her bar first and gradually add discs. Let's start the training:

  • military press. Take the barbell with a wide grip at the base, body straight. It is advisable to exercise while sitting, pressing the barbell from your chest. If your neck doesn’t hurt, do push-ups from behind your head. Do not straighten your elbows completely when you are top point. Do it 10 times;
  • raising hands Take the barbell with a wide grip and keep your back straight. Raise the barbell to your shoulders, lower it to your waist. Repeat 15 times;
  • shoulder lift. Take the barbell in your hands, lowered in front of you. Raise your shoulders and lower them, don't rush.

Home exercises with dumbbells are also suitable for girls. Ladies perform them 15-20 times, men - 30 times. Do all exercises standing. Set of exercises:

  • take dumbbells in your hands and lift them up in front of you and spread your arms to the sides;
  • stretch your arms with dumbbells forward and lift them above your head;
  • Take the dumbbells in your hands and bend over at an angle of 45 degrees. Stretch your arms in front of you and spread them to the sides, then return to the starting position.

How to pump up your shoulders at home without sports equipment

If you don’t have sports equipment at home, don’t worry. You can pump up your shoulders without a barbell. The most effective exercise– push-ups from the floor. But for pumping up your shoulders there are small nuances in it:

  • to develop the front deltoids, place your palms shoulder-width apart during push-ups and pull your elbows toward your body;
  • the wider you spread your arms away from your body, the less the load on your shoulders, and the maximum load on your back;
  • try to complicate the task - do the exercise while standing on your hands.

A good result will come from training in four approaches, doing 10 push-ups in each approach. There are two more effective exercises:

  • lie down on a flat surface. Bring your toes together and lean on them with your elbows pulled back. Wrap your hands near your chest. Start lifting your body as high as possible. IN highest point freeze for 5-10 seconds and gradually lower. Repeat 15-20 times;
  • stand up and lean forward at a right angle. You rest your hands on the floor. Pull yourself up on your toes, lowering your head until it touches the floor. Bend your elbows while doing this. Repeat as many times as you can.

All of the above exercises are convenient for home training. Increase your daily calorie intake during strength training, this is very important. Exercise regularly and soon you will become the owner of beautiful, pumped up shoulders.

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! With this note we begin a series of serious (ha-ha-ha:) pumping articles, in which we will consider both theoretical and practical side development of your body and its individual muscle groups. We will go through all the muscles and find out for each group how it is more appropriate (and why exactly) sway. Today we are waiting for the first article, from which we will learn how to pump up your shoulders?

So, take your seats, it will be very informative, useful and interesting.

How to pump up your shoulders? The theoretical side of the issue.

I am sure that the topics voiced will not leave anyone indifferent, because it just so happens that the hall is a place for concentrating strength and honing one’s form, i.e. questions of qualitative change in yourself will always come first. What is meant by the word pump up? For example, if you have a flat tire on your car, in this case you take the pump/compressor out of the trunk and inflate the deflated wheel/tube until it is elastic and tight. So, initially, a person’s muscles are in a deflated state and a certain amount of strength work (provided with appropriate nutrition/recovery) in the gym allows you to give your muscles a fuller look.

Ladies should not think badly of the word “pump up shoulders” when imagining themselves with large male deltoids. The calculations presented below are valid for all inhabitants of planet Earth, and the fair half is no exception. Taking into account the following information, everyone will achieve their goals, men will build wide spherical deltoids, ladies will develop neat sexy shoulders.

Actually, let's start with the theory, or rather muscular and skeletal anatomy, so let's go.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Shoulder anatomy and muscle atlas

The shoulders are a complex, a synergistic “heap” of muscles responsible for huge amount movements. The first level of muscle, around your shoulder joint, is called the deltoids/deltoid muscles. They have three heads/bundles:

  • anterior head – part of the deltoid on the front of the shoulder. It begins on the front of the collarbone, runs lengthwise and crosswise, and attaches to the humerus;
  • middle head - the central bundle located next to the anterior head. Begins at the top of the scapula or acromion process and attaches to the outer part of the humerus;
  • posterior head - begins on the scapular bone of the shoulder joint, descends towards the arm and attaches to the upper part of the humerus.

Many people have heard three bundles of deltas, however, the anatomy of the shoulders does not end only with the heads.

The second, deeper layer is the rotator cuff muscle. The rotator cuff consists of 4 -x muscles, the main function of which is to stabilize the shoulder joint. These include:

  • infraspinatus muscle - large muscle, covering the outer part of your shoulder blade;
  • teres minor - a small muscle that lies immediately under the infraspinatus;
  • subscapularis - originates from the outer part of the clavicle, crosses the shoulder and attaches to inside the bones of your hand;
  • supraspinatus muscle.

Skeletal anatomy

Bones and joints play an important role in shoulder movement. Understanding the skeletal anatomy of deltoids will help you train them effectively and safely.

In skeletal anatomy we are interested in the following departments:

  • thoracic spinal column - includes 12 vertebrae in contact with the ribs. Starts from the base of the neck and goes down to the very bottom of the back;
  • shoulder blades – located at the very top of the spinal column and move as the athlete performs the exercise;
  • The humerus is the long bone of the upper arm. Most of the shoulder muscles insert into it;
  • shoulder joint – moves the shoulders. The shoulder blades and humerus work together to create the movement of your deltoids and arms. The shoulder joint is a ball joint, a very mobile structure that allows you to perform large number movements.

Muscle functions in practice

It is important not only to know how the shoulders are structured, it is important to know the functions of the shoulder using the example of real movements, i.e. how muscles, bones and joints work together during weight training in the gym. And we'll start with...


Most of the time, our deltas work together, three heads at once. For example, when pressing dumbbells up, all three beams move together, synergistically. However, by performing certain exercises, we can conditionally isolate one or another bundle. In particular, here are the functions performed by the various delta heads:

  • front - flexes the shoulder, for example, lifting dumbbells in front of you;
  • middle – flexes the shoulder and helps in its abduction, for example, abducting dumbbells to the sides;
  • posterior – shoulder extension, occurs when the humerus is behind your body, for example, moving your arms back in a bent position.

Rotator cuff

Responsible for stabilizing the shoulder joint, these muscles constantly work to hold the humerus in the shoulder joint. In other words, the rotator cuff returns (pulls) the arm/shoulder to its original position when performing various movements. The cuff is also responsible for internal/external rotation of the humerus. External rotation loads the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles, located at the back of the shoulder blades. The subscapularis muscle moves the shoulder inward. The supraspinatus muscle is responsible for shoulder abduction (abduction), which provides the first 1/3 raising your arm to the side (30 degrees of movement from the midline of the body).

So, we’re done with the basic “construction” theory; it will allow you to better understand the work being done and more consciously achieve your goals. Now let's talk about...

Shoulder Injuries: Why Do They Happen? And how to pump your shoulders without injuring them?

As mentioned earlier, the shoulders are a complex hinged structure that is extremely susceptible to failure. Shoulder injuries are the most troublesome and take the longest to heal, most of them through surgery.

Deltas (including shoulder joint) a very popular element of the shoulder and it is they that account for the obvious (specialized exercises), and implicit loads. We all know and often perform exercises in the gym such as bench press, military press, push-ups, etc. They indirectly load the anterior delta and due to their frequent use (especially various presses) The front head of the deltas turns out to be much more loaded, unlike the rear. In other words, we have a “lopsided” load (imbalance) and by neglecting the rear delts, we can experience various shoulder problems.

The shoulder girdle is unique due to its wide range of articulation in the glenohumeral and scapuloclavicular regions. The shoulder area is a complex structure - many joints are tied to it, and therefore there is a high risk of injury, so this area requires attention and proper development/strengthening of all the muscles around it. In other words, it is incorrect to conduct your training by loading only the anterior and middle deltoids, forgetting about the posterior and rotator cuff muscles.

To minimize any potential shoulder problems, you should include the following exercises in your workouts.

For the shoulder joint:

  • flexion – front press or lifting dumbbells in front of you;
  • extension – pull-ups, pullover;
  • abduction – lateral extensions;
  • adduction – block pull with a wide grip;
  • horizontal flexion – lying extensions;
  • horizontal extension - lower block pull;
  • external/internal rotation – dumbbells internal/external rotation.

Scapuloclavicular joint:

  • elevation/lifting – standing shrugs lifting phase;
  • reduction – standing shrugs; lowering phase;
  • retrakia - shrugs while sitting on a bench (shoulders pulled back, shoulder blades squeezed together);
  • protraction – “front” shrugs (shoulders are shifted forward to increase the distance between the shoulder blades).

Summarizing all of the above, we can derive universal tips for swinging your shoulders safely, and they are as follows:

  1. work with each joint/muscle of the deltoids and strengthen them individually to create a single, balanced and developed ensemble;
  2. contrast pushing exercises with pulling exercises (military press - belt rows);
  3. control the technique of performing exercises;
  4. Do not neglect training the small muscles that stabilize the shoulder (rotator cuff), working them with special exercises in different positions/angles.

What determines the width of the shoulders?

The determining factor is mom and dad, or rather genetics, however, if you are naturally narrow-shouldered, then this is not a reason to hang your nose, but a reason to take into account the following information. The hormone testosterone has a lot to do with shoulder width. The deltoids expand during puberty as a result of the action of this hormone. Low level Testosterone levels during this period lead to narrow shoulders in adulthood.

Your shoulder muscles are filled with androgen receptors, which come from testosterone molecules to activate protein synthesis and intramuscular growth. That's why high levels“test” will help you build broad shoulders. In addition, it is useful to know that there are no other muscles in the human musculature that have such a dense concentration of androgen receptors.

Therefore, it is extremely important to feed your growing body the following foods that naturally increase testosterone during this teenage period.

So, let's move directly to the pumping-theoretical side of the issue.

How to pump up your shoulders? Swing theory.

The key to pumping up any muscle is 100% getting into its operating mode (correct rep range), weekly volume (how often/how many days a week to train a muscle unit) and rest periods (recovery through training sessions). If you manage to pick everything up 3 these parameters, then consider that you are guaranteed to be pumped up.

It is most advisable to make such a selection of parameters based on empirical (experimentally in practice) obtained data for a specific muscle group. And since we are talking in this article: “how to pump up your shoulders?”, then we will consider such data for deltas.

To select the three specified parameters about a muscle group, you need to know the following information:

  • biomechanics of muscle group;
  • muscle fiber type (master/slave).

In this part of the note, we will analyze the features of the muscular unit called the deltoid muscles and find out what training parameters are optimal for pumping it up. So let's begin...

As we already figured out earlier, the deltoids consist of three bundles - anterior, middle and posterior. Therefore, for effective swing it is necessary to identify “who is who”, i.e. which bundle is endowed with which type of predominant fibers - this is what we will do.

No. 1. Biomechanics of deltoid muscles.

Statistics say that the anterior bundles are the most developed in athletes. (conditionally 5 units), then come the side ones ( 3 units) and rear (usually developed on 10-15% from possible). This is partly due to the misconception that dumbbell lateral raises are a good isolation exercise for the lateral deltoids. In fact, they are not, unless you modify the exercise.

During abduction, for example, when performing lateral flyes, taking the force created by the lateral deltoid as 100% , the strength of the anterior deltoid is approximately 75% , and the supraspinatus muscle 25% . This means that the supraspinatus (other rotator cuff) and the anterior deltoid together produce the primary force of the lateral deltoid. Thus, swinging the middle bundle with lateral leads is extremely inappropriate. And this is not the only exercise in which the load goes in the wrong place, however, in almost all manuals/books, lateral abductions are considered best exercise for the middle beam.

The question arises: “how to train the middle bundle and not involve the front one?”

The answer is simple - reduce the amplitude of shoulder flexion, raising the arm not very high, as in the front dumbbell raises. Also, when performing lateral raises, do not fully straighten your elbows. Thus, from the point of view of biomechanics, it is better to work out the middle bundle of deltas while sitting on an inclined (at an upward angle) bench facing her. The optimal angle for isolating the middle beam is the angle of the bench between 15 And 60 degrees.

When performing mid-delt flyes on an incline bench, the first 30 degrees of the abduction movement are performed by the supraspinatus muscle, after which the mid-delts work the rest of the amplitude. When performing flyes, you should accompany the projectile throughout the entire amplitude of movement, and not throw the dumbbell up and wait for it to inertially fall down (to the side).

Another very important factor, which determines the activity of the shoulder muscles is its rotation. The greater the internal rotation during shoulder flexion/abduction, the more the middle and posterior bundles are involved in the work and the less the anterior ones. However, during horizontal shoulder abduction (for example, exercise reverse flyes in the butterfly simulator) external rotation of the arm increases activation of the middle deltoid at the expense of less activation of the posterior deltoid.

Conclusion: when training for maximum involvement of the middle and rear deltas, you must:

  • do not fully extend the elbow (without using the scapular plane);
  • turn your shoulder inward.

These technical adjustments increase stimulation of the mid deltoid but decrease the width of the subacromial space, which can ultimately lead to impingement. (compression of rotators and injury). To counteract the last situation, the athlete can move his shoulder blades back slightly while performing the exercise.

Subacromial impingement mainly occurs when your shoulder is not structurally balanced, and this exercise technique will help improve the situation. Thus, it turns out to be a double-edged sword, it seems to be useful, but it seems to be not :).

Total conclusions on the biomechanics of the deltoid muscles. The most profitable way to train your beams is this way:

  • anterior – frontal lifts with external rotation of the shoulder;
  • medium - on a bench at an angle 15-60 degrees up with a slightly shortened range of motion and controlled lifting/lowering of dumbbells when raised to the sides;
  • rear – reverse flyes in the butterfly machine/with dumbbells at an upward angle with internal rotation of the shoulder.

In the picture version, the exercises on the beams look like this.

No. 2. Rotator cuff training and deltoid muscle fiber structure.

Structural balance of the shoulders involves matching the development of the rotator cuff muscles. To train external rotators, pulling the rope from the block to the face with an improvised grip is perfect ( 1 ) . If you want to isolate the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles, then abduct your arm with a dumbbell to the side while lying on your side ( 2 ) .

As for the structure of the fibers, with a high degree of probability we can say that 60-65% The deltoid muscles are composed of slow-twitch muscle fibers that are quite durable and efficient. Thus, when it comes to training them, it is most beneficial to work them using a combination approach with an emphasis on higher repetitions (from 15 ) to muscle failure.

As for the recovery time, red fibers recover an order of magnitude faster than white ones, i.e. if the latter needs several days (from 4 ) then the slow ones are already ready to rush into battle after exhausting their 1-2 minutes. Because deltas have a mixed fiber structure (60% red/ 40% white), then it is most advisable to give them rest until 4 -x days, i.e. train 1 once in a while 4 day or 2 once a week.

As for the number of repetitions, sets and rest time between approaches, you need to adhere to the following scheme:

  • number of repetitions – from 15 ;
  • number of sets from 1 to 5 (optimally 3-4 ) ;
  • rest time m/b approaches 60-120 sec (optimally 60 sec).

This scheme is appropriate for dominant red fibers. When it comes to training 40% white fibers, then you need to follow a different scheme:

  • number of repetitions – 6-12 ;
  • number of sets from 5 to 10 (optimally 6-7 ) ;
  • rest time m/b approaches 90 -120 sec (optimally 90 sec).

Thus, in order to comprehensively develop deltas, i.e. you need to pump up your shoulders:

  1. train all three bundles in a workout (especially the lagging rear and middle ones);
  2. ensure the structural balance of the deltas, maintaining compliance with the m / u bundles and muscles of the rotator cuff;
  3. conduct training of both leading (red) and driven (white) fibers at different periods of training, changing the training program scheme. At first 2-3 months in a given volume of repetitions/sets and rest time slow fibers, then 2-3 months of training on fast fibers;
  4. apply the correct isolation exercises for different beams (including modified technique, such as using the bench at an upward angle in some movements and internally rotating the shoulder);
  5. on average use medium to high reps with number of sets 3-5 .

Awww, are you still here, or am I just shaking the air? :)

Actually, that's all on the technical side, now let's get down to it practical side question...or wait, the counter shows that the note has exceeded an indecent number of characters, so I propose to organize the second part and meet next time. I don’t hear any objections, so that’s what we’ll do.


The first part of the article, entitled “how to pump up your shoulders,” has come to an end. In the future, we will go through all the muscle groups and find out how to best work them. Next Friday we will finish the second part of this article and analyze all the practice, so we don’t go far, we are waiting for the continuation of the banquet :).

Goodbye, bye, friends!

PS. How do you train your shoulders, how many times a week, what do you use? Inject yourself...

P.P.S. Attention! 14.06 the ability to send questionnaires for and food became available. I will be glad to see you working together!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Large, sculpted shoulders are one of the main signs of masculinity in a man’s appearance. Unlike a broad chest and large biceps, powerful shoulders will be visible under any clothing, even if you wear a jacket. However, not everyone can boast of the width of their shoulders, because this muscle group is the most difficult when gaining muscle mass. So how to pump up your shoulders if all your home workouts have not yielded results? Shoulders require special attention when gaining weight, which is why in this article we will talk about how to quickly pump up your shoulders at home and maintain the result.


The shoulder muscles, or more precisely the deltoid muscles, are divided into several separate groups responsible for different movements. Let's look at them in more detail.

1. Anterior deltoid muscle. This head originates from the collarbone and extends to the humerus. It is involved during pressing movements, such as the bench press, overhead press, and other exercises in between.

2. Middle deltoid muscle. Like the anterior one, it begins on the collarbone and goes to the humerus. Responsible for the movement of abducting the arms to the sides along the body. This is the main muscle that visually expands the body. It is involved in the “side swing” exercise.

3. Posterior deltoid muscle. Stretches from the shoulder blade to the humerus. It is used when moving the arms to the sides and back, and works during pull-ups and pull-ups.

4. Trapezius muscle. This muscle group occupies large area and is involved in many movements. It originates at the base of the skull and runs along the spine to the middle of the back. Involved in almost all movements of the rear delta and spinal muscles.

Firstly, to swing your shoulders you need to follow the correct technique. You don’t have to do it incorrectly, but with a lot of weight, the main thing is to feel how the muscle is tense and bring the execution to the point where the muscle is stretched.

Secondly, “killing” muscles with small weights for several minutes is also the wrong tactic. This way you will never get pumped up, but will only increase the risk of catabolism. The exercise should be performed for 20-40 seconds, the recommended number of repetitions is at least eight times, after which you need to take less weight and work at a normal pace, performing 10 to 14 repetitions.

Third, don't neglect proper nutrition. Even if all your workouts are aimed only at toning up your shoulders, the regimen should be followed as with normal muscle building.

Pumping up your shoulders on the horizontal bar and parallel bars

Everyone knows how to do pull-ups, but not everyone knows how to pump up their shoulders on the horizontal bar and parallel bars.

The horizontal bar and parallel bars are excellent equipment for pumping and strengthening your shoulders and arms. Their advantage is that they are in every yard of any city, but in extreme cases you can buy them inexpensively and install them right at home.

Working with your own weight on the horizontal bar increases muscle tone, strengthens the trapezius muscles, deltoids and increases the width of your shoulders. Bars - the same good option, but without a horizontal bar you will not be able to increase the width of your shoulders, since the parallel bars do not allow you to do many movements that develop the middle deltoid muscle.

Subject to correct technique can be achieved good results on these shells. For many, it seems a mystery how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar, but when doing special exercises muscle mass It won’t take long for you to build your shoulders quickly.

How to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar: exercises

1. Classic pull-ups with a medium grip. Arms approximately at shoulder level, hands in a straight grip position. Pull yourself up to the highest point, that is, touching the horizontal bar with your chest.

2. The same medium grip, but the hands are already in the reverse grip position. Stretch your back to the horizontal bar; the pull-up should be incomplete, to the point where your elbows are bent ninety degrees. Leave your legs perpendicular to the floor.

The number of approaches is approximately 3-4 per workout. Don't try to do more best case scenario this will lead to nothing, at worst - to catabolism, or even to injury. If you manage to do more than twenty repetitions, then you need to know one secret, which reveals the question of how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar: start tying a load to your legs. Repeat this each time you reach twenty reps on all sets with the new weight. This will well develop not only the external width of the shoulders, but also their strength and endurance.

Exercises for pumping up shoulders on parallel bars

Some may find it strange to ask how to pump up shoulder muscles on the uneven bars. But this is quite possible, especially when combined with other training equipment.

  • As usual, grab the bars from above, rest against them and hang. Press your arms closer to your body as tightly as possible.
  • Bend your head forward and push your knees back, otherwise most of the load will go to the triceps. Slowly lean forward, extending your elbows to the sides.
  • As soon as you feel the tension pectoral muscles, freeze for a couple of seconds and begin to smoothly bring your elbows towards your body, extending them and straightening until you return to their original position.

This exercise is rather auxiliary; it will not widen your shoulders, but with it, muscle growth from a weighted bar or dumbbells will be much more effective.

The number of repetitions and approaches is the same as on the horizontal bar. If you have learned to perform more than twenty repetitions, then it’s time to strap additional weight to your legs or back.

Don't forget to warm up before every workout. Between sets you can do a couple of arm swings, this will promote blood circulation and speed up the recovery process. Warm-up is a necessary part of any workout; it prepares the muscles before loading, promotes the effectiveness of exercise and reduces the risk of injury.

How to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells

Dumbbells are perhaps the most effective apparatus. Here we will tell you how to pump up your shoulders this way correctly. As with any other workout, the first step is to warm up. Prepare yourself mentally, imagine that your head is lying on a huge mountain, this is exactly what will happen after several hard trainings. You can stretch your shoulders with swings, arm rotations, and other exercises that work them. Usually about twenty rotations back and forth are needed. The same amount applies to the elbow joints and hands, because the weight will fall on the entire arm, and not just on the shoulders.

At the next stage of the warm-up, take small dumbbells and use them to press up, swing to the sides and swing back. Each exercise is twenty repetitions so that your arms get used to moving with weight.

Exercises for pumping up shoulders with dumbbells

We will tell you how to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells in this paragraph. The most effective exercises that give maximum results:

1. Seated dumbbell press with an incline. Choose a weight that you can bench press approximately 8-10 times. Sit on a straight bench and lift the dumbbells at shoulder level. Here it is important to know the secret of how to pump up your shoulders using this exercise more effectively: at the lowest point you need to stop for one or two seconds. This eliminates the impulse and sets the muscles up for a constant load, which leads to better results.

2. Raising your arms to the sides with dumbbells (dumbbell swings). Here you will need a weight that you can lift 10-12 times, stopping for three seconds at the top. Stand up straight, lean forward slightly and arch your back. You need to lift the dumbbells along the body, while trying to lift with the deltoids, not the trapezius. If you do everything correctly, your elbows will bend slightly. To make it easier to hold the weight at the top, silently add the word “thousand” to the count. At the bottom point, your arms should be straight.

3. Shrugs with dumbbells. Take a weight that you can do twenty reps with. Imagine that your hands are ropes, and they are tied in knots on the dumbbells, hold tightly, with all your strength. Raise your shoulders, tense them for a second and only then lower them. At the bottom, relax a little. Perform the exercise to failure. There is also a small rule on how to pump up your shoulders with this exercise: you need to do it at the end of the workout, after all the previous exercises.

Barbell for pumping shoulders

It wouldn’t hurt to also learn how to pump up your shoulders with a barbell. The barbell is a good alternative to dumbbells. It can replace them in almost all shoulder training exercises. Its only advantage is that it allows the arms to always be kept parallel to each other, which has a beneficial effect on the technique of performing some complex exercises.

Warm-up is also necessary. Examples of exercises you can do include angled presses, chin raises, and chest rows. An empty bar for 15-20 reps is fine for a beginner.

Perform the exercises very carefully, following the technique, otherwise you may get injured.

Exercises for pumping up shoulders with a barbell

Here you will learn how to pump up your shoulders with a barbell at home. These exercises are suitable both in combination with others, and when working only with a barbell.

1. Vertical barbell row. This exercise will make the side deltoid muscles round and massive.

Take the barbell with a medium grip, hold it at the base of your thighs, bend your elbows. Inhale, tense your shoulders, and exhale, lift the barbell to your chin. The elbows should move in different directions, while they are always higher than the forearm. The rest of the body should be motionless.

2. Front lift of the barbell. Stand straight, lift the barbell in front of you with your arms outstretched (palms facing down). Elbows slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale, begin to exhale and lift the barbell above your head, without bending or straightening your elbows. The movement should take place clearly in one circle. Inhaling, lower the barbell to the position you started from. Repeat 10-14 times.

3. Shrugs with a barbell. The exercise is performed in the same way as with dumbbells, but unlike dumbbells, the bar will get in your way a little, so you can lean forward slightly and arch your back.

Push-ups to pump up your shoulders

This is one of the most effective and universal exercises. But how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups? There are many types of exercises that can help you achieve any goals you set, pump up any muscle group in the upper shoulder girdle and even your legs. The simplest push-ups already have a good effect on the deltoid muscles, but if there is an opportunity to enhance the effect, then you should under no circumstances lose it. Here we will tell you which exercises are most effective for building your shoulders and increasing their volume.

Exercises for pumping up shoulders with push-ups

1. House push-ups. Stand in a lying position, place your feet on your toes, move them closer to your hands and bend at the waist ninety degrees. This position will increase the load on the deltoid muscles. Now lower yourself to the floor without changing the angle. You need to repeat until failure, but in some cases, for example, if you are doing a set, it is better to distribute the number of repetitions across all exercises.

2. Shoulder push-ups against a wall. This exercise uses all deltoid muscles. But it requires good initial training. First you need to try standing against a wall. If you stand for a minute with your feet resting on the wall, then you can try the exercise.

3. Handstand push-ups. A very effective exercise. If you can't do it yourself, then ask your partner to hold your legs, or lean against the wall. You can also try walking on your hands.

It is advisable to do circuit training, including all these exercises and classic push-ups. To begin with, 2-3 circles will be enough, but in the future it will be effective to do five circles, ten times for each exercise.

The best shoulder workout at home

1. Dumbbell raises to the sides. It’s better to start with the middle deltoid, because it’s what makes the shoulder width, which means the whole workout is based on it. The first approach is fifteen repetitions, the rest, with heavy weight, are 8-12.

2. Bent over dumbbell swings. After the extension, you can finish off the middle delta by hammering it to failure in four approaches of 10-12 times.

3. Vertical press. This exercise is performed slowly, and muscle tension should be maximum. Three approaches of 8-12 times is quite enough.

4. Shrugs. Trapezium at the very end of the workout. There should be exactly four approaches.

This program is suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. If you are one of the latter, then it is worth filling it with drop sets, this will significantly enhance the effect.


This is a sufficient supply of knowledge to pump up your shoulders from scratch at home in as soon as possible. By following these tips, performing the exercises correctly, following the technique, diet and not giving up, you will quickly achieve results in pumping the most complex muscle in the body. You can use any of the methods, they are all effective, but dumbbells give the greatest results; it is not without reason that all bodybuilders prefer iron equipment to increase muscle mass.

Mighty male shoulders will always be a symbol of masculinity, powerful strength and reliability in the eyes of girls and women. Each of us has heard the expressions “lean on a man’s shoulder”, “take refuge behind a man’s broad back” and many others. Pumped up muscles of the shoulder girdle, unlike the rest, will always be noticeable under any clothing and your work will not go unnoticed by the fair sex. If you need to work on your shoulders so that they are worthy of the best epithets, then we suggest you read our article on how to pump up your shoulders at home.

First of all, let's remember what the back muscles are made of and what you have to work with. As you know, the muscles of the shoulder girdle consist of two main muscle groups: trapezius and deltoid. The trapezius muscles are shaped like a trapezoid and extend from the back of the neck to the middle of the back. The deltoid muscles or deltoids are triangular in shape and located at the top of the shoulder joints of the arms. They consist of three parts, called the anterior, lateral (middle) and posterior deltas. Professional bodybuilders pay equal attention to each of these parts in their training to build ideal shoulders. How to quickly pump up your shoulders at home. To build perfect shoulders at home, you can start with handstand push-ups with your feet on the wall. To perform this exercise, you need to place your palms shoulder-width apart at a distance of about 15 centimeters from the wall. After this, lift one leg, push with the other, touch your feet to the wall, supporting yourself with your hands in a standing position upside down. Start doing push-ups on the floor.
At first, you may need the help of a partner to learn how to get into the push-up position on your own. Do not perform this exercise if you suffer from any disorders of brain function, since during this exercise there is a large flow of blood to the head.

How to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar.
We have already talked in the article about how pull-ups in the initial stages can help you build up your shoulders. Wide straight grip pull-ups and head pull-ups will work best on your shoulders. You can make pull-ups more difficult by using weights.

How to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells.
For those who are seriously thinking about the question of how to quickly build up shoulder muscles, you cannot do without using exercises with dumbbells.
Exercise No. 1.
Side dumbbell raise.
Exercise for side delts. The front deltoids and forearms are partially loaded.
Take dumbbells, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be slightly bent, palms facing each other. Raise the dumbbells in an arc to the sides until they reach shoulder level. Hold this position for one second and lower. Repeat as many times as necessary. You can perform this exercise on a bench. This way you isolate the deltas more and concentrate the load on them.

Exercise No. 2.
Raising dumbbells forward.
This exercise develops the front deltoids. Take dumbbells, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be slightly bent, with your palms facing your feet. Raise the dumbbells in an arc forward until they reach shoulder level. Hold this position for one second and lower. Repeat as many times as necessary. You can perform this exercise on a bench. This way you isolate the deltas more and concentrate the load on them.

Exercise No. 3. Lifting dumbbells from a side lying position. Develops lateral deltoids. Take a dumbbell in one hand and lie down on the floor or bench. Lift the dumbbell with a slightly bent arm.

How to quickly pump up your shoulders using a barbell.
Despite the fact that few people can afford to equip their home gym barbell, working with it is extremely effective for the shoulders and our story would be incomplete without considering exercises with it.
Exercise No. 1.
Seated barbell press. The front deltoids and partially the triseps work. Sit on the bench. Grasp the barbell with a grip one and a half width apart from your shoulders and secure it above your chest. Raise the barbell above your head and lower it to the starting position. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Exercise No. 2.
Bench press while seated. The middle delta is mainly being worked on. It is performed similarly to the previous exercise, only the barbell is lifted from a position behind the head, and not above the chest.

Exercise No. 3.
Lifting the bar forward. The exercise targets the deltoids and upper chest muscles. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take the barbell by the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and hold it low at your hips. This is the starting position. Raise the barbell to chest level and return to the starting position. Repeat.

In the article, we talked about how to effectively work out muscles. Do two warm-up approaches with weights 30-35% less than working ones and the last third with your working weight to create a maximum load on the muscles to cause them a state of hypertonicity, ensuring subsequent muscle growth if observed proper rest and nutrition.

These are the basic exercises for beginners to build up your shoulders. Try them with safe scales, gradually increasing the intensity of the loads and after a while you will become the owner of powerful shoulders.



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