How to burn fat without losing muscle mass

Cardio workout - The best way for burning fat, but if not done correctly, not only fat, but also muscles will burn. Below you will learn how to burn fat, not muscle, with cardio.

  • Most people trying to get rid of excess weight use stupid diets and exercise systems that do not make it possible to burn fat and maintain muscle. This makes them look worse, after which all the fat comes back in a larger volume.
  • Strengthened cardio exercises with the use of special supplements really protect your muscles. The only way. There will be no effect without drugs.
  • If you're doing cardio to burn fat, use 45-60 minute easy workouts or 15 minute hard workouts.
  • Ignoring carbs between workouts or in the post-workout period is the worst thing you can do to your body.

“Cardio does not burn fat. Muscle burns fat.” - John Meadows

How to make the body burn fat, not muscle

Every time people start to lose weight, they start doing all sorts of stupid activities that completely prevent muscle growth. They lose weight due to both fat and muscle mass. Thus, they get rid of not only fullness, but also the harmony and smartness of their own body. They are not just becoming slimmer, they are proportionally decreasing, without improving their body qualitatively. Their body begins to take up less "space", the scale says that the weight is really coming off, and the doctors are congratulated for their success in achieving a "healthy" weight. And in fact, in most cases, such people do not look better. This is exactly the moment that no one pays attention to.

Maintaining muscle mass should be your top priority when losing weight. Loss in muscle mass is unacceptable. Muscle loss threatens unaesthetic appearance after losing weight and, moreover, the lack of developed muscles will interfere with further loss of fat mass, because muscles are responsible for burning fat. 5 kilos of muscle burns 50 kcal every day, even if you are at rest. So, having lost 5 kilograms of muscle, you will easily lose the opportunity to get rid of the daily 50 kcal per day and 350 kcal per week. If the goal is really important to you, then even such a small loss can affect the result.

There is also the issue of insulin sensitivity. If you have developed muscles, then your insulin sensitivity will be smoothed out thanks to the muscles. Developed muscles have more insulin receptors - it is the muscles that are most sensitive to insulin. That is, everything you eat will be processed in the muscles and can no longer be stored in fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more intensely you can train, the more calories you will destroy during training.

From this it becomes clear that during the diet it is imperative to take care of the state of the muscle mass, this is vital! Next, we will look at the most typical mistakes those who are trying to lose weight.

1. Strengthened cardio workouts

This is exactly what everyone starts with in the morning and what was popular in the early days of bodybuilding around the world. And it only works if you use performance-enhancing drugs for your body. Such drugs help maintain muscle mass and help in getting rid of fat. But for someone who denies such drugs, enhanced cardio is a direct path to muscle loss. First of all, cortisol levels are elevated in the morning (the supply of cortisol is exactly what gives your body the strength to wake up in the morning and start the working day with energy). If you don't eat, your cortisol levels may even rise slightly. And if you also start cardio training, then the level of cortisol will simply skyrocket. And this is a direct path to muscle loss. In addition, after such a workout on an empty stomach, you will get such a steady level of cortisol that it will be very difficult to lower it during the day (especially in a state of calorie deficit while dieting). Thus, all day you will lose muscle.

It's not that I'm for or against cardio. For some, it's a way to get super slim. But for most, this method does not work. Well, to everything else, enhanced cardio exercises only worsen the situation. The ideal period for really effective cardio training is the post-absorption state. This is when you don't feel hungry, but not when you're digesting the food you've just eaten. This is the period of time when nutrients are in the bloodstream, which provokes the processes of splitting fat and burning calories.

Think for yourself, if you do cardio on an empty stomach, then the breakdown of fat over the next 24 hours will be at an extremely low level. This is due to the fact that the metabolism during the day is based on high level- it causes fatigue during the day, especially if you are on a diet. The level of activity during the day instinctively decreases. Increased cardio loads provoke catabolic processes in muscle mass.

Cardio on an empty stomach is also not the best idea. This leads to a slowdown in the process of splitting fats and increases the oxidation of glucose, not to mention the fact that the majority of people find it difficult to cope with energetic loads in the process of digestion. Best time for cardio loads, this is the period when the body completely absorbs nutrients before the start of exercise. Unfortunately, with solid food, the process of digestion is delayed for a much longer period. And each person digests solid food in their own way, depending on weight, age, type of food and time of day.

This is where liquid nutritional supplements come to the rescue and medical preparations. You can drink them and immediately start cardio loads, without thinking about the negative effects and getting the maximum positive result from cardio loads. Such drugs also increase the level of metabolism in the body, helping to become slimmer and improve the quality of results. One serving of such a cocktail 20 minutes before the start of the workout will be enough.

Bottom line: we avoid increased cardio loads if you want to get rid of fat and not lose muscle. The only harmonious way is to use liquid nutritional supplements to maintain muscle tone. The effect of such a drug will continue for the next 24 hours and after training.

2. Using light weights for more sets

In order not to lose muscle mass, you must constantly maintain or constantly increase your level of strength. If you manage to hold more and more weight, then you really manage to force your body to maintain its power. Your body will see a vital need for increased power if you regularly push it to deal with more and more difficulties. As soon as you reduce the weight you lift, the body will immediately feel that there is not much point in developing further and will gradually begin to reduce muscle mass. Muscles just need tons of calories to feed them.

Mistake number two - increasing the number of repetitions in one set. Many believe that this will make the muscles more defined. True, they do not know that with such an approach it is basically impossible. To get more defined muscles, you must first get rid of fat while maintaining muscle tone. Therefore, the lower the weight lifted, the less good it brings to the muscles. Of course, you will lose calories by increasing the number of repetitions, but this approach only focuses on fat loss, and not on the development of muscle mass.

Increasing the number of repetitions in an exercise is justified only if you have just trained thoroughly with a heavy weight. However, at the same time, you can slightly reduce muscle mass - when you change the weight of the projectile from heavy to light in exercises, you significantly weaken the recovery process. And with reduced calorie intake, in addition, muscle recovery does not work as it should. Regression during training leads to regression in muscle development. Moral of the story? During the diet, it is worth maintaining a diet that will support the growth of your muscles. And stop "pulling" light loads. Focus on the tedious but rewarding process of pumping up the good old fashioned way, increasing and increasing the weight.

3. Moderate intensity, monotonous, non-developing cardio loads

If you still fit cardio exercises into your weight loss schedule, then you have two radically opposite options: low load (walking) or serious, intense exercise (sprints, interval cardio training). The first type of exercise that most people like to use when losing weight causes a spike in cortisol levels in the blood. This type of activity only stimulates the release of cortisol and keeps it at this level for a whole day.

Low-intensity cardio - an hour-long walk in the park or something like that - won't be intense enough to stimulate cortisol production, so it doesn't even count. Such walks have a relaxing effect, in which cortisol levels do not rise and even fall slightly. High-intensity cardio can lead to an "explosion" of cortisol in the blood. But even if the intense load is not high in duration, then there will be no such effect.

The bottom line is that either 45-60 minute light workouts are ideal, or high-intensity workouts lasting 15 minutes or less. That's the advantage of adding weight when doing exercises - five minutes and an intense exercise is completed! This activity will even help build some muscle!

4. Abrupt start and abrupt end

Losing fat and changing your body are emotional matters. After all, we want to have the body of our dreams and we want it right now! This kind of thinking leads to our fourth mistake: starting too abruptly. I have seen many people start their diet with less than 50 grams of carbs and fat per day at 1200 calories per day. Add to this, 90 minutes of cardio loads a day (and sometimes all 120) with a certain training system in gym. Here is the “ideal” fat burning formula.

Just wonderful! But how long can anyone even stand this? More importantly, how long does it take for your body to adapt? My experience is that the body will adapt to this level of deprivation and activity level for 4 to 6 weeks, and fat loss will eventually come to a halt ... So what if you can endure all this for 4- 6 weeks! You will feel overwhelmed and tormented by unbearable hunger pangs with zero energy for work and normal life. In addition, there is a loss of muscle mass.

With this approach, how to restore the process of fat loss? There is absolutely nothing to cut out of the diet, and no matter how much you exercise, you will not be able to complicate the exercises, simply because you will not have enough energy for this. With this approach, you can say that you are doomed. You will still lose some fat, but progress will be so slow that no other way to achieve this goal will help you.

Avoid any "busting" from the very beginning. Do not go too far - use diets and a cardio system of exercises so that the fat leaves at an acceptable rate, and so that you have enough strength for training. You need to increase your strength daily. The more conservative you are in your approach to weight loss, the more problems you will have the moment the fat stops coming off.

5. Strengthening training and increasing the amount of exercise

When someone wants to get lean muscles, he naturally saturates his workout with all possible exercises. As if this makes it possible to “polish” the muscles, working on it from all conceivable and inconceivable sides and angles. But, keep one thing in mind - you can't shape the muscles. Muscles get either bigger or smaller. So do not rush right off the bat - try to better develop a competent strategy.

Will the muscles increase with the addition of new exercises? The answer is yes. True, provided that your body has an OVERSUFFIX of calories, and not a DEFICIENCY of calories. Calories are needed to constantly maintain muscle growth. If you are not a supporter of all kinds of stimulant drugs, then sitting on strict diet, you are unlikely to be able to “polish” and increase in volume your muscle mass. More exercise will require more fuel. And after exercise, a person with a low-calorie diet will have problems with post-workout recovery. All this makes it difficult to maintain muscle mass.

Many argue that after enhanced various exercises, their muscles look larger and more prominent. Only now they don’t realize that this “effect” is caused by swelling from inflammatory process muscle tissue and by the next trip to the gym, that peak moment may come when you simply cannot take more weight or simply fully complete the planned exercise. If, again, he adds diet and calorie restriction to this, then the muscles will simply have nowhere to take energy from for recovery. So, your weight loss process comes to a standstill again.

6. Get rid of nutritious carbohydrate supplements

This is probably the most common problem. Even I fell for it at the time! For a long time, carbohydrates were considered the cause of difficulties in losing weight, especially during the crazy fashion for a carbohydrate-free diet. But among all the carbohydrate-phobes, I was probably the most important. I just didn't eat any carbs before, during, or after my workout.

Carbohydrate products, as well as sports carbohydrate food supplements and cocktails contain great amount peptides and mineral natural substances that preserve or even increase muscle mass. Even during a diet, do not neglect carbohydrates. If, while dieting, you completely abandon carbohydrates, then fat loss is, of course, guaranteed to you. But you can forget about the restoration and formation of beautiful muscles in the post-workout period.

Don't be afraid to eat carbs after your workout. They will not be postponed anywhere and will not worsen your weight loss statistics. They will only enhance fat loss because they will saturate your muscles. large quantity energy to perform exercises and increase the load.

7. Cardio before bed

A common mistake that also deserves special mention. It used to be popular in bodybuilding circles. But again, do not forget that this type of training has positive influence only when taking hormonal drugs and steroids. Without them, you will not be able to change your physiology and achieve at least some positive result. The more androgens/steroids in your blood, the less cortisol levels affect you.

High levels of cortisol before bed will interfere with sleep and will disturb our sleep until the morning. It will support the destructive processes of muscle catabolism all night long. To optimize the recovery process after a workout, it is enough to simply forget about the habit of loading yourself with cardio loads at night.

How to burn fat and maintain muscle - it's simple ...

  1. Don't reduce everything in strength training;
  2. Don't try to add more and more new exercises;
  3. Don't try to burn more calories by lifting weights;
  4. If you decide on cardio, then let it be short-term intense exercise or long-term non-intense exercise in the post-absorption period;
  5. Don't try to reshape your muscles when you're in a calorie deficit - the best you can do is either increase or decrease muscle size;
  6. Don't ruin a quality workout with no carbs! On the contrary, increase their consumption in the post-workout period;
  7. Be conservative and don't go to extremes in either diet or exercise. You won't last long anyway.

For most dudes who actively swing and want to lose fat, the question is important: “How not to lose muscle mass when you swing and lose weight?”. A lot of dudes have extra fat that they want to cut. But I want to pump up a lot of quality meat, most often to be big and scary. Why, if in a good way, you need to gain muscle mass? In order to create an energy-intensive muscle corset. The presence of a muscular corset helps us keep bones, joints and organs in a reliable frame, protecting them from damage. In addition, the muscular corset is very energy intensive and forces you to consume calories without having to save in reserve. Of course, if you continue to engage in at least some physical activity.

This article is relevant not only for those who want to gain muscle mass, but also for those who just want to lose weight corny, because to lose fat is to build up meat, which is much heavier than fat, light like shit.

1. Eat More Protein

Protein not only helps build muscle mass, but is also the most satisfying of the food trio: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Saturated with protein, you will feel satiety much longer than from carbohydrate or fatty foods. Sometimes it seems to us that we can only eat when we add bread or something fatty. In fact, this is nothing more than a habit that makes us consume more food from carbohydrates. Over time, bad eating habits go away, and eating becomes easier and healthier.

2. Strength training

Cardio quickly becomes less effective, and interval cardio makes you burn more calories. Intense strength training causes you to burn calories for several days after your workout is over. Repairing and repairing damaged muscle fibers requires energy that could otherwise be stored around the waist. metabolic effect of strength training increases the amount of proper hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone.

3. Rethink your relationship with snacks and snacks

Either stop snacking during the day, or include something completely different in your diet, such as fruits. But you should not get carried away with them much, because they are very high in calories. But dried berries are very possible. Dried berries, fresh berries and apples are your perfect snack. Also remember about coffee, by chance you can “drink” stupid calories, almost at a daily rate.

4. In any incomprehensible situation, drink water.

You have to drink a lot of water. More on this The best way to get rid of hunger is to drink water. Sometimes we want to eat just because our treacherous stomach, which is used to eating in certain time or in a certain amount wants to be filled. So pour yourself a glass of water and slowly, sadly drink it. Wait for 15 minutes. The hunger will pass. So you will have to accustom yourself to eat strictly at a certain time.

5. Walk and move every day

Walk every day. Take the stairs without an elevator, get off a few stops to your house, or walk around the neighborhood. This should be done especially when you have problems with time and it is not always possible to train full-fledged 3-4 times a week. Take time to walk during your lunch break. During the working day, walk around the office or along the corridors to stretch a little and shake your fat.

6. Sleep

Quality sleep is extremely important topic for those who actively train. Lack of sleep, which we love to neglect until a certain age, can negate several workouts. Research shows that sleep-deprived people feel much more hungry, are more prone to snacking, and are much quicker and more willing to break down to eat and buy sweets and alcohol. AT best case That's 300 extra calories a day, which you definitely don't want if you're losing weight. In addition, lack of sleep negatively affects the production of hormones that are beneficial for muscle growth and fat reduction.

7. Eat breakfast

Breakfast can sometimes be skipped, but it is advisable to always eat it. I am categorically against the article about skipping breakfast often, if you do not eat breakfast for a long time, nothing good will come of it. Skip breakfast once or twice, but not having breakfast every day is always bad. The problem is that we don't have enough time for breakfast, but more often than not, we lack the motivation and self-control to get up early and cook it for ourselves. It seems incredibly tiring, it seems pointless, because sleep is always better. But in fact, the extra 15 sleep never helped anyone, sometimes even made them more sleepy. After all, a 15-minute sleep is an inferior sleep. You should always remember about the calorie content of food and the production of the necessary hormones, but also about sores. However, there is no doubt and normal evidence that most people who have lost weight and managed to keep it off consume a healthy breakfast. In addition, recent studies arguing against skipping breakfast completely show that the calories "saved" at breakfast in the morning are often replenished by snacking in the evening and throughout the day. Skip breakfast to kick-start your hormones, but don't do it too often. I personally for two control weeks without breakfast, hike, even added, and definitely not meat.

8. Eat vegetables and greens

I know how many dudes hate greens like spinach. I personally found only a few ways to eat it normally - with olive oil and garlic. And one more . But this crap is just phenomenally healthy, so it would be nice to learn how to eat it. Imagine that a massive loss of livestock will begin or vegetarians will take over the world. Personally, it helped me get addicted to greens and vegetables. Salted cheese, olive oil and kilograms of spices, with which my wife falls asleep salads, also helped me. Even tasty when with buckwheat and boiled chicken.

The same goes for Brussels sprouts and broccoli. If you wish, you can still learn how to eat them, moreover, they unexpectedly turn out to be tasty, for example, in cheese soup.

9. Bread

Heck, I'm sure I'll catch some negative comments, but someone has to say it. Modern White bread higher grades - absolutely useless. You can learn this from any textbook for a technologist or merchandiser. All the most useful: bran, germ and a few other parts of the grain are removed, because the fat they contain interferes with storage. The higher the grade of bread, the less useful it is, but it is more tasty, fragrant and sweet due to the breakdown of carbohydrates under the influence of saliva to monosaccharides. Most of the bread on the shelves of the store is not harmful, but absolutely useless. Considering that the majority of people in Russia frankly abuse it, it is still harmful. Whole grain bread - a good idea, only there is one thing: most of this bread is not made from whole grains, but simply interspersed with seeds and grains. If you want to lose weight, you need to stop eating bread every day. You will argue that it is difficult, but it is not. Everything is quite real.

10. The right fats

The right fats in our diet will help burn fat. Normal fat sources: lean meat, fish oil, vegetable oils: rapeseed, olive, sunflower, peanut.

Good afternoon friends. Right on the agenda fat burning and weight loss. We will find out how to burn subcutaneous fat without losing muscle mass. Let's start with the established rules for gaining muscle mass and losing weight. When a person gains weight, the amount of fat is necessarily added, and in the case of drying, not only lipids (fats) are burned, but also muscle mass. Let's try to find out if it's really true that burning fat, you will definitely lose lean muscle mass.

How to burn fat, not muscle

When the process of nutrition and training is not established, not a serious approach to losing weight, the body loses proteins, and muscle mass goes along with fat. The second option is the correct and competent approach to fat burning, as a result of which the muscles gained by hard work in training are not burned.

Important! It is necessary to understand the mistakes, after which the process of catabolism of muscle tissues starts.

First, let's talk about a process called the Krebs cycle. He explains the processes of energy exchange and providing the cell with all the functions for its life. In order not to dive into science, we will give you a simple analogy.

You have a large stove in which firewood is stored, acting as fats - fuel for the body. Your goal is to burn fat, that is, those firewood that lie in the oven. The firewood is large, they cannot be kindled with a match. If you have ever tried to light a fire, you know that you first need to light a lot of paper or use an incendiary mixture - another substance. So, not large chips will gradually light up, and only then you will have a fire. Such chips for the body is glucose. She's the one who starts fat burning mechanism in which the muscles remain in place.

How is fat burned during fasting?

Most of you have heard the expression "fats burn on the flames of carbohydrates." After all, glucose is a source of energy. With restrictions on the consumption of carbohydrates, during weight loss and diets, glucose burns quickly enough, but since the body needs energy for life, fats are the source of energy for the firebox. Respectively, carbohydrates are needed to start the fat burning process, which, in turn, after burning, will pull fats that we do not need as an energy source.

You have a frozen question, what if the diet is carbohydrate-free, does it not work? However, the catalyst in this case is not carbohydrates, but proteins. This is due to glucogenesis, the process by which non-carbohydrate compounds are broken down into glucose. When you use a no-carbohydrate diet, the amount of protein in your daily diet needs to be increased. Most of the coals will be broken down to glucose and will act as a catalyst to start the fat burning process. The rest of the percentage will be used to maintain body tone, muscle growth and other processes.

An interesting question about starvation diets. Where does the body get energy to maintain all vital functions and how does the fat burning process work in this case?

Everything will happen by analogy with the previous options, as in the case of carbohydrates and proteins. That is, the body as a catalyst will use its own protein (your muscles) to start the process.

During fasting, proteins will be used not only to start fat burning and as a catalyst, but also to support vital functions.

Mistakes that burn not only fat, but also muscles

We have identified three main areas, the result of which is the burning of not only subcutaneous fat but also muscle tissue.

Starvation and refusal of food. Catabolism of muscle tissue is inevitable as a result of prolonged starvation and lack of intake of essential nutrients, proteins and carbohydrates. You don't need to starve.

Continuous loads. If you exercise a lot or lead an active lifestyle, being on the road, moving, food does not come in for a long time - catabolism is a gift to you. You don’t need to spend hours and every day in the gym, take time to rest and recover, overtraining has not yet gone to anyone.

Rigid diets and heavy loads. In practice, this error is considered the most common. If not many people risk exhausting starvation and heavily load themselves, then there are many who want to go on a strict diet and load themselves with intense training. This means if you drastically reduce your usual calorie intake and start exercising intensively every day.

Cardio in the morning. after waking up - not the most good way burn fat. You need to be careful about this, because the body spent about 8 hours without food when you slept. Your glycogen stores are depleted and you're on a long run. What's happening?

Losing weight can be as easy as spending a large amount of money. Optimal weight loss is a completely different story. Excess body fat is unhealthy. And also, the lack of lean muscle mass. Have you ever heard of someone being referred to as "skinny fat"? It refers to the type of body that looks slim and attractive when dressed, but with a bare torso… There hides a weak, flabby body, devoid of muscle tone and strength. This may be the unfortunate result of trying to burn fat without caring about maintaining muscle mass. The main requirement for losing a small amount of weight is a calorie deficit. In plain English, this means consuming fewer calories than the body requires for all the physical tasks it performs throughout the day. When a calorie deficit is reached, the body must and will find alternative source fuel. Under ideal circumstances, this would be excess fat. However, due to poor nutrition or faulty signals, the body can easily burn away precious, hard-earned lean muscle mass that anyone would certainly prefer to keep.

So, what is the best way to burn fat without losing muscle mass?

Start with protein. Protein is what muscles are made of. Without it, the muscles will not be able to grow or be in shape. Even without a proper strength training regimen, protein intake sets the body up to burn fat and spare muscle. The bodybuilding world standard is 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. For some people, especially those who are not very active, a lower intake may be perfectly adequate. Stay strong. Increasing and maintaining your current level of strength are not the same thing. The first requires progressively overloading the muscles; the latter simply requires you not to decrease your current workout intensity. Fulfilling a large number of repetitions with lighter weights in a caloric deficit in order to lose weight, the brain signals the body to maintain muscle mass. If there are no calories and there is an unexpected decrease (but not complete elimination) of physical activity, then the pumped muscle can be destroyed by the body as fuel.

The biggest mistake you can see that people make when trying to maintain lean body mass and lose body fat is to reduce weight and increase reps. You must continue to lift heavy weight to keep muscle and burn calories. But don't overdo it. Fewer calories means less energy. Unfortunately, this condition is not suitable for intensive training and necessary recovery. Trying to swing harder when the body's fuel supply is reduced will result in a drop in strength. Muscles make a person strong. Less strength means less muscle mass. Low-intensity maintenance training is all it takes to burn fat without losing muscle mass. Fewer reps and/or fewer workouts per week will help maintain lean mass. Eat the right products in the right amount and at the right time. Any workout, whether to gain mass or burn fat, needs fuel - the first is for energy; last one to restore. Eat an equal amount of protein and carbohydrates - about 0.25 grams per kilogram of desired body weight - in the form of solid food, an hour to an hour and a half before training. Little time?

  • Consume the same amount of macronutrients, but easily digestible half an hour before the gym.
  • Eat a lot more protein and carbohydrates. Simple, isn't it? Also, the nutrients that feed the muscles before a workout will nourish and help them recover after.
  • Please note that too large a calorie deficit can adversely affect the result. Eat more calories on strength training days and fewer calories on rest days. Remember that protein intake should be even every day of the week; carbohydrates and fat can be eaten more or less according to the frequency of training.

Give yourself a break from the diet once in a while

Regardless of the potential result for the physique, the state of caloric deficit in the body is not one of the preferred ones. Take a short break - from one to 2 weeks. A calorie-rich meal not only provides a mental and emotional reprieve from hunger, but helps prepare the body for optimal performance and recovery.

Just focus on the scale, not the treadmill

The community is often dismissive of cardio—running in particular. For people trying to improve their body composition, not only achieve weight loss - cardio, especially too much, can be harmful, overload muscle fibers and nervous system, and reduce the ability to recover after hard workouts. Cardio can burn fat and tone muscle to some extent, but relative to strength training and the associated results. As a rule, its cons outweigh its pros.

Nutrition before and after training

Make sure your pre- and post-workout meals are fixed. Consume 20-40g of protein 1-2 hours before and after your workout.

personal trainer, World Class

First you need to understand exactly how a person is losing weight and whether he plays sports. For those who don't exercise and only diet to lose weight, the signs of muscle loss include sleepiness, a flabby body, and being very cold. With regular training, you need to pay attention to strength indicators: if they fall, this is a sign that muscles are leaving along with fat. In this state, a person gets tired much faster. If earlier, for example, he worked out for an hour, now the energy can only be enough for 40 minutes. In addition, he needs more time to recover after training.

Muscles go away due to an improperly formulated diet, frequent diets and lack of training. Training should be both strength and cardio. A proper diet and its calorie content are very important. You need to eat 2-3 grams of protein and grams of fat per kilogram of lean muscle mass. With a diet, these indicators cannot be changed. Then, according to the total calorie content, the required amount of carbohydrates is calculated, and they can be gradually reduced. To lose weight through fat, not muscle, you need to draw up a training plan and diet with the right combination proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Regular measurements, weighings and photos will help. Anyone can lose weight, no matter how much fat they have, but you should always pay attention to the state of health.



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