Intimate gymnastics or intimate muscle training for women. The benefits of intimate gymnastics

Gymnastics for intimate muscles are exercises specifically designed to naturally strengthen and restore muscles of the female pelvic organs.

Gynecologists recommend performing gymnastics for intimate muscles to prevent gynecological problems, prepare for pregnancy, restore the tone of intimate muscles after childbirth, increase sexuality and sensitivity during intimacy, leveling the unpleasant factors accompanying the menopause period.

Muscle condition testing

Before starting classes, it is recommended to conduct a simple test to determine the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair. Insert your index finger into the vagina and middle fingers, dilute them in the form English letter V. Then squeeze your pelvic muscles around your fingers without using your abdominal muscles or squeezing your buttocks. The fingers should be connected. Remember the force of contraction of your muscles. Using this method, periodically, you can independently check the condition of your intimate muscles and determine how well they have strengthened.

You can learn more about how to correctly independently determine where the pelvic floor muscles are located and whether the exercises are being performed correctly by following the link provided.

Preliminary preparation

Exercise comfortably while lying on the floor. For comfort, you can put a blanket or fitness mat on the floor. Close the curtains. Turn on some nice music.

How much to study

The first classes continue until you are completely tired, usually 20-30 minutes. As your muscles strengthen, increase the duration of exercise to 40–45 minutes. You should not exceed the recommended time, this will not speed up the process of muscle development.

Your feelings

At first, after exercise, you may experience slight discharge and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Don’t worry, this is quite normal, this is how well-worked muscles that previously rested react, and the mucous membrane is thus renewed and cleansed.

Possibly due to weak pelvic muscle tone, exercises even entry level will seem complicated. The first week you can limit yourself to only the exercises Warm-up, Lift, Pulse, Sos. After a week of training, the muscles will adapt and become stronger, and the exercises will be easy and free.

The initial level must be completed completely until all the exercises at this level can be completed without difficulty.

Important! Muscles become stronger during relaxation than more muscle were tense during the exercise, the more blood supply and oxygen supply they will receive during relaxation, they will become stronger and healthier.

We will only give a set of exercises to strengthen intimate muscles first level. You can study the full range of intimate gymnastics exercises for women, including those with the Egg vaginal exercise machine, on your own by downloading the electronic version or purchasing the printed edition of the book “Woman’s Intimate Health.”

A set of entry-level exercises

You should start your workout with a warm-up in order to prepare, warm up the necessary muscles, and disperse blood and lymph through the pelvic organs.

Intimate gymnastics - Warm-up

Exercise Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly at the knees and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Squeeze the vaginal sphincter and try to pull it up. In terms of time, one contraction with a tightening should take about 1 second. Repeat 100 times. Rest for 30 seconds. Do 2 more approaches.

At the beginning, the number of contractions can be reduced, but there should be at least 50 contractions in one approach.

While squeezing the sphincter, try to lift, pull the muscle high up and pull the sphincter inward.

Each contraction with an upward pull is followed by a muscle relaxation phase.

Breathe freely, don't hold your breath.

If you feel that the muscle is very tired, rest a little and start again.

Exercise Hold Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Tighten the vaginal muscle strongly, starting with the sphincter, and try to keep it compressed for 60 seconds. Then relax, rest for a few seconds.

Do 2 more approaches.

In the first classes, the time you hold the muscle can be slightly reduced.

Squeeze only the vaginal muscle, stomach, buttocks, do not strain your legs.

The ability to manage them leads to easier labor and protection internal organs from lowering.

Thais master this art perfectly, as a result of which the expression “Thai massage” has long acquired a double meaning.

Training the intimate muscles causes a natural ability to tense them automatically required time, for example, during sleep time, when a woman cannot consciously control herself. Squeezing the internal muscles can give a man an unforgettable sensation.

Internal muscles, with good training, can give a man sensations of different levels, from ordinary wave stroking, to compression and “biting”, and with sufficient skill, you can simply bring a man to orgasm, milking him. Generally speaking, the tight contact of the vaginal walls with each other can give a woman an unforgettable orgasm.

Regular muscle compression is another half of the training, because in essence, good wumbling is the ability to perfectly master the different muscles of the vagina and perform various manipulations. The elastic muscles of the vagina quickly return to normal after childbirth, since they have a greater ability to recover. That is why training the internal muscles is no longer an erotic requirement, it is a necessity that allows a woman to feel healthy.

Many, again, believe that wumbling is the only method that allows you to tense and relax your muscles. In fact, now there are three main directions, thanks to which muscles can always be in good shape.

Western (Kegel exercises), Indian or Tantric (Sahajoli practice), Chinese (Taoist practices) allow you to be on top in this matter. It is worth talking about each school separately, since they all deserve equal attention.

Western practice- the youngest. It was recommended to many ladies only to restore vaginal muscles after childbirth, ruptures and other troubles.

In 1931, the first simulator was released in the form of a pear for squeezing it with the muscles of the vagina.

In the fifties, the pear became scarce, and this was convincingly proven by Arthur Kegel, who proposed a new technique, thanks to which it was possible to develop different muscles of the vagina. His practice caused a lot of noise, crowds of followers, scientists, and trainees flocked to him, who dreamed of enriching themselves with new skills. In 1983, the Kegel pear was improved, giving it a more physiological shape with special contacts attached. Thanks to this device, you can control the signals that the pear sends during compression, and the level of development of the vaginal walls is determined from them.

Now in our country there is enough open large number departments, courses practical classes on imbuilding. Why is it named like that? Because the modern name Vumbilding comes from the phrase vaginal controlled muscles, and MI means intimate muscles, which include the muscles of the anus, diaphragm and vaginal muscles. It is worth noting that it is almost impossible to control the smooth muscles of the vagina, so the phrase Vumbuilding has no practical meaning.

There are a lot of smart words, but practical purpose All simulators have one thing: to increase the level of muscle control. The special convenience of the Kegel school is that such a simulator can be used at home, if desired, and anyone can read information about the device and learn how to do exercises in special courses. Naturally, the first and most popular training program (in a slightly straightened form) belongs to Kegel. With its help, you can get rid of urinary incontinence, restore almost atrophied (inactive) muscles, help with stretching of the birth canal, and so on. Interestingly, training the intimate muscles involves the muscles of the anus, which is also very useful.

You can feel which muscles begin to work during urination. The hole, which is intended for the release of fluid, is the frame of the muscle. When the fluid comes out, the muscle relaxes, and when it finishes, it contracts. It’s easy to feel with your fingers, but now you can try to squeeze and understand WHAT you’re squeezing on your own. What is curious: Kegel suggested training specifically the upper, input muscle, but practically did not describe the internal muscles, but they are also important.

Some exercises from his system can be done without various devices (as he advised beginners).

Exercise "Break"

Lie on your back, bend your knees, leaving your heels on the floor at an angle of 30 degrees. Squeeze the vaginal muscles as if you want to go to the toilet “in a small way.” If it is difficult to understand which muscles are involved in the process, do the exercise for the first time when you really want to go to the toilet. Then you need to have a bowel movement and start exercising. Muscle contraction should last for ten seconds, and then you need to relax for 15 seconds. Repeat the cycle 20 times daily. In general, this is fun gymnastics for the lazy. It can be performed anywhere, because in a sitting position the pose is very similar if you lean back in a chair. And no one will notice from the outside. Well, unless you blush.

Exercises "Elevator"

The exercise is also very convenient, and is performed in a forehead position, often in a sitting position. Consistency is important in this exercise. First, the sphincter muscles contract, then the vaginal muscles. And the sphincter relaxes. It's a curious sensation that can lead some to orgasm, so I can give one recommendation: enjoy it. By the way, this particular exercise is considered the most useful for training the birth muscles, since in the end both the back and front walls of the vagina are trained.

Exercise "Reduction"

The main thing here is speed. Quickly tighten your vaginal muscles, quickly relax. And so on several times. Do the same with the sphincter muscles. First, you will get simultaneous compression of both muscles. It is important to develop consistency.

Exercise "Pull-Push"

For those who have already given birth, the exercise will be very reminiscent of labor pushing, when you try to push the baby out with your muscles; for those who have not, it will give an idea of ​​them. The exercise should begin by slowly pushing an imaginary ball out of the vaginal cavity, contracting the muscles. This is difficult to do without having anything inside, so some people train on a Kegel pear or simply on an artificial phallus. Increase the number of repetitions per day to 150. Difficult, but possible.

These are the trainings. Fun and useful.

As for the eastern imbuilding schools, all the exercises in these schools are very difficult to study at home. In addition, the terminology used to describe processes and exercises is not always translated and understood literally.

Let us describe some to have an idea of ​​what is happening in eastern imbuilding schools.

Vibration or mula bandha

This is quite difficult to do right away. You need to lie down and take a deep breath. It is especially worth noting that many practices in this sense are similar to yoga exercises, where the focus is on breathing. So, inhaling and mentally directing energy to the sphincter area, squeeze the first (outer ring), and then leaving the first one squeezed, squeeze the deeper and longer one, then squeeze both of them so hard that a rare trembling appears in the spine. This almost always leads to convulsive contraction inside hips, since many people do not know how to control individual muscles and clamp the entire pelvis. When you learn to squeeze only the sphincter and regulate the strength of vibration, you can assume that a brilliant sexual act is guaranteed to you.


This exercise is difficult because you still need to manage to understand how to do it. Moreover, at first it is generally impossible to do it without auxiliary items. You must use any object that imitates sexual male organ. Having installed it in the vagina, it is necessary to strain the anal muscles as much as possible in order to feel the object with the back of the vaginal muscles. So they need to be trained to such a state that even without the object inside, the same feeling is created.


This exercise can only be done by those who have already advanced quite far in the art of imbuilding. It is curious that in the East it is believed that a woman who, when communicating with a man, squeezes her intimate muscles, seems more attractive to him. There is actually a simpler explanation for this. By creating tension within yourself, associating your actions with sexual intentions, you probably radiate into space not only pheromones, but also mystery and mystery.


By the way, the exercise of squeezing the knees, which the partner spreads with his hands, also helps to train the intimate muscles. Only you must squeeze and unclench your knees, or squeeze the training exercise with your feet. sports equipment(ball or pear). In general, it was useful to do this exercise from childhood; anyway, girls don’t have to know what this training is for; it will be beneficial.

Lateral rotation

Rotation is pretty difficult game muscles. A tube with a diameter of 2-3 centimeters and a length of 20-30 is placed in the vagina and rotates with the help of intimate muscles. It’s difficult, but with training, interesting changes in sensations and in intimate life are noticeable.

Hula Hoop

The intimate muscles develop well when you belly dance, as they contribute to the work of the diaphragm, and it helps maintain the pelvic organs in the desired position.

One of the exercises can be done at home. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes to the sides, while you need to bend your knees and squat as low as possible to the floor so that the distance from your buttocks is no more than 20 centimeters. You need to tense your hips and relax your back. Now you need to start rotating your hips as if you were spinning a hoop.

Only the legs should feel the tension; the top should generally be motionless. It is very useful from all points of view to describe the figure eight with your hips, which liberates and removes various tensions, including sexual ones. It is curious that Thai women use their intimate muscles to stage real demonstration shows that allow them to evaluate all the capabilities of the human body.

Thai women can hold a suspended load weighing up to 20 kilograms with their intimate muscles, they can “smoke” with their vagina, holding a pipe in it, they can release water from the vagina in a stream of 1-2 meters, they can, by pushing balls out of the vagina, shoot them into baskets located at a distance several meters. In general, all these miracles are a direct consequence of the training of the intimate muscles... So let’s imagine what kind of pleasure in intimate life a woman who is fluent in the art of imbuilding can give her partner and herself.

In China, too, they do not lag behind their compatriots. Jade balls are in fashion there and are sold here as an entertaining and additional accent to sexual games. Balls different sizes strung on a string and inserted into the anus or vagina. They also sell a jade egg with a string to which a weight is attached. The egg is held in the vagina by intimate muscles, and over time the weight of the weight increases. These are the wonders of alternative medicine. And you say sexy! It smells like Guinness records here!

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Today, gymnastics for intimate areas is becoming more and more popular. Those who have already started practicing it actively recommend it, and those who have not tried it yet are afraid to start classes. We will look at training for women. It is important to know where to start and how to do everything correctly.

Today we learned about such exercises with the help of the landmark film Sex and the City. There they were first considered for moisture.

What is intimate gymnastics?

Many girls decided to start doing such exercises and start working on their intimate area. This gymnastics is practically no different from other types of gymnastics; these are the same physical activities that we actively use to tone our muscles. Gymnastics has a number of beneficial properties.

  1. easy birth.
  2. muscle toning.
  3. relief of contractions.
  4. improved sensitivity during sexual activity.
  5. development of the pelvic organs.
  6. prevention of diseases.
  7. disease prevention.

Today, many gynecologists actively use the development of the pelvic organs in their practice. Dr. Kegel first began working with them. He developed a set of exercises that help a woman give birth.

Who invented intimate gymnastics?

Further along this path went huge amount doctors. Dr. Smirnova achieved the most serious results. She not only created her own set of exercises, but also wrote a book about women's health. Smirnova of Women is the name of the manual, which almost all representatives of the fair sex have studied.

There are five main types of occupations.

  • . The gynecologist created not only a set of exercises, but also a special simulator.
  • use of vaginal balls. You will need two small balls, tie them together, and carry them inside you all day. The ability to turn over the balls and move them is considered true professionalism.

Types of gymnastics of intimate organs
  • who use special jade eggs. They are also interconnected and worn in the vagina. The only nuance is the size of the balls, it should be different.
  • There is an option for classes with an instructor, which the simulator will provide you with.
  • fast gymnastics. It consists of a set of easy exercises that can be performed almost anywhere, without interrupting your favorite activities. You may also hear the name express gymnastics.

If you decide to do gymnastics, then prepare for it in advance. Choose a gymnastics option for yourself, then purchase all the necessary materials at hand. For example, you may need marbles or eggs.

Where to start learning intimate gymnastics?

If you want to exercise using a simulator, then you need to find out in advance about its instructions, reviews and methods of operation. Here you will need to find an experienced instructor.

Once you've purchased everything you need, create a practice routine. Remember that you should do three sets a day for about fifteen minutes. You need to exercise at least four times a week, this is the only way you will get the desired result. After this, we select a set of exercises that you will do and what you will do.

Rules for intimate gymnastics

  1. We practice with an empty bladder.
  2. We find in advance the muscles that we will pump. You can do this with your finger. Just squeeze your finger with your vagina.
  3. Each exercise must be performed at least ten times. We gradually increase the load.
  4. The best place to start is to use a mirror. With its help, you can monitor whether you are performing your gymnastics correctly.
  5. We perform each exercise slowly, there is no need to take a break between them.
  6. when using additional materials, check their sterility and cleanliness.

If you don't yet know which ones you need to do, which ones? fits better, then for women, video is what you need.

Where can I find intimate gymnastics exercises?

With its help, you will be able to choose all the options for methods and learn about the rules of performing gymnastics. There is a training video, you can find more complex options.

A gynecologist who cares about her patients, Dr. Smirnova wrote a book about women's health. Ekaterina Smirnova for women consists not only of a description of gymnastics, but also of the fact that there is a description of the woman’s body, its functions and systems.

Suggestions from Ekaterina Smirnova

There, special attention is paid to the woman’s reproductive system, and training is provided on how to improve its functioning.

If you want to start doing intimate gymnastics, then it is best to read Ekaterina Smirnova’s book of women in order to correctly understand what you will be doing. This book can be found in the public domain on the Internet. It’s also easy to download intimate gymnastics for women. Thus, this book will always be at your fingertips.

What exercises are most effective for intimate gymnastics?

  1. Compression. We strain and relax the vaginal muscles and do certain blinking movements. The intensity should be as high as possible. The speed must also be high.
  2. We imagine that there is an elevator inside us. Gradually raise it and lower it.
  3. We push the air out of the vagina. Let's do it quickly. The intensity is great.

Intimate gymnastics, or wumbling, is a term coined relatively recently, but what is meant by it has existed in the world for several centuries. IN modern world Intimate gymnastics has acquired a unique coloring and resembles a fashion trend, sometimes occupying one of the important places in the lives of women. This activity can give a lot with proper consistency in performing the exercises invented many centuries ago by wise women.

The term "wumbling"

The word “vumbuilding”, or the development of intimate muscles, is derived from two concepts: “Vum” - vaginally controlled muscles, and “building” - creation, development, construction. The term was introduced by researcher V.L. Muranivsky in his book “Development of Female Muscles”. The essence this term comes down to strengthening training of the pelvic muscles. Based on the intensity of the training and the set goal, such gymnastics can solve many problems, because developed female intimate muscles help during pregnancy and childbirth, during intimacy, and protect against the development of female ailments.

From the history of wumbling. Ancient secrets of oriental women

The history of intimate gymnastics can be divided into two stages:

  1. The first stage is from ancient times to the mid-20th century.
  2. The second is actually the stage of modern wumbling.

Women of the East, even before our era, studied similar techniques, the essence of which was the control of intimate muscles. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation; the first mentions of it are in ancient love treatises - “Tao”, “Kama Sutra”, “Tantra”.
The history of wumbling has brought to modern times a lot of data about devices that were used to develop intimate female muscles. These include stone and wooden egg-shaped objects. Interestingly, the concubines of the Chinese emperor had similar training eggs made of jade. From ancient times, many methods of training the pelvic floor and vaginal canal have come to us. Women in ancient times also had special exercise machines that had different parameters. The oldest find is about 4 thousand years old.

For a long period of time, this art of developing a woman’s intimate muscles was inaccessible to Westerners. Eastern researchers could not help but pay attention to how different the lives of women of the two different parts light attitude to such fundamental aspects of life as pregnancy and the process of childbirth.
Eastern women prepare their body for the most important life events with the help of special exercises and do not experience such problems as Western women, for whom the pregnancy period and the birth process are painful and generally difficult. Among other things, Eastern women and Western women have different views on intimacy.
Westerners associate pleasant sensations and orgasm with mental aspects, while in the East, intimacy is regulated, and very successfully, by physiological factors that are enhanced by conscious muscular work. Such differences arose due to the fact that in Western lands for a long time the theme sexual relations was strictly prohibited, and in the East they treated this with refinement and respect, seeing it as sexual and love relationships continuation of folk spirituality.

The word “vumbuilding”, or the development of intimate muscles, is derived from two concepts: “Vum” - vaginally controlled muscles, and “building” - creation, development, construction.

Further development of wumbling

In the second half of the 20th century, medical professor at the University of Southern California Arnold Kegel began to think about this issue, mastering research on intimate gymnastics in the status of scientific research. He drew attention to the problem of enuresis in women who had undergone childbirth and began to look for the cause of the problem. This revealed the typical weakness and underdevelopment of the pelvic muscles for women.
He begins to master this topic and comes to the conclusion that the problem can only be solved by the methodical development of intimate muscles. For his wards he is developing a complex special exercises, helping to work out the intimate female muscles, and soon, thanks to the efforts of the scientist, a simulator appears - a “perineal meter”, or a crotch meter.
Russian specialists V. Muranivsky and Yu. Kornev continued the difficult work of Kegel and soon began to improve it. Both scientists later disagreed, since Kornev saw the solution to the problem as a slightly different approach to the development of intimate muscles from the original plan, which was called imbuilding. Since then, the teachings of both experts in scientific medicine have proceeded in parallel, but both are popular throughout the world.

Positive aspects of wumbling classes

Exercises to develop intimate muscles

Remember: develop intimate muscles in short terms impossible. For most women, just to feel their own intimate muscles, it takes about two weeks of hard work. Some people manage to develop their intimate muscles faster, but for most it can take about 6 months to achieve noticeable results. Of course, everything is individual, and you won’t be able to know the outcome in advance.
Of course, in this difficult task it would be nice to study the basics of intimate gymnastics in special courses and under the strict guidance of a trainer, but not all women have such an opportunity. That is why it makes sense to start classes at home.

Preparatory stage of classes

  1. The first thing that is important to learn before performing exercises is the ability to retract the anus without straining the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen in order to avoid intra-abdominal pressure.
  2. Get used to recording your own feelings from training in your brain. “Be aware” of the muscles you are training, this will help you feel them and develop them correctly.
  3. Basically, wumbling classes take from 20 to 40 minutes daily.
  4. The lesson will be more effective if you use special exercise equipment. Buy a wooden or stone egg, or any other simulator, based on the level of development of your muscles and the achieved wumbling skill.

Based on the intensity of the training and the set goal, such gymnastics can solve many problems, because developed female intimate muscles help during pregnancy and childbirth, during intimacy, and protect against the development of female ailments.

So, let's immediately decide on the answer to the question: “Why do we need this?” What benefits for well-being and health do regular (preferably daily) intimate gymnastics provide?

  • Well, first of all: a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, and as a result, sufficient supply of oxygen to them, is a natural prevention of cervical erosion, the formation of malignant and benign tumors, urinary incontinence, as well as other genitourinary diseases. A large number of blood vessels open, which leads to improved tissue nutrition.
  • Second. Increased sexual desire for a partner, brighter and more intense sensations during sex. It is because of the laxity of the intimal muscle that many women do not experience orgasm. The nerve fibers are thinned and located deep in the loose muscles.
  • Third. Additional output female hormones, which leads to improved mood, general well-being, hair and skin condition. Libido increases. A woman begins to feel more feminine, sexy, an invisible, but really felt (especially by men) aura of female magnetism and attractiveness appears. When we begin to move our intimate muscles, the production of elusive chemicals- pheromones, which at a subconscious level have a very strong effect on the opposite sex, even to the point of sexual addiction.
  • Video lessons on mathematics.
  • Fourth. Additionally activated second energy center(sexual center), which determines sex life, satisfaction with life in general and the ability to devote yourself.
  • Fifth. Reducing menstrual pain and congestion in the pelvic organs. The tone of the uterus increases.
  • Sixth. Sufficient tone of the pelvic floor muscles can have a positive effect during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Let’s immediately dispel the myth that regular sex sufficiently trains the intimate muscle. I hasten to disappoint everyone who thinks so. Sex does not train, but rather injures weak intimate muscles. With flabby muscles, natural intimate lubrication is poorly produced, and any awkward movement leads to microtrauma, cracks and additional stretching of the muscle. Which in turn can lead to infection, inflammatory processes and other "joys" of life.

    Contraindications!!! Pregnant women, women immediately after termination of pregnancy (should wait until the end of the next normal cycle) and during menstruation should refrain from intimate gymnastics.

    Imbuilding. Last preparations.

    It is advisable not to eat anything before starting classes. The stomach should be light and free. This makes your organs feel better abdominal cavity and pelvic organs. Women with cervical erosion an hour before classes need to use a cotton swab (or your own finger) to generously lubricate sea ​​buckthorn oil vaginal mucosa as high as possible (5-7 cm) from the sphincter. Before training, be sure to remove the tampon if you have used one.

    The duration of the workout can range from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on your desire and mood. But it shouldn’t take more than an hour, you will simply stop feeling and perceiving your intimate muscle.

    At first after finishing the workout, you may feel a slight nagging pain or slight pulsation in the lower abdomen, numbness and fatigue of the vaginal muscle. You can rejoice!). Your muscle has started working! Blood flow has increased, carrying life-giving oxygen and nutrients to the pelvic organs. Small discharge may also begin. The fact is that the vaginal mucosa began to cleanse and renew itself, rejecting everything old and sick.

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    And one more thing. The muscle is strengthened at the moment of relaxation, so the more we tense it during training, the more oxygen and nutrients she receives during rest and the stronger and healthier she becomes.

    Imbuilding. Warm up.

    Exercise one PRESS: Starting position (IP): lying on your back, legs slightly bent and spread apart. Hands on the stomach below the navel. On the count of 1, 2, 3, ... we begin to squeeze the vaginal sphincter and after you have squeezed it on the count of one, try to pull it up (see picture). All this (squeeze and pull up) must be done in 1 second. Intimate muscles train quickly, so if difficulties and discomfort arise at first, don’t worry. It will pass very quickly. Having counted to 100 (which is 100 repetitions), you can rest for 30 seconds and do 3 sets. If at first the intimate muscle gets too tired, you can reduce the number of repetitions per approach, but in any case there should not be less than 50 at a time.

    Try to breathe freely. Don't hold your breath. Even if at first it seems difficult.

    Exercise two PRESS-HOLD: IP too. Confidently and strongly squeeze the vaginal muscle and hold it for 60 seconds. Then relax and rest. Three sets of 60 seconds. No need to look at the clock. Just count to 60 to yourself. Squeeze only the intimate muscle. Try not to strain your body. Breathe freely.

    If you did everything correctly, your heart rate should increase, your body should feel warm, and you might even start sweating.

    Intimate gymnastics. Level one.

    Exercise one LIFT: IP too. We will go to the seventh floor. So, one - squeeze the vaginal sphincter a little and hold it in this state for about 5 seconds, two (second floor) - without releasing the load, squeeze it a little stronger and pull it up a little and hold it again for 5 seconds. Three, third floor - we squeeze and pull even more, and so on until the seventh floor. That is, on each “floor” we squeeze the intimate muscle a little stronger and pull it up. On the seventh floor, we hold the tension for 10 seconds and go down).

    It is important to breathe calmly, do not hold your breath. When “holding on the floors,” do not relax the muscle, but increase the tension. Measure each transition to the “floor” clearly and confidently. If on the way down you fall straight from the seventh floor to the third or fourth, don’t despair, everything will work out over time. It's a matter of practice, as they say.

    When straining the intimate muscle on the rise, do not forget to pull it up. When relaxing the muscle on the descent, do not release it immediately, but while holding it, perform the descent.

    After the exercise, rest for 1-2 minutes.

    Exercise two SOS: This exercise can be performed standing, lying, or sitting. So let's begin. IP too. We will do it from a lying position. SOS is...---... . So we will make three fast and strong contractions of the vaginal sphincter, then three strong and prolonged ones, and again three strong and fast ones. Repeat without stopping or resting 10 times.

    All elements of “dots” and “dashes” should not be performed blurry, but clearly, with small intervals. those. through the relaxation phase. Breathing is calm. You can help yourself with visualization: imagine how your muscle clearly performs this exercise.

    Exercise three PULSE-FLINKING: IP too, just put your hand on your wrist and find your pulse. So, with each heartbeat we produce a strong contraction of the intimate muscle. We squeeze along the entire length and pull up. Count to 60. Rest for 30 seconds. count to 100 and rest again. Well, the third approach is 120. That's it. We're just great! The exercise is simple, but it requires persistence. At first, the intimate muscle may get tired quickly, but remember that the vaginal muscle is one of the most “grateful and responsive” muscles of the whole body. It strengthens very quickly.

    The exercise can be performed either with or without lifting the muscle upward. The main thing is to squeeze the muscle precisely according to the pulse contraction and feel the period of relaxation. The middle section of the vaginal muscle is well felt.

    Exercise four LADDER: Individual entrepreneur too, i.e. lying on your back, legs slightly apart, hands on your stomach below your navel. This exercise is very similar to the ELEVATOR exercise, only without the floor delays. That is, on the count of one, we tone the vaginal muscle, on the count of two, we squeeze harder and pull it up, on three, even stronger and up, and so on until our favorite seventh floor. And then down, six - slightly relaxed, five - even less tension, and so on until the count is one. Repeat the exercise 10 times without rest.

    The exercise is done quickly and rhythmically. There is no need to make delays on the seventh and other floors, but the floors on both the ascent and descent should be clearly felt and differ from each other in voltage. Initially, as in the LIFT exercise, it may be difficult on the descent not to immediately slide down, but as they say, this is a matter of practice and your perseverance. Remember often what benefits these exercises bring to you and your beloved body, and I think your partner (beloved man) will very soon be pleasantly surprised during sex at how your sensuality has increased and not only).

    Breathing during the exercise is calm, without delay. After completing the exercise, rest for 1-2 minutes.

    Exercise five LIGHTHOUSE:CONTRAINDICATIONS: Women with threats of prolapse of the pelvic and vaginal organs. Those who have recently undergone surgery and had an abortion should abstain for at least a month. For everyone else, it should be done with caution and moderation.

    IP too. On the count of times, quickly squeeze the intimate muscle and pull it up. Next, on the count of one, two, three, and then six, we smoothly relax the muscle and gradually release the load. On the count of seven, eight, nine and ten, we begin moderate pushing (pushing the muscle to the bottom). 10 repetitions of breaks and rest.

    Let's repeat it again. Pushing is done moderately and carefully.

    When we squeeze and pull a muscle up, it becomes longer and narrower, and when we push it out, it becomes shorter and much wider.

    Based on materials from the book “Intimate Gymnastics” by Ekaterina Smirnova

    Secret feminine power. Intimate gymnastics.

    If you are still in doubt about whether it is worth doing intimate gymnastics regularly, then I suggest you watch the video, which reveals quite fully and in detail the topic of the benefits of intimate gymnastics for physical and mental health women, as well as some other interesting and useful exercises for intimate muscles.

    Happy viewing)

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