What comes first: suspended ceiling or wallpaper? Apartment renovation: what comes first, suspended ceiling or wallpaper? What is done first: suspended ceiling or wallpaper?

November 14, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

IN lately suspended ceilings have become very popular, so on forums people are increasingly interested in what to do first, glue trellises or install a ceiling? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Therefore, I propose to consider the pros and cons of both options, so that you can decide for yourself what is best to do.

What to finish first

Arguments in favor of the ceiling

Disputes about what to do next - finishing the walls or ceilings - do not subside even among specialists. Give the following arguments in favor of priority installation of the ceiling covering:

  • At PVC installation The film uses a thermal gun, which has a detrimental effect on vinyl wallpaper - they change color and become deformed. Already at a temperature of 70 degrees the material deteriorates.

Therefore, if you plan to decorate the walls with vinyl wallpaper, then you should definitely stretch the ceiling first. True, this only applies to the film ceiling covering, since the fabric is stretched without the use of a heat gun, and it is also more durable. However, the price of a fabric ceiling is one and a half to two times higher.;

  • Ceiling coverings usually last longer than trellises. Therefore, over time, you will probably need to re-stick the wallpaper. If the ceiling is installed on top of the wallpaper, certain problems will arise when dismantling the old paintings.

It would seem that the arguments are weighty, so we can put an end to the dispute. But in fact, not everything is so simple.

Arguments in favor of wallpaper

There are also some advantages to gluing trellises before finishing the ceiling using this method:

  • You do not risk staining the ceiling covering with glue or even damaging it. The fact is that the film can tear even from light contact with a sharp object;
  • If the wall is uneven, then before gluing the trellises it will have to be prepared - puttied and sanded, and in some cases even plaster may be required. If there is a suspended ceiling in the room, a beginner is unlikely to be able to prepare the walls in this way without damaging the ceiling covering.

From all of the above, we can conclude that first of all it is necessary to deal with the walls - remove old paintings and assess the condition of the surface. If they need leveling, then this operation must be performed before installing the ceiling covering.

As for further actions, it all depends on the situation. If, for example, you are not a fan of frequent repairs and change your wallpaper every ten years, then you can first finish the walls. There are also cases when people first decorate the walls, and then the idea comes to improve the interior and tighten the flow, for example, in the kitchen to match the color of the wallpaper.

There is nothing wrong with this, but only if the wallpaper is not vinyl or the stretch fabric is fabric. Otherwise, you must first install the ceiling covering, and only after that proceed to finishing the walls, being careful not to stain or damage the ceiling covering. I will tell you how to do this below.

If the ceiling is already stretched


If you already have a suspended ceiling installed, you need to glue the trellises so as not to spoil the film or fabric. There are some tricks that allow even a beginner to cope with this task without the risk of ruining the stretch fabric.

The work is carried out in the standard sequence:

The gluing instructions in our situation are as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Preparing the walls. Before gluing wallpaper under a suspended ceiling, you need to prime it by following these steps:
  • Apply masking tape along the perimeter of the ceiling covering;
  • Apply primer to the base. Work in the area near the film with a paint brush. The primer, as usual, is applied in two stages.

Preparing wallpaper. Adjusting the pattern of trellises on the wall and then cutting off excess material under the ceiling is inconvenient and quite dangerous - if you make one wrong move with your hands, you can ruin the stretched fabric. Therefore, the trellises are prepared as follows:
  • Trim the top edge of the first piece evenly;
  • Place the first strip under the second sheet and move it slightly to the side so that the pattern is visible, as shown in the photo;
  • Adjust the pattern and carefully trim the second fabric. In this way, prepare all the stripes.

  • Glue the first strip, aligning the top edge with the ceiling;
  • Glue the second strip joining the pattern with the first strip. As a result, you will get a straight line on top that does not need to be trimmed.

    If wallpaper glue gets on the ceiling, don’t worry. Immediately wipe the surface with a damp cloth, and there will be no trace of glue left on it.

Cover the entire wall using this pattern.

Removing old wallpaper

If the trellises were glued before installing the stretch ceiling, sooner or later you will have to replace the wallpaper without removing the stretch ceiling. In fact, there is nothing super complicated in this operation. The main thing is to carefully trim the trellises under the ceiling covering so as not to damage it.

For this you will need wide spatula and a sharp knife. Before you start cutting the old coating, place the putty knife between ceiling material and a knife, as shown in the photo. As you trim, you need to move the spatula along with the knife.

To make it easier to remove old coating from walls, moisten it with water and wait a few minutes until old glue will become moisturized.

As a result, even if the knife comes off, you will not damage the blade. After this, replacing the wallpaper is carried out without any difficulties - the old canvases are torn off and new ones are glued according to the scheme described above.


Now you can decide for yourself what is better to do first - glue the trellises or stretch the ceiling. Additionally, watch the video in this article. If any points raise questions for you, write comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

November 14, 2017

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Stretch ceilings are style, quality and convenience. If you have chosen this type of ceiling decoration for yourself, you will not regret it. Tensioner PVC ceiling- most modern solution as for chic overhaul, and to complement an already finished interior.

A suspended ceiling is not always installed in a completely finished, renovated room. Most often, suspended ceilings are an item in a comprehensive renovation plan for a room. The plan also includes wallpapering the walls. And in such cases the problem arises: in what order should these points of the plan be placed? First cover the walls and then stretch the ceiling? Or vice versa?

There is no clear answer to this question. When choosing the order of work, you should take into account a whole range of factors.

First, determine what material the walls are made of. If it is concrete, wood or white brick- you can glue the wallpaper first. The fact is that when attaching stretch ceiling it is necessary to drill holes in the wall for the profile. If the wall is made of red brick, the dust from drilling will settle on the wallpaper and leave marks. Concrete, white brick and wood produce dust when drilling, which can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth.

So, if the wall is not made of red brick and any sequence of work can be organized, consider the following advantages and features of both sequence options.

First - wallpaper

This option is much more convenient for a novice master. After all, in this case there is no need to carefully trim the top edge of the wallpaper. It will be hidden behind the mounting cornices and the overall picture will be neat and beautiful. Thus, you will save your own time and nerves.

The wall under the wallpaper is usually carefully leveled. A suspended ceiling requires smooth wall surfaces. This is also a plus in favor of wallpapering first.

PVC fabric, although capable of stretching well, is still afraid of sharp objects. And by leveling the walls under the wallpaper with a spatula or cutting off the uneven top of the wallpaper, you can easily damage the stretch ceiling fabric, which in this case will have to be completely replaced.

Everyone decides this issue for themselves, based on their own conditions and capabilities, and then bears responsibility for their choice.

Let's give just one piece of advice. Stretch ceilings are not a cheap pleasure, although they fully justify their price. But, having decided to install such ceilings at home, it is better to entrust this work to experienced specialists.

  • Installation of a stretch film or fabric ceiling occurs after completion of all construction and finishing activities in the room, incl. after wallpapering.
  • First, the suspended ceiling is installed, and only then the walls are wallpapered.

Considering both of these methods from the point of view of manufacturability and compliance building regulations, we can safely say that they are fully literate and have the right to use. The choice of whether to glue wallpaper or install a suspended ceiling first should be guided by the specific parameters of the room and taking into account the working conditions. In any case, if the finishing and decoration of the premises is carried out by highly qualified workers with the necessary experience, both works will be carried out at a high quality level. This is a theory, but in practice, unfortunately, everything does not always go smoothly.

Exists step-by-step technology, which allows you to hang wallpaper on a suspended ceiling, alternating works. But both the customers themselves and the builders are not very willing to use this method. This is caused by the following:

  • takes more time: before wallpapering the walls, it is necessary to install a stretch ceiling profile;
  • requires additional financial expenses, because stretch ceiling installers will need to be called twice - before wallpapering the walls (to fix the profile on the wall) and after (to install the canvas on the ceiling).

Installation of a stretch ceiling after wallpaper

Proponents of this method point to the following circumstance as the main argument: a finished suspended ceiling in the process of finishing walls (including wallpapering) may most likely become contaminated with glue or paint. There is also a risk of damage to the canvas with any sharp object (spatula or scissors) when wallpapering or painting walls.

This probability is especially high if the interior design of the room involves not only wallpapering the walls, but also their subsequent painting. In this situation, you must first glue the wallpaper and only then install the suspended ceiling.

Among negative aspects, which can be avoided quite easily, the following should be noted:

  • To install a suspended ceiling profile around the perimeter of the wall, you need to drill quite a lot of holes. In this case, a lot of tiny dust is formed, which settles on the wallpaper.

To minimize the ingress of dust from the wall drilling area, use a special hammer drill with a vacuum cleaner or resort to an ordinary household vacuum cleaner. Also enough effective way To protect wallpapered walls is to cover them with a special film.

  • One of the conditions quality installation stretch ceiling is to heat the room up to +60 °C. Such a high temperature can negatively affect the wallpaper and cause it to lag behind the wall surface. Such moments most often occur when there is a rush to carry out repair work. If the customer or contractor is in a hurry to complete the finishing of the premises and put the facility into operation, they often use a heat gun when installing a stretch ceiling without waiting completely dry painted or wallpapered walls. Although any instructions for wallpaper glue or paint indicate how long it takes to dry, and how long it takes to create a complete coating on the walls. As a rule, after 4-5 days, wallpaper pasted in compliance with the technology perfectly withstands significant temperature changes.

In practice, a measurer from a company that provides manufacturing and installation services stretch fabrics called after the room has completely acquired its final dimensions. That is, the walls are prepared for finishing or the wallpaper is already pasted. As a rule, for the production of fabric or polyvinyl chloride ceiling canvas it takes one week. This time is enough for the wallpaper not only to dry, but also to acquire all its strength qualities.

  • Installing suspended ceilings may cause deformation, damage or contamination of the wallpaper. As mentioned above, such cases are possible only due to the low professionalism of the performers.
  • Since the suspended ceiling profile installed around the perimeter of the room presses the upper edge of the wallpaper, difficulties may arise in the future if the need arises to re-glue the wallpaper. But this is a more imaginary problem than a real one. Replaceable wallpaper can be easily trimmed to the very edge before being removed from the walls. And new wallpaper can be glued end-to-end without much difficulty. Even with minimal differences, the uneven top edge can easily be hidden with decorative tape.

To achieve a high-quality result, you need to know many important nuances. For example, many people ask the question: “What first: glue wallpaper or stretch the ceiling?”

Why is this question even raised, what to do first - because one process can negatively affect the second, or complicate the repair process.

Each specialist prefers to carry out repairs according to his own scheme, taking into account general technological aspects. But without knowing the features of your home and previous renovations, he will not immediately say where he will start.

So what's done first?:

  1. First option. It depends on the frequency of wallpapering. For example, if the wallpaper has not been re-glued for ten years or more, then before attaching the PVC baguette you can glue the wallpaper, and then the canvas will be stretched over it. If the repairs are done by craftsmen, then they will not deform the wallpaper in any way; if you have experience in gluing and installing the ceiling, everything should also go smoothly.
  2. Second option. It applies to those who are used to gluing wallpaper frequently. Then the wallpaper needs to be glued from the bottom edge already along the edge of the stretch ceiling. That is, when you are going to stick new wallpaper on the wall, you can easily remove the old ones. Tensile structures will not be affected when removing old wallpaper.

Decide how to do it based on the opinion that the more often you prefer to glue wallpaper, the more advisable it is to glue it after fixing the ceiling.

If you monitor reviews on special forums, you can say that people also look at the circumstances surrounding the repair. For example, first people stick ceiling skirting boards, often do this with painting. Afterwards, the gaps that remain between the baseboards and the walls are sealed with putty. And only then the wallpaper is glued.

It turns out that during subsequent repairs, the old wallpaper is removed, after which new ones are glued. There is no need to install ceiling skirting boards; you can simply repaint them if they contrast with the new wallpaper.

Wallpaper or suspended ceiling: what comes first (video)

How to glue wallpaper with a suspended ceiling: features of the process

If you have already decided what to do first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper - the work is easier. By the way, there is another option, but workers rarely take it up, since it is more labor-intensive, although reliable.

On walls that are already prepared for wallpapering, you can install a tensile structure baguette. Then glue the wallpaper, and only then, in last resort, stretch the canvas itself.

So, if you decide that you are stretching the ceiling after wallpapering:

  • You may encounter this problem - when installing a baguette, they make quite a lot of holes in the wall, and this not only causes excess dust, but also contaminates the new wallpaper;
  • Another problem is that when installing PVC sheets, heating is required, and heating in the room seriously increases the risk of wallpaper coming off;
  • The installation of the ceiling itself can damage the wallpaper, if it is done by good craftsmen, you will not encounter such a problem, but in principle it is possible.

But no one is stopping you from taking reasonable steps. For example, a measurer comes to take measurements of a room where the walls are even. This is correct, because the accuracy of such measurements will be higher. To make the canvas itself, you need about a week, and during this time the wallpaper will dry thoroughly and become more resistant to temperature effects.

Is it possible to stretch the ceiling after wallpapering: is it after or before?

Of course it is possible, if you take into account all the above points. And, for example, if you are gluing wallpaper for painting, you have no other option. You can do it differently, but there is high risk damage the ceiling with the same paint.

By the way, if holes are made under the ceiling, or rather, a molding, you can use the same hammer drill with a vacuum cleaner. This is not a solution to all problems, but some consequences this method minimizes.

Many people are afraid of this method, thinking like this - looking ahead, one can imagine what difficulties will arise when wallpapering. But cutting wallpaper is actually not difficult at all. And no one is stopping you from setting the level of installation of the baguette around the perimeter of the room. Then you can glue the wallpaper from it. And even if some differences are discovered, they can be hidden with decorative tape or an insert.

How to re-glue wallpaper with a suspended ceiling: are there any nuances?

Whether you are hanging new wallpaper or deciding to paint the walls, you need to follow one scenario.

Plan decorative design walls under a suspended ceiling:

  1. First, remove the decorative insert that protects the junction of the walls and the stretch ceiling;
  2. Then use masking tape around the perimeter of the ceiling to ensure that the ceiling is not damaged during the painting or pasting process;
  3. Place a spatula and plastic of the required width to the bottom edge of the canvas, and cut off the excess wallpaper along the bottom edge;
  4. Place the insert in place, already cut to size when installing the suspended ceiling.

Since there is virtually no limitation on the service life of suspended ceilings, you will probably have to re-glue the wallpaper at least once.

Before gluing wallpaper, remember the following steps in preparing the walls: remove old finishing, treat the walls with antifungal primer, seal all cracks and holes, putty and plaster the walls.

And the process of cutting wallpaper is not as scary as it seems; this is exactly what almost everyone who re-glues wallpaper under a suspended ceiling does.

Therefore, the method when a suspended ceiling is installed only after pasting the walls is considered more preferable.

How to glue wallpaper under a suspended ceiling (video)

So, what comes first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper? As always, the answer is somewhere in the middle, depending on the circumstances. In most cases, wallpaper is glued first, the main thing is that the baguette is of high quality and the canvas is easy to stretch.

Happy renovation!

Maxim, more than 10 years
installs suspended ceilings

The issue of repairs is very common today. Every good owner wants to do everything for his home as best as possible, while spending a moderate amount, and be sure that this or that item will last for many years. Therefore, many questions arise: in what order is it better to do the installation, what materials are best to choose, where to find good master, or is it still better to take on all the repairs?

Our topic concerns wallpaper and suspended ceilings. This question worries almost everyone who has decided to start renovations at home. It is not surprising, because the future result and the work process itself depend on the order in which the work is performed. If everything is planned correctly, the work will go smoothly and there will be no problems or additional unforeseen expenses.

In order to say exactly what is being done first: suspended ceiling or wallpaper, you need to know how the installation is carried out, what material is used for this and what connection exists between these two important components of the repair. So let's start with the wallpaper.

How does the wallpapering process work?

First you need to level the walls. Usually putty, drywall or simply plaster is practiced. Next, the wallpaper is applied special glue and stick to the walls. After this, the remains are cut off. If there is already a ceiling, under no circumstances should you level the walls, because the canvas will definitely get dirty when the wallpaper and glue come into contact.

Stretch ceilings before or after wallpaper? Definitely, you need to glue the wallpaper first.

How is a stretch ceiling installed?

When installing the ceiling, do not be afraid that the wall covering material may be contaminated or damaged during the work. Before installing a stretch ceiling, the walls are covered with film or installers work with a vacuum cleaner.

Also, many people worry that during installation vinyl cloth The wallpaper may be damaged later high temperature(remember that to install the ceiling, the canvas must be heated with a special gas gun, the temperature of which will reach about 60 degrees). However, worries are in vain: even for thin wallpaper this temperature is not terrible, and if we talk about modern vinyl wallpaper- then there will be no problems at all.

Advice. For your safety, do not point the gun directly at the wall itself.

Before installing a PVC stretch ceiling, wait approximately 3-4 days after wallpapering and let it dry completely to avoid tearing the seams.

However, there is another way: stretch ceiling before wallpaper

As in the first case, it is necessary to level the walls; the walls must be puttied. There are several advantages of this method: the integrity of the wallpaper, heat storage during the entire installation process, and it is possible to replace the wallpaper in the future. A significant disadvantage of this technology is that it is very difficult to trim the remaining wallpaper yourself without damaging the ceiling fabric. Even experienced professionals have to put in a lot of effort to achieve the expected result. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities or the abilities of the master, we advise you not to use this method.

Both methods have a right to exist. Everyone chooses for themselves which method suits them best. However, the first one is more traditional and most used. Therefore, when starting repairs, we advise you to first hang wallpaper, and only then install a stretch ceiling. This way, you insulate yourself from unpredictable costs and difficulties that may arise during the work process. It all depends on the characteristics of the home, tastes, materials and capabilities of the owners.

Remember that whatever method you choose, you are responsible for it. Therefore, before you finally decide what to do first: glue wallpaper before or after suspended ceilings, think it over carefully, weigh the pros and cons, and only then get to work.

Stretch ceilings are an expensive material, so we advise you to entrust this task to a specialist, then you will not have any problems, and your apartment will sparkle with new colors.

Good luck to you!



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