Exercises for the back on a chair. Exercise during a sedentary lifestyle

Ecology of life. A healthy back is the key to the health of the whole body and a guarantee wellness. What four exercises will help...

A healthy back is the key to the health of the whole body and a guarantee of well-being.Back problems are a real scourge of people in the twenty-first century. Sedentary work, cars, lack of physical activity, poor diet: all of this, to one degree or another, causes spinal diseases. To avoid them and enjoy free movement, as well as the absence of discomfort in the back, you need to exercise. And when you work sedentarily, in addition to regular training, you need to stretch your spine from time to time. What exercises for the back can be done without leaving your workplace (or after work at home, if you are embarrassed by your colleagues), says fitness director, elite trainer of the Body Art fintess fitness club Valeria Ivashchenko.

In order to stretch your back during the working day, perform a number of simple exercises. This will help remove the “clamps” and relieve you of discomfort in your back.

The first exercise for the upper back (cervical and thoracic spine) is called "Imitation Swimming". To perform it, stand straight with your knees bent. Bend forward slightly at the lumbar region, the crown of the head is elongated, the cervical region is long. Stretch your arms in front of you, bend them at the elbows as you inhale and exhale, squeeze your shoulder blades together, simulating swimming. Perform the exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds. Do 3 sets.

The second exercise, which also prevents kyphosis and works with the thoracic spine, is called"Reduction of the shoulder blades". It can be done either sitting or standing: whichever is more convenient for you. Sit upright, stretch the top of your head toward the ceiling, lower your shoulders, spread your straight arms to the sides. Take 3 deep breaths, bring your shoulder blades together, slightly arching your back, expanding chest, as you exhale, stretch your arms forward, relaxing your back in the opposite direction, rounding it. Do the exercise for a minute, then rest for 30 seconds. Do 3 sets.

The third exercise is designed to work with the lumbar, sacral and coccygeal areas of the back. Its name is "Saw Crunches". This exercise prevents compression load on the spine and lordosis. To perform it, sit down, fix your pelvis well so that it is motionless. This exercise works from the lower back. Pull the top of your head up, try to increase the distance between the vertebrae as you inhale. Next, as you exhale, with your back straight, twist to the side using a “corkscrew” effect (in both directions). Do the exercise for a minute, then rest for 30 seconds. Do 3 sets.

As a final exercise, do "Standing crunches". It perfectly relaxes the back muscles and gives a feeling of relaxation.

Stand on the floor, feet wide hip joint. Try to extend the top of your head to the ceiling, while making an entrance at the same time. As you exit, lower your back down, twisting vertebrae by vertebrae, keeping your knees bent. As you inhale, strain press , pulling your navel to your lower back, and exhaling, return to the starting position, straightening your round back.

An inactive lifestyle does not improve health - everyone knows this. However, very often work involves a constant sitting position with movement only at lunchtime. During long periods of sitting, muscles become stiff and sore, and your back and neck get tired. But even while in the office, you can find an opportunity to warm up at least a little. This is why gymnastics exists in the workplace.

Even if you're not working in your own office and there are other people around you, some of these exercises can be done quite discreetly without leaving your desk.

Gymnastics complex right at the workplace

  1. Simple turns and tilts of the head - forward and backward, right and left.
  2. Movement of the shoulders forward and backward, while the shoulder blades are brought together as much as possible.
  3. Move your shoulders up and down, up in one movement, and down in two short jerky movements.
  4. Clasp your hands and rotate your wrists, then do a small stretch by turning your clasped hands, palms away from you, and pulling them forward.
  5. “Active sitting” - straighten up, sit so that your back is straight, your shoulders are straight, your stomach is pulled in, tense, your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are bent at a ninety-degree angle. Try to reach up with the top of your head, as if there is a thread attached to it and someone is pulling on it. Feel the stretch in your vertebrae. Stay in this position for a while, then relax and repeat again.
  6. Lean your back on the back of the chair, stretch your legs forward as far as possible, while tightening your buttocks, slightly lift your pelvis from the chair.
  7. Place your legs straight, knees at right angles. Alternately raise your legs onto your toes, while straining your calves.
  8. Make rotational movements with your feet.
  9. If possible, sit on the edge of a chair, lean back, hold onto the chair (seat or legs) with your hands and bring your legs bent at the knees to your stomach. This will put stress on your abs.
  10. If it is not possible to do such an active movement, just sit up straight and take a deep breath. Exhale sharply and pull your stomach in as far as possible, as if creating a vacuum inside. Hold your breath and do not relax your muscles for as long as you can. Then take a few breaths in and out. This exercise will not only strengthen your abs, but also give you a massage. internal organs, will improve blood circulation in them.
  11. If you have a rotating office chair, then holding onto the edge of the table, turn the lower part of the body to the right and left, while the body is fixed. If you have a regular chair, simply turn your torso from side to side, pressing your hands to your chest, leaving your pelvis motionless.

Any physical activity during the working day is better than no physical activity at all. Take advantage of every convenient moment to do at least a couple of simple exercises: get up and walk around your office, and while standing at the printer or scanner, stretch up, stand on your tiptoes, and stretch your knees.

Never use the elevator in your office unnecessarily - the staircase was and still remains one of the best exercise machines available to everyone.

By the way, take this into account: it can be done not only at the table, but also in places of forced inaction, such as traffic jams, public transport or a queue.

There is another option for invisible exercises in the article “” - with it you will not only master hidden exercises, but also learn to invent them yourself.

Complexes in pictures (convenient selection)

And here are 3 more complexes that will be good both in the office and at home on long “television” evenings. Especially relevant for women!

The simplest one. It will take no more than 3 minutes. But if done 4-5 times a day, it will serve as an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

More active. Legs and abs work. There is a general warm-up of the body. An excellent option for industrial gymnastics.

Short complex. Develops flexibility, increases the amplitude of your movements (and this is youth, dear girls!). Well, warm-up and stretching are also present.

This is already a full charge. You can do it if you are alone in the office or you have convinced your colleagues of the need for physical feats.

Video complexes

Cool complex with professional trainers. Reams of paper, which can be found in any office, were used as weighting agents:

But here is an almost imperceptible exercise and warm-up. At work, on the road, again at home - at the computer or TV screen. In a word, it is suitable for use anywhere and everywhere. You will definitely like this kind of physical education :)

Remember that several small workouts throughout the day will help you not only improve your well-being, but also tighten your figure and.

Your muscles and joints will thank you for this exercise, and you will feel much better. Be healthy, cheerful and beautiful!

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how delicious the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can’t stop and are frantically swallowing piece after piece.

What are we risking while sitting in the office? It would seem that sitting in the office is not unloading cars. However, when working sedentarily, we are faced with problems with the cervical spine.

Cervical region- the most vulnerable part of the spine, since the cervical vertebrae fit very tightly to each other, and the muscle corset is quite weak. Therefore, even with a slight load on the neck, the risk of vertebral displacement increases, which leads to compression of blood vessels and nerves.

People in many sedentary professions (managers, accountants, lawyers, teachers, journalists) face neck problems. Since they remain long time in a tense, fixed position with a bowed head. Maybe, of course, someday the body will adapt to a computer-sedentary lifestyle, but so far the adaptation is difficult.

Over time, a characteristic posture appears: the head seems to be pulled into the shoulders, the neck muscles compress and shorten. As a result, the neck appears thicker and shorter, and the shoulders become sloping. A stoop occurs with a constant tilt of the head forward.

The main problem of all cervical problems is a sedentary lifestyle and an unphysiological position of the body in tension, so the following rules must be followed.

Proper organization of the workplace during sedentary work

How to organize properly workplace, if you have a sedentary job?

1) The chair is the main element of the workplace; it bears the main load of the body. He must maintain the correct posture, taking into account the characteristics of the figure, but also change it to reduce the statistical tension of the muscles of the cervico-brachial region and back. It’s good if it is adjustable in height, seat and back angles.

To determine the most suitable height, sit on a chair and place your hands on the keyboard: your feet should completely touch the floor, your hips should be slightly higher than your knees, your back should feel supported, and your forearms should be parallel to the floor.

2) The monitor should be placed on the table directly in front of you at approximately arm's length with the top of the monitor at eye level or below.

3) It is important how your hands are positioned. Elbows should rest on the table or at least on the armrests, this will reduce static muscle tension, but not hang in the air.

4) The cervical region is the top of the spine, so the position of the legs must be correct. Bend them more often, stretch them, move your feet, place them on the foot.

Correct posture when sitting

Watch your posture.

A properly organized workplace is only the first step towards prevention. possible diseases. To ensure that working at a computer does not cause harm, you need to constantly monitor your body position. Correct posture relieves muscles as much as possible and allows you to work with less fatigue.

The head should be kept level in relation to both shoulders. When you look down, your head should not lean forward.

If you are constantly hunched over while working, the load on the spine increases, leading to excessive stretching of the muscles.

You may begin to feel muscle pain as you begin to sit with correct posture. Don't worry, it will take some time to adapt to the new loads.

Even correct posture It won't help if you sit in one position all day. Sitting for a long time will lead to muscle fatigue. Stand up from time to time, or slightly change the height of your chair to change general position bodies. Take 20-minute breaks every two hours. During this time, walk along the corridor, go up and down the stairs several times, or do simple exercises.

Simple exercises for sedentary work

  1. Place your palm on your forehead, press your forehead onto your palm, tensing your neck muscles. The palm should resist the pressure of the forehead for 7-10 seconds. Do it 4 times. Perform the same exercise by placing your palm on the back of your head - 4 times.
  2. Attach left palm to your left temple and press it on your palm, straining your neck muscles for 10 seconds. Do it 4 times. Repeat the exercise by pressing your right temple onto your right palm.
  3. Tilt your head back a little. Overcoming the resistance of tense neck muscles, gradually lower it onto your back. Finish the exercise by pressing your chin to the jugular fossa. Repeat 6 times.
  4. Stand straight with your shoulders back. Slowly turn your head as far as possible to the right 6 times, then to the left 6 times.
  5. Lower your head to your chest. Relax your neck muscles. Try to “rub” your collarbones with your chin, gradually increasing the range of motion. Do it 10 times.

The whole complex will take you only 10 minutes, but your neck will confidently support your head: muscle tension will be relieved and blood circulation will improve in the collar area, and the mobility of the vertebrae themselves will improve. Monitor your sensations - do not increase the intensity of movements due to tension.

Correct lifestyle during sedentary work

Adjust your lifestyle.

Look at yours sleeping place- the bed should not be very hard and not very soft. It would be better, of course, if it were orthopedic mattress. For the health of your spine, it is important not only what you sleep on, but also how.

Sleeping on your stomach is the worst thing that can happen.

Sleeping on your back is acceptable, but if your knees are bent or a bolster is placed under them.

The most optimal position for sleeping is the fetal position, on your side, with your knees pulled towards you.

Lack of physical activity is as harmful as its excess. If you have a sedentary job, find time to exercise, such as swimming. It does not allow sharp turns or intense impact on the spine, but strengthens the muscle corset, maintains the vertebrae in a physiological position, and improves blood circulation throughout the spine.

Try to eat foods containing a lot of calcium and magnesium, these microelements strengthen bone tissue and promote its restoration (fish and seafood, spinach, beans, nuts, seeds, peas, wholemeal bread, dairy products, cheeses.)

Remember to keep your body weight normal. Every extra 500 grams increases wear on joints and contributes to the faster development of spinal problems.

Exercises for sedentary work by Dr. Shishonin A.Yu.

Sedentary work causes:

  • back discomfort and lumbar pain;
  • impaired memory and concentration;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of oxygen in the brain.
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • frequent migraines.

Shishonin's gymnastics helps get rid of these problems. Candidate medical sciences, academician Shishonin A.Yu. offers simple effective exercises for the cervical region. The doctor is sure that main problem poor health in adults - poor circulation due to tense neck muscles. Stiff muscles put pressure on the nerves, causing severe pain.

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • migraine, dizziness, frequent headaches;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • problems with memory and attention;
  • insomnia.

You can do these exercises during your lunch break or right at your desk. Each gymnastic exercise must be performed 5 times in different directions.

  1. Sitting slowly, without jerking, tilt your head and reach the top of your head towards your right shoulder. When muscle tension appears, hold for 30 seconds and return your head to the starting position. Now bend towards your left shoulder.
  2. Lower your head down and hold for 30 seconds. Smoothly stretch your neck forward and upward and hold again for 30 seconds.
  3. Turn your head to the left until you feel pain, hold for half a minute. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Now we perform the same exercise as the third, but we connect the shoulders. Put right hand on the left shoulder, keeping the elbow parallel to the floor. The other hand rests calmly on the knee. We fix the position for half a minute and repeat in the opposite direction.
  5. We connect our palms above our heads, bend our elbows slightly and perform head turns, holding for 30 seconds.
  6. Place both palms on your knees. Slowly pull your chin up and move your arms behind your back, fixing the position for 30 seconds. After repeating in the other direction, you need to do a light stretch - tilt your head to your right shoulder and lightly press on your neck with your hands, the same in the opposite direction.
  7. We do the next exercise while standing. Keep your chin parallel to your toes and stretch your neck forward. Turn your head to the left and reach your shoulder as far as possible, hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other shoulder.

Make sure your back is always straight!

It is better, of course, if you do this complex every day.

Exercises for the neck while working sedentary

  1. Standing, hands on your belt, torso straight. Take a deep breath, pull your head as far back as possible. Then we stretch the muscles of the larynx. We return to the original position and exhale.
  2. Sitting, back straight, head raised up, take a pencil in your mouth and begin to draw numbers from 1 to 10 in the air.
  3. With your mouth closed, tilt your head forward until your chin touches your chest and, exhaling, strain the muscles of the back of your neck. We relax and take a breath. Repeat 15 times.
  4. Standing, hands on your belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale - move your head and neck forward and slightly to the left; we focus our gaze on a point located in front on the floor at a distance of approximately 1.5 m. Exhale - return to the starting position. Then we repeat the movement to the right. We do it 15 times.
  5. Sitting, legs slightly apart, forearms on hips, fingers interlocked, palms facing up. Inhale - the head and body turn to the left, then the head leans back, at the same time the right shoulder drops, and the left one goes up a little. We return to the original position and exhale. Same in right side. We do it 15 times.
  6. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, half-clenched fists on the belt. Start left hand behind your back and sharply throw it diagonally upward, clench your fist. Then unclench the fist of your left hand, place your right hand behind your head and, resting your palm on the back of your head, push your head to the left. Straighten your neck and push your head forward. Return your head to the starting position, extend your right arm to the side, then bend your elbow and clench your fingers. You need to do it 15 times in each direction.
  7. We relax the neck muscles and describe circular movements clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Do 10 times in each direction.

Conclusion: exercises during sedentary work will give results only if they are performed regularly.

Best regards, Olga.


For most office workers (and freelancers working from home), being at a computer (desk) desk for an average of 6-10 hours a day is part of their normal life. We all know that such an amount of time spent sitting at a computer is not beneficial for the body and the organism as a whole.

It can lead to back pain (most people forget to watch their posture), eye strain, the development of hemorrhoids and other equally pleasant consequences.

The life of an office worker is subject to a strict schedule, in which, in addition to meetings, meetings, the incessant clatter of a keyboard and debriefing on the “carpet” in the management’s office. At the same time, performance indicators do not always satisfy the employee.

You get tired in completely different places: your shoulders become “wooden”, your lower back aches, your spine experiences enormous overload from the “wheel-over” pose, your neck becomes numb, and your eyes staring at the monitor for several hours is a completely different story. The body asks for help, and the best help is light office gymnastics.

How to make sure that working in an office on a computer is not a “strength test” for your body? There are several rules that, if followed, will improve your posture and maintain health.

Workplace ergonomics and proper posture

Before moving on to considering sets of exercises, it would be useful to remind you of the rules of landing.

Firstly, the chair itself ( office chair) should be comfortable and suitable for the table in height and dimensions.

Secondly, posture. The back is straight, the shoulders are straightened and pulled back a little. The top of the monitor should be at eye level. If you now have to tilt your head down or up, then the height of the screen needs to be changed. Make sure your wrists are not resting on the keyboard or mouse pad (unless you have a special pad with a wrist pad). This will help avoid the occurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome (all office workers are at risk for this disease). Your legs should be bent so that your knees are slightly higher than your hips. The feet are placed on the floor or on a low special footstool.

Any workout, including office training, should begin with a warm-up. Ideal option- go up and down two or three floors of stairs. It's good to do this every hour or two. You will immediately “wake up” someone who is sleepy from a sitting position circulatory system. And at the same time, you’ll take a break from the hustle and bustle of work for a couple of minutes.

The exercises below will help you get rid of the feeling of stiffness and relieve fatigue of “overstayed” muscles.


The neck is not only the spine and muscles, it is also the main highway supplying nutrients the brain and removing the products of its vital activity. Overstrain of the neck muscles leads to impaired blood flow, which means there will be problems with the delivery of fresh blood rich in oxygen and nutrients.

  • Place your hands on the back of your head, palms down, lower your head so that your chin touches your sternum, gently pull your head down with your hands, hold in this position for a few seconds, feel the stretch in the muscles of the back of your neck.
  • To stretch your neck muscles, slowly tilt your head back and forth, from side to side, and turn right and left. These simple exercises can be done any time you feel like you need to relieve fatigue and tension. Afterwards, you can perform head rotations, stretching your neck. First, rotate in a circle in one direction, then in the other direction.

Attention! Never do circular rotations with your head without first “warming up” your muscles! This can cause damage to the joints in the neck. If doctors have discovered that you have cervicothoracic osteochondrosis or a herniated disc in the cervical spine, limit yourself to moving your head forward and down; moving your head back is contraindicated.

Arms and shoulders

There are many stretching exercises for your arms and shoulders that you can do without getting up from your chair. First of all, these are all kinds of stretching.

  • Clasp your hands in front of you, and then raise them above your head, straightening your elbows and turning your palms up.
  • Lower and raise your shoulders, trying to stress your muscles, forcefully pulling your head into your shoulders as you lift them, and lowering them, aiming for the floor.
  • Make circular rotations with your shoulders: 10 times forward, 10 times back. This will help relieve tension. If you are not very well physically prepared, then this exercise may cause you even slight painful sensations. But don't worry: once your muscles warm up, everything will get better.
  • One more thing good exercise- exercise with emphasis. Place your hands on the table (on your sides, each approximately shoulder-width apart from your body) and arch as if twisting: first tilt one shoulder towards the opposite arm, then the other. Using springy movements, try to bring your shoulders as close to the table as possible.


  • Rotate your hands around your wrists regularly (it is advisable to do the exercise once an hour): 10 times in one direction, then 10 times in the other. If you have to type a lot on the keyboard or work with the mouse, then such rotations will be a good prevention against carpal tunnel syndrome.


  • Place your hands on your belt. Take turns turning your body left and right. Turning to one side, spread your arms so as to bring your shoulder blades together behind your back. When turning to the other, bring your arms together in front of you, as if hugging yourself. Repeat this exercise 6-8 times.
  • In the starting position, standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist, tilt the body to the right and left, forward and slightly back. Make sure your back remains straight during these movements. Perform 10 bends in each direction. You can also perform several rotational movements of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • With a simultaneous sharp movement, raise your right hand all the way up, your left hand down and perform several jerks with your arms while simultaneously arching your back. Then change hands.
  • Stand up, put your hands on your belt. Pull your elbows back so as to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times.
  • Lower your arms down and raise your shoulders as high as possible. Repeat 8-10 times.


  • Sit on a chair. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and tighten your buttocks a little. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, draw in your stomach as much as you can. Perform at least 50 such retractions. The exercise should be performed precisely by tensing the abdominal muscles. Make sure that the diaphragm does not rise at all. It is very important to inhale and exhale rhythmically, so do not hold your breath.
  • For the lower abdominals there is the following exercise. While sitting, place your hands slightly behind you, palms forward. Bring your knees together. As you exhale, raise your bent legs slightly, remembering to keep your back straight. Do at least 30 approaches.

Muscles of the chest

Have you noticed that over time your posture becomes slouched, with your upper body leaning over the keyboard? If yes, as soon as you notice, do the following exercise.

  • Sit on the edge of a chair, straighten your back and clasp your arms around the armrests of the chair so that your elbows and hands are on their outer surface. Now gently squeeze your elbows, trying to pull the armrests towards you. Just don't overdo it, otherwise you'll have to answer for a broken chair. Do 15-20 repetitions of this exercise, holding the tension for 5-6 seconds.


  • Sit on the very edge of the chair and lean forward slightly. You can place your hands on the table in front of you, but do not put all your weight on them. Strongly tighten your buttock muscles and literally lift yourself a few millimeters above the chair. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and lower yourself into place. Perform 12–15 repetitions.

Anterior thighs

  • Sit on the edge of a chair and place your feet together, pressing your knees together. The back must be straight. Alternately straighten your left and right knee, pulling the sock towards you. Perform the exercise until a slight burning sensation occurs in the muscles.

If this exercise is too easy for you, straighten both legs at once, remembering to keep your knees together. This option also allows you to use your abdominal and back muscles.

Inner thighs

  • To work them out, it’s very good to use a small inflatable ball. Simply hold it between your knees and squeeze your legs rhythmically until your muscles become tired. If you don't have a ball at hand, use your fists as resistance.

Outer thighs

  • This is where stubborn “breeches” are formed. While sitting, press your knees together. Place your hands on the chair on both sides, at mid-thigh level. Overcoming the resistance of your hands, press on them, straining your muscles with all your might for 5–7 seconds, then relax. Repeat at least 20 times.

Back of thighs

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart under the table. If you are wearing high heels, it is better to take them off. Remember to straighten your back and tighten your abdominal muscles. Alternately press the heel of your right and left legs into the floor, holding the tension for 5-7 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg.


  • Stretch your calf muscles as follows: without getting up from your chair, place your feet on your toes (so that you can feel the muscle tension). Keep them in this position until you feel some fatigue (don't wait for discomfort!). Relax. After 10 minutes, repeat the exercise again. And so on for about an hour. This exercise is a great calf workout. It also helps prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels in the legs (the problem with veins in the legs is quite common among computer users).


  • Make rotational movements with your feet: as in the exercise for the wrists - first in one direction, then in the other. 3 times. This helps improve blood circulation in the legs and relieves itching (tingling, “pins and needles” that can occur from poor circulation).

Breathing exercises

  • Standing straight with your arms down, take a deep breath through your nose and at the same time raise your arms to the sides, and as you exhale, slightly tilt your body forward and lower your arms down through your sides.
  • Take a few deep breaths. To further force your abdominal muscles to work, pull in your stomach and stay in this position for a few seconds after inhaling. As you exhale, relax. Repeat several times.

As you can see, nothing complicated. When you have a free minute, do these simple exercises. Your health will thank you.

Did you know that you don’t have to go to the gym to exercise, and you can do exercises right at work, without anyone noticing? We tell you how to cheer up during a sedentary job and maintain your posture.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Complete computerization of many areas of modern life has led to the fact that more than half of the population spends 8-10 hours in front of a monitor, practically without moving. Public and private transport, TV and heaps household appliances, of course, greatly simplify our life, making it absolutely static. Over time, a minimum of physical activity begins to affect our health - extra pounds, back pain and general weakness appear. This problem could be solved by regularly going to the gym, but often there is sorely not enough time or energy to play sports. The only solution for many people working in sedentary jobs may be office fitness - simple exercises that can be done unnoticed just in the middle of the working day.

Exercises for weight loss

A sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced, unhealthy diet and frequent snacking at work lead to extra pounds appearing before our eyes. Frequent attempts to go on a diet in this case are ineffective - reduced calorie consumption leads to decreased performance and hunger pangs. Solve the problem excess weight, of course, you can strictly follow the advice of a nutritionist and regularly visit the gym, but not everyone can afford it, and not everyone has the time to personal life there is practically none left. The ideal solution is to exercise without leaving the office. This does not mean at all that you will need a separate office or personal gym for this - most exercises can be done without attracting the attention of others. This is very convenient, especially if you do not want to advertise your problems and work under the watchful gaze of your colleagues.

Stomach tucks are a great abdominal workout. You need to do this exercise without holding your breath and literally pulling your stomach towards your spine. In order for your stomach to become toned and flat, it will be enough for you to do this 20 times 3-4 times approach per day. As you exhale, we draw in your stomach, and as you inhale, relax.

To properly pump up your abdominal muscles, you can also sit on a chair as straight as possible and pull your legs bent at the knees towards your chest. This exercise will also help you strengthen your gluteal and back muscles, which in principle can be considered a very pleasant bonus.

If you have a chair that swivels, you can try an exercise for the obliques. To do this, you should sit upright, fix top part your back in a stationary position, tense your stomach and slightly rotate the chair from side to side.

Back exercises

Sedentary work certainly will not improve your back health. Pinched nerves, protrusion, disc displacement - this is a small list of problems that await an office worker after several years at this pace. In Japan they fight this centrally, constantly organizing general warm-ups and exercises. We can only dream of such attention to the health of our employees, so it’s worth taking care of it yourself. The most important rule for keeping your spine in perfect condition is correct posture. Back in school we were taught... Try to keep your back straight while working, without hunching or arching your lower back. It is also very useful to “stretch” from time to time, raising your clasped hands above your head. This will help relieve stress from the spine and activate blood circulation in it. Also, to train your back, you can use abdominal exercises to pump up your back in the lumbar region.

No less important are . The cervical spine should be stretched several times a day. The main rule is that all movements should be as smooth as possible without sudden jolts or accelerations.

Leg exercises

Flabby thighs, tight calves and varicose veins are also common problems among office workers. This is because the lower body often remains motionless for hours. As a result, blood stagnation forms, metabolic processes in the skin slow down, and a completely unappetizing orange peel forms. You can solve this problem by doing leg exercises or going on hikes from time to time. In order for your legs to be slim, beautiful and healthy, do not deny yourself a walk on fresh air. This will not only tone your muscles, but will also help saturate your body with valuable oxygen.

If you want to lose weight, do intense workouts on the stairs. You just need to forget about the elevator to get not only your body in order, but also to give your cardiovascular system a significant shake-up.

There are also separate exercises for the buttocks. The simplest, but very effective remedy To put your “fifth” point in order simply at your workplace - alternate muscle tension for several minutes. This exercise is equivalent to the squats we know from childhood and can quickly get your buttocks in order.

A set of exercises for working out in the workplace

Active physical exercise or just exercise is, in most cases, an unaffordable luxury. Only the lucky owners of a separate office or free time can do them in the workplace. This is why knowing the basics of office gymnastics may come in handy. This is a comprehensive tool for training all muscles in the workplace, designed in such a way that all your actions are as invisible as possible to others. In other words, this is a kind of fitness for the office. In ordinary life, such exercises are used for warming up, but they can easily replace the main workout. The main thing is to correctly distribute the load and do everything as consistently as possible.

Such static complexes are also called isometric, as well as office yoga. In principle, this is not far from the truth, because they are all designed for full concentration, low speed and even breathing (as opposed to cardio exercise).

Exercises in the office on a chair

Most isometric exercises for the office are designed so that you can do them while sitting, that is, right at your workplace. You don't have to spend hours a day working every muscle in your body. Just make it a habit to do simple exercises for your abs, arm muscles or back several times a day. For example, half an hour before lunch, begin to actively suck in your stomach - this will help both remove your tummy and slightly reduce the volume of your stomach (which means you will eat a little less than usual). Have you worked for 2 hours without taking your eyes off the monitor? Stretch your neck and stretch your back thoroughly. Did something fall off the table? Lift it up by squatting nicely a few times. Thus, you will not need to allocate separate time for training at all - it will take place without interruption from your work process.

5 exercises you can do at work

On the Internet you can find a lot of different complexes that can be performed simply at your desk and which can completely replace classes in gym. Their basis is quite simple isometric exercises that can be done by a person with any physical characteristics.

Exercise 1

The exercise is performed while sitting. The back is absolutely straight, the shoulders are lowered and relaxed. We slowly straighten our neck (but don’t throw it back), hold in this position for 2 seconds and lower it down again. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise 2

The exercise is performed while sitting. The back is straight, legs are on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees. We raise our shoulders up, slowly move them back, bringing our shoulder blades together. Lower your shoulders down and return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise 3

This exercise can be done standing or sitting. We join our hands in a lock, raise them up and stretch. In the most top point hold for 1-2 seconds, then carefully return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 4

The exercise can be performed standing or sitting. We stretch our arms in front of us, quickly open and close our hands. Try to do the exercise as energetically as possible. Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 5

To perform the exercise, you need to sit on the edge of a chair with a straight back. Place your feet together, close your knees. Straighten your right leg (note: we pull the toe towards you), put it in place. We do the same movement with our left foot. Repeat 20 times on each leg.

But these are not all the exercises that can be done at the workplace. Raising your legs in a sitting position, squats, lifting your body with outstretched arms from a chair, bending, bodyflex - these are all your friends and helpers in the fight for an ideal body.

If you want to improve your body a little and lose weight, take every opportunity to move as much as possible. Have you been sitting at the computer for a bit? Do a little exercise, tidy up your desk, or just take a walk up the stairs—this will help compensate for your lack of movement without causing you too much stress. unnecessary hassle and difficulties.

IN in any case, remember that slim and beautiful body - this is daily work on yourself that you can carry out “without interruption from production."



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