Souvenir for money scoop spoon: spell and conspiracy to activate. Simoron ritual “spoon-raking” to attract money and good luck

Trying to increase their wealth and improve their financial situation, people resort to magic, witchcraft, calling on supernatural forces for help. It is also common to keep various talismans in your home, wallet, or pocket to attract money.

One of these magical talismans was the “raking spoon”. A beautiful product should be kept in a wallet, right with the money, the financial aura of the happy owner will certainly improve!

What is a spoon ragrebushka

In appearance, the zagrebushka spoon is an ordinary, unique souvenir. Very beautiful, attractive, and by the way, very inexpensive. Few can resist buying such beauty, especially since the cost varies around one hundred rubles.

Similar talismans have always been different high efficiency. The first mentions of a wonderful talisman came to us from paganism, Ancient Rus'. Externally, a monetary souvenir is a small product, shaped like a small spoon. Why a spoon? Probably because the spoon has long become a symbol of a well-fed life, full of prosperity and material wealth.

The rake spoon is most often made from precious metals- gold or silver. Based on the author's talent, they decorate the product by applying different images of animals - a rooster, a horse, a sheep. Sometimes the scoop spoon is similar to its ordinary counterparts only in shape, while its main body is a small decorated spatula, scoop, broom. A rooster, a horseshoe, or a coin can sit on the handle. The talisman may be distinguished by the presence of zodiac signs, incomprehensible symbols, and the inscription “Zagrebushka”. Talismans may vary appearance, but the shape should at least be similar.

A beautiful product, distinguished by amazing artistic design, is actually very miniature and will easily fit not just in a wallet, but in a small compartment for plastic cards.

How to use a raking spoon

Like any money talisman, you need to know how to use a scooping spoon correctly. Firstly, you need to know that you can buy it yourself, you can receive it as a gift as a small souvenir, but the giver must be a friend, good person and such a souvenir must be presented with a pure heart, without any malicious intent. Only under such conditions will the product attract prosperity and financial profit.

The spoon is cleaned before being placed in the wallet. saline solution. At night, place a spoon in a glass filled with salt water. Rinse in the morning running water, wipe, put on permanent place storage, after speaking. The scoop spoon is given a special place, next to large banknotes, not near coins. When the talisman lies next to small change, it will only attract coins, otherwise you will even begin to lose money. The product cannot be placed in an empty compartment.

If over time the talisman begins to lose its strength, it is again left in salt water overnight, washed and the spell is read over it again. It is important to remember that the product in the wallet should not be seen by anyone else. It is also undesirable to talk about it, if you want to help your loved ones, in this case give them a spoon and teach them how to use it, but you cannot brag that you already have one and it works!

Plot on a spoon raspberry

In fact, over many years of using such an attractive product, many conspiracies have developed among the people to enhance its magical properties. Conspiracies are certainly associated with small rituals.

Important! In order for a talisman to bring money, you must sincerely believe in it.

You can find a lot of examples on the Internet and choose something more suitable for yourself. It is important to pronounce the words of the conspiracy with the right attitude, believing that words will give the object additional power, help attract money more quickly, and attract good luck.

When and what to read

Immediately after the product goes through the cleansing procedure with salt and running water, a spell is read over it. It is advisable that the time of the ceremony falls on the waxing Moon. So that the words of the conspiracy have greater power when read, the spoon is held under the moonlight. It will increase the power of the talisman next ritual. Place 4 lit candles exactly in a row, the distance between them is shifted with clover petals.

The magical product is placed behind burning candles. Performing magical ritual takes a sip of holy water in advance and pronounces the chosen spell.

Plot options

As already said, there are many variants of the conspiracy, but their essence is always similar. The applicant asks for improved well-being and financial condition:

  1. Spoon, scooping spoon - you are my amulet! Money, more money for me and less troubles. I rake with my rakes and multiply my wealth!
  2. What was an obstacle to happiness - I completely banish it. I am raking in money, happiness and luck!
  3. Spoon, spoon, help me, rake in a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness and joy to everyone.

Conspiracies can be something like this. Although, according to experts, if a person really truly believes in such talismans, then financial well-being it will improve anyway. You can say the spell yourself, asking for what you need in your own words, or you don’t have to say it at all.

Why does the scoop spoon work?

The effectiveness of such money amulets indicated primarily by faith in their ability. If the owner of the talisman does not believe in its power, then the flow of monetary energy will not improve and will not go in the right direction. Secondly, over the amulet, before putting it in your wallet, it is recommended to read a special spell that enhances the abilities of an unusual item.

The product is made from precious metals for good reason. Of course, this is beautiful and unusual, but silver, in turn, helps to remove negative energy, protects from bad things, including the money evil eye, damage to money. A gold and silver product protects its owner from waste, theft, and loss, increasing the existing capital.


Since a spoon is used to scoop something up, why not use it to collect money. To get the desired effect, even such frivolous rituals should be approached responsibly and believe in their effect. Having bought a souvenir, you should talk to him. To activate the scoop spoon, you need to say the following words:

“What was an obstacle to happiness I completely banish, I grab luck and money for myself.”

There is another conspiracy, and it goes like this:

“I had a silver spoon, but this will become a spoon for money,

Whoever becomes friends with her will not bother,

He will live in abundance and have some money left over.

I’m home – and the money is with me!”

Since the scooping spoon talisman is miniature in size, it easily fits in a wallet. It can be placed in the banknote compartment or in the credit card pocket.

The magic of spoons

The scoop spoon is used as money talisman, but can be used for other rituals. Thanks to such a spoon, you can improve your health and cleanse your home of bad energy. Since ancient times, people have believed that it has magical properties and can heal, as well as protect from damage and other negative influences.

Regarding the spoon, there is information that it is endowed with a certain connection with a person. While eating cutlery transmits certain information to the energy field.

There is a ritual that allows you to charge for the treatment of many diseases. Take a container, pour water into it and put a spoon. At dawn, give the sick person three spoons of this water. In the evening, spray the person’s body from top to bottom with a charged liquid. This ritual will help improve the energy of the body, which will promote recovery.

"Beyond the seven seas, beyond the seven forests,

There is a mountain, high and steep.

Conspiracies for wealth and fulfillment...

Don't climb.

A fine blacksmith lives on that mountain.

He works day and night.

Let him not get tired, let him not complain.

Forges a forge, not a horseshoe but a bit,

And human happiness,

So that everyone gets it.

No one was left unhappy.

Once it hits, the family will be strong and molded.

If it hits twice, the house will be full.

If it hits three, there will be plenty of money.

I won’t ask the blacksmith for much.

Help me, well done blacksmith,

I had a silver spoon

And there will be a spoon for money,

Who will eat from it?

He won't bother

He will live in abundance

And there is some money left.

Forever and ever.

My word is strong, there is no other!

Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

If you decide to become the happy owner of this money amulet or have already received it as a gift, first of all, pay attention to the following points:

It is advisable to choose the classic type of this amulet - a miniature silver spoon.

The talisman should not lie anywhere - be sure to give it a place in one of the compartments of your wallet: near large banknotes or plastic bank cards. It is not recommended to place a raking spoon together with small change - firstly, you risk losing it, and secondly, it will attract the same small money to you. An empty compartment is also not a solution; the amulet will not work here.

Have you just got a scooping spoon? Be sure to perform a cleansing ritual before using it. The essence of the ritual: dissolve a pinch of salt in water and dip a spoon into this solution - let it lie in it all night. In the morning you should take it out of the water, rinse thoroughly under running water, and wipe dry. This cleansing ritual can also be used for the purpose of prevention - when the magical effect of the scooping spoon begins to weaken, and cash flow- decrease.

The talisman will not work without activation. Its meaning is to read a special conspiracy.

A talisman that has already been magically prepared for the performance of its duties and placed in a wallet cannot be shown to anyone - the talisman should only be your personal one, hidden from prying eyes. A charged amulet cannot be given to anyone, even a very close and beloved person, otherwise you may lose your material well-being.

For a gift, it is better to buy a new product and teach the recipient to work with it.

How to cast a scoop spoon for money

A raking spoon will manifest itself as a souvenir for attracting money only when it is prepared for work with the help of a special spell. In general, there are several such conspiracies, and there are also special rituals performed with this money amulet.

The simplest and most famous method

Before the raking spoon goes, after all the preparatory measures, to its permanent place in your wallet, read this short but effective conspiracy:

“What was an obstacle to happiness - I completely drive away, I grab money, happiness and luck for myself.”

For prosperity and good luck

The text of the second conspiracy is slightly longer than the first, but no less effective. It sounds like this:

“I had a silver spoon, but it became a spoon for money. Now I'm friends with her, and now I don't bother. Now I live in abundance, and have some money left. I’m home, and the money is mine!”

And a few more

You can activate the talisman for money using one of the following conspiracies. Choose any one you like:

“Spoon, spoon, help, rake in a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness and joy to everyone.”

“Spoon, spoon, help, increase your money!” Zagrebushka, don’t be lazy and work, work, work. Euros, dollars and rubles you row, row, row!”

“Spoon, live in my wallet, pull the money to you. I will be friends with you, live in happiness and wealth!”

When charming a scooping spoon for money, you need to sincerely believe in the power of the talisman. The stronger and more powerful this faith is, the faster the results will appear, the greater the effect of the money amulet will be.

A zagrebushka spoon is a souvenir-talisman with which you can attract money. It helps to improve your financial condition, open or expand your business, etc. The most effective spoon is a raking spoon made of silver. You can purchase it at a jewelry store or gift shop. However, in order for the talisman to start “working”, you need to speak it correctly, and we will tell you how to do this in this article.

Back in the days Ancient Rus' even the most ordinary spoons symbolized prosperity. It was believed that if there is a spoon, then there is food. Consequently, there is money with which to buy it. Therefore, there was a special attitude towards the spoon. It was used by sorcerers to perform some rituals to attract wealth. Even when visiting, the ancient Slavs brought their own cutlery. It was believed that this would allow her to maintain wealth in the house, and not transfer it to others. Later, the mascot “spoon zagrebushka” was created in his honor. Currently it is very popular.

Most often, silver is used to make a scooping spoon talisman, since this metal enhances its effectiveness. However, nowadays it is also made from gold.

The zagrebushka spoon is so small that it easily fits into a wallet. A modern silver spoon can be decorated with precious and semiprecious stones, patterns and engraving. You can purchase such a talisman for yourself or as a gift to loved ones. The low cost of this souvenir makes it accessible to everyone.

Properties of a spoon

First of all, a scoop spoon attracts money. With its help, you can quickly improve your financial situation. It helps you find a job that will provide a stable income, create or expand your business, and pay off debts and loans.

In addition, the talisman protects against evil forces, but this only applies to a raking spoon made of silver. It is this metal that can repel any evil witchcraft (evil eye, damage, etc.). In addition, it protects against diseases and helps get rid of them if they already exist. That is why the spoon should be made of silver and not of another metal.

The raspberry spoon also protects against financial losses, theft and ruin.

Rules for using a scoop spoon

In order for this money talisman to “work”, you need to follow some rules for its use, here they are:

  1. It is best to choose a spoon made of silver.
  2. It is recommended to store the talisman in a wallet, purse, etc. It is best to put it with large bills or bank cards. It is not recommended to store it where small change is. In this case, only small money will “go”, which will not solve financial problems. Also, you should not store the spoon in a compartment where there is neither money nor bank card because it won't "work".
  3. After purchasing a spoon of zagrebushka or after it has been given as a gift, you should perform a ritual of cleansing the talisman. For this in a glass clean water, collected from a stream or poured from a tap, you should dissolve a little salt. After this, the talisman should be placed in it. It is recommended to keep it this way all night. In the morning, the water should be poured down the drain, and the spoon should be washed and wiped. This procedure is recommended to be carried out regularly when the strength of the spoon weakens. This can be understood by the decrease in income. After the cleansing procedure, cash flow will increase again.
  4. In order for the talisman to “earn”, activation is necessary. To do this you need to carry out a spell of a spoon. How this can be done will be discussed further.

Only compliance with these rules guarantees the effectiveness of the talisman.

Conspiracy of a spoon to grab money

As already mentioned, you can activate the scoop spoon using a spell. There are several types of these, which will be given below.

A simple spell to grab a spoon is distinguished by its simplicity and effectiveness. After the cleansing ritual and before putting the talisman away in its designated place, the following words must be said:

“What was an obstacle to happiness - I completely drive away, I grab money, happiness and luck to myself.”

When these words are spoken, the spoon should be immediately placed in the wallet. It is recommended to take it out from there only to repeat the cleansing procedure. You can’t show the talisman to anyone, just like you can’t pick it up often.

A conspiracy for wealth and attracting good luck will help charge the talisman. Here are the words that need to be produced: “I had a silver spoon, but it became a spoon for money. Now I’m friends with her and now I don’t bother. Now I live in abundance, and have some money left. I’m home – and the money is with me!”

A zagrebushka spoon is a souvenir for money over which you need to cast a spell. Here are the words you can pronounce:

  1. Spoon, spoon, help, grab a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness and joy to everyone.
  2. Spoon, live in my wallet, pull the money to you. I will be friends with you, live in happiness and prosperity.
  3. Spoon, spoon, help, increase your money! Zagrebushka, don’t be lazy and work, work, work. Euros, dollars, rubles, you row, row, row.
  4. Any spell should be carried out after the cleansing procedure and before placing the talisman in the chosen place. This is the only way it will be activated and begin to work.

The amulet spoon zagrebushka is very often found at holiday fairs and in souvenir shops. Many tourists buy it as a decorative trinket, like a horseshoe, without really thinking about the meaning of these souvenirs.

In fact, these items are not just decoration, but amulets. And therefore their choice must be taken seriously. In this article we will talk about what a scoop spoon is. You will learn what it is used for and how to choose the right talisman so that it has a positive impact on life.

The history of the origin of the zagrebushka spoon

Many people wonder why such an ordinary thing, widely used in everyday life, is considered a magical attribute, and how a spoon can bring money.

The appearance of the zagrebushka spoon talisman was facilitated by the special attitude of the Slavs to this item. In Ancient Rus', a spoon was considered not just a cutlery, but an almost sacred product. It symbolized prosperity, because if there is a spoon, then there will definitely be food to go with it. And it is possible to fill the table with all kinds of dishes only when your pockets are full of money.

Among the Slavs, there was a widespread custom of visiting with one’s own spoon.

Initially, the zagrebushka spoon was completely consistent with the usual one in visual terms. Later variations appeared. Sometimes, instead of a miniature spoon, you can find a spatula, and sometimes you can see a coin or coin at the end of the spoon.

The magical properties of a spoon

A raking spoon with a purse mouse will help improve your financial situation.

The zagrebushka spoon is associated with an ordinary spoon, and that, in turn, with food. No, this item will not be able to fill your table with food, like a self-assembled tablecloth. But having such a talisman in your wallet will help increase cash flow. Then you will not only easily set the table, but also finally close the loan, give your child a long-awaited bicycle and be able to organize a vacation in warmer climes!

A common variant of the talisman is with. Some believe that together they work twice as hard.

A raspberry spoon not only attracts money, but also makes its owner more successful. In other words, you will not just get a big one-time profit, but overall you will become more successful - money will start coming in steadily and at a very high rate. large quantities. It doesn’t matter here whether you are a subordinate or a leader. own business. In both cases, the amulet will improve your financial situation, help you pay off debts, open a new business and develop it in the right direction.

Your attitude towards the talisman is of great importance. Improve financial condition Without confidence in its action it will not work.

And, of course, you shouldn’t sit back and wait for a magical thing to do everything for you. The scoop spoon attracts luck, but luck loves those who strive for success. Therefore, after purchasing a talisman, do not forget to make efforts to achieve your goals - this will nourish it and make it stronger!

Rules for using a scoop spoon

Unlike other materials, a silver spoon can not only preserve existing wealth. Silver is known for its repellent properties. evil spirits, divert evil slander and protect your master from the evil eye.

In tandem with this amulet, this metal is able to protect a person from monetary losses. Ruin, bankruptcy, theft and loss of income due to the envy of others do not threaten if you have a silver spoon in your wallet. Still available for purchase wooden spoon, but in no case plastic, because there will be no living energy in it.

A silver spoon talisman will help attract money and wealth, and also protect the owner from envy and the evil eye.

To increase your chances of attracting good luck in the financial aspect, use a few tricks:

  • sort banknotes by denomination;
  • put small ones and large bills to different departments;

In the first method big role the order of the notes plays a role - it helps to set up the right energy money. Large ones should be closer to the owner of the wallet when he opens it, and small ones should be further away. This way, small change will move away from you, and large bills will always be nearby, attracting equally large sums. There is a more practical explanation: when you open your wallet, you will be more likely to see large bills. This image will be imprinted in the subconscious, helping to attract right thoughts and build an overall picture of wealth.

A lot has been said about the power of thought and its influence on life, for example, in the popular film “The Secret”. Scientists also come to this conclusion. For example, researchers at Columbia University found that people who see old age in a positive light actually become more successful on average than pessimists.

In the case of distributing banknotes into different departments, the scooping spoon, of course, should be sent to where more money so that it successfully plays the role of a magnet, attracting wealth.

You shouldn’t put the scoop spoon in your wallet immediately after purchasing. Before this, the amulet must be cleaned. This ritual should be performed on the waning moon so that all negativity moves away from you. Place a spoon in salt overnight or leave it in a glass of spring water. Then you will have to wait until the moon begins to grow in order to cast an activation spell before the full moon.

Conspiracy of a spoon to grab money

Each amulet and amulet requires activation. It doesn’t matter here whether it was bought in a shop of esoteric goods, directly from a master, or made by hand. Without this ritual, the thing will not be able to fulfill its purpose.

Once you get a spoon to attract money, don’t forget to activate it.

Activation rituals vary and depend on what form the item has and what its functions are. Like any magical object, the raking spoon requires a call to action, a special spell. But if you pronounce it without faith in what is said, it will not work.

That's right, you will need to cast a spell! On the Internet you can find many spells for scooping a spoon. There are examples for every taste, here are a few interesting ones:

  • I drive away everything that was an obstacle to wealth, and I grab good luck and big money for myself.
  • Spoon, live in my wallet, pull the money to you. I will be friends with you, live in happiness and prosperity.
  • Spoon, spoon, help, increase your money! Zagrebushka, don’t be lazy and work, work, work. Euros, dollars, rubles, you row, row, row.

If such creativity is not to your taste, and you doubt the effectiveness of such conspiracies, then it is better not to use them. Then you should think about how to speak a spoonful without using ready-made phrases. The answer is simple - the power of words is enough. It is quite possible to formulate a request or desire in your own words. The main thing is to make sure that you formulate your request clearly and sincerely.

The request to the scoop spoon must be pronounced clearly, without hesitation and in a very confident tone. Do you suspect that you won’t be able to immediately catch the right mood and create an effective conspiracy? Practice without the talisman, and then repeat all this in front of him, holding it tightly in your hand.

Where to store the talisman

The scoop spoon should be kept next to banknotes.

A zagrebushka spoon as a souvenir for money should be kept in close proximity to it. But this does not mean that it can be kept in absolutely any place where money is lying around. A spoon is one of the purse talismans, so its place is there.

  • you should not treat it carelessly, for example, keep it in your pocket along with crumpled money;
  • keep the talisman only in the compartments of your wallet with money, preferably large ones;
  • do not put a spoon in the compartment for coins - we are not going to attract them;

What money it will bring you depends on what money comes into contact with the talisman. If these are small coins, don’t count on a big catch. It is for this reason that such a talisman is usually kept close to paper bills– preferably large ones. To attract money, you can specifically put several large banknotes (for example, dollars or euros) in your wallet.

Now many are switching to the electronic money format to relieve their full wallet and simplify the payment process. If you are one of these people, don't worry. The scoop spoon will get along well with plastic cards. By adding it to them, you will also ensure faster closure of your credit debts.



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