How to make a band sawmill with your own hands: pulleys, tension mechanism. Do-it-yourself band sawmill, a simple and reliable machine Homemade pulleys for a band sawmill

Band sawmill quite often used in small farms and private houses for wood processing, and in considerable quantities. This is simple and reliable tool(with a competent approach to its creation), which will cost much less than the purchased option. For a homemade woodworking structure to work truly effectively, you should have an idea of ​​how to properly make it yourself. More on this below.

Band sawmill: features, principle of operation

The band sawmill is quite simple design, which is based on a sawing tape made of tool steel. This element is located between two sawmill units, which, when rotated, ensure high-quality and constant movement of the blade when working with wood.

The band saw design allows for high-quality processing of rough material, properly preparing the logs, fitting them to overall size and shape. Also, the tool in question for working with wood allows you to cut logs according to a clearly defined pattern after properly setting up the equipment.

Constructions belt type are very popular among builders for several reasons:

  • After sawing the material, a negligibly small kerf is formed, which allows for high yield finished material from the original rough workpiece(the yield of the finished product is about 75%);

Sawmill design diagram

  • Convenience of working on a sawmill with large-diameter workpieces;
  • Ease of selection optimal thickness sawing the original material;
  • Purity and sufficient smoothness of the resulting product.

Attention! Only well-dried wood (except coniferous) is suitable for working with a band-type sawing structure. The first type of wood complicates the work, the second leads to strong sticking of tree resin on cutting saws.

In order for a homemade sawmill to effectively perform its functions, it is necessary to ensure loading and stability of movement of logs, the weight of which can reach 300 kg, as well as adjustment of the sawing thickness.

Construction process

Type of materials for creating a sawmill required quality is selected depending on whether there are drawings on hand and how complex they are. So, to one degree or another, you will need the following materials:

  • Pipes of various diameters;
  • Pulleys (both new and previously used ones will do);
  • Profile pipes (for sleepers);
  • Channel;
  • Rails (you can use corners instead).

To work, you will also need a set of certain tools: a milling machine, a clamp, an angle grinder, an electric drill, a welding machine, fasteners, levels, etc.

Advice. Assembling a homemade sawmill is not an easy process, so only those who have some experience working with similar structures should undertake its manufacture at home. It is also important to understand that setting up such a design for such a product will require considerable effort.

After preparing all the necessary elements, you can proceed directly to assembling together the main parts of the sawmill (pre-read the photo and video materials):

  1. The first step is to prepare the bed (fixed part). To create it, two channels/rails are suitable). When using rails, you must install them so that the sole is at the top. If a channel is used, its height should be at least 14 cm and its length should be about 8 m.
  2. It is necessary to make holes along the entire length of the frame in increments of about 1.5 m.
  3. The channels are pulled together using pipes about 25 cm long. Bolts or threaded rods are suitable as fasteners.
  4. The next step is the racks on which it will be installed finished design. Their number directly depends on the length and complexity of the structure. So, for a standard 8-meter sawmill, 4 racks will be quite enough.
  5. To add rigidity to the sawmill, braces are added to the structure.
  6. The last stage is assembling the mobile cart. Its dimensions directly depend on the width of the bed. It is important that the trolley protrudes slightly beyond the frame on both sides.

To increase the efficiency of a band sawmill, you should follow a few simple but effective rules:

  • The structure should be created taking into account the future load and, therefore, it must be stable and strong enough.
  • Since the assembled sawmill is very massive and has considerable weight, its assembly should be carried out directly in the place where it will be used for its intended purpose.
  • Keep in mind that a homemade sawmill “scatters” wood shavings, so it will require an additional structure or you will have to constantly remove debris after the work process.
  • Before using the sawmill, the saw should be carefully sharpened and the teeth should be set apart.
  • The optimal engine for starting a sawmill is a gasoline engine. You can use a chainsaw, and its blade will be suitable as a tape for a future woodworking structure.

  • For more efficient work When using woodworking tools, spacers/plates should be used. The gaskets must be 0.5 cm thicker than the channel.

These are all the nuances that should be taken into account in order to create a reliable and efficient band sawmill. Be attentive to details and careful in your work. Good luck!

Allows significant savings if there is a need for constant processing of wood during the construction of houses, on the farm, or if you have your own small production.

Of course, you don’t have to rack your brains and buy a tool, but making it yourself, as mentioned above, will cost much less.

The band sawmill is better known to many as a band saw. Depending on the scope of work, the type of tool is selected.

The sawmill can be belt type, chain or disk type. We are considering tape type manufacturing.

The principle of operation of a band sawmill is very easy to explain using the example of spools of thread.

The whole design resembles the rotation of two spools, between which a thread is stretched. This thread plays the role of a saw, and the distance between the coils is maximum size logs

What a band sawmill allows you to do:

  1. Prepare logs, that is, adjust them to the same size and shape;
  2. Sawing logs according to a given pattern after setting up the equipment;
  3. After sawing, small defects remain that cannot be eliminated using homemade sawmills, so further processing of the wood is done manually.

The band sawmill works as follows: the log is fixed on the platform and remains motionless, the mobile cart begins its movement and cuts the tree, the saw is in a horizontal position.

In order to ultimately get a board of the desired size, it is necessary to initially set the parameters by the operator. The saw acts as a saw blade, which must be well tensioned.

How a homemade sawmill works, see the video.

Before work, you need to prepare the equipment: to do this, sharpen the saw and spread the teeth.

What materials are needed to create a sawmill?

It should be noted that materials are selected depending on whether the drawings are made or not, because it is correct drawing is the basis of a quality product, thanks to which the calculation of materials is made:

  • Pulleys can be taken new or old in good condition;
  • Pipes of different diameters;
  • Rails - you can make it yourself from corners. It is better to place the corners edge up, this is necessary in order to extend the “life” of the wheels;
  • Profile pipes for creating sleepers;
  • Channel.

In addition to materials, you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • milling machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill, it is more convenient to use an electric one;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver sets and wrenches;
  • clamp;
  • bolts, nuts and other fasteners;
  • rulers, tape measure, squares, etc.;
  • hacksaw.

Sawmill design

The organization of work is based on the block principle.

It involves various variations of the device, starting from the basic one, where the saw is fed manually, to the most complex units, when the saw is fed automatically, the cutting thickness is set, the electronic system is programmed, etc.

Components of the structure:

  • to organize the movement of the saw blade, a frame with two guides is used;
  • screw mechanism for lifting the belt;
  • hydraulic or spring unit for tensioning the tape;
  • driving and driven wheels (pulleys);
  • wheel guard casing;
  • tape holder;
  • V-belt transmission;
  • electric motor;
  • rail for carrying out the movement of the band saw;
  • eccentric clamps for holding the block (log);
  • emphasis;
  • tank with liquid for wetting.

To create a smooth, reliable product, it is necessary to make drawings according to which the entire structure will be assembled.

At the same time, the drawing must be studied and understood, otherwise you can simply lose not only time, but also money.

First, the bed (fixed part) of the machine is made, which has a U-shape.

It can be made from two channels, which can be replaced with two rails (in the absence of the first materials). If you use rails, they need to be installed so that the sole is on top.

The bed can also be made from corners (50x100 mm).

The height of the channel should be at least 14 cm, the length should be about 8 meters.

Holes need to be drilled along the entire length of the materials in increments of 1-1.5 m. After this, using pipes whose length is 25 cm, the channels need to be pulled together.

Threaded rods or bolts are used.

In this case, the structure is further strengthened with the help of braces, since it is necessary to achieve rigidity of the product. See drawing.
Next, a mobile cart is assembled, the dimensions of which are set depending on the width of the frame, while the cart on both sides should be slightly larger (about 8 cm) than the frame.

The length of the mobile structure should be approximately 60 cm. Most often, the trolley is made of a steel plate, the thickness of which is 46 mm.

A special steering wheel is installed on the side of the structure to provide control of the trolley.

The guides on the sides must be equipped with sprockets to which the control wheel is connected.

The entire structure moves using a tensioned chain, which prevents free movement of the steering wheel.

To prevent the log from jumping out during operation of the sawmill, it is necessary to make clamps that are made from pipes.

It is more convenient to use pipes whose internal diameter does not exceed 35-40 mm, since movable rods will be installed inside.

Clamps must be placed on top of the pipes. Metal corner is the material from which clamps are constructed. Clamping cam mechanisms can also be installed.

If the clamping elements are less than 15 mm, then there can be no talk about the reliability of the design.

If you work on the engine at the end of the work, you must purchase it in advance so that the proportions of the entire structure are correct.

For the example under consideration (bed length is 8 m), the engine power must be at least 10 kW, and the saw diameter must not be less than 1 m.

Otherwise, the dimensions of the entire structure must be revised to smaller ones.

To make a homemade sawmill work more efficiently, you should pay attention to some recommendations:

  1. The structure must be stable and strong, since you have to work with logs of different weights and sizes;
  2. Equipment assembly work must be carried out directly at the site where it is planned to be located. This is due to the massiveness and heavy weight of the structure;
  3. It is necessary to constantly monitor the operation of the equipment and adjust the settings, since the design is done by hand, without the use of precise programs and computerization;
  4. Homemade sawmills are “scattered” with shavings, so you need to either build additional structures or clean up after the work is completed;
  5. A wide band cut affects the generation of a large amount of waste;
  6. To ensure efficient operation of the mobile cart, it is necessary to use gaskets and plates, and the gaskets must be 0.5 mm thicker than the channel;
  7. The electric motor can be easily replaced with a gasoline engine. This option will be simpler, because you can use a chainsaw, or rather its engine. The chainsaw blade will serve as a tape. How to make a gasoline band sawmill, see the video;
  8. All fastening elements must be securely fixed to ensure safe work the entire structure;
  9. To ensure efficient operation, the saw must be sharpened and the teeth set apart.

Disc sawmill

Let's look at a simpler type of homemade sawmill.

In order to make a circular sawmill, you will need to find a circular saw. An electric motor will be used as a motor.

First you need to make a welded frame, on which you will need to place a metal plate with a slot for the disk. From below to the plate you need to attach the plate shaft on bearings and pulleys.

The electric motor wheel is connected to the saw by a belt.

To ensure good belt tension, it is necessary to use the weight of the engine itself, and you can also use weights. The circular sawmill is ready.

Not only for carpenters to work with, but also for those who build wooden house, a special woodworking tool is required. And, of course, it should not be an ordinary chainsaw, but a real sawmill. This design can be purchased, but the price is quite high. You can solve this problem by making a disk or band sawmill with your own hands, using the provided drawings and video instructions.

DIY band sawmill. Video

Making such a design is quite difficult. In addition to the fact that you need to prepare all the components, study the design, draw drawings, do welding and turning work, it will be necessary to ensure loading logs weighing up to 300 kg, adjustment of its cutting and safety precautions.

The operating principle of a band sawmill

The design resembles the rotation of two reels, between which there is a saw. The distance between these coils is equal to the size of the log being processed.

Working cycle of a band sawmill:

  1. Preparation. The logs are given the same shape and size.
  2. Processing. The equipment is set up and the logs are processed according to a given pattern.
  3. The final stage. Defects remaining after sawing are removed manually by the operator.

To get a board of the required size, you need to fix the log on the platform so that it is motionless. After this, the mobile cart will begin to move and cut the tree. A well-tensioned saw blade should be in a horizontal position. In order for the board to be the desired size, the operator must first set the necessary parameters.

Required materials and tools

For a homemade band sawmill you will need to prepare quite a lot of different materials:

  1. Various pipe diameters.
  2. Pulleys (can be old, but in good condition).
  3. Profile pipes with which sleepers will be created.
  4. Corners for creating rails.
  5. Channel.

Required tools:

  • milling machine;
  • welding machine;
  • electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw;
  • clamp;
  • a set of wrenches and screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • ruler, square, tape measure;
  • various fasteners (nuts, bolts, etc.).

In addition, you will need to study and make clear design drawings, according to which the entire assembly of the sawmill must take place.

Stages of work on making a band sawmill with your own hands

First of all, it is necessary to make a fixed part of the structure - the frame, which should be U-shaped. For its manufacture, two channels, two rails or corners 50x100 mm are suitable. The length of the channel should be about 8 meters, and height not less than 14 cm.

If the saw and electric motor were not installed at the beginning, installation can be done at the end of all work. When purchasing an engine, you should make sure that the proportions of the entire structure match. So, for example, for a bed 8 meters long you will need a saw at least one meter long and a motor with a power of approximately 10 kW.

It is recommended to assemble the band sawmill with your own hands directly at the site where it is located. This is due to the large weight of the future structure and its massiveness.

Homemade disc sawmill. Video

Due to their ease of manufacture and versatility, disk designs are very popular. Having studied the drawing of a circular sawmill, you can understand that for its manufacture you will need a disk of more than 500 millimeters, which will act as a saw.

Disc sawmill design:

  1. Circular saw (one or two).
  2. Electric motor.
  3. Mobile carriage.

Such a device is capable of sawing a log in two positions - both horizontally and vertically. This is possible thanks to the carriage, which can move both across the wooden table and along it.

To make a circular sawmill you will need:

  • metal plates (up to 1.2 mm thick; 230-250 mm wide);
  • boards;
  • construction trestles made of wood or metal;
  • electric motor;
  • fasteners;
  • tool.

To create a structure, first of all, the trestles are connected with boards, and a frame is made. After this, metal plates are connected to each other and installed on a wooden base.

There should be a gap between the plates, through which, after fixing them, you will need to make a groove in wooden base. Its dimensions should be such that the saw does not touch the walls.

The disc can be purchased at construction market, but you can try to do it yourself. To do this, you need a workpiece made of duralumin or tool steel 3 mm thick and caliber 400-500 mm. To make it out of circular saw, on it, two or three teeth should be made from carbide plates or broken drills, which will be quite enough to cut wood. The rear offset of the teeth should be up to 15, and the cutting angle should be 27-32 degrees.

Now the finished disk can be mounted on a shaft machined to the required dimensions. The pulleys for the belt drive and the output shaft assembly can be purchased at the construction market, and then everything is mounted under the table at the bottom of the hole. In this case, make sure that the output end of the shaft is in the middle of the slot.

The electric motor on top of the table must be secured so that it moves slightly. To operate the sawmill you will need to make a guide, which must be in the shape of a "P".

The homemade disk structure is ready, now you can use it to process wood.

Do-it-yourself ribbon or disc sawmill will work if it is manufactured strictly according to the drawings, and the manufacturing technology is not violated when assembling the structure, all recommendations of specialists are taken into account, and the video instructions are carefully watched.

Wood is widely used in everyday life in the production of various structures, their finishing and other work. Owners of private land constantly conduct construction work: build an extension, update the fence, increase the reliability of structures, and so on. The ease of workability, as well as the availability of wood, initially determined their popularity. Many owners of private houses and plots have determined in their own practice that purchasing logs and getting boards, beams, and edges from them is much cheaper than buying ready-made lumber. Also, do not forget that sometimes the length and thickness, width of the boards or timber used are important. Therefore, making them yourself can significantly reduce money and time costs.

To obtain lumber from a log or other workpiece, it is often used band saw. The popularity of this equipment determined the appearance huge amount various machines, some of them are compact and designed for installation in a home workshop. However, the cost of household options is quite high; it is advisable to buy them only in the case of continuous production of lumber or other wood products. This is why many people decide to do homemade design. A band sawmill can be created with your own hands within a short period of time, for which you should know: what parts are needed for this, how the assembly is carried out.

Cost and efficiency of industrial options

Why there is a great desire to create homemade version execution of the machine? An example is the Taiga band sawmill, the cost of which, depending on performance qualities can vary around 112-165 thousand rubles. Even the simplest version, which does not have great performance, will cost at least 90 thousand rubles. A homemade band sawmill will cost several times less. A self-made machine is suitable for occasional use.

Difficulties in making a machine yourself

The structure of a band sawmill is quite complex. The performance of the band sawmill, service life without breakdowns, and much more depend on the quality of the assembly. You should start making your own machine after considering the following points:

  1. Installation work is carried out using welding. Therefore, without welding machine It is practically impossible to carry out work on creating a frame and other elements. To change the shape and size of structural elements you will need a power tool and a milling machine. Of course, the creation of some elements can be entrusted to professionals, but this will significantly increase the cost of the work.
  2. During operation, a large load is placed on the band sawmill. Therefore, the structure must be stable and durable. To do this, the structure is attached to the base, and the frame and other elements are produced taking into account the possible weight of the processed logs, about 300 kilograms.
  3. If you are creating a homemade gasoline band sawmill, then you should take into account the need to carry out work on sharpening the saw and routing the working part.
  4. There are quite a lot various designs, which allow you to indicate the thickness of the resulting product.
  5. It is necessary to consider the safety of using the equipment. The installed saw and tape can cause significant harm to human health.

It is worth considering that the design of homemade band saws is only suitable for cutting boards of various lengths and widths.

There is enough large number design options for homemade band sawmills, the drawings of which are based on the use of electrical and gasoline engines. At the same time electric options designs are very popular due to better performance and ease of use. But not in all cases it is possible to use an electric motor as a driving force, since electricity is not available on all plots of land.

Conduct a review of specific machines, the drawings of which have exact dimensions. After all, every production requires a table various sizes, as well as an electric motor of different power.

The procedure for making a homemade band sawmill

The above points indicate the main points for the production of a homemade sawmill. You can make a band sawmill yourself with minimal cost. After all, you only need to buy or find an engine, pulleys and rollers, find a metal profile for the frame and a blade for sawing. The reliability of the design depends on technical condition all nodes and the quality of their connections. Therefore, before using the sawmill, you should check it carefully.

Large-scale work using wooden beam or boards, such as carpenter's work or self-construction houses are associated with the need for regular cutting of unprocessed logs. Of course, you can purchase ready-made lumber or purchase a sawmill industrial production, but it's expensive. This article tells (based on real experience) how a band sawmill was made with your own hands at relatively low cost.

It is quite possible to do this and you will get reliable design, allowing you to saw a tree trunk into individual boards of three meters or more in length. You will need some materials (long products and parts of old machines), as well as metalwork, welding and turning work. Everything was planned to minimize the need for turning work.

To assemble the machine, we took old pulleys, approximately 30 cm in diameter, dismantled from the Niva combine. The sawmill guides were made of two types of pipes: one half-inch in diameter and a second, slightly larger diameter, so that they could easily fit onto a half-inch pipe with a millimeter gap.

At the first stage, you need to make “rails”. For this, a 5 cm steel corner was used. It was installed side up, which requires very high precision in adjusting the wheels (poorly installed wheels will quickly wear out on the corner). Sometimes, to solve this problem, the corner is laid edge up.

The “sleepers” of this design were a profile pipe measuring 25x25 mm.

Between these profile tubes, a half-inch pipe is welded, and claws are already attached to it - fasteners for logs. These claws tilt and move freely, and when you need to fix a log, several blows are made on the clamps with a hammer, as a result of which the locking mechanism self-jams.

When making a band sawmill with your own hands, the profile tubes (“sleepers”) were made so that they protrude beyond the rails. The protruding parts have bolts (M14 x 100 mm) for adjustment. In addition, on profile pipes“bridges” are made - jumpers on which the log is placed before processing. For short workpieces, the last two jumpers are installed at a distance of half a meter one after another.

The pulleys were sharpened so that the worn belt protruded several centimeters. For the pulley housings, hubs from the Moskvich car were used, welded to tubes.

All this moves together along guides - horizontally located half-inch pipes, and if necessary, with the help of bolts, this unit is fixed.

When aligning the pulleys, you may encounter unexpected problems, due to which they will have to be cut off and welded again. This is due to the fact that in practice, installing pulleys “according to science”, in parallel, leads to the belt falling off during operation. So, it is better to install them with a slight tilt, up to 4 degrees, then the tape will “pull itself” onto the rollers while moving.

The driven pulley is the right one, it is tensioned automatically by a spring. In this case, a spring was used that was removed from the KaSika motorcycle. And the leading, left pulley is fixed rigidly, but it can be moved if the size of the band saw changes.

In the sawmill you need to use hardened rollers. In the version described in the article, a roller assembly was used, which is easier to do on your own and be confident in its reliability.

This unit consists of three bearings on one axis: two are 202 grade and the third, located at the back, is 2-4 millimeters larger. The shaft with rollers is machined so that when changing the width of the saw, washers are installed between the bearings.

The shaft fits into two tubes: a half-inch one and a second one into which the half-inch tube is inserted. In a half-inch pipe, the shaft is located with an axis offset, in fact, welded to the bottom wall. This entire assembly of shaft and tubes is attached to the guides so that the roller assembly can be adjusted in height, moved to the side, when different diameters logs, and securely fix after adjustment. On the side of the driven pulley, a dropper is installed on the roller, supplying lubricating and cooling liquid (coolant).

The frame itself, one and a half meters high, is made of channel number 100, and for additional rigidity, the structure is reinforced with gussets. The cutting block can move along the channels using pin screws. And the rigid fixation of the cutting unit in the sawmill is ensured by bolts with a lock nut.

So, as you can see, equipment such as a do-it-yourself band sawmill can be made even in a small home workshop or garage. Thus, a carpenter or summer resident will have the opportunity to cut large pieces into boards for his needs right on his site, or even earn a little money by taking orders for cutting logs.

Several more options for working units of a band sawmill:

DIY band sawmill video



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